03-Using Supply Chain Cost
03-Using Supply Chain Cost
03-Using Supply Chain Cost
SCM Cloud
Using Supply Chain Cost
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Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Supply Chain Cost Management
Preface i
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Oracle SCM Cloud Preface
Using Supply Chain Cost Management
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The Receipt Accounting business processes encompass the Record Receipt Accounting and Review Receipt Accounting
Receipt Accounting also has tools to help you reconcile the accrual clearing accounts as the accruals are offset by the
accounts payable accounting when invoices are processed.
Transfer receipt transactions and tax Scheduled Processes work area > Schedule • All receiving transactions are
determinants from Receiving to Receipt New Process > Transfer Transactions from transferred from the Receiving
Accounting. Receiving to Costing application to the Receipt Accounting
application, along with the tax
determinants and related information
that is present on receipts.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Transfer accounts payable transactions from Scheduled Processes work area > Schedule • All payable invoices that are
Payables to Receipt Accounting. New Process > Transfer Costs to Cost accounted are transferred from the
Management Accounts Payable application to the
Receipt Accounting application.
• Payable Invoices are then ready in the
Receipt Accounting application for
further processing.
Create accounting distributions for receipts of Scheduled Processes work area > Schedule • Accruals for all types of purchases
accrue at receipt purchase orders. New Process > Create Receipt Accounting • Accrual accounting distributions at the
Distributions time of receipt or return of goods and
• Trade accrual distributions for global
procurement, interorganization
transfers, and cross-business unit
shipments to customers
• Accounting distributions for expense
destination deliveries of purchases
marked for accrual at receipt.
These purchases are typically for
services procurement, one-time
item purchases, and expense usage
• Variance calculations such as IPV,
ERV, TRV, TERV, and TIPV from
accounted invoice distributions
• Accounting distributions for invoice
• Staging of variances into receiving
inspection for subsequent wash by
the inventory and expense revaluation
• Accounting distributions for inventory
and expense revaluations
• Tax amounts are recalculated for
all receipt transactions. Taxes
are calculated by calling the Tax
application programming interface.
• Tax accounting distributions
• Budgetary control and encumbrance
accounting. You can enable
and perform budgetary control,
encumbrance accounting, or both.
Budgetary control and encumbrance
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Review accrual distributions and tax • Review accrual distributions and tax
calculations. Receipt Accounting work area > Review calculations.
Receipt Accounting Distributions
Review uncleared accrual balances and • Staging for manual intervention for
perform adjustments. Receipt Accounting work area > Adjust exceptions of high material value
Receipt Accrual Balances
• Manual accrual clearing
• Manual adjustments and reversals of
prior accrual clearing adjustments
• Automatic creation of accounting
distributions for these adjustments
Related Topics
• Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
When it processes the supplier invoice, Accounts Payable creates the actual supplier liability and offsets the accrual balances.
The accrued liability account typically has high volumes of entries going through it, and may have remaining balances that
must be justified if the account payable invoice has not yet been processed; or if the Account Payable invoice has been
processed, any remaining balance must be resolved and cleared. Receipt Accounting provides tools to help with this
Example 2: Assume that the quantity received is 99.4, and the quantity on the supplier invoice is 100. The processor does
not always know if that is the final invoice or if more invoices are pending for the uninvoiced quantity. If small variations are
normal, you can set up rules to automatically clear small variations, while large variations are verified manually. If there is
a predefined rule for the treatment of such a discrepancy, the application automatically clears the difference to inventory
valuation. However if no such rule exists, then you must clear it manually.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Predefined Attributes
The following table describes the attributes that are available in the Accrual Line tree in the Conditions browser:
CmrPODistributionID Purchase order structure is based on the hierarchy of purchase order header > purchase order
line > purchase order schedule > purchase order distribution. The accounting for purchase order
transaction is at the lowest level of purchase order distribution. The accrual and charge account
codes are defined at this level. Invoices are matched and accrual is offset at the PO distribution
Percentage Over-Invoiced At each purchase order distribution level, receipt accounting tracks the original ordered quantity,
total received quantity, and total invoiced quantity.
Percentage Over-Invoiced Quantity represents the condition: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) < 0 then
ABS(NetRecptQty - InvoiceQty)/ NetRecptQty
Percentage Uninvoiced At each purchase order distribution level, receipt accounting tracks the original ordered quantity,
total received quantity, and total invoiced quantity.
Percentage Uninvoiced Quantity represents the condition: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) > 0 then
ABS(NetRecptQty - InvoiceQty)/ NetRecptQty
PO Status Status of the purchase order document. If PO status is Finally Closed then it is treated as Closed
and accrual is cleared automatically. For all other PO statuses, user can define the rules.
PO Match Option Invoice match option defined on the purchase order schedule. It can be PO or Receipt.
Invoice Age Days or time since the latest invoice was recorded for a purchase order distribution.
Receipt Age Days or time since the latest receipt was recorded for a purchase order distribution.
Over-Invoiced Quantity When the invoiced quantity is greater than the ordered quantity, it represents the difference
between the two: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) < 0 then Over Invoiced Quantity = ABS(InvoiceQty -
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Under-Invoiced Quantity When the invoiced quantity is less than the ordered quantity, it represents the difference between
the two: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) > 0 then Under Invoiced Quantity = ABS(NetRecptQty -
Percentage PO accrual amount The balance in the accrual account for a PO distribution divided by the accrual value for the ordered
quantity: Sum(accruals in CMR and AP)/PO amount
Accrual Clear Amount Absolute value of balance in an accrual account for a PO distribution.
AP Accrual Amount Absolute value of balance (net of invoices and debit memos) in an accrual account in Payables
Subledger for a PO distribution.
CMR Accrual Amount Absolute value of balance (net of receipts, corrections and returns) in an accrual account in Receipt
Accounting Subledger for a PO distribution.
This example illustrates the distributions for a purchase order with associated receipts and invoices.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Receipts Ordered Quantity Received Quantity Invoiced Quantity Accrual Account Status
The following table describes the purchase order distributions and accrual balances:
Distribution 40*100 45*100 (500) USD Not 45-40 = 5 Not 5/40*100 = 500
2 USD = USD = Applicable Applicable 12.50 % USD/40*100
4000 USD 4500 USD = 12.50 %
Results: The PO Status and the Percentage Under-Invoiced values meet the criteria of Rule 1; therefore the accrual balance
of 300 USD is automatically cleared.
The following table describes the Accrual Amounts Cleared Based on Rule 1:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Results: The PO Status, Percentage Under-Invoiced, and Accrual Clear Amount Absolute values meet the criteria of Rule 2;
therefore the accrual balances of 300 USD and (500) USD are automatically cleared.
The following table describes the Accrual Amounts Cleared Based on Rule 2:
Distribution 40*100 45*100 (500) USD Not 45-40 = 5 Not 5/40*100 = 500
2 USD = USD = Applicable Applicable 12.50 % USD/40*100
4000 USD 4500 USD = 12.50 %
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
For example, assume the number of offset days is 3, then the accrual cutoff date for processing receipts in the October GL
period is November 3:
If the offset days are not defined, then the backdated receipts are processed in the prior GL period until the period is closed.
Cost Management supports requisition-sourced transfer orders going to expense destinations with multiple distributions and
different expense accounts. Based on the account defined at the distribution level, Cost Management will book the expense
for the appropriate account. In the case of transfers to expense destinations where a receipt is not required, new logical
receipt and delivery transactions are created in Cost Management, similar to the physical events created with receipt expense
destination transfers when a receipt is required. Budgetary control and encumbrance accounting are supported for expense
destination internal transfer orders.
Budgetary Control
You can ensure that budget funds are available before a requisition for an internal transfer is submitted for approval.
Depending on your budgetary control configuration, the funds will be reserved either at the time the requisition is submitted
for approval, or when the requisition is approved. Insufficient funds override rules and approvers can be configured as part
of budgetary control setup. Cost Management liquidates the commitment and books an expenditure at the time of delivery
when a receipt is required, or at the time of shipment by creating a virtual receipt when the receipt is not required. The
Requisition for Internal Material Transfer transaction subtype has been added to enable budgetary control of requisitions for
internal material transfers.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Encumbrance Accounting
Encumbrance accounting entries are created for transactions subject to budgetary control and encumbrance accounting
when the Create Accounting process is run. Cost Management liquidates the reserve for the encumbrance account and
creates journal entries for the actual expense value.
Related Topics
• Enabling Budgetary Control: Critical Choices
Related Topics
• Planning, Accounting, and Reviewing Outside Processing Costs: Explained
When the inventory is consumed, two events occur: First there is a transfer of ownership to the buyer and the consigned
goods become owned inventory for a brief period of time, then the owned inventory is depleted.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
Supplier Advanced Network Devices (AND-Fresno) ships the goods under a consigned purchase order to inventory
organization M1-Seattle.
Advanced Network Devices
Physical Flow
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following diagram illustrates the accounting entries for the forward flow from supplier AND-
Fresno to inventory organization M1-Seattle.
M1:PO Delivery
M1-Seattle Dr Consigned Inventory
Consigned Owner Cr Consigned Clearing
M1:Transfer to Owned
Dr Inventory Valuation
Cr Trade In-Transit
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the receipt
of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Transaction Type Amount in Functional Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change
of ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Debit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual Clearing
Receipt Trade Receipt Accrual Credit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Trade In- Trade In- Debit 100 USD Material PO Price
Accounting Transit Transit
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
This figure illustrates the accounting entries for the return flow from M1-Seattle to AND-Fresno.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change
of ownership from M1-Seattle to supplier AND-Fresno.
The following table describes the accounting entries for the change in ownership.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
Receipt Trade Return Accrual Debit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Return Trade Credit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual Clearing
Receipt Trade In- Trade Debit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Transit Return Clearing
Receipt Trade In- Trade In- Credit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Transit Return Transit
* Inventory is received at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Receipt Accounting generates accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the return of consigned goods
from M1-Seattle to AND-Fresno.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Related Topics
• Cost Profiles, Default Cost Profiles, and Item Cost Profiles: Explained
• Transactions captured in Oracle Fusion Inventory and interfaced to Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting.
• Transactions captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Cost Accounting and
Receipt Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Supplier Advanced Network Devices (AND-Fresno) ships the goods in consigned status to inventory organization M1-Seattle,
who in turn transfers the consigned goods to inventory organization M2-LA. Inventory organizations, M1-Seattle and M2-LA,
are in different business units.
Advanced Network Devices
Business Unit 1
Inventory Organization M1-Seattle
Consigned Owner = AND-Fresno
Contingent Owner = M1-Seattle
Physical Flow
Business Unit 2
Inventory Organization M2-LA
Consigned Owner = AND-Fresno
Financial Flow Contingent Owner = M1-Seattle
Business Unit 2
Inventory Organization M2-LA
Owner = M2-LA
Interfaced Transactions
Oracle Fusion Inventory sends the following transactions to Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration sets up the trade agreement, accounting rule sets, and associated
purchase orders, and the information flows into Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting. The transfer from M1-Seattle to
M2-LA is based on trade agreement SFO #123 which has the following terms:
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Accounting Entries
The following are accounting entries for the forward flow.
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the shipment from supplier AND-
Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the interorganization transfer from M1-
Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned In- -100 USD PO Price
Transit Issue Transit
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the interorganization
transfer from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned Clearing 100 USD PO Price
Transit Receipt
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change of
ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change of
ownership from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the change of
ownership from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -120 USD Material Transfer Price
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Owned (Receipt)
Inventory organization M2-LA returns the goods to supplier AND-Fresno. The return of the consignment is executed in two
• An interorganization transfer from M2-LA to M1-Seattle. The accounting is the same as simple purchase order return
• A consignment return from M1-Seattle to the supplier. The accounting is the same as regular return to supplier
Related Topics
• Consigned Inventory Lifecycle: Explained
• Transactions captured in Oracle Fusion Inventory and interfaced to Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Supplier Advanced Network Devices (AND-Fresno) ships the goods in consigned status to inventory organization M3-NY,
who in turn transfers the goods to inventory organization M4-NJ. Inventory organizations, M3-NY and M4-NJ, are within the
same business unit.
Advanced Network Devices
Physical Flow
Interfaced Transactions
Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting receive the following transaction from Oracle Fusion Inventory:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Ownership changes from supplier AND-Fresno to inventory organization M3-NY and from M3-NY to M4-NJ.
• Transfer of goods from M3-NY to M4-NJ. The transfer is at cost because the organizations are within the same profit
center business unit.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
The following are accounting entries for the forward flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following diagram lists the accounting entries for the forward flow.
Consigned Owner M4:Transfer to Owned
M4:Trade Recpt Accrual
Dr Trade Clearing
Dr Consigned Inv Offset
Cr Interorg Payable
Cr Consigned Inventory
Ownership Change
M3:Trade Receipt Accrual M4:Trade In-Transit
Dr Trade Clearing Receipt
Cr Accrual Dr Trade In-Transit
Cr Trade Clearing
M3:Trade In-Transit Recpt
Dr Trade In-Transit
Cr Trade Clearing M4:Transfer to Owned
Legend Dr Inv Valuation MAT
Inv = Inventory M3:Trade In-Transit Issue Cr Trade In-Transit
Interorg = Interorganization Dr Interorg Receivable
MAT = Material Cr Trade In-Transit
Recpt = Receipt
The following table lists the distributions that Receipt Accounting generates under inventory organization M3-NY for the
shipment from supplier AND-Fresno to M3-NY.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
The following table lists the distributions generated by Cost Accounting under inventory organization M3-NY for the
interorganization transfer from M3-NY to organization M4-NJ.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned In- -100 USD PO Price
Transit Issue Transit
Cost Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M4-NJ for the interorganization transfer from M3-NY to
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned In- 100 USD PO Price
Transit Receipt Transit
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned Clearing -100 USD PO Price
Transit Receipt
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M3-NY for the change of
ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M3-NY.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M4-NJ for the change of
ownership from M3-NY to M4-NJ.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Interorganization -100 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Payable
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Inventory organization M4-NJ returns goods to supplier AND-Fresno. The return of the consignment is executed in two parts:
• An interorganization transfer from M4-NJ to M3-NY. The accounting is the same as simple purchase order return
• A consignment return from M3-NY to the supplier. The accounting is the same as regular return to supplier
Related Topics
• Consigned Inventory Lifecycle: Explained
• The physical and financial flow of consigned inventory in a global purchase order.
• Transactions that flow from Oracle Fusion Inventory into Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Transactions that flow from Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration into Cost Accounting and Receipt
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
The supplier AND-Fresno ships the goods in consigned status to inventory organization M2-LA, through the purchasing trade
organization M1-Seattle.
Advanced Network Devices
Profit Center BU 2
Ship-To Inventory Org M2-LA
Consigned Owner = AND-Fresno
Financial Contingent Owner = M2-LA
Profit Center BU 2
Inventory Organization M2-LA
Legend Owner = M2-LA
BU = Business Unit
Org = Organization
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Interfaced Transactions
Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting receive the following transaction from Oracle Fusion Inventory:
The trade agreement, accounting rule sets, and associated purchase orders are set up in Supply Chain Financial
Orchestration, and the transactions flow into Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting. The shipment from supplier to
inventory organization M2-LA is based on trade agreement GP #123 which has the following terms:
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Accounting Entries
The following are accounting entries for the forward flow.
M2:Transfer to Owned M2:Consigned Receipt
Issue Consignment
Dr Consigned Inv Offset Dr Consigned Accrual
Cr Consigned Inventory Cr Consigned Clearing
Inv = Inventory
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
Recpt = Receipt
MAT = Material
GP = Gross Profit
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the consigned shipment from supplier
AND-Fresno to M2-LA.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change of
ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Receipt
Receipt Trade In-Transit Trade clearing -100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the change of
ownership from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -120 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Owned (Receipt)
Organization M2-LA returns goods to supplier AND-Fresno. The following are accounting entries for the return flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
M2:Trade Ret Accrual
Supplier M2:Transfer to Consigned
Dr IC Accrual
Cr Trade Clearing
Dr Consigned Inventory
Cr Consigned Inv Offset
M2:Trade In-Transit Ret
Dr Trade Clearing
M1:Trade Ret Accrual Cr Trade In-Transit
Dr Accrual
Cr Trade Clearing M2:Consigned Receipt
Dr Consigned Clearing
M1:Trade In-Transit Ret
M1-Seattle Cr Consigned Accrual
Dr Trade Clearing
Owner Cr Trade In-Transit
M2:Transfer to Consigned
M1:Trade In-Transit Dr Inv Valuation MAT
Return Receipt Dr Inv Valuation GP
Dr Trade In-Transit Dr Inv Valuation OH
Cr IC COGS Cr trade In-Transit MAT
Physical Cr Trade In-Transit
Flow Cr Cost Variance
Consigned Owner =
Contingent Owner = M2:PO Return to Vendor M2:PO Ret to Receiving
M2-LA Dr Consigned Accrual Dr Consigned Clearing
Cr Consigned Clearing Cr Consigned Inventory
Inv = Inventory
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
Recpt = Receipt
Ret = Return
MAT = Material
GP = Gross Profit
OH = Overhead
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the change of
ownership from M2-LA to M1-Seattle:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 120 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Consigned Issue
Cost Accounting Transfer to Cost Variance* -10 USD Material Not applicable
Consigned Issue
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
*Inventory is depleted at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-LA for the change of
ownership from M1-LA to supplier AND-Fresno:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Return Receipt
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the return shipment from M2-LA to
supplier AND-Fresno:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Related Topics
• Consigned Inventory Lifecycle: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Ownership Procurement
Change Business Unit
US Inc
China Ltd Ownership Receiving Legal
Sold-to Legal Entity Change Entity
(Purchasing Affiliate) Event
CN BU US West US East
China Sold-to Profit Receiving Profit Receiving Profit
Center Business Unit Flow Center Business Unit Center Business Unit
M1 M2
CN INV ORG Physical US Receiving US Receiving
China Purchasing Flow Inventory Inventory
Trade Organization Organization Organization
The China supplier drop ships the goods directly to the US receiving inventory organization M1. However for legal and
accounting purposes, the trade flows from the China supplier through the China sold-to legal entity (China Ltd), to the US
receiving legal entity (US Inc). For management and profit tracking purposes, the trade flows from the China sold-to profit
center business unit CN BU to the US receiving profit center business unit US West.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Quantity: 100
• UOM: Each
• Currency: CNY
• Price: 650
• Sold-to Legal Entity: China Ltd.
• Trade Organization: CN INV ORG
• Deliver-to Organization: M1
• Primary Trade Relationship #: PTR1
buy-sell relationship Relationship between two business units where one acts as a buyer and the other as a seller of
goods or services. The seller records the revenue, cost of sale, and receivables. The buyer records
the payables and inventory or expense. A buy-sell trade between internal business units is settled
through the transfer price.
asset item Inventory item where the cost of acquisition is valued as an asset on the balance sheet. The
inventory cost is expensed when it is consumed or sold.
transfer price The unit price that one business unit charges another for goods or services traded within the
enterprise. The transfer price is typically based on the price list, cost plus or minus, or purchase
price plus or minus.
financial route Designates how financial transactions are settled, can be different from the physical route, and may
involve one or more intermediary nodes. The intermediary nodes are internal business units that are
not part of the physical supply chain transaction but are part of the financial route.
Incoterms A series of sales terms in international trade, used to define the rights and obligations of the trade
partners with respect to the delivery of goods sold. Incoterms are used to divide transaction costs
and responsibilities between buyer and seller, and to reflect transportation practices.
intercompany profit and loss The internal profit or loss arising out of trade among business units in the enterprise. These internal
profits and losses are used for internal management but are typically eliminated when producing the
enterprise consolidated financial statements for external stakeholders.
intercompany trade The trade of goods and services between organizations belonging to different legal entities within a
intracompany trade The trade of goods or services between two internal organizations within a legal entity.
ownership change event The transfer of title of goods and services from one party to another. This results in accounting and
the creation of financial documents such as Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable invoices.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
price list Contains the basic list information and pricing attributes for items or product groups.
pricing option A method to compute the transfer price based on cost, source document price, or price list.
profit center A business unit that operates with its own income statement and reports to the legal entity.
purchasing trade organization The inventory organization reporting to the sold-to legal entity identified in the purchase order. This
organization is used for cost accounting the transactions in the sold-to legal entity.
qualifiers Business attributes of a supply chain document or transaction that determine the applicability of the
trade agreement.
supply chain financial orchestration An agreement between the legal entities, business units, and trade organizations of a corporate
agreement group. The agreement defines the parties in the trade relationship and the financial settlement
trade distributions Subledger entries created by Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting and Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting
for Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration trade transactions.
procurement business unit Has central responsibility for the creation of trade agreements and purchase orders on behalf of
legal entities and business units under the holding company.
Related Topics
• Cost Organizations, Inventory Organizations, and Cost Books: How They Fit Together
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following is an example of accounting performed by Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting for a global procurement
flow into inventory. It illustrates:
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the forward flow of a shipment from
the supplier, through the intermediary distributor, to the final receiving organization.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the return flow from the receiving
organization to the supplier.
China Supplier ships the goods to US Inc. through the intermediary distributor, China Ltd.
• Purchase Order (PO) price from China Supplier to China Ltd. is USD 50.
• Intercompany transfer price from China Ltd. to US Inc. is USD 100.
• Intercompany invoicing is set to Yes.
• Profit tracking is set to Yes.
• Overhead rule is configured in Cost Accounting for transaction type Trade in-Transit Receipt in Cost Organization
• China Ltd books a profit of USD 40 (USD 100 transfer price - USD 50 PO price - USD 10 overhead).
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the forward flow from legal entity China Ltd. to
legal entity US Inc.
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Overhead -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Receipt Absorption
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material Transfer Price
Receipt PO Receipt Trade In-Transit -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Receiving -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the return flow from legal entity US Inc to legal
entity China Ltd.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
LE = Legal Entity IC AR Invoice Return to Vendor
BU = Business Unit Dr IC Revenue $100 Dr Trade In-Transit $100
MAT = Material Cr IC Receivable $100 Cr Receiving Inspection $100
OVH = Overhead
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable IC AP Invoice
GP = Gross Profit Supplier Invoice
Dr IC Liability $100
Cst Org = Cost Organization Dr Liability $50
Cr IC Accrual $100
Inv Org = Inventory Organization Cr Accrual $50
Ret Rec = Return Receipt
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Return to Inventory -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Receiving Valuation
Receipt Return to Trade In-Transit 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Supplier
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -50 USD Not Applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Cost Variance* 10 USD Not Applicable Inventory is
Return depleted at the
current cost, and
the difference
between transfer
price and cost is
booked as cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt COGS
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
*Inventory is depleted at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the transfer of goods across profit
center business units.
China Ltd. ships the goods to US Inc. The organizations are in two different profit center business units.
• China Ltd. acquires goods locally at the cost of USD 50, plus USD 10 overhead on the receipt of goods.
• Intercompany transfer price from China Ltd. to US Inc. is USD 100.
• Intercompany invoicing is set to No.
• Profit tracking is set to Yes.
• Overhead rule is configured in Cost Accounting for transaction type Trade in-Transit Receipt in Cost Organization
• China Ltd. books a profit of USD 40 (USD 100 transfer price - USD 50 acquisition cost - USD 10 overhead).
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the transfer of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the shipment from legal entity China Ltd. to legal
entity US Inc.
In-Transit Shipment
Dr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 Trade Receipt Accrual
Dr Trade In-Transit OVH $10 Dr Trade Clearing $100
Cr Inventory MAT $50 Cr IO Payable $100
Cr Inventory OVH $10
Interorganization Receipt
Dr Receiving Inspection $100
Cr Trade In-Transit $100
LE = Legal Entity
Interorganization Delivery
BU = Business Unit
Dr Inventory MAT $50
MAT = Material
Dr Inventory OVH $10
OVH = Overhead
Dr Inventory GP $40
IC = Intercompany
Cr Receiving Inspection $100
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable
GP = Gross Profit
Cst Org = Cost Organization
Inv Org = Inventory Organization
IO = Interorganization
Cost Accounting generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Interorganization 100 USD Material, Transfer Price
Issue Receivable Overhead, Gross
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Interorganization -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Issue Gain/Loss
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Interorganization -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Payable
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material, Transfer Price
Receipt Overhead, Gross
Receipt Interorganization Trade In-Transit -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Receipt
The following is an example of accounting performed by Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting and Oracle Fusion Receipt
Accounting for an internal drop shipment. It illustrates:
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the drop shipment flow from the
selling organization to the customer of the buying organization.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the return flow from the customer to
the seller.
China Ltd. drop ships the goods to the customer of US Inc.
• China Ltd. acquires goods locally at the cost of USD 50, plus USD 10 overhead on the receipt of goods.
• Intercompany transfer price from China Ltd. to US Inc. is USD 100.
• Intercompany invoicing is set to Yes.
• Overhead rule is configured in Cost Accounting for transaction type Trade in-Transit Receipt in Cost Organization
• US Inc. books a profit of USD 40 (USD 100 transfer price - USD 50 PO price - USD 10 overhead).
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the transfer of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the shipment from legal entity China Ltd. to legal
entity US Inc.
Cost Accounting generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Sales Order Trade In-Transit 50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Sales Order Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Sales Order Inventory -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Sales Order Inventory -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes the receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Split into three Transfer Price
Receipt lines (Material,
Overhead, and
Gross Profit)
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred Cost of 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Issue Goods Sold
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Sending
Issue Organization
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Sending
Issue Organization
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the return flow from US Inc (Sold-to Legal Entity)
to China Ltd (Legal Entity).
RMA Receipt
Dr Inentory MAT $50 Trade Receipt Accrual Customer AR Credit Memo
Dr Inventory OVH $10 Dr IC Accrual $100 Dr Revenue $120
Cr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 Cr Trade Clearing $100 Cr Receivable $120
Cr Trade In-Transit OVH $10
IC AR Credit Memo
Dr IC Revenue $100
Cr IC Receivable $100 Legend
LE = Legal Entity
Trade Sales Return BU = Business Unit
Receipt MAT = Material
Dr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 OVH = Overhead
Dr Trade In-Transit OVH $10 IC = Intercompany
Dr Trade In-Transit GP $40 COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
Cr DCOGS MAT $50 DCOGS = Deferred COGS
Cr DCOGS OVH $10 AR = Accounts Receivable
Cr DCOGS GP $40 AP = Accounts payable
GP = Gross Profit
Cst Org = Cost Organization
Inv Org = Inventory Organization
IO = Interorganization
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Split into three Transfer Price
Return lines (Material,
Overhead, and
Gross Profit)
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred RMA -50 USD Material Sending
Return Receipt Gain/Loss Organization
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred RMA -10 USD Overhead Sending
Return Receipt Gain/Loss Organization
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred RMA -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Return Receipt Gain/Loss
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting RMA Receipt Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting RMA Receipt Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 50 USD Material Current Cost
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -50 USD Material Current Cost
Return Receipt Cost of Goods
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Return Receipt Cost of Goods
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
* Inventory is received at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
The following is an example of accounting performed by Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting for a global procurement
flow into expense. It illustrates:
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the forward flow of goods or services
from the supplier, through the intermediary distributor, to the final receiving organization.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the return flow from the receiving
organization to the supplier.
China Supplier ships the goods to US Inc. and the goods flow through an intermediary distributor, China Ltd.
• Purchase Order (PO) price from China Supplier to China Ltd is USD 50.
• Intercompany transfer price from China Ltd to US Inc is USD 100.
• Intercompany invoicing is set to Yes.
• Profit tracking is set to Yes.
• Overhead rule is configured in Cost Accounting for transaction type Trade in-Transit Receipt in cost organization
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following figure illustrates the accounting entries for the forward flow from China Ltd (sold-to legal
entity) to US Inc (receiving legal entity).
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Overhead -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Receipt Absorption
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material Transfer Price
Receipt PO Receipt Trade In-Transit -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
The following figure illustrates the accounting entries for the return flow from legal entity US Inc. to
legal entity China Ltd .
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
LE = Legal Entity IC AR Invoice Return to Vendor
BU = Business Unit Dr IC Revenue $100 Dr Trade In-Transit $100
MAT = Material Cr IC Receivable $100 Cr Receiving Inspection $100
OVH = Overhead
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable IC AP Invoice
GP = Gross Profit Supplier Invoice
Dr IC Liability $100
Cst Org = Cost Organization Dr Liability $50
Cr IC Accrual $100
Inv Org = Inventory Organization Cr Accrual $50
Ret Rec = Return Receipt
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material Transfer Price
Receipt Return to Trade In-Transit 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Supplier
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -50 USD Not Applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Cost Variance* 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt Cost of Goods
*Inventory is depleted at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Inventory organization M1 makes a transfer of goods to inventory organization M2. Both inventory organizations are under the
profit center business unit US West, which is under the legal entity US Inc.
Interorganization Transfer
The cost of goods transferred from M1 to M2 is USD 50 plus overhead of USD 10.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting entries for the transfer of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
In-Transit Shipment
Dr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 Trade Receipt Accrual
Dr Trade In-Transit OVH $10 Dr Trade Clearing $60
Cr Inventory MAT $50 Cr IO Payable $60
Cr Inventory OVH $10
Interorganization Receipt
Dr Receiving Inspection $60
Cr Trade In-Transit $60
LE = Legal Entity
BU = Business Unit Interorganization Delivery
MAT = Material Dr Inventory MAT $50
OVH = Overhead Dr Inventory OVH $10
IC = Intercompany Cr Receiving Inspection $60
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable
GP = Gross Profit
Cst Org = Cost Organization
Inv Org = Inventory Organization
IO = Interorganization
Accounting Entries
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes the receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -60 USD Material + Sending
Receipt Overhead Organization
• Access the Review Item Costs page. On this page you can view a breakdown of the cost of items, cost comparisons
of items across organizations, and cost trends over time.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Access the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page. On this page you can view accounting details of trade
transactions by Reference Document Number.
Related Topics
• Reviewing Item Costs: Explained
Receipt Accounting receives transactions and related tax determinants from outside sources such as Oracle Fusion
Receiving, Inventory, and Accounts Payable. The following discusses:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Accounts Payable
and Tax Transactions
Receipt Cost
Accounting Accounting
• Select the Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Receipt Accounting process to import receipt transactions into
Receipt Accounting.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Select the Transfer Costs to Cost Management process to import accounts payable transactions into Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
Run the Receipt Accounting Processor on the Create Receipt Accounting Distributions page in the Receipt Accounting work
Run the Cost Accounting Processor on the Create Cost Accounting Distributions page in the Cost Accounting work area.
On the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page in the Cost Accounting work area view results of the Cost Accounting
• Distributions and journal entries for inventory transactions
• Inventory unit costs including taxes in the Cost Information tab
The supplier makes a shipment to the inventory organization based on a purchase order (PO) for USD 1,000, with the
following tax details:
• Tax A delivery basis = 10%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
• Tax B invoice basis = 20%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
• Tax B invoice basis = 25%, which is changed from 20% estimated at the time of PO. Recoverable and
nonrecoverable portions are both 50%, which is equal to USD 125 (that is, USD 1,000 * 25% * 50%).
• Tax A delivery basis = 20%, which is changed from 15% reported and accounted on receipt. Recoverable and
nonrecoverable portions are both 50%, however taxes are not recalculated because this transaction uses a tax point
basis of delivery.
• Tax B invoice basis = 30%, which is changed from 25% estimated on receipt. Recoverable and nonrecoverable
portions are both 50%, which is equal to USD 150.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions when the goods are received and when the invoice
is accounted.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt PO Receipt Supplier Accrual -1,275 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Inventory 1,200* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Receiving -1,200* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the supplier when invoice is created:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Accounts Invoice Supplier Accrual 1,275 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Accounts Invoice Supplier Liability -1,450 USD Not applicable Not applicable
*Tax variance due to the difference between rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries when invoice is accounted:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Type Amount in Functional Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-Cr
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Tax B Rate Variance* -25 USD
*Tax variance due to the difference between tax rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The supplier makes a consigned shipment to the inventory organization based on a consigned purchase order (PO) for USD
1,000 with the following tax details:
• Tax A delivery basis = 10%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
• Tax B invoice basis = 20%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions when the consigned good are received, when the
status changes from consigned to owned, and when the invoice is accounted.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
USD 1,000 *
15% * 50%
Cost Accounting Consigned PO Consigned 1,200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Delivery Inventory*
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries at the time of change of status from
consigned to owned stock:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 1,000 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 75 USD Not applicable Tax A Delivery-
Accounting Accrual Based
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 125 USD Not applicable Tax B Invoice-
Accounting Accrual Based
Receipt Trade Receipt Supplier Accrual -1,275 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 1,000 USD Not applicable PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 75 USD Not applicable Tax A Delivery-
Receipt Based
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 125 USD Not applicable Tax B Invoice-
Receipt Based
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -1,200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -1,200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Owned (Receipt)
*Delivery-based recoverable tax A is calculated on consigned receipt but will be accounted after ownership change event.
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries when the invoice is created:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
*Tax variance due to the difference between tax rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries when invoice is accounted:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Type Amount in Functional Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-Cr
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Tax B Rate Variance* -25 USD
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
*Tax variance due to the difference between tax rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
The supplier makes a shipment to the inventory organization based on a purchase order for 10 units, at a per unit price of
USD 100. After receipt of the goods, a partial invoice is created for 2 units at USD 100 per unit.
The purchase order price changes retroactively from USD 100 to USD 120. The remaining balance of 8 units is invoiced at
USD 120 per unit.
Tax Details
This transaction uses a tax point basis of delivery, that is, taxes are accounted at the time of receipt of goods.
Taxes details are the same after the retroactive price change on the PO:
• Tax A delivery basis = 20%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%.
• Tax B invoice basis = 30%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions at the time of receipt of goods, after the retroactive
purchase order price change, and for the differential invoice.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
USD 1,000 *
20% * 50%
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Inventory 1,250* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Receiving -1,250* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the supplier when partial invoice is accounted:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Accounts Invoice Supplier Accrual 270* USD Not applicable Item Price plus
Payable Nonrecoverable
Taxes A and
B for 2 units =
USD 1,350/10 *
Accounts Invoice Supplier Liability -300 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries after the retroactive purchase order price
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Retroactive Price Receiving 160* USD Material USD 120 - USD
Accounting Adjustment Inspection 100 * uninvoiced
quantity of 8
Receipt Retroactive Price Supplier Accrual -216 USD Material Not applicable
Accounting Adjustment
Cost Accounting Acquisition Cost Inventory 200** USD Not applicable Not applicable
Adjustment Valuation
Cost Accounting Acquisition Cost Receiving -200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Adjustment Inspection
*Retroactive price adjustment accounted only for the uninvoiced quantity, that is, 10 units received minus 2 units invoiced = 8
units uninvoiced.
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the balance of 8 units:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Accounts Payable Invoice Supplier Accrual 960 USD Item Price USD 120
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the original invoice quantity of 2 units at the revised PO
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate the following accounting entries for the differential invoice:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Type Amount in Functional Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-Cr
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Invoice Price Adjustment -40 USD
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Tax Invoice Price -10* USD
◦ Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Receipt Accounting process. Interfaces receipt transactions.
◦ Transfer Costs from Payables to Cost Management process. Interfaces accounts payable transactions.
2. Receipt accounting:
◦ Clear Receipt Accrual Balances process. Executes only if you have predefined accrual clearing rules. Marks
purchase orders for automatic clearing.
◦ Receipt Accounting Distribution process. Creates distributions for cleared accrual balances.
3. Subledger accounting:
◦ Match Receipt Accruals process. Matches purchase order receipt accruals with invoices from the payables
application. Perform at period close or as needed for internal reporting and reconciliation.
◦ Audit Receipt Accrual Clearing Balances process. Audit the General Ledger accounted accrual balances.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
How can I create subledger account rules and subledger journal entry rule sets for receipt
Create your subledger account rules on the Manage Account Rules page. It is recommended that you highlight the
account rules predefined by Oracle, copy, and modify them as needed.
Create your subledger journal entry rule sets on the Manage Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets page. It is recommended
that you highlight the journal entry rule sets predefined by Oracle, copy, and modify them as needed. For each journal line rule
specify the copied account combination rule.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, you can access both the Manage Account Rules task and the Manage
Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets task in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
Note: You must configure the account rules and journal entry rule sets before proceeding with the setup of
subledger accounting rules for receipt accounting.
What are the accounting distribution basis options for consigned inventory transactions?
You can perform cost accounting of consigned inventory transactions using zero value or actual cost. Typically, the valuation
on the balance sheet for supplier-owned consigned inventory is zero. But you may sometimes want to perform accounting
using actual cost. In either case, the inventory valuation reports always display the pro forma value of consigned goods.
Select the accounting distribution basis for consigned inventory on the Manage Cost Profiles page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
What's the difference between inclusive basis and exclusive basis in tax calculations?
Inclusive taxes are included in the assessable value or purchase price. For example:
• PO amount: USD 100
• Inclusive tax rate: 10%
• Tax: 100/1.10 = USD 9.09 (distribution amount divided by (1 + tax rate))
Exclusive taxes are added to the purchase price or assessable value. For example:
• PO amount: USD 100
• Exclusive tax rate: 10%
• Tax: 100*0.10 = USD 10.00 (distribution amount multiplied by tax rate)
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Receipt Accounting
The following reports and analytics are available for Receipt Accounting.
For more information on accessing and modifying reports and analytics, refer to the guide Creating and Administering
Analytics and Reports.
For descriptions of the reports and analyses, and information on accessing them, see the topic Oracle Supply Chain
Management Cloud: View Supply Chain Management Reports and Analyses.
Related Topics
• Creating and Administering SCM Analytics and Reports: Overview
• Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: View Supply Chain Management Reports and Analyses
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following figure depicts the activities of cost accountants within the Manage Cost Accounting business process.
Manage Manage
Period Inventory
End Valuation
Review Cost
Analyze Product
• Manage Period End. Manage the timing of transaction processing, and perform validations in preparation for
accounting period close.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Manage Inventory Valuation. Adjust the cost of items to address inventory obsolescence, price changes, and other
• Record, Audit, and Review Cost Accounting. Create cost accounting distributions for transaction data that is
received from external sources, view and address any processing exceptions, and review results.
• Analyze Product Costs: View the perpetual average cost, actual cost, and standard cost details of an item, chart its
cost trend, compare costs across items, analyze usage of working capital and gross margins.
Task Description
Transfer transactions from Inventory Transfers transaction data from Inventory to Cost Accounting.
Transfer work order transactions from Transfers work order transaction data from Manufacturing to Cost Accounting. This process can
Manufacturing also be launched from the Manufacturing application, as follows: Manufacturing Execution > Tasks >
Transfer Transactions from Production to Costing
Transfer Transactions from Maintenance Transfers Maintenance Work Order transaction data from Enterprise Asset Management to Cost
to Costing Management.
Export Standard Costs Exports standard costs for a Cost Planning Scenario in XML format to the Cost Management
directory on the Oracle Universal Content Management server. The Cost Management UCM output
directory name is scm/ standardCost/ export
For more information on Oracle Universal Content Management, see the chapter on integration in
the guide Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM Cloud.
Related Topics
• Submitting Scheduled Processes and Process Sets: Procedure
Cost Planning
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
combination of resource rates and overhead rates to absorb factory costs into the work in process and finished goods
inventory value. When you use overhead rates to absorb factory expenses, you can define rates as a percentage of material,
or you can define hourly work center rates.
Overhead absorption rates are date-effective, enabling you to set different absorption rates for each quarter. You can have
one or many rates at different levels, such as at Inventory Organization, Item Category, or Item level. Each level absorbs
a share of the pool of expenses. These rates are used in cost roll up of an item and are published with the rolled-up item
cost. All of the indirect costs modeled as overhead are absorbed by the Work in Process cost object when published to cost
The cost roll-up process calculates the unit cost to produce an item in two steps. The total cost is calculated as the fixed cost
operations plus the variable costs (the unit resource cost multiplied by the quantity consumed). The per-unit cost is calculated
as the total divided by the cost quantity. The cost roll-up experience is designed to facilitate an interactive cost estimation
process. You can review errors reported, review the work definitions being used for cost roll-up, change your work definition
selection criteria, and modify component purchase prices and the resource rate as many times as required. Once you are
happy with the cost calculations, you can publish the scenario to be used for standard cost accounting. You can use the
Undo Cost Update task to reverse the effects of any unintended cost updates.
Use separate Cost Scenarios for planning costs for regular items and configured items. You can run processes such as Roll
Up Costs and Update Costs from the Cost Scenario, or you can schedule these processes to run at periodic intervals.
Field Description
Effective Date The date on which the estimated standard costs for materials, resources, and overheads will be
effective as published frozen standard costs. The effective date can be a future, current, or previous
Scenario Type Specifies whether the cost scenario is for regular items or configured items.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Field Description
Use Latest Work Definitions Specifies whether the roll up process should check for the latest work definition changes from
Manufacturing every time the cost roll up process is run. If you do not enable this option, work
definitions from the previous cost roll up will be used.
Retroactive Select this option to define standard costs for a new item if the frozen costs for the period have
already been published and accounted.
The ADF Desktop Integrator is a prerequisite for capturing charges in a spreadsheet, and can be installed from the Tools
section of the Navigator menu.
◦ Add the required new rows, and enter the values in the required fields. All of the white cells can be edited.
◦ Copy and paste the populated rows into the spreadsheet for bulk updates.
The Changed column is automatically updated with a change indicator icon to confirm which rows have been
9. Click Upload to update the values on the server. The Row Status column is updated with a success or error
message for each changed row.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Related Topics
• Standard Cost Method: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
to represent different manufacturing and cost variables, and then compare the results. Once you are happy with the cost
calculations, you can publish the scenario to be used for standard cost accounting.
Item Costs
Reviewing Item Costs: Explained
On the Review Item Costs page view the perpetual average cost, actual cost, or standard cost details of items, chart cost
trends, and compare cost records.
The options available for analyzing item costs are:
• Cost details
• Transaction costs
• Cost comparisons
Cost Details
View the perpetual average cost, actual cost, or standard cost of an item for combinations of a cost organization, cost book,
and valuation unit. View these costs for a current date or any date in the past.
Transaction Costs
Select a time frame to view the perpetual average cost, actual cost, or standard cost history of an item, or specify the number
of days for the moving average cost calculation.
For each transaction contributing to the item cost history, you can view the cost elements, transaction source, document
number, quantity on hand prior to the transaction, transaction date, and transaction quantity.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Cost Comparisons
Compare the cost details for up to six records of:
• Several items
• One item across several cost organizations or cost books
• One item over a period of time
Related Topics
• Cost Elements and Analysis Groups: Explained
• Cost Components, Cost Elements, and Cost Component Groups: How They Work Together
Standard cost variances arise when the transaction cost of an item differs from the standard cost. The variances could
indicate anomalies in the business process that should be addressed. Or they may signal that the standard cost is unrealistic,
leading to over or understatement of inventory value. In this case, you will want to update the standard cost.
This figure illustrates the stages of:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following diagram illustrates the process flow for reviewing standard cost variances.
Receipt Issue
Transaction Transaction
Cost Processors
On this page also run the Cost Distribution Processor to generate the accounting distributions related to the transaction costs
and the calculated variances.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
On the Review Standard Cost Variances page you can drill down into more variance details at the item level, valuation unit
level, and individual transaction level.
Related Topics
• Standard Cost Definition Process: Explained
Cost Processing
Cost Accounting Process Flow: Explained
Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting creates distributions for transactions related to the physical movement of goods or services
through the supply chain and tracks the corresponding financial changes in ownership.
The transaction data for physical shipments is interfaced to Cost Accounting from Oracle Fusion Inventory Management, and
the trade events are interfaced from Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
This figure illustrates the flow of transaction data through the cost processors.
Review Cost
Cost Processor
Review Cost
Cost Distribution
Cost Reports
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
◦ Propagates the information to cost organization books and deriving their associated units of measure,
currencies, valuation units, and cost profiles. Note that the preprocessor runs for all cost books in the cost
◦ Maps incoming cost components to cost elements, based on user-defined mappings.
• Calculates costs for preprocessed transactions using the perpetual average cost method, actual cost
method, or standard cost method.
• Processes user-entered cost adjustments and applies overhead costs based on user-defined overhead
• Calculates the variance of standard costs from actual transaction costs.
• Calls the Acquisition Cost Processor to calculate inventory valuation including the tax component where
◦ Trade transactions
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Related Topics
• Standard Cost Method: Explained
• Receipt Accounting Tasks and Accounting Events: Explained
Receipt Layers
A receipt layer is created for each put away or delivery of an item into a cost organization. The item is assigned a cost profile
that specifies the valuation structure of the item, and the valuation structure, in turn, specifies the valuation unit of the item.
The receipt layer falls within the valuation unit. Under the actual cost method, the cost processor identifies the receipt that
is used to satisfy the depletion, and applies the quantity depletion method that is defined in the cost profile. The accounting
application currently uses the first in, first out (FIFO) depletion method.
The FIFO accounting method assumes that the goods received first are consumed first. This logic does not require that the
inventory be physically moved in FIFO order. In reality, the inventory may be moving out in an unknown or random fashion,
especially when the goods are fungible.
Inventory controls the physical flow of inventory, and the actual cost method can be configured to conform to the level of
physical tracking maintained for inventory. For example, if the inventory is tracking at the lot level, the costs can also be
tracked at that level. If there is more than one receipt for a given lot, the FIFO accounting method assumes that the receipts in
the lot are consumed in FIFO order.
Receipt layers can be identified by combinations of any of the following: cost organization, inventory organization,
subinventory, locator, lot, serial and grade.
The following table illustrates the process of creating receipt layers for an item within a valuation unit.
Transaction Date Transaction Type Quantity Unit Cost Receipt Layer Created
Inventory Depletion
This table illustrates the process of depleting the item inventory based on the created receipt layers using FIFO logic:
Transaction Date Transaction Type Quantity Unit Cost Receipt Layer Receipt Layer Used
Created for Depletion
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Transaction Date Transaction Type Quantity Unit Cost Receipt Layer Receipt Layer Used
Created for Depletion
A restaurant business receives two shipments of raw material for a total of 25 units, and a sales order of 12 units. The unit is
defined as a sandwich, and the raw material is defined as sandwich food ingredients.
Transaction Details
The business needs to calculate:
• Overhead absorption on the two receipts.
• The value of beginning and ending inventory, including raw materials and overhead absorption.
• Cost of good sold.
Following are the details for two receipts of raw materials:
The cost processor calculates overhead absorption for the two receipts as follows:
Receipt #1 Labor: $5
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Receipt #2 Labor: $8
Facility: $7
Cr Receiving $100
Dr Inventory-Facility $3
Cr Overhead Absorption $8
Cr Receiving $180
Dr Inventory-Facility $7
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
This figure illustrates the process for making cost adjustments, processing them, and viewing results.
Layer Perpetual
Inventory Average
Cost Item Cost
Adjustments Adjustments
Cost Processor
Item Costs
The costing application enables you to adjust costs, process them, and create the corresponding cost accounting
• Layer inventory cost. You can adjust the unit cost of items that use the actual cost method. The processor will
automatically adjust the value of the on-hand receipt layer quantity.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
You can bundle multiple records, such as multiple receipts or valuation units, into a single adjustment transaction, and when
submitted, they are assigned an adjustment number. Optionally, you can also specify a reason code.
Save the adjustment and review the impact to inventory valuations based on the quantity on hand at the time of adjustment.
Do this prior to final submission for cost processing, so that you can revise as necessary. After final review and submission,
you can still void the adjustment, provided it is not yet processed by the cost processor. However, the adjustment cannot be
reversed once processed. Accordingly, the adjustment status code is automatically set to: S for submitted, C for voided, or P
for pending processing.
Processing Adjustments
When you review and submit a cost adjustment, the cost processor creates a new adjustment transaction:
• For a perpetual average item cost adjustment, the processor updates the perpetual average cost of the item in that
combination of cost organization, cost book, item, and valuation unit. The processor then applies the perpetual
average item cost adjustment against inventory valuation at the rate of quantity on hand times the change in cost.
• For a receipt cost adjustment, the processor updates the receipt cost for the portion of the receipt that is part of the
current on-hand balance. The portion of the adjustment attributable to what is no longer part of the on-hand balance
will be accounted for with a write off distribution. However, if the cost profile of the item has cost propagation
enabled, the processor revalues the issue transactions that were consumed out of the receipt.
• For a layer inventory cost adjustment, the processor updates the unit cost of the item in that combination of cost
organization, cost book and valuation unit. The processor then updates inventory valuation at the rate of quantity on
hand times the change in cost.
Example 1: Assume a receipt of 8 units, all of which are currently on hand. The valuation unit has a total of 10 units on hand.
You adjust the cost of the receipt from $10 to $11 per unit. The processor adjusts the average cost by $0.80 (that is, 8/
(Division symbol) 10 * (Multiplication symbol) $1).
Example 2: Assume a receipt of 8 units, of which 6 units are currently on hand, and 2 units have been depleted. The valuation
unit has a total of 10 units on hand. You manually adjust the cost of the receipt from $10 to $11 per unit. The processor
adjusts the receipt cost by $6 (that is, 6 *(Multiplication symbol) $1), and creates a write off accounting distribution of $2 (that
is, 2 * (Multiplication symbol) $1).
Example 3: Assume a valuation unit has a total of 7 units on hand, valued at $10 per unit. You manually adjust the unit cost to
$12 per unit. The processor adjusts inventory value by $14 (that is, 7 * (Multiplication symbol) $2).
Review the updated perpetual average cost or actual cost of items on the Review Item Costs page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Material $4.00
Freight $1.00
Tax $0.50
Utilities $0.50
If the quantity on hand is 100 each, and you want to increase utilities cost from $0.50 to $1.00, the distribution processor
creates the following accounting entry to adjust the item cost.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
If you are not tracking cost adjustments separately, you can use cost elements of type Material, Overhead, or Profit in
• Propagates receipt cost adjustments to downstream transactions by revaluing the transactions to the extent of
quantity consumed.
• Revalues any remaining inventory.
For interorganization transfers, the cost processor adjusts receipt costs in the destination organization and all organizations
in between, provided that propagation is enabled in all of them. On the other hand, propagation stops if an inventory
organization is associated with a cost profile that does not use the actual cost method, or does not have propagation
The processor always propagates cost adjustments through in-transit inventory organizations, regardless of propagation
If propagation is not enabled, then the receipt cost adjustment is written off as an expense for all inventory that is consumed.
Related Topics
• Cost Profiles, Default Cost Profiles, and Item Cost Profiles: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Organization A has a purchase order receipt, for which it subsequently processes an invoice price variance adjustment.
Organization A fills a sales order, and transfers some of its inventory to Organization B, who fills another sales order.
Transaction Details
Organization A has a PO receipt of 100 units at $100 per unit, of which it sells 30 units, and transfers 20 units to Organization
B at a transfer price of $125. Organization B in turn sells 6 units. The IPV for the initial PO receipt is $20 per unit.
Run the cost processor to cost the initial PO receipt, the interorganization transfer, and the sales issues from Organization A
and Organization B. After entering the receipt cost adjustment for the IPV of $20 per unit, rerun the cost processor to update
the value of remaining inventory, and to propagate the IPV adjustment to the interorganization transfer, and the sales issues
from Organization A and Organization B.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The cost distribution processor creates accounting entries for the IPV adjustment to inventory value, and to propagate the IPV
adjustment to the interorganization transfer, and to the sales issues from Organization A and Organization B. The following
table describes those accounting entries :
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• First opened period. Establishes the period when transaction accounting begins. Any transactions that precede the
first opened period, are accounted in the first opened period.
• Maximum open periods. Specifies the maximum number of concurrent periods that can be open. If the number of
periods is maximized, then no additional period can be opened until one of the open periods changes to Closed,
Permanently Closed, or Pending Close status.
Related Topics
• Cost Organizations, Inventory Organizations, and Cost Books: How They Fit Together
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
When you select the Auto option, the cost processor moves the cutoff date forward to the last date of the earliest open cost
period and then it stops, until the costing period is closed. After the period is closed, the cost processor advances the cutoff
date into the next open period, and so on. However, if a transaction is successfully preprocessed after the cutoff date, then
the cutoff date for that cost organization book moves forward to the date of the last successfully preprocessed transaction.
This could happen, for example, if you originally set the cutoff date option to User-Defined and subsequently changed it to
Backdated Transactions
One of the purposes of the cost cutoff date is to allow backdating of transactions in an orderly fashion. For example, if
you set the cost cutoff date to October 31, you can still process October transactions that were entered in November but
meant for the period ending October 31 by backdating them to October 31 or earlier. However, when the cost cutoff date
advances forward to a date past October 31 and other transactions are processed beyond October 31, then the backdated
transactions can no longer be processed as October transactions.
If you set a cost cutoff date at October 31, the cost processor will queue up but not process any transactions with a date
after October 31. If you subsequently need to backdate transactions to a date before October 31, you can still process
those backdated transactions as long as you do not process any transactions beyond October 31. You can also backdate
transactions to any date after October 31, with the assurance that these transactions will be processed in the correct order
when the cost cutoff date moves forward.
Note: The cost cutoff date affects the costed date of the transaction and the inventory value that is reported as
of a given accounting date. It does not affect the inventory transaction date.
Assume that the current date is November 2, and the cost cutoff date is October 31.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Transaction 3
Example 1
Transactions are backdated to a point before the latest costed transaction.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
In the following figure, the inventory transaction is backdated to position A. The transaction is costed with accounting date B
before transactions 2 and 3 are processed. The transaction created on November 2 and backdated to October 30 is costed
with the effective date of October 31.
Costed Uncosted
Transaction 2 Transaction 2
A Uncosted
Transaction 2
Transaction 3
Example 2
Transactions are backdated to a point between the latest costed transaction and the cost cutoff date.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
In the following figure, the inventory transaction is backdated to position C. The transaction is costed with accounting date C
after transactions 2 and 3 are processed. The transaction created on November 2 and backdated to October 31 is costed
with the effective date of October 31.
Transaction 3
Example 3
Transactions are backdated to a point after the cost cutoff date.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
In the following figure, the inventory transaction is backdated to position D. The transaction is costed with accounting date
D after the cost cutoff is moved past October 31. The transaction created on November 2 and backdated to November 1 is
costed with the effective date of November 1.
Uncosted D
Transaction 3
Perform cost accounting validations for periods that are in status Open, Pending Closed, or Closed. The validations check for
the following:
• Unprocessed transactions. Transactions that have been transferred to Cost Management and that are pending cost
• Unprocessed distributions. Costing transactions that have no distributions.
• Unprocessed journals. Subledger transactions that have no accounting entries.
• Match inventory on hand with costing on hand. Proof that there are no discrepancies between inventory on hand
and costing on hand.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Pending deferred cost of goods sold (DCOGS) transactions. Proof that the deferred cost of goods sold processor
has run and transactions are transferred.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
the transactions that you want to process, including backdated transactions. In this example, as long as you have not
processed any transactions after November 30, the processor will set the cost date to November 30 for transactions entered
after November 30 with a backdated transaction date that is in November.
Once the cost date is established, the processor performs cost accounting calculations for the transaction, creates
accounting distributions, and sets the accounting date based on the following logic:
• If the cost date falls in a Never Opened period, the accounting date becomes the same as the cost date when that
period status is Open. In the rare case where the transaction date is in a period that precedes the first period used in
the application, the accounting date is set to a date in the first subsequent period that is Open.
• If the cost date falls in a Pending Close or Closed period, you are alerted by an error message. You can reopen the
period and the processor will attempt to set the accounting date to a date in that period; or you can permanently
close the period to let the transaction accounting date move into the next Open period.
• If the cost date falls in a period that is Permanently Closed and the next period is not Open, an error message warns
you that the transaction will remain unaccounted until a subsequent period is opened. Once the subsequent period
is Open, the accounting date of the transaction will move into that Open period.
When accounting distributions are staged within the costing subledger, the accounting distribution accounting date in the
costing subledger becomes the proposed accounting date for posting into the general ledger through the subledger. If the
general ledger application accepts the proposed accounting date, the transaction is posted with that date. If the proposed
accounting date is not accepted (for example if the general ledger period has already closed), then the general ledger
application returns an error and the cost processor sets the proposed accounting date to a date in the next open general
ledger period.
Cost Management supports requisition-sourced transfer orders going to expense destinations with multiple distributions and
different expense accounts. Based on the account defined at the distribution level, Cost Management will book the expense
for the appropriate account. In the case of transfers to expense destinations where a receipt is not required, new logical
receipt and delivery transactions are created in Cost Management, similar to the physical events created with receipt expense
destination transfers when a receipt is required. Budgetary control and encumbrance accounting are supported for expense
destination internal transfer orders.
Budgetary Control
You can ensure that budget funds are available before a requisition for an internal transfer is submitted for approval.
Depending on your budgetary control configuration, the funds will be reserved either at the time the requisition is submitted
for approval, or when the requisition is approved. Insufficient funds override rules and approvers can be configured as part
of budgetary control setup. Cost Management liquidates the commitment and books an expenditure at the time of delivery
when a receipt is required, or at the time of shipment by creating a virtual receipt when the receipt is not required. The
Requisition for Internal Material Transfer transaction subtype has been added to enable budgetary control of requisitions for
internal material transfers.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Encumbrance Accounting
Encumbrance accounting entries are created for transactions subject to budgetary control and encumbrance accounting
when the Create Accounting process is run. Cost Management liquidates the reserve for the encumbrance account and
creates journal entries for the actual expense value.
Related Topics
• Enabling Budgetary Control: Critical Choices
• Reviewing Budgetary Control Validation Errors: Procedure
Related Topics
• Planning, Accounting, and Reviewing Outside Processing Costs: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Related Topics
• Work Orders: Overview
Field Description
WIP Balance The work in process balance is equal to the sum of input and resource costs, minus completions
and scrap costs.
Variance Percentage The difference between actual and standard cost as a percentage of output cost.
Scrap Percentage The scrap cost as a percentage of total work order cost. The processing of scrap valuation
and scrap accounting is determined by the Cost Profile settings for your organization. For more
information, see the guide Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Field Description
Amount in Cost Book Currency The value of input and resources at operation and cost element levels.
Related Topics
• Work Orders: Overview
• Cost Organizations, Inventory Organizations, and Cost Books: How They Fit Together
The two prerequisites are:
1. The following table lists the processes to be run. These processes must be run in the same sequence. They can be
either scheduled or manually run.
Transfer Transactions from Maintenance to Manufacturing Supervisor Tasks panel of Maintenance Management >
Costing Transfer Transactions from Maintenance to
Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Cost Accountant Scheduled Processes work area > Schedule
Costing New Process > Transfer Transactions from
Inventory to Costing.
Create Cost Accounting Distributions Cost Accountant Cost Accounting Work area > Create Cost
Accounting Distributions.
Create Accounting to create Accounting in Cost Accountant Cost Accounting Work area > Create
SLA Accounting.
2. The maintenance work order is in any status other than the unreleased status. That is, the work order is in any of the
following statuses.
◦ Released
◦ On Hold
◦ Canceled
◦ Completed
◦ Closed
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Note: You can also navigate to this page by clicking View Costs on the Edit Maintenance Work Orders
To review distribution of maintenance work order costs, on the Review Maintenance Work Order Costs page:
1. Select the required work order.
2. Click Review Distributions.
This table illustrates several receipts and issues of an item in an inventory organization, followed by a PO return for the same
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Reference Transaction Date Transaction Type Quantity Unit Cost Receipt Layer
The cost distribution processor creates the following accounting entries for the PO return:
• Dr Receiving Inspection $100*10 / Cr Inventory $100*10
• Dr Receiving Inspection $20*10 / Cr Cost Variance $20*10
Sales Returns
When you define the cost profile for an item, you can select one of three options for the costing of a sales return:
• Referenced RMA: the cost processor costs the return using the original sales order issue cost.
• Un-referenced RMA: the cost processor costs the return using:
◦ First available receipt layer; or
◦ Last available receipt layer.
This table illustrates several receipts and issues of an item in an inventory organization, followed by a referenced RMA sales
return, and an un-referenced RMA sales return for the same item:
Reference Transaction Date Transaction Type Quantity Unit Cost Receipt Layer
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Reference Transaction Date Transaction Type Quantity Unit Cost Receipt Layer
• $100 per unit if you specify the first available receipt layer; or
• $105 per unit if you specify the last available receipt layer.
When the inventory is consumed, two events occur: First there is a transfer of ownership to the buyer and the consigned
goods become owned inventory for a brief period of time, then the owned inventory is depleted.
• The physical and financial flow of consigned inventory under a consigned purchase order (PO).
• The transaction that flows from Oracle Fusion Inventory Management into Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting and Oracle
Fusion Receipt Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
Supplier Advanced Network Devices (AND-Fresno) ships the goods under a consigned purchase order to inventory
organization M1-Seattle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Advanced Network Devices
Physical Flow
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Receipt and put away transactions performed in M1-Seattle inventory organization in consigned status.
• When the goods are consumed ownership changes from supplier AND-Fresno to inventory organization M1-Seattle.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following diagram illustrates the accounting entries for the forward flow from supplier AND-
Fresno to inventory organization M1-Seattle.
M1:PO Delivery
M1-Seattle Dr Consigned Inventory
Consigned Owner Cr Consigned Clearing
M1:Transfer to Owned
Dr Inventory Valuation
Cr Trade In-Transit
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the receipt
of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Transaction Type Amount in Functional Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change
of ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Debit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual Clearing
Receipt Trade Receipt Accrual Credit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Trade In- Trade In- Debit 100 USD Material PO Price
Accounting Transit Transit
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
This figure illustrates the accounting entries for the return flow from M1-Seattle to AND-Fresno.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change
of ownership from M1-Seattle to supplier AND-Fresno.
The following table describes the accounting entries for the change in ownership.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Transaction Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of
Line Type Type Functional Currency Amount
Receipt Trade Return Accrual Debit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Return Trade Credit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual Clearing
Receipt Trade In- Trade Debit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Transit Return Clearing
Receipt Trade In- Trade In- Credit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Transit Return Transit
* Inventory is received at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Receipt Accounting generates accounting entries under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the return of consigned goods
from M1-Seattle to AND-Fresno.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Related Topics
• Cost Profiles, Default Cost Profiles, and Item Cost Profiles: Explained
• What are the accounting distribution basis options for consigned inventory transactions?
• Transactions captured in Oracle Fusion Inventory and interfaced to Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting.
• Transactions captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Cost Accounting and
Receipt Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Supplier Advanced Network Devices (AND-Fresno) ships the goods in consigned status to inventory organization M1-Seattle,
who in turn transfers the consigned goods to inventory organization M2-LA. Inventory organizations, M1-Seattle and M2-LA,
are in different business units.
Advanced Network Devices
Business Unit 1
Inventory Organization M1-Seattle
Consigned Owner = AND-Fresno
Contingent Owner = M1-Seattle
Physical Flow
Business Unit 2
Inventory Organization M2-LA
Consigned Owner = AND-Fresno
Financial Flow Contingent Owner = M1-Seattle
Business Unit 2
Inventory Organization M2-LA
Owner = M2-LA
Interfaced Transactions
Oracle Fusion Inventory sends the following transactions to Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration sets up the trade agreement, accounting rule sets, and associated
purchase orders, and the information flows into Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting. The transfer from M1-Seattle to
M2-LA is based on trade agreement SFO #123 which has the following terms:
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Accounting Entries
The following are accounting entries for the forward flow.
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the shipment from supplier AND-
Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the interorganization transfer from M1-
Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned In- -100 USD PO Price
Transit Issue Transit
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the interorganization
transfer from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned Clearing 100 USD PO Price
Transit Receipt
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change of
ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change of
ownership from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the change of
ownership from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -120 USD Material Transfer Price
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Owned (Receipt)
Inventory organization M2-LA returns the goods to supplier AND-Fresno. The return of the consignment is executed in two
• An interorganization transfer from M2-LA to M1-Seattle. The accounting is the same as simple purchase order return
• A consignment return from M1-Seattle to the supplier. The accounting is the same as regular return to supplier
Related Topics
• Consigned Inventory Accounting in a Simple Purchase Order: Example
• Consigned Inventory Accounting of an Interorganization Transfer Within the Same Business Unit: Example
• What are the accounting distribution basis options for consigned inventory transactions?
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Supplier Advanced Network Devices (AND-Fresno) ships the goods in consigned status to inventory organization M3-NY,
who in turn transfers the goods to inventory organization M4-NJ. Inventory organizations, M3-NY and M4-NJ, are within the
same business unit.
Advanced Network Devices
Physical Flow
Interfaced Transactions
Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting receive the following transaction from Oracle Fusion Inventory:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Ownership changes from supplier AND-Fresno to inventory organization M3-NY and from M3-NY to M4-NJ.
• Transfer of goods from M3-NY to M4-NJ. The transfer is at cost because the organizations are within the same profit
center business unit.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
The following are accounting entries for the forward flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following diagram lists the accounting entries for the forward flow.
Consigned Owner M4:Transfer to Owned
M4:Trade Recpt Accrual
Dr Trade Clearing
Dr Consigned Inv Offset
Cr Interorg Payable
Cr Consigned Inventory
Ownership Change
M3:Trade Receipt Accrual M4:Trade In-Transit
Dr Trade Clearing Receipt
Cr Accrual Dr Trade In-Transit
Cr Trade Clearing
M3:Trade In-Transit Recpt
Dr Trade In-Transit
Cr Trade Clearing M4:Transfer to Owned
Legend Dr Inv Valuation MAT
Inv = Inventory M3:Trade In-Transit Issue Cr Trade In-Transit
Interorg = Interorganization Dr Interorg Receivable
MAT = Material Cr Trade In-Transit
Recpt = Receipt
The following table lists the distributions that Receipt Accounting generates under inventory organization M3-NY for the
shipment from supplier AND-Fresno to M3-NY.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
The following table lists the distributions generated by Cost Accounting under inventory organization M3-NY for the
interorganization transfer from M3-NY to organization M4-NJ.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned In- -100 USD PO Price
Transit Issue Transit
Cost Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M4-NJ for the interorganization transfer from M3-NY to
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned In- 100 USD PO Price
Transit Receipt Transit
Cost Accounting Consigned Trade In- Consigned Clearing -100 USD PO Price
Transit Receipt
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M3-NY for the change of
ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M3-NY.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M4-NJ for the change of
ownership from M3-NY to M4-NJ.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Interorganization -100 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Payable
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material PO Price
Inventory organization M4-NJ returns goods to supplier AND-Fresno. The return of the consignment is executed in two parts:
• An interorganization transfer from M4-NJ to M3-NY. The accounting is the same as simple purchase order return
• A consignment return from M3-NY to the supplier. The accounting is the same as regular return to supplier
Related Topics
• Consigned Inventory Accounting of an Interorganization Transfer Across Business Units: Example
• What are the accounting distribution basis options for consigned inventory transactions?
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Receipt Accounting receives transactions and related tax determinants from outside sources such as Oracle Fusion
Receiving, Inventory, and Accounts Payable. The following discusses:
Accounts Payable
and Tax Transactions
Receipt Cost
Accounting Accounting
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Select the Transfer Transactions from Receiving to Receipt Accounting process to import receipt transactions into
Receipt Accounting.
• Select the Transfer Costs to Cost Management process to import accounts payable transactions into Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
Run the Receipt Accounting Processor on the Create Receipt Accounting Distributions page in the Receipt Accounting work
Run the Cost Accounting Processor on the Create Cost Accounting Distributions page in the Cost Accounting work area.
On the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page in the Cost Accounting work area view results of the Cost Accounting
Related Topics
• Tax Accounting for a Simple Procurement Transaction: Example
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The supplier makes a shipment to the inventory organization based on a purchase order (PO) for USD 1,000, with the
following tax details:
• Tax A delivery basis = 10%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
• Tax B invoice basis = 20%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions when the goods are received and when the invoice
is accounted.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt PO Receipt Supplier Accrual -1,275 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Inventory 1,200* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Receiving -1,200* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the supplier when invoice is created:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Accounts Invoice Supplier Accrual 1,275 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Accounts Invoice Supplier Liability -1,450 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
*Tax variance due to the difference between rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries when invoice is accounted:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Type Amount in Functional Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-Cr
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Tax B Rate Variance* -25 USD
*Tax variance due to the difference between tax rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Related Topics
• What's the difference between recoverable and nonrecoverable taxes?
The supplier makes a consigned shipment to the inventory organization based on a consigned purchase order (PO) for USD
1,000 with the following tax details:
• Tax A delivery basis = 10%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
• Tax B invoice basis = 20%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Tax B invoice basis = 25%, which is changed from 20% estimated at the time of PO. Recoverable and
nonrecoverable portions are both 50%, or USD 125, that is, USD 1,000 * 25% * 50%.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions when the consigned good are received, when the
status changes from consigned to owned, and when the invoice is accounted.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Consigned PO Consigned 1,200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Delivery Inventory*
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries at the time of change of status from
consigned to owned stock:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 1,000 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 75 USD Not applicable Tax A Delivery-
Accounting Accrual Based
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 125 USD Not applicable Tax B Invoice-
Accounting Accrual Based
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Supplier Accrual -1,275 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 1,000 USD Not applicable PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 75 USD Not applicable Tax A Delivery-
Receipt Based
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 125 USD Not applicable Tax B Invoice-
Receipt Based
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -1,200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -1,200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Owned (Receipt)
*Delivery-based recoverable tax A is calculated on consigned receipt but will be accounted after ownership change event.
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries when the invoice is created:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
*Tax variance due to the difference between tax rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries when invoice is accounted:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Type Amount in Functional Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-Cr
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Tax B Rate Variance* -25 USD
*Tax variance due to the difference between tax rates at time of delivery versus invoice.
Related Topics
• Tax Accounting for Receipt Transactions Process Flow : Explained
The supplier makes a shipment to the inventory organization based on a purchase order for 10 units, at a per unit price of
USD 100. After receipt of the goods, a partial invoice is created for 2 units at USD 100 per unit.
The purchase order price changes retroactively from USD 100 to USD 120. The remaining balance of 8 units is invoiced at
USD 120 per unit.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Tax Details
This transaction uses a tax point basis of delivery, that is, taxes are accounted at the time of receipt of goods.
Taxes details are the same after the retroactive price change on the PO:
• Tax A delivery basis = 20%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%.
• Tax B invoice basis = 30%. Recoverable and nonrecoverable portions are both 50%.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions at the time of receipt of goods, after the retroactive
purchase order price change, and for the differential invoice.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Inventory 1,250* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Receiving -1,250* USD Not applicable Not applicable
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the supplier when partial invoice is accounted:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Accounts Invoice Supplier Accrual 270* USD Not applicable Item Price plus
Payable Nonrecoverable
Taxes A and
B for 2 units =
USD 1,350/10 *
Accounts Invoice Supplier Liability -300 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate the following accounting entries after the retroactive purchase order price
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Retroactive Price Receiving 160* USD Material USD 120 - USD
Accounting Adjustment Inspection 100 * uninvoiced
quantity of 8
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Retroactive Price Supplier Accrual -216 USD Material Not applicable
Accounting Adjustment
Cost Accounting Acquisition Cost Inventory 200** USD Not applicable Not applicable
Adjustment Valuation
Cost Accounting Acquisition Cost Receiving -200 USD Not applicable Not applicable
Adjustment Inspection
*Retroactive price adjustment accounted only for the uninvoiced quantity, that is, 10 units received minus 2 units invoiced = 8
units uninvoiced.
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the balance of 8 units:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Accounts Payable Invoice Supplier Accrual 960 USD Item Price USD 120
Accounts Payable generates the following accounting entries for the original invoice quantity of 2 units at the revised PO
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate the following accounting entries for the differential invoice:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Type Amount in Functional Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-Cr
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Invoice Price Adjustment -40 USD
Receipt Accounting Invoice Price Adjustment Tax Invoice Price -10* USD
Related Topics
• What's the difference between recoverable and nonrecoverable taxes?
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
What happens if the cost processors are running transactions for several cost
organization books involving interorganization transfers?
The cost processor can run the transactions for several cost organization books concurrently and iteratively, until all
dependencies caused by interorganization transfers are resolved.
For example, assume that there is an interorganization transfer from cost organization book B to cost organization book
A. The cost processor runs the transactions for cost organization book B first, and cost organization book A second. This
process is reiterated until all interorganization transfers are accounted for.
Is the accounting date of a transaction always the same as the costing date?
The accounting date of a transaction is generally the same as the costing date, but there may be exceptions; for example, if
the costing period is already closed, then the distribution processor sets the accounting date to the next open period.
The accounting transaction is submitted to the general ledger application through the subledger accounting application. If the
general ledger period for the accounting date is closed when the accounting transaction is submitted, then the transaction is
rejected and returned with an error. The cost processor then automatically proposes a new accounting date in the next open
period, and resubmits the revised accounting transaction to the general ledger through subledger accounting.
How can I post cost distributions and journal entries to the general ledger?
First run the cost distribution processor to generate distributions for inventory transactions on the Create Cost Accounting
Distributions page. Then create the related subledger journal entries on the Create Entries for Cost Accounting page.
Execute these processes one at a time, or set them up to execute automatically on a prescheduled basis.
How can I create subledger account rules and subledger journal entry rule sets for cost
Create your subledger account rules on the Manage Account Rules page. It is recommended that you highlight the
account rules predefined by Oracle, copy, and modify them as needed.
Create your subledger journal entry rule sets on the Manage Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets page. It is recommended
that you highlight the journal entry rule sets predefined by Oracle, copy, and modify them as needed. For each journal line rule
specify the copied account combination rule.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, you can access both the Manage Account Rules task and the Manage
Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets task in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.
Note: You must configure the predefined account rules and journal entry rule sets before proceeding with the
setup of subledger accounting rules for cost management.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
What happens during cost processing when an inventory organization is missing setup
If the setup information is incomplete for an inventory organization that is directly tied to the cost organization in the process
run, the missing information is flagged as an error on the Review Cost Accounting Processes page, and the process fails.
If the setup information is incomplete for an inventory organization that is not directly tied to the cost organization in the
process run, the missing information is flagged as a warning, but the process is completed.
Examples of setup information that may be missing are the association of the inventory organization with a cost organization,
the assignment of a cost book to the cost organization, the assignment of a cost profile to the item, or the assignment of a
valuation unit to the cost organization.
How can I diagnose problems with item cost data that is missing or incorrect?
After interfacing the inventory transaction data, you can run the Item Cost Data Collection Test from the Help >
Supportability menu.
What are the accounting distribution basis options for consigned inventory transactions?
You can perform cost accounting of consigned inventory transactions using zero value or actual cost. Typically, the valuation
on the balance sheet for supplier-owned consigned inventory is zero. But you may sometimes want to perform accounting
using actual cost. In either case, the inventory valuation reports always display the pro forma value of consigned goods.
Select the accounting distribution basis for consigned inventory on the Manage Cost Profiles page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
What's the difference between inclusive basis and exclusive basis in tax calculations?
Inclusive taxes are included in the assessable value or purchase price. For example:
• PO amount: USD 100
• Inclusive tax rate: 10%
• Tax: 100/1.10 = USD 9.09 (distribution amount divided by (1 + tax rate))
Exclusive taxes are added to the purchase price or assessable value. For example:
• PO amount: USD 100
• Exclusive tax rate: 10%
• Tax: 100*0.10 = USD 10.00 (distribution amount multiplied by tax rate)
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Global Procurement
Global Procurement Trade Accounting: Overview
Companies often design their legal structure for financial efficiency as well as efficiencies in the physical flow of goods
through the supply chain. Typically, the most optimal financial movement of goods is different from the most optimal physical
movement of goods. For example, the purchase requisitions from a group of subsidiary companies could be routed through
a single international purchasing company who deals with the suppliers. As a result, the legal owners of the purchasing
organizations will be different from the legal owners of the receiving organizations. This form of purchasing is known as global
The following discusses:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Ownership Procurement
Change Business Unit
US Inc
China Ltd Ownership Receiving Legal
Sold-to Legal Entity Change Entity
(Purchasing Affiliate) Event
CN BU US West US East
China Sold-to Profit Receiving Profit Receiving Profit
Center Business Unit Flow Center Business Unit Center Business Unit
M1 M2
CN INV ORG Physical US Receiving US Receiving
China Purchasing Flow Inventory Inventory
Trade Organization Organization Organization
The China supplier drop ships the goods directly to the US receiving inventory organization M1. However for legal and
accounting purposes, the trade flows from the China supplier through the China sold-to legal entity (China Ltd), to the US
receiving legal entity (US Inc). For management and profit tracking purposes, the trade flows from the China sold-to profit
center business unit CN BU to the US receiving profit center business unit US West.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Quantity: 100
• UOM: Each
• Currency: CNY
• Price: 650
• Sold-to Legal Entity: China Ltd.
• Trade Organization: CN INV ORG
• Deliver-to Organization: M1
• Primary Trade Relationship #: PTR1
buy-sell relationship Relationship between two business units where one acts as a buyer and the other as a seller of
goods or services. The seller records the revenue, cost of sale, and receivables. The buyer records
the payables and inventory or expense. A buy-sell trade between internal business units is settled
through the transfer price.
asset item Inventory item where the cost of acquisition is valued as an asset on the balance sheet. The
inventory cost is expensed when it is consumed or sold.
transfer price The unit price that one business unit charges another for goods or services traded within the
enterprise. The transfer price is typically based on the price list, cost plus or minus, or purchase
price plus or minus.
financial route Designates how financial transactions are settled, can be different from the physical route, and may
involve one or more intermediary nodes. The intermediary nodes are internal business units that are
not part of the physical supply chain transaction but are part of the financial route.
Incoterms A series of sales terms in international trade, used to define the rights and obligations of the trade
partners with respect to the delivery of goods sold. Incoterms are used to divide transaction costs
and responsibilities between buyer and seller, and to reflect transportation practices.
intercompany profit and loss The internal profit or loss arising out of trade among business units in the enterprise. These internal
profits and losses are used for internal management but are typically eliminated when producing the
enterprise consolidated financial statements for external stakeholders.
intercompany trade The trade of goods and services between organizations belonging to different legal entities within a
intracompany trade The trade of goods or services between two internal organizations within a legal entity.
ownership change event The transfer of title of goods and services from one party to another. This results in accounting and
the creation of financial documents such as Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable invoices.
price list Contains the basic list information and pricing attributes for items or product groups.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
pricing option A method to compute the transfer price based on cost, source document price, or price list.
profit center A business unit that operates with its own income statement and reports to the legal entity.
purchasing trade organization The inventory organization reporting to the sold-to legal entity identified in the purchase order. This
organization is used for cost accounting the transactions in the sold-to legal entity.
qualifiers Business attributes of a supply chain document or transaction that determine the applicability of the
trade agreement.
supply chain financial orchestration An agreement between the legal entities, business units, and trade organizations of a corporate
agreement group. The agreement defines the parties in the trade relationship and the financial settlement
trade distributions Subledger entries created by Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting and Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting
for Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration trade transactions.
procurement business unit Has central responsibility for the creation of trade agreements and purchase orders on behalf of
legal entities and business units under the holding company.
Related Topics
• Accounting of Global Procurement Trade Transactions into Inventory: Example
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Related Topics
• Cost Organizations, Inventory Organizations, and Cost Books: How They Fit Together
The following is an example of accounting performed by Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting for a global procurement
flow into inventory. It illustrates:
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the forward flow of a shipment from
the supplier, through the intermediary distributor, to the final receiving organization.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the return flow from the receiving
organization to the supplier.
China Supplier ships the goods to US Inc. through the intermediary distributor, China Ltd.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the forward flow from legal entity China Ltd. to
legal entity US Inc.
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Overhead -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Receipt Absorption
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material Transfer Price
Receipt PO Receipt Trade In-Transit -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting PO Delivery Receiving -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the return flow from legal entity US Inc to legal
entity China Ltd.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
LE = Legal Entity IC AR Invoice Return to Vendor
BU = Business Unit Dr IC Revenue $100 Dr Trade In-Transit $100
MAT = Material Cr IC Receivable $100 Cr Receiving Inspection $100
OVH = Overhead
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable IC AP Invoice
GP = Gross Profit Supplier Invoice
Dr IC Liability $100
Cst Org = Cost Organization Dr Liability $50
Cr IC Accrual $100
Inv Org = Inventory Organization Cr Accrual $50
Ret Rec = Return Receipt
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Return to Inventory -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Receiving Valuation
Receipt Return to Trade In-Transit 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Supplier
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -50 USD Not Applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Cost Variance* 10 USD Not Applicable Inventory is
Return depleted at the
current cost, and
the difference
between transfer
price and cost is
booked as cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt COGS
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
*Inventory is depleted at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Related Topics
• Global Procurement Trade Accounting: Overview
• Accounting of Global Procurement Trade Transactions into Expense: Example
• Reviewing Item Costs and Accounting for Global Procurement Trade Transactions: Explained
China Ltd. ships the goods to US Inc. The organizations are in two different profit center business units.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the transfer of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Accounting Entries
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the shipment from legal entity China Ltd. to legal
entity US Inc.
In-Transit Shipment
Dr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 Trade Receipt Accrual
Dr Trade In-Transit OVH $10 Dr Trade Clearing $100
Cr Inventory MAT $50 Cr IO Payable $100
Cr Inventory OVH $10
Interorganization Receipt
Dr Receiving Inspection $100
Cr Trade In-Transit $100
LE = Legal Entity
Interorganization Delivery
BU = Business Unit
Dr Inventory MAT $50
MAT = Material
Dr Inventory OVH $10
OVH = Overhead
Dr Inventory GP $40
IC = Intercompany
Cr Receiving Inspection $100
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable
GP = Gross Profit
Cst Org = Cost Organization
Inv Org = Inventory Organization
IO = Interorganization
Cost Accounting generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Interorganization 100 USD Material, Transfer Price
Issue Receivable Overhead, Gross
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Interorganization -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Issue Gain/Loss
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Interorganization -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Payable
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material, Transfer Price
Receipt Overhead, Gross
Receipt Interorganization Trade In-Transit -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Receipt
Related Topics
• Accounting of Interorganization Transfers Within the Same Business Unit: Example
• Reviewing Item Costs and Accounting for Global Procurement Trade Transactions: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following is an example of accounting performed by Oracle Fusion Cost Accounting and Oracle Fusion Receipt
Accounting for an internal drop shipment. It illustrates:
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the drop shipment flow from the
selling organization to the customer of the buying organization.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the return flow from the customer to
the seller.
China Ltd. drop ships the goods to the customer of US Inc.
• China Ltd. acquires goods locally at the cost of USD 50, plus USD 10 overhead on the receipt of goods.
• Intercompany transfer price from China Ltd. to US Inc. is USD 100.
• Intercompany invoicing is set to Yes.
• Overhead rule is configured in Cost Accounting for transaction type Trade in-Transit Receipt in Cost Organization
• US Inc. books a profit of USD 40 (USD 100 transfer price - USD 50 PO price - USD 10 overhead).
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the transfer of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the shipment from legal entity China Ltd. to legal
entity US Inc.
Cost Accounting generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Sales Order Trade In-Transit 50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Sales Order Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Sales Order Inventory -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Sales Order Inventory -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes the receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Split into three Transfer Price
Receipt lines (Material,
Overhead, and
Gross Profit)
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred Cost of 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Issue Goods Sold
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Sending
Issue Organization
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Sending
Issue Organization
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following figure illustrates accounting entries for the return flow from US Inc (Sold-to Legal Entity)
to China Ltd (Legal Entity).
RMA Receipt
Dr Inentory MAT $50 Trade Receipt Accrual Customer AR Credit Memo
Dr Inventory OVH $10 Dr IC Accrual $100 Dr Revenue $120
Cr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 Cr Trade Clearing $100 Cr Receivable $120
Cr Trade In-Transit OVH $10
IC AR Credit Memo
Dr IC Revenue $100
Cr IC Receivable $100 Legend
LE = Legal Entity
Trade Sales Return BU = Business Unit
Receipt MAT = Material
Dr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 OVH = Overhead
Dr Trade In-Transit OVH $10 IC = Intercompany
Dr Trade In-Transit GP $40 COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
Cr DCOGS MAT $50 DCOGS = Deferred COGS
Cr DCOGS OVH $10 AR = Accounts Receivable
Cr DCOGS GP $40 AP = Accounts payable
GP = Gross Profit
Cst Org = Cost Organization
Inv Org = Inventory Organization
IO = Interorganization
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Split into three Transfer Price
Return lines (Material,
Overhead, and
Gross Profit)
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Sending
Return Organization
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Trade In-Transit 40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred RMA -50 USD Material Sending
Return Receipt Gain/Loss Organization
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred RMA -10 USD Overhead Sending
Return Receipt Gain/Loss Organization
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade Sales Deferred RMA -40 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Return Receipt Gain/Loss
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting RMA Receipt Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting RMA Receipt Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 50 USD Material Current Cost
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -50 USD Material Current Cost
Return Receipt Cost of Goods
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Return Receipt Cost of Goods
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
* Inventory is received at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Related Topics
• Global Procurement Trade Accounting: Overview
• Reviewing Item Costs and Accounting for Global Procurement Trade Transactions: Explained
The following is an example of accounting performed by Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting for a global procurement
flow into expense. It illustrates:
• Transactions that are captured in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt
Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the forward flow of goods or services
from the supplier, through the intermediary distributor, to the final receiving organization.
• Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the return flow from the receiving
organization to the supplier.
China Supplier ships the goods to US Inc. and the goods flow through an intermediary distributor, China Ltd.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Accounting Entries
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The following figure illustrates the accounting entries for the forward flow from China Ltd (sold-to legal
entity) to US Inc (receiving legal entity).
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Overhead -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Receipt Absorption
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -100 USD Material Transfer Price
Receipt PO Receipt Trade In-Transit -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
The following figure illustrates the accounting entries for the return flow from legal entity US Inc. to
legal entity China Ltd .
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
LE = Legal Entity IC AR Invoice Return to Vendor
BU = Business Unit Dr IC Revenue $100 Dr Trade In-Transit $100
MAT = Material Cr IC Receivable $100 Cr Receiving Inspection $100
OVH = Overhead
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable IC AP Invoice
GP = Gross Profit Supplier Invoice
Dr IC Liability $100
Cst Org = Cost Organization Dr Liability $50
Cr IC Accrual $100
Inv Org = Inventory Organization Cr Accrual $50
Ret Rec = Return Receipt
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material Transfer Price
Receipt Return to Trade In-Transit 100 USD Not Applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Supplier
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit CN and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
The following table describes those receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -50 USD Not Applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Cost Variance* 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Intercompany -10 USD Overhead Overhead Rate
Return Receipt Cost of Goods
*Inventory is depleted at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Related Topics
• Accounting of Global Procurement Trade Transactions into Inventory: Example
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Reviewing Item Costs and Accounting for Global Procurement Trade Transactions: Explained
Inventory organization M1 makes a transfer of goods to inventory organization M2. Both inventory organizations are under the
profit center business unit US West, which is under the legal entity US Inc.
Interorganization Transfer
The cost of goods transferred from M1 to M2 is USD 50 plus overhead of USD 10.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting entries for the transfer of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
In-Transit Shipment
Dr Trade In-Transit MAT $50 Trade Receipt Accrual
Dr Trade In-Transit OVH $10 Dr Trade Clearing $60
Cr Inventory MAT $50 Cr IO Payable $60
Cr Inventory OVH $10
Interorganization Receipt
Dr Receiving Inspection $60
Cr Trade In-Transit $60
LE = Legal Entity
BU = Business Unit Interorganization Delivery
MAT = Material Dr Inventory MAT $50
OVH = Overhead Dr Inventory OVH $10
IC = Intercompany Cr Receiving Inspection $60
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
AR = Accounts Receivable
AP = Accounts payable
GP = Gross Profit
Cst Org = Cost Organization
Inv Org = Inventory Organization
IO = Interorganization
Accounting Entries
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M1. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO1 and inventory organization M1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -50 USD Material Current Cost
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -10 USD Overhead Current Cost
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under business unit US West and inventory organization M2. Cost Accounting
generates distributions under cost organization CO2 and inventory organization M2.
The following table describes the receipt and cost accounting entries.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -60 USD Material + Sending
Receipt Overhead Organization
Related Topics
• Accounting of Interorganization Transfers Across Business Units: Example
• Reviewing Item Costs and Accounting for Global Procurement Trade Transactions: Explained
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• Access the Review Item Costs page. On this page you can view a breakdown of the cost of items, cost comparisons
of items across organizations, and cost trends over time.
• Access the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page. On this page you can view accounting details of trade
transactions by Reference Document Number.
Related Topics
• Receipt Accounting Tasks and Accounting Events: Explained
• The physical and financial flow of consigned inventory in a global purchase order.
• Transactions that flow from Oracle Fusion Inventory into Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting.
• Transactions that flow from Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration into Cost Accounting and Receipt
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the forward flow.
• Accounting entries that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting generate for the return flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The supplier AND-Fresno ships the goods in consigned status to inventory organization M2-LA, through the purchasing trade
organization M1-Seattle.
Advanced Network Devices
Profit Center BU 2
Ship-To Inventory Org M2-LA
Consigned Owner = AND-Fresno
Financial Contingent Owner = M2-LA
Profit Center BU 2
Inventory Organization M2-LA
Legend Owner = M2-LA
BU = Business Unit
Org = Organization
Interfaced Transactions
Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting receive the following transaction from Oracle Fusion Inventory:
• Consignment Purchase Order (PO) #1000.
• Purchase Order price USD 100.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
The trade agreement, accounting rule sets, and associated purchase orders are set up in Supply Chain Financial
Orchestration, and the transactions flow into Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting. The shipment from supplier to
inventory organization M2-LA is based on trade agreement GP #123 which has the following terms:
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting distributions for the forward and return shipment of goods.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Accounting Entries
The following are accounting entries for the forward flow.
M2:Transfer to Owned M2:Consigned Receipt
Issue Consignment
Dr Consigned Inv Offset Dr Consigned Accrual
Cr Consigned Inventory Cr Consigned Clearing
Inv = Inventory
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
Recpt = Receipt
MAT = Material
GP = Gross Profit
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the consigned shipment from supplier
AND-Fresno to M2-LA.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-Seattle for the change of
ownership from supplier AND-Fresno to M1-Seattle.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Receipt
Receipt Trade In-Transit Trade clearing -100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Receipt
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the change of
ownership from M1-Seattle to M2-LA.
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Receipt Trade Clearing 120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Receipt Trade Receipt Intercompany -120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing -120 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Owned (Receipt)
Organization M2-LA returns goods to supplier AND-Fresno. The following are accounting entries for the return flow.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
M2:Trade Ret Accrual
Supplier M2:Transfer to Consigned
Dr IC Accrual
Cr Trade Clearing
Dr Consigned Inventory
Cr Consigned Inv Offset
M2:Trade In-Transit Ret
Dr Trade Clearing
M1:Trade Ret Accrual Cr Trade In-Transit
Dr Accrual
Cr Trade Clearing M2:Consigned Receipt
Dr Consigned Clearing
M1:Trade In-Transit Ret
M1-Seattle Cr Consigned Accrual
Dr Trade Clearing
Owner Cr Trade In-Transit
M2:Transfer to Consigned
M1:Trade In-Transit Dr Inv Valuation MAT
Return Receipt Dr Inv Valuation GP
Dr Trade In-Transit Dr Inv Valuation OH
Cr IC COGS Cr trade In-Transit MAT
Physical Cr Trade In-Transit
Flow Cr Cost Variance
Consigned Owner =
Contingent Owner = M2:PO Return to Vendor M2:PO Ret to Receiving
M2-LA Dr Consigned Accrual Dr Consigned Clearing
Cr Consigned Clearing Cr Consigned Inventory
Inv = Inventory
IC = Intercompany
COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
Recpt = Receipt
Ret = Return
MAT = Material
GP = Gross Profit
OH = Overhead
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the change of
ownership from M2-LA to M1-Seattle:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Intercompany 120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual Accrual
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -120 USD Not applicable Transfer Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 120 USD Material Transfer Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Cost Accounting Transfer to Trade In-Transit -20 USD Gross Profit Internal Markup
Consigned Issue
Cost Accounting Transfer to Cost Variance* -10 USD Material Not applicable
Consigned Issue
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
*Inventory is depleted at the current cost, and the difference between transfer price and cost is booked as cost variance.
Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate distributions under inventory organization M1-LA for the change of
ownership from M1-LA to supplier AND-Fresno:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Cost Element Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Currency +Dr/-
Receipt Trade Return Trade Clearing -100 USD Not applicable PO Price
Accounting Accrual
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade Clearing 100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit -100 USD Material PO Price
Cost Accounting Trade In-Transit Trade In-Transit 100 USD Material PO Price
Return Receipt
Receipt Accounting generates distributions under inventory organization M2-LA for the return shipment from M2-LA to
supplier AND-Fresno:
Subledger Event Type Accounting Line Amount in Functional Currency Basis of Amount
Type Functional Currency
Related Topics
• Global Procurement Trade Accounting: Overview
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
• What are the accounting distribution basis options for consigned inventory transactions?
The following real time analytics are available for Cost Planning.
• Costed Bill of Materials
• Costed Bill of Materials with Cost Element
• Cost Scenario Exceptions
• Cost Comparison
• Where Used Analysis for Components and Resources
The following real time analytics are available for Cost Accounting.
• Cost Accounting Real Time
• COGS and Gross Margin Real Time
• Inventory Valuation Real Time
• Item Cost Real Time
• Work Order Costs Real Time
• Cost Accounting Period Close Real Time
• Resource Rates Real Time
• Overhead Rates Real Time
• Landed Costs Real Time
For more information on accessing and modifying reports and analytics, refer to the guide Creating and Administering
Analytics and Reports.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
For descriptions of the reports and analyses, and information on accessing them, see the topic Oracle Supply Chain
Management Cloud: View Supply Chain Management Reports and Analyses.
Related Topics
• Creating and Administering SCM Analytics and Reports: Overview
• Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: View Supply Chain Management Reports and Analyses
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Cost Accounting
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
• Capture Charges: Landed Cost Management provides the capability to capture charges such as freight, insurance,
and so on. These charges are captured and grouped under an entity called trade operation. A trade operation is a
logical entity that denotes a single instance of a business transaction or process in which you would like to capture
all the charges. An example of this is a single shipment or container.
• Perform Allocations: Material PO schedules are associated to charges. This denotes the PO schedules that are part
of the trade operation or that are impacted by this trade operation. After the PO schedules are referenced to charges
on the trade operation, the charge amount is distributed and allocated to the respective PO schedules and further on
to the receipts that are performed on those schedules.
• Create Accounting: The final step is to account for all the charges that were incurred. This is done by transferring all
the charge information to Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting.
• Oracle Fusion Purchasing: Landed Cost Management receives the material purchase order (PO) information. The
trade operation charges are associated with the PO schedules and allocated proportionately to the PO schedules
and receipts.
• Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting: Tasks performed when managing landed costs use data from Receipt
Accounting, and Receipt Accounting will create the accounting entries to accrue landed cost charges.
• Oracle Fusion Cost Management: Charges from Landed Cost Management are absorbed as part of the item cost in
Cost Management. After the goods are delivered to inventory, the landed cost charges are absorbed into inventory
• Oracle Fusion Tax: Taxes may be applicable on the charges coming from Landed Cost Management. The charges
are defined in Landed Cost Management. Taxes are automatically calculated, when applicable, by calling the Tax
• Oracle Fusion Payables: In most cases, suppliers send invoices for the services they provide (particularly for freight).
When these invoices relate to charges defined in a landed cost Trade Operation, it is possible to automatically
associate an invoice amount to a landed cost charge applied to a receipt. For example, when a receipt of items
is performed, the bill of lading number from the freight supplier is specified in the receipt. Then when the freight
supplier invoice is processed, the invoice line references that bill of lading number. When the freight supplier invoice
is interfaced to the landed cost application, the bill of lading number that is common to the receipt and invoice
lines is automatically associated. As a result, the landed cost application compares the estimated amount of freight
charge in the receipt to the actual amount of freight charge billed in the invoice, and adjusts the cost of the receipt
for any calculated cost variance.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
Implementing Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting is a prerequisite for Landed Cost Management. Implementing Oracle Fusion
Cost Accounting is optional. If you implement Cost Accounting, the landed cost charges are also visible in Cost Accounting.
Several options are available for implementing Landed Cost Management, based on the source of these landed cost charges.
You can implement a combination of one or more of these options where the source of the landed cost charges can be:
Field Description
Charge Basis
The level where the charge is captured. The charge basis options are as follows:
• Aggregate. If the charge is the total amount, use Allocation Basis to specify allocation.
• Per Unit. Fixed rate per unit of items. The charge is entered in the Rate field.
• Percentage of Item Price. A percentage of the full item price. The charge is entered in the
Rate field.
• Percentage of Other Charges. Percentage of another charge in the Trade Operation. This is
a good way to model tax applying to another charge. The charge is entered on the Related
Charges lines as follows:
-Item Value of the source charge
-Percentage of charge amount
• Variable Per Unit. Similar to Per Unit but specified against a specific purchase order line
schedule. There may be different rates in a charge for different schedules. The Rate is
defined directly at the purchase order schedule level associated with the charge line.
• Variable Percentage of Item Price. Similar to Percentage of Item Price but specified against
a specific purchase order line schedule. There may be different percentages in a charge
for different schedules. The Rate is defined directly at the purchase order schedule level
associated with the charge line.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
Field Description
Allocation Basis
The basis used to allocate the charge to purchase order schedules. The allocation basis options are
as follows:
• Equally. The aggregate charge value is allocated equally across purchase order schedules
associated with a charge line.
• Quantity. The aggregate charge value is allocated in the ratio of quantities present on each of
the purchase order schedules.
• Volume. The aggregate charge value is allocated in the ratio of volumes (represented in terms
of the Base UOM) present on each of the purchase order schedules.
• Weight. The aggregate charge value is allocated in the ratio of weights (represented in terms
of the Base UOM) present on each of the purchase order schedules.
• Item Value. The aggregate charge is allocated in the ratio of item value (purchase order price
multiplied by quantity) present on purchase order schedules.
• Manual Allocation Factor. The aggregate charge is allocated to the purchase order schedules
based on the manual factor provided by the user at purchase order schedule level on the
charge line.
Pending PO Schedule Association The charge line has been successfully saved, but no purchase order schedules have been
associated with the charge.
• The purchase order schedules have been associated with the charge line.
• Any applicable per unit and percentage values have been entered in the Rate field.
A warning message will be displayed if the applicable per unit and percentage values have not been
entered on a charge line.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
ensure consistency. Trade operation templates contain information about the supplier, charge lines, reference types, routes,
and other related information. Whenever a trade operation is created by using a template, all this information is copied to the
trade operation. The user can modify the copied information where required. Trade operation templates are managed in the
Landed Cost Management work area on the Manage Trade Operation Templates page.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
This informs Receipt Accounting that the charges in this Trade Operation are to be added to the material cost of the
items received against the Purchase Orders referenced in the Trade Operation. Create and submit the receipt in the
Receiving application.
15. From the Actions menu in the Trade Operation header, select Allocate Charges. The Charge line status is updated
and displays Successfully Allocated when you hover over the icon. The total amount of each charge is displayed in
the Landed Cost Charges area. This is the estimated charge amount that is anticipated to be applied when the items
in a Purchase Order are fully received.
16. In the Landed Costs work area navigate to the Manage Landed Cost Processes page from the Tasks menu. Select
and run the Prepare Invoice Data process.
17. On the Manage Landed Cost Processes page select and run the Associate Invoices to Trade Operation Charges
18. In the Landed Costs work area navigate to the Manage Charge Invoice Associations page from the Tasks menu,
and select the required invoice. Set the Association Status to All. The invoice association status is displayed in the
Association Details region, including the association attributes, charge line details, corresponding invoice line details,
and match status for each charge line.
19. In the Landed Costs work area navigate to the Manage Trade Operations page. Search for and open the required
Trade Operation for editing. The Charge Line Status will be set to Requires Reallocation.
20. Click on the Allocate Charges button. The actual charges are added to the Trade Operation.
Associated The invoice line has been automatically associated to the Trade Operation Charge line.
Manually associated The invoice line has been manually associated to the Trade Operation Charge line.
Needs review The invoice line has a matching Trade Operation charge line, but you need to review and confirm the
Good match There are multiple matches between the Trade Operation charge line and the invoice line. The User
needs to select the correct match and confirm the association.
No Match The Associate Invoices to Trade Operation Charges process has been run on the invoice line but a
match has not been found.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
The ADF Desktop Integrator is a prerequisite for capturing charges in a spreadsheet, and can be installed from the Tools
section of the Navigator menu.
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
4. From the Tasks panel, select Analyze Landed Cost Variances, and complete the required search fields.
5. In the View Landed Cost Charges By list select Business Unit.
The page displays the landed cost charge data, including the accounted amount, estimate amount, and actual
amount in an expandable tree table.
6. Click on the Trends icon to display the data in graph format.
Related Topics
• Setting Up Landed Cost Management: Procedure
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
What are the criteria to enable a charge invoice for the Associate
Charge Invoice task?
The following criteria apply to enable a Charge Invoice for the Associate Charge Invoice task:
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Supply Chain Cost Management Manage Landed Costs
Oracle SCM Cloud Glossary
Using Supply Chain Cost Management
actual cost
A cost method that tracks the actual cost of each receipt into inventory. When depleting inventory, the processor logically
identifies the receipts that are consumed to satisfy the depletion, and assigns the associated receipt costs to the depletion.
analysis group
Contains analysis code classifications for particular reporting purposes, for example fixed and variable costs analysis group.
cost book
A view or method of cost accounting for inventory transactions. You can create multiple cost books and assign them to a
cost organization for different financial and management reporting purposes.
cost element
A cost that you can associate with an item so that you can monitor the cost through the inventory and accounting life cycle.
For example, you can monitor the material cost, overhead cost, and tax cost of an item. You can monitor each of these costs
as a separate cost element.
cost organization
A grouping of inventory organizations that indicates legal and financial ownership of inventory, and which establishes common
costing and accounting policies.
cost profile
Defines the cost accounting policies for items, such as the cost method and valuation structure.
Abbreviation for deferred cost of goods sold. Portion of cost of goods sold not recognized on the income statement, and
deferred to a future accounting period, when matching revenue is recognized.
Abbreviation for exchange rate variance. The difference between the exchange rate used for receipt accrual and the
exchange rate used for reversing the accrual.
Oracle SCM Cloud Glossary
Using Supply Chain Cost Management
Abbreviation for first in, first out. A material control technique of rotating inventory stock so that the earliest inventory units
received or produced are the first units used or shipped. The ending inventory therefore consists of the most recently
acquired goods.
inventory organization
A logical or physical entity in the enterprise that tracks inventory transactions and balances, stores definitions of items, and
manufactures or distributes products.
Abbreviation for invoice price variance. The difference between the invoice price and the purchase order price.
Abbreviation for purchase order.
receipt cost
The transaction cost of a purchase order receipt or a miscellaneous receipt, including additional acquisition cost or other cost
receipt layer
Unique identification of delivery or put away of an item into inventory.
Abbreviation for return material authorization.
standard cost
An inventory valuation method in which inventory is valued at a predetermined standard value. You track variances for the
difference between the standard cost and the actual transaction cost, and you periodically update the standard cost to bring
it in line with actual costs.
Oracle SCM Cloud Glossary
Using Supply Chain Cost Management
Abbreviation for tax exchange rate variance. Tax component of exchange rate variance (ERV).
Abbreviation for tax invoice price variance. Tax component of invoice price variance (IPV).
Abbreviation for tax rate variance. Difference between tax rates in purchase order document and invoice document.
valuation structure
Defines inventory control attributes that are used to calculate the cost of an item. For example, the valuation structure of an
item can be inventory organization and subinventory, or lot, or grade.
valuation unit
Defines the set of values for the control attributes that are used to calculate the cost of an item. For example, valuation unit V1
is defined by cost organization A, item I1, and lot L1.
Oracle SCM Cloud Glossary
Using Supply Chain Cost Management