Folleto Díptico Repostería Orgánico Rosa y Crema
Folleto Díptico Repostería Orgánico Rosa y Crema
Folleto Díptico Repostería Orgánico Rosa y Crema
These little chocolate balls are made of cream,
chocolate and butter, and can be customized with
different flavors and toppings.
Why I choose it
covered for at least 4 hours.
4. While it cools we make the chocolate curls with a grater.
Put the extra chocolate in the microwave 5 seconds at a
time until it is very slightly soft. You can try grating each
time you put it in until you get chocolate curls instead of I chose to make it because the process is a fun and
hard pieces of chocolate. delicious activity that can be enjoyed by people of
5. Place the chocolate shavings in the refrigerator for at all ages. Besides being an elegant and
least 30 minutes or as long as the truffle is in the freezer. sophisticated dessert, it is also a great way to
Keeping them cold will make them easier to work with. experiment with different flavors and textures. You
6. Put a couple of drops of vegetable oil on your hands and
can also customize your truffles with different
spread it on them. Also spread some on a teaspoon.
7. Use the teaspoon to scoop truffle out of the mold and coatings, such as shredded coconut, cocoa powder
then roll it into a ball in your hands. or even edible gold.
8. Roll the ball in the chocolate curls.