Essay Assignment
Essay Assignment
Essay Assignment
2 perspectives
(A) Sustainability
(B) Business and Inequality
policy 2023).
Elis Ireland thrive on having a good Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, and have
integrated it immensely into their business, as sustainability is the heart and soul of their
business model. They are committed to delivering a quality service and, at the same time,
minimizing their impact on the environment. Their business model and their success has
been based on the circular economy aspect, which is also the foundation of their CSR
strategy. They believe strongly that circularity is one of the key solutions to face the current
activities that preserve value in the form of energy, labour and materials. This approach in
aid of CSR is based on three key principles: eliminate waste and pollution, regenerate nature,
and circulate products and pollution (The circular economy in detail). This enhances Elis’
utilization of products, concurrently encouraging their recycling and, as a result, reconciles
economic growth and reduces their environmental impact.
Elis Ireland’s main objectives when it comes to fully implementing CSR in their business are
- Reduce their consumption of water, laundry products and energy by 25%, and
- Work towards zero waste
Along with these objectives they have set for themselves, Elis Ireland also have
commitments that they are determined to complete in order to align with their excellent
CSR reputation, comprising of:
In terms of their CSR approach, they have a range of targets set for themselves, which are to
be achieved by 2025 and comprise of the following:
These objectives were put in place to align with the objectives set out by the Paris Climate
Agreements of 2015 in order to contribute to restrict global warming to less than 1.5
Degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels on Scope 1 and 2 (-47.5%, by 2030 from a
base year of 2019), and well below 2 Degrees Celsius on Scope 3 (-28%, by 2030 from a base
year of 2019) (Our CSR policy 2023).
Elis Ireland are also enthusiastic in terms of sustainability, which is embedded deeply into
their business model and also a key factor in their CSR approach. They strive in developing
durable, innovative, repairable and recyclable items. Their aim by 2025 is to have at least
one workwear collection made up of 100% environmentally friendly materials for each of
It's all well and good saying how much Elis Ireland have planned to achieve by 2025, but are
they actually implementing these results? It is safe to say that they are definitely on the right
track according to these real time conclusions:
There has been a 40% reduction of water consumption since 2010 per kg of linen
treated in Europe.
34% of new managers are women.
16% of new managers are promoted within the company.
72% of textiles are reused/recycled by 2021.
Elis have received a range of prizes due to their superb CSR approach, receiving a Gold
Medal in the EcoVadis questionnaire for the 6th year in a row, along with achieving an A- due
to its participation in the climate questionnaire conducted by the Carbon Disclosure Project.
Sustainanalytics also substantially expanded Elis’s ESG rating by nearly 10 points up to 14.8
which is classified as “low risk” in 2022.
All in all, it is safe to say that Elis Ireland have an outstanding CR approach implemented into
their business, as it is evident that they are mindful with the materials they utilise and are
wary of retaining their carbon footprint to a low level, reducing their environmental impact
also as a result.
Considering Ireland probably provides a very fair wage compared to other countries, Ireland
has the highest wage inequality in Europe, which results in a stigma forming about the
shame some people have in having to request social welfare as they cannot obtain jobs,
instead of being able to earn a fair wage, resulting in the possibility of them not being able
to pay the extortionate rental prices and thousands having to resort to emergency
accommodation, or as far as having to immigrate out of the country completely.
In Elis, they make a conscious effort to ensure equality within the workplace and that their
employees are content within their working environment. The company comprises of nearly
45,000 employees, and according to recent statistics in 2018, 8597 out of 9881 employees
surveyed were satisfied in their workplace. They promote internal competitions for new job
opportunities within the workplace, with 32% of new managers promoted internally, which
ensures consistent upskilling and progressive learning. They also ensure women play a
dominant role within the company, with 31% of new managers in 2018 being women. Elis
have a big global platform, as they are present in 28 countries around the world.
Within Elis, their employees are heard rather than ignored and pushed aside. An internal
survey is carried out every 2 years, the most recent being in November 2021, so another is
due to arise again soon. This gives employees a voice in order to express potential concerns
they may have about a variety of issues, which can range from career development, training,
working conditions and safety. This aids Elis in being able to further grow and enhance their
business model.