Merritt Morning Market 3901 - Nov 29
Merritt Morning Market 3901 - Nov 29
Merritt Morning Market 3901 - Nov 29
shop •puzzles
Come on in and check out our variety of
25% OFF all while quantities last
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]
BarOn Of Beef PricesrOasts their ribbons at Carrie Ware & Co. tee for the wonderful honour of being
Competitive & Best Overall: Carrie Ware & Co. , runner the 2023 Grand Marshals for the Country
Often cheapest place
Come check in town!!
us out!
up: Upper Nicola Band Christmas Week parade.
Most Original: Nicola Valley Search and We had the most wonderful time at-
Rescue, runner up: Fountain Tire tending all festivities: Lighting of the Com-
Most Enthusiastic: Lower Nicola Indian munity Christmas Tree, Dance Recital,
Band School Gr. 4/5, runner up: Baek's Community Christmas Concert, the Light-
Taekwondo ed Christmas Parade and the Craft Sale. xIt
Best Lights: Norgaard's Ready Mix, run- was wonderful travelling down the parade DATE NIGHT at...
ner up: Mar-King Vac Truck Services route, seeing all the happy faces.
Best Community club/organization/ The Country Christmas committee is
team: Gillis House, runner up: Merritt a small hard working group of local cit-
Stock Car Association izens that put this week together, please
Best Youth group/team/organization: join us and thanking them.
MSS Trades, runner up: NVIT Merry Christmas Have a date
Best Service club or not for profit: Cross- —Jack & Mavis Polmans, 2023 Parade night for two in
roads Community Church, runner up: Marshalls, Country Christmas Parade the Zen den.
Coldwater Caregiver's Group
Best Government agency/organization: Cents annual teddy Share a couple’s
Bank night
Merritt - Mayor relaxing wellness
Best Small Business: JJs Towing, runner while alternating
up: Home Hardware Join the Centennials this Friday night,
between our Cocoon
Pod and Ballancer Pro
Best Large Business: Mario's Towing, Dec 1st, as they host the West Kelowna Lymphatic massage
runner up: YRB Warriors on their annual Teddy Bear system.
by a pitbull
FDA Cleared medical
the Nicola Valley Food Bank. Tickets at device equivalent to 7
the door, Save On Foods, therapists working on
you at once.
The Merritt RCMP is seeking the pub- Come see why the NHL,
lic's assistance to identify where a goat 250-936-9200 NFL, UFC and celebrities
came from. Love to Dance Academy abroad love this so much!
On November 24, the Merritt RCMP Love to Dance Session Two Reg-
was alerted to an online post, where a istration is NOW OPEN! Welcoming
suspect posted a video of a pitbull vi- new dancers to the studio starting the
olently attacking a white goat inside a week of Dec 4, 2023, check out www.
house, where onlookers stood by en- and social me-
SPACE FOR YOUR AD couraging the attack. dia pages.
Officers were able to identify the November 30th is the last day to order
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 house as being in the 2600 block of Gran- Love to Dance Ornaments and Holiday
[email protected] ite Ave., and obtained a search warrant Ornaments. Pick up will be Dec 15th.
under the Criminal Code of Canada and Made local by Etched Justjan.
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals A Shulus Christmas arts & craft sale
Act. The South East District Emergency The annual arts, craft & bake sale — A
Response Team were called and assist- Shulus Christmas — will be held at the
ed by executing the search warrant. The Lower Nicola Band School on Saturday,
SPCA aided during the search. Dec 2, 9am-4pm. FMI contact Brandon
"Sadly, we found the remains of a 250-525-0443
MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB goat during our search," said Staff Ser-
For court times & dates NV Vendors Christmas market
geant Josh Roda. "We are trying to identi- Vendors' Christmas market on Satur-
call Dave 250-280-9985 or fy where the goat came from. We would day Dec 2, 9:30am-3:30pm at the Civic
Stephen 778-709-0363 like to determine if the goat was stolen, Ctre. Santa will be there 11am-2pm, and
[email protected] sold or given away." the Merritt Community Band will be
The goat had a white body, brown on playing 10:30-11:30am.
the top of its head and was wearing a Library Holiday Card Printmaking
collar in the video. Make holiday cards using a simple relief
Anyone with information about the printmaking technique with acrylic inks.
goat is asked to call the Merritt RCMP at All ages and skill welcome. Sat Dec 2,
FREE CLASSIFIEDS — Call 250-378-5717 1-3pm, drop-in, at the Merritt Library.
or email [email protected] Transit survey for Merritt service Until December 6, BC Transit is seeking public
feedback on the future of local transit in Merritt — potential extension for Route 23
Collettville-Diamond Vale; proposed new route to serve the Bench neighbourhood;
and potentially adding late-night service to Route 4 Lower Nicola. To fill out the
survey online, go to: Paper copies are available
during business hours at the Transit Office in City Hall.
Christmas craft market Sat Dec 9, 10am-3pm. Cadet Hall, 1755 Coldwater Ave. FMI
Christmas with the KSO Get into the holiday spirit with their annual celebration 8 TH A N
of the festive season, Christmas with the KSO. There are 3 performances: Sat, Dec 16 N UA L
at 2pm; Sat Dec 16 at 7:30pm, and Sun, Dec 17 at 2pm, all in Sagebrush Theatre. The
Winter Ar
KSO will be joined in their merry music making by soprano Ingrid Mapson, students
from the Kamloops Symphony Music School, and the KSO Chorus. For tickets, go to Show & San
OV E R 3 0
8th Winter Artisan show and sale The NV Community Arts Council is doing its
T S & A R T I SA N S
Winter Art
handcrafted Christmas. Over 30 participating local artists and artisans with new
Show isan
items — fun tree ornaments, lots of knitting, silk scarves dyed with natural local
plants, winter themed stained glassworks, art-on-the-wall, soaps, lotions, books, and
original Christmas cards, and more. & Sae Buy local,
Buy handmade
Support your local artists,
Sign in a travel agency window: "Please go away." designers & crafts people
Give and Save Piles Helping me sort clothes into "save" and "give away" piles, my six-year- November 17, 2023-January 14, 2024
old daughter came across a garter belt. "What's this?" she asked. "It's a garter belt," I said C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
Seeing that meant nothing to her, I added, "It's for holding up stockings." "Ah," she said, HOURS:
Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
2051 VOGHT ST.,
carefully placing it in the "save" pile, "we'll use it next Christmas Eve." Sunday 12-4pm
Off to work A guy shows up late for work. The boss yells, ‘You should’ve been here at 8.30!’
He replies. ‘Why? What happened at 8.30?’ Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
China has a population of a billion people. One billion. That means even if you’re a one in a 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
million kind of guy, there are still a thousand others exactly like you.
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
2 HANKOOK winter tires 185/60R14 BDRM SUITE, 2 loveseats, small table/ Specialists INC.
Winter Art
iden�fied as
% 2SLGBTQIA+ TRIPLE H Concrete, for all aspects DOG CAGE for small dog. Wtd: dog BRB SKIDOO helmet w/ snap-on gog-
Womaⁿ 2SLGBTQIA+ of concrete, 30+ yrs exper. Free quotes cage for large dog. 318-7412
gles, lk nw $50obo 315-0074
315-7604 3 KITTENS looking for good homes.
SKATES - CCM Vector Tacks. Size 7
EXPERIENCE DJ FLOORING for all interior flooring Black and white 8 weeks old email
needs 315-7604 [email protected] Show & Sae
Senior $120 315-5946
0% 0%Aⁿother
ofofrespondents 07 SUZUKI Vinton 500, 2 stor. boxes,
Buy local,
Aⁿother respondents In In the
2020 2020 PiT
PiT Count, Count,
74%&of74% of Main-
4% RUDY - Home Office BEAUTIFUL sable male puppy, 9 Buy handmade
Geⁿder 4% iden�fied
iden�fied as having
as having
iden�fied as Indigenous.
as Indigenous.
& Repair - home & office tech, weeks. Sire: American Champion, Dam:
rifle case, windshield, snow blade $4500 Support your local artists,
Ideⁿtity trans
trans experience
experience carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. Canadian Champion. Puppy is White fac-
378-4904 designers & crafts people
This year, orthe PiT Survey asked respondents if tored, very flashy. Laddie Boy is slightly
[email protected] auter, lk nw/just tunes + 6: man. auger. November 17, 2023-January 14, 2024
This year, the PiT Survey asked respondents if
of respondents SCRAP
they, a FOR
parent,CASH. I'll come to you. undersized, price reduced. $2000. email
of respondents
iden�fied as or grandparent a�ended 2 lt blk Zephyr 1-prsn popup tents w/
Batteries, a parent,
brass copper,or grandparent
aluminum, stain- a�ended [email protected] C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
residen�al school. The Indigenous b-i seats 1 mens, 1 ladies/childs. Tack-
Indigenous less,Homelessness
wire. Call or
residen�al msg 604-618-8710,
school. The Indigenous or 3 BEAUTIFUL Chijuajua puppies le bx w/ assort. hks. Fishng pail w/ seat
Steering Commi�ee and the Wed to Sat 10am-5pm ENTER BESIDE KEKULI CAFE
Compared with 20% of the Census the [email protected]
Homelessness Steering FastCommi�ee
service, and $2000obo
the come w/ 2 shots, vry lovable & stor. pckts. 2 ice fishng rods w/ hks. Sunday 12-4pm
Compared with 20% of the Census Indian Residen�al School Survivors Society 280-4811
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight Lt-wt plstc sled w/ tie-dwns. 5L gas can,
popula�on Indian
were Residen�al
instrumental School
in helping Survivors
create this Society
RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- for sale - miscellaneous just mixed 50:1. All you need is bait &
ings. were
FMI Iris and(250)378-8182
provide resources
instrumental in helping for create this
refreshments. Sold as pckage $375. Ross
ofRESIDENTIAL SCHOOLrespondents 19 ELVIS plates, Bradford Exch., w/ blk
76% 57
Indigenous-iden�fying respondents and interviewers to stay safe. Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
reported having lived or genera�onal WOODY'Sques�ontree andservice
provide & more: lnd-
resources for ring & orig. bx $250obo 315-9461 378-5404
76% 57
experience with residen�al school
of Indigenous-iden�fying respondents scaping, fncng, and
respondents handymaninterviewers wrk,toetc. stay safe. 24 FT RUSTLER trlr, nw fridge, 2 solar 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
reported having lived or genera�onal 315-8087 52" CEILING FAN Stainless steel, 5
panels, 3-yr old awning, everything wrks
experience with residen�al
RACIAL school
IDENTITY fan blades white or natural wood, 4 Hal-
CERTIFIED TREE FALLER, w/ wd ogen lites, remote control wall switch. $4500obo 378-4904
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi- $00. 315-8158 QUAD or skidoo racks $100obo
4% 4% 2% dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431
OLD SPOON collection w/ wood cases, 315-6641
Black South East EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck offers 315-0074 YAKIMA BELLY BOAT exc condition
4% 4%
Asian & trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries,
plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares
FULLY adjustable Christmas tree, ad- with all the extras (fins, boots size 9 mens
etc) $100. 16’ canoe, grn $75. 378-4115
Black South East justs 2', 4'. $50 incl stand, lights, pd $350
Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, OLD Merc outbrd boat motor, 15hp $300
* Top responses highlighted Asian courteous service
FIREWOOD for sale 315-7604 378-2370
employment opportunity 2004 CITATION 9'-2" camper, cln/gd
FARM-FRESH eggs $6/doz 315-3785
SHORT ORDER COOK full/ part time 6 MISC. decorated plates with all diff. shape, weighs 2713lbs, 27-gal. frsh wtr,
* Top responses highlighted
wanted in Merritt, Canadian/Malaysian ducks/birds & wood rings $25/all. 5.6 fridge, hot water, a/c, stove/ovn, nw CHECK OUT
types of foods . [email protected] tie-dwns, nwr memory matt. nothr-south
WTD: YARD MAINT.: 1 day/week, FORTRESS 1700 mobility scooter, nds bd, nw converter, no slides, bthrm,
showr, a/c $17,500. Call/txt 378-7920
riding lawnmower, weed eating, yard batt. $700 378-2370
work. April to September. Resume ASSORTED gunsmithing books, assort- PHOTO -
LADIES Viking Rain snowpants, nvr ed ammo boxes & reloading brass, offers.
to [email protected] or
wrn, sz xtra sml $30. Ladies blk nylon 378-4904
List your garage sale &/or get our listing mail-out FULL-TIME CLERK/CASHIER
belted raincoat, nvr wrn, sz sml $30.
Ladies blk belted wntr coat, nvr wrn
6'CANOPY alum. holddowns $45obo. EVERY ISSUE
Email: [email protected] req'd for new home brew business, 2000lb winch w/ controls, etc, nw in bx
$30. Ladies blk wntr vest w/ remov. $110obo 378-4904
downtown. Wage dependent on expe-
hood, sz sml, nvr wrkn $30. Blk hightack
rience. Drop off resume in person at BROWNING AB3 Rifle 243 Winchester
Oxford-style ladies steel-toe, slip-resist.
Nicola Valley Wine and Beer Supplies, workshoes, sz 6 $40. Men's blk slip-re- with Nikon BDC Scope lk nw cond. in
unit 1-2152 Quilchena Ave., Mon-Fri sist. steel-toe workshoes, sz 10 $40. the box $1000. 525-0109
10-11am. Men's green Helly Hansen rain jcket, sz 12FT alum. boat & boat loader w/ con-
LABOURERS WANTED- Nicola Post xtra lrg 778-389-9365 trols 378-4904
& Rail. Positions available -full time for sale - tools/equipment
(mon - fri), part time, evening shifts, NEW Carpets/Rugs. Many household
weekend shifts, and seasonal. Wage items. Full size outdoors Concrete Foun- 4800 W construction heater with built in
$22 per hour. Please apply if you are tain. Lots outdoor garden related equip- thermostat $55 378-8802
willing to work in an outside environ- ment and garden hose 778-639-0052 MILWAUKEE saws-all, in case w/
ment and have strong work ethic. No ROOF turb vents 2 @ $30ea 280-0569 blades $70. Hitachi mitre saw $100 3
mill experience necessary. Call Tony SNOWPANTS CKX Technowear, med. 15-5076
250-319-9891 men's w/ bib & shoulder straps, lk nw UTIL./BOAT trailer requires wiring &
for sale - appliances $75 315-0074 spare tire $350 378-4572
BLACK ladies leather jackets, sz med. 18" 5X42" LONG snow blade for riding
ELECT. range, 5 brnrs, flat glass top, $70 for Boutique of Leather one, $50 for
convection oven, self-clean, black other 378-6886 lawnmower, atv or quad 315-5203
378-1680 SNWBLOWR w/ tracks 250-523-6251
OLD MILK/cream bottles & Mrs But-
TOASTER oven. Vacuum machine. terworth glass syrup bottles.378-9694 CRAFTSMAN snowblower exc cond
Coleman barbeque 778-639-0052 $1200. 2 heavy duty snow shovels
5'X7' CARPET, beige w/ sml lt green $20ea. Farmer's manure pick-up fork
NOMA Oil filled Heater, Heat Dish, Fan pattern, exc cond $40. Torch-style floor
778-639-0052 $60. Joe 378-5100 CHEAP CAR, gd cond, starts good, SHOP IN Lower Nicola for lease,
lamp w/ glass shade $35. Joanne 778- under $1000 280-3917 1000sqft, Overhead heating, Bath-
26 CU. FT. chest freezer, grt shape/ 389-9365 SNAPPER HI-VAC Easy Speed gas
works exc. $75. 280-0543 lwnmwr, hardly used, $200. 378-2410 HAVE SUNFLOWERS? would room , 12' door, available Dec 15
JIGSAW PUZZLES: 500 pce $3. 1000 like 1 or 2 heads to grow the seeds. $1500 + util. Call/text 604-534-1401
AIR CONDITIONER brand new (for pce $5. 378-5691 HEAVY DUTY portable car garage (24L
window) still in box, Diplomat 5200 BTHRM light fixture, 3 lights, grey/ala- x 12W x 8H) sells for $650 + tax at Ca- Ruth 378-6588, 525-0431 WTD to rnt: Shared accomm., re-
BTU $125. 378-4115 nadian Tire, will sell for $500 378-4115 6'X12' util. trlr frame Paul 378-2337 tired carpenter, refs.. Don 315-7820
baster $25obo, pics avail.378-9443
DEHUMIDIFIER nw/used 2x $100 Jo- FULL surround, new from Home Hard- TRAILER TIRES 14" 8-9mm x 4 $50 SECTIONAL couch, gd cond, reas. SEEKING A HOUSESITTER: 2
anne 778-389-9365 604-618-8710 price 280-0543 bed, 2 bath detached in Collettville,
ware. HER58 3214-400, incl. short wall Nov 1-June 1/July 1. 2 references
MICROWAVE oven $25 378-0838 & long wall , white $100. Pics availalbe. WOOD splitter $150 936-8371 12" TILTING band saw with many
DOUBLE window fan $15. 378-8835 PELLET stove 378-2832 blades som new $125.00. Merritt req'd, & must pay for power, gas and
Richard 378-9443 cable/Internet. Mike, 604-916-9289
for sale - automotive DELUXE pedestal bthrm sink $125 780- MASTERCRAFT 10" mitre saw for sale house/property
$55obo. Assoreted tools, offrs. 378-4904 FULLY RENO'D grnd lvl 1br units
4 STEEL 16" rims, 8-bolt, fit older GM/ CABINET-style sandblaster, 36x24x24, MANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1 Modern finishing, in-suite lndry.
Ford $50obo 315-0074 MOVING OUT sale: furniture, patio Small pets considered. Avail. im-
nw $1600, spec. price $750 378-5100 bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111,
sets, yard equipment 936-8171 med. Located near MSS Starting at
2007 CHEV Duramax diesel 3/4-tn, lots 18"X42" BLADE for sml riding lawn- 315-1000 buyandsellmobilehomes.
new upgrades $11,500 280-3950 UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for com $1,200/mo., + util. canfordsuites@
8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 mower for snow, etc $200obo 315-5203
TIRE CHAINS: Shur Grip by SCC, for 1 cup. 378-4947 DRIVE BY 441 Bailey Ave., Lower or text 604-614-0907
wanted/wanted to buy
model SZ329; Z design; still packaged/ Nicola, updated, below market value. BRAND-NEW ground level 2-bdrm
never opened $25. 378-9899 GRANNY’S House Quilting & units in Merritt! Very spacious and
CRICUT MAKER cutting machine Then call 315-5424 Denis
Retreat has sewing notions from modern finishing. Private decks,
BRND NW 2 winter tires 778-639-0052 Pat's Patches 378-3734 in good condition. Need rotary cutting
THE LANDING ZONE ROKON 2-whl drive motorcycle, gd blade and drive housing, fine point blade
for rent
enclosed yards, ample parking and
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 096 cond. $4000 315-2898 for sale - furniture and housing and purple mat. 250-852- PARTIALLY furnished 1-bdrm insuite laundry. Small pets consid-
1940 Quilchena Ave. Merritt TWO 195/65R15 all-seas. & two ANTIQUE western style couch, exc 2525 call or text. bsmt, shared kitchn/bth, util/wifi/cbl ered. Located very close to MSS
250-378-5631 [email protected] 195/60R15 m&s, 4-bolt rims, lots of cond. $250 936-8188 4 STUDDED tires 235/75R15 315-6641 incl 778-869-3141 Canford Ave. Starting at $1,850/mo.
tread $250 315-5076 PATIO SET: 4 swivel metal chairs & ta- GENTLY-USED highback chair for liv- SENIORS DISC. Private suite, + util. [email protected] or
Facebook: The Landing Zone Royal Canadian Legion 96 text 604-614-0907
70-74 VW BEETLE parts (gas tank, ble, lk nw cond $375obo 378-6915 ingrm, gd back support 378-7435 ground level. Quiet - only $875, util.
Merritt British Columbia tires, windshield, ect) and 84-97 HD bike QU. SIZE mattr., never used/still in orig. OLD smoking pipe. 525-0431, 378-6588 Incl. 378-2207 2-BDRM basement, n/p, n/s
OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday parts (mirrors, foot pegs, primary cover wrapper. Ted 315-9597 LT-duty auger 378-2337 STUDIO SUITE, all inclusive, ful- 778-639-0244
12:00pm until closing, offering weekly food specials ect) best offers 280-0569 FREE: sml buffet, 2 loveseats, tv stand NON-WORKING dryer w/ stainless ly furnished. Single working person 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, nr Diamond-
8' CANOPY, grey, nds a bit of work 936-8171 steel drum, one that is going to go to the only. Top floor, private. 315-8079 vale School 525-0350
TOONIE TUESDAYS Try our Bartenders Special Cocktails. $150 315-5203 OAK headboard w/ mirror cabinet & dump. 378-4947 2 SUITES: 1-bdrm furnished, Nov SHOP, 9' overhead door suit. for con-
WEDNESDAY shuffleboard tournament 3-5pm 04 GRAND AM $1200. 280-3917 light on side $200 280-0543 6' ALUM. ladder, gd cond 378-5100 15 & Dec 1. Manager 936-8474 tractor van. 700 sq ft/bay. 315-8079
THURSDAYS jam, Afternoon 4 – 6:30
MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY watch for posters. POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]
We also have a hall to rent, along with bar and kitchen