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Name of the teacher :

Subject :

Topic : Dehydration

Group : GNM Nursing students

Method of Teaching : Lecture cum discussion :

Duration :

Place :

AV Aids : White board, charts

Name of the evaluator :

College : Shree Krishna Institute of Nursing, Bhabhar.

General Objective:

After completion health education of the patient will be able to acquire deep knowledge about Dehydration.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the session students will be able to: -

 Introduce Dehydration.

1. Explain definition of Dehydration.

2. Discuss Couse of Dehydration.

3. Understand the sign and symptoms of Dehydration.

4. Enlist the diagnostic evolution of Dehydration.

5. Explain the treatment of Dehydration.

6. Discuss about Prevention of Dehydration.

Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher activity Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation

1 2 min  Introduce Introduction Listen carefully&

Dehydration. respond

Dehydration happens when your body

doesn't have as much water as it needs.
Without enough, your body can't function
properly. You can have mild, moderate, or
severe dehydration depending on how much
fluid is missing from your body.

Dehydration occurs when you use or lose

more fluid than you take in, and your body
doesn't have enough water and other fluids
to carry out its normal functions. If you
don't replace lost fluids, you will get
Anyone may become dehydrated, but the
condition is especially dangerous for young
children and older adults
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
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2 3 min Explain definition of Dehydration occurs when you use or lose

Dehydration. more fluid than you take in, and your body Listen carefully&
doesn't have enough water and other fluids respond
to carry out its normal functions. If you don't
replace lost fluids, you will get dehydrated.

3 5 min Discuss Couse of Chart

Dehydration. Sometimes dehydration occurs for simple Listen carefully&
reasons: You don't drink enough because respond
you're sick or busy, or because you lack
access to safe drinking water when you're
traveling, hiking or camping.

Other dehydration causes include:

Diarrhea, vomiting. Severe, acute diarrhea

— that is, diarrhea that comes on suddenly
and violently — can cause a tremendous
loss of water and electrolytes in a short
amount of time. If you have vomiting along
with diarrhea, you lose even more fluids and
Fever. In general, the higher your fever, the
more dehydrated you may become. The
problem worsens if you have a fever in
addition to diarrhea and vomiting.
Excessive sweating. You lose water when
you sweat. If you do vigorous activity and
don't replace fluids as you go along, you can
become dehydrated. Hot, humid weather
increases the amount you sweat and the
amount of fluid you lose.
Increased urination. This may be due to
undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes.
Certain medications, such as diuretics and
some blood pressure medications, also can
lead to dehydration, generally because they
cause you to urinate more.
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
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4 5 min Understand the sign Listen carefully&

and symptoms of Symptoms of Dehydration are exhibited respond
Dehydration. within 7 to 18 days of being infected.
Common symptoms include:
 Fever, fatigue, chills, vomiting, and
 Diarrhoea, anaemia and muscle pain
 Profuse sweating and convulsions
 Bloody stools.
 In severe cases, Dehydration can be
devastating; it can lead to seizures,
coma and eventually, death.

5 5 min Enlist the diagnostic Thirst isn't always a reliable early indicator
evolution of of the body's need for water. Many people, Listen carefully& Flash card
Dehydration. particularly older adults, don't feel thirsty respond
until they're already dehydrated. That's why
it's important to increase water intake during
hot weather or when you're ill.
The signs and symptoms of dehydration also
may differ by age.
 Extreme thirst
 Less frequent urination
 Dark-colored urine
 Fatigue
 Dizziness
 Confusion
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
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6 5 min Explain the treatment Severe dehydration needs immediate

of Dehydration medical treatment. In hospital, you will get Listen carefully&
fluids through an intravenous drip. respond

If you are mildly dehydrated, the best thing

you can do is to drink more water. Drink
small amounts of water regularly.

You can also drink oral rehydration

solutions that you buy from your pharmacy.
Or you can make your own rehydration

Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can

make dehydration worse.

Recipe to make rehydration fluid

 6 teaspoons of sugar.
 ½ a teaspoon of salt.
 1 litre (5 cups) of boiled water.
 Stir the mixture until the salt and
sugar dissolve.
Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation
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To prevent dehydration, drink
7 5 min Discuss about plenty of fluids and eat foods
Prevention of high in water such as fruits and Listen carefully&
Dehydration. respond
vegetables. Letting thirst be
your guide is an adequate daily
guideline for most healthy

People may need to take in more

fluids if they are experiencing
conditions such as:

 Vomiting or
diarrhea. If your child
is vomiting or has
diarrhea, start giving
extra water or an oral
rehydration solution at
the first signs of
illness. Don't wait until
dehydration occurs.

 Strenuous exercise. In
general, it's best to
start hydrating the day
before strenuous
exercise. Producing
lots of clear, dilute
urine is a good
indication that you're
well-hydrated. During
the activity, replenish
fluids at regular
intervals and continue
drinking water or other
fluids after you're

 Hot or cold
weather. You need to
drink additional water
in hot or humid
weather to help lower
your body temperature
and to replace what
you lose through
sweating. You may
also need extra water
in cold weather to
combat moisture loss
from dry air,
particularly at higher

 Illness. Older adults

most commonly
become dehydrated
during minor illnesses
— such as influenza,
bronchitis or bladder
infections. Make sure
to drink extra fluids
when you're not
feeling well.

Sl Time Specific objectives Content Teacher activity Learners activity AV Aids Evaluation

8 Summary:
In this topic we are study about the definition,
couses, sign and symptoms, diagnosis
evolution, treatment and last we discuses about
the how to prevent the Dehydration.

When the body goes through dehydration there
can be many symptoms. Some of these
symptoms can include: feelings of nausea,
light-headedness, and feeling dizzy.
Dehydration can cause symptoms to show
more rapidly than any other vitamin

Karen Saucier Lundy “ Community Health Nursing: Caring for the Public's Health”3rd edition, 2017, Canada: Jones & Bartlett Learning, page no-.

Saxena R.P. “Community health nursing-2, 3rd edition, 2020PUNJAB: lotus publisher, page no.-.

Swarnkar keshav “community health nursing”4th edition, 2018 Indoer: n.r brothers publisher, page no- .

Park k ‘community health nursing’ 7th edition, 2015 Jabalpur: m/s banarasidas bhanot, page no-

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