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922004 国际学生请假申请表-研究生

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International Student Administration & Service Form--Leave Application(Postgraduate & Scholars)

姓名 性别 学号
English Name Gender Student ID
院系 专业
School/Department Major
□博士生 Doctoral Candidate
学生类别 联系电话
□硕士生 Master’s Candidate
The Category of Student Tel
□进修生/研究学者 Visiting Student &Scholars

请假原因 □论文研究 Data Collection □学术会议 Academic Conference

Reasons of Leave □个人原因 Personal Reasons □健康原因 Health Reasons

请假具体内容 请假天数 Days of Leave: _____ Days 从 From: (Y/M/D)至 to: (Y/M/D)

Details of Leave 去向 Place to go

学生承诺 Commitment of the student

期间的个人人身和财产安全由我本人负全部责任,与学校无关。请批准! I hereby commit that I fully understand the univer-
sity’s regulation on student leave and am honest of the leave reasons .I will learn the missing courses/finish research task by myself be-
cause of my absence. I will bear full responsibility for personal possession and security during the period while I am absent, and it is not con-
cerned with the university.

学生签名 Signature: 日期 Date: (Y/M/D)

导师意见 Approval from the Supervisor:

导师签字 Signature: _________ 日期 Date: (Y/M/D)

院系批准 Approval from School/Department

主管领导签字 Signature: _________ 日期 Date: (Y/M/D)

国际教育学院批准 Approval from School of International Education:

负责人签字 Signature: _________ 日期 Date: (Y/M/D)

备注 Notes
1.奖学金生如果因个人原因请假离华超过一个月,该月的生活费将被取消。Scholarship students who apply for a leave of more than 30 days for per-
sonal reasons, the living allowance of that month will not be granted.
2.请假 15 天以内的由导师批准,院系签章,报国际教育学院备案;15 天以上、31 天以内的,经导师和院系批准后,由国际教育学院审批。
请假超过 31 天者(实习和科研任务除外),应办理休学。
Leave of absence less than 15 days need to be approved by applicant’s supervisor and reported to the School of International Education; While above 15 days and
less than 31 days by the School of International Education; More than 30 days, applicant shall apply for suspension of schooling.
All record shall be submitted to the School of International Education.
The request of leave of absence for research and internship will be approved in accordance with the actual situation.
3. 离校进行论文研究/参加学术会议的,需提交导师签字确认的论文研究计划或会议邀请函。A detailed Research Plan / Conference Invitation Let-
ter signed by the supervisor must be attached if it is for that purpose of leave.
4. 学生本人在开学初不能按时返校的,必须按时完成学校要求的网上学期注册。Online semester registration must be completed if the applicant
could not return to university during the registration period (the beginning of the semester).

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