Jecs15010a1318 A13272003
Jecs15010a1318 A13272003
Jecs15010a1318 A13272003
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The structure and electrochemistry of FeF3 :C-based carbon metal fluoride nanocomposites 共CMFNCs兲 was investigated in detail
from 4.5 to 1.5 V, revealing a reversible metal fluoride conversion process. These are the first reported examples of a high-capacity
reversible conversion process for positive electrodes. A reversible specific capacity of approximately 600 mAh/g of CMFNCs was
realized at 70°C. Approximately one-third of the capacity evolved in a reaction between 3.5 and 2.8 V related to the cathodic
reduction reaction of Fe3⫹ to Fe2⫹. The remainder of the specific capacity occurred in a two-phase conversion reaction at 2 V
resulting in the formation of a finer Fe:LiF nanocomposite. Upon oxidation, selective area electron diffraction characterization
revealed the reformation of a metal fluoride. Evidence presented suggested that the metal fluoride is related to FeF2 in structure.
A pseudocapacitive reaction is proposed as a possible mechanism for the subsequent Fe2⫹ → Fe3⫹ oxidation reaction. Preliminary
results of FeF2 , NiF2 , and CoF2 CMFNCs were used in the discussion of the electrochemical properties of the reconverted metal
© 2003 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1602454兴 All rights reserved.
Manuscript submitted November 1, 2002; revised manuscript received April 15, 2003. Available electronically August 15, 2003.
The Li-ion battery is the premiere high-energy rechargeable en- and nitride materials. The output voltage of primary conversion re-
ergy storage technology of the present day. Unfortunately, its high actions are rooted in basic thermodynamics and are well understood.
performance still falls short of energy density goals in applications In general, an increase in the Me-X bond ionicity results in an in-
ranging from telecommunications to biomedical. Although a number crease in the output voltage associated with Reaction 1. Therefore
of factors within the battery cell contribute to this performance pa- the output voltage of Reaction 1 would expect to increase through
rameter, the most crucial ones relate to how much energy can be the highly covalent metal nitrides and sulfides, to the metal oxides,
stored in the positive and negative electrode materials of the device. through the inductive effect polyanions 共metal phosphates, metal
The positive electrode of Li-ion batteries is dominated by the borates兲, and finally to the highly ionic metal fluoride and metal
layered Li intercalation compound, LiCoO2 . 1 LiCoO2 has a practi- chloride halogens.
cal reversible specific capacity of 150 mAh/g. Alternative electrode Metal fluorides have been largely ignored as reversible positive
materials such as compounds and solid solutions consisting of electrodes for rechargeable lithium batteries. This is due to their
LiNiO2 2 and LiMn2 O4 3,4 have been introduced in the past. Although insulative nature brought about by their characteristic large bandgap.
the capacity of these materials does not exceed that of LiCoO2 to a Iron trifluoride (FeF3 ) was first reported as showing limited electro-
great extent 共⬍250 mAh/g兲, they are lower in cost and the latter is chemical activity by Arai et al.11 Arai reported a capacity of 80
more environmentally acceptable. For the past decade there has been mAh/g from FeF3 in a discharge voltage region from about 4.5 to 2
an extensive effort to search for new positive electrode materials. V involving the Fe3⫹ to Fe2⫹ redox transition. The poor electronic
Current focus is on layered manganese compounds of the general conductivity combined with a questionable ionic conductivity re-
formula LiMnO2 5 and phosphate materials of the general formula sulted in the disparity between the observed reversible specific ca-
LiMePO4 6 and Li3 Me2 (PO4 ) 3 7 where Me is a transition metal. Al- pacity of 80 mAh/g and the theoretical (1e⫺ transfer兲 capacity of
though operating at a lower voltage and close to the same capacity 237 mAh/g. Since then, the fluorides have been discarded as useful
as present day LiCoO2 , these materials are of interest due to their reversible positive electrode materials.
low cost and safety. However, little new ground has been revealed in Our group has recently introduced the use of carbon metal fluo-
the quest for positive electrode materials of higher energy density. ride nanocomposites 共CMFNCs兲 to enable the electrochemical ac-
The fundamental route to attaining the highest specific capacity tivity of metal fluorides.12 The concept was rooted in the fact that
of an electrode is to utilize all the possible oxidation states of a nanosized crystals have a high total material volume on the surface.
compound during the redox cycle. This can be done by way of a This surface contains a number of defects which can contribute sub-
reversible conversion reaction which proceeds stantially to enhanced electronic and ionic activity 共for example, see
Maier13兲. In addition to increased activity of the metal fluoride
nLi⫹ ⫹ ne⫺ ⫹ Men⫹X ↔ nLiX ⫹ Me 关1兴 brought about by the drastic reduction in crystallite size, we have
electrically connected the grains of each through the use of highly
Previously, such reversible conversion reactions were only shown to conducting carbon. Our initial studies have shown a major improve-
be active for low-potential materials suitable for use as negative ment in the electrochemical activity of FeF3 in the 4.5-2.5 V region
electrodes. This was first demonstrated by Tarascon’s group for the such that we could recover 99% of the FeF3 theoretical capacity
oxide and sulfide chalcogenides8 and later by our group for the 共235 vs. 237 mAh/g兲 in the 4.5-2.5 V region with a total CMFNC
transition metal nitrides.9 However, limited reversible conversion of specific capacity of approximately 200 mAh/g. The capacity and
the Cu with ␣-CuVO3 has been noted by Kamiya et al.10 voltage was consistent with the reduction
The quest to increase the specific capacity of the positive elec-
trode would require adoption of reversible conversion to positive Li⫹ ⫹ e⫺ ⫹ Fe3⫹F3 → LiFe2⫹F3 关2兴
electrode materials, necessitating at least a 1 V increase in output
voltage with respect to the previously demonstrated chalcogenide, We also recently presented evidence that FeF3 CMFNCs offered
excellent reversible specific capacity through a second reaction oc-
curring at 2 V. The combined specific capacities resulted in an ex-
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. ceptional total capacity of approximately 600 mAh/g. We reported
E-mail: [email protected] that this metal fluoride reaction was due to a reversible fluoride-
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 共10兲 A1318-A1327 共2003兲 A1319
High-energy milling.—CMFNCs were fabricated by the high en-
ergy milling of R3̄C FeF3 共Alfa兲, and either expanded graphite 共Su-
perior兲, carbon black 共MMM Super P兲, or activated carbon 共Norit
A-supra兲. Stoichiometric mixtures 共metal fluoride: C, 85:15 wt %兲
were placed inside a hardened steel milling cell along with hardened
steel media. All cell assembly was done in He atmosphere. The
milling was performed for the designated times in a high-energy
mill 共Spex 8000兲. As-formed CMFNC samples were removed from
Figure 1. XRD patterns of FeF3 :C CMFNCs fabricated by high-energy
the milling cell in a He-filled glove box. Unless otherwise noted,
milling with 15 wt % activated carbon for 30 min and 1 h compared with
85/15% FeF3 :C CMFNCs fabricated by high-energy milling for 1 h manual mixing. 共*兲 Marks impurity peaks related to FeF3 -3H2 O.
with activated carbon were utilized for general characterization.
Physical characterization.—XRD.—The structure of the materi-
als was characterized by X-ray diffraction 共XRD兲, utilizing a Scin- Pile 共Biologic兲 or Maccor battery cycling systems. Cells were cycled
tag X2 diffractometer with Cu K␣ radiation. In situ XRD was car- under a constant current of 7.58 mA/g at 22°C, unless noted other-
ried out in a custom in situ cell developed by our group and utilizing wise.
a Be window, details of which will be published at a later date. The
electrochemical cell was cycled at a constant current of 7.58 mA/g. Results
Three-hour scans were utilized resulting in a ⌬x of 0.115 共x in
Lix FeF3 ) per scan. Ex situ XRD was accomplished by disassembling FeF 3-C CMFNCs.—Physical characterization.—FeF3 -based
the electrochemical cell in a He-filled glove box and rinsing the CMFNCs were fabricated by high-energy milling FeF3 and activated
electrode in dimethyl carbonate 共DMC兲. The dried electrode was carbon, carbon black, or expanded graphite for 10, 30, 60, 240, and
then placed on a glass slide and covered with Kapton film using a 360 min in a 85-15 wt % ratio. The various carbons were chosen for
seal layer of vacuum grease. their contrasting properties. Activated carbon is a meso- and mi-
Transmission electron microscopy.—The material microstructure croporous carbon with a surface area of 1700 m2/g, carbon black is
was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy 共TEM兲 utilizing networked carbon with excellent electrical connectivity, and ex-
a Topcon OO2B and a Phillips EM30 microscope. Dark field 共DF兲 panded graphite is an acid-treated, partially exfoliated graphite with
imaging techniques were used to image the size and distribution of excellent electric conductivity. All samples were analyzed by XRD
the various phases. In addition, selected area electron diffraction to study phase development. XRD patterns of FeF3 -activated carbon
patterns 共SAED兲 from various areas were obtained to determine the CMFNCs fabricated for 30 min and 1 h, compared with a macro-
structure of the phases present. SAED patterns were analyzed using composite fabricated by manually mixing 15% activated carbon
Process Diffraction software.14 Ex situ high-resolution TEM 共HR- with 85% FeF3 , are shown in Fig. 1. Substantial and systematic
TEM兲 was performed on samples in various states of electrochemi- broadening of the Bragg peaks occurred with increasing milling
cal conversion to determine crystallinity and crystallite size. TEM times, as is clearly evident in the comparison of the 共012兲 Bragg
samples were prepared by dispersing the milled powder in tetrafluo- peaks. The XRD data reveals that FeF3 remained as the only signifi-
rocarbon and releasing a few drops of the liquid on a carbon film cant phase developed after milling up to 1 h; however, a small
supported on a copper grid. Ex situ TEM was accomplished by quantity of FeF3 -3H2 O is present in the raw FeF3 which dissipates
disassembly of coin cells containing powder. The powders were after milling. The small amount of hydrated FeF3 may be residual
rinsed in DMC, and grids were prepared as described previously from the dehydration process which can be utilized to form
except that dispersion was accomplished with the use of DMC. All commercial-grade FeF3 . The destruction of this small amount of
preparation was accomplished in an anhydrous atmosphere. The hydrated FeF3 phase by the high-energy milling is not surprising.
grids were sealed under helium and transferred to the TEM chamber. Localized heating encountered by the sample during the milling pro-
The final transfer to the TEM chamber consisted of less than 30 s cess is most likely beyond that of the dehydration temperature.
exposure to ambient atmosphere. Milling the activated carbon sample for 4 h 共Fig. 2a兲 results in
Electrochemical characterization.—Following the removal of the reduction of the Fe3⫹F3 phase through defluorination, as evi-
CMFNC samples from the milling cell in the He-filled glove box, denced by the major phase of Fe2 ( 3⫹2⫹) F5 and minor presence of
the samples were sealed in a vial and transferred to a dry room Fe2⫹F2 . Milling for 6 h 共Fig. 2b兲 results in further dehalogenation
关⬍1% relative humidity 共RH兲兴 for processing. Processing was per- and formation of the major phase of Fe2⫹F2 . Regarding the alterna-
formed in a dry room so as to impede any potential CMFNC reac- tive carbons for the CMFNCs, carbon black resulted in a small
tion with atmospheric moisture. Electrodes were prepared by adding degree of FeF2 at 4 h 共Fig. 2a兲 and an increasing amount at 6 h 共Fig.
poly共vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene兲 共Kynar 2801, Elf 2b兲. This is in contrast to the expanded graphite sample in which the
Atochem兲, carbon black 共Super P, MMM兲, and dibutyl phthalate FeF3 composition was maintained. The dehalogenation may be re-
共Aldrich兲 to the CMFNC in acetone. The slurry was tape cast, dried lated to adsorbed moisture, which is most prevalent in the activated
for 1 h at 22°C, and rinsed in 99.8% anhydrous ether 共Aldrich兲 to carbon, followed by the carbon black and then finally the expanded
extract the dibutyl phthalate plasticizer. The electrodes, 1 cm2 disks graphite. The contrast in efficiency of the dehalogenation reaction
typically containing 57 ⫾ 1% CMFNC and 12 ⫾ 1% carbon black among the carbons makes it unlikely that the formation of CFx is the
were tested electrochemically vs. Li metal 共Johnson Matthey兲. The product or is responsible for the resultant electrochemical properties.
Swagelock 共in-house兲 or coin 共NRC兲 cells were assembled in a He- This point is revisited in greater detail in the Discussion section.
filled dry box using Whatman GF/D glass fiber separators saturated Crystallite size was determined through application of the
with 1 M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate:dimethyl carbonate 共EC:DMC Scherrer formula on the 共012兲 Bragg peak for CMFCS fabricated by
1:1 in vol兲 electrolyte 共Merck兲. The cells were controlled by Mac- milling FeF3 with the three carbons for 10, 30, 60, 240, and 360
A1320 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 共10兲 A1318-A1327 共2003兲
Figure 4. DF TEM image at 共a兲 low and 共b兲 high magnification of 85/15 wt
% FeF3 /activated carbon CMFNC fabricated by high-energy milling for 1 h.
Bright areas associated with presence of FeF3 共see text兲.
factors. Due to poor peak intensity we were not able to run the W-H
calculation; therefore, TEM analysis was utilized to corroborate the
results of the Scherrer analysis.
The formation of a nanocomposite is supported by the DF TEM
image of a CMFNC fabricated by milling with activated carbon for
1 h 共Fig. 4a and b兲. The majority of the FeF3 domains 共bright areas
associated with diffracted intensity of the 共012兲 reflection of R3C
FeF3 ) were ⬍30 nm interdispersed with carbon. Further discussion
of the nanocomposite structure was previously presented9 and will
Figure 3. Crystallite size as a function of milling time for FeF3 :C CMFNCs be presented in a following publication. Unexpectedly, it was found
based on 共䊏兲 activated carbon, 共⽧兲 carbon black, and 共䊊兲 expanded graph- that further milling results in an increase in crystallite size, as is
ite. clearly seen in the trend established in Fig. 3.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 共10兲 A1318-A1327 共2003兲 A1321
Figure 8. Composite specific discharge and charge capacities for FeF3 :C Figure 10. XRD patterns of ex situ analysis of reaction products postelec-
CMFNCs formed by milling for 4 h. Cells were cycled between 1.5 and 4.5 trochemical and mechanochemical reduction of FeF3 :C CMFNCs with Li⫹
V at 7.58 mAh/g at 70°C. or Li 共see text兲.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 共10兲 A1318-A1327 共2003兲 A1323
FeF3 -based CMFNC, namely, a 1e⫺ reaction between 3.5 and 2.8 V
and a 2e⫺ reaction at approximately 2 V. Based on this limited
information we can state that it is likely the Fe0 is reoxidizing to
Fe3⫹. However, we cannot make a statement regarding the reconsti-
tution of the FeF3 phase in a reversible fluoride conversion process.
Ex situ XRD characterization.—During the conversion reaction at 2
V the CMFNC converted into an even finer nanocomposite of Fe
Figure 11. In situ XRD of FeF3:C CMFNC 共1 h activated carbon兲. Note and LiF on the scale of 10-20 Å based on XRD and HRTEM analy-
systematic decrease in 共104兲, 共110兲, and 共113兲 Li1 FeF3 intensity and the sis 共discussed later兲. During oxidation, in situ XRD showed little
corresponding increase in 共110兲 peak of Fe. 共.....兲 Placed as an aid to the eye. useful information except for the systematic decrease in the intensity
of the broad Bragg peak associated with disappearance of Fe. To
gain more insight into the reaction, the 4 h milled FeF3 :C CMFNC
and Fe. This is consistent with a thermodynamic conversion reaction utilizing activated carbon electrodes were made into three cells in
of the type which one was discharged to 1.5 V, one recharged to 3.3 V, and one
recharged to 4.5 V at 70°C. The three cells were then disassembled
2Li⫹ ⫹ 2e⫺ ⫹ LiFe2⫹F3 → 3LiF ⫹ Fe 关3兴 in a He-filled glove box and analyzed by XRD. The results are
shown in Fig. 12. The fully lithiated sample consisted of Fe and LiF
The thermodynamics of such a reaction is consistent with the volt- as in the previous sample described previously. During oxidation,
age at which the reaction was found to occur, as discussed shortly. the foremost feature is the reduction in the intensity of the Bragg
To further support the mechanism, the electrochemical reaction peak at approximately 2.0 and 2.3 Å, associated with the disappear-
was replicated through the use of mechanochemistry. Li metal was ance of the Fe and LiF phase, respectively. Also apparent is the
placed in a mechanomilling cell with an activated carbon:FeF3 CM- development of weak peaks at approximately 1.7, 1.8, 2.7, and 3.3
FNC in a 3:1 molar ratio under a He atmosphere. The mechanical Å. Few of these peaks can be associated with the original FeF3
mill was run for 30 min and the sample was removed in the glove phase or the Li1 FeF3 phase present before conversion. Although of
box and put on a sealed glass slide for XRD analysis. The mecha- weak intensity, a striking agreement of the peaks was found with
nochemical results are plotted vs. the electrochemical results 共Fig.
FeF2 . This is shown by comparing the delithiated sample with a
10兲. The results are virtually identical, the formation of Fe and LiF,
therefore supporting the theory of a thermodynamically driven con- FeF2 CMFNC formed by milling FeF2 with activated carbon for 1 h
version mechanism. This conversion, although destructive in nature, in a 85:15 wt % stoichiometry 共Fig. 13兲. It should be noted that most
coincides with a relatively small 16% volume expansion and there- of the ‘‘FeF2 ’’-like phase formation occurs by the 3.3 V scan.
fore should not preclude its use in an electrochemical cell. Ex situ SAED characterization.—The ex situ XRD data used in the
In situ XRD.—The development of the conversion reaction was previous analysis was of poor intensity. In addition, the 4 h sample
characterized by in situ XRD in order to determine whether an in- initially contained nontrivial quantities of FeF2 , which may have
termediate reaction takes place during the conversion reaction. The reconverted. To confirm the phase development upon oxidation for
initial lithiation reaction 共Reaction 2兲 to LiFeF2 occurring between
3.5 and 2.8 V has been previously characterized in the in situ analy-
sis down to 2.5 V.9 Figure 11 shows the in situ analysis from 2.5 to
1.5 V at 22°C. From x ⫽ 0.92 to 2.42 in Lix FeF3 , all the peaks
associated with the Li1 FeF3 phase systematically decrease in inten-
sity 关especially for the 共113兲 peak兴. Simultaneously, the development
of the Fe 共110兲 peak is found to systematically increase. Although
intensities are poor, these results suggest the final 2e⫺ transfer pro-
cess from Fe2⫹ to Fe0 proceeds in a straightforward two-phase con-
version reaction as described in Eq. 3.
Oxidation reaction and reversibility.—We have come to a deter-
mination of the mechanisms involving the reduction reaction. The
question remains as to what is the reaction mechanism of the oxi-
dation reaction supporting the reversibility. As discussed before, the
oxidation reaction is associated with approximately 3e⫺ transfer and Figure 13. Ex situ XRD of FeF3 :C CMFNCs 共activated C 4 h兲 at 共a兲 full
subsequent discharge reactions maintain characteristics of the initial charge compared with 共b兲 raw FeF2 :C CMFNC 共activated C 1 h兲.
A1324 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 共10兲 A1318-A1327 共2003兲
the FeF3 CMFNC with more certainty, SAED, which has a higher fully discharged sample 共Table I兲. Analysis shows they agree well
sensitivity than X-rays, was utilized to characterize electrochemi- with FeF2 and the previously described ex situ XRD data.
cally formed samples. The 1 h milled FeF3 :C CMFNC utilizing Lattice parameters were calculated on the basis of the
activated carbon was made into four cells. One was discharged to P42/mnm FeF2 structure. The peak at approximately 2.0共3兲 Å was
2.2 V (Li1.23FeF3 ), one discharged to 1.5 V (Li2.58FeF3 ), one re- associated to a composite of residual Fe from lack of full reconver-
charged to 3.1 V (Li2.18FeF3 ), and one recharged to 4.5 V sion, and LiF which would be left as a 1 mol constituent 共see Eq. 4兲,
(Li0.596FeF3 ), all at 70°C. Upon analysis, the SAED images and and finally the 共210兲 Bragg reflection from FeF2
resulting d-spacings of the samples portray striking contrasts, espe-
cially between the ones taken of the 1.5 and 4.5 V samples 共Fig. 14兲. 3LiF ⫹ Fe → FeF2 ⫹ LiF 关4兴
The sample at 2.2 V 共not shown兲 was observed to be mostly nano-
crystalline with crystals a few nanometers in size, as evidenced by The 共220兲 data point was not included in the calculation due to
broad and diffuse diffraction rings. This was because ⬎1e⫺ was potential convolution with residual LiF and/or Fe diffraction rings
transferred and the conversion reaction to LiF and Fe was underway. 共as explained later兲. The lattice parameter data 共Table I兲 showed a
The fully lithiated 1.5 V sample showed diffuse rings associated to good fit to an FeF2 -like structure with a slightly smaller c/a ratio
the full conversion product Fe and LiF 共Fig. 14兲; the nanocrystalline with respect to the JCPDS standard.
nature of the composite is confirmed in the HRTEM image of the The only FeF2 peak which did not develop to a great extent in
discharged composite shown in Fig. 15a. d-spacings derived from the reconverted samples is the 共110兲 associated with the ordering of
SAED spectra taken from two fields of the 1.5 V sample are shown Fe in the 关110兴. This may be due to orientation of the domains
in Table I. Field 1 had d-spacings which all agreed well with that of within the SAED spot area or interlayer mixing of the Fe cations
LiF and possibly small quantities of Fe. The second field had upon reconversion. The latter could play a role in the decrease of the
d-spacings which agreed well with that of the Fe majority. Both c/a ratio. The ex situ XRD analysis of Fig. 13 showed that although
results were consistent with that of the ex situ powder XRD results attenuated, the peak was present. We are investigating in more detail
and the conversion reaction of Eq. 3. the root of the attenuated 共110兲 reflection and the crystal chemistry
The partial recharge to 3.1 V 共not shown兲 and full recharge to 4.5 of the reconverted phase.
V showed new rings associated with new d-spacings with a parallel We have shown that XRD and, even more so, the SAED evi-
development in crystallinity as represented by more spot develop- dence supports the reformation of an iron fluoride phase from the
ment on the SAED pattern 共Fig. 14兲. The HRTEM image of Fig. LiF and Fe cathodic sweep reaction products 共Eq. 3兲. However,
15b, although of limited field of view, also supports this trend. List- evidence supports that the reconverted phase is related in structure
ing of the d-spacings of the SAED spectra from the sample re- to Fe2⫹F2 , not Fe3⫹F3 as we expected. This revelation is com-
charged to 4.5 V is shown in Table II for two different fields of pounded with the added discrepancy that subsequent cycles show
analysis. The peaks from both fields differ significantly from the that close to 3e⫺ are reversibly consumed in the course of the
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 共10兲 A1318-A1327 共2003兲 A1325
The reversible conversion reaction of metal fluorides was en-
abled through the use of nanocomposites 共CMFNCs兲. The ability to
reversibly reduce to the metal and reform a metal fluoride opens a
new avenue to high-specific-capacity positive electrodes based on
the reversible conversion reaction for lithium battery applications.
Clearly this can be extended to other classes of highly ionic,
transition-metal-based materials.
At this early stage, the high capacities 共⬎600 mAh/g兲 of the
fluorides are only accessible at elevated temperature and/or low rate.
These issues will no doubt be addressed by attention to kinetics and
Figure 19. Discharge curve of FeF3 :C CMFNC 共activated C 1 h兲 compared materials engineering, leading to more practical methods of nano-
with that of Fe2 O3 . Both cells were discharged at 7.58 mA/g at 70°C. composite production. However, based on the experimental data, we
believe the combination of fluoride and nanocomposite technology
offers an exciting avenue into the search for lithium rechargeable
Recently, the reversible conversion process of transition metal chal- batteries with energy densities double of today’s technology.
cogenides has been investigated by Poizot et al.8 and by our group
for nitrides.9 Due to the covalency of the chalcogenides and nitrides Acknowledgments
the conversion reaction occurs at 1 V potential. The ionicity of the G.G.A. sincerely thanks the U.S. Government for its support of
Fe-F bond, compared with the Fe-O bond, which is of more covalent this research. F.C. thanks P. Stodilman of EPFL Switzerland for use
character, results in a higher reduction potential, approximately of the electron microscopy facility.
equivalent to that of Fe2⫹ ions in solution. This is exemplified in
Telcordia Technologies assisted in meeting the publication costs of this
Fig. 19 which compares the second discharge of the electrochemical
conversion of Fe3⫹ 3⫹
2 O3 with that of Fe F3 . Overall, there is an
approximate 1 V difference between the two conversion reactions. References
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