Contemporary World Notes - SEM 1
Contemporary World Notes - SEM 1
Contemporary World Notes - SEM 1
● Anthropologist Arjun Apparudai’s scapes:
A Contemporary World A. Ethnoscape - refers to the global
(SOC SCI 3) SEM 1 - Prelims movement of people.
B. Mediascape – is about the flow of
GLOBALIZATION: A WORKING DEFINITION C. Technoscape – refers to the circulation
of mechanical goods and software.
According to Manfred Steger, “Globalization is the D. Financescape – denotes the global
process of expansion and intensification of social circulation of money.
relations and consciousness across world-time and E. Ideoscape – is the realm where
across world-space” political ideas move around.
● Represents the many processes that allow for
the expansion and intensification of global
● Expansion, stretching, and acceleration of ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION
these networks.
According to (Shangquan, 2000), it refers to the
increasing interdependence of world economies as a
TIME AND SPACE result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of
● “Globalization processes do not occur merely commodities and services, flow of international capital
at a material level, objective but they also and wide and rapid spread of technologies.
involve the subjective plane of human ● Mahalaga ang pagdepende natin sa
consciousness”. globalization dahil sa:
● Meaning: Globalization affects us not only in ○ Advancement ng mga technology.
material ways, but also in how we think about
ourselves and the world around us. It exposes us to According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
new cultures and ideas, which can challenge our it is a historical process representing the result of
assumptions and beliefs. It also makes us more human innovation and technological progress. It is
aware of global problems and our characterized by the increasing integration of
interconnectedness with people around the world. economies around the world through the movement of
goods, services, and capital across Borders.
● Globalization represents the many processes
that allow for the expansion and INTERNATIONAL TRADING SYSTEM
intensification of global connections.
● Globalism is a widespread belief among ● Ancient Silk Road one of the oldest way of
powerful people that the global integration of globalization back during the days
economic markets is beneficial for everyone
since it spreads freedom and democracy HISTORY OF GLOBALIZATION
across the world.
Globalization began when all populated continents
began trading goods with each other on a large scale,
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GLOBALIZATION & which had a significant impact on all involved. -Dennis
GLOBALISM Flynn and Arturo Giraldez
● Globalization is a PROCESS
● Globalism is a BELIEF
● Countries, primarily in Europe, competed with
one another to sell more goods as a means to
boost their country’s income.
● Following the lead of the United Kingdom, the
United States, and other European Nations ● The policies of neoliberalism typically support
adopted the gold standard at an international fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade,
monetary conference in Paris. privatization, and a reduction in government
○ Ginamit nila ang gold as a status of richness. spending.
○ Gold na galing/ninakaw sa ibang bansa. ● Neoliberalism is often associated with the
economic policies of Margaret Thatcher in the
C. THE GREAT DEPRESSION (20th CENTURY) United Kingdom and Ronald Reagan in the
● This depression was the worst and longest United States.
recession ever experienced by the Western ● There are many criticisms of neoliberalism,
world. Some economists argued that it was including its:
largely caused by the gold standard. ○ Tendency to endanger democracy;
● Barry Eichengreen argues that the recovery of ○ Workers’ rights and;
the United States really began when, having ○ Sovereign nations’ right to
abandoned the gold standard, the US self-determination.
government was able to free up money to
spend on reviving the economy. At the height of KEYNESIANISM
World War II, other major industrialized ● The high point of global Keynesianism came in
countries followed suit. the mid-1940s to the early 1970s.
● During this period, governments poured money
into their economies, allowing people to
FIAT CURRENCY purchase more goods and, in the process,
● Currencies that are not backed by precious increase demand for these products.
metals and whose value is determined by their ● Western and some Asian economies like Japan
cost relative to other currencies. accepted this rise in prices because it was
● Any money declared by a government to be accompanied by general economic growth and
legal tender. reduced unemployment.
● Inaugurated in 1944 during the United Nations ● On October 17, 1973, the Organization of
Monetary and FInancial Conference to prevent Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) declared
the catastrophes of the early decades of the an embargo (banning of trade with another
century from reoccurring and affecting country) that drastically limited the shipment
international ties. of oil to the United States.
● It was largely influenced by the ideas of British ● It was in response to the decision of the US and
economist John Maynard Keynes who believed other countries to resupply the Israeli military
that economic crises occur not when a country with the needed arms during the Yom Kippur
does not have enough money, but when money War.
is not being spent and, thereby, not moving.
● Delegates at Bretton Woods agreed to create STAGFLATION
two (2) financial institutions:
1. International Bank for Reconstruction ● is a macroeconomic condition characterized
and Development (IBRD, or World Bank) by high inflation, slow economic growth, and
2. International Monetary Fund (IMF) high unemployment. It is a rare but serious
economic phenomenon that can be difficult to
● Shortly after the Bretton Woods, various
countries also committed themselves to
further global economic integration through
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) in 1947.
● GATT’s main purpose was to reduce tariffs and
other hindrances to free trade.
CHAPTER 3: A History of
Global Politics: Creating
● Dominated global economic policies from the
1980’s until early 2000s.
an International Order
● Its advocates pushed for minimal government A Contemporary World
spending to reduce government debt. They also (SOC SCI 3) SEM 1
called for privatization of
government-controlled services like water,
power, communications, and transport.
● The world is composed of many countries or
● President Ronald Reagan and British Prime states, all of them having different forms of
Minister Margaret Thatcher justified their government. Some scholars of politics are
reduction in government spending by interested in individual states and examine
comparing national economies to households. the internal politics of these countries.
● Thatcher, in particular, promoted an image of
herself as a mother, who reined in THE ATTRIBUTION OF TODAY’S GLOBAL SYSTEM
overspending to reduce the national debt.
1. There are countries or states that are
independent and govern Themselves.
BREAKUP OF USSR 2. These countries interact with each other
● After Communism had collapsed in the 1990s, through diplomacy.
the IMF called for the immediate privatization 3. There are international organizations, like the
of all government industries. United Nations, that facilitate these
● It was only the individuals and groups who had interactions.
accumulated wealth under the previous 4. Beyond simply facilitating meetings between
communist order had the money to purchase states, international organizations also take on
these industries. lives of their own.
The cultural imperialism concept has been debunked SOCIAL MEDIA ECHOCHAMBER
by the renewed strength of regional patterns in the ● An echo chamber on social media is when one
globalization process. is exposed to biased, specialized media that
excludes diverse voices and opposing ideas.
Through the globalization of media, Asian culture
has spread around the world. CYBERBALKANIZATION
● Japan: Hello Kitty, Mario Brothers, Pokemon ● is the segregation of the Internet into smaller
● Korea: Kpop idols and kdrama groups with similar interests, to a degree that
they show a narrow-minded approach to
The observation applies to culinary tastes outsiders or those with contradictory views.
● Most obvious case of globalized asian cuisine ● Cyber: refers to the digital world
is sushi. ● Balkanization: refers to Balkans, a political
region in southeastern Europe with a history of
Given these trends, it is no longer plausible to argue partitioned cultures, languages and religion.
that globalization is a one-way process in which
foreign cultures overpower local ones. Globalization DEMAGOGUE
will continue to be an uneven process that produces ● is someone who becomes a leader largely
disparities; but, it allows potential for dynamism and because of skills as a speaker or who appeals
cultural transformation. This is not a contradiction; to emotions and prejudices
rather, it demonstrates the phenomenon's ● Demagogues as well as politicians with less
complexities. democratic intent use this segmentation
because they are aware of how social media
SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE CREATION OF CYBER bubbles can generate herd mentality.
● The proliferation of misinformation, troll farms,
and the use of social media as a weapon are
● It is a collective term for websites and
not new to Filipinos. In the 2016 presidential
applications that focus on communication ,
elections, social media was a major factor in
community based input, interaction, content-
Rodrigo Duterte's triumph which made it as the
sharing, and collaboration.
Philippines' most heavily social media
influenced election ever.
● Social media has negatives and positives. It
has allowed for communication to be more
● Marcos replicated what Rodrigo Duterte did in
the 2016 election. The Marcos Sr. era was
rebranded using social media to portray it as a
golden age that was affluent, crime-free, and
free of oppression rather than a time of martial
law, terrible human rights violations,
corruption, robbery of public coffers, and an
economy on the verge of collapse.
● Different media have diverse effects on the
globalization process
● Fact-checking before consuming different
information on media
● Be critical thinker
● Be a social media literate person