Aves The Galapagos Islands Ecuador
Aves The Galapagos Islands Ecuador
Aves The Galapagos Islands Ecuador
ISSN: 1809-127X
Aves, The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador sight records and photographs, and occasionally
opportunistically available specimens.
David A. Wiedenfeld
Although Swarth (1931) and Harris (1973, 1975,
Charles Darwin Research Station, Puerto Ayora, 1981, 1982) published extensively on the avifauna
Galapagos, Ecuador. of the islands, since Harris’s work there has been
no careful updating of the avifauna list. The
Current Address: 619 McFarland Avenue, Dalton, objectives of this article, therefore, are threefold:
Georgia 30720, USA. E-mail: to list and clarify the previously published records
[email protected] of birds occurring in the archipelago, to update
and add new records to the avifauna, and to
Abstract clarify some recent records that are erroneous or
Although the Galapagos avifauna has been were presented with none or few details.
described previously, it is necessary to list,
clarify, and update the previously published An additional potential benefit of this article may
records of birds occurring in the archipelago, and also be to stimulate others who may have
to clarify some recent records that are erroneous additional records to come forth with their
or were presented with none or few details. The information. For example, there are about 100
list of breeding (including endemic species and naturalist guides working on any day in
subspecies and non-endemic breeding species) Galapagos; these observers must have many
and regular migrant species totals only 88 species, important observations to report, yet few are ever
although including the 57 vagrant species, the reported to the Charles Darwin Research Station
number is 145 species. However, endemism in or any other central compiler of bird records. And
Galapagos is quite high, with half (50%) of the of course, of the roughly 100,000 visitors to
regular avifauna being endemic at the species or Galapagos each year (according to Galapagos
subspecies level. If only land birds are National Park Service data), many are
considered, the endemism levels are much higher, birdwatchers or ornithologists who also may have
with 70% of land bird species being endemic, and useful records, yet few of these are ever reported.
58% of the “regular” seabirds being endemic as
well. It is hoped this article will stimulate other Study Area
ornithologists and observers who may have The area covered by previous avifauna lists has
additional records to come forth with their varied. Some, such as Harris (1973), have not
information. explicitly defined the area included, leaving it
vaguely as “Galapagos and the immediately
Introduction surrounding seas” or something similar. Lévêque
Although the Galapagos Islands were discovered et al. (1966) defined the “Galapagos area” as a
in 1535, scientific ornithology cannot be said to circular region of about 560 km radius centered
have begun in the islands until the now-famous north of Santiago Island, which includes more
arrival of the Beagle in 1835, carrying its than the legally-defined territorial waters. This
collectors Charles Darwin and Robert Fitzroy “Galapagos area” actually extends to within 225
(Darwin 1839). Scientific expeditions which km of Cocos Island, Costa Rica, the nearest land
included some ornithological collecting then outside the archipelago. However, because
arrived at intervals of about a decade throughout Galapagos is as well a political region, the most
the remainder of the 19th Century and first half of logical unit is the politically-defined boundaries,
the 20th (Slevin 1959). With the establishment of the territorial waters. The territorial waters are
the Galapagos National Park by the Ecuadorian defined by international maritime law as the area
government in 1959 and the naming of the extending from the convex hull of the Galapagos
archipelago as a World Heritage Site in 1978, Islands to seaward 200 nautical miles (370 km).
collecting of live birds for taxonomic specimens For the purposes of the current article, the area
largely came to an end. The avifauna of the covered will therefore include all of the
islands has continued to grow, however, with
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Galapagos Islands themselves (Figure 1) and the Cristóbal Mockingbird instead of Chatham
territorial waters. Mockingbird for N. melanotis. These names are
already commonly in use (for example, see
Arbogast et al. 2006, and references therein).
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Marchena. There was also a sighting between Sooty Shearwater, Puffinus griseus. Vagrant.
Floreana and Española on 10 June 1980 by W. J. Considered a regular visitor in small numbers
Reed and Sylvia Harcourt (Harris, personal (Harris 1982). There are two skins and two
communication). Harris (1982) stated that the skeletons in MECCD, from Tortuga Point,
petrels are some years regularly seen in small Isabela, 16 August 1971, from Espinosa Point,
numbers, although he does not further qualify the Fernandina, 28 November 1973, and Academy
statement. Despite the mention of cadavers on the Bay, Santa Cruz, 14 May 1974. Sight records are
coast, there are no known specimens. from Puerto Villamil, Isabela, 14 January 1972;
one off Redonda Rock, just north of Isabela, on 21
Galapagos Petrel, Pterodroma phaeopygia (Salvin December 2004 by guides of the MV Polaris
1876). Breeding, endemic species. Breeds on (record in archives of CDRS), and off the
Floreana, San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz, Santiago, southern coast of Isabela in June 2005 (Mark
and Isabela (Sierra Negra Volcano; nine nests Beaman); six observations May-June 1972 (Harris
found by Jacinto Gordillo in 2002 and 2003 and 1973), possibly including four birds seen one hour
Francisco Cruz in 2004; also possibly on Alcedo north of Española on 3 and 8 May 1972 by Brad
Volcano) islands. Until recently this species was Jacobs (Harris, personal communication); one
considered conspecific with the Hawaiian Petrel between Española and San Cristóbal by Derek
(P. sandwichensis). For taxonomy see Banks et Scott in June 2003 and another in the same
al. (2002). There are 12 skins, two skeletons, one location by Paul Greenfield on 12 November
pickled adult and one pickled chick in the 2005; two between Española and Floreana on 10
MECCD. April 1992 by Mark Van Beirs; one off Genovesa
on 31 December 1982 (Curry and Stoleson 1988);
Parkinson’s Petrel, Procellaria parkinsoni. and one about 240 km east of San Cristóbal on 12
Vagrant. Specimens were collected off San December 1960 (Lévêque et. al. 1966). Castro
Cristóbal on 14 October 1905, off Floreana on 4 and Phillips (1996) report probably some of the
May 1906, and “well south” of Isabela on 18 June same records plus one off Pinzón, and point out
1906 (Harris 1973). Fifteen individuals were seen that these were in most cases associated with El
off Redonda Rock, 26 August 1997 by crew of Niño events.
MV Polaris (record in archives of CDRS), and
one was seen not far from that site, near Cape Galapagos Shearwater, Puffinus subalaris
Berkeley, Isabela, on 13 April 2001 (Paul Ridgway 1897. Breeding, endemic species.
Coopmans). One was seen by Derek Scott while Recently upgraded to valid species status by
voyaging between Genovesa and Fernandina on Austin et al. (2004). Nests on cliffs throughout
28 August 2004. the archipelago (Harris 1973), and common at sea.
Four skin and two skeletons in the MECCD.
Antarctic Prion, Pachyptila desolata. Vagrant. A
bird was found dead on the Playa Blanca at White-bellied Storm-Petrel, Fregetta grallaria.
Cormorant Point, Floreana, on 23 February 1980 Vagrant. One specimen collected southeast of
by Godfrey Merlen (Harris 1982). The Isabela 11 June 1906 by the California Academy
disposition of the specimen is unknown. of Science expedition (Lévêque et al. 1966), and
one observed 17 July 1948 north of Pinta (Harris
Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Puffinus pacificus. 1973). Harris (1982) mentions three records,
Vagrant. One record of a bird found depredated including the ones mentioned above. The species
on Plaza Sur island in a Short-eared Owl pellet on is listed by Castro and Phillips (1996) as being
19 September 1966 (Harris 1973); specimen lost. recorded southeast of Isabela during May –
Lévêque et al. (1966) report several records north August, as if there were numerous records, but
and east of Galapagos but well outside the with no further information; it is not clear if they
territorial waters, and mention one Rollo Beck had additional records or not.
specimen from “NW of Galapagos,” but it is
unclear how far. Elliott’s Storm-Petrel, Oceanites gracilis
galapagoensis (Elliott 1859). Breeding, endemic
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subspecies. Common resident on almost all specimen collected by William Beebe off
islands. Peculiarly, nesting of this species still has Fernandina on 12 July 1925 (Lévêque et al. 1966)
not been confirmed in the archipelago, as was and one from Academy Bay, Santa Cruz, 3
mentioned as long ago as Snodgrass and Heller October 1975 (skin specimen in MECCD), and a
(1904) and more recently by Harris (1975). One sight record of one south of Puerto Ayora, Santa
skin specimen is in the MECCD. Cruz, on 20 June 1979 by Godfrey Merlen (Harris
personal communication). Lévêque et al. (1966)
White-faced Storm-Petrel, Pelagodroma marina. report other potential records although none
Vagrant. Specimens were collected by Rollo definitely attributable to this species.
Beck 96 km due south of Isabela in 18 June 1906
and about 160 km southwest of Galapagos in Black Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma melania.
September 1930 (Lévêque et al. 1966). Harris Vagrant. Harris (1982) mentions two records
and de Vries (1968) caught one aboard a boat off within the islands, between Pinta and Albemarle
San Cristóbal on 9 July 1967 and there were Point, Isabela, 12 December 1973 (Harris 1975),
observations of the species in Harris (1973) off and one off Puerto Ayora , Santa Cruz, on 3
Santa Cruz in June 1968 and Santiago in February October 1975 seen by David Day. Mark Van
1969. Mark Beaman reported three between Beirs (personal communication) reported one
North Seymour and Genovesa on 19 June 2005. between Plaza Sur and Santa Fe on 8 April 1992.
Castro and Phillips (1996) reported a record “in Swash and Still (2000) suggest that the species
ocean to SW,” but it is unclear how far, and if this may overlooked.
might be one of the records reported by Harris
(1973). Red-billed Tropicbird, Phaethon aethereus.
Breeding. Nests throughout the islands, but
Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma uncommon in the cold waters in the west between
tethys tethys (Bonaparte 1853). Breeding, Fernandina and Isabela (Harris 1975). There are 6
endemic subspecies. Nests on Genovesa, Pitt skin and three skeleton specimens in MECCD.
Islet, and probably on Redonda Rock (Harris
1973). Six skins and one skeleton in MECCD. Red-tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon rubricauda.
Vagrant. Record of one seen on 23 July 1997 on
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma castro. Floreana Island flying over the flamingo lagoon
Breeding. Nests on various, generally small, by Corine and Francine Vriesendorp (record in
islands in the archipelago (Harris 1973). Five archives of CDRS). Lévêque et al. (1966) report
skins and one skeleton in MECCD. two records on the same day at 1.75° S 89.75° W
and at 2.75° S 91.00° W on 4 September 1956,
Leach’s Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma leucorhoa. both within the territorial waters.
Vagrant. Harris (1973) lists four records, two off
Genovesa 11 February 1970, one off Española on Nazca Booby, Sula granti. Breeding. Formerly
11 April 1970, one off Floreana on 17 May 1971, considered a subspecies of Sula dactylatra
and one near Wolf on 22 February 1971. Mark (Friesen et al. 2002). Breeds throughout the
Van Beirs (personal communication) reported one archipelago (Harris 1973). Three skins and four
between Plaza Sur and Santa Fe on 15 July 1990. skeletons are in the MECCD.
There is one skin specimen in the MECCD from
the “high seas between Guayaquil and Galapagos” Blue-footed Booby, Sula nebouxii excisa Todd,
(possibly outside the territorial waters) on 11 1948. Breeding, endemic subspecies. The most
February 1975 and one from “near Galapagos” 12 widely distributed Sula in the archipelago,
April 1932 in the British Museum of Natural breeding on most islands except those north of the
History. The species may possibly be overlooked equator, although it breeds occasionally on
(Swash and Still 2000). Genovesa (Harris 1973), with recent records there
from 2002 – 2005 (Thalia Grant, personal
Markham’s Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma communication), including April 2003 (fide
markhami. Vagrant. There are three records: a
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Thalia Grant). Seven skins and five skeletons are Tortuga Islet, Cuatro Hermanos, San Cristóbal
in the MECCD. (Pitt Islet and Pitt Point), Genovesa, Darwin, Wolf
(Harris 1973), and Daphne Major (Thalia Grant,
Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster. Vagrant. An personal communication). Two skins and two
adult was photographed close to León Dormido skeletons are in the in MECCD.
Islet, just off San Cristóbal, in April 1970
(Hosking 1972), and one was photographed on 23 Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias cognata Bangs
June 2002 about 25 km south of Darwin Island 1903. Breeding, endemic subspecies. Breeds
(Howard and Heidi Snell, photo in archives of only on the main islands; rare on Española and
CDRS). One was seen flying past Daphne Major Genovesa; unrecorded on Darwin, Wolf,
on 27 March 1997 by Thalia Grant and Peter Marchena and Pinta (Harris 1973), but likely
Grant (personal communication). occurs on almost every island at least as a visitor
from time to time. There are four skin and one
Red-footed Booby, Sula sula. Breeding. Harris anatomical specimens in MECCD collection.
(1973) reports the species breeding on Genovesa,
Wolf, Darwin, Gardner-by-Floreana, and on San Great Egret, Ardea alba. Breeding. Occurs on
Cristóbal at Pitt Point and Pitt Islet, and being main islands (Harris 1973), and as with its
seen ashore on North Seymour, Española, Gordon congener, probably at least occasionally on almost
Rocks (just off Santa Cruz), and Redonda Rock all islands. One skin specimen in MECCD.
although not breeding. Gifford (1913) also
reports the species from Marchena and Santa Snowy Egret, Egretta thula. Vagrant. Harris
Cruz, but it is not clear if he was referring to (1973) considered the species a migrant “in small
breeding or just occurrence; he also reports non- numbers.” It was recorded for the first time on 28
breeding individuals on Pinta. There are two skin December 1965, and since then one or two
and four skeleton specimens in the MECCD. irregularly in southern Santa Cruz, southern
Isabela, and Cormorant Point, Floreana, with
Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis urinator extreme dates from July to 21 April (Harris 1973),
Wetmore 1945. Breeding, endemic subspecies. although Harris (1982) listed only dates from
Breeds on all the central islands and on Española August to April. There are no known specimens.
and Marchena; uncommon visitor to Genovesa
and Pinta; single record of two adults and Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea. Vagrant. A
immature on Wolf on 23 February 1962; single bird molting from juvenal white to adult
unrecorded from Darwin (Harris 1973). There are plumage was seen at the mangroves at Elizabeth
four skins and 10 partial skeletons in the MECCD. Bay, Isabela (0.60° S, 91.07° W), on 10 December
1997 by Scott Henderson (archives of CDRS). A
Flightless Cormorant, Phalacrocorax harrisi second sighting was made at roughly the same
Rothschild 1898. Breeding, endemic species. location almost a year later, on 18 November
Breeds on Fernandina and the coasts of northern 1998 (Pugnali 1999); this is probably the record
and western Isabela, and is unrecorded outside its reported by Swash and Still (2000). A third
breeding range (Harris 1973). There are two skins sighting of this species was made by Thalia Grant
and nine skeletons in the MECCD. and Greg Estes on 25 May 1999 at the lagoons at
Barrio Estrada, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz.
Magnificent Frigatebird, Fregata magnificens
magnificens Mathews, 1914. Breeding, endemic Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis. Breeding, self-
subspecies. Breeds on various islands throughout introduced species. First recorded on 2 November
the archipelago (Harris 1973). There are three 1964 on Santa Cruz, but the species may have
skins and four skeletons are in the MECCD. arrived sooner, with possible sightings on 16 July
1960 and other dates that month on Santa Cruz
Great Frigatebird, Fregata minor. Breeding. (Lévêque et al. 1966). Breeding was not proved
Breeds on scattered islands throughout the until 1986 (Pérez and Nowak 1987; Swash and
archipelago: Española, Gardner-by-Floreana, Still 2000). Breeding colonies are now scattered
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Osprey, Pandion haliaetus. Migrant. Regular, in 17 November 1983. Millington and Price (1982)
very low numbers (Lévêque et al. 1966). report three records from March and February
Occasionally an individual over-summers in 1979-1981 on Daphne Major. There are
Galapagos (Harris 1973). Sightings include apparently no specimens.
records from Isabela, Fernandina, San Cristóbal,
and Santa Cruz (Castro and Phillips 1996), Domestic Chicken Gallus gallus. Introduced
including Isabela at Elizabeth Bay, 28 May 1996 species. The species is apparently feral
and Puerto Villamil 23 January 2003. On Santa (Gottdenker et al. 2005) and breeding on Santa
Cruz two were seen on 23 October 1983 and one Cruz, and therefore should be considered a part of
on 29 November 1983 (Mark Van Beirs), on 16 the avifauna.
November and 9 December 2003, and 30 January
2005 (records in archives of CDRS). One was Galapagos Rail, Laterallus spilonotus (Gould,
seen at Cevallos Point, Española, on 15 Nov 1996 1841). Breeding, endemic species. Recorded
(archives of CDRS). Gifford (1919) reported the from Baltra, where it was “scarce” (Gifford 1913),
species on 1 November and 25 August 1905 at Santiago, Santa Cruz, and San Cristóbal. Less
Puerto Villamil, and 14 February 1906 on San common on Pinta; also on Floreana, and
Cristóbal. Individuals were recorded on Floreana Fernandina (Harris 1973), Alcedo Volcano (C.
in November 1996 (Thalia Grant), at Buccaneer Márquez, personal communication), and in the
Cove, Santiago on 28 August 1983 and on mangroves at Tortuga Negra Beach, Isabela, and
Bartolomé on 12 December 1983 (Mark Van Genovesa (bird video-recorded 24-26 March and
Beirs). Castro and Phillips (1996) suggest most 8-11 April 2004 by Thalia Grant and Greg Estes).
records are from June to January. Gifford (1913) The species has not been recorded on Floreana
collected one specimen at Puerto Villamil on 1 since 1983 (Castro and Phillips 1996), and is very
November 1905. rare now on San Cristóbal. There are no recent
records from Baltra. Gifford (1913) reported the
Galapagos Hawk, Buteo galapagoensis (Gould species at sea level in mangroves, as well as at
1837). Breeding, endemic species. “Previously high altitudes, but all recent records are from the
common on all main islands except Darwin, Wolf, highlands, except for an individual photographed
and Genovesa; now extinct on Floreana and San in the mangroves on Fernandina on 3 July 2003 at
Cristóbal, very reduced numbers on Santa Cruz; Espinosa Point, Fernandina (archives of CDRS),
visits but does not breed on Rábida” (Harris the birds at Tortuga Negra Beach, and the
1973). There are three skin and one pickled adult individual on Genovesa, which was also in
and one partial skeleton in MECCD. mangroves. There are three skin and one pickled
specimens in the MECCD.
Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus. Migrant.
Recorded regularly in small numbers, mainly in Sora, Porzana carolina. Vagrant. Harris (1982)
the boreal winter, November – March, but with a reported three records, all of dead birds, from
record from 16 May 1970 and one from 20 June Marchena, Santiago, and Genovesa. The
1967 (Harris 1973). Harris (1973) reported a total Marchena record is the same mentioned by Harris
of 16 records, which probably include Lévêque et (1981) on 11 December 1975, the remains of bird
al.’s (1966) records on 21 November 1952 near eaten by a hawk, with the specimen now in the
Darwin, 8 November 1961 on Santa Cruz, 30 British Museum. Harris (1981) also gives details
January 1964 on Plaza Sur, and 27-28 November for the Genovesa record, which was of a dead bird
1964 at Daphne Major. There is a record from 9 found on 6 November 1978. There is a partial
December 2003 at Canal Itabaca between Santa specimen in the MECCD from Santiago on 4
Cruz and Baltra (archives of CDRS). Castro and October 1979, which substantiates the record from
Phillips (1996) add localities on Baltra, Isabela, Santiago mentioned in Harris (1982).
and Española; Paul Greenfield (personal
communication) reports one at Gardner Bay, Paint-billed Crake, Neocrex erythrops. Breeding.
Española, on 12 November 2005, and Mark Van Recorded in the archipelago since 1953 (Bowman
Beirs reported one at Suárez Point, Española, on 1960) but possibly overlooked previously.
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Known to nest on Santa Cruz (personal and 28 February 1999. This is probably the
observation) and Floreana. One dead bird was record reported by Swash and Still (2000). There
found on Genovesa in December 1972 (Harris is no specimen.
1981), and the species has been seen on that
island in April 1980, in 1986, and in August 2002 Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola.
(Thalia Grant, personal communication). The Migrant. Regular migrant in small numbers,
species may occur on San Cristóbal and Isabela recorded in all months, most common during
(Harris 1973). There are seven skins and two northern winter (Lévêque et al. 1966), and present
anatomical specimens in the MECCD. every year. Seen on most islands with an
extensive beach. Two skin specimens in
Purple Gallinule, Porphyrula martinica. Vagrant, MECCD.
although with long periods of residence, bordering
on being a permanent resident in recent years. Tawny-throated Dotterel, Oreopholus ruficollis.
Lévêque et al. (1966) reported an adult recently Vagrant. An adult individual photographed on
dead found off Santa Cruz on 13 February 1964, Española on 23 June 1991 by R. Harshaw and B.
and Harris (1973) reported one bird captured live Leigh (Ridgely and Greenfield 2001).
and photographed at Suárez Point, Española, in
February 1972. Castro and Phillips (1996) Semipalmated Plover, Charadrius semipalmatus.
reported records from El Junco and La Toma Migrant. Common migrant, always present in
lakes, both on San Cristóbal, with no supporting small numbers, but most numerous August - April
information, while Curry and Stoleson (1988) (Harris 1973), and among the most common
reported the species as being seen repeatedly at El shorebirds year-round in the archipelago. Two
Junco crater, San Cristóbal, in March 1984. El skin specimens in MECCD.
Chato, on Santa Cruz, has numerous sightings
beginning on 1 June 1999 and 17 April 2001 (Paul Wilson’s Plover, Charadrius wilsonia. Vagrant.
Coopmans, personal communication). At least Three birds recorded at Cormorant Point,
two birds (up to eight individuals, according to Floreana, on 10 May 1969 (Harris 1973).
Derek Scott) were seen repeatedly and one
photographed at El Chato during the period 17 Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus. Vagrant. Harris
May 2003 – 10 January 2004 (Bateman and (1973) reports one bird photographed at Tortuga
Cooke 2004) and one was seen by the author ~ 1 Point, Isabela, on 8 February 1971, and one was
km south of Bellavista on 2 October 2004. A bird seen on Floreana on 29 August 1979 by G. R.
has apparently lived at El Manzanillo marsh near Gilbert (Harris, personal communication). These
Puerto Villamil, Isabela, since 2001, and was seen are probably the “few records” mentioned by
by the author on 5 July 2004. An immature (skin Harris (1982). Thalia Grant and Greg Estes report
in the MECCD collection) was collected aboard a one seen on the Steven Devine farm in the
boat between the islands and continent at about highlands of Santa Cruz on 15 November 1999.
1.46° S, 85.14° W, about 80 km outside the
territorial waters, on 20 February 1968 (Harris American Oystercatcher, Haematopus palliatus
1973). galapagensis (Ridgway 1886). Breeding,
endemic subspecies. Nowhere common, as
Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus. reported by Snodgrass and Heller (1904), and
Breeding. Common on lagoons, even temporary generally found on the coasts of main islands
ones, throughout the archipelago (Harris 1973). (Harris 1973). One skin specimen in the
American Coot, Fulica americana. Vagrant.
Two observers recorded a single coot at La Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus.
Lobería, San Cristóbal, on 22 November 1997 Breeding. On lagoons throughout the
(archives of CDRS). Janni (1999) reported two archipelago. One skin specimen in MECCD.
coots at a small lagoon (Manzanillo Lagoon?)
about 3 km NW of Puerto Villamil, Isabela, on 27
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Short-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus griseus. Isabela, Floreana, Santa Cruz, Genovesa, and the
Migrant. Sixteen records from 1 September highlands of San Cristóbal “frequently” (Castro
(record from Thalia Grant and Greg Estes) and Phillips 1996). Three skin specimens in
through May, with most records from November- MECCD.
February (Lévêque et al. 1966; Harris 1973;
CDRS archives), on Isabela (Puerto Villamil), Solitary Sandpiper, Tringa solitaria. Vagrant.
Santiago, Floreana, San Cristóbal (Tortuga Cove), Recorded mostly from the highlands of Santa
Santa Cruz (Tortuga Bay and Puerto Ayora), and Cruz and San Cristóbal, and all eight records,
Genovesa (Darwin Bay). Probably occurs most some of which cover a span of months, are from
years somewhere in the archipelago. Specimens September to April (seven records from Harris
were collected on Santiago on 26 October 1961, 1973 and one from Mark Van Beirs, at Espinosa
and on Floreana on 24 November 1961 (Lévêque Point, Fernandina, on 12 October 1983).
et al. 1966). Rothschild et al. (1899) collected two specimens.
Marbled Godwit, Limosa fedoa. Vagrant. The Willet, Catoptrophorus semipalmatus. Migrant.
records are sparse, and mainly between October As Harris (1973) reported, it is a regular migrant
and March: 9 November 1957, Academy Bay in small numbers, recorded in all months but rare
(Lévêque et al. 1966); one at Puerto Villamil, from May-July, on sandy beaches throughout the
Isabela, from 6 January to end of March and in the archipelago. Lévêque et al. (1966), reported on
beginning of August 1971 (Harris 1973); one at five specimens.
Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz, 28 October 1997 seen
by Josefina Arévalo (CDRS archives); one in Wandering Tattler, Heteroscelus incanus.
October 2002 on Genovesa (Thalia Grant); and Migrant. Recorded all year, but fewer during
one record given as “San Cristóbal” with no northern summer (Harris 1973). Among the most
further details by Castro and Phillips (1996). common migrants in Galapagos except for the
phalaropes, which winter at sea, and
Hudsonian Godwit, Limosa haemastica. Vagrant. Semipalmated Plover. Galapagos is probably one
Harris (1975) reports one seen at Academy Bay, of the major wintering grounds for the species
Santa Cruz, for several days beginning 26 (Lévêque et al. 1966). There is one skin in the
November 1973, and Chartier (2001) MECCD.
photographed one at Puerto Villamil, Isabela, on
29 June 1999. Spotted Sandpiper, Actitis macularia. Migrant. A
regular migrant in small numbers, but not
Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus. Migrant. recorded in all years, with extreme dates from 23
Recorded in fair numbers in all months, but less August to 2 May (Harris 1973). Most frequently
common in boreal summer (April to mid-July; reported from Santa Cruz (Castro and Phillips
Harris 1973). There are two skins and one partial 1996), but this may be a result of the greater
skeleton in the MECCD. number of observers on that island. Also reported
on Floreana, Marchena, and Isabela (Castro and
Greater Yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca. Phillips 1996), and Fernandina and Genovesa in
Migrant. Known from Santiago, Isabela, Santa August 2002 (Thalia Grant). Snodgrass and
Cruz, and Floreana (Castro and Phillips 1996). Heller (1904) reported one taken in January.
Lévêque et al. (1966) reported six records, Harris
(1973) reported six more, and Thalia Grant and Ruddy Turnstone, Arenaria interpres. Migrant.
Greg Estes report three more. Most records are Harris (1973) described the turnstones as a very
from April (five of 12), but there are records from common migrant, always present but most
all months except May, June, and August. common from August to March. There are two
skin specimens in the MECCD.
Lesser Yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes. Migrant.
Uncommon, and most records are from 8 Black Turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala.
October – 9 May (Harris 1973). Recorded from Vagrant. Harris (1982) reports two records
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without details, but he lists one record, 29 beach (Castro and Phillips 1996). There are three
September 1968, in the highlands of San skin specimens in the MECCD.
Cristóbal, in his previous publication (Harris
1973). Castro and Phillips (1996) mention one Semipalmated Sandpiper, Calidris pusilla.
record from the highlands of San Cristóbal, which Vagrant. As with other migratory species, it has
may refer to the 1968 sighting. been recorded occasionally during northern
winter. Three were collected on Floreana on 24
Surfbird, Aphriza virgata. Vagrant. Lévêque et November 1961 (Lévêque et al. 1966). Sightings
al. (1966) reported one collected on Santiago, 25- include two seen on Floreana on 14 March 1971
26 October 1961, now in Museum National (Harris 1973), and one at Cormorant Point,
D’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Harris (1973) listed Floreana, on 30 November 1978 by J. W. de
the species as a “migrant in very small numbers,” Roever (Harris, personal communication); eight
with additional dates of 6 November 1961 (Santa were seen at that same location on 23 December
Cruz); 21 October 1966 on Plaza (Sur?), 20 1983, five a week later on 30 December 1983, and
March 1970 (Puerto Villamil, Isabela), and 7 Sept two on 9 April 1992 (Mark Van Beirs);
1971, and April 1972. The small number of observations at James Bay, Santiago, on 28
sightings however, suggest it is not a regular October 1972, and at Academy Bay, Santa Cruz,
migrant. Sightings are mainly during northern on 18 November 1972 (Harris 1973), and one at
winter. La Lobería, San Cristóbal on 22 November 1997
(CDRS archives).
Red Knot, Calidris canutus. Vagrant. Harris
(1973) reported one bird at Cormorant Point, Western Sandpiper, Calidris mauri. Vagrant.
Floreana, on 10 May 1969, and one was recorded Lévêque et al. (1966) reported one bird Santiago
at Poza de las Diablas, just west of Puerto bird collected on 26 October 1961 (in Museum
Villamil, Isabela, on 2 November 1976 by Robert National D’Histoire Naturelle, Paris). Harris
Tindle (Harris, personal communication). These (1982) reported small numbers in most years.
are presumably the two records mentioned in Specific sightings include Santiago (20 September
Harris (1982). Probably one bird was seen 1968 and 28 October 1972); Floreana (24
repeatedly on five dates at Espinosa Point, November 1961 and 2 December 1972); Santa Fe
Fernandina, from 26 October 1983 to 29 February (30 October 1970; Harris 1973); Tortuga Bay (4
1984, and during this same time period one (same December 1997; CDRS archives) Garrapatero
bird?) was seen on Rábida, on 11 December 1983 Beach (2 January 2004; personal observation) and
(Mark Van Beirs). A sighting was made on Plaza Barrio Estrada, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz (6
Sur on 29 October 1997 of a bird in winter March 2004; Thalia Grant and Greg Estes). Mark
plumage by Josefina Arévalo, and the same year a Van Beirs reported one, two, or three birds (same
month later, on 24 November 1997, at Cormorant individuals?) at Cormorant Point, Floreana,
Point, Floreana, three birds were seen by J. H. throughout 1984: 28 January 1984, 2 April 1984,
Hansen and D. G. Christiansen (records in CDRS 13 April 1984, 29 July 1984, and 28 September
archives). Two were seen among other shorebirds 1984. There are apparently no specimens.
on Fernandina on 12 April 2001 (Paul Coopmans,
personal communication). Least Sandpiper, Calidris minutilla. Migrant.
The species occurs in small numbers each year,
Sanderling, Calidris alba. Migrant. As pointed with the majority, though not all, records from
out by Harris (1973), this is a common migrant in September to 9 May (Harris 1973), but most
flocks of up to 100, although more commonly in common October - April (Swash and Still 2000).
smaller flocks (personal observation). Although it Records include Floreana, San Cristóbal, Santa
is most common in northern winter (Swash and Cruz, and Santiago (Castro and Phillips 1996).
Still 2000), like the Whimbrel and some other There are four skin specimens in the MECCD,
shorebirds, it is found throughout the year. It is including one collected on Santa Cruz on 29 July
recorded from all islands except Pinzón, 1962, a late boreal summer date although perhaps
Genovesa, Wolf, and Darwin, none of which has a an early migrant.
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also reported one northwest of Española on 11 distributed, the gulls are certainly scarce now,
November 1983. Castro and Phillips (1996) list a with no more than the 800 individuals estimated
record from Elizabeth Bay, western Isabela, but by Snow and Snow (1969). The population
with no date or year. centers are the towns of Puerto Ayora (Santa
Cruz), Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (San Cristóbal),
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis. Vagrant. and Puerto Villamil (Isabela). A survey lead by
An adult was photographed on Plaza Sur on 30 Diógenes Aguirre in April 2005 produced an
June 1983 by C. V. Peterson and M. D. F. estimate of 40 individuals on southern Santa Cruz,
Udvardy (Harris personal communication). from Garrapatero Beach to Tortuga Beach, an area
Harris also says there are several undocumented which includes Puerto Ayora. There are four skin
records including one in the 1950s (Robert and one anatomical specimens in the MECCD.
Laughing Gull, Larus atricilla. Migrant. There
Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus. Vagrant. One are a number of records, mostly October May,
adult was seen at Tagus Cove, Isabela, on 15 with sightings from Isabela, San Cristóbal (Castro
December 1973 (Harris 1975). One was and Phillips 1996), Santa Cruz, and Genovesa.
photographed at Cerro Colorado, Santa Cruz, on One adult was collected off Santa Cruz on 19
26 December 1996 by Hernán Vargas (CDRS February 1962 (Lévêque et al. 1966), and
archives). This location is within sight of Plaza Lévêque (1966) also reports one off southwestern
Sur Island, where two birds have been seen Isabela on 12 March 1960. Harris (1973) reported
repeatedly since 1999 (Howard and Heidi Snell). several seen and photographed at various places at
A bird was seen on 8 August 2000 by Juan Freile, the end of 1972. A flock of about 35 was
one was photographed on Plaza Sur in May 2003 recorded on Genovesa in 1983 (Curry and
(CDRS archives), and probably the same bird was Stoleson 1988). Mark Van Beirs reported a
seen by the author on Plaza Sur on 22 June 2003 number of sightings of between one and 40
and three times in 2004, on 11 May, 6 June, and individuals from 8 January to 22 August 1984 at
15 July 2004, and the species was seen there on Suárez Point (Española), Cormorant Point
19 June 2005 by Mark Beaman. Although the (Floreana), Bartolomé, and Espinosa Point
bird(s) have been seen carrying nesting material, (Fernandina). Hernán Vargas reported a flock of
there has been no evidence of reproduction. 12 subadults in mixed flock with Franklin’s and
Lava gulls at Pampas Coloradas soccer field in
Gray-headed Gull, Larus cirrocephalus. Vagrant. Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz on 30 January 1998
An adult was photographed on 9 August 1978 on (archives of CDRS). There are five skull-only
San Cristóbal, presumably at Puerto Baquerizo specimens in the MECCD.
Moreno (Jones 2000). Mark Van Beirs reported
one in breeding plumage at Puerto Baquerizo Frankin's Gull, Larus pipixcan. Migrant. This is
Moreno on 30 July 1991. Godfrey Merlen among the most common winter visitors to
reported one at Puerto Villamil, Isabela, on 28 Galapagos, mostly October-May, and is seen
December 1983, and presumably the same bird throughout the archipelago. Harris (1973) pointed
was seen on 18 January 1984. Local residents out that the majority are immatures. Flocks
reported that this, or several, birds had visited the usually seem to number less than ten, but Hernán
area for two years (Harris, personal Vargas reported a flock of 84 at Pampas
communication). Coloradas soccer field in Puerto Ayora, Santa
Cruz on 30 January 1998 (archives of CDRS), and
Lava Gull, Larus fuliginosus Gould 1841. a flock of 50 to 70 individuals (possibly the same
Breeding, endemic species. Snodgrass and Heller birds?) was seen on Rábida on 18 February 1998
(1904) and Salvin (1876) reported the species to by Josefina Arévalo (CDRS archives). In addition
be “common” throughout the archipelago, but to the report above, large flocks were also
absent from Darwin and Wolf. Gifford (1913), reported by Vargas from November 1997 at Post
however, seemed to indicate that the gulls were Office Bay, Floreana, and Puerto Ayora in
nowhere abundant. Although still widely December 1997 – January 1998, also possibly the
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same individuals. Vargas suggested that large Gifford (1913) reported them as far south as Los
numbers of Franklin’s Gulls were usually seen in Cuatro Hermanos islets on 19 August 1906.
El Niño years. There is one skin and two skeleton
specimens in the MECCD, and one was collected Black Tern, Chlidonias niger. Vagrant. One
in March at Mangle Point, Fernandina (Snodgrass immature was found dead at James Bay, Santiago,
and Heller 1904). on 17 November 1973 (Harris 1975), but the
specimen has been apparently lost. Curry and
Swallow-tailed Gull, Creagrus furcatus (Néboux Stoleson (1988) reported the species from
1840). Breeding, near-endemic; the only Genovesa on 29 and 30 January 1983, and Paul
population outside Galapagos is on Malpelo Coopmans (personal communication)
Island, Colombia (Harris 1973). Nests throughout photographed four at Espinosa Point, Fernandina,
the archipelago (Harris 1973). There are two skin on 1 December 1993.
and three skeletons in the MECCD.
Brown Noddy, Anous stolidus galapagensis
Elegant Tern, Thalasseus elegans. Ben Haase (Sharpe 1879). Breeding, endemic subspecies.
photographed a single bird on 9 February 2005 at Occurs throughout the archipelago (Harris 1973).
Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, San Cristóbal (CDRS There is one skin specimen in the MECCD.
archives). A single bird was sighted previously at
Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz, in December 1995 by White Tern, Gygis alba. Vagrant. One was
Godfrey Merlen (Harris, personal recorded off Genovesa on 14 September 1906
communication), but without further details. (Gifford 1913, Harris 1981). Swash and Still
(2000) stated that there are “very few records,” as
Royal Tern, Thalasseus maximus. Migrant. if there were more than one, but with no details.
Usually in low numbers, and the majority of The record reported by Castro and Phillips (1996)
records are from January-March (Harris 1973), was at sea 480 km southwest of the islands, which
but also recorded from all other months except is outside the territorial waters.
April and May (Castro and Phillips 1996),
including two birds seen 14-17 July 2003 at Rock Pigeon, Columba livia. Breeding,
Puerto Villamil, Isabela (personal observation). introduced species. The species was introduced
The majority of records seem to be from southern and feral populations established on Santa Cruz,
Isabela, at Puerto Villamil and Quinta Playa, but San Cristóbal, and Isabela, primarily around the
other locations include Santa Cruz (Castro and towns and in the agricultural zone. Eradication
Phillips 1996). efforts have eliminated Rock Pigeons from Santa
Cruz (2002), and likely on San Cristóbal in 2004
Common Tern, Sterna hirundo. Migrant. Occurs and Isabela in July 2005. If the eradication on the
regularly in very low numbers. One immature latter two islands is confirmed, the species would
was collected on Española on 26 November 1961 be eradicated from the archipelago. The species
(Lévêque et al. 1966). Two were photographed at was apparently once established on Floreana, but
Puerto Villamil, Isabela, in March 1970 (Harris was extinguished there naturally (Felipe Cruz,
1973), and the species was observed on 29-30 personal communication), possibly one of the few
January 1983 on Genovesa by Curry and Stoleson instances worldwide of natural extinction in the
(1988). It has also been recorded off Santa Cruz species. There are seven skin specimens in the
and San Cristóbal (Castro and Phillips 1996), MECCD.
Daphne Major (Thalia Grant), and Fernandina
(personal observation). Harris (1973) listed the Eared Dove, Zenaida auriculata. Vagrant.
extreme dates as August to March, although the Recorded on Champion Island by B. Rosemary
bird was seen off Daphne Major in April 1980. and Peter R. Grant in August 1980 (archives of
CDRS). One was observed at Los Gemelos,
Sooty Tern, Sterna fuscata crissalis. Breeding. Santa Cruz, on 13 September 1983, by P.
The species breeds on Darwin Island but is rarely Delacretaz (Harris, personal communication).
seen elsewhere in the archipelago (Harris 1973). Other records include one bird on 29 January
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1984 at the Charles Darwin Research Station, There exists the possibility, however, that the
Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz (archives of CDRS), species is self-introduced as was Cattle Egret,
and one recorded at CDRS on 10 August 1985 by arriving on its own to take advantage of a human-
Curry and Stoleson (1988), who speculated that it altered landscape.
was the same bird as seen in 1984. Early sight records for anis include ones seen
in the interior of Isabela in April 1962, on Santa
Galapagos Dove, Zenaida galapagoensis. Cruz 29 March 1966, and on Santiago in March
Breeding, endemic species. There are two 1967 (Harris 1973). Harris (1982) reported
subspecies described: Z. g. galapagoensis Gould Smooth-billed Anis seen in the farmland of Santa
1841, found throughout most of the archipelago, Cruz in 1980 – 1981.
and Z. g. exsul Rothschild and Hartert 1896, There are nine skin and two skeletons in the
occurring on Darwin and Wolf islands. The MECCD, with the earliest dated August 1985, but
species is most common on islands where there three with earlier accession numbers are undated.
are no feral cats (Harris 1973). There are seven The species is now very common on the larger
skin and five skeletons in the MECCD. islands and many smaller ones (recorded on
Champion, Gardner-by-Floreana, and Plaza Sur).
Red-masked Parakeet, Aratinga erythrogenys. It has not apparently yet become established on
Introduced. Vargas (1996b) reported seeing one Fernandina. Although recorded from Genovesa
on 21 April 1996 on San Cristóbal. This would following the 1997-1998 El Niño event, it did not
have been most likely an escaped pet. The become established. It is not clear yet if
species has not become established on the islands, eradication efforts have eliminated the small
and the bird most likely perished. population on Marchena, although it is most
Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus.
Vagrant. An immature was found dead on Barn Owl, Tyto alba punctatissima (Gray 1841).
Española 16 May 1970 (Harris 1973); skeleton Breeding, endemic subspecies. Occurs on most of
specimen in the MECCD. the larger islands, possibly extinct on Floreana
(Harris 1973). There are 11 skin and one skeleton
Dark-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus melacoryphus. specimens in the MECCD.
Breeding. Although the species is common on
most of the larger islands and even found on some Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus galapagoensis
of the smaller ones such as Plaza Sur (personal (Gould 1837). Breeding, endemic subspecies.
observation), Harris (1973) noted that it is rare on Known from all the main islands except Wolf,
Santiago, where it was not recorded before 1966, although (Harris 1973) reported only two records
and there is only a single record on Santa Fe on 10 from Fernandina (specimen collected 9 January
July 1906. There are 17 skins, five skeletons, one 1929 and a sight record on 3 July 1971). It also
pickled adult, and one pickled chick in the occurs regularly on smaller islands, for example
MECCD. Gardner-by-Floreana (Rothschild et al. 1899),
Rábida, Champion, and Plaza Sur (personal
Smooth-billed Ani, Crotophaga ani. Breeding, observation). On these smaller islands it is
introduced species. See the account for Groove- usually seen with nesting seabirds, but not known
billed Ani in the section on Problematic and to nest in those areas (Harris 1973). The MECCD
Hypothetical Species. The species was apparently has five skins and eight skeletons.
introduced intentionally in the early 1960s either
on Isabela or Santa Cruz islands, although the first Common Nighthawk, Chordeiles minor. Migrant.
published records (Harris 1973) of anis were on The species appears to be a fairly regular
Isabela in April 1962. It was apparently thought transient. Records are from Española, Isabela,
to be a biological control to remove ticks from Fernandina, and Santa Cruz (Castro and Phillips
cattle, following the local belief that when the 1996). Two birds were seen at Suárez Point,
birds perch on cattle they are feeding on the ticks; Española, 22-24 November 1963, but the
hence the local name “garrapatero” for anis. identification of these birds is not certain
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(Lévêque et al. 1966). One was recorded at subspecies could be recognized: P. r. nanus
Cevallos Point, Española, 12 December 1970, and (Gould 1841), occurring on most islands, and P. r.
one was heard calling in crater of Alcedo dubius (Gould 1841), from San Cristóbal. Salvin
Volcano, Isabela, during night of 23 April 1971 (1876), however, suggested that specimens of P.
(Harris 1973). Curry and Stoleson (1988) also r. dubius were instead juvenile males of P. r.
heard one on Genovesa in March 1983. Puerto nanus. There are three skin specimens in the
Ayora, Santa Cruz, records include December MECCD, all from Bellavista, Santa Cruz, in 1962.
1975 by Walter Cruz, who mentioned that he had Although once quite common, the species has
seen the species several times before (Harris, become uncommon to rare. A hint of its previous
personal communication), and one on 12 abundance is given by Rothschild et al. (1899),
November 2002 (personal observation). There are who mentioned the numbers of specimens
no specimens. collected during the expedition: 24 on Santiago,
36 on Santa Cruz, 16 on Isabela, 19 on Pinzón, 42
Chimney Swift, Chaetura pelagica. Vagrant. on Floreana, six on Pinta and three on Marchena.
Three sight records, all from the same island: a The species is now probably the rarest breeding
single bird at Gardner Bay, Española, on 28 species on Santa Cruz, with possibly a total
October 1977 by K. K. Malmstrom (Harris 1981), population now on the island no more than the 36
one at Suárez Point, Española, on 17 November individuals collected during the Rothschild
1983 (Mark Van Beirs), and at least one expedition. The Vermilion Flycatcher has been
individual by Lelis Navarrete on 25 November extirpated from San Cristóbal, with the last sight
2005 at Suárez Point, Española (CDRS archives). record in the 1980s (Bob Curry, personal
communication), although Snodgrass and Heller
Belted Kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon. Migrant. (1904) had reported it as “fairly common” on the
Occurs in small numbers and apparently not every island. It seems to be at best uncommon on most
year. Recorded during seven northern winters in islands where it does still occur.
the years from 1961-1971, and most other years The reasons for the species’s decline and
since, with extreme dates of 20 October to 20 disappearance are unknown. It seems unrelated to
March. Most of these records were at Academy introduced cats or rats. It has disappeared from
Bay, Santa Cruz, but also from the north side of islands with no introduced rats or cats (e.g., Santa
Santa Cruz, Daphne (Major?), Genovesa, Fe, which has an endemic rat), never occurred in
Española, Isabela (Puerto Villamil, lagoon at any numbers on islands without cats or introduced
Elizabeth Bay), and Floreana (Harris 1973). or endemic rats (Española), and persists on islands
Apparently no specimens have been taken. with introduced and endemic rats (Santiago).
Possible causes for the decline should consider
Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus. these factors, but also introduced diseases and
Breeding, endemic subspecies. Breeds on most parasites as well.
main islands except Santa Fe (where five
specimens were taken; last seen there in 1929), Galapagos Flycatcher, Myiarchus magnirostris
Rábida (seven specimens taken; last in 1906), (Gray 1841). Breeding, endemic species.
Wolf Island (single specimen, 24 September Frequently called “Large-billed Flycatcher.” The
1906), and Española (single sight record species is found on all of the main islands and
December 1970); the species is unrecorded on many smaller ones except, as pointed out by
Darwin and Genovesa islands (Harris 1973). Snodgrass and Heller (1904) on Wolf, Darwin,
Although reported by Gifford (1919) on Baltra, and Genovesa islands. However, Harris (1973)
there are no recent records. reported a record from Genovesa (14 September
The taxonomy of this species has been very 1906), three birds on Wolf (24 September 1906),
confusing. Ridgway (1896) mentions five and a bird caught at sea near Darwin Island on 25
“species” (considered even by most other authors July 1897. There are ten skin, one skeleton, and
of the time as subspecies): nanus, dubius, one pickled specimens in the MECCD.
intercedens, carolensis, and abingdoni (the latter
three of which he himself described). Two
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Eastern Kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus. Vagrant. Bank Swallow, Riparia riparia. Vagrant. There
A sighting by M. Jones on Genovesa in May 1983 are few records: 19 April 1932 on Española by
(Curry and Stoleson 1988), and a single bird seen Harry S. Swarth, and two birds were seen at
on the northern end of Santa Fe on 9 June 1995 by Suárez Point, on the same island on both 22
Coopmans (1996) constitute the only records of September and 6 November 1980 by Godfrey
the species in Galapagos. There are apparently no Merlen (Harris, personal communication). Mark
specimens. Van Beirs also recorded the swallow at Suárez
Point, Española, with two on 11 November 1983
Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus. Vagrant. There and one on 9 December 1983. The swallow was
are apparently only two records, one very vague: recorded on 20-21 October 1961 on Genovesa
“on Wolf during 1982-83 El Niño” (Castro and (Lévêque et al. 1966). Castro and Phillips (1996)
Phillips 1996). The second is of a sight record cited a record from San Cristóbal without date or
from Cormorant Point on 26 September 2002 further information. Harris (1973) stated that the
(CDRS archives). There are no known species had been recorded on 12 dates dispersed
specimens. through the year, but did not give those dates.
There is one skin specimen in the MECCD, from
Purple Martin, Progne subis. Vagrant. The Española on 10 March 1968.
species has been recorded only a few times in
Galapagos. Harris (1973) gave the first record as Cliff Swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota.
October 1964, and mentioned females or Vagrant. There are apparently only four records
immatures recorded on various dates on Española and no specimens. One was seen 100 km north of
(including two males at Española on 17 October Darwin Island on 13 April 1932 (Lévêque et al.
1972) and Santa Cruz, further stating that between 1966). The species was recorded at Suárez Point,
June and December 1970 at least four were seen Española, in April 1977 by M. Burns and on 4
regularly at Suárez Point, Española. There are June 1979 by R. Tomkins (Harris 1981), and by
two skin specimens in the MECCD, from Paul Coopmans at Gardner Bay, Española, on 11
Española 17 December 1970, and from Pinta in August 1990.
September 1985.
Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica. Migrant. Seen
Galapagos Martin, Progne modesta (Gould 1839). most years during the northern winter (Harris
Breeding, endemic species. The species occurs in 1973), and most specific sightings are in the
very small numbers throughout the archipelago boreal fall, between September and November,
except the five most northern islands and Rábida; although Snodgrass and Heller (1904) include
very rare on Española and not resident there several individuals flying over Española in May.
(Harris 1973). Snodgrass and Heller (1904) Other specific sightings include one on Santa Fe
reported it as “very abundant at some places [on on 21 September 1980 (Godfrey Merlen; Harris
Isabela], especially Elizabeth Bay.” Gifford personal communication), 11 and 12 October
(1919) reported the species on Isabela, Santa Fe, 1905 (Gifford 1919) and 5 and 12 October 1925
Floreana, San Cristóbal, Daphne (Major?), on Floreana (with five specimens collected;
Pinzón, Edén, Santa Cruz, Santiago, and Baltra, Lévêque et al. 1966), and an additional five
although the birds seen at Daphne and Edén may specimens from October and November 1897 on
be visitors from the nearby populations on Santa Floreana (Rothschild et al. 1899), one on 2
Cruz and Baltra. It is nowadays quite scarce, November 2002 at the entrance to Galapagos
generally seen around mangroves or at the National Park headquarters, Puerto Ayora, Santa
summits of the large volcanoes, and recent Cruz, and one on southern Marchena on 16
records include Isabela (near Puerto Villamil; October 2004 (personal observation). Mark Van
Sierra Negra volcano; mangroves at Elizabeth Beirs reported two at Suárez Point, Española, on
Bay, mangroves at Albemarle Point), southeastern 11 November 1983. Harris (1973) states that non-
Baltra, Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora, Los Gemelos, breeding individuals may pass the northern
Media Luna). summer in the islands, as is the case with some of
the shorebirds.
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on Marchena (Latitude 0.30800° S, Longitude three skins and one pickled adult and three
90.90501° W) on 27 October 2002 by Dorsey pickled chicks in the MECCD collection.
Burger, probably dead less than a week, specimen
in the MECCD. Lévêque et al. (1966) reported a Large Tree-Finch, Camarhynchus psittacula
sighting by Miguel Castro on 28 October 1964 of Gould 1837. Breeding, endemic species. The
a female-plumaged tanager “of uncertain identity” species is found on all main islands except
in the agricultural area of southwestern Santa Española, Genovesa, Wolf and Darwin. It does
Cruz, that was olive-green with dark wings. M. not now breed on Santa Fe, although specimens
Harris (personal communication) mentioned were collected there on 20 October 1906, three
another possible record of a male being specimens 6-7 October 1897, and sight records
photographed on Floreana on 23 October 1987 by May 1966 and 16 September 1968. It is extinct
B. Gadsby, but there is no confirmation and the on Pinzón, where it was last seen in 1906 (Harris
photograph cannot be located. 1973). Three subspecies have been described: C.
p. psittacula (Baltra, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz,
Warbler Finch, Certhidea olivacea Gould 1837. Floreana, Pinzón, Rábida, Santiago, and possibly
Breeding, endemic species. Occurs on all of the San Cristóbal); C. p. affinis (Isabela, Fernandina);
main islands. Eight subspecies have been and C. p. habeli (Pinta, Marchena). There is one
described: C. o. olivacea (Fernandina, Isabela, skin in the MECCD.
Seymour, Santa Cruz, Pinzón, Rábida, Santiago);
C. o. becki (Darwin and Wolf islands); C. o. Medium Tree-Finch, Camarhynchus pauper
bifasciata (Santa Fe); C. o. cinerascens Ridgway 1889. Breeding, endemic species. The
(Española); C. o. fusca (Marchena, Pinta), C. o. species occurs only on Floreana. There is one
luteola (San Cristóbal); C. o. mentalis skin and four pickled specimens in the MECCD.
(Genovesa); and C. o. ridgwayi (Floreana). One
skin specimen is in the MECCD collection. Small Tree-Finch, Camarhynchus parvulus
(Gould, 1837). Breeding, endemic species.
Vegetarian Finch, Platyspiza crassirostris Gould Occurs on all main islands except Darwin, Wolf,
1837. Breeding, endemic species. The species Marchena, Genovesa, Española, although there
occurs on all main islands except Santa Fe, are two specimens from Wolf Island from 24
Darwin, Wolf, Genovesa, and Española. There September 1906 (Harris 1973). Two subspecies
are five skin specimens from Pinzón in 1897 and have been described: C. p. parvulus and C. p.
1899, but the species has not been seen there since salvini (only San Cristóbal). There are six skins
(Harris 1973). There are five specimens in the and one pickled specimens in the MECCD.
Mangrove Finch, Camarhynchus heliobates
Woodpecker Finch, Camarhynchus pallidus Snodgrass and Heller 1901. Breeding, endemic
(Sclater and Salvin 1870). Breeding, endemic species. The species now occurs only at two
species. This is the famous tool-using finch of locations 2 km apart on western Isabela (Dvorak
Galapagos. Harris (1973) listed the species as et al. 2004), although it was once more widely
breeding on Isabela, Fernandina (probably), Santa distributed on Isabela and Fernandina. Harris
Cruz, Santiago, San Cristóbal, and Pinzón (1973) reported it from the dense mangroves of
(rarely). It has also been recorded on Rábida eastern Fernandina (seen at Mangle Point in 1971
(specimens 1897 and 1905), Floreana (specimen but not for many years previously at Espinosa
taken on 11 October 1905) and Santa Fe (two Point) and the west coast of Isabela between
sight records 15 September 1968), and a sight Tortuga Point and Moreno Point, and mentioned
record on Pinta 24 August 1968 (Harris 1973). specimens from southeastern Isabela in the early
Three subspecies have been described: C. p. 1900s and one from August 1971 at Cartago Bay,
pallidus (Santiago, Rábida, Pinzón, Santa Cruz, Isabela (Harris 1973). Snodgrass and Heller
Baltra); C. p. productus (Fernandina and Isabela); (1904) reported it being found at Tagus Cove,
and C. p. striatipectus (San Cristóbal). There are Isabela, (specimen 4186 at Stanford University
Museum), and collected seven on Fernandina and
Check List 2006: 2(2)
ISSN: 1809-127X
19 on Isabela, apparently at Tagus Cove, Tortuga (Harris 1973). There are two skin specimens in
Negra Beach, the mangroves at the corner of the MECCD.
Elizabeth Bay; and on Isabela “a few miles west
of Elizabeth Bay.” They also reported birds taken Common Cactus-Finch, Geospiza scandens
by others in 1900 and 1901 from southeastern (Gould 1837). Breeding, endemic species. This
Isabela, abreast of Los Cuatro Hermanos islets species is found on the main islands except
and from “the eastern side of the mountain south Fernandina and islands which have Geospiza
of the Perry Isthmus,” a location that would be conirostris (see below). It is extinct on Pinzón
near Cartago Bay. Very small populations may (Harris 1973). Four subspecies have been
persist at Cartago Bay or elsewhere on described: G. s. scandens (Santiago and Rábida);
southeastern Isabela (Dvorak et al. 2004), but G. s. abingdoni (Pinta); G. s. intermedia (Santa
recent visits (2003) have located no birds. Fe, Floreana, Santa Cruz, Isabela, Pinzón; and G.
s. rothschildi (Marchena). There are 13 skin and
Small Ground-Finch, Geospiza fuliginosa Gould four pickled specimens in the MECCD.
1837. Breeding, endemic species. Possibly the
most abundant land bird in Galapagos. Harris Medium Ground-Finch, Geospiza fortis Gould,
(1973) listed the species as common on all the 1837. Breeding, endemic species. Harris (1973)
main islands except Darwin, Genovesa, and Wolf, said the species is “widespread on all main islands
although six individuals were collected there on except Darwin, Genovesa, and Wolf (where one
24 September 1906. There are 27 skins, three collected 24 September 1906)…in 1905-1906
skeletons, and ten pickled specimens in the fifteen non-breeding birds were collected on
MECCD. Española, but they may be stragglers or part of a
now-extinct population; an early record from
Large Ground-Finch, Geospiza magnirostris Genovesa was a mislabeled specimen.” There are
Gould 1837. Breeding, endemic species. Harris 59 skins, 13 skeletons, and seven pickled
(1973) listed the species from all the main islands specimens in the MECCD.
except San Cristóbal, Darwin, and Española, and
said that three specimens from Fernandina Large Cactus-Finch, Geospiza conirostris
(January and April 1899) and two from Santa Fe Ridgway 1890. Breeding, endemic species.
(October 1897 and October 1905) could refer to According to Harris (1973), the species is
stragglers or extinct populations. Harris (1975) common on Española and Genovesa. It bred in
mentioned another record from Fernandina on 13 1966 on Wolf Island, but otherwise there is only
December 1973, and that the species was seen on one other specimen from the island, collected 8
Daphne Major by Peter R. and B. Rosemary Grant January 1963. The status on Darwin Island is
at the same time, implying that there may have confusing, with some specimens referred to this
been general inter-island movements that year. species, but other authors considering them G.
The status of the species on Floreana is not clear. magnirostris. These may have been stragglers or
It is thought to be extinct there, but one specimen an extinct population of either species. There is
from 20 September 1957 may be this species one specimen from Pinta, 27 March 1963, and one
(Harris 1973). There are four skins, six skeletons, specimen perhaps from Gardner-by-Floreana on
and one pickled specimens in the MECCD. 31 October 1897, although it may have been a
straggler or mislabeled (Harris 1973). Three
Sharp-beaked Ground-Finch, Geospiza difficilis subspecies have been named: G. c. conirostris
Sharpe 1888. Breeding, endemic species. Occurs (Española); G. c. darwinii (Darwin and Wolf
on Santiago, Fernandina, Pinta, Genovesa, Wolf, islands); and G. c. propinqua (Genovesa). Two
and Darwin islands (Harris 1973). Previously skins and two skeletons are in the MECCD, all
recorded on Santa Cruz, but disappeared some from Española.
time between 1932 and 1939 (Lack 1945).
Although there are old specimens, the species is Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus.
probably extinct on Floreana and San Cristóbal Vagrant. Curry and Stoleson (1988) reported that
at least two were observed on Genovesa on 12
Check List 2006: 2(2)
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April 1983, on four occasions between 15-19 Lévêque et al. (1966) pointed out that the
April 1983, and on 25 and 27 April 1983. During Bobolink occurs in numbers around Lima, Peru,
these sightings two individuals were seen at once, and that the Galapagos Islands are along a
and they suggest there may have been three straight-line route between California and Peru.
individuals. Curry and Stoleson (1988) also cited
a personal communication from Tui de Roy of Problematic and Hypothetical Species
one on seen on Fernandina early in the same year,
1983. J. C. Broyles (writing as Anonymous 1989) Black-browed Albatross, Thalassarche
recorded a bird on Genovesa on 22 June 1989 melanophris. Listed by Castro and Phillips
(photo in the CDRS archives labeled “June 1989, (1996) as “vagrant, one record.” Apparently no
Al Spears”). There are no specimens. specimen was taken. The origin of this record is
Indigo Bunting, Passerina cyanea. Vagrant.
Millington and Price (1982) documented an adult Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans / Royal
male seen on Daphne Major on 2 May 1979. Albatross Diomedea epomophora. There are two
records of Diomedea albatrosses from the
Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Migrant. archipelago according to Harris (1973), but he
Harris (1973) reported that this species is most identified only one of those specifically as the
commonly seen between October and December, record reported by Fleming (1950) of one
but occasionally in other months, and numbers albatross seen off Pinta Island on 17 July 1948.
vary greatly from year to year. Castro and Simeon Habel and Theodore Wolf reported the
Phillips (1996) mentioned records from July and species to be very abundant on Española
August, and listed locations on the islands of (Ridgway 1896) but they were surely in error and
Genovesa, and Española. Snodgrass and Heller referring to Phoebastria irrorata (Rothschild et al.
(1904) gave localities on Santiago, Floreana, and 1899). With no specimens or much better details
San Cristóbal. Bowman (1960) mentioned that of sightings, the identification as either D. exulans
one immature was given to him that was obtained or D. epomophora is not now possible.
8 km north of Academy Bay, Santa Cruz, and he
observed some adult birds in August and Southern Fulmar, Fulmarus glacialoides.
September of 1957. Lévêque et al. (1966) stated Unattributed record with no date, location, or any
that the species is more common in fall than other details by Castro and Phillips (1996).
spring, and reported a bird captured alive on
Genovesa on 25 July 1963; specimen in Mottled Petrel, Pterodroma inexpectata.
Alexander Koenig Museum, Bonn. One was seen Francisco Cruz (personal communication)
at Suárez Point, Española on 27 April 1980 reported an exhausted bird which may have been
(Gayle Davis; Harris personal communication), this species grounded on Cerro San Joaquín, San
three were seen at the same site on 17 November Cristóbal in July 2002; the bird later flew away.
1983 and one on 9 December 1983 (Mark Van Lévêque et al. (1966) gave a record by Palmer on
Beirs), and two more were reported there on 22 6 September 1956, but says it was reported well
April 2004 (CDRS archives). A. de Roy reported outside the Galapagos area. There are no
one on Pinta on 26 September 1980 (Harris, specimens.
personal communication), and Mark Van Beirs
and David Wolf reported that one landed on board White-winged Petrel, Pterodroma leucoptera.
the ship halfway between Bartolomé and Unattributed records are given by Swash and Still
Genovesa on 11 October 1983. The suggestion by (2000) and Castro and Phillips (1996). Paul
Swash and Still (2000) that records from San Greenfield (personal communication) saw a bird
Cristóbal indicate the species may be resident possibly of this species between Española and San
there and could be breeding are erroneous. There Cristóbal on 12 November 2005. Lévêque et al.
are two specimens in the MECCD, a skin on 20 (1966) gave as the only specimen records birds
November 1970 from Marchena and a skeleton on collected by Rollo Beck at approximately 4° S
26 November 1978 from Gardner-by-Española. latitude, 93° W longitude, about 375 km
Check List 2006: 2(2)
ISSN: 1809-127X
southwest of the nearest island, just at or beyond once,” but with no details. Sight identification is
the 200 nm territorial limit. probably reliable, but with no further information
the species must remain on the hypothetical list.
Macronectes sp. (either Southern Giant-Petrel,
Macronectes giganteus, or Northern Giant-Petrel, Green Heron, Butorides virescens. Vargas
Macronectes halli). One carcass, dead for a long (1996a) reported seeing and photographing one on
time, found in April 1978 on Pinta Island, and not 28 March 1996 at the lake “Pozo de Claudio
identified to species (Harris 1981), skeleton Cruz” at 400 m elevation on Floreana. Because of
specimen now in MECCD. the difficulty of identifying Butorides herons (for
example, see Striated Heron), without further
Pink-footed Shearwater, Puffinus creatopus. information or being able to locate or examine the
Because the taxonomy of this and the following photograph this species should remain on the
species (P. carneipes) is confusing, with the two hypothetical list.
being considered one species by various authors,
the identity of the birds recorded is difficult to Black-crowned Night-Heron, Nycticorax
discern and verify. Because of the confusion, it nycticorax. Harris (1973) reported one subadult
seems best not to refer records to either species, seen at Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz, on 1 April 1971.
but rather to the Puffinus creatopus / carneipes Because of possible identification confusion of
complex. non-adults with Nyctanassa violacea and lack of
Two records of Puffinus creatopus were reported documentation, this record must remain
in 1972 (Harris 1982). These probably are two of hypothetical.
the three records reported by Harris (1973) for the
species P. carneipes (see below), most likely the Silver Teal, Anas versicolor. The species appears
first two (Puerto Villamil, Isabela, and Pinzón), in a list of birds from the expedition of the
and are apparently the records referred to by Swedish frigate Eugenie, led by Carl Sundevall,
Swash and Still (2000) as being recorded at sea having been collected by the crew member Dr.
off Isabela and Pinzón from October to January. Kinberg, in May 1852 (Gifford 1913). Swarth
(1931) doubted that the specimen was correctly
Flesh-footed Shearwater, Puffinus carneipes. attributed to Galapagos, and suggested that it was
Apparently confounded with Puffinus creatopus probably collected elsewhere. This species should
by Castro and Phillips (1996), who reported the not be considered a part of the Galapagos
apparently same records as Swash and Still (2000) avifauna.
and (Harris 1982), but for P. creatopus (see
previous account). Harris (1973) reported one American Golden-Plover, Pluvialis dominica /
live bird of this species on the coast of Puerto Pacific Golden-Plover, Pluvialis fulva. Vagrant.
Villamil, Isabela, 15 January 1972; one observed There are only sight records. Hatch and Hailman
near Pinzón on 28 October 1972; and three seen (1967) reported two birds at Tortuga Bay, Santa
22 November 1972 off Albemarle Point, Isabela. Cruz, on 18 November 1962, and there is a record
This latter record does not appear to be included of one bird of either of these species at the same
by Harris (1982) for the species P. creatopus (see site on 4 December 1997 (CDRS archives).
previous entry), so did Harris (1982) consider the Harris (1982) reported three records. It is not
Albemarle Point records to be P. carneipes? clear whether these records refer to P. dominica or
P. fulva, because most of them date from before
Ringed Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma hornbyi. the species was split and observers such as Hatch
Harris (personal communication) mentioned two and Hailman (1967) did not distinguished the
birds he saw on 28 April 1967 at the eastern forms. Hayman et al. (1986) list Galapagos for
fringe of the study area, but with no further details records of the Pacific Golden-Plover, but the
they should remain as hypothetical. source of the record is not clear. Swash and Still
(2000) reported one record of Pacific Golden-
Tricolored Heron, Egretta tricolor. Swash and Plover, but with no supporting details; therefore, it
Still (2000) reported the species as “recorded is not possible to determine to which species this
Check List 2006: 2(2)
ISSN: 1809-127X
record refers. Paul Coopmans reported a Pacific / migrates trans-equatorially, but the few number of
American Golden-Plover at Espinosa Point, records for any skua suggest that they do not pass
Fernandina, in April 2001. Although Mark Van close to the Galapagos archipelago.
Beirs reported one as an American Golden-Plover
on Genovesa on 2 April 1992, without further Parasitic Jaeger, Stercorarius parasticus. As
evidence it seems best not to refer records to pointed out by Castro and Phillips (1996), there
either species, but rather to the Pluvialis dominica are no confirmed records. The species was
/ Pluvialis fulva complex. “probably” seen off Isabela on 3 December 1978
by J. W. de Roever (Harris 1981). Harris (1982)
Eskimo Curlew, Numenius borealis. Ridgway cited “several ‘probable’ records.” With no
(1896) reported this species as “Casual in the further information the species must remain on the
Galapagos Archipelago: [Floreana] Island hypothetical list.
(Markham),” apparently citing a record in Salvin
(1876). Rothschild et al. (1899) examined the Long-tailed Jaeger, Stercorarius longicaudus. As
Markham specimen and wrote that Salvin’s listing with Stercorarius parasiticus, there are no
of N. borealis from Floreana was apparently a confirmed records. Harris (1981) wrote that the
“slip of the pen,” because the specimen was N. species was “probably” seen in February 1979 by
phaeopus. There is no evidence that Eskimo R. J. Tomkins.
Curlew ever occurred in the Galapagos, and the
species should not be considered a part of the Groove-billed Ani, Crotophaga sulcirostris.
Galapagos avifauna. Despite many published references (Harris 1973,
Harris 1981, Harris 1982, Swash and Still 2000)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Tryngites subruficollis. to this species occurring in Galapagos, there are
Swash and Still (2000) listed one record, but with no specimens, photographs, or written
no details. Although the record may be valid, descriptions of sight records as evidence. Harris
with no further information the species must (1981) was still reporting this species, but not
remain on the hypothetical list. reporting Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani),
although Harris (1982) reported both species.
Great Skua, Stercorarius skua. Because the It is certainly true that all anis in Galapagos now
taxonomy of this and the following species (S. are Smooth-billed Anis, and all specimens dating
maccormicki) is confusing, the identity of the back to at least 1985 are that species (see entry for
birds recorded is difficult to discern and verify. Smooth-billed Ani, above). Although it is
Because of the confusion, it seems best not to possible that Groove-billed Anis were introduced
refer records to either species, but rather to the to the Galapagos and later became extinct, with a
Stercorarius skua / maccormicki complex. Harris subsequent introduction of Smooth-billed Anis
(1973) reported one S. skua seen off Cape which became established, this seems unlikely.
Berkeley, Isabela, 12 March 1966, one “probable” “Groove-billed Anis” were reported from Isabela,
off Floreana on 17 January 1971, and Harris Santa Cruz, and Santiago from 1962 to 1967
(personal communication) reported one at (Harris 1973). It seems unlikely that a species
Mosquera Islet on 15 May 1978. See also account that had become so widespread and had persisted
for Stercorarius maccormicki, below. for at least five years would become extinct only
to be replaced by a second introduction.
South Polar Skua, Stercorarius maccormicki. Therefore, in agreement with Castro and Phillips
Castro and Phillips (1996) reported a single (1996), I consider that all records of Groove-
sighting off Cape Berkeley, Isabela, which billed Ani are most likely to have been Smooth-
probably is the same sighting referred to by Harris billed Ani. Groove-billed Ani probably never
(1973) as Stercorarius skua. Harris (1982) also occurred in Galapagos.
reported “one record,” which again may be the
same record, as he did not separate this from Gray-capped Cuckoo, Coccyzus lansbergi.
Great Skua. Swash and Still (2000) suggested Ridgely and Greenfield (2001) state that “the
that this species is possibly overlooked, because it
Check List 2006: 2(2)
ISSN: 1809-127X
species also has been recorded as a vagrant in the seem very small indeed, for few of them have
Galapagos Islands” with no further information. ever made it. Especially the land bird avifauna of
the islands is quite small in comparison with a
Bananaquit, Coereba flaveola. Vagrant. Swash South American continental avifauna for an area
and Still (2000) list “one record” but with no with the same surface extent as the islands, just
further information or attribution. under 8000 km2. Counting only the breeding
(including endemic species and subspecies and
Discussion non-endemic breeding species) and regular
The Galapagos Islands form an archipelago migrant species, the total only comes to 88 (Table
straddling the equator about 1,000 km west of 1). Adding in the 57 vagrant species, the number
South America. As seen by a bird looking from only jumps to 145 species.
the continent, at that distance the islands must
Table 1. Number of species of Galapagos birds by categories, not including the three species erroneously
attributed to the islands (Silver Teal, Eskimo Curlew, and Groove-billed Ani). Note that for the purposes of
this analysis the Red-necked Phalarope and Red Phalarope are considered marine species, because they are
rarely seen ashore during their months in Galapagos.
Status Coast and lagoon Marine Terrestrial Total
Breeding 5 5 2 12
Endemic species 2 5 22 29
Endemic subspecies 5 6 4 15
Introduced 0 0 5 5
Migrant 20 3 4 27
Vagrant 28 15 14 57
Hypothetical 5 11 2 18
Total 65 45 53 163
However, as with other oceanic archipelagos, surrounding waters as Important Bird Areas
endemism in Galapagos is quite high, with half (Freile and Santander 2005).
(50%) of the regular avifauna being endemic at
either the species or subspecies level. If only land One notable pattern within the records reported
birds are considered, the endemism levels are above is that vagrants tend to show up in
extraordinary, with 26 of the 37 (70%) of land Galapagos in clusters. For example, Parkinson’s
bird species being endemic, although 11 of 19 Petrel, Little Blue Heron, American Coot,
(58%) of the “regular” seabirds are endemic as Marbled Godwit, Red Knot, Semipalmated
well. Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, White-rumped
Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, an American /
This high level of endemism within a restricted Pacific Golden-Plover, and unusually large flocks
area such as the Galapagos archipelago of course of Franklin’s Gulls were recorded by a variety of
means that many of the endemic species have observers during the last half of 1997. This
small populations, which in turn leads to period also corresponds to a very strong El Niño
conservation concerns, as the birds face threats event (1997-1998). As the number of observers in
from introduced species and human activities. the archipelago in the years since 1997 has been
This is indeed reflected in the naming of the as high or higher but the high number of unusual
majority of the Galapagos Islands and sightings has not been repeated, it seems likely
Check List 2006: 2(2)
ISSN: 1809-127X
that the unusual birds recorded that year were Albatross Phoebastria irrorata. Marine
related to the El Niño event. A large number of Ornithology 30: 63–69.
unusual sightings also correspond to the 1982- Anonymous. 1989. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak in
1983 El Niño event, with most of these appearing Galápagos. Noticias de Galápagos 48: 2.
near the end of the event, in late 1983 or into Arbogast, B. S., S. V. Drovetski, R. L. Curry, P.
1984. El Niño years seem therefore to be likely T. Boag, G. Seutin, P. R. Grant, B. R.
times to look in Galapagos for unusual bird Grant, and D. J. Anderson. 2006. The
sightings. origin and diversification of Galápagos
mockingbirds. Evolution 60: 370-382.
Despite the tremendous ornithological and Austin, J. J., V. Bretagnolle, and E. Pasquet.
birdwatching community interest in Galapagos, 2004. A global molecular phylogeny of the
few records of bird sightings have been published. small Puffinus shearwaters and implications
In fact, this paper relies very heavily on a fairly for systematics of the Little-Audubon' s
small number of publications and recordings of Shearwater complex. Auk 121: 847-864.
sightings. As mentioned above, perhaps this Banks, R. C., C. Cicero, J. L. Dunn, A. W.
article will stimulate others to come forth with Kratter, P. C. Rasmussen, J. V. Remsen Jr.,
records they already have, or to report future J. D. Rising, and D. F. Stotz. 2002. Forty-
records and sightings. third supplement to the American
Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North
Nearly 200 years of ornithological collecting and American Birds. Auk 119: 897-906.
observing in the Galapagos Islands has produced a Bateman, D., and P. Cooke. 2004. An
comprehensive listing of the birds that breed and aggregation of Purple Gallinules
regularly occur in the archipelago. The list of Porphyrula martinica on Santa Cruz,
species that occur irregularly is much less clear, Galápagos. Cotinga 22: 104-105.
with many species among the vagrant and Boag, P. T., and L. M. Ratcliffe. 1979. First
hypothetical lists not only being represented by no record of a Blackpoll Warbler for the
specimens but having poorly-documented or Galápagos Islands. Condor 81: 218-219.
completely undocumented reports. It is hoped Bowman, R. I. 1960. Report on biological
that future observers will take care to more reconnaissance of the Galapagos Islands
carefully qualify their records of unusual birds in during 1957. Paris. UNESCO.
the Galapagos Islands. Castro, I., and A. Phillips. 1996. A guide to the
birds of the Galapagos Islands. London.
Acknowledgments Christopher Helm Publishers Ltd.
Numerous observers have contributed sightings, Chartier, A. 2001. First record of Hudsonian
and several reviewers have helped to improve the Godwit Limosa haemastica in Galápagos.
manuscript, and more importantly, contributed Cotinga 15: 64-65.
unpublished records. I especially wish to thank Coopmans, P. 1996. Eastern Kingbird sighting.
Mike Harris, on whose previously-published Noticias de Galápagos 56: 4.
works I have heavily relied, but who also pointed Curry, R. L., and S. H. Stoleson. 1988. New bird
out records I had missed and added unpublished records from the Galapagos associated with
records. I also wish to thank Juan Freile, Thalia the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Condor
Grant and Greg Estes, and Paul Coopmans, who 90: 505-507.
also added new records and corrected my errors. Darwin, C. 1845. Journal of researches into the
natural history and geology of the countries
Literature Cited visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle
Anderson, D. J., K. P. Huyvaert, V. Apanius, H. round the world, 2nd ed. London. John
Townsend, C. L. Gillikin, L. D. Hill, F. Murray.
Juola, E. T. Porter, D. R. Wood, C. Dvorak, M., H. Vargas, B. Fessl, and S. Tebbich.
Lougheed, and H. Vargas. 2002. 2004. On the verge of extinction: a survey
Population size and trends of the Waved of the mangrove finch Cactospiza
Check List 2006: 2(2)
ISSN: 1809-127X
heliobates and its habitat on the Galápagos Massachusetts, USA. Stephen Greene
Islands. Oryx 38: 1-9. Press.
Fleming, C. A. 1950. Some South Pacific sea Harris, M. P., and T. de Vries. 1968. White-
bird logs. Emu 49: 169-188. faced Storm-Petrels (Pelagodroma marina),
Freile, J. F., and T. Santander. 2005. Áreas near the Galápagos Islands. Ardea 56: 193.
Imporantes para la Conservación de las Hatch, J. J., and J. P. Hailman. 1967. Golden
Aves en Ecuador. Pp. 283-470. In K. Boyla plovers in Galapagos. Condor 69: 320.
and A. Estrada (eds.), Áreas Importantes Hayman, P., J. Marchant, and T. Prater. 1986.
para la Conservación de las Aves en los Shorebirds: an identification guide to the
Andes Tropicales: sitios prioritarios para la waders of the world. London. Croom
conservación de la biodiversidad. Serie de Helm.
Conservación de BirdLife No. 14. Quito, Hosking, E. 1972. [Photograph of Brown Booby
Ecuador. BirdLife Internacional. plumage, plate 76a.] British Birds 65: 465.
Friesen, V. L., D. J. Anderson, T. E. Steeves, H. Janni, O. 1999. First record of American Coot
Jones, and E. A. Schreiber. 2002. Fulica americana in the Galápagos islands.
Molecular support for the species status of Cotinga 12: 83.
the Nazca Booby. Auk 119: 820-826. Jones, H. L. 2000. First record in the Galápagos
Gifford, E. W. 1913. The birds of the Galápagos Islands of Grey-headed Gull Larus
Islands - expedition of the California cirrocephalus. Cotinga 14: 103.
Academy of Science, 1905 -1906. Part VIII. Kostecke, R. M., and M. V. Kostecke. 2006.
Proceedings of the California Academy of First record of Cinnamon Teal Anas
Sciences 2 (ser. 4): 1-132. cyanoptera in Galápagos. Cotinga 25: 83-
Gifford, E. W. 1919. Field notes on the land 84.
birds of the Galápagos Islands and Cocos Lack, D. 1945. The Galapagos finches
Island, Costa Rica. Proceedings of the (Geospizinae): a study in variation.
California Academy of Sciences 2 (ser. 4): Occasional Papers of the California
189-258. Academy of Sciences 21: 1-159.
Gottdenker, N. L., T. Walsh, H. Vargas, J. Lévêque, R., R. I. Bowman, and S. L. Billeb.
Merkel, G. U. Jiménez, R. E. Miller, M. 1966. Migrants in the Galapagos area.
Dailey, and P. G. Parker. 2005. Assessing Condor 68: 81-101.
the risks of introduced chickens and their Millington, S. J., and T. D. Price. 1982. Birds on
pathogens to native birds in the Galápagos Daphne Major 1979-1981. Noticias de
Archipelago. Biological Conservation 126: Galápagos 35: 25-27.
429–439. Payne, R. B. 1974. Species limits and variation
Grant, P. R., R. L. Curry, and B. R. Grant. 2000. of the New World Green Herons Butorides
A remnant population of the Floreana virescens and Striated Herons Butorides
Mockingbird on Champion Island, striatus. Bulletin of the British
Galápagos. Biological Conservation 92: Ornithologists’ Club 94: 81-88.
285-290. Penhallurick, J., and Wink, M. 2004. Analysis of
Harris, M. P. 1973. The Galápagos avifauna. the taxonomy and nomenclature of
Condor 75: 265-278. Procellariiformes based on complete
Harris, M. P. 1975. Additions to the Galápagos nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial
avifauna. Condor 77: 355. cytochrome b gene. Emu 104: 125-147.
Harris, M. P. 1981. La avifauna de Galápagos. Pérez, S., and J. B. Nowak. 1987. ¿Por primera
Pp. 261-282. In U. Eberhardt (ed.), vez anida la Garza Bueyera en Galápagos?
Compendio de ciencia en Galápagos. Carta Informativa CDRS 20: 4.
Puerto Ayora, Galápagos, Ecuador. Charles Petren, K., B. R. Grant, and P. R. Grant. 1999. A
Darwin Research Station. phylogeny of Darwin' s finches based on
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