My Dua Book

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D U lA
Selected supplications (Du ’)
for every child according to
the Our ’an and the Sunnah.
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permission of the publisher.

Second Edition: September 2002

Supervised by:


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“Say: Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice,
my living, and my dying are fo r Allah,
the Lord o f the ‘A lamin (mankind,
jinn and all that exists). ” (6: 162)
W hen I start to do something, I say..


In the N am e o f Allah.
W hen I see a M uslim , I say...

f 'b t D l

A s -s a la m u
a la y k u m ”

M ay A lla h ’s Peace be upon you.

When I plan anything for the future I say...

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I f Allah wills.
The greatest words for me to say are..

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"La 'ilaha 'illallahu

N one has the right to be w orshipped except Allah
and M uham m ad is the M essenger o f Allah.
W hen the name o f our Prophet M uham m ad
is m entioned, I say...

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M ay the Peace and Blessing o f Allah be upon Him.

When I go out from my home, I say..

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"Bismillahi tawakkaltu
'alal-lahi wa la hawla
wa la quwwata 'ilia billah"
In the N am e o f Allah, I trust in Allah
and there is no strength nor p ow er except with Allah.
When I enter my home, I say..

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“Bismillahi walajna
wa bismillahi
kharajna wa ‘ala
Rabbina tawakkalna’
In the Nam e o f Allah we enter, and in the N am e o f Allah we
leave, and we trust in Our Lord.
W hen someone does som ething good for me, I say..

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M ay Allah give yo u a better reward.

When I see something that pleases me, I say..

This is what Allah has willed,
there is no p o w er except with Allah.
W hen I sneeze, I say...

“A lh am d u L illa h ’

A ll Praise be to Allah.
And in reply, you say...


M ay Allah bestow H is M ercy on you.

A nd then, I say..


wa yuslihu
M ay Allah guide you and set right all yo u r affairs.
When I eat with another person, I say...

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’At‘im man
’At‘amanee wasqi
man saqanee”
O Allah, fe e d him who fe d me
and give him drink who gave me drink.
W hen I finish m y meal, I say...

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“Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi
’At6amanee hadha
wa razaqaneehi
min ghayri hawlim-
minni wa la quwwatin”
A ll praise be to Allah who fe d me this and provided
me with it, without any strength or po w er fro m me.
A fter hearing the ’A dhan in the m orning and evening, I say..

“Radeetu bill a hi Rabban

wa bil-Islami deenan
wa bimuhammadin
sallallahu ‘alayhi
wa sallama Nabiyyan”
I am p lea sed with Allah as the Lord and Islam as the
religion and M uham m ad M as the Prophet.
W hen I get up from a m eeting, I say...

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“Subhanaka Allahumma
wa bihamdika
’ashhadu ’an la ’ilaha
’ilia ’Anta, ’astaghflruka
wa ’atubu ’ilayk”
O A llah! Glory is f o r you and Praise is fo r You, I testify that none
has the right to be w orshipped except You, I ask yo u r forgiveness
and I repent unto You.
When I break my fast in Ramadan, I say...

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waktallatil- urooqu
wa tkakatal-ajru

The thirst has gone and the veins are m oistened

and the reward is established, i f Allah wills.
When I enter the toilet, I say...

"Allabumma 'inn?
Yuctbu bika minal
O Allah, I seek protection in you from
unclean spirits, male and fem ale.
When I come out of the toilet, I say..


I ask yo u r forgiveness.
When I enter the mosque, I say..

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“ B is m il l a h i

A l l a h u m m a f t a h lT
’a b w a b a r a h m a t i k ”
In the N am e o f Allah and Peace and Blessing he upon the
M essenger o f Allah, O A llah! Open fo r me the gates o f yo u r Mercy.
When I step out of the mosque, I say.

“b ism iu Ahi
In the N am e o f Allah and Peace and Blessing be upon the
M essenger ofA llah, O A llah! I ask fo r yo u r fa v o r fro m you.
When any affliction happens to me, I say..

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“‘Inna lillahi
wa 'inna
1*1 I * A . A fi

ilayhi raji un
Truly, to Allah we belong and truly to Him we shall return.
W hen I find anyone in affliction, I say...

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“Alhamdu lillahil-ladhi
cAfan i mimmab-talaka
bihi wa faddalani
6ala kathirim-mimman
khalaqa tafdeela”
A ll praise is fo r Allah, Who saved me from what he has afflicted
you with and fa vo red me more than many others H e created.
W hen I visit a sick person, I say...

"La b
t a f m r u n

' i n s ly A H a l t "

D o n ’t worry it is f o r Purification * i f Allah wills.

* This purification is referring to the purification o f sins.

Prophet Muhammad M taught us that any pain that a Muslim suffers results in forgiveness of his
sins. This forgiveness in itself is a type of purification.
W hen I face an enemy, I say.

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Allah is sufficient fo r us and H e is the best disposer o f affairs.
W hen I am angry, I say..

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billahi minash-
Shaytanir-Rajim ”
I seek refuge with Allah fro m Satan, the cursed one.
W hen I enter a M uslim graveyard, I say...

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“A s -s a la m u
(a la ’a h lf d -d iy a r i
m in a l - m u ’m in e e n a
u a l - m u s lim e e n a
w a ’In n a ’in s h a ’ A lla h u
b lk u m la la h iq u n ”
Peace be upon the people o f this abode, fro m am ong
the believers and those who have subm itted
and i f Allah wills, we will also jo in you.
W hen I intend to sleep, I say...

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“ B is m ik a
’a m u t u
w a ’a h y a ”
B y yo u r Name, O Allah, I die and live.
When I wake up from the sleep, I say..

lillahil-ladhi ’ahyana
ba‘da ma ’amatana
wa ’ilayhin-nushur”
A ll praise be to Allah who revived us to life after
giving us death and to Him we shall return.

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