Name of the teacher :
Subject :
Topic : Dehydration
Duration :
Place :
After completion health education of the patient will be able to acquire deep knowledge about Dehydration.
Specific Objectives:
Introduce Dehydration.
5 5 min Enlist the diagnostic Thirst isn't always a reliable early indicator
evolution of of the body's need for water. Many people, Listen carefully& Flash card
Dehydration. particularly older adults, don't feel thirsty respond
until they're already dehydrated. That's why
it's important to increase water intake during
hot weather or when you're ill.
The signs and symptoms of dehydration also
may differ by age.
Extreme thirst
Less frequent urination
Dark-colored urine
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
No. activity
6 teaspoons of sugar.
½ a teaspoon of salt.
1 litre (5 cups) of boiled water.
Stir the mixture until the salt and
sugar dissolve.
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
No. activity
To prevent dehydration, drink
7 5 min Discuss about plenty of fluids and eat foods
Prevention of high in water such as fruits and Listen carefully&
Dehydration. respond
vegetables. Letting thirst be
your guide is an adequate daily
guideline for most healthy
Vomiting or
diarrhea. If your child
is vomiting or has
diarrhea, start giving
extra water or an oral
rehydration solution at
the first signs of
illness. Don't wait until
dehydration occurs.
Strenuous exercise. In
general, it's best to
start hydrating the day
before strenuous
exercise. Producing
lots of clear, dilute
urine is a good
indication that you're
well-hydrated. During
the activity, replenish
fluids at regular
intervals and continue
drinking water or other
fluids after you're
Hot or cold
weather. You need to
drink additional water
in hot or humid
weather to help lower
your body temperature
and to replace what
you lose through
sweating. You may
also need extra water
in cold weather to
combat moisture loss
from dry air,
particularly at higher
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher activity Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
8 Summary:
In this topic we are study about the definition,
couses, sign and symptoms, diagnosis
evolution, treatment and last we discuses about
the how to prevent the Dehydration.
When the body goes through dehydration there
can be many symptoms. Some of these
symptoms can include: feelings of nausea,
light-headedness, and feeling dizzy.
Dehydration can cause symptoms to show
more rapidly than any other vitamin
Karen Saucier Lundy “ Community Health Nursing: Caring for the Public's Health”3rd edition, 2017, Canada: Jones & Bartlett Learning, page no-.
Saxena R.P. “Community health nursing-2, 3rd edition, 2020PUNJAB: lotus publisher, page no.-.
Swarnkar keshav “community health nursing”4th edition, 2018 Indoer: n.r brothers publisher, page no- .
Park k ‘community health nursing’ 7th edition, 2015 Jabalpur: m/s banarasidas bhanot, page no-