Functions of meta-analysis :
I Generate new hypotheses (e.g. calculate the sample size for future
Meta-analysis and quality of evidence
The evidence hierarchy :
I if included studies are biased the result of the meta-analysis will also
be incorrect.
I if reporting biases are present, unrepresentative set of studies may
give misleading result.
Steps of meta-analysis :
1. Define the research question and specific hypotheses.
Example : High-dosage vitamin E supplementation say increase
all-cause mortality ?
2. Defining criteria for including and excluding studies. PICOS criteria :
Patients, Intervention, Comparisons, Outcomes, Study design.
Example : RCT studies with JADAD score > 4, vitamin E intake,
man and no-pregnant women, etc).
tocopherol, tocopherol, and clinical trials. The search period was 1966 through August 2004. We
complemented the MEDLINE search by searching the Cochrane database of randomized,
controlled trials ; reviewing the reference lists from original research, review articles, and previous
meta-analyses ; and reviewing the files of the investigators" ..."Three investigators independently
abstracted the articles. They resolved disagreements by consensus".
Ti = θ + i , i ∼ N (0, σi2 )
I The random effects linear model :
var (θ̂) = Pn
i=1 wi
Random effects model :
wi =
σs2 + σi2
The Cochran Q statistic,
n Pn 2
i=1 wi Ti
Q= wi Ti2 − P n
i=1 i=1 wi
I sometime one can not impose the comparison to the reference (e.g.,
for symptomatic treatments, comparison with Placebo is acceptable !
I To impose comparison to the reference could lead to complications :
Necessary conditions :
RR(A/B) =
Indirect comparison : general methodology
Bucher method (JCE 1997)
Let define
θ̂A∼B − θAB
Z=q ∼ N (0, 1)
var (θ̂A∼B )
Indirect comparison : mixed treatment comparison
Mixed treatment comparisons (MTC) : in addition to indirect
comparisons, there exists direct comparisons for A and B.
Let denote by θ̂AB the pooled effect from the meta-analysis comparing
directly A and B.
Then, the consistency condition requires that θ̂A∼B and θ̂AB are both
estimators of the same quantity ΘAB :
θ̂A∼B − θ̂AB
Z=q ∼ N (0, 1)
var (θ̂A∼B ) + var (θ̂AB )
If the consistency condition holds then the pooled effect from the direct
and the indirect comparisons is given by
w1 θ̂A∼B + w2 θ̂AB 1
Θ̂AB = , var (Θ̂AB ) = ,
w1 + w2 w1 + w2
where w1 = 1/var (θ̂A∼B ) and w2 = 1/var (θ̂AB ).
Indirect comparison :
Several paths for indirect comparisons :
I Cochrane Collaboration :
http ://
References and software
I Cochran RevMan software :
http ://