Database Management System Class 10 IT 402 Question

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Database Management System Class 10 IT 402 Question

1. Distinguish between Data and Information.

Ans. Data are facts or the raw material of information. Data are represented by symbols. After processing
the data, information is produced. Thus, information is data arranged in an order that would be useful to
the user.

2. Define the term DBMS.

Ans. The database is managed by a software package known as database management system.

3. What is database? Give example.

Ans. A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed,
and updated. They do so through the use of tables. For example, MS-Access, OpenOffice Base, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.

4. Define RDBMS.
Ans. In RDBMS the data is organized in the form of tables (i.e. rows and columns). These tables are called
relations. Each row in a table represents a relationship among a set of values.

5. Write any two advantages of using database.

Ans. The advantages of using database are:
(i) A database is used to store information for future purpose in a tabular form, whereas the data can be
used further at any time.
(ii) Storage and retrieval of data becomes faster and convenient.

6. What is a field?
Ans. A field is a column on a datasheet and defines a data type for a set of values in a table.

7. What is a record?
Ans. A record is a row on a datasheet and is a set of values defined by fields.

8. Distinguish between a record and a field in a table, with an example.

Ans. A record is a collection of data items which represents a complete unit of information.
A field is a category of information. It contains set of characters which have a proper meaning. For
example, if Student is a table, then rollno, name, class and section are the fields, and the entire
information of one student is called a record.

9. What is the difference between ‘Rows’ and ‘Columns’ in a table?

Ans. In a table, rows are called the records and columns are called fields. A row stores complete
information of a record, whereas a column stores only similar data values for a number of records

10. What do you mean by DBMS? Write two advantages of using Database Management System for
Ans. The Database Management System is an integrated set of programs which help us to manipulate
database. The manipulation of database means collection, addition, insertion, modification and deletion
of records into a database. The two advantages of DBMS are: (i) sharing of data and data security.

11. Give any one use of database.

Ans. A database is used to store information for future purpose in a tabular form, whereas the data can be
used further at any time.
12. Write the purpose of Database Management System.
Ans. A DBMS is used to store information for future purpose in a tabular form, whereas the data can be
used further at any time. Using this system, we can manipulate database which means collection,
addition, insertion, modification and deletion of records into a database.

13. How does an MS-Access table stored?

Ans. In Microsoft Access a database consists of one single file. The file contains all the tables of the
database, the relationships (the crow’s feet), queries (computed tables), forms (user windows), and many
other things.

14. What is a data type?

Ans. The attribute of a field that determines the kind of data the field can contain is called data type.

15. What is a primary key in Database? Give an example.

Ans. The column or set of columns included in the definition of a table is called PRIMARY KEY. A primary
key’s values uniquely identify the rows in a table. Only one primary key can be defined for each table. For
example, in a table like Student, Roll No. is a primary key.

16. Name two possible Primary key fields for an Employee table.
Ans. Possible Primary key fields for an Employee table are: Empcode, Empname.

17. Give any one advantage of using Primary Key.

Ans. The primary key is one which is having a unique value for the row. This key helps us to uniquely
identify each row.

18. Write the difference between Text and memo data types.
Ans. Text field can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9) plus special characters such as !, @ and
%. Text fields have a maximum length of 255 characters. Memo fields also contain alphanumeric
characters, though memo fields can store much more data than text fields i.e., up to 64,000 characters.

19. Name the data type that should be used to store Student’s Admission numbers.
[Examples of Admission numbers: S100, S101, S102].
Ans. The data type is: Text

20. What are the uses of TCL commands?

Ans. These are used to manage the changes made to the data in a table by DML statements. It also allows
statements to be grouped together into logical transactions.

21. What are DDL and DML?

Ans. DDL. DDL is a part of SQL. It stands for data definition language. It provides statements for creation
and deletion of the database. For example, CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE.
DML. DML is also a part of SQL. It stands for data manipulation language. It provides statements for
manipulating the database. It includes commands to insert, delete and modify tuples in the database.

22. What is the purpose of ALTER command?

Ans. This command is used to change or alter the table structure. We can add new columns and change
the data type of column or drop any constraint like primary key using alter command.

23. What is the purpose of using COMMENT command?

Ans. When we use any DML command like INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, the changes made by these
commands are not permanent, until the current session is closed, the changes made by these commands
can be rolled back.

24. How does an MS-Access table stored?

Ans. In Microsoft Access a database consists of one single file. The file contains all the tables of the
database, the relationships (the crow’s feet), queries (computed tables), forms (user windows), and many
other things.

25. Name the MS-Access view in which you can define the fields and their data types.
Ans. Design View

26. Name the extension of an Access 2010 database file.

Ans. .accdb

27. Name the view in which you can add, edit and view records in MS-Access.
Ans. Datasheet View

28. Write the difference between design view and datasheet view in Access.
Ans. In design view, you have to specify by own data types & column names. It allows you to define the
fields in the table before adding any data to the datasheet. This is the most common way of creating a
table. Datasheet view create table by entering data. The Datasheet View shows the records in a table.
Each row is one record. The columns are the fields from the table’s definition. This table looks a lot like a
spreadsheet, but it does not behave quite like a spreadsheet.

29. Mention any one difference between Text and Numeric type field in database.
Ans. Text field stores character type data. Text fields can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9)
plus special characters such as !, @ and %.
Number fields store only numbers. The range of numeric values stored depends upon which value you
select from the field size property.

30. What are the two areas of the Design view of the Table?
Ans. Field information and Field Properties.

31. What is primary key? How do we set Primary Key?

Ans. Primary key is the key which can be assigned once into a table. Using this key, it allows entry of
unique records into the table. For example, to set the primary key,

32. What are queries?

Ans. Queries are those objects in a database that allow us to view, change, and arrange data stored in

33. What is select query?

Ans. A select query is a simple query which retrieves data from one or more tables, and in many cases,
uses specified criteria to limit the records displayed and to sort them in a specified order

34. What are table relationships?

Ans. Table relationships means to create a link between two or more tables within a database. A table
relationship exists when two tables share some information in the form of common fields.

35. How does a relationship occur between two tables?

Ans. A relationship between two tables occur through a primary key and a foreign key.

Unit- I Adding Styles in a document :-

Fill in the blanks, MCQs and True/False (1 Marks Questions)
1. Which of the is not a type of formatting supported by word processing software?
o Character Formatting
o Styles and Formatting
o Page Formatting
o Paragraph Formatting
2. A _____is a set of predefined formats that can be applied to selected pages, text, frames, and other
elements in the document. (Ans. Style)
3. When a style is applied to the document it can be applied to the whole group of formats at a time.
4. Which of the following is not included in the Page styles category of OO Writer?
o Margins
o Header and Footers
o Borders and backgrounds
o Line Spacing
5. Which of the following is not a part of the characters’ style category?
o Fonts
o Bold
o Indents
o Superscript
6. Which of the is not included in the paragraph style category?
o columns
o indents
o alignments
o spacing
7. To open styles and formatting dialog box or window click on ________–>_______ option.
(Ans. Format, Style and Formatting)
8. Press ___________ short cut key to open styles and formatting window in OO writer. (Ans. F11)
9. A ________ mode is used to apply a style to many different areas quickly without having to go back
to the Styles and Formatting window and double-click every time. (Ans. Fill Format)
10. To quit Fill Format mode, press _______ key. (Ans. Esc)
11. You cannot change the styles format once it is created by you in OO Writer. (True/False)
12. You cannot modify the predefined styles in OO Writer. (True/False)
13. To create a style click on _________ icon available in styles and formatting dialog box. (Ans. New
Style from Selection)
14. Click ___________ option from styles and formatting dialog box to apply style created from another
document. (Ans. Load Styles)
15. You cannot copy the styles from another document in OO writer. (Ture/False)
16. Styles are logical attributes. (True/False)
17. Nihar explained his class that to apply an existing style, except for ___________, position the insertion
point in the paragraph, frame or page and then double-click on the name of the style in one of
these lists. (Ans.: Character Styles)

Unit-II Apply styles in OO Writer –

Short answer questions (2 Marks Questions)

1. What is formatting?
o Formatting refers to the different settings applied to the text, paragraph, and page of the
document. Formatting helps to make your document more presentable and attractive.
2. What are the categories of formatting supported by digital documentation software?
o There are three categories of formatting supported by digital documentation software.
 Character Formatting
 Page Formatting
 Paragraph Formatting
3. What is an open office writer? Explain in brief.
o Open Office Writer is one of the applications of Apache Open Office.
o It is the word processing software or digital documentation software.
o It supports the basic functionalities of word processing software.
o OO writer open-source application which does not require any license or subscription.
4. How to start an open office writer?
o To open OO writer follow these steps:
 Click on Start -> OpenOffice 4.1.7 -> OpenOffice Writer.
5. What is a style?
o Styles are a set of predefined formatting already defined in the style gallery or can be
created by the user.
o The set of commands can be font colour, size, font names etc.
o Documentation software has its own gallery of inbuilt styles.
o It’s just a drag-and-drop facility to apply frequently used formatting in documents.
6. Pratik wants to apply styles to his digital document but he is a little bit confused about
which content he can apply the styles. Suggest to him any four content of the document
where styles can be applied.
o Pages
o Text
o Frames
o Tables
7. How open styles and formatting windows?
o Click on Format –> Styles and Formatting.
8. What are style categories? List a few popular style categories.
o Style categories are different styles available in the style gallery.
o They are different names of appropriate styles category with different formatting styles.
o Some styles categories are as follows:
 Text Styles
 Chapter Styles
 Index Styles
 HTML Styles
9. Identify the category of the styles:
1. Includes margins, headers and footers, borders and backgrounds – Page Style
2. Includes alignment, tab stops, line spacing, paragraph spacing and borders – Paragraph
3. Includes bold, italics, underlines, the colour of the text, text size – Character Style
4. Includes wrapping type, borders, backgrounds and columns – Frame Style
5. Includes attributes for font, indents, spacing, alignment, and tabs – Presentation Style
10. Puja is working in OO Writer. She has opened the dialog box of styles and formatting.
Where she found some style buttons. Suggest these style buttons’ names to her so she can
identify them and work properly.
o Paragraph Styles
o Character Styles
o Frame Styles
o Page Styles
o List Styles
o Fill Format Mode
o New Styles from Selection
11. Below some styles are given which are present in the Styles and Formatting window of
the OO Writer dialog box. Identify their style categories:
o Headings – Paragraph Style
o Drop Cap – Character Style
o Water Mark – Frame Style
o Landscape – Page Style
12. What are the various ways to create/apply styles in OO Writer?
o New Style from the selection
o Fill Format Mode
o Drag and Drop
o Load Styles from template or document
o Update/Modify Styles
13. How create a style using drag and drop?
o Select the formatted text which style you want to create using drag and drop.
o Simply drag the text to the Styles and Formatting window. The selected style will be added
to the active style category.
The next section talk about long answer questions for Apply styles in OO Writer.
Long Answer Questions
1. Explain buttons available for different style categories in OO writer.
o The Styles and Formatting dialog box is having the following buttons:
 Paragraph Styles – Display the list of all styles available and applied to the
paragraph. For example, Address, Bibliography, Caption, etc.
 Character Styles – Display a list of character styles which is applied to the text of
the document. For example, Bullets, Drop Caps, Caption character etc.
 Frame Styles – This style category displays the list of syles applied to borders and
frames applied to the contents. For example, Formula, Frame. Graphic etc.
 Page Styles – Page styles contain various categories of page styles. For example,
Endnote, Envelop, First Page etc.
 List Styles – Display a list of styles that can be applied to lists in the digital
document. For example, List 1, Numbering 1 etc.
 Fill format mode – This button allows to apply a selected style on selected content.
 New Style Form Selection – This button allows you to create of a new style with
various options. Such options are New Style From Section or Update Style or Load
2. How to apply the styles category to the contents of a document? Write steps.
o Click on the Format –> Styles and Formatting option to activate the styles gallery.
o Click on Create New Style from Selection, a new drop-down menu will appear, select the
Load Styles option. Load Styles dialog box will appear.
o Select styles from available templates or the Find button From the File and click on it.
o Select document template to load styles.
o Click on OK when finished, Style will take place in the styles gallery.
3. Write steps to create a new style with below-given specification:
o Name –> MyHeading – Font: Bookman old style, Font color: Blue, Bold, Font size: 20 pt,
Title Case
o Name –> MyParaStyle – Font: Book Antiqua, Font color: Black, Font size: 14 pt, First line
starts at 1, lines spacing 1.5, paragraph space before and after paragraph: 0.50 cm
o Name –> MyPageSet – Page margins: 1.5 cm (all), Page Size: Legal, Orientation: Landscape,
cols: 2
 Open OO Writer and type the text or prepare contents.
 Apply the desired formatting.
 Open styles and formatting dialog box window, click on format→styles and
formatting option.
 Select and drag the formatted contents from document to styles and formatting
 Type new style name for style dragged.
 Click on the OK button.
4. Write steps to update/modify the style set.
o Follow the below-given steps to update/modify the style set.
 Open the Styles and Formatting dialog box.
 Select a style you want to update/modify.
 Click on New Style from Selection -> Update style or right-click on the style and
select modify option.
 Now apply the desired format and click on ok when you finished.
5. Write steps to load style from the template or another document.
o Open the Styles and Formatting dialogue box.
o Click on the Load Style button.
o Select the categories and templates.
o Your styles will be loaded from that document.
6. What are the advantages of styles?
o Styles are logical attributes.
o Using styles combines some of the formattings in the style with a great combination.
o It shifts the emphasis from what the text looks like to what the text is.
o It helps to improve the consistency of a document.
o It makes major formatting easy.
A. Select the correct option.
1. Which of these is a correct way to open the Insert Image dialog box?
 Insert > Image
 Image > Insert
 View > Image
2. It contains ready-to-use objects in Writer.
 Object Pane
 Gallery
 None of these
3. It holds different tools that help you to make modification in images.
 Image Toolbar
 Paragraph Styles
 Frame Styles
4. These handles are used to resize an image diagonally.
 Shift + F11
 F11
 Ctrl + 11
5. By using the Image dialog box, you can make changes in image properties.
 Format
 Paragraph
 Image

B. Write T for True and F for False.

1. You can drag and drop the selected image in a document from the Insert Image dialog box. – FALSE
2. The Drawing Object Properties toolbar opens when you select an object. – TRUE
3. Objects are grouped so that they can be treated as a single object. – TRUE
4. Image alignment commands are available on the Image toolbar. – FALSE
5. You can bring your image two level up by using the Forward One command. – FALSE

C. Answer the following questions.

List the different ways of inserting image in Writer.
You can insert image in Writer from file, Scanned Image, Gallery, Clipboard and Using Drag and Drop
Which toolbar holds the Insert Image option?
Picture toolbar holds the insert image option.
How can you wrap an image with text?
To wrap an image with the text, follow these steps:
✦ Select the image.
✦ Click on the Format menu and then the Wrap option.
✦ Select the required wrap option.
✦ Click on the required wrap button available on the Drawing Object Properties toolbar.
What is Gallery?
LibreOffice has a built-in Gallery that contains ready-to-use objects (Arrows, Bullets, Diagrams, Symbols,
and so on) and sounds that you can insert into your documents.

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