Lecture 5 The Respiratory System
Lecture 5 The Respiratory System
Lecture 5 The Respiratory System
1. Nose
2. Pharynx
3. Larynx
4. Trachea
5. Bronchi
6. Lungs – alveoli
Paranasal Sinuses
Cavities within bones surrounding the nasal cavity
1. Frontal
2. Sphenoid
3. Ethmoid
4. Maxillary
Pharynx (Throat)
Muscular passage from nasal cavity to larynx
Three regions of the pharynx
1. Nasopharynx – superior region behind nasal cavity
2. Oropharynx – middle region behind mouth
3. Laryngopharynx – inferior region attached to larynx
The oropharynx and laryngopharynx are common passageways for air and food
Trachea (Windpipe)
Connects larynx with bronchi
Lined with ciliated mucosa
Beat continuously in the opposite direction of incoming air
Expel mucus loaded with dust and other debris away from lungs
Walls are reinforced with C-shaped hyaline cartilage
Primary Bronchi
Formed by division of the trachea
Enters the lung at the hilus (medial depression)
Right bronchus is wider, shorter, and straighter than left
Bronchi subdivide into smaller and smaller branches
Smallest branches of the bronchi
All but the smallest branches have reinforcing cartilage
Terminal bronchioles end in alveoli
Respiratory Zone
1. Respiratory bronchioli
2. Alveolar duct
3. Alveoli
Site of gas exchange
Structure of alveoli
1. Alveolar duct
2. Alveolar sac
3. Alveolus
Gas exchange
Aging Effects