Glass Steagal Act
Glass Steagal Act
Glass Steagal Act
1. What happened in 1933?
2. What was the rationale (reason) behind the Act?
3. What two objectives were envisaged (planned) for the Act?
4. Is the Act still in force and what was the implication of the fact?
5. What two major Acts does the article enlist?
6. Why is the word “signaled” highlighted as misspelt?
7. Summarise the information on GSA to your neighbour.
7. Homework.
Build one complex statement into which you will incorporate four of the terms
acquired in this section, including in the recording.
What is the difference between GDP and National income
“GDP” or Gross Domestic Product and National Income are financial terms that are
related to the finance of a country.
National Income is the total value of all services and goods that are produced within
a country and the income that comes from abroad for a particular period, normally
one year.
Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of the goods and services generated
within a country. The GDP, which is based on ownership, measures the overall
economic output of a country. The GDP also determines the local income of a nation.
The National Income determines the overall economic health of the country, trends in
economic growth, contributions of various production sectors, future growth and
standard of living.
Q1: How is GDP defined and what is National Income?
Q2: Of these two terms, the value of which is broader? Why?
Online banking/ internet banking
To bank online
An overdraft
A direct debit
Reading 2
Last week the Royal Bank of Scotland announced its plans to close a third of its
branches – over 240, causing a loss of around 700 jobs. What do you think of the
implications for customers and the bank itself?
Graphs and charts
Note the following.
1. a line graph (contains lines)
How do you describe statistics?