Riz 101 Midterms

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CHAPTER 5 “MEDICAL STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTO - At the age of 17, he passed the final examination in the

TOMAS” (1877-1882) surveying course, but he could not be granted the title as
surveyor because he was below age. The title was issued
- After finishing the first year of a course in Philosophy and
to him on November 25, 1881.
Letters (1877-78), he transferred to the medical course.
- It was due not only to his surveying course, but more
- During the years of his medical studies in this university
because of his loyalty to the Ateneo, where he had so
which was administered by the Dominicans, rival
many beautiful imemories and whose Jesuit professors,
educators of the Jesuits, he remained loyal to Ateneo,
loved him and inspired him to ascend to greater heights
where he continued to participate in extra-curricular
of knowledge.
activities and where he completed the vocation course in
- He continued to participate actively in the Ateneo's
extra-curricular activities.
- As a Thomasian, he won more literary laurels, had other
- President of the Academy of Spanish Literature and
romances with pretty girls, and fought against Spanish
secretary of the Academy of Natural Sciences. He also
students who insulted the brown Filipino students.
continued his membership in the Marian Congregation, of
which he was the secretary.
- Rizal had to go to the University of Santo Tomas for
higher studies.
- The Bachelor of Arts course during Spanish times was ● ROMANCES WITH OTHER GIRLS.
equivalent only to the high school and junior college - Rizal had ample time for love.
courses today. It merely qualified its graduate to enter a - He was a romantic dreamer who liked to sip the "nectar of
university. love".
- Don Francisco and Paciano wanted Jose to pursue higher - His sad experience with his first love had made him wiser
learning in the university. in the ways of romance.
- But Doña Teodora, vigorously opposed the idea and told - He paid court to a young woman in Calamba. In his
her husband: "Don't send him to Manila again; he knows student memoirs, he called her simply "Miss L,"
enough. If he gets. to know more, the Spaniards will cut - After visiting her in her house several times, he suddenly
off his head," stopped his wooing, and the romance died a natural
death. Nobody today knows who this woman was.
- However, he gave two reasons for his change of heart,
- In April 1877, Rizal who was then nearly 16 years old, (1) the sweet memory of Segunda was still fresh in his
matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking the heart
course on Philosophy and Letters. (2) his father did not like the family of "Miss L".
- He enrolled in this course for two reasons: - He boarded in the house of Doña Concha Leyva in
(1) his father liked it Intramuros.
(2) he was “still uncertain as to what career to pursue" - The next-door neighbors of Doña Concha were Capitan
- He had written to Father Pablo Ramon, Rector of the Juan and Capitana Sanday Valenzuela from Pagsanjan,
Ateneo, asking for advice on the choice of a career. Laguna, who had a charming daughter named Leonor.
- Consequently, during his first-year term (1877-78) in the - Rizal, was a welcome visitor in the Valenzuela home,
University of Santo Tomas, Rizal studied Cosmology, where he was the life of the social parties because of his
Metaphysics, Theodicy, and History of Philosophy. clever sleight-of-hand tricks.
- It was during the following term (1878-79) that Rizal, - He courted Leonor Valenzuela (Orang), who was a tall girl
having received the Ateneo Rector's advice to study with a regal bearing.
medicine, - He sent her love notes written in invisible ink. This ink
- Another reason why he chose medicine for a career was consisted of common table salt and water.
to be able to cure his mother's growing blindness. - But, as with Segunda, he stopped short of proposing
marriage to Orang.
● FINISHES SURVEYING COURSE IN ATENEO (1878). - Rizal's next romance was with Leonor Rivera - his cousin
- During his first school term in the University of Santo from Camiling.
Tomas (1877-78), Rizal also studied in the Ateneo. - In 1879, at the start of his junior year at the university, he
- He took the vocational course leading to the title of lived in "Casa Tomasina," at No. 6 Calle Santo Tomas,
perito agrimensor (expert surveyor): Intramuros.
- Rizal, as usual, excelled in all subjects in the surveying - His landlord-uncle, Antonio Rivera had a pretty daughter,
course in the Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agricuiture Leonor, a student at La Concordia College, where Soledad
and topography. (Rizal's youngest sister) was then studying.
- Leonor, born in Camiling, Tarlac, on April 11. 1867, was a 2. Secondly, it expressed for the first time the
frail, pretty girl "tender as a budding flower with kindly, nationalistic concept that the Filipinos, and not
wistful eyes". the foreigners, were the "fair hope of the
- Between Jose and Leonor sprang a beautiful romance. Fatherland".
They became engaged.
- In her letters to Rizal, Leonor signed her name as "Taimis,"
in order to camouflage their Victim of Spanish Officer's
- The following year (1880) the Artistic-Literary Lyceum
opened another literary contest to commemorate the
- When Rizal was a freshman medical student at the
fourth centennial of the death of Cervantes, Spain's
University of Santo Tomas, he experienced his first taste of
glorified man-of-letters and famous author of Don
Spanish brutality.
- One dark night in Calamba, during the summer vacation in
- This time the contest was opened to both Filipinos and
1878, he was walking in the street.. He dimly perceived
the figure of a man while passing him. Not knowing the
- Rizal, inspired by his poetical triumph the previous year,
person due to darkness, he did not salute nor say a
entered the literary joust, submitting an allegorical drama
courteous "Good Evening".
entitled El Consejo de los Dioses (The Council of the
- The vague figure turned out to be a lieutenant of the
Guardia Civil. With a snarl. he turned upon Rizal, whipped
- The judges of the contest were all Spaniards. they
out his sword and brutally slashed the latter on the back.
awarded the first prize to Rizal's work because of its
The wound was not serious, but it was painful.
literary superiority over the others.'
- When he recovered, Rizal reported the incident to
- The Spanish community in Manila, spear-headed by the
General Primo de Rivera, the Spanish governor general of
Spanish press, howled in great indignation against the
the Philippines at that time. But nothing came out of his
decision because the winning author was an Indio.
complaint, because he was an Indio and the abusive
- Despite all objections, the prize was awarded to Rizal, a
lieutenant was a Spaniard.
gold ring on which was engraved the bust of Cervantes. A
Spanish writer, D.N. del Puzo, won the second prize.
● “TO THE FILIPINO YOUTH" (1879). - For the first time in history, an Indio -- a nineteen-year old
- In the year 1879 the Liceo Artistico-Literario Filipino medical student at that excelled in a national
(Artistic-Literary Lyceum) of Manila, a society of literary literary contest, defeating several Spanish writers of his
men and artists, held a literary contest. time in Manila.
- It offered a prize for the best poem by a native or a - Rizal was particularly happy, for he proved the fallacy of
mestizo. the alleged Spanish superiority over the Filipinos and
- Rizal, who was then eighteen years old, submitted his revealed that the Filipino could hold his own in fair
poem entitled A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino competition against all races.
Youth). intimate relationship from their parents and - The winning allegory of Rizal was a literary masterpiece
friends. based on the Greek classics.
- The Board of Judges, composed of Spaniards, was - Rizal, was aided by the kind Father Rector of the Ateneo
impressed by Rizal's poem and gave it the first prize which in securing the needed reference materials.
consisted of a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated
with a gold ribbon. ● OTHER LITERARY WORKS.
- Young Rizal was happy to win the poetry contest. He was - Rizal, produced other poems and a zarzuela, this zarzuela
sincerely congratulated by the Jesuits, especially his was Junto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig), which was staged by
former professors at the Ateneo, and by his friends and the Ateneans on December 8, 1880, on the occasion of
relatives. the annual celebration of the Feast Day of the Immaculate
- The prize-winning poem, A La Juventud Filipina (To the Conception, Patroness of the Ateneo.
Filipino Youth), is an inspiring poem of flawless form. In - He wrote it as President of the Academy of Spanish
exquisite verses, Rizal beseeched the Filipino youth to rise Literature in the Ateneo.
from lethargy, to let their genius fly swifter than the wind - As a piece of literature Junto al Pasig is mediocre.
and descend with art and science to break the chains that - In the same year (1880), he wrote a sonnet entitled A
have long bound the spirit of the people. Filipinas for the album of the Society of Sculptors. In this
- This winning poemn of Rizal is a classic in Philippine sonnet, he urged all Filipino artists to giorify the
literature for two reasons: Plilippines.
1. First, it was the first great poem in Spanish - The year before, in 1879, he composed a poem entitled
written by a Filipino, whose merit was Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma, which was declaimed by an
recognized by Spanish literary authorities, Atenean, Manuel Fernandez, on the night of December 8,
1879 in honor of the Ateneo's -Patroness.
- Later, in 1881, he composed a poem entitled Al M.R.P. Escolta in Manila, Rizal was wounded on the head. His
Pablo Ramon. He wrote this poem as an expression of friends brought him bleeding and covered with dust to his
affection to Father Pablo Ramon, the Ateneo rector, who boarding house, "Casa Tomasina". Leonor Rivera tenderly
had been so kind and helpful to him. washed and dressed his wound.


- Rizal, Ateneo's boy wonder, found the atmosphere at the
University of Santo Tomas suffocating to his sensitive
● RIZAL'S VISIT TO PAKIL AND PAGSANJAN. - He was unhappy at this Dominican institution of higher
- In the summer month of May, 1881, when he was still a learning because
medical student at the University of Santo Tomas, Rizal (1) the Dominican professors were hostile to him,
went on a pilgrimage to the town of Pakil, famous shrine (2) the Filipino students were racially discriminated
of the Birhen Maria de los Dolores. against by the Spaniards,
- He was accompanied by his sisters -Saturnina, Maria, and (3) the method of instruction was obsolete and
Trinidad and their female friends. They took a casco repressive.
(flat-bottom sailing vessel) from Calamba to Pakil, Laguna, - Because of the unfriendly attitude of his professors, Rizal,
and stayed at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Manuel the most brilliant graduate of the Ateneo, failed to win
Regalado, whose son Nicolas was Rizal's friend in Manila. high scholastic honors.
- Rizal and his companions were fascinated by the famous - After finishing the fourth year of his medical course, Rizal
turumba, the people dancing in the streets during the decided to study in Spain.
procession in honor of the miraculous Birhen Maria de los - He could no longer endure the rampant bigotry,
Dolores. discrimination, and hostility in the University of Santo
- In Pakil Rizal was infatuated by a pretty girl colegiala, Tomas.
Vicenta Ybardolaza, who skillfully played the harp at the - For the first time, Rizal did not seek his parents'
Regalado home. permission and blessings to go abroad, because he knew
- From Pakil, Rizal and his party made a side trip to the that they, especially his mother, would disapprove it.
neighboring town of Pagsanjan for two reasons – - He did not bring his beloved Leonor into his confidence
(1) it was the native town of Leonor Valenzuela, one of either. He had enough common sense to know that
Rizal's girl friends in Manila, Leonor, being a woman, young and romantic at that,
(2) and to see the world famed Pagsanjan Falls, could not keep a secret.
- Years later Rizal mentioned the Turumba in Chapter VI of - Thus Rizal's parents, Leonor, and the Spanish authorities
Noli Me Tangere and Pagsanjan Falls in his travel diary knew nothing of his decision to go abroad in order to
(United States - Saturday, May 12, 1888), where he said finish his medical studies in Spain, where the professors
that Niagara Falls was the "greatest cascades I ever saw" were more liberal than those of the University of Santo
but “not so beautifu! nor fine as the falls at Los Baños, Tomas.
(sic) Pagsanjan" . CHAPTER 6:
IN SUNNY SPAIN(1882-1885)
After finishing the 4th year of the medical course in the
University of Santo Tomas, Jose Rizal decided
- Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students in their to complete his study in Spain.
frequent fights against the arrogant Spanish students, who
were often surpassed by the Filipinos in class work and Rizal's Secret Mission
who insultingly called their brown classmates "Indio, ● This mission was to observe keenly the life and
chongo!" cultures, languages and customs, industries and
- In retaliation, the Filipino students called them "Kastila, commerce, goverments and laws of the European
bangus!" Nation to prepare himself in the task of liberating his
- Rizal participated in these student brawls. oppressed people from Spanish Tyranny.
- In 1880 he founded a secret society of Filipino students in
the University of Santo Tomas called Compañerismo Secret Departure for Spain
(Comradeship), whose members were called ● Rizal's departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid
"Companions of Jehu," after the valiant Hebrew. detection by the Spanish authorities and the friars.

- He was the chief of this secret student society, with his
On May 3, 1882 Rizal departed on board the Spanish
cousin from Batangas, Galicano Apacible, as secretary.
steamer Salvadora bound for Singapore.
- As chief, he led the Filipino students into combat against
the Spanish students in various street fights.
- In one of the fierce encounters between the Filipino
students and their pale-skinned detractors near the
● During the voyage he carefully onserved the ● Paciano's letter (September 15,1882) - Calamba
people and things on board. There were sixteen folks were having afternoon novenas to San Roque
(16) passengers including himself. and nocturnal processions and prayers believing
● May 9, 1882 Salvadora docked at Singapore. He God may stop the epidemic.
landed and registered at Hotel de la Paz. ● Letter of Chengoy - Leonor Rivera's unhappiness
due to the absence of loved one.
From Singapore to Colombo ● May 26,1882) - Paciano advised his younger brother
● Rizal transferred to another ship, a French to finish medical course in Madrid
steamer, Djemnah, which left Singapore for Europe ● 1882 - Rizal left Barcelona for Madrid, the capital of
on May 11. Spain
● On May 17, the Djemnah reached Point Galle, a
seacoast town in Southern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) Life in Madrid
The following day, Djemnah weighed anchor and ● November 3,1882 - Rizal enrolled in Central
resume the voyage towards Colombo, the capital University of Madrid in two courses: (1) Medicine (2)
of Ceylon. Philosophy and Letters,
● he also studied painting and culture in the Academy
First Trip Through Suez Canal of Fine Arts of Fernando (French, German, and
● From Colombo, the Djemnah continued the voyage English under private instructor)
crossing the Indian Ocean to the cape of Guarafui, ● practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms of
Africa. Sanz y Carbonell,
● His thirst for knowledge of music, he visited art
● At the next stopover — in Aden — From Aden, the galleries and museums and read books including
Djemnah proceeded to the city of Suez, the Red engineering,
Sea terminal of the Suez Canal
Rizal led a Spartan life in Madrid
Naples and Marseilles ● He lived frugally, spending his money on food,
The Djemnah proceeded on its way to Europe. On June 11, clothing, lodging and books
Rizal reached Naples ● He spent his leisure time reading and writing at his
boarding house and attending the reunions of
On the night of June 12, the steamer docked at the French Filipino students at the house of Paterno brothers.
harbor of Marseilles He also play fencing and shooting.
● Saturday evenings – he visited the home of Don
Barcelona Pablo Ortiga y Rey who lived with his son (Rafael)
On the afternoon of June 15, Rizal left Marseilles by the train and daughter ( Consuelo). Don Pablo had been city
for the last lap of his trip to Spain. Rizal continued his trip by mayor of Manila during the administration of the
rail, finally reaching his destination — Barcelona on June 16, liberal governor general Carlos Ma. De la Torre
1882. (1869-1871) and was later promoted vice-president
of the council of the Philippines in the Ministry of
"Amor Patrio" Colonies (Ultramar).
● In progressive Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic
essay entitled "Amor Patrio" (Love of Country), his
first article written on Spain's soil. Romance with Consuelo Ortiga y Perez
● Rizal's "Amor Patrio" under his pen name Laong ● Rizal was not a handsome man neither dashing nor
Laan appeared in print in Diariong Tagalog on imposing, but possessed an aura of charisma
August 18,1882. It was published in two texts — because of his talents and noble character which
Spanish and Tagalog. The Tagalog text was a made him attractive to women.
translation made by M.H. Del Pilar. ● Consuelo fall in love with him
● Publisher Basilio Teodoro Moran, deeply impressed, ● Rizal being lonely young man, was attracted by
congratulated Rizal and request for more article. Consuelo's beauty.
● In response, Rizal wrote the second article entitled ● August 22,1883 - he composed a lovely poem
"Los Viajes" (Travel). His third article entitled, dedicated to her entitled A La Señorita which
"Revista de Madrid" (Review of Madrid), which he expressed his admiration
wrote in Madrid on November 29, 1882, was ● But before having serious affair with her, he backed
returned to him because the Diariong Tagalog had out for two reasons: (1) still engaged to Leonor
ceased publication for lack of funds. Rivera and (2) Eduardo de Lete ( friend and
co-worker in Propaganda Movement) was inlove
Manila Moves to Madrid with Consuelo
● While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received sad
new about the cholera that was ravaging Manila and They ask me for verses
the provinces.
Circulo Hispano-Filipino - a society of Spaniards and Filipino curses be heard in its march. It is necessary that its triumphant
that Rizal joined in 1882 career march to the tune of hymns of glory and liberty with a
December 31, 1882 - New Year's eve where he declaimed the bright face and serene forehead.
poem he wrote entitled "Me Pides Versus“
Financial Worries
Rizal as Lover of Book ● After Rizal’s departure from Spain, things turned
● A favorite pastime of Rizal in Madrid was reading. from bad to worse in Calamba
Instead of gambling and flirting with women, as ● The Hacienda Manager, a frequent guest at the
many young Filipinos did in the Spanish metropolis, Rizal home, used to ask for a turkey from Don
he stayed at home and read voraciously until Francisco (the hero’s father), who was good
midnight. Since early childhood, he liked to read. raiser of turkeys
● Rizal was able to build fair-sized private library. ● But there came a time when a dreadful pest
● Rizal was deeply affected by Beecher Stowe’s killed most of the turkeys
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Eugene Sue’s The ● Due to hard times in Calamba, the monthly
Wandering Jew. These two books aroused his allowances of Rizal in Madrid were late in arrival
sympathy for the oppressed and unfornate people. and there were times when they never arrived,
causing much suffering to him
Rizal’s First Visit to Parts (1883) ● A touching incident in Rizal’s life in Madrid
● During his first summer vacation in Madrid Rizal occurred on June 24, 1884
went to Paris
● Like all tourists, Rizal was charmingly titillated by the Rizal salute to Luna and Hidalgo
attractive sight of Paris. ● The banquet on the evening of June 25, 1884
● On the lighter side of his visit in Paris, Rizal was was sponsored by the Filipino community to
mistaken by the Parisian as a Japanese. The price celebrate the double victory of Filipino artist in
of food, drinks, theatre, tickets, laundry, hotel the National Exposition of Fines Arts in Madrid
accommodation, and transportation were too high ○ Luna’s “Spoliarium”
for his slender purse so that he commented in a ○ Hidalgo’s “Christian Virgins Exposed to
letter to his family; “Paris is the costliest capital in the Populace”
● Speaking in sonorous Castilian, Rizal held his
Rizal as a Mason audience spellbound
● In Spain Rizal came in to close contact with ● This magnificent speech of Rizal was greeted
prominent Spanish liberal and republican Spaniards, with wild ovations, for seldom did the Spaniards
who were mostly Masons. hear such an oration from the lips of a brown
● In March 1883 he joined The Masonic lodge, Filipino which was almost peerless in nobility of
● Later he transferred to Lodge Solidaridad (Madrid) thought, in Spanish rhetoric, in sincerity of
● On February 15, 1892, he was awarded by Le Grand feeling and in sonorous eloquence.
Orient de France in Paris
● As a Mason, Rizal played a lukewarm role in Rizal involved in student demonstrations on november 20,21
Freemasonry, unlike Marcelo H. del Pilar, G. Lopez and 22,1884, the serene city of Madrid exploded in bloody
Jaena, and Mariano Ponce riots by the students of the central university. These students
● His only Masonic writing was a lecture titled “Science, demonstrations were caused by the addressed of Dr.Miguel
Virtue and labor,” which he delivered in 1889 at La Morayta, professor of history, at the opening ceremonies of the
Solidaridad , Madrid academic year on november 20, in which he proclaimed "the
freedom of science and the teacher". Angered by the bigotry
A pertinent portion of this lecture reads as follows: of the Catholic Bishops, the university students rose violent
The duty of modern man, to my way of thinking, is to work for demonstrations. Practically all the students in various colleges
the redemption of humanity, because once man is dignified (law, medicine, philosophy and letter, etc) join the massive
there would be less unfortunate and more happy men that is demonstrations, including Rizal, Valentin Ventura, and other
possible in this life. Humanity cannot be redeemed so long as filipinos. Bloody fights raged in the university buildings and the
there as oppressed peoples, so long as there are some men city streets. Many university professors openly supported the
who live on the tears of many, so long as there are student rioters. The rector who also took the side of the
emasculated minds and blinded eyes that enabled other to live students, was forced to resign and was replaced by Dr.Creus
like sultans who alone may enjoy beauty. Humanity cannot be when the new rector went to assume office next day feelings
redeemed while reason is not free, while faith would want to were much irritated. On the third day, saturday the 22nd, the
impose itself on facts, while whims are laws, and while there new Rector Creus called the police to occupy the university, to
are nations who subjugate others. For humanity to be able to the great disgust of the professors and the great indignation of
attain the lofty destiny toward which God guides it, it is the students
necessary that within its fold there should be no dissensions
nor tyranny, that plagues do not decimate it and no groans and STUDIES COMPLETED IN SPAIN
● Rizal completed his medical course in spain. He
was conferred the degree of licentiate in Outside of his working hours at Dr. Weckert’s clinic. Rizal
medicine by the Universidad Central de Madrid relaxed by visiting his friends, such as:
on june 21, 1884. Rizal also finished his studies
in philosophy and letters, with higher grades. At - Family of the Pardo de Taveras (Trinidad, Delix and Paz)
long last Rizal completed his studies in spain.
● "My doctorate is not of very much value to - Juan luna
me...because although it is useful to a university
professor, yet I believe they will never appoint - Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo
me as such in the college of Sto.Tomas. I say the
same thing of philosophy and letters which may RIZAL AS MUSICIAN
serve also for a professorship, but I doubt if the Rizal had no natural aptitude for music, and this he admitted.
dominican fathers will grant it to me". He studied music only because many of his schoolmates at
Ateneo were taking music lessons.
He told Enrique Lete that he “learned the solfeggio, piano, and
CHAPTER 7 voice culture in one month and a half”.
(1885- 1887) He is also a flutist.
Some of his compositions are:
● Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to
specialize in ophthalmology. Alin Mang Lahi (Any Race)- a pariotic song which asserts
that any race aspires for freedom.
● He choose this branch because he wanted to La Deportacion (Deportation)- a sad danza, composed in
cure his mother’s eye ailment. Dapitan during his exile.
● Rizal also continued his travels and observation
of European life and customs, government and IN HISTORIC HEIDELBERG
laws in Paris, Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Berlin.
● Rizal met and befriended several top German February 3, 1886- Rizal arrived in Heidelberg, a historic city
scientist: Germany famous for its old university and romantics
○ Dr. Feodor Jagor surroundings.
○ Dr.Adolph B. Meyer
○ Dr. Hans Meyer He became popular among the Germans because they found
○ Dr. Rudolf Virchow out that he was a good chess player.

IN GAY PARIS (1885-1886) He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the direction
After studying at the Central University of Madrid, Rizal, who of Dr. Otto Becker, distinguised German ophthalmologist.
was then 24 years old and already a physician, went to Paris
in order to acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology. IN HISTORIC HEIDELBERG

Maximo Viola- a medical student and a member of a rich During weekends, Rizal visited the scenic spot around
family of san Miguel, Bulacan. Heidelberg, including:
-The famous Heidelberg Castle
Senor Eusebio Corominas- editor of the newspaper La -The Romantic Neckar River
Publicidad. - The Theater
- The old churches

Don Miguel Morayta- owner of La Publicidad and a

Rizal gave Editor Corominas (an article on the Carolines
April 22, 1886- Rizal write a fine poem entitled “A Las Flores
November 1885- Rizal was living in Paris. He worked as an de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of Heidelberg) because he was
assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert, a leading French fascinated by the blooming flowers along the Neckar River,
ophthalmologist. which is the light blue flower called “forget-me-not”.

Juan Luna- great master of the brush; Rizal helped him by

posting as model in Luna’s paintings. WITH PASTOR ULLMER AT WILHELMSFELD
Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation at Wilhelmsfeld
“The Death of Cleopatra”- where Rizal posed as an Egyptian where he stayed at the place of a Protestants pastor, Dr. Karl
priest. Ullmer. The pastor has a wife and two children named Etta
(daughter) and Fritz (son). Five reasons why Rizal stayed in Berlin:

Dr. Karl Ullmer- who became his good friend and admirer. ● To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology
Wilhelmsfeld- a mountainous village near Heidelberg. ● To further his studies of science and languages
● To observe the economic and political conditions of
● To associate with famous German scientist and
July 31, 1886- Rizal wrote his first letter to Professor scholars
Ferdinand Blumentritt who is the Director of the Ateneo of ● To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere
Leitmeritz Austria.
● Blumentritt is an Austrian ethnologist and he has
an interest in the Philippine Language. Rizal worked as an assistant in the clinic of Dr. Scweigger and
● Rizal sent Aritmetica (Arithmetic) book to at night, he attented lectures in the University of Berlin.
Blumentritt which was published in 2 languages
Spanish and Tagalog by the University of Santo He also took private lessons in French under Madame Lucie
Tomas Press in 1868. The author was Rufino Cerdole.
Baltazar Hernandez.
● Blumentritt became the best friend of Rizal. RIZAL ON GERMAN WOMEN

FIFTH CENTENARY OF HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY Rizal sent a letter to his sister, Trinidad, dated on March 11,
1886. In his letter, Rizal expressed his high regard and
The famous University of Heidelberg held its fifth centenary admiration for German womanhood. Rizal said that German
celebration on August 6, 1886 where Rizal ha witnessed the woman is serious, diligent, educated and friendly.
said celebration.
Some of the German customs Rizal admired:
IN LEIPZIG AND DRESDEN ● On Yuletide season, people will select a pine tree from
August 14, 1886- Rizal arrived in Leipzig. the bushes and adorned it with lanterns, papers, lights,
dolls, candies, fruits, etc.
● He attented some lectures at the University of Leipzig -Self-introduction to strangers in a social gathering.
on history and psychology.
● He befriended Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, a famous RIZAL’S DARKEST WINTER
historian and Dr. Hans Meyer, German
anthropologist. ● The winter of 1886 in Berlin was his darkest winter.
● He lived in poverty because no money arrived from
IN LEIPZIG AND DRESDEN Calamba and he was flat broke.
● He could not pay his landlord and he had scrimp, eating
● Rizal found out that the cost of living in leipzig was only one meal a day.
the cheapest in Europe so he stayed for 2 months ● His clothes were old and threadbare.
and a half. ● His health broke down due to lack of proper
● On October 29, he went to Dresden where he met Dr. nourishment.
Adolph B. Meyer, the Director of the Anthropological ● This is one of the most memorable days in the life of
and Ethnological Museum. Rizal.


Rizal was enhanced by Berlin because of its scientific Nailathala ang Noli Me Tangere (1887)
atmosphere and the absence of race prejudice.
Some scientist Rizal met are: NOLI ME TANGERE
Dr. Feodor Jagor- German scientist- traveler and author of February 21,1887 the first novel Noli Me Tangere was finished
Travels in the Philippines.
Dr. Rudolf Virchow- famous German anthropologist. IDEA OF WRITING A NOVEL ON PHILIPPINES:
Dr. W.Joest- German geographer. ● The reading of Harriet Beecher Stowes "Uncle Tom's
Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger- famous German Cabin"- which portrays the brutalities of American
ophthalmologist slave-owners and the pathetic conditions of the
unfortunate Negro, Slaves, inspired Dr. Jose Rizal to
RIZAL’S LIFE IN BERLIN prepare a novel on the Philippines
● Rizal was a student in the Central University of Madrid
● Rizal proposed is writing of a novel about the Philippines *After Christmas Rizal put the finishing touched and remove a
during the reunion of Filipinos in the house of the certain chapter in the manuscript (Unpublished Chapter : Elias
Paternos in Madrid on January 2,1884 and Salome)

His proposal was unanimously approved by: FEBRUARY 21, 1887 – Finished Noli Me Tangere
● Pedro ● First edition of Noli Me Tangere was printed in
● Maximo Berlin
● Antonio Paterno ● P 300.00 cost of printing (advance by Viola) for
● Graciano Lopez Jaena 2,000 copies
● Evaristo Aguirre ● Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselscraft
● Eduardo De Lete Rizal Suspected as French Spy – The chief of police paid a
● Julio Llorente sudden visit in the boarding house, unfortunately Rizal doesn’t
● Melecio Figueroa have one. Accompanied by Viola, they go to the Spanish
● Valentin Ventura embassy to seek for help. Turned out that the embassy had no
power to issue the required passport.
The writing of Noli - Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid
at the end of 1884 and he finished one half of it ● After the four-day ultimatum, Rizal go at the
4 office of German police
● He explained himself and the police was
1885 impressed with Rizal
● He went to Paris after completing his studies in the Printing of Noli Finished.
Universidad Central De Madrid ● March 21, 1887 – came off the press and Rizal
● He continued writing the novel, finishing the one half immediately send it to his intimate friends
of the second half. ● March 29, 1887 - Rizal gave the Gallery Proofs
● He finish the last fourth of the novel in German of the Noli
● Wrote the last few chapters in Wilhelm Feld in ● A significant date for it was the date when the
April-June 1886 Noli Me Tangere came off the press


● During the winter days, Rizal made the final revision ● a Latin phrase which means “Touch me not /
sick and penniless Huwag mo akong salingin” from the bible
● He was desperately desponded because he saw no
hope of having it to published for the utterly penniless
● While his spirit was at its lowest ebb, he almost threw
the manuscript into the fire
March 5, 1887
FERNANDO CANON ● Rizal writing to Felix R. Hidalgo in French saying
● Friend and former classmate of Rizal Noli Me Tangere words taken from the gospel of
St. Luke
Viola, Savior of Noli ● Rizal made a mistake. It should be the gospel of
Mid December 1887- a telegram from Barcelona arriveD St. John, on the Easter Sunday St. John
(Chapter 20:13-17)
The Telegram
● sent by Dr. Maximo Viola, informing Rizal of his ST. MARY MAGDALENE
coming visit to Berlin ● visited the Holy Sepulcher, and to our Lord
● The message revived the author’s hope Jesus, just arisen from the dead

Chapter 20, Verses 13-17

● A descendant of a rich family of San Miguel Bulacan “Touch me not; I am not yet ascended to my Father,
● Would surely lend him the money for the publication but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto
of the novel my Father, and your Farther; and to my God and your God.”
● The man had saved “Noli Me Tangere”
● Viola was a Godsend “Huwag mo akong salingin; hindi pa ako
● Viola came to Berlin to invite Rizal to join him in a nakapupunta sa Ama, ngunit humayo ka’t ibalita sa
tour of Europe Aking mga kapatid na Ako’y aakyat sa Aking Ama; at sa
● When he learned of Rizal’s predicament, he kindly Aking Panginoon at iyong Panginoon.”
agreed to postponed the tour and instead, advanced
some money so that the novel could be printed The Author’s Dedication
Rizal dedicated the Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines
“to my country” his dedication runs as follows:

● Recorded in the history of human sufferings is a = AFTER DINNER =

cancer so malignant a character that the least
touch irritates it and awakens in it the sharpest IBARRA
pains. Thus, how many times, when in the midst Left Captain Tiago’s house to return to his hotel.
of modern civilization I have wished to call thee On the way, the kind Lieutenant Guevarra told him the sad
before me, now to accompany me in memories story of his father’s death in San Diego
● Now to compare thee with other countries, hath
thy dear image presented itself showing a social DON RAFAEL
cancer like a to that other! ● his father, was a rich and brave man
● Desiring thy welfare which is our own,and ○ He defended a helpless boy from the
seeking the best treatments, I will do with thee brutality of an illiterate Spanish tax
what the ancient did with their seek, exposing collector, pushing the latter and
them on the steps of the temple so that everyone accidentally killing him
who came to invoke the Divinity might offer them ● He was thrown in prison, where he died
a remedy unhappily
● And to this end, I will strive to reproduce thy ● He was buried in consecrated ground but his
condition faithfully, without discriminations; I will enemies, accusing him of being a heretic, had
raise a part of the veil that covers the evil, his body removed from the cemetery
sacrificing to truth everything, even vanity itself, ● On hearing his father’s sad story, Ibarra thanked
since, as thy son I am conscious that I suffer the kind Spanish Lieutenant and vowed to find
from thy defects and weaknesses. out the truth about his father’s death


● Contains 63 chapters and an epilogue = THE FOLLOWING MORNING=
● It begins the reception given by Captain Tiago
(Santiago De Los Santos) at his house in Calle ● Ibarra, visited Maria Clara, his childhood
Anloague (Now Juan Luna Street) on the last sweetheart
day of October. ● Maria Clara teasingly said that he had forgotten
her because the girls in Germany were beautiful,
CRISOSTOMO IBARRA then Ibarra replied that he had never forgotten
● Was only son of Don Rafael Ibarra and fiancé of her.
beautiful Maria Clara supposed daughter of ● After the romantic reunion with Maria Clara ,
Capitan Tiago Ibarra went to San Diego to visit his father’s
● A young and rich Filipino who had just turn after grave. It was All Saint’s Day… at the cemetery,
7 years of study in Europe the grave-digger told Ibarra that the corpse of
● The reception or dinner was given in honor of Don Rafael was removed by order of the parish
Crisostomo priest to be buried in the Chinese cemetary.
● But the corpse was heavy, and it was dark rainy
DON RAFAEL IBARRA night so that he simply threw the corpse into the
● Father of Crisostomo Ibarra and friend of lake.
Capitan Tiago ● Ibarra was angered by the grave-diggers story.
He left the cemetery.
Guest During the Reception ● On the way, he met Padre Salvi Franciscan
1. Padre Damaso – a Franciscan Friar who had priest, demanding redness for desecrating his
been priest of San Diego (Calamba), Ibarra’s father’s mortal remains.
native town for 20 years
2. Padre Sibyla – a young Dominican parish priest PADRE SALVI
of Binondo ● Told him that he had nothing to do with it, for he
3. Senor Guevarra – an elderly and kind lieutenant was not the parish priest at the time of Don
of the Guardia Civil Rafael’s death.
4. Don Tiburcio de Espadana - A bogus Spanish ● It was Padre Damaso, his predecessor, who was
Physician, lame, and henpecked husband of responsible for it. Convinced of Padre Salvi’s
Dona Victorina and several ladies innocence, Ibarra went away.
5. Padre Damaso - Was in a bad mood because ● In his town, Ibarra met several interesting
he got a bony neck and hard wing of the Chicken people, such as the wise old man Tasio the
Tinola. He tried to discredit Ibarra’s remarks. Sage, whose ideas were too advanced for his
times so that the people , who could not
understand him, called him “Tasio the Lunatic”.
● The progressive schoolteacher, who complied to ELIAS – bravely grappled with the crocodile which was caught
Ibarra that the children were losing interest in in the fish coral , but crocodile struggled furiously so that Elias
their studies because of lack of a proper could not subdue it.
schoolhouse and discouraging attitude of the
parish priest toward teaching of Spanish and the ● Ibarra jumped into the water and killed the
use of modern method of PEDAGOGY. crocodile, thereby saving Elias
● Another accident, which preceded the above
The Spineless Gobernadorcillo, who catered to wishes of mentioned neat-tragic culture incident, was the
Spanish priest: rendering of a beautiful song by Maria Clara who
1. Don Filipo Lino – the teniente mayor and leader had a sweet voice. Upon the insistent request of
of the liberal function in the town her friends, she played the harp and sang.
2. Don Melchor – the captain of the cuadrilleros
(town police).
The Song of Maria Clara
Former Gobernadorcillo who were prominent citizens: Sweet are the hours in one’s native land,
1. Don Basilio Where all is dear the sunbeams bless;
2. Don Valentin Life-giving breezes sweep he strand.
And death is softened by Love’s cares
★ Most tragic story in the novel is the tale of Sisa, Warm kisses play on mother Lip’s,
who was formerly rich girl but became because On her fond, tender breast awakening;
she married a gambler. When round her neck the soft arm slips.
And bright eyes smile, all love partaking
SISA Sweet is death for one’s native land,
became crazy because she lost her two boys. Where all is dear the sunbeans bless:


only joys of her wretched life. These boys were sacristans ★ After Maria Clara’s song and the Crocodile
(sextons) in the church, working for a small wage to support Incident, they went a shore they made merry in
their poor mother. the cool, wooded meadows.
● Padre Salvi
CRISPIN ● Capitan Basilio (former gobernadorcillo and
the younger of the two brothers, was accused by the brutal Sinang’s father)
sacristan mayor (chief tortured) in the convent and died. ● Alferez (Lieutenant of Guardia Civil)
● Town officials were present
BASILIO – with his brother’s dying cries ringing in his ears,
● Ibarra and Capitan Basilio played chess
● When the two boys did not return home, Sisa ● Maria Clara and friends played the “Wheel of
looked for them everywhere and in her great Chance” (game based on a fortune telling book).
sorrow, she became mad. ● After a sergeant and four soldiers of the Guardia
● Capitan Tiago’s cousin who took care of Maria Civil suddenly arrived, looking for Elias, who has
Clara, after her mother’s death arrived in San hunted for.
● Ibarra and his friends gave picnic, were Maria 1. Assaulting Padre Damaso
Clara and her four girl friends. 2. Throwing the Alferez into the mud hole.
● The Merry Sinang
● The Grave Victoria ● Fortunately, Elias has disappeared and the
● The Beautiful Ida Guardia civil went away empty handed. During
● The Thoughtful Neneng the picnic also, Ibarra received a telegram from
the Spanish authorities notifying him of the
AUNT ISABEL – chaperon of Maria Clara approval of his donation of a schoolhouse for the
CAPITANA TIKA – mother of Sinang children of San Diego.
ADENG – foster-sister of Maria Clara ● The next day, Ibarra visited old Tasio to consult
ALBINO – the ex-theological student who was in love with him
Sinang and Ibarra and his friends. on his pet project about the schoolhouse.
ELIAS – one of the boatmen was a strong silent, pleasant ● Tasio explained to him that he wrote
youth. hieroglyphics because he was writing for the
future generations who would understand them
★ An accident of the picnic was the saving of Elias and say: NOT ALL WERE ASLEEP IN THE
NOR JUAN – an architect continued the construction of school
● San Diego was preparing for its annual fiesta, in ● Cousin of Don Tiburcio de Espadana
Honor of its patron Saint San Diego de Alcala ● Godson of Padre Damaso’s brother in law.
who’s feast day is the 11th of November.
● On the eve of the fiesta, hundreds of visitors A touch of comedy in the novel was the fight bet.
arrived from nearby towns, and there were 1. DONA CONSOLACION – the vulgar mistress of
laughter, music, exploding bombs, feasting and the Spanish alferez
moro-moro. 2. DONA VICTORINA – flam-boyantly dresses wife
of a henpecked Spanish quack doctor.
The music was furnished by:
1. Five brass brands (including the famous
Pagsanjan Band owned by Escribano Miguel STORY OF ELIAS
Guevarra) ● Tale of pathos and tragedy
2. Three orchestras ● He related it to Ibarra

● In the morning of the feast, there was a high mass in the Some 60 years ago his grandfather:
church; officiated by Padre Salvi. ● Who was a young bookkeeper in a Spanish
● Padre Damaso gave the long sermon in which he commercial firm in Manila.
expatiated on the evils of the times that were caused by ● Was wrongly accused of burning the firm’s
certain men who having tested same education. warehouse.
● After Padre Damaso’s sermon, the mass was continued ● Was a plugged in public and was left in the street
by Padre Salvi. Elias quietly moved Ibarra, who was , crippled and almost dead.
kneeling and praying with Maria Clara’s side, and warned
him to be careful during the ceremony of the lying of the His wife:
cornerstone of the school house because there is a plot to ● Who was pregnant begged for alms.
kill him. ● Become prostitute in order to support his sick
● Elias suspected that the yellowish man built the derrick, husband and son.
was a paid stooge Ibarra’s enemies. ● After giving birth to her second son and the
● True to his suspicion, later in the day when Ibarra in the death of her husband, she fled with her two sons
presence of a big crowd, went down into trench to cement to the mountain.
the cornerstone, the derrick collapse.
● Elias quick as a flash pushed him aside, saving his life. First Boy
The yellowish man was the one crushed to death by the ● Became a dreaded tulisan named Balat.
shattered derrick. ● He terrorized the provinces.
● At the dinner that night, the arrogant Padre Damaso ● His head was cut off and was hung from the tree
speaking in the presence of many guests, insulted the branch in the forest.
memory of Ibarra’s father. Ibarra jumped from his seat,
knocked down the fat friar with his fist and then seized Young Brother
with sharp knife. He would killed the friar were it not far ● Who was a nature kind-hearted. Fled and
the timely intervention of Maria Clara. became a trusted laborer in the house of a rich
● man in Tayabas. He fell in love with the Master
● Ibarra’s attack on Padre Damaso produced 2 results; daughter.
1. His engagement to Maria Clara was broken/
2. He was excommunicated. Elias Father (unfortunate lover)
● Was sent to jail while the girl gave birth to twins
● Maria Clara became ill and was treated by the quack boy (Elias) and a girl.
physician “Tiborcio de Espadana.”
DOCTORA DONA VICTORINA de LAS REYES de ● Educated in the Jesuit College in Manila
● Wife of Tiburcio de Espadana His Sister
● A vain, frustrated native woman ● Studied in La Concordia College
● A frequent visitor on Captain Tiago’s house
● Had halucinations of being superior Castilica. ● They lived happily until one day, over money matters;
● She looked down on her own people as inferior distant relatives exposed their shameful birth. They
being. were disgraced. An old male servant whom they used
● She added another “de” to her husband to to abused, was forced to testify in court and the truth
become more Spanish. came out that he was their real father.
● Elias and his sister left Tayabas to hide their shame in ● CAPITAN TIAGO was Captain Hilario Sunico of
another place. One day, his hister disappeared. Elias San Nicholas.
roamed from place to place and looking for her. He ● DONA VICTORINA wa Dona Agustina Medel
heard later that a girl answering to his sister’s ● BASILIO and CRISPIN were Crisostomo
description was found on the beach of San Diego. brother of Hagonoy.
● Elias, learning of Ibarra’s arrest, burned all papers that ● PADRE DAMASO was typical a domineering
might incriminate his friends and set Ibarra’s house on friar duri the days of Rizal who was arrogant,
fire. Then he went to prison and helped Ibarra escaped. supercilious and anti-Filipino.
He and Ibarra jumped into a BANCA loaded with
ZACATE (grass). Ibarra stopped to Captain Tiago to ● Friends of Rizal hailed the novel, praising it in glowing
say goodbye to Maria Clara. colors. Rizal anticipated the vitriolic attacks of his
● After bidding Maria Clara farewell, Ibarra returned to the enemies, who were sore to be told the truth of the evil
Banca. He and Elias paddled up the Pasig river toward ways.
Laguna de Bay. A police boat with the Guardia civil on ● In Rizal own words, the government and the friars will
board. Elias told Ibarra to hide under zacate. probably attacking on the work, refusing the statement,
● Elias jumped into the water and swam swiftly toward but the trust in the God of Truth and in the person who
the shore. He diverted the attention of the soldiers on have actually seen our sufferings.
his person giving Ibarra a chance to escape. ● Blumentritt
● Elias seriously wounded, reached the shore and went ● Regidor
into the forest. He met Basilio, weeping over his ● Hidalgo
mother’s body, he told Basilio to make a pyre on which ● Mariano Ponce
their bodies were to burned to ashes. ● Graciano Lopez Jaena
● It was Christmas eve and the moon gleamed softy in ● Aguirre
the sky. Basilio prepared the funeral pyre. Elias looked
toward the east and murmured “I die without seeing MORE COPIES WERE CRATED AND SENT TO…
the dawn brighten over the native land. You, who ● Barcelona
have it to see, welcome it and forget not those who ● Madrid
have fallen during the night.” ● Hongkong
● The novel was an epilogue which recounts what
happened to the other characters.

● MARIA CLARA entered the Santa Clara nunnery.

● PADRE SALVI left parish San Diego and became a
chaplain of the nunnery.
● PADRE DAMASO transferred to remote province but
he was found dead in his bedroom.
● CAPTAIN TIAGO became an opium addict and a
human wreck.
● DONA VICTORINA still henpecking poor Don Tiburcio
who are wearing eyeglasses because of weakening his
● LINARES died in dysentery and buried in Paco
● ALFAREZ was promoted Major. He returned to Spain
and leaving his shabby mistress Dona Consolacion.
● The novel ends with Maria Clara, unhappy in Sta. Clara
Nunnery, forever lost in the world.

True story of Philippine conditions during the last

decades of Spanish rule.
● Places, character and situation really exist.

● MARIA CLARA was Leonor Rivera.
● IBARRA and ELIAS represented Rizal himself.
● TASIO the SAGE was his elder brother,
● PADRE SALVI identified by Rizalist as Padre
Antonio Piernavieja.

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