Ethnopharmacological Studies of Argemone Mexicana For The Management of Psoriasis 300
Ethnopharmacological Studies of Argemone Mexicana For The Management of Psoriasis 300
Ethnopharmacological Studies of Argemone Mexicana For The Management of Psoriasis 300
Research Article
Objective: Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition which results in the body attacking itself. It occurs in the age group of 30 years to ≥ 65 years. More than 100
million individuals around the world are affected with this disease. The main objective of this study is to provide patients with more effective and safer treatment
to this disease.
Methods: A prospective study was carried out in randomly selected individuals from Madhya Pradesh (Chhatarpur and Bhopal). Patients with psoriasis of
different ages were randomly selected and formulation made with the plant extract was applied twice a day externally on the marks for 3 months to 4 months.
Results: We studied around 12 patients from each of the cities of Madhya Pradesh. The condition was confirmed by physical examination and by their previous
disease and medical history. This study was carried out for a period of 4 months and the cream was applied twice a day on the affected area. It was found that in
Chhatarpur about 8 of 12(66.6%) patients the marks were completely disappeared and in other 2 of 12(16.6%) patients showed mild response and 2 of 12(16.6%)
of them showed no response to the formulation. Whereas in Bhopal around 6 of 12(50%) showed complete cure, 4 of 12(33.3%) with mild response and 2 of
12(16.6%) with no response to the drug. No side effects were observed in any of the age groups.
Conclusion: Psoriasis was reduced by the use of the product extracted from the leaves of A. Mexicana. The patients of different age groups showed different
response to this formulation. The patients of younger age and patients with recent stage of development of the disease showed highly positive response to the
medication. High amount of positive response was shown in the areas of Chhatarpur than Bhopal this shows environmental factors also effect the treatment and
management of the disease. But no side effects were shown in any of the cities and in any of the age groups which shows that the extract is safer use and even
effective unless the patient has any allergic history from the plant.
Graphical Abstract
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition which results in the body attacking itself. It occurs in the age group of 14 years to ≥ 65 years. The average age is 28 years.
More than 10 million cases per year in India are being recorded. Around 15% of cases emerge before the age of 10 years. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated (or
autoimmune) disorder that occurs when immune cells known as T lymphocytes, or T cells, attack healthy skin cells in both the nonvascular horny outer layer of
the skin and its deeper vascular layer. This attack causes the life span of the skin cells to shorten to about 3 days to 5 days (skin cells normally live about 20 days to
28 days) and forces the cells to reproduce more rapidly than normal. Psoriasis occurs in both sexes with equal frequency, being most prevalent between the ages
of 10 and 30 (Graph 1).
Keywords: Argemone Mexicana; Autoimmune disease; Environmental; Psoriasis; Side effects
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Biomed Research and Health Advances
Introduction appeared as raised areas of inflamed skin covered with silvery white
Psoriasis is a very common tropical neglected disease in India scaly skin. These areas are called plaques and are most commonly
more than 10 million cases per year are being observed. It causes found on the elbows, knees, scalp, and back (Figures 1 and 2).
the cell to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin and itchy or Psoriasis can affect the nails and produces a variety of changes in
dry patches something painful. Psoriasis is chronic disease it can be the appearance of finger and toenails which occurs in 40% to 45% of
for years and lifetime lab test must be required Psoriasis treatments people with psoriasis affecting the skin and has a lifetime incidence
include steroid creams, occlusion, light therapy and oral medications, of 80% to 90% in those with psoriatic arthritis. These changes include
such as biologics. There are mainly five different types of psoriasis: dent in the nails (i.e., pinhead-sized depressions) in the nails is seen in
plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic. 70% with nail psoriasis [4-9].
Psoriasis diagnoses based on patient symptoms but if person
with darker skin the patches may be purple in colour. The skin can
trigger psoriatic skin changes at that spot referred to as the "Koebner
phenomenon". Recently, the worldwide prevalence of psoriasis in
adults ranged from 0.53% to 13.43%. C- Reactive Protein (CRP) is
a key biomarker of acute-phase systemic inflammation and risk for
future vascular disease. It can be diagnosed by the elevated level of
CRP which is used as a predictor of inflammation in different diseases,
including psoriasis. It was found that the level of CRP increases with
the increasing number of signs of metabolic syndrome. Psoriasis is
referred to as a multisystem chronic disease connected to different
co morbidities like obesity. Obesity is a relevant risk factor for the
development and complication onset of non-communicable diseases
Figure 1: Psoriasis on sole of foot.
Signs and symptoms
Sometimes psoriasis cause itching on the affected part of the
skin, nails, and scalp which is referred to Plaque Psoriasis which is
most common Psoriasis, treatment may not scientifically proved but
management is possible which is totally depends upon patient past
records or Medical history. The goals of treatment are very few, less
severe flare-ups. Light therapy: If the rash is more widespread, may
treat it with ultraviolet light.
Biologic drugs
Another kind of systemic drug also targets your immune system.
Biologic drugs used to treat psoriasis include adalimumab (Humira),
etanercept (Enbrel), Brodalumab (Siliq), guselkumab (Tremfya),
infliximab (Remicade), ixekizumab (Taltz), secukinumab (Cosentyx),
and ustekinumab (Stelara). They're given either by a shot or through Figure 2: Psoriasis on palms.
a vein in the arm. They have affect on specific type of immune cell or Background
keep certain proteins from causing inflammation. But these drugs can
Plants are being used in traditional medicine for several thousand
make it harder to fight infection.
years. The knowledge of medicinal plants has been collected since
Systemic drugs many centuries based on different medicinal systems like (Ayurveda,
Plaque psoriasis may need medicines that work throughout Unani, and Siddha). It has been reported that traditional healers in
the body. They calm the immune system or make skin cells grow India use 2500 plants species of plants and 100 species of plants serve
more slowly. But they cause serious side effects, such as depression, as regular and continuing sources of medicine. In the last few decades,
aggressive thoughts, liver problems, or a higher risk of skin cancer. there has been increased interest in the study of medicinal plants and
their traditional use in different parts of the world documenting the
Plaque psoriasis indigenous knowledge by ethno botanical studies is an important
Tropical treatments especially cream are first preference it helps to aspect for the conservation and utilization of biological resources.
reduce skin inflammation and minimize cell growth in skin example The important thing is the World Health Organization (WHO) shows
includes Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Corticosteroid, etc. Salicylic acid and that as many as 80% of the World’s people depends on traditional
coal tar also used in the management of psoriasis and few Natural medicine for their preliminary health care needs. Major parts of the
ingredients for smooth itch like Aloe Vera gel etc. Topical emollients world's population in developing countries still relay plants for their
that put on after a shower or bath can help keep the skin moist. primary healthcare systems to treat Psoriasis [10-15].
Psoriasis Vulgaris (which is also known as chronic stationary The Ethno pharmacological is the Ethno pharmacology
psoriasis or plaque-like psoriasis) is the most common form and (occasionally also called ethno pharmacy) is a related study of ethnic
affects 85% to 90% of people with psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is typically groups and their use of drugs. It is undoubtedly linked to medicinal
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Biomed Research and Health Advances
plant use, ethno botany, as this is the main delivery of pharmaceuticals. Table 1: physiochemical components of argemone Mexicana based on
It deals with the study of the pharmaceutical means considered in different plant parts.
relation to the cultural contexts of their use, for example, A. mexicana Compound Plant Part
is used in Plaque and guttate Psoriasis. Ethno medicinal Plant A. Dehydrocheilanthifoline Whole plants
mexicana used for the treatment of Psoriasis diseases. Jatrorrhizine Whole plants
Dehydrocorydalmine Whole plants
The botanical name, family name & plant characters: A. Columbamine Whole plants
Mexicana, L. papaveraceae Prickly, annuals, flowers bright yellow, Coptisine Whole plants
fruits prickly with blackish-brown seeds (Figure 3). Argemexicaine A Whole plants
Argemexicaine B Whole plants
Muramine Whole plants
Oxyhydrastinine Whole plants
Chelerythrine Whole plants
Thalifoline Whole plants
Dihydrocoptisine Whole plant
Sanguinarine Seeds
Dihydrosanguiranine Seeds
Berberine Apigeal parts, seeds
Pancorine Aerial parts
Dihydropalmatine hydroxide Seeds
Protopine Apigeal parts, seeds
Figure 3: A. Mexicana, L. papaveraceae Prickly, annuals, flowers bright (-)-Argemonine Plant resins
yellow, fruits prickly with blackish-brown seeds. Dihydrochelerythrine Tissues
Plant parts used & mode of use- Fresh plant sap and paste of root The Research will be conducted in Truba Institute of Pharmacy,
powder applied externally. Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Materials and Methods Materials required- salicylic acid, Aloe Vera gel, distilled water,
Material was collected from previous reviews and also from argemone Mexicana.
patient’s previous history and lab reports. Procedure- 5% Salicylic acid, 5 Mg Aloe Vera gel, Distilled water,
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Biomed Research and Health Advances
Prepared Thick gel from root A.mexicana as per followed standard Table 2: Percentage of cure in patients based on 2 different areas.
Guideline of Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission. Study in Chattarpur (n=12) Study in Bhopal (n=12)
No % No %
Dosing and dosage form- Twice a day externally applied on marks. Completely cured 8 0.666 6 0.5
Mildly cured 2 0.166 4 0.333
Side effects- There are no side-effects observed in 3 months study. No response 2 0.166 2 0.166
Although it has not been clinically proven cure of psoriasis but time for the patients to cure the disease around 20% of the people
this formulation helps in its management and minimizes the psoriasis started recovery within 3 weeks and 30% in 7 weeks, 20% of them in 8
in its early stage. weeks and others were recovering very slowly.
23 patients were
30 patients were diagnosed by physical
diagnosed examination and
From this 6 previous history
resigned to give
From this 5 people
Graph 2: This shows the percentage cure of disease in Chhatarpur area.
informed consent
refused to enter
into the study
4 were only
3of them were on
follow up patients
some other
8 were on chronic
chronic therapy.
long term therapy
3 were with mixed
12 patients were enrolled condition.
12 patients were enrolled
and been randomly studied and been randomly studied
They were assigned with the They were assigned with the
application of the formulation application of the
twice a day daily for 4 months formulation twice a day daily
for 4 months
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