Articles of Faith

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Articles of Faith

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Q. What are the major beliefs in Islam concerning Allah/Tauhid/Oneness of Allah?


Ans. 1. Allah is the One and Only.

™ He is Alone.
™ He doesn’t have a family.
™ He doesn’t have a spouse.
™ He doesn’t have a father.
™ He doesn’t have a son.
™ There is no hint of plurality about Him.
™ There is no partner to share His Power and Authority.
™ He is not answerable to anyone.
™ He, alone is worthy of worship and praise.
2. Allah is Absolute and Eternal.
™ Allah is complete in Himself.
™ Allah is not sustained by anyone.
™ Allah is not dependent on anyone.
™ Allah is free from defects.
™ Allah is free from weakness and needs.
™ Allah is unending.
™ Allah is immortal (i.e: He will not die)
™ Allah was here, Allah is here and Allah will be here.
3. Allah is the creator and the Sustainer.
™ He has created everything that this universe contains, planets, stars, sun, moon, galaxies
are His creations.
™ He has created man from dust and water.
™ He has made His creation capable of reproducing through a variety of biological process.
™ He has created this earth and made it a live able place by creating supportive
™ He has created the sky to serve as a canopy to save humans from harmful rays of sun.
™ He sends down rain which helps us cultivate land to grow crops for our survival.
™ He has provided this world with all the facilities needed for physical development and
growth of man.

4. He has not only created us but also made arrangements for our mental and spiritual
™ Allah sent prophets form time to time.
™ Allah sent revelations from time to time.
™ Allah sent laws for the people.
™ Allah sent guidance for the people.
™ Allah gave humans the mental faculty of thinking.
5. Allah is the Master of the Day of Judgment.
™ He has provided us all the means for our physical and spiritual growth.

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™ He will hold us accountable for all that he has provided us.

™ We will die and will be resurrected (once again made alive) on the Day of Judgment.
™ He will judge us fairly and justly.
™ Allah would need His mercy on that day.
6. Allah is Unique.
™ Allah is the Most High and Supreme.
™ Allah is omnipresent.
™ Allah is omnipotent.
™ Allah is All Knowing.
™ There is no one like Him.
Q. How is belief in Oneness of Allah related to other articles of faith? [10]
1. Tauhid and Belief in Prophets.
¾ They were chosen and sent by Allah.
¾ They were guided by Allah.
¾ Allah helped them and protected them.
¾ They all preached about Allah.

2. Tauhid and Belief in Reveled Books.

¾ All the revealed books were the word of Allah.
¾ They were all reveled BY all Allah.
¾ All contained the concept of Tauhid.

3. Tauhid and Belief in Angels.

¾ Allah is capable of creating any type of creature.

¾ Angels are created to serve Allah.
¾ They are not the daughters of Allah.

4. Tauhid and Belief in life after Death.

¾ All living creatures have to die except Allah.
¾ We are accountable to Him.
¾ He is Immortal.

5. Tauhid and Belief in Prediction and Decree.

¾ Allah knows everything.
¾ Everything happens by the will of Allah.
¾ All that Allah knows about His creation is written down in “Loh-e-Mehfooz”, “The
Deserve Tablet” or “The Book or Decree”.

Q. How does believe in Oneness of Allah shape a believer’s character? [4]

¾ When a person submits himself to the will of Allah and follows His commands only, he
gives superiority over all other creatures in the universe.
¾ A believer in Tauhid remains away from the evil of pride because he acknowledges that
whatever fortune he possesses is a gift of Allah to Him.

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¾ A believer in Tauhid fears performing evil acts even in his private life because he knows
that Allah is watching him all the time.
¾ A true believer in Allah never losses hope and patience in the face of difficulties because
he takes them as a test from Allah and always believes that Allah will help him to get
over with these problems.
¾ Believe in Tauhid also makes a person fearless; he does not give importance to
superstitions and know that Allah is continuously guarding and protecting him.
¾ A believer in Allah never depends on others for his needs. He prays to Allah for help
instead of losing his self respect by begging in front of people.

Q. Why is it important for Muslims to believe in one God? [4]

¾ It is the first Article of Faith and the first pillar of Islam to believe in Allah as the Only God.
It is necessary to believe in Oneness of Allah because it differentiates between a believer and
an unbeliever.
¾ Tauhid is one of the most dominating themes in the Holy Quran. Infect, one-third of the Holy
Quran talks about Allah being the One and the only God. It is important for Muslims because
Quran emphasizes upon this belief more than anything else.
¾ Belief in Allah is also important for Muslims because all the prophets of Allah taught the
believers to worship the One Real God and no one else.
¾ Belief in Oneness of Allah is so important that its opposite, i.e: shirk, is an unpardonable sin.
¾ When a person submits himself to the will of Allah and follows His commands only, he gives
superiority over all other creatures in the universe.
¾ A believer in Tauhid remains away from the evil of pride because he acknowledges that
whatever fortune he possesses is a gift of Allah to Him.
¾ A believer in Tauhid fears performing evil acts even in his private life because he knows that
Allah is watching him all the time.
¾ A true believer in Allah never losses hope and patience in the face of difficulties because he
takes them as a test from Allah and always believes that Allah will help him to get over with
these problems.
¾ Believe in Tauhid also makes a person fearless; he does not give importance to superstitions
and know that Allah is continuously guarding and protecting him.
¾ A believer in Allah never depends on others for his needs. He prays to Allah for help instead
of losing his self respect by begging in front of people.
Q. Describe what Muslims mean when they say: “there is no god except Allah”?
1. No one except Allah is worthy of worship and praise.
2. No one except Allah has created this universe.
3. It is Allah Who is sustaining us.
4. It is Allah Who has given guidance to live a righteous life and for our spiritual and
mental growth.
5. It is Allah alone Whom we are accountable to and Who will judge us.
6. It is Allah alone Who is absolute and eternal.
7. It is Allah alone Who is unique.

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SHIRK (Associating partners with Allah)

Associating other gods with Allah is called “shirk”.
There are three types of shirk:
1. Major shirk (Shirk-al-Akbar)
2. Minor shirk (Shirk-al-Asghar)
3. Inconspicuous (Shirk-al-Khafi)
Major shirk (Shirk-al-Akbar)
¾ This is the most serious form of shirk.
¾ To involve or supplicate or pray to deities besides Allah
¾ Obeying any other authority against the order of Allah.
¾ Believing that the act of worship is not for the sake of Allah but for other deities.
¾ Showing the love and respect that is due to Allah alone to other gods.
Minor shirk (Shirk-al-Asghar)
Any act of worship or any religious deed done in order to gain praise, fame or for worldly
purposes, falls under this minor form.
Inconspicuous (Shirk-al-Khafi)
This type means being inwardly dissatisfied with the inevitable/unavoidable condition which has been
ordained by Allah.

Q. Why do Muslims avoid associating other gods with Allah? [4]

¾ Quran tells us “Allah doesn’t forgive him who attach partners with Him”, so shirk must be
avoided to receive the mercy and forgiveness of Allah on the Day of Judgment.
¾ Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared shirk the greatest of all sins because when we
perform shirk we also adopt a number of other evils.
¾ Shirk is a greatest form of injustice because it is Allah who has created us and sustains us
physically and mentally and instead of serving Him we choose to serve others.
¾ A Muslim is supposed to be grateful to Allah alone because it is Who is our cherisher. By
doing shirk we become ungrateful to Allah.
¾ Muslims also avoid shirk because they believe that Allah has made them. The “Crown of
Creations”, which means superior to all the other creation by worshipping other creation
of Allah, a Muslim only brings insult upon himself.
¾ Muslims avoid associating other god with Allah because all the prophet of Allah who are
mentioned in the Holy Quran preached this basic principle of Tauhid.

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Tauheed or the belief in the Oneness of Allah is the first and the main principle of Islam.
It means that Allah is the only Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He is Ever-
living without a beginning or an end (the first and the last). He is independent
while others are dependent on Him for their existence and survival. He is the
source and support of all life. He is the only one worthy of worship. Allah is
Omnipotent (having unlimited authority or power). He knows everything; the
hidden and the manifest (obvious, apparent). He is not bound by space and time;
He is everywhere and has knowledge of the past, present and future. Surah
Ikhlaas proclaims this in the most comprehensive way: “Say He is Allah, the
One. Allah, the eternal. He does not beget nor is He begotten, and there is none
like Him” (112:1-4). Surah Ikhlaas is also called one-third of the Qur’an which
means that one-third of the subject matter of the Qur’an revolves around
Tauheed. A person becomes a Muslim just by believing and uttering the
expression: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger
of Allah”. The first part of this message occurs repeatedly in the Qur’an in
slightly different shades. For example the Verse of Throne beings as: “there is
no God but he…” (2.255). The first Surah of the Qur’an begins as: “Praise be to
Allah, the lord of the worlds”(1:1).
According to the leading scholars of Islam, there are three kind of Tauheed:
1. Tauhid-ar-Rabubiya (Oneness of lordship of Allah)
2. Tauhid-al-Auluhiya (Oneness in the worship of Allah)
3. Tauhid-al-Asma-wa-Sifat (One of the names and qualities of Allah).
Tauhid-ur-Rabubiya. Refers to the belief that Allah is Self-Existent; He is Creator and
the Sustainer of the universe. “Allah is the creator of all things and He is the
Guardian over all things” (39:62). Allah is Omnipotent, law Giver and the
Judge. The verse of the Throne says: “…. Who is there who can intercede in His
presence except as He permits…” (2:255). It also to the belief that He is entirely
immune to all forms of human weaknesses and needs such as hunger, thirst and
the need to rest or sleep etc. “… no slumber ca seize Him nor sleep…” (2:255).
He is above the grip of space and time, “He is the first and last, the evident and
the hidden ...” (57:3).
Tauhid-al-Auluhiya. Refers to the belief that since Allah is the creator, He is the only
one worthy of worship. All supplication, beseeching (pleading) and imploring
(begging) are due only to Allah. So we as Muslims, must observe all the
religious practices such as prayers, Hajj, fast and giving alms to the poor etc for
His sake only. “I created Jinn and mankind only to worship me” (51:56). “You
alone we worship and your aid we seek” (1:4).
Tauhid-al-Asma-wa-Sifat. Refers to the belief that Allah is matchless not only in His
Essence but also in His names and Attributes. This belief includes that we must
not name or quality Allah except with what He and His Messenger have named
or qualified Him. None can be named or qualified with the names or
qualifications of Allah, for example Karim, Raheem, Rehman etc. “And there is
none like unto Him” (112:5). We must believe in all the qualities of Allah which

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He has stated in His Book or mentioned through His Messenger without

changing, twisting or ignoring their meaning.
The acknowledgement of Tauhid is the fundamental belief in Islam and is the basis of
salvation (rescue). The basic message of all the prophets was the same i.e there
is no god but Allah. All the previous scriptures preached the Unity of Allah but
due to alterations made in their text over the passage of time, the doctrine (set of
guidelines) of Tauhid was changed. Finally when the need arose for final and
universal guidance, Allah sent His last messenger with the Qur’an to set the
people on the straight path and correct their beliefs. We cannot see Allah but His
existence is confirmed when we ponder over the universe, that such an
organized and well coordinated world could not have come into existence on its
own; just like a letter cannot be written without an author. “Who created the
seven heavens, one above the other? You will not see any flaw in what the Lord
of mercy creates. Look again! Can you see any flaw? Look again! And again!
Your sight will turn back to you, weak and defeated.” (67:3-4).


Q1. What are the major beliefs in Islam concerning Prophets? [10]
Ans.1. There are two types of Prophets of Allah namely:
Nabi: A person who is very near to Allah through total submission and who receives
revelations from time to time which serve as a source of guidance for men.
Rasul: A messenger of Allah who has devoted himself to the will of Allah and who receives
revelations which are in the form of a scripture.
2. The Prophets (PBUH) are the chosen and guided people of Allah. Prophet Hood
cannot be acquired through effort. It is a pure gift of Allah given to the chosen
3. Allah sent a chain of Prophets which started from Hazrat Adam (A.S) and ended with
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
™ According to a hadith they were 1, 24,000.
™ Not all of them have been mentioned in the Holy Quran.
™ The Holy Quran tells us stories of Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismail,
Hazart Nuh, Hazrat Yusuf, Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) and many others.
™ All of these Prophets taught similar messengers.
™ Allah does not make any distinction between His messengers.

4. All the Prophets had some common characteristic:

™ All the prophets (PBUH) were male.
™ They were all absolutely truthful.
™ They were all free from all sins.
™ They delivered Allah’s message without any changes.
™ They had a highest order of intelligence and mental ability.
™ They all were mortal human beings.
™ They all had wives, children and families.
™ They taught in their native language.

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5.Allah had sent them for a variety of functions.

™ To bring the ungodly world to the Right Path.

™ To free people from injustice and tyranny (Hz Musa was sent to free people from the
tyranny of Pharaoh.)
™ To revive the forgotten teachings of the previous Prophets (PBUH).
™ To support each other e.g.: Hazrat Haroon (A.S) was sent to support Hazrat Moosa
(A.S) at the same time.
™ To covey Allah’s message.
™ To show a practical demonstration of Allah’s teachings.
™ To remove evils from the society.
™ To serve as the best example for men as all Prophets (PBUH) themselves were
human beings.

6. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the “seal of the Prophets.”

™ He is the last Prophet of Allah.

™ There will be no Prophet after him.
™ He is a Universal Prophet (meant for all times and all people of the world, not
limited to a particular nation or a time).
™ He received the most authentic Divine and comprehensive book which has remained
™ He is the only Prophet whose life history is fully recorded.

Q2. Why is it important for Muslims to believe in Prophets? [4]

™ Belief in Prophets (PBUH) of Allah is an article of Islamic faith without which a

person cannot claim to be a Muslim.
™ The Holy Quran repeatedly talks about different Propehts of Allah sent to this world
for the guidance of mankind. It is important to believe in them because they are
mentioned in the Holy Quran.
™ Belief in Prophets is very important for Muslims because these righteous people of
Allah are the best examples of conduct for their believers. Following them is a key to
success in this world and the Hereafter.
™ The stories of the Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran help us in daily life as we
get to learn that Allah tests His good people and finally makes them overcome all the
problems with Divine support. This keeps us hopeful in the fact of difficulties.
™ Belief in Prophets also makes the believers courageous as they don’t surrender in the
face of problems because they know that bearing these problems with patience and
courage would be rewarded by Allah.
™ They served as a vital link between Allah and mankind. Allah chose to speak to the
people through them.

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Q3. Why did Allah send a chain of Prophets to this world? [4]

Ans. Allah has sent them for a variety of functions.

™ To bring the ungodly world to the Right Path.
™ To free people from injustice and tyranny (Hz Musa was sent to free people from the
tyranny of Pharaoh)
™ To revive the forgotten teachings of the previous Prophets (PBUH).
™ To support each other e.g: Hazrat Haroon (A.S) was sent to support Hazrat Moosa
(A.S) at the same time.
™ To convey Allah’s message.
™ To show a practical demonstration of Allah’s teaching.
™ To removes evils from the society.
™ To serve as the best example for men as all Prophets (PBUH) themselves were
human beings.

Q4. What do Muslims mean when they say: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” or
“Muhammad-ur-Rasul Allah”? [10]
Ans. 1. He is a messenger with a scripture.
2. He had all the characteristics which are common to all the Prophets (PBUH) e.g:
male, family men, human beings, absolutely truthful, sin-free, conveyed Allah’s
message without any changes.
3. He was sent for the same functions that are listed in the Holy Quran as duties of
Prophets. (see Answer to )
4. He was sent as the last messenger of Allah. (Refer to point 6 of Qs.1, “the major
beliefs concerning prophets)

Q5. What do Muslims mean when they say “Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets”?
OR [4]
Q. In what ways is the Prophet hood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) unique?

™ He is the last Prophet of Allah. After him, there is going to be no other Prophet.
™ His Prophet hood is universal, not bound by time or any particular nation.
™ The guidance given to him is the most comprehensive and complete which was not
the case with other prophets.
™ The religion he launched is Allah’s most favorite religion as Allah made this
religion perfect in following words: “This day have I perfected your religion for
you, completed my favor upon you and chosen for you Islam as you religion”.
™ Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is compared to the radiant sun while other Prophets are
declared to be Divine lamps in the Holy Quran.
™ Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was given a scripture which has remained unchanged
since the time of revelation whereas all the other scriptures have been altered by the
™ The life history of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is preserved in the books of history
with all the details. The accounts of the circumstances related to his birth, his youth,

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his prophetic missions and his death are present in the authentic books of history

Q6. Describe how belief in prophets is linked with other articles of faith? [4]

Ans. 1. Tauhid and belief in prophets.

™ They were Allah’s messengers.

™ They all taught Tauhid.
™ They all provided guidance to connect people with Allah.
™ They all worshipped Allah themselves and invited the believers to worship of

2. Angels and belief in prophets.

™ Angels were sent to the prophets to convey Allah’s message from time to time.
™ Angel Jibraeel was sent to being revelations upon the prophets.
™ Angels were also sent to help the prophets against their enemies and protect them
from harm.
3. Prophets and Revealed Books.
™ These books were revealed upon the prophets.
™ Prophets taught the message they contained through practical demonstration.
™ The prophets conveyed these books without any addition or omission.
™ These books also emphasize upon the need to obey the prophets who were the
most righteous and God-fearing people of their times.

4. Prophets and life after death.

™ All the prophets of Allah were human being who experience death except Hazrat
Isa who will experience it before the Day of Judgment.
™ All the prophets of Allah will be brought before their people on the Day of
Judgment to bear witness against or in favor of them.
™ Prophets of Allah will have the highest position in paradise.
™ All the prophets emphasized upon the concept of life after death.

5. Prophets and Predestination and decree.

™ The prophets of Allah taught us that Allah has full knowledge of all actions and
nothing happens without the will of Allah.
™ Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has prohibited people from thinking very deeply
about predestination.

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Q1. What are the major beliefs in Islam concerning Revealed Books? [10]
Ans. 1. Revelations.

™ The world “revelation” means “wahi” in Arabic which means “the word of
Allah” which was communicated to the prophet through angel (Jibrael A.S)
™ The word “wahi” (revelation) is derived from awha.
™ The revelation can reach His chosen individuals via an inspired message—not a
word but an idea that can enter the heart of the chosen individuals either in the
state of consciousness or in dream.
™ Message from Allah.
™ Word of Allah.
™ Communicated to the Prophets.
™ Delivered by Angel Jibraeel.
™ Not a product of Prophet’s knowledge, wisdom and efforts.
™ Gift of Allah which cannot by acquired by hard work.
™ Sent to chosen people.
™ Divine Guidance.

2. Reason for sending Revelations.

™ To provide guidance to the ungodly world.
™ To provide laws and differentiate between the lawful and unlawful.
™ To communicate with His chosen people and to declare prophet hood upon them.
™ To revive the pervious guidance because it was either forgotten or corrupted.
™ To guide people according to the need of the time.
™ To establish a link between Allah and mankind.
™ To remove the darkness of ignorance through the light of knowledge.
™ The books were revealed by Allah to show the principles of religion relating to
the unity of Allah, His Attributes, prayers, belief in Prophet Hood the Day of
Judgment, and the concept of reward and punishment for one’s deeds in the life
™ To enlighten the human mind and give guidance in those areas in which he is
unable to decide matters through his own wisdom

3. Name of Revealed Scriptures mentioned in the Holy Quran.

™ Sahifas to Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Ibrahim and some other Prophets.

™ Zabur to Hazrat Daud.
™ Taurat to Hazrat Musa.
™ Injeel to Hazart Isa.
™ The Holy Quran to Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).

4. What is the common in all these books?

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™ All were the word of Allah.

™ All provide guidance.
™ All talk about the Oneness of Allah and life after Death.
™ All were revealed to Prophets.
™ All provides guidance according to the needs of times.
™ All were revealed through the Angel Jibraeel.

5. The Holy Quran.

™ Last book of Allah.

™ Revealed upon the most beloved prophets of Allah.
™ The most perfect guidance.
™ The most comprehensive Book.
™ Revealed in a period of 23 years

Q2. Why these books were sent through Prophets?

™ One of the verses of the Holy Quran serves as the basic of understanding for
WAHI. It says “It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by
inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with
Allah’s permission, what Allah wills”.
™ Prophets were the people with the highest level of intelligence and wisdom. It was
necessary because one which understands the Divine message can explain it as
™ The Prophets were to serve as a perfect practical demonstration as to how to
follow the commands of the Almighty.

Q3. Describe the Holy Quran as the last book and throw light on its content?

Ans: The Holy Quran speaks of, narrates and contains details regarding:

™ The attributes of Allah and His powers.

™ Mankind’s relationship and responsibilities towards Allah.
™ The certainty of the coming of the last Day and the life hereafter.
™ The instructions about the principles of Islam and the method of worship.
™ Guidance for mankind to stay and follow the right path.
™ Moral and ethical principles to govern all aspects of human life, both individual
and collective.
™ The stories of some of the earlier prophets and nations as an example and
encouragement to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his community and as a warning
to those who deny Allah.

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Q4. How is Quran different from other revealed books?

™ The Holy Quran is the only book having the title of “Kalamullah” (The word of
™ Qur’an comes from the highest level of all His names with the title of “Lord of the
™ Other revealed books do not have a particular title as their names come from some
particular names of Allah.
™ Other revealed books used to answer the needs of a particular tribes and that
particular period but the Holy Quran is a universal book addressing to the
humankind and jinns, past and future generations.
™ Everything is shown in the Holy Quran as it includes everything about
humankind; the past, the future, all the positive and religions sciences as seeds
and gist.
™ The Holy Quran is the only revealed scripture, which has been preserved to the
present time in its exact, original form and language. All the copies of the Qur’an
anywhere in the world are the same while the books revealed earlier have either
been totally lost or their original message distorted.
™ The Holy Quran is the last Divine book as no Holy Book shall be revealed after
the Qur’an.
™ Allah says in the Holy Quran: “We have, without doubt sent down the message
and we will assuredly guard (from corruption)” (15:9).
™ It was revealed in Arabic language which is a living language even today.
™ The Holy Quran is unique in a sense that there is an authentic record of its
revelation time period as well as how it was brought into its present form.

Q5. Describe how belief in Revealed Books is linked with other articles of faith?

1. Tauhid and belief in Revealed Books.

™ All the revealed books were the word of Allah.

™ They were all revealed by Allah.
™ All contained the concept of Tauhid.

2. Prophets and Revealed Books.

™ These books were revealed upon the prophets.

™ Prophets taught the message they contained through practical demonstration.
™ The Prophets conveyed these books without any addition or omission.

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™ These books also emphasize upon the need to obey the Prophets who were the
most righteous and God-fearing people of their times.

3. Angels and Revealed Books.

™ Hazrat Jibraeel was the bringer of revelations.

™ He brought revelations at the command of Allah.
™ He conveyed the revelations without any alterations.

4. Revealed Books and life after Death.

™ All the books talk about the life after this life.
™ All books claim that the reward and punishment will depend upon how we live
this life.
™ All books provide in detail concerning Day of Judgment, Hell and Heaven,
Revealed book and Pre-destination and Decree.

5. Revealed Books and Pre-destination.

™ All the Revealed Books claim that Allah knows everything and that nothing
happen without the will of Allah.
™ Quran also mentions about loh-e-Mehfooz (The book of Decree) which contains
the details about all the predestined affairs.

Q6. Why did Allah send revelations from time to time? [4]

™ Man has been given the ability to think and reason. This ability helps him solve
many of his problems. However, man does come across issues that he is unable to
solve through his ability to reason. In such cases, Divine guidance becomes
necessary. Allah sent books from time to time for this reason.
™ Needs of the people differ as times change. Allah sent guidance to human beings
from time to time because their needs were changing with changing times.
™ The revelations sent by Allah did not remain the same until the Holy Quran came.
People had brought about many changes in the divine guidance sent before the
Quran. It was necessary to address the human corruption that had been brought in
the earlier Divine message.

Q7. Why is belief in Revealed Books important for Muslims? [4]

1. Belief in Revealed Books is an article of faith without which a person’s faith is

not complete.
2. This belief is important because we are told that learning the Holy Quran and
applying its teachings in our daily lives is a key to success in this world as well as
in the hereafter.

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3. Muslims also believe that the Holy Quran provides solutions to every problem that
we face in our lives regardless of its nature and extent.
4. Reading the Holy Quran is a way to establish a link with Allah, the reason for
which we have been sent to this world. Since the revealed scriptures bring us
closer to Allah, belief in this is important.
5. This belief also holds importance because these books emphasize upon the
concept of accountability for one’s actions. This belief makes them behave more
responsibly in their lives.


Q1. What are major beliefs of Muslims concerning angels? [10]

The second article of Islamic faith is the belief in the existence of angels.
What kind of creatures they are:
™ In the Holy Quran, angels are spoken of as “messengers”.
™ The Holy Quran says, “he doth send down His angels with inspiration of His
command to such of His servants as He pleaseth”
™ The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the angels have no share in Allah’s Divinity.
™ Angels are the messengers of Divine revelation to prophets and belief in them is a
fundamental article of faith in Islam.
™ The angels are created of light and unlike jinns and men have not been endowed
with a free will.
™ Angels are heavenly beings not visible to ordinary mortals and belong to the
category of the unseen, unless they appear in human being.
™ The angels are not the daughters of Allah and nor are they objects of worship.
™ They have no knowledge except what Allah has taught them.
™ They never get tried, the do not need to sleep, nor do they require the things
needed by human beings.
™ Angels can transform into human form at the will of Allah.
™ They have the necessary qualities to perform specific functions.

What the responsibilities of the angels are:

™ The angels act as Allah’s agents and serve Him in many ways.
™ They are absolutely obedient to Allah’s commands and are engaged in worship
and service to Him.
™ They are sent to protect men, to administer Allah’s punishments, to carry His
messages and to perform various other functions.
™ They used to appear before the Prophets in human form to give them the
messages of Allah.
™ They act as Allah’s messengers but do not descend except by Allah’s command.
™ They strengthen the hearts of the righteous believers and are their protectors.
They put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers.

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™ They implore forgiveness for the believers but they can offer no intercession for
™ They send blessings on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the believers.
™ Angels are the guardians of the Hell-fire. They will welcome in Heaven all those
who obey Allah’s commands and will throw all the wrong doers into Hell.

Some prominent angels are;

™ There are many angels, the prominent among them are:

1. Hazrat Jibrael (A.S): The chief among the angels. Revealed the Quran to the Holy
Prophet (PBUH). He brought revelations to Prophets before the Holy Prophets
(PBUH) as well. He is also the messenger through whom Allah speaks to His

2. Hazrat Izrael (A.S): He is also called the angel of death and is responsible for taking
our souls upon death.

3. Hazrat Israfel (A.S): He will blow the trumpet at the time of the end of the world, that
is, on the Day of Judgment.

4. Hazrat Mikail (A.S): He is charged to look after the universe, the movement of the
stars, planets, galaxies, and the forces of nature. He is responsible for rain and
providing provision to people at Allah’s command.

5. Hazrat Rizwan (A.S): He is the angel incharge of the Paradise.

6. Hazrat Malik (A.S): He is the angel who rules over the Hell.

7. Respected Recorders: They record man’s words and deeds. Two angels who record
all his deeds up to the moments of his death attend each human. This record will be
presented to the humans on the Day of Judgment.

8. Munkir and Nakir: These are the angels who come to ask questions from the deceased
immediately after he/she is kept in the grave. The Holy Quran says, “But verity over
you (are appointed angels) to protect you-kind and honorable, writing down (your
deeds)”. (82:10-11).

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Q2. Why is belief in angels important for Muslims? [4]

Ans: 1. Angels are a creation of Allah and many Quranic verses talk about their existence as
Allah’s servant. It is important for Muslims to believe in angels because they are
mentioned in the Holy Quran.
2. Muslims also believe that Quran is a Holy Book which was revealed to Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) through an angel called Hazrat Jibarel (A.S). It is important to
believe in angels because denying their existence means denial of the Holy Quran to
be a word of Allah.
3. Muslims believe that angels are sent by Allah to protect them. This belief makes them
fearless of anyone or anything as they know that angels would protect them from all
possible sources of harm.
4. It is important for Muslims to believe in angels because this belief provides them with
hope in the face of difficulties. They know that Allah will send angels to help them in
their problems.
5. Belief in angels gives us a strong sense of accountability for our actions as we know
that the respected recorders are continuously recording our deeds so we try to live a
righteous life to avoid a bad result on the Day of Judgment.
6. Belief in angels also tells us about the limitless power and authority of Allah Who is
capable of creating anything like angels which cannot be imagined by a human being.

Q3. Describe how belief in Angels is linked with other articles of faith? [4]

Tauhid and Belief in Angels:

™ Allah is capable of creating any type of creature.

™ Angels are created to serve Allah.
™ They are not the daughters of Allah.

Angels and Belief in Prophets:

™ Angels were sent to the Prophets to convey Allah’s message from time to time.
™ Angels Jibarel was sent to bring revelations upon the Prophet.
™ Angels were also sent to help the Prophets against their enemies and protect them from

Angels and Revealed Books:

™ Hazrat Jibarel was the bringer of revelations.

™ He brought revelations at the command of Allah.
™ He conveyed the revelations without any alterations.

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Angels and life after Death:

™ An Angel has the job of taking away the soul of the people (Hazrat Izrael).
™ Hazrat Israfil has the job of blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment.
™ Respected Recorders are continuously recording our deeds for judgment on the last
™ It is Allah’s angels who will administer his punishment or reward in the life hereafter.

Belief in Pre-destination

Muslim belief regarding pre-destination.

¾ Belief in pre-destination forms an ingredient of faith in Islam.

¾ Everything in this universe has a pre-determined set course ordained before the
creation of mankind.
¾ All changes in the system of the universe occur in due measure and proportion, which
facilitates to maintain the balance of nature.
¾ But nothing happens without Allah’s Will and knowledge.
¾ Everything which happens, whether good or bad, is determined by Allah Almighty.
¾ He is the creator and the Originator of the universe who is well aware of the nature of
His creations.
¾ Ultimately it is Allah Almighty who determines all that happens to His creations.
¾ Nothing is out of the bounds of Allah Almighty.
¾ All the virtuous and the evil forces play their action so that man may be tested in the
life of this world.
¾ But since Allah Almighty is our Creator, we must only seek protection for His from all
the evils which are lurking around us.
¾ It is no difficult for Him to Him to grand us anything.
¾ The Holy Quran testifies this fact when it says.
¾ Nevertheless, Allah Almighty has entrusted man with the freedom of choice and made
him responsible for all that he does.
¾ The main purpose of the Prophetic missions was to guide the people to distinguish
between the right and the right and the wrong path.
¾ Man is bestowed with the choice to follow either of the two.
¾ If he selects the path of evil, and carelessly walks over it, he is destined to be doomed
if Allah Almighty wills not to save him.
¾ Contrarily, if he ambles on the path of virtue, with sincerity in motive and action, by
the grace of Allah Almighty, the glamorous castles of heaven will be made his abode
of the hereafter.
¾ One of the two types of Pre-destination is irreversible and unchangeable, while the
other one can be changed through invocation (Du’a) and forgiveness of Allah

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Resurrection and the Last Day

¾ Belief in resurrection and the Day of Judgment are one of the basic components of the
articles of faith.
¾ Allah Almighty simply did not originate man, blessed him with a mind capable of
understanding vast oceans of knowledge, and sent guidance to guide him between
virtue and evil, just to end up his life like animals.
¾ Allah’s wisdom behind the creation of man necessitates that man be allowed a life
after the present one, so that he might make his labour fruitful, or be severely punished
for denying Allah Almighty and defying His commandments.
¾ Form this philosophy, the concept of bodily Resurrection and the Day of Judgment
attains a solid, irrefutable shape.
¾ Muslims belief that bodily resurrection of all human beings will take place and this is
one of the most significant Islamic beliefs.
¾ Resurrection actually implies to being raised from the dead or coming back to life
¾ The Holy Quran clearly describes the horrors of Day of Resurrection; the day on
which the whole balance of nature will become disordered.
¾ The trumpet blown by Hazrat Israfil (A.S) will produce such an unbearable high-,
pitched sound that everything would break away, and all human beings would die.
¾ On the last Day, the sun will folded be up, the stars will lose their luster and fall, and
the oceans will boil over.
¾ A verse of the Holy Quran tells us how the earth would be shaken to its depths, and the
hills would be ground to powder such that they become scattered dust.
¾ Then Hazrat Israfil (A.S) will blow the trumpet again which will cause the resurrection
to occur.

Day Of Judgment.

¾ Following resurrection, everybody will join the vast assembly gathered on the plain of
¾ Each person will appear before Allah Almighty, powerless and helpless, to give an
account of his deeds.
¾ None will be permitted to raise his voice except by the leave of Allah Almighty.
¾ On that day, which is also known as Yaum-ul-Hashar or Yaum-ul-Jaaza, complete
justice would be observed.
¾ Each person would be handed over his book of deeds, and would be asked to read his
¾ Contrarily, the sinners would receive their records in their left hand, or from behind
their backs.
¾ According to Surah Al-Qariah of the Holy Quran, good deeds would be weighed
against evil ones.

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¾ The same Surah proceeds on the say that the one whose balance of virtuous deeds
would be heavy, will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction; but the one whose
balance of evil deeds would be greater, would be thrown in the raging fires of hell.
¾ The Day of Judgment would be a day of trial.
¾ No soul shall avail each other nor any ransom be accepted to rescue him from the
severe afflictions.
¾ There shall be no intercession except by Allah’s will, nor any bargaining or friendship.

Significance of belief in the Hereafter.

¾ Islam lays strong emphasis on belief in the Resurrection because it is an integral

principle which can guide man to righteousness, and reform the world.
¾ Had this belief settled in people’s heart like the deposition of sand on the river bed,
people would have held fast to virtue, and the signs of corruption and evil would have
been on a minor scale, or maybe non-existent.
¾ The intensity of belief in the Resurrection and the Last Day thus determines a person’s
code of conduct in this life.
¾ It creates in man a sense of accountability which functions efficiently to govern his
¾ There are several instances when one is compelled to think that virtue is not justly
rewarded, and evil is not severely punished as it should be.
¾ Belief in Resurrection and Judgment acts as a consolation and relief since one knows
that there would no injustice on that day.
¾ Consciousness of a future after this world is also a consolation for those whose life in
this world in engulfed in agony, pain and torment.
¾ But unfortunately, the lure and the attraction of this world have conquered our faith
with a strong desire to live a life of pleasure.
¾ A disbelievers lives for success in this world only, but a believer lives for happiness
and prosperity in the life hereafter.
¾ These words of warning are being addressed not only to the disbelievers of Macca, but
to all disbelievers of the world.
¾ Therefore, one must have staunch faith in the inevitability of the Last Day.
¾ It will raise consciousness of a future life after this world which would, in turn mould
or actions.

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Belief in Oneness of Allah

1. “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. He begets not, nor
is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.”
2.“Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He wills.” [2:255]
3.“He creates whatever He wills. He knows everything and has power over everything.”
4.“He alone has the keys of the ‘unseen’, of which none has the knowledge but he. He
knows all that is in the land and in the sea; there is not a leaf that falls from a tree but
He knows about it;…” [6:59]
5.“Allah has taken none as offspring, and no other diety is a partner with Him.” [23:91]
6.“There is no other guardian of the creation in the heavens and the earth, and He does
not associate anyone with Himself in His authority.” [18:26]

Belief in Angels

1. “.Thus do all things express their humility. All the animate creation in the heavens r
and the earth and all the angels prostrate themselves in adoration before Allah; they
do not show any arrogance at all; they fear their Lord Who is above them, and do
whatever they are bidden.” [16:50-51]
2. “.‘Glory be to Tree! Thou alone art free from defect. We possess only that much
knowledge which Thou hast given us. Indeed thou alone art All-Knowing and All-
Wise.” [2:32]
3. “- What! Has your Lord favoured you with sons and adopted angels as daughters for
Himself? Indeed, it is a big lie that you are uttering.” [17:40]
4. “ This (book) has been revealed by the Lord of the worlds. The trustworthy Spirits has
come down with it upon your heart…” [26:192-193]
5. “And when you were praying to Allah for succor, He answered, ‘I am sending for your
succor one thousand angels, one after another.’ Allah told you this only as a good
news for you, and to comfort your hearts: although succor is always from Allah:
indeed Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.’ [8:9-10]
6. “But verily over you (are appointed angels) to protect you, kind and honorable, writing
down (your deeds).” [82:10-11]
7. “Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessing on the Prophet. O believers, you also
should ask and send blessing and peace on him.” [33:56]

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Belief in Revealed Book

1. “….Has not a clear Sign come to them containing all the teachings of the former
Scripture?” [20:133]
2. “….before it there has come the Book of Moses as a guide and a mercy…” [46:12]
3. “And We gave him the Gospel where in was Guidance and light…” [5:46]
4. “We have, without doubts, sent down the Message; and we will assuredly guard it
(from corruption).” [15:9]
5. “It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or
from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah’s
permission, what He wills…..” [42:51]

Belief in Prophets

1. “It is not conceivable that a Prophet should ever commit a breach of trust,-…” [3:161]
2. “And there has been no nation which was not visited by a Warner.” [35:24]
3. “Whenever We sent a Messenger to convey Our Message, he delivered it in the
language of His people so that he may make it plain to them.” [14:4]
4. “And they say, ‘We do not discriminate against any of His Messengers.” [2:285]
5. “They said, ‘Art thou the one that did this with our Gods, O Abraham?’ ‘Nay this was
done by-this is their biggest one! Ask them if they can speak intelligently!’ so they
turned to themselves and said, ‘Surely ye are the ones in the wrong!’ Then were they
confounded in shame: (they said), ‘Thou knowest full well that these (idols) donot
speak!’ (Abraham) said, ; Do ye then worship, besides God things that can neither be
of any good to you nor do you haram? [21:62-66]
6. “That they said (in boast), ‘ We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of
God’;-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to
them, and those differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but
only conjecture to follow, for of a surely they killed him not:- Nay, God raised him up
to Himself; and God is Exalted in power, Wise;-” [4:157-158]

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Belief in Pre-destination

1. “Glorified is He in Whose hand is the absolute control of everything, and to Him you
shall all be returned.” [36:83]
2. “When He intends anything, He need only say: ‘be’, and it is.” [36:82]
3. “No thing but invocations can avert the decree.” [Tirmidhi]
4. “….for whoever disbelieves in Allah and His Angels and His Books and His
Messengers and the Last Day, most surely strays far away into deviation.” [4:136]
5. “Do they not see that God Who created the heavens and the earth and was not wearied
by their creation, has surely the power to raise the dead to life? Why not! Surely He
has power over everything.” [46:33]
6. “Then, when the Trumpet is blown once, and the earth and the mountains are lifted up
and crushed into pieces with a single stroke,…” [69:13]
7. “And there will come forth every soul: with each will be (an angel) to drive, and an
(angel) to bear witness.” [50:21]
8. “Then who so is given conduct book in his right hand, shall say, ‘look! Read my
conduct book. I knew that I would certainly be getting my account. So he shall be in a
state of bliss,………..” [69:19-21]
9. Eat and enjoy yourselves awhile. Indeed, you are culprits. ‘Woe on the Day to the
deniers!” [77:46-7]

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