Answers for Chapter One, Sect
dle Chart Overview
1. b. The candlestick chart was invented by the Japanese. The name “can-
dlestick" or candle chart 1s derived from the fact that the lines look Like
candles with wieks,
2. b. According to my research, the first candlestick charts were used when.
the Japanese stock market. started in the 1870s, However, candlestick
techniques likely evolved from earher technical methodology that started
with the Japanese rice futures market in the 16003, Back then, traders
dealt with the psychology of the market rather than specific price pat-
terns. One author, writing in 1755, said, “When all are beartsh, there 18
cause for concern.” This is very similar to contrary opinion used today in
the trading community. Even in those days, the Japanese understaod the
psychologteal aspect of the market,
3. d. Candle charts ean be used in all markets that have an open, high, low,
and close.
4. d. Candle charts can be used throughout the trading spectrum, from
weekly to dally and intraday charting. For a weekly chart, the candle
would be composed of Monday's open, the high and low of the week, and
Friday’s close. For a dafly chart, you would use the open, high, low, and
close of the session. On an intraday basis, tt would be the open, high, low,
and close for the chosen (Le., hourly) time period. Since tick charts only
have closes, we can’t use candlesticks on them.
. ¢. Becanse candle charts use the open, high, low, and close, we need to
walt for the closing price to confirm the candle signal. However, a vali-
able technique ts to look at a shorter time frame to obtatn an earlier sig-
nal, For example, ona daily chart, we would have to watt for the close of
the day to complete the candle line, or signal. If you shift to an intraday
candle chart, you need only wait for the close of that intraday session to
get the candle signal.
6. b. Candle charts cannot give price targets (although they can provide
potential support and resistance levels), This ts why it 1s best to combine
them with Wester technical signals that help provide a target. For
example, a pivot high ora falling resistance line may be an upside target
onee a bullish candlestick signal ts given,
7. d. Because candle charts and bar charts use the same open, low, high,
and low prices, all Western technical analysis techniques can be eam-