Leadership Development Plan (LDP) Assignment Overview
Leadership Development Plan (LDP) Assignment Overview
Leadership Development Plan (LDP) Assignment Overview
Assignment Overview
The LDP assignment synthesizes phase one & two of the HTM 301 course into a
personalized plan. This assignment will help students to initiate a personalized plan for
enhancing HTM competencies within the context of coursework, meaningful
experiences, and professional passions.
Section One: Vision and Goals - This section asks students to envision their dream
job consistent with their thoughts on the ideal leader and personal values. Students will
represent their visions and goals in a visual representation in the form of a professional
passions mind map.
Section Two: Reflections - This section guides students through a series of reflection
questions where students synthesize what they learned about themselves and consider
their own strengths and weaknesses related to their vision and goals.
Section Three: Competency Assessment - In this section, students list four specific
behaviors for each of the 12 competencies. Students then synthesize their feedback
and reflections to assess themselves on each competency.
Section Four: Personalized Development Activity - The final section of the LDP
commits the student to enhancing their leadership competencies through the ongoing
process of customized learning. Students identify three competencies they want to
improve and, based on this, they develop an activity to complete in a future semester.
1. Completed Development Plan (all four sections) represented on the students
individual e-portfolio. Your mind map should be represented under the “professional
passions” tab, while the rest of your LDP should be represented under “coursework
highlights”. Do not simply upload links to documents, your work must be embedded onto
your website.
Section One: Vision and Goals
About Me
My PRINT ____2,9____________________________
What is unique about the context of the hospitality and tourism industry?
How do leaders excel in this context?
How do current managers and faculty members define/talk about/say is important about leading in the
context of the hospitality and tourism industry?
How has my view of leading in the hospitality and tourism industry changed?
What are the behaviors for each of the competencies that are most connected to my vision of the ideal
leader in the HTM context?
Provide a narrative about your vision of the ideal leader in the hospitality and tourism
context and the leader you envision yourself becoming.
In the hospitality industry, the product being delivered is far less tangible than at
a retail store. There are various physical aspects to it, but the experience is what sets
good apart from great. Keeping that goal of creating an experience in mind, the ideal
leader is detail oriented and always thinking ahead. Simultaneously, this leader is
approachable by both staff and clients, and is seen as reliable and supportive to a fault.
That is the type of leader I want to be, but I especially want to be seen as reliable and
approachable by my employees. If I am a manager that people want to work with, then
they will perform their jobs much better much more consistently.
Career Goals
Use the following questions to guide you in your narrative. You do not have to answer
each question one by one.
What are the possible ways to sustain the lifestyle I want in the experience economy?
What kind of work would take advantage of my talents, as I perceive them now?
What am I considering that I never thought possible before?
Even though the job doesn’t exist today, how would I really like to spend my time?
Based on what you know about your values, passions, and talents, what would be your
dream career in the long term? Hint: Think Bigger.
I want to oversee a team of event professionals with all of us working towards putting on
jaw dropping events.
What would be an ideal position/career/life choice for you 5 years after graduating?
Account manager at Freeman
List a short-term career goal – achieved by your graduation date.
A job in the MEEC industry that pays well enough to keep me alive
Other Goals
Identify 3 goals for your college journey. Begin each statement I Will…
3. I will maintain a focus on school, but not at the expense of personal relationships
Mind maps help you to organize and process complex and interwoven ideas and
information. Using the information you’ve brainstormed on above, create a visual
representation of your own mind map answering the following questions that correspond
with the blue section of the mind map. Your map may be hand drawn or created using
software of your choice. You will also need to write a short paragraph to accompany
your map, providing a short description of what your map represents. Use the questions
below to help guide you in creating your map and crafting your write up.
● Your Big WHY? You need to know WHY you want to do the work. Write down exactly
WHY you want to do your dream job or reach certain goals. Clarity in this area will help
you make intentional decisions moving forward.
● Your Network: Who do you know? Think of people in your professional network that
have been helpful in the past and those that could be helpful in the future. Describe ways
in which you can work on building relationships with these people to help you get closer
to your dream job.
● Experience: What job do you have right now? Define your current role. What jobs,
internships, externships or volunteer experiences have you had in the past? Write down
the skills sets you’ve gained.
● Execution Strategies: This is your roadmap. These are strategies that you will
implement to step closer to your career goals.
● Ideal Company: Who is your ideal company? If you don’t know, what does your ideal
company look like? Do some research to see who aligns with your core values the best.
● Ideal Professional Self: Describe your ideal professional self in 25 words or less. How
do you want people to see you? What words or phrases do you want them to use when
they describe you?
Section Two: Reflections
Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses during the simulation. Identify the changes
you would make if you were to take part in a second simulation. What areas do you
think you could most improve upon?
I would work harder on my confidence in the planning process. Some feedback I received in
the 4thefam simulation told me that I had good ideas but I needed to be more. Confident and
louder in these ideas that could really benefit the event.
Use the following questions to guide you in your narrative. You do not have to answer each question one by one.
Consider the questions above and synthesize what you learned about yourself this
What I learned about myself this semester is that a lot of what I do is to make others happy.
This can be a double edged sword for myself definitely, but I believe that if I can acknowledge
that aspect and harness it, it can be one of my biggest strengths. I did find myself disappointed
in the planning process for the second simulation since the packet was much less structured
than it was in the first one. This took me aback because when planning events in the
professional world, there will be no packets to fill out to nail a perfect event. The process will
require critical thinking to really go above and beyond when it comes to the client needs.
Planning an event could easily be phoned in to just “get the job done” but then the event
becomes lackluster and it only meets the expectations, it doesn’t exceed them.
Section Three: Competency Assessment
For each competency, list four behaviors that convey the essence of the competency in
action aligned with your vision of the ideal leader in hospitality and tourism. You may
find it helpful to review the competency definitions article and industry interviews. Then,
for each competency, assess yourself currently using the rating scale below. These
ratings will serve as your baseline assessment, and you will reassess your own
development in future semesters. Your ratings are for the purpose of learning and
growth only—ratings will not influence course grades. Enter a number of 1 through 7 for
yourself for each of the competencies.
Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Numberwise Rating
Planning Rating
1 Anticipates problems before they happen 3 Has a clear vision of the goal and knows
how to get there
Strategic Decision-Making Rating
Superior Technical Service Rating
1 Knows their job well 3 Is constantly working on self to be even
Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Interpersonal Communication Rating
1 Listen more than they speak 3 Communicates their needs and goals
clearly to avoid mistakes
2 Is easily approachable 4 3
Networked Rating
1 Thinks more “what can I do for you” as 3 Says yes to networking opportunities, but
opposed to “what can you do for me” also knows how to say no to ones that
aren’t as fulfilling or necessary.
Coaching/Training Rating
1 Even when not directly training, acts as a 3 Communicates clearly to avoid confusion
role model in their trade. in the training process.
Superior Expressive Service Rating
1 Creates personal relationships with 3 Provides services so well that
clients to make them feel more at clients advocate for your business
home to others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Professionalism Rating
Time Management | Priorities Rating
1 Uses planners and other tools to stay on top of 3 Can put other more fun projects aside to
their workload focus on a more relevant and timely goal
Self Development Rating
1 Knows that there is always more to learn 3 Seeks out continuing education
Spirit of Optimism Rating
1 Has a calm composure that portrays competence 3 Helps others indirectly and directly
From the entire list of 12 competencies, identify your top three strengths as well as
three competencies that you need to develop.
2. Professionalism 2. Networked
Start a Music Festival Student Interest Group Planning competency improvement and aligned
with career goal
Use the attached Development Activity Template to design a mini project to complete
during the semester you take HTM 480. Sections will include:
Title: Refer to your table of development activities you outlined above and select one of
the development activities aligned with a career goal that moves you closer to the vision
of your dream job.
Background: In this section (about a paragraph) make the case for why this
development activity is important for your envisioned career future.
Description: Provide five to seven sentences to describe the major phases and
subsequent activities of the project. You will overview what you will do and how you will
do it in this section. Include where the project activities will occur and who else may be
Success Indicators: At the end of the project, indicate how you will know if the
development activity was successful. Describe desired outcomes as well as objective
measures if possible.
Timeline: This development activity will take place during the HTM 480 course. Fill in
the semester timeline table to list the major sections in bold and the specific activities
and project deliverables as suggested by the placeholders in the template.
Semester Week Phases & Activities Deliverables Notes
Week One
Not all Lacking detail or Completed every All sections of the All sections of the LDP
sections demonstrating section without LDP demonstrate demonstrate attention
completed. misunderstanding demonstrating attention to detail to detail and thoughtful,
No of concepts. an integrated and thoughtful personalized
representatio Organization plan for personalized responses. Vision and
n on e- lacking or customized responses. Some goals demonstrate
portfolio. presentation of learning. sections may still commitment to
work on e- Section answers lack clarity or need coursework,
portfolio may be are vague and additional outside experiences, and
sloppy. surface level, research to move career. Map is
lacking detail beyond the ordinary innovative and creative.
and responses. Goals Reflections reveal deep
organization. are clear, but learning and ability to
ordinary. Reflections synthesize feedback
may be surface sources. Competency
level. assessment includes
Competencies do detailed behaviors.
not reveal personal Development activity is
approach at the innovative & creative.
behavior level. Mind Timeline reflects deep
map is complete, thought for each step,
but confusing and/or providing details to
vague. Development ensure the student is
activity is good successful in
quality, but lacking completing the project.
some detail. Representation on the
e-portfolio is creative
and flows well with the
rest of the student’s
theme. Assignment is
showcase worthy for
future HTM students.
Appendix: Starter Ideas for Development Activities
● Prepare a breakeven analysis for a product/service/division
● Summarize existing industry data and present it to laymen in the company
● Compile a package of refresher materials on common accounting and financial techniques
used by middle managers
● Prepare an event plan
● Develop a system to discuss department action plans
● Identify processes for translating the corporate vision
Strategic Decision-Making
● Volunteer to work an event – list resources and ways you used them to improve the event
● Create a booklet of stories of how employees made guest-centered decisions
● Develop a troubleshooting guide for common guest problems
Technical Service
● Flowchart a process and brainstorm ways to improve it – present to management
● Conduct a speed of service study – identify ways to improve
● Prepare an options list for company management that summarizes a variety of entertaining
options, group names, and prices. Implement a method for maintaining it
Interpersonal Communication
● Facilitate a brainstorming session. Include prioritizing and a system for accountability of
agreed upon action items
● Sit in on employee reviews. Write a list of dos and don’ts for your personal use
● Lead a team on project - ask the members to give you feedback on your leadership style
● Join an industry association’s committee
● Do informational interviews
● Systematize how you will use your mentor network
● Prepare a company culture orientation
● Research the “new employee” – the millenials, connect to company and present it to leadership
● Design a discussion document to be used for formal coaching sessions with subordinates
● Work with student association to bring in retail partner for student suits
● Develop a personal consistency audit – a self assessment for evaluating your trustworthiness
● Give a professional presentation or conduct a professional meeting
Time Management/Priorities
● Develop a personal system for integrating values/priorities into day to day work
● Create a personal plan for integrating the company vision/mission into your work
● Create a personal environmental scanning system on your computer
Self Development
● Create a formalized feedback system with your mentors
● Design and execute a development activity per semester
● Make it a way of life
Spirit of Optimism
● Keep a journal about how you exuded positive traits throughout the week
● Volunteer for a role you would never think you would enjoy
● Observe those who display this trait – write dos and don’ts for your personal use
● Pitch a professor on how you can help them create experiential learning assignments
● Design an alumni panel focused on study abroad
● Brainstorm student success fee ideas and conduct a peer workshop
● Add a section to the Kaleidoscope Resources website focusing on 480 leadership experiences –
make a presentation in the 480 class about the new resource
● Become a student ambassador for an existing industry association
● Create a video of student testimonies describing their most meaningful college experiences
outside the classroom
● Coordinate a service learning project that benefits the community
Background: The HTM department prides itself on staying connected with industry and
its alumni. Although there have been ad hoc events that involve alumni in some way, a
more systematic way of engaging and celebrating HTM alums could developed. The
idea is to create a signature event that could be replicated every year. This project will
allow me to enhance my planning competency and my networking competency. More
importantly, it will force me to explore the different careers our alumni hold in a big way.
It is also a way to engage industry in a less intimidating manner than it would be to cold
call non-alumni.
Description: The project will involve 5 major phases. The first phase will be a research
phase to learn more about what the goals of an alumni week might entail. The next
phase would be centered around learning about the student success fee process. A
third phase would involve dialogue and feedback to narrow down the key components
of an alumni week event. A fourth major component is titled Design the Week. Finally,
a series of actions are needed to finalize the event proposal with sufficient buy-in and to
submit it for potential funding.
Sample Timeline
Week One
Week Fourteen