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Reach - BSBHRM613 - Learner Workbook

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Table of Contents

Assessment instructions...............................................................................................2
Assessment requirements.............................................................................................4
Candidate Details...................................................................................................................5
Assessment – BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and
development Strategies.................................................................................................5

Contribute to the development
of learning and development

Learner Workbook

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Assessment........................................................................6

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Assessment Checklist – for assessor................................11
Assessment Task 2: Project Work.........................................................................................12
Assessment Task 2: Project Work Checklist – for assessor..................................................19
Assessment Task 3: Project Work.........................................................................................21
Assessment Task 3: Project Work Checklist – for assessor..................................................24
Competency record to be completed by assessor.................................................................25
Instructions to Learner

Assessment instructions

Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment
task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task.
Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important
that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each
assessment task.

Written work

Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and
knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment
tasks, please ensure that you address the following criteria:

 Address each question including any sub-points

 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

Active participation

It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation
is completing all the assessment tasks on time.


Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and
representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s
exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other
authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines
some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of plagiarism:

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used,
including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be
organised to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.


Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the
result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.
Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of
academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action.

Competency outcome

There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory

(requires more training and experience).

Once the learner has completed all the assessments for this unit of competency, the learner
will be awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not Competent” (NC) for the relevant unit of


The college will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer,
with strict confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring
that you do not provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer,
colleagues and others, that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you
to provide information or details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are
responsible for obtaining necessary consents and ensuring that privacy rights and
confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with such information.
Assessment appeals process

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not
happy with your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the
right to lodge an appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you
would like to proceed further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor,
you need to lodge your appeal via the complaint and appeal form which is available on the
college website.

Recognised prior learning

Learners will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.

Special needs

Learners with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required
adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the
identified needs immediately.

Assessment requirements
Assessment can be:
 Direct observation

 Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples

 Portfolios – annotated and validated

 Questioning.

The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance
criteria, skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.
To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must undertake all activities in this workbook
and have them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. Once you have demonstrated the
required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit.
As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment
policies as provided during induction.
Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning
and development Strategies
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking.
This forms part of your assessment for BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of
learning and development Strategies
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Learner ID:
Email: _____________________________________________________________
I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with
the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person. I also understand the assessment
instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________
If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the
learners involved should be provided below:
This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge
that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We
declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the
exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for us by another person.
Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Describe three (3) consultation and communication processes that a company could use to
support and encourage staff to contribute to policy and procedure development processes.
You must first design your communication strategy before you can begin documenting the
policies and procedures of your organisation. In order to foster interest, support, and
participation among the staff, it is crucial to keep them informed about the approach.

 Inform staff members immediately: At the beginning of the project, let employees
know that the company will be striving to improve (or alter) organisational standards
and procedures. Describe the significance and relevance of the documents, as well
as the effects they will have.
 Ask for feedback: To promote involvement and buy-in from employees, find out
what they believe the employee manual or coverage guide should contain. The
most employee input is encouraged to be used.
 Send in a risk for staff to comment on: Create a risk for employees to inquire. Give
the finished manual or guide to the staff in hard copy, or suggest a way for them to
view the material electronically. It is a good idea to ask staff members for advice on
how to make the record better.

Question 2

Describe the contemporary approach of design thinking to organisational learning strategy


Given the semantic similarity between design thinking and organisational design, it is
surprising that so little has been written about applying design thinking to organisational
design. This is especially true given that design thinking has long since expanded beyond
traditional product design to include areas like innovation management and even strategy.
Design thinking has succeeded in differentiating itself from previous management fads.
Additionally, it has shown to be a versatile and practical set of tools - or rather, principles -
for use in a variety of goal-oriented endeavours, to alter the physical, technological, or even
social environment. The same applies to management.

What does applying design thinking to organisational design actually entail? Here are two
fundamental ideas to get things started; they will be especially crucial for us when we create
management packages.

 Utilise a human-centered perspective - In organisational design, human-

centeredness (user centricity) refers to paying attention to how the 'formal
organisation' and physical arrangements on the one hand, and continuing social
construction of organisational members on the other, interact to define an
 Test your organisational designs regularly and early. - Second, the advantages of
prototyping in organisational design are comparable to those in product design.
Prototypes are low-cost, safe-to-fail experiments conducted in a controlled setting
that offer chances for learning and the development of fresh concepts. Prototypes
allow testing of organisational setups before they go live, which translates to the
design of organisations.
For instance, it is possible to do dry runs of organisational processes, for instance in
a workshop context, to identify any process stages that are lacking, information
gaps, or needed competences.


Question 3
Identify and describe two organisational learning theories that can be used as a basis for
developing an organisational learning strategy.
The organisational learning theory's influential concepts were created by Chris Agris and
Donald Schon. These ideas are predicated on the idea that individuals learn from their
errors. As a result, learning happens as a result of identifying and fixing faults. For instance,
when someone completes a task but the outcomes are not what they anticipated, they will
investigate what went wrong and, if necessary, make the necessary corrections. This idea
holds that learning happens in an organisation when a person collaborates with others to
solve a problem.
Two sets of behaviours are the foundation of this type of interaction.
1. An organization's formal rules, policies, and processes are linked to the behaviour
set known as "espoused theory." These policies outline the procedures that must
be followed. For instance, if a worker is having computer issues, she should first
read the manuals before restarting the device.

2. According to the espoused theory, this group of behaviours is connected to the

formally defined norms, regulations, and procedures in an organisation. These
regulations outline the proper procedures to follow. For instance, if a worker is
having computer problems, she should study the instructions first, and then restart
the machine.

Although adhering to formal regulations may be considered the most suitable course of
action, the rules are typically restrictive or overly explicit, which explains why the two
behaviours. Therefore, a company should encourage the application of theory if it wants to
improve the learning environment.


Question 4

Describe the importance of continuous improvement as part of a company’s organisational

learning strategy and outline three types of continuous improvement processes that could be
used to undertake this.
Continuous improvement is the practise of introducing modest, incremental improvements
that, when combined with deliberate observation of existing procedures, provide major
The four phases of ongoing improvement
Plan-Do-Check-Act, sometimes known as the PDCA cycle, is another name for continuous
improvement. The four phases of continual improvement are as follows.
 Planning and brainstorming- Create a management action plan after identifying a
potential area for improvement. For instance, you observe that your conversion
rates are below the industry norm. As a result, you decide to call your leads in
addition to sending a nurture email sequence.
 Do: Testing solutions- Implement the change on a limited scale when you've
recognised an opportunity and decided how to effectively handle it through change.
We do out this in order to formally assess its efficacy. That might include only
sending a small portion of leads (say, 20%) in the email sequence example from
 Check: Evaluating the results- Worked the change? Before we can implement it
across the organisation, we need to know. For instance, we can determine that the
adjustment was successful if 20% of the leads in our test convert better than the
other 80% who do not receive nurture emails.
 Act: Implementing the solution- It's time to roll out your solution across the entire
organisation once you've verified its efficacy so you can start reaping the rewards.


Question 5

Describe three evaluation strategies that can be used for reviewing organisational learning

Through evaluations, you may determine whether the tactics your business employs are
effective and may even assist you in resolving any issues you uncover.
You can follow these procedures to evaluate organisational strategy:

 Establish guidelines- Create a set of standards that you may use to gauge the
success of the plan and its objectives before you analyse it. These standards are
milestones or goals that you wish to hit so that you may gauge the success of a
strategy. For instance, you can use a 25% increase in new mailing list requests as
an evaluation criterion if you want your new strategy to increase the amount of
individuals who join up for your mailing list.

 Performance measurement - When you're prepared to assess a policy, you can

compile data on how it performed. Both quantitative and qualitative data may be
present in this information, which you can gather in a variety of methods, including
through surveys, interviews, and analytics tools. Consider obtaining information on a
variety of performance factors, such as cost, the degree to which the tactic is used,
how much time it saves, or any rise in sales.

 Analyse outcomes - When you have information about how well a strategy
performed over a specific time frame, you may compare it to the benchmarks you've
already established. In order to determine whether it meets other requirements,
such as how dangerous the plan is or how many resources it requires, you can also
examine other kinds of data.

 Make modifications- You can change your approach to boost the likelihood that it
will accomplish the objectives you established.

 Set objectives.- Setting objectives for the subsequent evaluation is possible once
you complete your evaluation and make any required modifications. Make a
prediction about how well the strategy would work using the data you have


Question 6

Describe two quality management compliance requirements relating to organisational

The structure of a quality management system resembles a pyramid. The quality policy is
the ultimate document that succinctly and tastefully articulates the objectives of the QMS. A
quality handbook, quality objectives, procedures, processes, work instructions, and more
follow from there.
Quality policy - A QMS is driven by a number of top-level documents that direct the creation
of the QMS's remaining components. As the remaining components of the QMS are built,
these documents will serve as anchors to assure consistency. The quality policy, quality
manual, and quality objectives are the highest level papers for every QMS. Drafting a quality
policy should always come first when developing a quality management system.

A good policy illustration

Let's examine the following passage as an illustration of a good policy and draw some
conclusions from it:

The Widget Company is dedicated to producing high-caliber, legal widgets to aid our clients in their
endeavours. This dedication is shown in the high-quality procedures that are carried out by skilled
workers to deliver reliable outcomes each and every time. Our management team is committed to
advancing and inventing constantly to better serve consumer needs.

This policy presupposes that the Widget Company would place a high priority on operations
that run smoothly and staff that is well trained to perform their responsibilities.
Quality manual- An overview of the complete QMS can be found in a quality handbook,
which can be provided to a client or auditor to assist them rapidly comprehend how the
system is set up and which QMS requirements, if any, the organisation is exempt from or
otherwise do not apply to their system.
o Describe the QMS's purview and provide specifics on its needs.
o List any QMS components that will not be used in the implementation.
o Cite specific quality practises in use at your company
o Provide flowcharts with visual evidence of crucial processes
o Describe the quality goals and policies of the organisation.

Quality management systems are not intended to offer a comprehensive quality

management prescriptive checklist. A QMS, on the other hand, is meant to act as a
framework that directs the company in reaching quality goals, ongoing improvement, and
customer satisfaction.


Question 7

Identify and describe two international compliance requirements relating to e-learning

In the majority of nations, breaking the law can result in high fines and other consequences.
Compliance management, which is referred to as "the process by which managers, plan,
organise, control, and lead activities that ensure compliance with laws and standards," is a
significant problem for businesses.

Employees must be aware of all the rules and regulations that are being implemented and
possess the discipline to follow them in order to guarantee that all compliance needs are

Compliance training is precise, straightforward, and less expensive for organisations thanks
to eLearning. Every time a student views the course, online compliance training is correct
and up-to-date because all participants will receive the same content. Although online
learning requires an investment, by cutting out overhead costs, it can reduce training costs
by roughly 50%. By allowing employees to access the learning at any time, from any
location, on any device, it helps the business save time.

o Internet safety- The responsibility of network administrators in securing systems

within the organisation is highlighted in cyber security courses. Step-by-step
instructions on how to enforce safe and secure working practises and create secure
passwords are also included in these courses. Some even have simulations that
illustrate the results of ignoring secure policies and procedures.
o Diversity - Organisations are becoming more conscious of the advantages of
diversity training that go beyond complying with a legal need. First, since all co-
workers treat them fairly, it enhances the wellbeing of all employees. Two, it fosters
better communication and collaboration among staff members, even those from
various backgrounds, nationalities, or departments. Last but not least, diversity
training increases engagement, which in turn improves performance, productivity,
and an organization's bottom line.


Question 8
Review the following documents:

o Attached AQTF user guide (Student resources)

o https://www.asqa.gov.au/standards/chapter-4
In relation to conducting assessment, review and list the compliance requirements and
obligations under each framework. Also list and describe the principles of assessment and
the rules of evidence as part of your review.

Compliance requirements and obligations under each framework.

Certificate level
Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III* Certificate IV^
0.5 – 1 year 0.5 – 1 year 1 – 2 years 0.5 – 2 years
600 – 1200 600 – 1200 1200 – 2400 600 – 2400
hours hours hours hours

* Certificate III qualifications are often the basis for trade outcomes and undertaken
as part of a traineeship or apprenticeship. In these cases, up to four years may be
required to achieve the learning outcomes.

^ Certificate IV qualifications are often either:

 shorter-duration specialist qualifications that build on existing skills and

 longer-duration qualifications that are designed as entry-level requirements for
specific work roles.
Diploma Level

Diploma Advanced Graduate Graduate

Diploma Certificate Diploma
1 – 2 years 1.5 – 2 years 0.5 – 1 year 1 – 2 years
1200 – 2400 1800 – 2400 600 – 1200 1200 – 2400
hours hours hours hours
Training product
 Ensure that you clearly identify the training product to which the strategy relates.
 Include the code and full title to ensure this is clear.
Core and elective components (full qualifications)
 If delivering a full qualification, identify core and elective components in accordance
with the structure defined in the training package or course.
 Define which elective units or modules are being offered so you can properly plan for
all delivery variables.
 Identify any entry requirements, as well as pre-requisite and co-requisite units, and the
sequencing of delivery and assessment.
Target group
 Ensure that you clearly identify the target group and student characteristics in each
strategy. Each strategy needs to be tailored to each target group. For example, a
recognition of prior learning strategy may be utilised for students with previous
knowledge, skills and work experience.
Mode of delivery
 Identify how the training and assessment is to be delivered—face-to-face, online,
through workplace training or a mixture of different modes.
Entry requirements
 Identify any mandatory requirements for students commencing the program, such as
qualifications that must be held or a period of industry experience. You should also
clearly identify where any entry requirements are set by your RTO and are not an
entry requirement of the training product.
 At this stage, it can also be useful to identify:
o any areas where students may need additional support (e.g. if they have
limited English-language skills)
o whether students’ physical attributes may influence their ability to complete the
training and assessment (e.g. if heavy lifting is required).
Duration and scheduling
 Analyse the nature of your student cohort. Use the analysis and any specific
requirements of the training package to determine the amount of training for each
cohort, the duration of the program and how your RTO will schedule training and
assessment activities to ensure students are able to fully develop the required skills
and knowledge prior to being assessed.
 It may be necessary to indicate variations for some cohorts due to their specific
learning needs.
Assessment resources, methods and timing
 Training packages and VET accredited courses often specify resources that must be
used in assessment at a unit of competency level. Include details of how you will
ensure students have access to the resources that will give them the best chance of
completing their study.
 Identify:
o assessment resources
o assessment methods
o timing of assessment
o any training package requirements in relation to the training and assessment
practices (such as mandatory work placement hours and how this is structured
into the course delivery)
o any adjustments that may be needed to cater for different student
Learning resources
 To ensure students are able to obtain and absorb the required knowledge and skills
prior to assessment, carefully choose and plan the learning resources you will use to
guide them.
 Identify these resources in your strategy to ensure you obtain full coverage of all
required areas.
Human resources
 Either in a strategy or separately, document the human resources available to deliver
the training product. This ensures suitable trainers and assessors are available for all
training products on your RTO’s scope of registration. Record this at a unit of
competency level to ensure any specific requirements are met, and to allow your RTO
to deploy staff efficiently.
Physical resources
 Compare the physical resources required to deliver a training product with the
resources available to your RTO. Many units of competency include detailed
specifications of the resources required, so conducting this analysis at a unit of
competency level ensures these requirements are addressed.
Strategies for ‘stand-alone’ single units or skill sets
 Develop and implement training and assessment strategies in the same way as you
would for a qualification, noting that some information may not be relevant, such as
information on core and elective units.
 Often, this type of delivery is aimed at an industry licence or accreditation. Identify all
of the requirements of that licence or accreditation in the strategy (including any
possible entry requirements such as minimum age) and explain how students can
readily attain the desired outcome. Identify any pre-requisite and co-requisite units,
and the sequence of delivery and assessment.
Strategies for assessment-only pathways

Where your RTO offers an assessment-only pathway, develop and implement

strategies that cover:

 assessment methods, timing and resources

 how issues will be addressed (for example, if a student does not achieve the
competency requirements).
The principles of assessment and the rules of evidence
Assessment (which includes Recognition of Prior Learning [RPL]):
• Meets the requirements of the Training Package or accredited course
• Is consistent with the training and assessment strategy
• Is valid, reliable, flexible and fair
• Focuses on the application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required
in the workplace
• Involves the collection of sufficient, valid, authentic and current evidence to enable a judgement to
be made about whether competency has been attained
• Confirms that workplace and regulatory requirements are met. Assessment is validated. Systems,
processes, tools and practices are improved.

• Meeting Training Package/accredited course requirements

• Assessing validly, reliably, flexibly and fairly
• Determining the standard of performance required
• Ensuring that evidence is sufficient, valid, authentic and current
• Incorporating workplace and regulatory requirements
• Validating assessment tools and evidence
• Improving systems, processes, tools and practices
Training and assessment are the most common way of doling out grades to specific items in view of
a standard to check whether the understudy is exceptional to turn into an expert in work or in taking
up additional examinations. Here are the highlights that prove high-quality training and assessment:

(1) Trainers have competent skills in their field

(2) Trainers have the ability to teach and quality facilities set by the National Quality Council

(3) The trainer is able to explain in detail the subjects given and is open to receiving feedback from

Question 9

Review the documents in the previous question, as well as the following:

In relation to learning resources, review and list compliance requirements and obligations
under each framework, as well as best practice standards for learning resources as per the
international standards as above.
List and explain at least three criteria that you would use to source learning resources based
on these standards.
Compliance requirements and obligations under each framework

1. Learner
• Set professional Goals
• Participate in PLNs
• Keep Current on Research
2. Leader
• Advance a Shared Vision
• Advocate for Equitable Access
• Model Digital Tool Use
3. Citizen
• Create Positive Experiences
• Evaluate Resources for Credibility
• Teach Safe, Legal, Ethical Practices
• Model Digital Privacy
4. Collaborator
• Collaborate with colleagues
• Learn alongside Students
• Use Collaborative Tools
• Demonstrate Cultural Competency
5. Designer
• Accommodate Learner Differences
• Design Authentic Learning Activities
• Create Innovative Learning Environments

6. Facilitator
• Foster Student Ownership of Learning
• Foster Classroom Management of Tech
• Teach Computational and Design Thinking
• Model and Nurture Creativity
7. Analyst
• Offer Alternative Assessments
• Use Tech to Create Assessments
• Use Data to Guide Progress

 Take into consideration individual needs and learning styles:

Choose materials that present information in a variety of ways. Using mixed
media (text, video, images, real world examples, graphs, etc.) make
information more interesting and address learners’ different learning styles.

 Make sure the materials support learning objectives:

Provide a wide range of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum
and course objectives. The instructional materials should reinforce and
supplement, not substitute for, the teacher’s teaching efforts.

 Make the materials clear and accessible:

Make sure learners have sufficient background knowledge to comprehend the
learning materials.

Question 10

Identify and describe an example of each of the below that would be relevant to a person
working in a learning and development role. Describe how each is relevant.

A. Legislation
B. Code Of Practices
C. National Standards.

The right application of the law is necessary because it is through this that one can learn
crucial components. Additionally, it will guarantee effectiveness. For instance, if a company
publishes a new set of learning and development guidelines, all employees are obligated to
abide by them. People seem to have a rule or set of legal principles predetermined in their
minds when they consider about legislation. The barriers to territory and kingdom act, which
may be implemented at any time in the kingdom, as well as the commonwealth act are both
in force throughout Australia.
A code of Ethics:
A set of guiding principles known as a code of ethics in business is meant to ensure that a
company and its personnel behave honestly and honourably in all areas of day-to-day
operations and to only take actions that benefit society.
A business that creates a code of ethics outlining all the ways the business should act
honestly and ethically in its daily operations, from how its employees behave and interact
with clients to the types of people it does business with, such as suppliers and advertising
agencies, is an example of a code of ethics.
A national standard:
When interacting with all of our clients and staff, Governance Institute of Australia
(Governance Institute) upholds the highest values of honesty, integrity, respect, and
The highest standards of professional behaviour and ethical conduct must be upheld by all
members of the Governance Institute in all of their activities. By upholding these principles,
members improve their own reputations as corporate managers and foster greater public
trust in corporate governance and management.
The Code outlines what are believed to be suitable norms of professional conduct because a
member's actions can reflect on the larger field of corporate management as well as the
membership of the Governance Institute as a whole.

Question 11

Identify and describe two technology and systems requirements that should ideally be in
place to facilitate the implementation of an organisational learning strategy

To make organisational learning techniques easier to apply, suitable IT systems and

technology should be available.

This includes having internet technology that is expected to be able to employ digital
technology such as;

• Cloud Systems,
• Cyber Security, etc.
• Equipment, i.e. Purchase laptops or PCs that can help boost staff productivity.
• Storage space should be made available to facilitate apps for organisational
learning methodologies.

IT technology and systems should ideally exist to facilitate the implementation of

organizational learning strategies, namely having internet technology that continues to
increase which is expected to be able to use digital technology such as Cloud Systems,
Cyber security, etc.

Hardware, i.e. Get computers or laptops that help increase employee productivity. Provide
storage space to support applications needed in implementing organizational learning

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Assessment Checklist – for

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is


Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of legislation, codes of practice Yes No
and national standards relevant to job role? (Please circle)

Yes No
Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of organisational technology and
systems requirements to support an organisational learning strategy? (Please circle)

Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of consultation and Yes No

communication processes?
(Please circle)

Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of common approaches to Yes No

learning strategy design?
(Please circle)

Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of relevant continuous Yes No

improvement processes associated with organisational learning and
development strategies? (Please circle)

Did the learner have sufficient knowledge evaluation strategies? Yes No

(Please circle)

Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of quality management Yes No

compliance requirements as it relates to organisational learning?
(Please circle)

Did the learner have sufficient knowledge of legislation, codes of practice Yes No
and national standards relevant to job role?
(Please circle)

Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory

Assessment Task 2: Project Work

Instructions to Learners:
In this task, you are required to develop a report on organisational learning strategies for
AYMA SERVICES. You are then required to write an organisational learning strategy and
policies and procedures for the company. Strategic business plan for AYMA SERVICES and
all the required policy and procedures templates are available in Moodle student’s resources

You will need access to:

o Simulated business environment including a meeting space and computer and

internet access
o Access to “Break Out Room” in Microsoft teams or GoToMeeting if this unit of study
delivered online
o Assessment and Recognition Policy and Procedures Template
o External Training Procurement Policy and Procedures Template
o Learning and Development Policy and Procedures Template
o Learning Strategies Report Template
o Organisational Learning Strategy Template
o Performance Appraisal Policy and Procedures
o Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures.
o Strategic Business Plan.
AYMA SERVICES is a consultancy organisation who are providing leadership and
management development services. The company specialises in the following areas:
o Coaching
o Mentoring
o training
o Management consultation and Management program evaluation
o Development of resources, tools and technologies and provide expert advice
o Leading organisations through the process of creating a leadership culture
o Recognising and celebrating excellence in leadership.
Organisational structure:
 Chief executive officer (CEO)
 General Manager (You, newly appointed),
 Manager (Operations)
 Principal Consultants(five),
 Trainers (Ten)
 HR manager
 HR team members(two)

AYMA SERVICES also has a Board consisting of the CEO and General Manager, as well as
two Executive Directors who are company shareholders.

This organisation recently developed a Strategic Plan to guide the organisation over the next
three years. One of the key objectives of the Strategic Plan is for AYMA SERVICES to
become established as a learning organisation.

You are the newly appointed General Manager and the CEO has given you the task of
developing, implementing and monitoring an organisational learning strategy for AYMA
SERVICES, as the first step towards establishing AYMA SERVICES a learning organisation.
Instruction: Carefully read the following and answer the following

1. Write a learning strategies report- Please use the separate template file
#4.from-additional reading file “Learning strategies report”. No-need to place
the answer here Thanks.
You are required to lead learning strategy formation by researching and evaluating
organisational learning approaches and methods, examining options for organisational
learning, including an assessment of the organisation’s strategic requirements and
processes that are in place and then making recommendations for an organisational learning

Conduct research, analysis and evaluation and develop a report that includes the following:

o An evaluation of a range of methods and approaches to learning and workplace

training and how they would support the company’s strategic requirements as
documented in the Strategic Business Plan. Describe a minimum of three methods
and approaches to organisational learning.
o An analysis of how organisational learning can contribute to a company’s ability to
grow and develop.
o A review of the company’s existing policies and procedures relevant to
organisational learning/training and assessment and any current gaps. These are:
 Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures.
 Performance Appraisal Policy and Procedures
o A review of current best practice for policies and processes that support
organisational learning: what are they and what should they include?
o Recommendations for the structure and content of the company’s organisational
learning strategy. Recommendations should be based on your research and the
company’s strategic requirements and policies discussed above.
o Define the ideal technological and systems requirements for an organisational
learning strategy and compare to what is currently in place.
o Define and document communication and consultation process that can be used to
support development and implementation of organisational learning strategy.
o Recommend procedures that can be incorporated into the organisational learning
strategy to systematically liaise with educators/instructors, learners and others to
monitor the extent to which learning strategies and learning resources are achieving
the organisational learning targets.
o Use the Learning Strategies Report Template to guide your work.
2. Consultation (Role play) (Please create a script separately and I will do a
recording for this to submit. Thank you very much)
You are required to form a group of 2-3 learners to conduct a role play session. Each learner
takes turns to play their role as a manager (they can be any of the managers described in
the case study organisation i.e., AYMA SERVICES) where your trainer can play the role of
company’s CEO. Other learners will play their roles as consultants and teammates.

Now that you have completed the research at Task 2.2, it’s time to consult with the CEO to:
o outline your findings and ideas

o discuss the impact of your recommendations on the organisation

o examine and review the options for deploying new policies and procedures needed
across the organisation
During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills
o Speaking clearly and concisely using language relevant to the audience

o Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

o Asking questions to identify required information

o Responding to questions as required

o Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

You must take notes on the feedback that you receive.

3. Design and develop an organisational learning strategy
Using the feedback that you received from CEO at the meeting as well as the information
you researched and evaluated for your report, create a draft organisational learning strategy
Your strategy should:
o Address the overall organisational requirements for an organisational learning
strategy, as well as specific instructor and learner requirements, building on from
the Learning Strategies Report you developed.
o Include relevant units of competency as given in the feedback provided to you at the
o Set out the learning and assessment strategies that you have developed while
researching you report and during the meeting. Each strategy should allow some
flexibility, so it is more responsive to any changed circumstances or priorities.
o Include procedures to systematically liaise with educators/instructors, learners and
others to monitor the extent to which learning strategies and learning resources are
achieving the organisational learning targets.
o For each strategy, include responsibilities, timelines, resources and performance


Organisational Learning Strategy

The Organizational Learning Strategy for AYMA Services Employees is designed to
address the company's overall requirements for fostering a culture of continuous
learning and development. This strategy aims to support the growth and success of
the organization by equipping employees with the necessary knowledge, skills, and
capabilities to excel in their roles and contribute to the achievement of strategic
objectives. By establishing effective learning and assessment strategies, as well as
establishing procedures for monitoring progress, we seek to create a learning
environment that is responsive, adaptive, and aligned with the evolving needs of our
employees and the organization as a whole.
1.Foster a Learning Culture: Create an organizational culture that values and
promotes continuous learning, innovation, and knowledge sharing among all
2.Enhance Employee Competencies: Provide targeted learning opportunities and
resources to develop and enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of our
employees in alignment with their roles and career aspirations.
3.Support Organizational Goals: Ensure that learning and development initiatives are
directly linked to the strategic objectives of AYMA Services Employees, enabling
employees to contribute effectively to the organization's success.
4.Facilitate Change and Adaptability: Equip employees with the necessary skills and
mindset to embrace change, adapt to new technologies and methodologies, and
proactively seek opportunities for growth and development.
The need for an Organizational Learning Strategy arises from our commitment to
becoming a learning organization as outlined in our Learning Strategy Plan. By
adopting a strategic approach to learning and development, we aim to build a
workforce that is agile, innovative, and capable of responding to the dynamic
challenges of the industry. Through this strategy, we seek to empower our
employees to excel in their roles, drive performance, and contribute to the long-term
sustainability and competitiveness of AYMA Services Employees.

The Organizational Learning Strategy has been developed to serve several key
1.Enhance Employee Performance: The primary purpose of this strategy is to
improve the performance and effectiveness of our employees. By providing them
with targeted learning opportunities and resources, we aim to enhance their skills,
knowledge, and competencies, enabling them to excel in their roles and contribute to
the overall success of AYMA Services Employees.
2.Drive Innovation and Adaptability: In today's rapidly evolving business landscape,
organizations must be agile and adaptable to remain competitive. Our learning
strategy is designed to foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement,
equipping employees with the necessary tools and mindset to embrace change,
explore new ideas, and contribute to the organization's growth and success.
3.Align Learning with Organizational Goals: The strategy aims to ensure that
learning and development initiatives are closely aligned with the strategic objectives
of AYMA Services Employees. By identifying the specific knowledge and skills
required to achieve our goals, we can design learning programs that directly support
and contribute to the organization's overall mission and vision.
4.Foster a Learning Culture: Another crucial purpose of this strategy is to cultivate a
learning culture within our organization. By valuing and promoting continuous
learning, knowledge sharing, and personal growth, we aim to create an environment
where employees are motivated to seek new knowledge, collaborate with their
peers, and continuously develop their professional skills.
5.Retain and Attract Top Talent: An effective learning strategy is essential for
attracting and retaining top talent in today's competitive job market. By offering
robust learning and development opportunities, we demonstrate our commitment to
the growth and success of our employees, making AYMA Services Employees an
attractive workplace for skilled professionals seeking professional development and
career advancement.
6.Monitor and Evaluate Progress: The strategy includes procedures for
systematically monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our learning initiatives.
By assessing the impact and outcomes of our learning programs, we can identify
areas of improvement, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that we are
continuously progressing towards our organizational learning targets.
By addressing these purposes, the Organizational Learning Strategy aims to create
a supportive and dynamic learning environment that empowers employees, drives
organizational growth, and positions AYMA Services Employees as a leader in the

We are fully committed to establishing a culture of organizational learning that drives
continuous improvement, fosters innovation, and supports the growth and
development of our employees. We recognize that learning is a strategic imperative
for our organization's long-term success and competitiveness in the dynamic
business landscape. Our commitment to organizational learning is rooted in the
following principles:
1.Continuous Improvement: We believe in the power of continuous learning and
improvement. We are dedicated to providing our employees with ongoing
opportunities to enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and develop new
competencies. We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work and actively seek
ways to learn from our experiences, embrace feedback, and implement best
2.Empowerment and Support: We are committed to empowering our employees by
providing them with the necessary resources, tools, and support to engage in
meaningful and impactful learning experiences. We foster an environment that
encourages curiosity, collaboration, and the pursuit of personal and professional
growth. We recognize that individual development contributes to the collective
success of our organization.
3.Alignment with Strategic Objectives: We understand the importance of aligning our
learning initiatives with the strategic objectives of AYMA Services goals, whether it's
enhancing client service, expanding our service offerings, or driving operational
efficiency. We believe that a well-aligned learning strategy enables us to maximize
our impact and drive positive outcomes.
4.Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: We value the power of knowledge sharing
and collaboration among our employees. We promote a culture where individuals
freely exchange ideas, insights, and expertise, fostering a collaborative learning
environment. We encourage cross-functional collaboration, mentorship, and the
recognition of diverse perspectives, as we believe that collective learning enriches
our organization and enables us to deliver exceptional value to our clients.
5.Evaluation and Continuous Monitoring: We are committed to continuously
monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our learning initiatives. We believe in
data-driven decision-making and regularly assess the impact and outcomes of our
learning programs. By gathering feedback, analyzing results, and making data-
informed improvements, we ensure that our learning strategies are relevant,
impactful, and aligned with the evolving needs of our employees and the
This statement of commitment reflects our dedication to building a learning
organization that embraces change, fosters growth, and stays at the forefront of our
industry. We are committed to investing in the learning and development of our
employees, creating a supportive and engaging learning environment, and
leveraging knowledge and expertise to drive the success of AYMA Services and our

Organisational Requirements
To ensure the effectiveness and success of our organizational learning strategy at
AYMA Services, we have identified the following key requirements:
1.Alignment with Strategic Goals: Our learning technique should be firmly lined up
with the essential objectives and targets of the association. It ought to help the
development and advancement of our business, add to upgrading client fulfillment,
and empower us to remain in front of industry patterns and rivalry. Learning drives
ought to be planned with a reasonable comprehension of what they straightforwardly
mean for the association's general achievement.
2.Integration with Human Resources Policies: The learning methodology ought to be
incorporated with our current HR arrangements and systems. This incorporates
enlistment, choice, onboarding, execution examination, and vocation improvement
processes. By adjusting our learning drives to these strategies, we can guarantee a
consistent and reliable way to deal with worker improvement all through their
excursion at AYMA Services.
3.Resource Allocation: Sufficient assets, both monetary and mechanical, should be
apportioned to help the execution of the learning system. This incorporates financial
plan arrangements for preparing programs, learning materials, learning the board
frameworks, innovative foundation, and expert improvement open doors for
teachers. We perceive that putting resources into learning assets is fundamental to
establish a helpful learning climate.
4.Stakeholder Engagement: Connecting with partners, including workers, chiefs, and
leaders, is basic for the outcome of our learning procedure. Cooperation and open
correspondence channels ought to be laid out to comprehend the particular
advancing necessities, difficulties, and goals of various partner gatherings. Including
partners in the turn of events and execution of learning drives cultivates a feeling of
responsibility and improves the significance and viability of the system.
5.Learner-Centric Approach: Our learning technique ought to embrace a student
driven approach that considers the different necessities, inclinations, and learning
styles of our representatives. Personalization and customization of growth
opportunities, where achievable, can altogether improve commitment and
information maintenance. Offering an assortment of learning modalities, for example,
e-learning, homeroom preparing, instructing, and coaching, guarantees adaptability
and takes care of various learning inclinations.
6.Instructor Development and Support: Instructors assume an essential part in
conveying viable growth opportunities. Our system ought to incorporate measures to
create and uphold teachers, furnishing them with the essential abilities, assets, and
expert improvement open doors. This can incorporate preparation programs for
teachers, coaching programs, networks of training, and ordinary input and
assessment components to upgrade their educational abilities.
By addressing these organizational requirements, our learning strategy will be well-
positioned to drive organizational growth, foster employee development, and ensure
the continuous enhancement of our capabilities and expertise at AYMA Services.
Units of Competency
In fostering our authoritative learning methodology at AYMA Services, we have
recognized five applicable units of capability that line up with the criticism got at the
gathering. These units of capability will act as preparing choices to help the
development and advancement of our workers. The chose units of skill are as per
the following:
 Leadership and Management
 Communication and Collaboration
 Professional Development
 Customer Service Excellence
 Innovation and Adaptability
These units of competency encompass essential skills and knowledge that are
relevant to our organizational objectives and the professional growth of our
employees. Each unit of competency represents a specific area of expertise that is
crucial for their roles and responsibilities at AYMA Services. By providing training
opportunities in these areas, we aim to enhance their competencies, improve
performance, and foster a culture of continuous learning and development.
Communication Procedures
To ensure effective communication and collaboration with educators, learners, and
other stakeholders, we have established the following procedures as part of our
organizational learning strategy at AYMA Services. These procedures aim to
systematically monitor the progress and effectiveness of our learning strategies and
resources in achieving organizational learning targets:
1.Regular Meetings and Updates:
• Audience: Educators, learners, and relevant stakeholders.
• Process: Conduct regular meetings to provide updates on the learning
strategies, progress, and any changes or adjustments.
• Delivery Method: In-person meetings, virtual meetings (video conferences),
or a combination of both.
• Frequency and Duration: Monthly or quarterly meetings, with a duration of 1-
2 hours, depending on the scope and scale of the learning initiatives.
• Assessment: Feedback and discussion during meetings, capturing
suggestions, concerns, and insights from educators, learners, and

2.Online Communication Platforms:

• Audience: Educators, learners, and relevant stakeholders.
• Process: Utilize online communication platforms, such as collaboration tools,
discussion forums, or learning management systems, to facilitate ongoing
communication and information sharing.
• Delivery Method: Online platforms accessible to all stakeholders, allowing for
real-time communication and asynchronous discussions.
• Frequency and Duration: Continuous availability for discussions and
updates, with responses provided within a reasonable timeframe.
• Assessment: Monitoring of engagement, participation levels, and the quality
of discussions on the online platforms.
3.Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms:
• Audience: Educators, learners, and relevant stakeholders.
• Process: Regularly collect feedback through surveys and feedback
mechanisms to gauge satisfaction levels, identify areas for improvement, and
gather suggestions for enhancing learning strategies and resources.
• Delivery Method: Online surveys, feedback forms, or structured interviews.
• Frequency and Duration: Surveys conducted annually or biannually, with
additional ad-hoc surveys when necessary. Feedback mechanisms available
throughout the year.
• Assessment: Analysis of survey responses, identification of trends, and
action plans based on feedback received.
4.Performance and Progress Reviews:
• Audience: Educators, learners, and relevant stakeholders.
• Process: Conduct periodic performance and progress reviews to assess the
effectiveness of learning strategies and resources in achieving organizational
learning targets. These reviews can be part of regular performance appraisal
processes or dedicated learning evaluation sessions.
• Delivery Method: One-on-one discussions, performance review meetings, or
dedicated evaluation sessions.
• Frequency and Duration: Aligned with existing performance appraisal cycles
or scheduled separately at appropriate intervals.
• Assessment: Evaluation of learning outcomes, identification of gaps or areas
of improvement, and formulation of action plans for further development.
5.Continuous Improvement Initiatives:
• Audience: Educators, learners, and relevant stakeholders.
• Process: Establish mechanisms to encourage and capture suggestions and
ideas for continuous improvement of learning strategies and resources. This
can include suggestion boxes, improvement suggestion forms, or designated
feedback channels.
• Delivery Method: Various channels, both online and offline, to accommodate
different preferences and comfort levels.
• Frequency and Duration: Ongoing availability for submitting improvement
• Assessment: Review and analysis of improvement suggestions,
implementation of viable ideas, and communication of outcomes to
By implementing these communication procedures, we will foster a culture of
transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement within our organization.
Regular interactions, feedback collection, and performance reviews will enable us to
monitor the effectiveness of our learning strategies and resources, identify areas for
enhancement, and ensure that we stay aligned with our organizational learning

4. Use the Organisational Learning Strategy Template to guide your work.

(Please use Template #6. - from additional reading file. No-need to place the
answer here Thanks.)

5. Write learning and development policy and procedures

Use the internet to research relevant policies and procedures and develop them into a
document that would be appropriate for the case study organisation.
Your policy and procedures should include the following:
o An introduction, giving the reasons that the document has been developed

o Purpose, setting out the document’s objectives

o Duties and responsibilities of staff and line managers.

o Procedures:

 Identifying Learning and Development needs and opportunities

 Study leave

 Funding
These must be appropriate for the company’s strategic requirements
Use the Learning and Development Policy and Procedures Template to guide your
Learning and Development Policy and Procedures

This archive sets out the methodology and frameworks used by the Library for the learning and
advancement systems and strategy the essential avocation behind progress is the need to
guarantee people have the right. As per worker readiness and improvement, this strategy and
method distinguishes exercises taken by the Trust, as well as the obligations of staff at all levels to
guarantee that the Trust upholds areas of strength for an of learning and predictable results.


● It will guarantee that all preparation and improvement exercises for representatives are planned,
checked, and conveyed in a sensible and significant way.

●All solicitations for preparing and improvement exercises for representatives will be investigated
for legitimateness and significance.

●Fragment packs will be confirmed and indicated as lawfully expected before admission to
preparing and headway exercises. In like manner, explicit projects will be created to manage the
issues of under-tended to and minority bunches in the work market.

Duties and responsibilities

Staff are required to:

●To plan and further develop all Trust workers by teaming up with and propelling strong practices
around here.

●To recommend to other Trust Panels what should be finished and what resources ought to be

Line Managers are required to:

To guarantee that workers go to required preparing occasions, like Enlistments, and to monitor
individual representatives who neglect to go to required acknowledgment/necessary readiness,
bringing the problem to the consideration of the important Chief assuming they tenaciously neglect
to take an interest.

• Preparing Need Analysis Process
• Examination and Personal advancement audit Scheme
• Acceptance Procedure
• Required Training technique
• Staff Training Prospectus

Study leave

Study leave is for a restriction of 10 working days for every annum (proficient rate for low support)
and is to be used for undertaking review for tests or other business-related examinations, and all
get-togethers. Staff should apply to focus on giving to their line manager/head of discipline who will
support applications given that he/she reasons that the audit leave time will be put to appropriate
use and that assist needs with willing be met during the solitary's nonattendance.

The HR Directorate will have a Focal Staff Preparing and Improvement (CPD) spending
plan. This will be meticulously centered around to ensure that the confined sponsoring open
is apportioned to achieve most noteworthy benefit.

6. Develop compliant assessment and recognition policies and procedures

Use the internet to research relevant policies and procedures and develop them into a
document that would be appropriate for the case study organisation.
These must be appropriate for the company’s strategic requirements
Use the Assessment and Recognition Policy and Procedures Template to guide your

AYMA Services
Assessment and Recognition Policy and Procedures
The purpose of this policy is to establish a fair and consistent framework for assessing and
recognizing the knowledge, skills, and competencies of employees at Grow Management
Consultants. It aims to provide a transparent process that promotes professional growth,
identifies areas for improvement, and rewards outstanding performance.

1.Fairness and Equity: The assessment and recognition process will be fair and
equitable, ensuring that all employees are given equal opportunities based on
objective criteria.
2.Validity and Reliability: The assessment methods used will be valid and reliable,
accurately measuring the required competencies and performance standards.
3.Transparency and Communication: The assessment criteria, procedures, and
outcomes will be communicated clearly to employees, fostering transparency and
4.Continuous Improvement: The assessment and recognition process will be
regularly reviewed and improved to ensure its effectiveness in supporting employee
development and organizational goals.

 Actively participate in the assessment process by providing accurate and timely

information about their work performance, achievements, and development needs.
 Engage in self-reflection and identify areas for improvement to enhance their
professional growth.
 Seek feedback and clarification from their supervisors regarding assessment criteria
and performance expectations.
2.Line Managers:

 Conduct regular performance assessments based on agreed-upon criteria and

performance standards.
 Provide timely and constructive feedback to employees, highlighting strengths and
areas for development.
 Collaborate with employees to set performance improvement goals and
development plans.
 Ensure the assessment process is fair, objective, and consistent across the
Recognition Policy
AYMA Services recognizes and values exceptional employee performance and contributions.
The following principles guide the recognition process:
1.Merit-Based Recognition: Recognition will be based on merit, rewarding
employees who consistently exceed expectations and demonstrate exceptional
2.Diverse Recognition Methods: Recognition may take various forms, including
verbal appreciation, written recognition, public acknowledgment, awards,
promotions, and other non-monetary incentives.
3.Timely Recognition: Recognitions will be provided in a timely manner to reinforce
positive behavior and motivate employees.
4.Transparency: The criteria for recognition will be clearly communicated to
employees, ensuring transparency and understanding.
These policies and procedures ensure that assessments are conducted in a fair and
transparent manner, providing employees with feedback and recognition that supports their
professional growth and motivates them to excel in their roles at Grow Management
7. Develop procurement and supply policy and procedures.

Use the internet to research relevant policies and procedures and develop them into a
document that would be appropriate for the case study organisation.
They should also be relevant to the supply of training services by external providers and
should be appropriate for the company’s strategic requirements
Use the External Training Procurement Policy and Procedures Template to guide your

8. Source learning resources or assessment tools

Source two suitable learning resources or assessment tools that can be used for staff
training as outlined in your strategy. These can be sourced from anywhere, and if necessary,
you should modify them so they are fit for purpose. Ensure they align with your strategy and
cover one of the areas of need as outlined.
Most Common Sources of Formative Assessment Data
1. Warm-Ups (Bell Ringers)
Formative assessment data can be gleaned through warm-ups. While the teacher is
taking attendance and doing other housekeeping activities during class warm-ups,
students are left with nothing to do. The warm-up task gives students an ambiguous
start to class and a chance to shut down, which sets the stage for inefficiency
(especially if the warm-up questions are too demanding).While this is a common
occurrence, I've also seen teachers use warm-up questions to gauge how well their
pupils absorbed the previous day's work or work from days prior. Teachers in this
situation might adapt their instruction based on the achievement of their pupils during
the warm-up activity.
2. Checks-for-Understanding
Teachers receive formative evaluation data about where their pupils are in their
learning everytime they ask the class a question during instruction. However, it is not
uncommon for the same three or four students to answer all of the questions during an
examination (and are usually right). There is a risk that the results will be biased and
not accurately represent the level of mastery achieved by the class. Many teachers use
individual student whiteboards to reduce this effect, allowing them to easily assess the
progress of all students while teaching. There are teachers who let their students use
Post-It® cards to indicate their understanding or who let them anonymously ask
questions about the subject matter on enormous diagrams or charts. Students'
understanding can be assessed more effectively (and with greater engagement) using
electronic devices like clickers, iPads, Kahoot, and even smartphone polls. These
devices provide numerous opportunities for formative assessment.
3. Homework
Students use homework to put their newly acquired knowledge and skills to the test.
Meaningful homework assignments can give teachers useful information about where
their students are in their comprehension during formative assessment time. Even if
teachers only look at a small sample of the homework assignments, they can get a
good idea of how far their pupils have come in mastering the content. When students'
homework is meaningless, teachers are unable to use it as a teaching tool.
4. Classwork
Working in class gives a wealth of information regarding a student's mastery, much like
homework. Teachers can measure students' understanding while also gauging how
effective the lesson was as they move among students finishing up classwork. You can
go back and fix misunderstandings far more easily in class than you can when the
teacher finds out too late and must reteach the entire unit. Formative assessment data
can be found in the classwork itself, which is among the best sources a teacher has.
5. Student Self-Assessments
Teachers may poll students at certain points in the lesson to see where they believe
they are in their understanding, especially when teaching more difficult subject matter.
To accomplish this, I recommend heads-down voting, which allows kids to answer
honestly and without feeling compelled to vote because their peers are doing so. Using
the following scale (which I present in the classroom), students cast their votes with
their heads down.
6. Mini-Presentations
When students have some free time in the classroom, mini-presentations are a terrific
way for them to showcase their work or what they've learned.
This type of presentation accomplishes three things: First, students show that they
understand the material, and then, second, they see and hear their peers discuss the
material in ways that help struggling students understand it better (peer paraphrasing),
and third, by putting on a public show of mastery, they are more likely to take their
learning seriously and do better work.
Remember that these presentations don't have to contain a lot of information in order
to be successful. In fact, it's advisable to start small and work your way up.
7. Peer Evaluation/Scoring
When students use a rubric to evaluate or grade one other's work (especially a work-
in-progress), they accomplish numerous things: Student familiarity with the rubric's
language and standards of rigor is compelled; students converse about the quality of
each other's work and how to improve it; teachers receive formative data regarding
student progress in their work and mastery of the standard before the assignment is
1. https://kanbanize.com/lean-management/improvement/what-is-continuous-
2. Self-guide BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development
9. Submit your complete work
Make sure your work covers all of the requirements above, that you have provided enough
detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.
You are required to submit the following documents in the learning management system
 Organisational Learning Strategies
 Learning and Development Policy and Procedures
 Assessment and Recognition Policy and Procedures
 External Training Procurement Policy and Procedures
 2 x learning resources or assessment tools (modified if necessary)
(I created different files for the documents, and provided 2 learning resources links)
Learning Resources
1. https://kanbanize.com/lean-management/improvement/what-is-continuous-
2. Self-guide BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development

Assessment Task 2: Project Work Checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Did the learner correctly evaluate a variety of methods to learning and Yes No
workplace training and assess whether they could be used to achieve the
company’s strategic requirements? (Please circle)

Yes No
Did the learner correctly describe the contribution that organisational
learning can make to a company’s competitiveness? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly ensure that key stakeholders confirm their Yes No
approval of their approaches to organisational learning?
(Please circle)

Did the learner correctly research and review a variety of processes and Yes No
policies that AYMA SERVICES could use to support organisational
learning in the organisation? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly research and develop an organisational learning Yes No
strategy that supports the organisation’s strategic business requirements
and the existing policies and procedures? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly research and plan any technological Yes No
requirements and/or systems requirements that will be needed to support
their organisational learning strategy? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly ensure that their organisational learning strategy Yes No
aligns with the existing human resources requirements and the
organisation’s learning requirements? (Please circle)

Yes No
During the meeting, did the learner correctly demonstrate effective
communication skills including: (Please circle)
 Speaking clearly and concisely using language relevant to the
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding?
Did the learner correctly develop an organisational learning strategy that Yes No
satisfies the instructors’, the learners’ and the organisation’s
requirements? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly include relevant units of competency in their Yes No
organisational learning strategy?
(Please circle)

Did the learner correctly develop organisational learning strategies that Yes No
are flexible?
(Please circle)

Did the learner correctly develop organisational learning strategies that Yes No
can be altered in response to changed circumstances and priorities?
(Please circle)

Did the learner correctly develop learning and assessment strategies that Yes No
will support the company’s
strategic requirements? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly describe what resources will be required to Yes No
implement the proposed organisational learning strategies?
(Please circle)

Did the learner correctly develop procedures to ensure that management Yes No
and staff contribute to assessing how well the learning strategies achieve
the organisation’s strategic learning targets? (Please circle)

Yes No
Did the learner correctly develop learning and development policies and
procedures that comply with the company’s strategic requirements? (Please circle)

Yes No
Did the learner correctly develop assessment and recognition policies and
procedures that comply with the company’s strategic requirements? (Please circle)

Yes No
Did the learner correctly develop external training procurement policy and
procedures that comply with the company’s strategic requirements? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly source two learning resources or assessment Yes No
tools that meet the requirements of their organisational learning strategies
and modify if/as necessary? (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance
Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory

Assessment Task 3: Project Work

Instructions to Learners:
In this task, you are required to conduct a review and evaluation of the organisational
learning strategy and implement some changes.

You will need access to:

 Assessment and Recognition Policy and Procedures Template
 Learning Strategy Review Template
 Staff Survey Results 2019
 Staff Survey Results 2020
 Staff Learning Spreadsheet
It is just over a year since AYMA SERVICES adopted your Organisational Learning Strategy
and the three new policies that you developed. Since then, further recommendations were
implemented and the following policies and procedures were updated based on your
research and planning:

- Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures

- Performance Appraisal Policy and Procedures.

Due to the global pandemic of COVID19, the decision was made to not proceed with the
external training on emotional intelligence and to run online in-house training sessions to
keep employees protected and to save company funds during the financial recession that
the country faced. Other courses still went ahead that had been planned for but these were
all run online. All employees were set up with Microsoft teams accounts where live webinars
were run and recorded for later viewing. The training sessions were interactive and Microsoft
teams functioned smoothly.

As part of the ongoing assessment of the organisation’s learning management systems,

Human Resources has started adding all the learning opportunities that the staff have
undertaken over the year to their staff records. They have put these in a spreadsheet for
easier evaluation. Additionally, all staff are given an annual questionnaire to help assess
whether organisational learning targets are being met. You are required to use these
documents to assess the success of the organisational learning strategies that you have

Also, the CEO has asked you to review information on grants for skill development as they
would like to capitalise on any opportunities for employers to access funding for learning and
development. Determine how this could be integrated into the company’s Organisational
Learning Strategy.

1. Review the organisational learning strategy implementation.

Read through the following company documents:

 Staff Survey Results 2019
 Staff Survey Results 2020
 Staff Learning Spreadsheet
Your review should include evaluations of the following:
 The end-to-end implementation of the organisational learning strategy
 The performance of resources and people supporting organisational learning strategy
 How well learning strategies and learning resources achieve organisational learning
 Whether the intended strategic outcomes have been achieved through the
organisational learning strategy.
You should also determine:
 The changes that could be made to at least two of the company’s policies and
 Your plans for improving the company’s Organisational Learning Strategy
Use the Learning Strategy Review Template to guide your work.
AYMA Services
Learning Strategy Review
The organizational learning strategy is implemented to the daily routine of the
company. All training and learning are conducted in compliance with the
organizational learning strategy and other learning policy and procedures. All the
technology being used within the company, norms and conditions of the company,
surplus resources, confidentialities etc has within the boundaries of the one stated in
the organizational learning strategy developed. The only problems happening during
the implementation is that there is not enough time for the employees to learn all of
the training provided by the company.
The performance of the resources and people supporting organizational learning
strategy implementation is very good. All of the employees are trying hard to create
an environment where everyone can learn and share information to each other.
Creativity and the free exchange of ideas can only flow when employees have a
healthy work environment. All of the manager take responsibility to appreciate
employees who help foster a creative environment and approach employees who
have trouble doing so.
All the results of learning strategies and learning resources has achieved the
organizational learning target set by the organization. With the hard work of all of
the employees in the company, all of the employees are able to improve their
knowledge, information and performance due to the learning process provided by
the company.
The intended strategic outcomes have been achieved through organizational
learning strategy. Due to the improvement in performance from the learning
process, the company are able to achieved profits of at least 10% per annum. The
company are able to strengthen the skills of the employee, to better support
customer needs and ensuring that all staff work as effectively as possible, including
that clear performance measures are in place.
Recommended Document Changes
There should be some addition to the recruitment, selection, and induction policy
and procedure about the position description. The position description is the key
document used in determining the appropriate classification and level of a position.
An accurate position description helps the employee know what is expected by
clearly defining the work to be performed in relation to the overall goals of the work
Recommended Strategy Formation Improvements
Assessment of capability gaps and estimated value.
After companies identify their business priorities, they must verify that their
employees can deliver on them—a task that may be more difficult than it sounds.
After identifying the most essential capabilities for various functions or job
descriptions, companies should then assess how employees’ rate in each of these
areas. L&D interventions should seek to close these capability gaps.
Measurement of impact on business performance
Accurate measurement is not simple, and many organizations still rely on traditional
impact metrics such as learning-program satisfaction and completion scores. But
high-performing organizations focus on outcomes-based metrics such as impact on
individual performance, employee engagement, team effectiveness, and business-
process improvement.

1. Implement changes based on your review

Make the changes to the policies and procedures as outlined in your learning strategy review
and in the previous activity step and make changes to the strategy document also.
Save this version of the document as Updated Organisational Learning Strategy and any
policy changes with the name ‘Updated’ and highlight your changes so your trainer can
review the information easily.
Updated Organisational Learning Strategy

Organisational learning strategy

It is important for an organisation to implement organisation learning to improve the
of the employee and business of the organisation. A well-crafted and rigorously
organisational learning strategy can ensure that you’re learning and development
supports the business in achieving the strategic goals set forth by senior leaders.
Without a clear
strategy, learning and development organisations tend to lose focus and
The purpose of a strategy is to provide support to the company to gain knowledge
related to its
function and using that knowledge to adapt to a changing environment and increase
The organisation as a whole needs to learn and adapt for long term success
AYMA Services

Organizational learning strategy

It is important for an organization to implement organization learning to improve the
performance of the employee and business of the organization. A well-crafted and
rigorously executed organizational learning strategy can ensure that you’re learning
and development organization supports the business in achieving the strategic goals
set forth by senior leaders. Without a clear strategy, learning and development
organizations tend to lose focus and effectiveness.
The purpose of a strategy is to provide support to the company to gain knowledge
related to its function and using that knowledge to adapt to a changing environment
and increase efficiency. The organization as a whole need to learn and adapt for
long term success.

The company is committed to organizational learning. Employees from all
departments and at all seniority levels will commit to better themselves by complying
with the organizational policy related to organizational learning.
Assessment Of Capability Gaps And Estimated Value
After companies identify their business priorities, they must verify that their
employees can deliver on them—a task that may be more difficult than it sounds.
After identifying the most essential capabilities for various functions or job
descriptions, companies should then assess how employees’ rate in each of these
areas. L&D interventions should seek to close these capability gaps.
Measurement Of Impact On Business Performance
A learning strategy’s execution and impact should be measured using key
performance indicators (KPIs). The first indicator looks at business excellence: how
closely aligned all L&D initiatives and investments are with business priorities. The
second KPI looks at learning excellence: whether learning interventions change
people’s behavior and performance. Last, an operational-excellence KPI measures
how well investments and resources in the corporate academy are used.
Accurate measurement is not simple, and many organizations still rely on traditional
impact metrics such as learning-program satisfaction and completion scores. But
high performing organizations focus on outcomes-based metrics such as impact on
individual performance, employee engagement, team effectiveness, and business
process improvement.
Organizational requirements
System thinking is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a
system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within
the context of larger systems.
Personal Mastery is the process of living and working purposefully towards a vision,
in alignment with one's values and in a state of constant learning about oneself and
the reality in which one exists.
Mental models are personal, internal representations of external reality that people
use to interact with the world around them. They are constructed by individuals
based on their unique life experiences, perceptions, and understandings of the
Units of competency
A Unit of Competency is the smallest component of a Training Package that can be
assessed and recognized. It gives a description of the skills and knowledge required
to perform effectively to a specific standard in a particular workplace role or
Five relevant training:
•Classroom-Based Training Programs. Usually led by a qualified facilitator,
classroom learning takes place over one or more days in a physical venue on-
or off-site.
•Interactive Training. One of the most effective training methods in the
workplace, interactive training actively involves learners in their own learning
experience. This training can take the form of simulations, scenarios, role
plays, quizzes or games.
•On-The-Job Training. With on-the-job training, not only are employees
actively involved in learning, but they also participate in real activities that
relate to their current or future job.
•Social learning is commonly defined as learning from others by observing,
imitating and modelling their behaviour. Social learning can be a very
intentional workplace training method, too.
•ELearning, or online training, has become one of the most widely recognized
solutions to the challenge of how to train employees effectively.
Communication procedures
•Set clear goals and expectations.
•Ask clarifying questions.
•Schedule regular one-on-one meetings.
•Praise in public, criticize in private.
•Assume positive intent.
•Repeat important messages.
•Raise your words, not your voice.
•Hold town halls and cross-functional check-ins.

2. Present/submit your review findings and changes to the CEO

(Trainer/assessor play a role as a CEO of AYMA SERVICES)

You should present your work to the CEO along with an explanation of the changes you
have made and why ask them for their feedback.
You are required to submit the following documents to the Moodle:

 Learning Strategy Review

 Updated Policy and Procedures
 Updated Organisational Learning Strategy
(All are in the separate document)

Assessment Task 3: Project Work Checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Did the learner correctly evaluate the outcomes of the organisational Yes No
learning strategy implementation and implement changes by updating the
company’s policies and procedures to reflect their findings? (Please circle)

Yes No
Did the learner correctly monitor the results of their learning strategies
and the use of the learning resources they created, and determine (Please circle)
whether they helped the company achieve its learning targets?
Did the learner correctly evaluate the implementation of the company’s Yes No
Organisational Learning Strategy? (Please circle)

Did the learner correctly review the performance of staff and the
Yes No
resources supporting the company’s
(Please circle)
Organisational Learning Strategy implementation?

Did the learner correctly develop plans for improving the company’s Yes No
Organisational Learning Strategy? (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance

Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory
Competency record to be completed by assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)


Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory Yes No

(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner to Yes No
prove their competency across the entire unit?
(Please circle)

Learner is
Not yet competent Competent

Comments from trainer/assessor:

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