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CHEE1034 Section A Booklet 2020 - 2021

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STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________


Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

MODULE: CHEE1034 – Fluid Mechanics

Section A: Engineering Principles

Dr Stephen Grebby
CHEE1034: Section A – Engineering Principles

“Hello and welcome to the Fluid Mechanics module. The module
comprises two sections: (A) Engineering Principles and (B) Fluid

The ‘Engineering Principles’ section covers the key scientific principles that
underpin fluid mechanics and other chemical and environmental engineering
applications. In particular, this includes fundamental applied mechanics

Definition of mechanics:
“the branch of physics that deals with the motion of material
bodies and the phenomena of the action of forces on bodies”
mathematically, we can write:

F = ma

This booklet covers the fundamental mechanics part of section A of the

module, with particular emphasis on the application of the equations of
motion and Newton’s Laws to common engineering situations. The key
physical laws are explained and these ideas are then developed and reinforced
by working together to solve specific problems. Links to real world applications
are examined, emphasising the need for Chemical and Environmental

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 2

Engineers to be fully conversant with not only the basic laws of chemistry, but
physics too.

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 3

CHEE1034: Section A – Learning Outcomes

By the end of this section you will:

 have knowledge and an understanding of scientific principles, namely

the relevant aspects of physics and materials science, to enable the
understanding of chemical engineering principles.

Specifically, you will be able to:

 recognise and use SI Units and sub-units

 define mechanical quantities (e.g. velocity and acceleration)

 understand and solve problems using the Equations of Motion

 recall and apply Newton’s Laws of motion

 understand the principles behind Conservation of Linear Momentum

 solve problems for Elastic and Inelastic collisions

 understand the concept of Energy Conservation

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 4

1. SI units and sub-units
Before we jump into SI units lets
inspect the Greek Alphabet:

 alpha  nu

 beta  xi

 gamma  omicron

 delta  pi

 epsilon  rho

 zeta  sigma

 eta  tau

 theta  upsilon

 iota  phi

 kappa  chi

 lambda  psi

 mu  omega

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 5

All physical quantities in this course will be quoted in SI units. Please use the
appropriate unit and the correct abbreviation.

A list of common quantities with their symbols and units is given below:


Base units:
length l metre m
mass m kilogramme kg
time t second s
temperature (absolute) T kelvin K
temperature  celsius 'C
electric current I ampere A
amount of substance n mole mol.

Derived units:

force F newton N
energy E,U joule J
work W joule J
power P watt W
pressure p pascal Pa
frequency f hertz Hz
electric charge q,Q coulomb C
electric potential, pd V volt V
resistance R ohm 
magnetic flux  weber Wb
magnetic flux density B tesla T
capacitance C farad F
inductance L henry H

Note that the units themselves do not start with a capital letter. The abbreviations
only have a capital letter where they are named after an individual.
e.g. newton becomes 'N', but metre becomes 'm'.

Standard notation: 2.7 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4

A space between each unit avoids confusion between m s-1 and (millisecond)-1.

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 6

Sub Units
It is often inconvenient to express quantities in the main units — for example,
capacitance is usually very much less than 1 F and often as small as
0.000000001 F.

For this reason the system allows a number of acceptable prefixes — the
common ones are listed below:

exa- E 1018

peta- P 1015

terra- T 1012

giga- G 109

mega- M 106

kilo- k 103

centi- c 10-2 (rarely used except for cm)

milli- m 10-3

micro-  10-6

nano- n 10-9

pico- p 10-12

femto- f 10-15

atto- a 10-18

For example:

0.000000035 m = 35 × 10-9 m = 35 nm

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 7


Physical quantity Symbol Numerical value and Unit

Speed of light in vacuum c 3.0 x 108 m s-1
Proton rest mass mp 1.67 x 10-27 kg
Electron rest mass me 9.1 x 10-31 kg
Electron charge -e -1.6 x 10-19 C

Standard Pressure (760 mmHg) ps 1.01 x105 Pa
Standard Temperature (ice point,0 C) Tice 273.15 K

0 Celsius T0 273.15 K

Triple point of water Ttr 273.16 K (0.01 0C)

Density of water w 1000 kg m-3
Density of air air 1.3 kg m-3
Density of mercury Hg 13.6 x 103 kg m-3
Specific Heat Capacity of water cw 4.2 x 103 J kg-1 K-1
Specific Heat Capacity of ice cice 2.1 x 103 J kg-1 K-1
Latent heat of Fusion (water) LF,w 336 000 J kg-1
Latent heat of Vaporization (water) LV,w 2 260 000 J kg-1
Molar gas constant R 8.31 J mol-1 K-1
Avogadro constant NA 6.02 x 1023 mol-1
Boltzmann constant k 1.38 x 10-23 J K-1
Molar volume of an ideal gas VM 22.4 x 10-3 m3 mol-1

Mean density of Earth E 5520 kg m-3
Mass of Earth ME 6.0 x 1024 kg
Mass of sun MS 2.0 x 1030 kg
Mass or moon MM 7.4 x 1022 kg
Radius of Earth RE 6.4 X 106 m
Radius of sun RS 6.7 X 108 m
Radius of moon RM 1.7 X 106 m
Sun-Earth distance RS-E 1.5 X 1011 m
Moon-Earth distance RM-E 3.8 X 108 m
Acceleration due to gravity (EARTH) g 9.8 (~10) m s-2
Acceleration due to gravity (MOON) gM 1.62 m s-2

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 8



Physical quantity Symbol Numerical value and Unit

Gravitational constant G 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2
Permeability of free space O 4 x 10-7 H m-1
Permittivity of free space o 8.85 x10-12 F m-1
Planck constant h 6.6 x 10-34 Js
Atomic Mass unit amu 1.66 x 10-27 kg
Electron volt eV 1.6 x 10-19 J
Wavelength of red light R 7 x 10-7 m
Wavelength of blue light B 4 x 10-7 m
Power output of sun Ps 4 x 1026 W
Intensity at Earth's surface IE 1 400 W m-2
Velocity of sound in air c 330 m s-1
Earth's magnetic field strength (Horz) BH E 2 x 10-5 T
Earth's magnetic field strength (Vert) BV E 4 x 10-5 T

Density of steel St 7.8 x 103 kg m-3
Young's Modulus for steel ESt 2.0 x 1011 N m-2
Young's Modulus for copper ECu 1.2 x 1011 N m-2
Specific Heat Capacity of aluminium cAl 920 J kg-1 K-1
Specific Heat Capacity of copper cCu 400 J kg-1 K-1

Thermal conductivity of copper kCu 380 W m-2 K-1
Thermal conductivity of aluminium kAl 210 W m-2 K-1
Thermal conductivity of glass kGl 1.0 W m-2 K-1
Thermal conductivity of air kair 0.025 W m-2 K-1


Density of helium He 0.175 kg m-3
Density of hydrogen H 0.093 kg m-3
Density of nitrogen N 1.2 kg m-3
Density of oxygen O 1.43 kg m-3
Density of air air 1.29 kg m-3

Refractive index for crown glass ng 1.5
Refractive index for flint glass ng 1.6
Refractive index for water nw 1.33
CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 9
CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 10
Can you make realistic estimations?
The ability of engineers to quickly estimate the Order of Magnitude of physical quantities
is an often overlooked but vital skill.

Using the data provided on the previous pages, let’s consider the following problems:

 How thick are the pages of this booklet?

 How tall is the Empire State Building?

 How fast can a plane fly?

 Estimate the total surface area of land on our planet?

 What is the total mass of water on planet earth?

 Estimate the power emitted by the sun?

 How many molecules of Galileo’s (1564–1642) last breath do we breathe in every

time we take a breath?

 How old is the universe?

Calculator displays:
Having calculated the Young’s Modulus for a piece of steel wire, we obtain the following


What should we write in conclusion to this practical result, including the appropriate SI

Comment on your final value; is it a reasonable result for steel wire?

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 11

2. Definitions
Vector and Scalar quantities:

Scalar A quantity with magnitude only

Vector A quantity having both magnitude and direction


Scalars Vectors

Distance (d / m) Displacement (s / m)
Speed (v / m s ) Velocity (v / m s-1)
Mass (m / kg) Force (F / N)
Energy (E / J) Momentum (p / kg m s-1)

How many more can you add?............


Velocity: rate of change of distance in a given direction

Speed: rate of change of distance (magnitude of velocity)

Momentum: product of mass and velocity

Acceleration: rate of change of velocity

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 12

3. Equations of Motion
A set of equations can be used to describe the motion of bodies which are moving
with constant acceleration:

v=u+a t (1)

1 2
s=ut + a t (2)

2 2
v =u +2 as

s= (u+ v ) t (4)


u = the velocity when t=0

v = the velocity at time t

a = the constant acceleration

s = displacement from starting point at time t

Carry out the following calculations:-

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 13

1. A rocket is launched vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m s -1. Calculate the
maximum height reached and the time taken for the rocket to return to its starting point.
(Ignore air resistance).

[4.08 s]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 14

2. A piece of iron ore is dropped from a hopper outlet at a height of 12.5 m above the
ground. How long does it take to reach the ground and with what speed does it strike the
ground? With what velocity must a second piece of ore be dropped vertically downwards
from the hopper in order to reach the ground in 1.2 seconds? (Ignore air resistance).

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 15

4. Newton’s Laws of Motion
Newton’s First Law: N1

Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line (i.e. with
constant velocity and momentum) unless acted on by some external force.

This law introduces the concept of inertia. The inertia of a body can be described as its
reluctance to start moving or stop moving once it has started. Bodies with a larger mass
require more force to change their motion, so, to some extent, the mass of a body is a
measure of its inertia.

Newton’s Second Law: N2

The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the external force
acting on the body and takes place in the direction of the force.

F=k ( mv )

where k is a constant of proportionality.

In SI units, k is taken as 1 to define the unit of force in newtons. Giving,

FNETT = ma

where a is acceleration (rate of change of velocity).

Thus, the newton is the force which produces an acceleration of 1 m s -2 when it acts on a
mass of 1 kg.

Newton’s Third Law: N3

Body 1 Body 2

F 2 on 1 F 1 on 2 F 1 on 2

If a body 1 exerts a force on a body 2, then 2 exerts an equal and opposite force on 1.

(Or action and reaction are equal and opposite).

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 16

The implication of this is that forces act in pairs. If you jump off the ground then you push
down on the Earth and the Earth pushes up on you. If you push on an object then the
object pushes back on you with an equal force.

where F1 on 2 = - F2 on 1

NOTE: ALL forces occur in pairs and are of the same type.

Mass and Weight

The weight of a body is the force acting on its mass because of the proximity of the Earth’s
gravitational field. At the surface of the Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is given the
symbol: g

where Weight (W) = mg

g is normally taken to have a value of 9.81 m s-2.

Differences between Mass and Weight:

The mass of a body is a measure of the amount of material contained within the
object. Mass is a scalar quantity

The weight of a body is the force exerted on its mass by gravity. Weight is a vector

In SI units mass is measured in kilograms (kg), weight is measured in newtons (N).

The mass of a body is the same everywhere. The weight of a body varies depending
on the local gravitation field strength, Think about how the weight of a 10 kg mass
varies as it placed on the Earth, the Moon and then taken into outer space where
gravity is zero.

Carry out the following calculations:-

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 17

1. A lump of coal of mass 5 kg is pulled up a conveyor, inclined at 30 o to the horizontal, by a
force of 40 N acting parallel to the conveyor. Calculate the acceleration of the lump of coal.
(Neglect frictional forces).

[3.1 m s-2]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 18

2. A jet of water emerges at a speed of 2 m s -1 from a pipe, of diameter 20 cm, and hits a
wall at right angles. Calculate the force on the wall assuming the water does not rebound.
(Density of water = 1000 kg m-3).

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 19

3. A helicopter of mass 1000 kg hovers in a stationary position by imparting a downward
velocity, v m s-1, to the air displaced by its rotating blades. The area swept out by the blades
is 80 m2. Calculate the value of v. (Assume density of air is 1.3 kg m-3)

[9.71 m s-1]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 20

Projectile Motion: Example Calculations using Velocity Vectors

Ignoring air resistance, horizontal component of velocity (vH) remains constant while the
vertical component (vv) varies due to gravity.

V / m s-1

vv (Vertical component of v)

 Horizontal

vH (Horizontal component of v)

Velocity components:



cosvH / v

vH = v.cos


sinvV / v

vv = v.sin

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 21


1. To reduce airborne dust at a processing plant, a pulsed jet of water is sprayed

horizontally at 5 m s-1 off a 45 m high platform. Ignoring air resistance, find:
(i) the time taken for the jet of water to land on the ground; [3.0 s]
(ii) the distance the jet of water lands from the foot of the platform; [15 m]
(iii) the velocity and the angle to the horizontal at which jet of water lands.
[29.8 m s-1 and 80o]
Take g as 9.8 m s .

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 22

2. During blasting at a quarry, a limestone boulder is propelled with a velocity of 38 m s -1 at
an angle of 30o to the horizontal. Neglecting air resistance, find:
(i) the total time in flight;
(ii) the maximum height reached;
(iii) the range (horizontal displacement) of the boulder.

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 23

5. Conservation of Linear Momentum

Momentum (p) = mass (m) × velocity (v)

∴ p = mv

What are the SI units of “p”? ____________



pA1 pB1 pA2 pB2

∑ pxn = 0

If two bodies, A and B, are involved in a collision and there are no external forces acting, the
force on A due to B is, by Newton’s third law, equal in magnitude to that on B due to A.
Each body, therefore, experiences the same rate of change of momentum, since the force
acting and the time over which it acts is the same for each body. Since the forces will act in
opposite directions the total change in momentum is zero.

This is the principle of conservation of linear momentum and can be summarised as:

The total linear momentum of a system of interacting bodies remains constant so long as no
external forces are acting.

Carry out the following calculations:-

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 24

1. In a tumbling mixer, a rock of mass 4 kg is moving with a velocity of 2 m s -1 and collides
head-on with another rock, of mass 3 kg, moving in the opposite direction at 5 m s -1.
After the collision the rocks move off together with a velocity, v. Calculate v.

[-1 m s-1]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 25

2. Compressed air of mass 0.006 kg is fired from an air blow duster gun, of mass 0.5 kg, in
order to help clean a piece of machinery. If the muzzle velocity of the air is 300 m s -1,
calculate the recoil velocity of the air blow gun.

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 26

6. Elastic and Inelastic Collisions and Kinetic Energy
Whenever two bodies collide momentum is conserved, providing no external forces act.
However, in most circumstances some kinetic energy is lost during the collision and
converted to other forms of energy such as heat, sound or, where the bodies are distorted,
potential energy. A collision is defined as elastic if no kinetic energy is lost. A collision is
inelastic if there is some loss in kinetic energy and completely inelastic if the bodies stick
together after impact.

The relative velocity with which two bodies separate is related to their relative velocity of
approach by Newton’s Experimental law of Impact:


u1 u2 v1 v2

m1 m2 m1 m2

e = - (relative speed of separation) = - (v1 – v2)

(relative speed of approach) (u1 – u2)

e is known as the coefficient of restitution.

Type of collision e
Elastic 1
Inelastic <1
Completely inelastic 0

Carry out the following calculation:-

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 27

1. During solid-solid mixing at a food processing plant, a grain of barley of mass 60 mg and
moving at 9 m s-1 collides head-on with a grain of wheat moving in the same direction at 4 m
s-1 of mass 30 mg. If the coefficient of restitution of the bodies is 0.8, calculate the velocity
of each body after the collision.

[6 and 10 m s-1]
CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 28
7. Work, Energy, Power

If a force is applied to a body and the body moves, then the force is said to be doing work on
the body.

W = F.s

W is the work done (joules: J)

F is the force (newtons: N)
s is the displacement (metres: m)

If the motion is not in direction of the force then the component of the force in the direction
of the motion must be taken.

Energy is the capacity to do work. There are many different forms of energy: heat, light,
nuclear, chemical, kinetic, potential, etc, all of which can be converted into work. For
example, a car engine uses the chemical energy in the fuel and the heat produced to do
work on the car to make it move.

Units of energy are the same as work — joules. In this section, we will consider kinetic and
potential energy.

Kinetic Energy (KE)

The energy which a body possesses solely because it is moving is called kinetic energy:
1 2
KE= m v
Where, m is the mass in kg and v is the velocity of the body in m s-1.

Potential Energy (PE)

The energy a body possesses due to its position.

Mostly related to a body at a height above a certain datum and is more completely
described as:
Gravitational Potential Energy=mgh

for a body at height, h. This is fairly self-evident as the work done to move a body of weight,
mg to a height h is mgh and the body most then possess this energy as potential energy.

Where the only forces acting in a system are associated with potential energy, then the sum
of potential and kinetic energies is a constant.

i.e. KE + PE = a constant.

If there are any external forces, such as friction, then these need to be taken into account.
CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 29
For example, if a body falls from rest through a height, h, then ignoring air resistance, the PE
lost equals the KE gained:
1 2
m v =mgh
Thus: v=√ 2 gh
This gives the velocity of the body. When the body hits the Earth it comes to rest because
the Earth exerts a force on it and both the Earth and the body become deformed and the
energy is then dispersed as heat or sound.

 If friction is involved then: decrease in KE+PE = Work done against friction

 If an external force is involved then:

Work done by external force = Increase in KE+PE + Work done against friction
or decrease in KE+PE = Work done against external forces + Work done against friction

Work done
Time taken

For instantaneous power:

dW d
P= = ( Fs )
dt dt
For a constant force
P=F =Fv

Useful where a machine is exerting a force and moving with a velocity, v.

Hydroelectric Power: Example of conversion of potential to kinetic energy

Calculate the power output from a hydroelectric power station in which the water flow rate
is 150 m3 s-1 and the water falls from a height of 250 m.

Assume that the efficiency is 70% for the conversion of mechanical to electrical energy.
Density of water = 1000 kg m-3 and g = 9.81 m s-2

Potential energy available from 1 m3 of falling water is: E = mgh, with h being 250 m.

E = 1000 x 9.81 x 250 = 2.45 MJ m-3 (per m-3 of water).

Available power with a water volumetric flow rate of 150 m3 s-1 is:

2.45 x 150 = 367.8 MW which, with a conversion efficiency of 70% is reduced to 257.5 MW
of electrical power.

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 30

Carry out the following calculations:-

1. A wagon of iron ore of mass 800 kg and moving at 30 m s -1 along a horizontal road is
brought to rest by a constant retarding force of 5000 N. Calculate the distance the wagon
moves whilst coming to rest.

[72 m]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 31

2. (a) A empty coal wagon of mass 5 kg is placed at the top of an inclined ramp. Assuming
there are no frictional forces what will be the vertical velocity of the block when it has fallen
a vertical distance of 2 m?

(b) Assuming that there is a frictional force of 15 N and the ramp is inclined at 30 o to the
horizontal, what will the actual velocity of the wagon be on the ramp after falling a vertical
distance of 2 m?

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 32

3. A hose with a nozzle 80 mm in diameter ejects a horizontal stream of water at a rate of
0.044 m3 s-1. With what velocity will the water leave the nozzle? What will be the force
exerted on a vertical wall situated close to the nozzle and at right-angles to the stream of
water if, after hitting the wall the water a) falls vertically to the ground and b) rebounds
elastically, horizontally? (Density of water is 1000 kg m-3).

[385 and 770 N]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 33

4. A railway truck of mass 40 000 kg moving at a velocity of 3 m s-1 collides with another
truck of mass 20 000 kg which is at rest. The couplings join and the trucks move off
together. How much kinetic energy is lost in the collision?

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 34

5. A fluid particle, A, of mass, m, moving with a velocity, u, makes a head-on collision with
another fluid particle, B, of mass, 2m, which is initially at rest. Calculate the final velocity of
A if the collision is (i) elastic, (ii) completely inelastic, (iii) inelastic with a coefficient of
restitution, e. Also, find the loss in kinetic energy for the completely inelastic collision.

[-u/3, u/3, u/3(1-2e), 1/3mu2]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 35

6. A block of wood of 1 kg, is suspended freely by a thread. A bullet of mass 10 g is fired
horizontally at the block and becomes embedded in it. The block swings to one side, rising a
vertical distance of 50 cm. With what velocity did the bullet hit the block?

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 36

7. A car travelling at 100 km h-1 collides with a crash barrier and is brought to rest in 0.1 s. If
the mass of the car and its occupants is 900 kg, calculate the average force on the car. If the
driver of the car has a mass of 80 kg and moves a distance of 0.2 m relative to the car
against the seat belt, calculate the average force exerted by the belt on the driver.

[250 000 and 154 320 N]

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 37

8. A piece of gypsum of mass 80 g is dropped vertically downwards from a hopper onto a
stockpile below. After falling for 3 seconds it reaches the top of the stockpile and penetrates
9 cm into it. What is the height of the hopper above the stockpile and the average force
resisting penetration by the piece of gypsum? (Neglect air resistance).

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 38

You should now be able to:

 recognise and use SI Units and sub-units

 define mechanical quantities (e.g. velocity and acceleration)

 recall and apply Newton’s Laws of motion

 understand and solve problems using the Equations of Motion

 understand the principles behind Conservation of Linear Momentum

 solve problems for Elastic and Inelastic collisions

 understand the concept of Energy Conservation

CHEE1034 Fluid Mechanics (Section A): Pg 39

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