The 2022 Outbreak and The Pathobiology of The Monkeypox Virus
The 2022 Outbreak and The Pathobiology of The Monkeypox Virus
The 2022 Outbreak and The Pathobiology of The Monkeypox Virus
∗Corresponding author
Dr. Siddappa N. Byrareddy, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental
Neuroscience, Durham Research Center-I, Room 8052, 985880 Nebraska Medical
Center Omaha, NE, 68198-5880, USA, phone 402 559 4044; fax 402 559 3733
email [email protected]
© 2022 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
Ever since reports of monkeypox virus infection in individuals who returned from
Nigeria to the USA, one who returned to Texas (July 2021) and the other to the
Washington, DC area (November 2021), the number of monkeypox infection have
dramatically increased, sounding an alarm of potential for spreading of the virus
throughout the USA. During 2022, there was a report of monkeypox virus infection
(May 6, 2022) in a British national following a visit to Nigeria who developed readily
recognizable signs and symptoms of monkeypox virus infection. An outbreak of
monkeypox virus infection was first reported on May 6, 2022. This occurred in a
British national following a visit to Nigeria who subsequently developed typical
monkeypox disease signs and symptoms. Soon following this report, case numbers
climbed rapidly. By June 10, 2022, more than 1,500 cases have been reported in 43
countries, including Europe and North America. While the prevalence of the
monkeypox virus is well known in central and western Africa, its presence in the
developed world has raised disturbing signs for worldwide spread. While infection
was reported during the past half-century, starting in the Democratic Republic of
Congo in 1970, in the United States, only sporadic monkeypox cases have been
reported. All cases have been linked to international travel or through African animal
imports. The monkeypox virus is transmitted through contact with infected skin, body
fluids, or respiratory droplets. The virus spreads from oral and nasopharyngeal fluid
exchanges or by intradermal injection; then rapidly replicates at the inoculation site
with spreads to adjacent lymph nodes. Monkeypox disease begins with constitutional
symptoms that include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, backache, and fatigue.
Phylogenetically the virus has two clades. One clade emerged from West Africa and
the other in the Congo Basin of Central Africa. During the most recent outbreak, the
identity of the reservoir host or the primary carriage remains unknown. African
rodents are the suspected intermediate hosts. At the same time, the Centers for
Disease Control affirmed that there are no specific treatments for the 2022
monkeypox virus infection; existing antivirals shown to be effective against smallpox
may slow monkeypox spread. A smallpox vaccine JYNNEOS (Imvamune or
Imvanex) may also be used to prevent infection. The World Health Organization
(WHO), has warned that the world could be facing a formidable infectious disease
challenge in light of the current status of worldwide affairs. These affairs include the
SARS-COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia war. In addition, the recent rise
in case of numbers worldwide could continue to threaten humankind. With this in
mind, strategies to mitigate the spread of monkeypox are urgently warranted.
1. Introduction
Concerns about the occurrence of one viral pandemic after another have reached a
fever pitch. COVID-19 will soon likely enter an endemic stage. After more than two
unfortunately, we will likely be facing a second new viral outbreak. The second
etiological agent is the "monkeypox virus" (MPV). MPV is not new, and it was first
housed laboratory animals where monkeys had been shipped from Singapore to
Denmark [1]. The name monkeypox was coined for the initial isolate [2]. The first
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) [3]. The MPV belongs to the Orthopoxvirus
genus of the Poxviridae family. Variola (smallpox), vaccinia (a research vector tool
deployed for the smallpox vaccine), and cowpox viruses belong to the Orthopoxvirus
genus. MPV is a double-stranded DNA virus. The poxviruses are known to have a
2. Epidemiology
The first documented MPV case was in a nine-month-old child from DRC in 1970 [5].
MPV outbreaks have risen since 1970 but are primarily contained within the African
continent. Notably, there has been limited viral spread to Europe and North America
between 1970 to 1979. These included DRC (n=38), Cameroon (n=1), Côte d’Ivoire
(n=1), Liberia (n=4), Nigeria (n=3), and Sierra Leone (n=1). By 1986, more than 400
Small viral outbreaks occur routinely in equatorial Central and West Africa [7],
including 500 cases in DRC alone between 1991-1999 [8]. The Congo basin remains
endemic in the DRC and includes a high case fatality rate (CFR) [9]. In the DRC,
On May 18, 2022, 14, 7, and 13 cases of MPV infection were reported in Portugal,
Spain, and Canada, respectively [10]. On May 19, 2022, Belgium, Sweden, and Italy
confirmed their first MPV cases. On May 20, Australia reported two cases. One was
from Melbourne and a second from Sydney. Both patients recently returned from
Europe. France, Germany, and the Netherlands confirmed their first cases on May
20. The Health Secretary of the United Kingdom (UK) reported another eleven cases
of MPV on May 20, with a total number of 71 [11]. Belgium became the first country
to introduce a 21-day mandatory quarantine for MPV [11]. Switzerland and Israel
confirmed their first cases on May 21. Spain reported the first case on May 18, 2022.
country's total cases to 186 [12]. On May 23, Denmark reported its first case. This
was from an individual that returned from the Canary Islands. In Canada, Quebec
announced 15 confirmed cases on May 24, 2022, where at that time, the Czech
Republic confirmed its first case. The reported person participated in an international
music festival in Belgium. The United Arab Emirates confirmed its first case in late
May, a 29-year-old female visitor from West Africa. Slovenia also confirmed its first
case. Until May 24, 19 countries have reported MPV cases. However, the source of
the ongoing outbreak of MPV remains to be confirmed. The evolving nature of MPV
has suggested human-to-human and or animal-to-human transmission of MPV.
Infections first took place in a person who traveled from the endemic regions of
Africa to North America and Europe and then spread [13] (Table 1).
The first confirmed case of MPV was reported in 2003 in the US. Forty-seven known
cases of MPV disease were confirmed in six states (Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,
Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin). After contacting pet prairie dogs, each of these
patients was MPV infected [14]. Imported small mammals infected these pets from
Ghana. Animals imported to Texas from Ghana in April 2003 were the likely source
of viral spread. This animal transport contained 800 small mammals, including
African giant pouched rats, rope squirrels, tree squirrels, brush-tailed porcupines,
striped mice, and dormice [15]. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed
that nine dormice, two giant African pouched rats, and three rope squirrels were
infected with MPV. Few infected animals were housed near prairie dogs, an Illinois
animal facility. These pets were sold before signs of infection. People got an MPV
infection after having contact with the prairie dogs. On November 16, 2021, the CDC
and the Maryland Department of Health confirmed that one case of MPV infection is
a US resident. This patient -had returned from Nigeria to the United States. CDC
also reported another case of Monkeypox in July 2021 of Texas, who also traveled
from Nigeria to the US. MPV does not occur naturally in the US. Still, there have
been cases associated with international travel or contact with imported animals from
areas where the disease is more common. On May 18 in Massachusetts, a case was
Country Confirmed Suspected Total Date of the Last updated
cases cases first case
confirmed by the CDC of a person who had recently returned from Canada. CDC
has also informed of Monkeypox clusters that have been found in early to mid-May in
several countries that do not typically report MPV, including Europe and North
America [16]. Until June 9, 45 cases of MPV infection have been confirmed in the US
(Table 2).
1 United Kingdom 366 0 366 May 6, 2022 June 10, 2022
22 Hungary 3 0 3 May 31, 2022 June 10, 2022
43 Uruguay 0 1 1 June 5, 2022
difference is that MPV infection but not smallpox causes lymphadenopathy. The
onset of MPV infection is fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, backache, and
commonly 7 to 14 days but may take up to 21 days. After the appearance of fever,
the infected person develops a rash on the face, followed by dissemination to other
body parts (Figure 1). Lesions start within the oropharynx and then appear
throughout the body. Serum antibodies are detected around 2 weeks post-exposure
[20]. The mortality rate ranges from 1 to 10% based on the clade of the infecting
Figure 1. Signs and symptoms of MPV infection (Created using BioRender program).
MPV can enter its host through the oropharynx, nasopharynx, or intradermal routes.
The virus replicates at the inoculation site and then spreads to regional lymph nodes.
Following a period of initial viremia, the virus spreads to other body organs. MPV has
shaped and are enveloped by a lipoprotein-based outer membrane [22]. The MPV
genome is a linear double-stranded DNA (197 kb). Although the MPV is a DNA virus,
its life cycle occurs in the cytoplasm. Several proteins are required for viral DNA
replication, transcription, and virion assembly [23]. Poxviruses enter the host cells by
Figure 2. Cytosolic MPV pathways for the viral life cycle. Enveloped Virion (EV) enters the host cell
by fusion and the mature virion (MV) by micropinocytosis or fusion (Created using BioRender
Phylogenetically MPV has two clades: the West African and the Congo. The Congo
clade originated from Central Africa (Congo Basin) known as the Congo clade. The
Congo clade is more pathogenic than the west African clade [25]. Recent
sequencing data suggest that the MPV genomic sequence of the present strains
detected in Europe (Portugal) matches the West African clade, indicating a milder
form of the disease but this needs to be confirmed [26]. In 2003 U.S. outbreak in the
West African clade suggests that disease severity differs across clades [25].
Generally, West African monkeypox infections show less severity in humans and
non-human primates [25, 27, 28]. However, this 2003 U.S. outbreak had several
hospitalized patients and severe disease but no fatalities [29]. Congo MPV induces
cytokine production is inhibited if the human cells are derived from individuals who
had been previously infected with the monkeypox virus. This suggests that monkey
poxvirus may produce a modulator that suppresses host T-cell responses [30]. A
gene that inhibits complement enzymes is present in Central Africa but is absent in
increases the virulence of the Central African clade compared to the West African
clade [31, 32]. Furthermore, it has been reported that the Central African monkeypox
clade selectively downregulates host responses compared to the West African clade,
Comparison between the Central African strain (ZAI-96) and three West African
difference between the Central African strains and the West African strains [34]. This
genetic analysis showed that two virus strains clustered separately. The central
African strain has 173 unique functional genes, while the West African strain is
predicted to have 171 unique genes. There is a difference in virulence between the
two strains; therefore, 56 virulence genes were examined, and 53 were shared in
both strains. The most significant differences between the two strains are in the
viruses like HIV or SARS-CoV-2 [35]. However, as reported, the virus isolated from
the 2022 outbreak of MPV seems to have more mutations. It means the virus is
evolving to spread more efficiently. Surprisingly, the isolates from the 2022 outbreak
shared 40 mutations that distinguish it from its closest variant. In typical evolutionary
timelines, one would expect a virus-like MPV to pick up many mutations that may
take over 50 years. However, it looks like MPV has mutated because of its ability to
transmit among people. Some mutations do not have any harmful effects on the
virus, but some can be harmful, and some mutations can take advantage of other
strains. There is not enough evidence on how MPV interacts with the host or how the
consequences of these mutations affect the rates of virus replication. In some host's
(human) immune systems, enzymes are known to induce mutations in viruses if they
encounter [36]. If hosts trigger enough mutations, some of the mutations will be
taken off in 2017. Since 2017, that has been circulating in humans and suggested
that MPV has a mutation rate around 10 times higher than the virus's standard
interact with the host (human) or what these individual mutations could do.
Nevertheless, many mutations in gene sequences of MPV from the current outbreak
are alarming to Scientists, and more studies are needed to understand the
5.1. Multiple viral strains are responsible for the 2022 outbreak
The CDC, Atlanta, GA issued a report (Friday, June 3, 2022) that suggests the
existence of at least two distinct clades of MPV in the outbreaks that have occurred
outside of Africa. The CDC sequenced 10 different virus isolates from the recent
outbreaks within the USA and found that these isolates are different from the viruses
that have been sequenced by several countries that are involved in the large
outbreak that is spreading in and from Europe. The European outbreak appears to
be driven primarily by the gay, bisexual, and MSM community. Out of the 10 US
isolates, 3 appeared to be distinct from the remaining 7 isolates. The 3 divergent
isolates appear to have a common lineage but also appear to differ from one another
[38]. Of interest, these 3 divergent isolates appear to have originated in different
geographical locations. One appears to have originated in Nigeria, the second in
West Africa and the third in the Middle East or East Africa. As of June 10, 2022,
there have been 49 cases reported in the USA occurring in 17 different states (see
Table 2)
S.N. State Cases*
1 Arizona 1
2 California 10
3 Colorado 3
4 District of Columbia 2
5 Florida 5
6 Georgia 1
7 Hawaii 3
8 Illinois 4
9 Massachusetts 1
10 New York 11
11 Pennsylvania 1
12 Oklahoma 1
13 Rhode Island 1
14 Texas 1
15 Utah 2
16 Virginia 1
17 Washington 1
Total 49
* Last updated on June 10, 2022 (Source: CDC)
6. Transmission
The reservoir host of MPV remains unknown. However, African rodents are
through contact with skin lesions of the infected animals, body fluids or respiratory
droplets [39] (Figure 3). The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract,
animal to human may occur through scratch, bite, bush meat preparation, or direct or
indirect contact with body fluids or lesion material [40]. Human to-human
Respiratory droplets do not travel more than a few feet; therefore, prolonged face-to-
from human to human are direct contact with the viral lesion and body fluids and
Figure 3. MPV transmission. From rodents to monkeys (1). From monkey to human (2). From rodents
to humans (3). From infected person to healthy people through cough droplets (4). From infected
person to healthy people through direct skin contact (5). (Created using BioRender program).
Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) may also occur via the placenta (congenital
Monkeypox), via close contact during and after birth. Although close physical contact
is needed for the transmission of Monkeypox, it is not clear whether the monkeypox
virus can be transmitted through sexual routes. Further research studies with well-
controlled animal models are needed to understand better whether the virus
transmits through the sexual route. In 2020, based on mathematical modeling and
comparison with smallpox viruses, it was shown that the reproduction number (R) for
MPV is >1, which indicates that it has an epidemic potential [40]. The quarantine of
exposed and infected persons can prevent viral spread [41]. Therefore, identifying
7. Diagnosis
Diagnostic assays are essential to confirm MPV infection and need to be correlated
history, clinical symptoms, and laboratory tests. The latter include PCR, ELISA,
other possible infectious diseases like smallpox [42]. Lesion exudate or crust is
collected on a swab to isolate viral nucleic acids for diagnosis. Viral DNA is then
used for the MPV genome-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
test. On the other hand, MPV proteins are used for western blot analysis to confirm
the monkeypox virus infection [21]. As per WHO, the RT-PCR test is the preferred
8. Prevention
Some preventative measures can be taken to avoid MPV infection. This includes but
is not limited to (1) avoiding direct contact with animals that are suspected of
prevent human to human spread of the virus, (3) isolate and euthanize the animals
suspected to be the reservoirs of the virus, (4) avoid contact with any material that
has been in contact with a sick animal or human, (5) Front-line workers taking care
of MPV infected patients and other high-risk individuals who are expected to come in
contact with the infected persons should wear proper personal protective equipment
(PPE) that are capable of preventing air-borne infectious agents which includes N-95
mask, entire body covered water resistance gowns, double-layered gloves among
Due to their genetic similarities, the smallpox vaccine is expected to provide some
protection against MPV infection. According to the United States CDC, prevention of
MPV is expected if the vaccine is administered within four days of exposure to MPV
due to the virus's long incubation period. It is reasoned that such vaccination should
provide complete protection against the disease [13]. To limit the current outbreak of
vaccines to front-line workers taking care of the infected patients in many countries.
On May 24, 2022, the United States CDC decided to release some of their
JYNNEOS vaccine (a live vaccinia vaccine originally approved for smallpox virus in
2019) from their National stockpile for persons at high risk of coming in contact with
MPV [44]. However, the use of this vaccine is not recommended for the general
public. On May 25, the German government had a press release outlining a plan to
buy 40,000 smallpox vaccine produced by Bavarian Nordic. On May 26, the United
Kingdom Health Security Agency announced that it had already produced 20,000
doses of the smallpox vaccine to combat the rise of MPV cases. Modified Vaccinia
virus Ankara (MVA) is a third-generation vaccine against smallpox [45]. USA and
Canada have licensed MVA to use against monkeypox. Bavarian Nordic is in contact
with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the approval of the MVA vaccine
9. Treatment
Monkeypox disease usually induces mild symptoms, and most patients recover
without therapy. Per the CDC guidelines, there is currently no specific treatment for
monkeypox virus infections. However, antiviral drugs approved to treat smallpox may
that inhibits the viral DNA polymerase and effectively against poxviruses in in-vitro
and preclinical studies [42]. As per the current CDC guidelines, this drug may be
used to treat severely ill monkeypox patients, but the clinical outcome remains
smallpox disease in adults and pediatric patients. This antiviral drug is approved by
the FDA and can be used to treat Monkeypox during an outbreak. Tecovirimat is
vaccination, including eczema vaccinium, severe generalized vaccinia, and
infections induced by vaccinia virus. VIGIV can be used for the treatment of
FDA approved to treat human smallpox disease in adult and pediatric patients. CDC
Other antiviral therapeutic drugs have also shown some effects against
a modified cidofovir drug. It lacks the extent of nephrotoxicity seen with cidofovir and
Monkeypox [42, 47] ST-246 drug (Tecovirimat, also known as TPOXX) is another
release of the intracellular virus from the cell [42, 47]. The use of these drugs in
endemic areas to treat MPV infections can be considered, and physicians are
allowed to make these decisions depending on the status of the infected persons.
The WHO has issued a warning that the world may yet face another major challenge
after having met the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of the
June 10, 2022, 1,475 cases have been confirmed worldwide. The UK itself has
reported 366 - cases of Monkeypox. In other countries like Spain (n=275), Portugal
(n=209), Canada (n=112), and the USA (n=45), the number of cases has grown
substantially. Therefore, this MPV outbreak is becoming a concern for the whole
world at present. The Monkeypox outbreak has been a focus of attention to
has issued an advisory on self-isolation for monkeypox patients. Belgium is the first
country to announce a quarantine of three weeks for monkeypox patients. One can
quarantine for the patients and their contacts. It is important to note that many cases
have been detected in the Men having Sex with Men (MSM) population, and this
population is at a higher risk of other STDs like HIV/AIDS. The virus exploits this
particular group of people for transmission, which is unique to the current outbreak
sexual route or not remains an enigma for clinical virologists. There are reports from
Spain of spreading the MPV among People living with HIV (PLWH) who are on
[48]. Therefore, the pathophysiology of MPV and HIV coinfection needs to be closely
monitored. People living with HIV have a compromised immune system; accordingly,
how the immune system of PLWH will react against MPV remains to be explored.
Other comorbidities, including coinfection of MPV and other STDs like hepatitis B or
C infection, will require close monitoring in the coming days. This will also be a
The need of the hour is to plan aggressively and put into place an active contract
tracing program, quarantine the exposed and infected persons with MPV, and use
post-exposure vaccines that may prevent the further spread of the virus. The world is
currently facing economic challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current
rise in monkeypox cases in the USA and the world will immediately threaten
economic growth prospects. The economic challenges will become more challenging
if this monkeypox disease is not brought under control quickly. Social distancing and
social stigma are also other challenges for people. People are already facing this
situation for the last two years. The awareness of the disease dynamics remains
poorly defined, even among the wealthier and more educated parts of the
population. People have resisted being screened for the disease and flouted
quarantines with impunity. Cough hygiene is mainly absent. Hand hygiene is equally
urgently needed, including controlled studies in animal models and others, to prevent
the spread of the virus. Special attention needs be given to children, the elderly, and
This work was partially supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
funding from the National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of
grants R01 NS034239; T32 NS105594; R01 NS036126; R01 MH115860; R01
NS126089; R01 AI145542; R01 AI158160; R01 MH121402; and R01 AI129745 and
University of Nebraska Foundation to HEG (donations from the Carol Swarts, M.D.
Professorship; and the Frances and Louie Blumkin, and Harriet Singer
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