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21AML543 - Fundamentals of Data Science

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Semester: 5 CIE Marks 50

Course Code 21AML543 SEE Marks 50
Hours/Week (L: T: P) 3:0:2 Duration of SEE (hours): 03
Type of Course PEC Credits 03
Prerequisites (if any):

Course Learning


Course Learning Objectives (CLO)
To provide fundamental knowledge on data science with querying and analytics required for the field
of data science.
2 To understand the process of handling heterogeneous data, pre-process and visualize them for better

3 To gain the fundamental knowledge on data science tools and gain basic skill set to solve real-time
science problems.

No. of RBT
Module 1
Hours Level
Data Science Context: Need for Data Science – What is Data Science - Data Science Process
– Business Intelligence and Data Science – Prerequisites for a Data Scientist – Tools and
Skills required. 8 L2
Data Science Methodology: Analytics for Data Science – Examples of Data Analytics –
Data Analytics Lifecycle: Data Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning,
Model Building, Communicate Results.
Module 2
Platform for Data Science: Python for Data Science –Python Libraries – Data Frame
Manipulation with numpy and pandas – Exploration Data Analysis – Time Series Dataset – 8 L2
Clustering with Python – Dimensionality Reduction. Python integrated Development
Environments (IDE) for Data Science.
Module 3
Data Wrangling: Understanding Data - The Data Generation Process - Finding Data - Types
of Data - Interpreting Data - Using Data to Answer Questions - Data Frames - Working with 8 L3
Data Frames -Working with CSV Data.
Module 4
Basics of Statistics: Introduction to Statistics, Terminologies in Statistics, Measures of center,
variance and relative standing, Normalization of data using the Z-Score, Empirical rule,
Categories in Statistics (Descriptive and Inferential Statistic). Descriptive Statistics: Data 8 L3
Objects and Attributes, Basic Statistical Description of data (Measuring the central Tendency
of data, Measuring the Dispersion of data, Graphical Display), Measuring the Data Similarity
Module 5
Inferential Statistics: Overview of Probability Distribution (Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson,
Chi- Square, t-tail), Joint distribution of the Sample Mean and Sample Variance, Confidence
Intervals, Bayesian Analysis of samples from Normal distribution. Hypothesis Testing: 8 L3
Testing simple hypothesis, Uniform tests, Two-sides alternatives, t-Test, F-Distribution,
Bayes Test
Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to

CO1 Use fundamental knowledge of data science.

CO2 Demonstrate proficiency in data analytics

CO3 Formulate insights from the data through statistical inferences.

CO4 Apply advanced tools to work on dimensionality reduction and mathematical operations.

CO5 Demonstrate numerous open-source data science tools to solve real-world problems through industrial case

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 2 - - 2 2
CO2 - 3 2 2 3 2 2 2
CO3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2
CO4 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
CO5 - - 2 2 3 3 3 2 2

High-3: Medium-2: Low-1

Text Book:
1. Michael Freeman and Joel Ross, Programming Skills for Data Science: Start Writing Code to Wrangle,
Analyze, and Visualize Data with R, Addison-Wesley, 2018.
2. Sanjeev Wagh, Manisha Bhende, Anuradha Thakare, ‘Fundamentals of Data Science,CRC Press, 1st
Edition, 2022.

Reference Books:
1. Benjamin S. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan and Nicholas J. Horton, Modern Data Science with R, Chapman
and Hall/CRC, 2021
2. John Mount and Nina Zumel, Practical Data Science with R, 2 nd edition, Wiley, 2019.E

Books / Web References:

1) Preskill, J. Notes on Quantum Computation.

Scheme of Examination (CIE):

In order to encourage innovative methods while delivering a course, the faculty members have beenencouraged
to use the Alternative Assessment Tool (AAT). The AAT enhances the autonomy (freedom and flexibility) of
individual faculty and enables them to create innovative pedagogical practices.

Possible AATs are - seminar/ assignments/term paper/ open ended experiments/ mini-projects/ concept videos/
partial reproduction of research work/ oral presentation of research work/ group activity/ developing a generic
tool-box for problem solving/ report based on participation in create-a-thon/ make-a-thon/ code-a-thon/ hack-a-
thon conducted by reputed organizations/ any other.
Typical evaluation pattern for regular courses is shown in Table 1:

Component Marks
CIE Test-1 30
CIE CIE Test-2 30 50
CIE Test-3 30
QUIZ/Assignment 20
SEE Semester End Examination 100 50
Grand Total 100

Note: CIE pattern for courses like Drawing and Laboratories can be decided by the respective Board of
Studies and can be given here.
Scheme of Examination (SEE):

• The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionatelyreduced to 50.
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying 20 marks each.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

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