MPPT Tech 1
MPPT Tech 1
MPPT Tech 1
ABSTRACT A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique plays an important role to ensure
maximum photovoltaic (PV) output power is extracted under stochastic weather conditions. The research
to date tends to focus on developing a standalone optimization MPPT algorithm rather than looking into a
hybrid MPPT algorithm. This paper introduces particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the maximum
PV output power and to determine the best design variable for penalizing the step size of the conventional
methods namely the perturb and observe (PO) and the incremental conductance (IC). With the help of the
hybrid MPPT algorithm (PSO+IC and PSO+PO), the step size is no longer fixed, and it is changing according
to the solar irradiance. To evaluate the proposed hybrid algorithm, a single-stage grid connected PV system
is designed for several different scenarios with various weather conditions. The performance of the hybrid
MPPT algorithm and the conventional methods is compared. The results demonstrate that the hybrid MPPT
algorithm is remarkably better than the conventional methods, especially for PSO+IC, where it only takes
43.4 ms of tracking time and reaches the efficiency of 99.07% under standard test conditions.
INDEX TERMS Hybrid MPPT, particle swarm optimization, incremental conductance, perturb and observe,
optimal step-size, single-stage grid connected PV system.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 11, 2023 13079
M. H. Ibrahim et al.: Optimizing Step-Size of Perturb & Observe and Incremental Conductance MPPT Techniques
power in function of voltage is equal to zero at the maximum was proposed based on the Lagrange interpolation formula
power point, meanwhile, the incremental conductance algo- and PSO method. In [23], improved PSO, and perturb
rithm is based on comparing the values between PV array and observe MPPT algorithm were developed to reduce
instantaneous current against voltage with the derivative of the oscillation during the MPPT phase. In [24], overall
current in the function of voltage [5]. On the other hand, the distribution and PSO MPPT algorithm were proposed to
artificial intelligence approach could be developed based on improve the tracking speed for maximum power point.
maximising the output power of the PV array. In [25], a hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
In recent years, a modified MPPT algorithm was developed (ANFIS) and PSO-based MPPT method were proposed and
by many researchers with different applications which will employed in a zeta converter circuit to obtain rapid and zero
be discussed as follows. In [6] and [7], an improved oscillation tracking. In [26], an improved grey wolf optimizer
MPPT algorithm was developed based on the conventional MPPT algorithm was proposed and employed in boost
incremental conductance and employed in a boost converter full-bridge isolated converter (BFBIC) topology. In [27],
circuit. In [8] and [9], a modified incremental conductance an improved MPPT algorithm based on the earthquake
was employed in a single-stage grid connected PV system. optimization algorithm was proposed and employed in boost
In [10], an improved perturb and observe algorithm was converter circuit to improve the dynamic behaviour of the PV
proposed and employed in the buck-boost converter circuit. systems. In [28], incremental conductance based on the PSO
In [11], a two-stage MPPT algorithm was proposed based algorithm for MPPT was proposed and employed in the boost
on adaptive scaling factor beta, and perturb and observe converter circuit. As discussed beforehand, most researchers
algorithm was proposed and employed in the boost converter tend to focus on developing a standalone optimization MPPT
circuit. In [12], an improved variable step size of perturb algorithm. The combination of optimization techniques and
and observe MPPT algorithm was developed and employed the conventional MPPT algorithms in standalone PV systems
in the boost converter circuit. In [13], a modified perturb have shown improvement in the overall performance of the
and observe MPPT was proposed and employed in a double- system [23], [28]. However, less effort is put into the work
stage grid connected PV system. In [14], a high-performance in integrating optimization techniques and the conventional
variable step size perturb and observe MPPT algorithm methods for single-stage grid connected PV systems. It is
was proposed and employed in a buck converter circuit. expected to provide faster and more accurate tracking MPP
In [15], an improved MPPT control strategy was developed which can improve the overall efficiency of the system.
based on incremental conductance and was employed in the In addition, it can also make the system more robust and can
boost converter circuit. In [16], fast tracking incremental adapt to different operating conditions.
conductance algorithm was proposed and employed in In this paper, the method of improving the conventional
the boost converter circuit. However, employing such an methods namely the perturb and observe, and the incremental
algorithm as discussed beforehand, highly depends on the conductance by employing the optimization technique is
step size voltage or duty cycle. Moreover, these techniques presented. The method employed is to optimize the maximum
may not provide accurate tracking of the maximum power PV output power and to determine the best design variable
point (MPP) and it may result in an oscillation of voltage for penalizing the step size of the conventional methods.
near the maximum power point. Therefore, to overcome The results show that the combined methods lead to better
these problems, optimization techniques had been widely efficiency and performance compared to the conventional
developed by many researchers. methods.
One major advantage of employing optimization tech- The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
niques is the ability of the algorithm to determine the global Section II describes the overview of the conventional MPPT
optimum solution by generating random variables in the algorithm. Section III describes the overview of the particle
search space [17]. The capability of optimization techniques swarm optimization. Section IV describes the proposed
in many applications has made other researchers consider MPPT algorithm based on particle swarm optimization.
these methods to develop a better MPPT algorithm. In the Section V provides the implementation and design of the
past few years, many researchers have proposed an MPPT single-stage grid connected PV system. Section VI discusses
algorithm based on optimization techniques which will be the results. Finally, Section VII concludes the paper.
discussed as follows. In [18], particle swarm optimization
(PSO) has been employed to determine the MPPT by
proposing two additional conditions namely the convergence II. OVERVIEW OF THE CONVENTIONAL MPPT
detection and the change in solar insolation detection. In [19], ALGORITHM
an improved PSO-based MPPT was developed to reduce the As discussed earlier, the most widely-known MPPT algo-
steady state oscillation. In [20], the water cycle algorithm rithms are the traditional perturb and observe, and incre-
MPPT with the characteristics of power and current was mental conductance. These algorithms are widely used due
proposed. In [21], a PSO-based global MPPT technique to their simplicity and effectiveness to track the MPP.
for distributed PV power generation with constraints for Moreover, these algorithms are used as a baseline and they
boost converters was proposed. In [22], a novel MPPT are considered standard references to make any comparisons
MPPT time response. However, the steady state oscillations In this model, an auxiliary equation is used to translate the
near the maximum power point are amplified. Hence, in this five parameter to ten parameter model. The light-generated
paper, optimization is employed to maximize the output of current, IL , can be mathematically expressed as [34]:
PV power by penalizing and varying the step size which will Ns nKTc
be discussed further in this paper. αref = (10)
Particle swarm optimization algorithm can be simply Tref
described as fish schooling or a bird flocking searching for G
IL = (IL,ref + αn [Tc − Tref ]) (12)
food in space, where it uses the velocity vector, the experience Gref
of each particle, and the experience of the neighbouring where Ns is the number of cells in the module, n is the ideality
particle to generate a random position vector in the space [29]. factor, K is the Boltzmann constant, q is the charge of an
The position of each particle in the space can calculated and electron, G is the irradiance, Gref is the irradiance at standard
updated based on the velocity equation given as [29]: reference condition (SRC), Tc is the temperature, and Tref
(k) (k)
= αvi + c1 r1 [Pbesti
(k) (k)
− xi ] is the temperature at SRC. In addition, the diode reverse
(k) (k) (k) saturation current, Io , can be mathematically expressed
+ c2 r2 [Gbesti − xi ] (4) as [34]:
where α is a constant parameter called inertia weight. c1 and Eg = Eg,ref (1 − 0.0002677[Tc − Tref ]) (13)
c2 are the cognitive coefficient and social coefficient of the
Tc 3
(k) (k)
particles respectively. r1 and r2 are the random numbers 1 Eg Eg
Io = Io,ref exp − (14)
generated between 0 and 1. The new particle position vector Tref k Tref Tc
can be calculated and updated as follow [29]: where Eg is the energy bandgap, Eg,ref is the energy band gap
xi =
+ vi (5) at SRC, and Io,ref is the diode saturation current reference
at SRC. Other than that, the parallel resistance of the single
In the search space, the particle will try to modify the diode model, Rsh , depends on the irradiance which can be
position vector according to the velocity vector which could mathematically expressed as [34]:
be calculated by the velocity equation and the distance of the Gref
(k) (k)
particle from Pbesti and Gbesti . Rsh = Rsh,ref · (15)
IV. PROPOSED MPPT ALGORITHM BASED ON PARTICLE where Rsh,ref is the reference parallel resistance at SRC.
SWARM OPTIMIZATION Moreover, four constraints are taken into consideration. The
Due to the non-linearity behaviour of the PV module, first constraint is based on current against voltage curve
accurate and fast dynamic response of MPPT is required. The characteristics, where it can be mathematically expressed as:
performance of the MPPT is formulated by using both PSO q(V + I R )
pv pv s
qIo exp
and the conventional algorithm, which are presented in the dI 1 nKTNs
flowchart of Figure 4. Initially, the irradiance, the voltage, =− − (16)
dV Rsh nKTNs
and the current are sensed. This is followed by the objective where at the MPP, the first derivative of current in the function
function of the PV output power, Ppv , which can be defined of voltage which is written in (16), must be equal to the
as: instantaneous PV current divided by the instantaneous PV
f = max(Ppv ) (6) voltage. The second constraint is based on power against
Ppv = Ipv × Vpv (7) voltage curve characteristics, where it can be mathematically
expressed as:
where Ipv is the output current of the PV module and Vpv is the q(V + I R )
pv pv s
voltage of the PV module. In PSO, Ipv and Vpv are randomly qIo exp
dP 1 nKTNs
initialized. The decision variables, var, can be expressed as: = IL − Vpv +
dV Rsh nKTNs
var = [Vpv , Ipv ] (8) q(V +I R )
Vpv +Ipv Rs pv pv s
− −Io exp −1 (17)
The output current of the PV module, Ipv , is calculated based Rsh nKTNs
on IEC-61853 single diode model which can be extended
where at the MPP, the first derivative of power in the function
as [34], [35]:
V + I R V +I R of voltage is equal to zero. Meanwhile, the third and fourth
pv pv s pv pv s constraints are to limit the search space of PSO, which can be
Ipv = IL − Io exp −1 − (9)
αn Rsh mathematically expressed as:
where IL is the light-generated current, Io is the reverse
0 < Vpv < Vpv,max (18)
saturation current, Rs is the series resistance, Rsh is the
parallel resistance, and αn is the non-ideality factor. 0 < Ipv < Ipv,max (19)
where Vpv,max and Ipv,max are the open circuit voltage and the where α is a large constant such that to enhance the
short circuit current of the PV module respectively. performance of the MPPT by providing faster tracking
At every iteration, PSO will update the best and the global time of the MPP during the change in weather conditions.
best fitness value ever found in the search space. If the Meanwhile, if the step size is less than ϵ, the new step size
algorithm fails to determine the optimal solution, the decision can be mathematically expressed as:
variables are randomly re-initialized to search for the global
best fitness value. The best design variable, Ipso , is then Step sizeβ = Step size × β (22)
updated for the conventional MPPT algorithm to calculate the where β is a small constant such that to enhance the
step size, which can be expressed as: performance of the MPPT by reducing the oscillation near the
Ppv (k) MPP during the steady-state condition. The calculated step
Step size = Ipso − (20) size is then updated for the conventional MPPT algorithm.
Vpv (k)
Furthermore, a tolerance, ϵ, is introduced to penalized the V. IMPLEMENTATION AND DESIGN OF SINGLE-STAGE
step size such that if the step size is greater than ϵ, the new GRID CONNECTED PV SYSTEM
step size can be mathematically expressed as: Figure 5 shows the typical single-stage grid connected PV
system control scheme. The system consists of a PV panel,
Step sizeα = Step size × α (21) dc-link voltage, dc/ac inverter, and LCL filter. The dc-link
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MUHAMMAD NORFAUZI DANI received the RAFIDAH PETRA received the bachelor’s degree
B.Eng. degree (Hons.) in communication engi- in electrical and electronic engineering from
neering from International Islamic University Glasgow University, U.K., in 2004, under twinning
Malaysia (IIUM), the M.Sc. degree in radio programme with University Brunei Darussalam
frequency communication systems from the Uni- (UBD), and the master’s degree in nanoelectronics
versity of Southampton, U.K., and the Ph.D. and nanotechnology and the Ph.D. degree in
degree in electrical and electronic engineer- electronics and electrical engineering from the
ing from the University of Manchester, U.K. University of Southampton, U.K. She is cur-
From 2008 to 2015, he worked as a Manager in rently an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of
spectrum planning and numbering at the Authority Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB),
for Info-Communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam. She has been working as an Educator, since she
(AITI). He joined Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB), as a Lecturer, in 2015. graduated the bachelor’s degree (back in 2004), and progressively becomes
His research interests include beyond 5G and 6G mobile networks, advanced an Active Academia, where she has been involved both in teaching
multiple access schemes, wireless edge caching, broadcast/multicast net- and research. Her major is in silicon nano-photonics technology for
works, and optimization techniques. telecommunications where she specializes on the design, fabrication, and
characterization of nanoscale waveguide devices. Her expertise is in thin-
film fabrication for devices at nanometer scale, for the application of solar
cells and sensors for environmental sensing. Her current research interests
include carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring on the growth effect of vegetation
through the use of technological engineering applications, investigation of
direct air capture technology to alleviate the increase of atmospheric carbon
dioxide (CO2) level, Brunei Darussalam, exploration of semiconductor
nanostructured materials for solar energy harvesting and applications of
nanotechnology for Halal authentication.