My Dua Book
My Dua Book
My Dua Book
D U lA
Selected supplications (Du ’)
for every child according to
the Our ’an and the Sunnah.
No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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permission of the publisher.
Supervised by:
In the N am e o f Allah.
W hen I see a M uslim , I say...
f 'b t D l
A s -s a la m u
a la y k u m ”
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I f Allah wills.
The greatest words for me to say are..
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"Bismillahi tawakkaltu
'alal-lahi wa la hawla
wa la quwwata 'ilia billah"
In the N am e o f Allah, I trust in Allah
and there is no strength nor p ow er except with Allah.
When I enter my home, I say..
“Bismillahi walajna
wa bismillahi
kharajna wa ‘ala
Rabbina tawakkalna’
In the Nam e o f Allah we enter, and in the N am e o f Allah we
leave, and we trust in Our Lord.
W hen someone does som ething good for me, I say..
h s 'fr
This is what Allah has willed,
there is no p o w er except with Allah.
W hen I sneeze, I say...
“A lh am d u L illa h ’
A ll Praise be to Allah.
And in reply, you say...
wa yuslihu
M ay Allah guide you and set right all yo u r affairs.
When I eat with another person, I say...
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’At‘im man
’At‘amanee wasqi
man saqanee”
O Allah, fe e d him who fe d me
and give him drink who gave me drink.
W hen I finish m y meal, I say...
“Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi
’At6amanee hadha
wa razaqaneehi
min ghayri hawlim-
minni wa la quwwatin”
A ll praise be to Allah who fe d me this and provided
me with it, without any strength or po w er fro m me.
A fter hearing the ’A dhan in the m orning and evening, I say..
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“Subhanaka Allahumma
wa bihamdika
’ashhadu ’an la ’ilaha
’ilia ’Anta, ’astaghflruka
wa ’atubu ’ilayk”
O A llah! Glory is f o r you and Praise is fo r You, I testify that none
has the right to be w orshipped except You, I ask yo u r forgiveness
and I repent unto You.
When I break my fast in Ramadan, I say...
waktallatil- urooqu
wa tkakatal-ajru
"Allabumma 'inn?
Yuctbu bika minal
O Allah, I seek protection in you from
unclean spirits, male and fem ale.
When I come out of the toilet, I say..
I ask yo u r forgiveness.
When I enter the mosque, I say..
“ B is m il l a h i
A l l a h u m m a f t a h lT
’a b w a b a r a h m a t i k ”
In the N am e o f Allah and Peace and Blessing he upon the
M essenger o f Allah, O A llah! Open fo r me the gates o f yo u r Mercy.
When I step out of the mosque, I say.
“b ism iu Ahi
In the N am e o f Allah and Peace and Blessing be upon the
M essenger ofA llah, O A llah! I ask fo r yo u r fa v o r fro m you.
When any affliction happens to me, I say..
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“‘Inna lillahi
wa 'inna
1*1 I * A . A fi
ilayhi raji un
Truly, to Allah we belong and truly to Him we shall return.
W hen I find anyone in affliction, I say...
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“Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi
cAfan i mimmab-talaka
bihi wa faddalani
6ala kathirim-mimman
khalaqa tafdeela”
A ll praise is fo r Allah, Who saved me from what he has afflicted
you with and fa vo red me more than many others H e created.
W hen I visit a sick person, I say...
"La b
t a f m r u n
' i n s ly A H a l t "
y s p \2 j J -
Allah is sufficient fo r us and H e is the best disposer o f affairs.
W hen I am angry, I say..
U 5 A LSS.
billahi minash-
Shaytanir-Rajim ”
I seek refuge with Allah fro m Satan, the cursed one.
W hen I enter a M uslim graveyard, I say...
jU lii j i i
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“A s -s a la m u
(a la ’a h lf d -d iy a r i
m in a l - m u ’m in e e n a
u a l - m u s lim e e n a
w a ’In n a ’in s h a ’ A lla h u
b lk u m la la h iq u n ”
Peace be upon the people o f this abode, fro m am ong
the believers and those who have subm itted
and i f Allah wills, we will also jo in you.
W hen I intend to sleep, I say...
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“ B is m ik a
’a m u t u
w a ’a h y a ”
B y yo u r Name, O Allah, I die and live.
When I wake up from the sleep, I say..
lillahil-ladhi ’ahyana
ba‘da ma ’amatana
wa ’ilayhin-nushur”
A ll praise be to Allah who revived us to life after
giving us death and to Him we shall return.