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Hydraulic fracturing simulation experiments of shale outcrops were first carried out.
Fracture morphology was observed for the first time by high-energy CT scanning.
The effects of multiple factors on fractures propagating in shale play were studied.
CT scanning images were combined with internal fractures photographs for analysis.
Hydraulic fracturing of horizontal well was simulated for shale specimens.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: ‘‘Stimulated reservoir volume’’ (SRV) makes it possible for commercial production of shale gas by means
Received 28 November 2013 of multistage fracturing of horizontal wells. However, the formation mechanism of effective fracture net-
Received in revised form 11 March 2014 work has not been well understood. The mechanism of fracture propagation in shale with hydraulic frac-
Accepted 13 March 2014
turing needs to be further explored, in order to realize the control on morphology of fracture network
Available online 26 March 2014
with SRV and increase the single well production of shale gas. In this article, the true triaxial test system
was deployed for horizontal well hydraulic fracturing simulation experiments of shale outcrops for the
first time. The effects of multiple factors on propagating rules of fractures of horizontal well in shale with
Stimulated reservoir volume
SRV were studied, and the fracture morphology of post-fracturing rock cores was observed for the first
Fracture propagation time by high-energy CT scanning using the large-scale non-destructive testing system based on linear
Horizontal in situ stress difference accelerator. The results show that the influence of flow rate (for SRV) on fracture complexity differs when
Flow rate its value falls in different intervals. When the horizontal in situ stress difference is less than 9 MPa, the
hydraulic fracture easily propagates along the natural fractures, forming a fracture network. In this range,
when the stress difference is increased, the appearance of the main hydraulic fracture contributes to
interconnecting more natural fractures, forming a relatively more complex fracture system. Under the
condition of the same horizontal stress difference, if the coefficient of stress difference Kh > 0.25, there
is an obvious trend to form single main fracture. The effects of viscosity of fracturing fluid and flow rate
on the fracture propagation can be expressed by the parameter ql. When the order of magnitude of ql-
value is 109 N m, it is favorable to the generation of fracture network, but too small or too large values
are both harmful. The development and cementing strength of depositional beddings seriously affect the
propagating complexity of fracture network with hydraulic fracturing. Refracturing helps to produce
some new fractures which are different from the initial ones, and better fracturing effect is achieved.
The fracture initiation morphology in perforation fracturing is closely related to the distribution of nat-
ural fractures (depositional bedding) around the perforations. If the pressure curve fluctuates signifi-
cantly, it is indicated that the shale core contains a large number of opened natural fractures or
depositional beddings before fracturing, which causes the serious loss of fracturing fluid in the propaga-
tion process.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0016-2361/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
374 T. Guo et al. / Fuel 128 (2014) 373–380
Table 1
Experiment program for hydraulic fracturing simulation of shale.
Sample number Triaxial stress (MPa) rm/rH/rh Completion method Displacement (ml/min) Fracturing fluid viscosity ( mPa s)
1# 25/15/12 Open hole 10 2.5
2# 25/15/12 Open hole 50 2.5
3# 25/15/12 Open hole 100 2.5
4# 25/18/12 Open hole 100 2.5
5# 25/18/12 Open hole 50 2.5
6# 25/18/6 Open hole 50 2.5
7# 25/18/9 Open hole 50 2.5
8# 25/18/9 Open hole 100 2.5
9# 25/9/6 Open hole 50 2.5
10# 25/12/6 Open hole 50 2.5
11# 9/12/6 Open hole 50 2.5
12# 25/15/12 Open hole 50 65
13# 25/14/8 Open hole 50 2.5
14# 25/15/12 Perforation 50 2.5
T. Guo et al. / Fuel 128 (2014) 373–380 375
Fig. 1. Fracture morphology after hydraulic fracturing of specimen 7#: (a) and (b) DR perspective views; (1–4) CT scanning images.
σH σh
σν σh
Fig. 3. Fracture morphology after hydraulic fracturing of specimen 5#: (a) and (b) DR perspective views; (1–6) CT scanning images.
can leak into the natural fractures and beddings to reduce the
cohesion of fracture planes as a ‘‘lubricant’’, and reduce or even
eliminate the shear strength of fractures. At the same time, the
fluid pressure could further open natural fractures and beddings,
thus creating conditions for creating a new fracture. The CT scan-
ning image of specimen 2# shows an ‘‘X’’ type fracture for cross-
ing and propagating at a low approaching angle (<30°) and a ‘‘T’’
σH type fracture with a high approaching angle (>60°). At the flow
rate of 100 ml/min, the hydraulic fracture begins to propagate
σν σh from the original opened natural fracture in specimen 3#, and
continues to propagate along the face of this natural fracture. In
this process, the hydraulic fracture mostly crosses the closed nat-
ural fractures and propagates along the opened natural fractures.
The complexity (SRV) of the final fracture network is lower than
that at 50 ml/min.
When the horizontal stress difference increases to 6 MPa, the
obvious transverse fractures are formed, as shown in Fig. 3. The
fracture density of specimen 4# is less than that of specimen 5#.
In the specimen 4#, the interference of natural fractures is not sig-
nificant, and the hydraulic fracture continues to propagate along
the direction perpendicular to the minimum horizontal stress.
There is also an ‘‘X’’ type fracture at a low approaching angle in
CT scanning image of specimen 4#. A complex fracture network
structure is formed around the transverse main fracture of speci-
men 5#.
Fig. 4. Fracture morphology after hydraulic fracturing of specimen 12#: (a) and (b) When the horizontal stress difference increases to 9 MPa, the
DR perspective views; (1) and (2) CT scanning images.
high-density fracture network occurs in the CT scanning image of
specimen 7#, but no obvious transverse fracture is presented. This
specimen is special and the experiment result is closely related to
3.1. Effects of flow rate the highly dense opened natural fractures in the core inside before
hydraulic fracturing, as shown in Fig. 1. A large amount of opened
Three groups of experiments were carried out. Group I: 10 ml/ natural fractures around the wellbore can cause hydraulic fracture
min (specimen 1#), 50 ml/min (specimen 2#), 100 ml/min (speci- to propagate along the natural fractures (Fig. 5(7#)). The hydraulic
men 3#). Group II: 50 ml/min (specimen 5#), 100 ml/min (speci- fracture propagates along the weakly cemented natural fractures
men 4#). Group III: 50 ml/min (specimen 7#), 100 ml/min (Fig. 1(3) and (4)) and the bedding planes (Fig. 1(1) and (2)), form-
(specimen 8#). ing a ‘‘dendritic fracture network’’. When the flow rate increases to
For the horizontal stress difference of 3 MPa, no obvious trans- 100 ml/min, the specimen 8# shows a large number of bedding
verse fractures are traced in the three specimens. At the flow rate fractures (Fig. 5(8#)), which is closely related to many partially
of 10 ml/min, the specimen 1# has obvious characteristics of opened bedding fractures before hydraulic fracturing. Although
propagating along bedding fractures and pre-existing natural the test was performed under the flow rate of 100 ml/min and
fractures, as shown in Fig. 2. The fracture network is the most the horizontal stress difference of 9 MPa, the obvious transverse
complex when the flow rate is 50 ml/min. The fracturing fluid main fracture is still formed.
T. Guo et al. / Fuel 128 (2014) 373–380 377
Fig. 5. Fractures distribution on the surfaces of different specimens after hydraulic fracturing.
3.2. Effects of in situ stress maximum horizontal stress to cross more natural fractures. Other-
wise, the high-density fracture zone is formed only near wellbore
3.2.1. Influence of horizontal in situ stress difference area, and the corresponding stimulation effect will be greatly
Two groups of experiments were designed. Group I: 3 MPa reduced.
(specimen 2#), 6 MPa (specimen 5#), 9 MPa (specimen 7#),
12 MPa (specimen 6#), the flow rate of 50 ml/min. Group II: 3.2.2. Influence of horizontal stress difference coefficient
3 MPa (specimen 3#), 6 MPa (specimen 4#), 9 MPa (specimen The horizontal stress difference coefficient is defined by the fol-
8#), the flow rate of 100 ml/min. lowing formula:
The experimental results show that when the horizontal stress
K h ¼ ðrH rh Þ=rh ð1Þ
difference is less than 9 MPa, the hydraulic fracture tends to devi-
ate from the natural fractures to form fracture network at the flow where rH is the maximum horizontal in situ stress; rh is the mini-
rate of 50 ml/min, as shown in Fig. 5(5#) and (7#). When the hor- mum horizontal in situ stress.
izontal stress difference increases to 12 MPa, a single transverse The greater the Kh, the more obvious the horizontal stress dif-
fracture is easily formed, as shown in Fig. 5(6#). For the second ference for the two directions will be. Two groups of experiments
group, the complex fracture network can still be formed in speci- were designed. Group I: 0.25 (specimen 2#), 0.5 (specimen 9#).
men 8# with horizontal stress difference of 9 MPa, but it includes Group II: 0.5 (specimen 5#), 0.75 (specimen 13#), 1 (specimen
a large number of bedding fractures as shown in Fig. 5(8#). 10#).
In addition, we found that the complexity of the fractures does Based on the experiment results, the fracture density of speci-
not increase with the decrease of horizontal stress difference under men 9# is less than that of specimen 2#, and the obvious trans-
the condition of a low level of stress difference, such as at 3 MPa verse fracture is formed. Specimen 10# presents an obvious
and 6 MPa. The reason is that with the increasing of horizontal transverse fracture (Fig. 5) and its fracture density is slightly less
stress difference, the forming of transverse main fracture is benefi- than that of specimen 13#, but both are less than that of specimen
cial to communicate more natural fractures to form a more com- 5#. The number of formed fractures in the interior of specimen 10#
plex fracture morphology. But for a lower stress difference, it is is slightly higher than that of specimen 8# with the same Kh, be-
very easy to deflect, so the hydraulic fracturing fluid inclines to cause the stress difference of specimen 8# is greater.
infiltrate and propagate only along the weakly natural fractures. It can be seen that with the same horizontal stress difference, Kh
Thus, the ideal SRV requires not only the easy deflection of hydrau- controls the propagation direction of hydraulic fracture. The great-
lic fracture, but also to extend farther along the direction of the er the value, the more obvious the propagation trend along the
378 T. Guo et al. / Fuel 128 (2014) 373–380
maximum horizontal stress direction will be. For the measured distribution of natural fractures and sedimentary beddings. The
samples, when Kh > 0.25, there is an obvious trend to form a single opened natural fractures will seriously affect the propagation path
main fracture. of hydraulic fractures. The density, orientation and cementing
strength of closed pre-existing natural fractures are three factors
3.2.3. rH > rm > rh dominating the formation of fracture network. Although the
Under the condition of the tectonic stress for strike-slip fault, hydraulic fracture is generally considered as likely propagate along
namely, rm:rH:rh = 9:12:6 MPa, the fracture propagation law of natural fractures at the low approaching angle (<30°) and cross the
specimen 11# was tested. As can be seen in Fig. 5(11#), due to natural fractures at high approaching angle (>60°), many speci-
the reason that the maximum stress is applied parallel to the direc- mens in this paper also show that the hydraulic fracture intersects
tion of shale bedding, and the stress difference is only 3 MPa be- the natural fracture to propagate at the low approaching angle
tween the overburden pressure and the minimum horizontal (<30°) to form a ‘‘X’’ fracture or cause the opening of natural frac-
stress, a large number of bedding fractures are very easy to form ture at a high approaching angle.
during hydraulic fracturing. In addition, the effects of beddings on fracture propagation can-
not be ignored. A series of experimental results show that if the
3.2.4. Dimensionless net pressure, pnet,D sedimentary bedding of shale is developed many weakly cemented
Beugelsdijk et al. [12] considered that with other conditions beddings will be split considerably along with the appearance of
being the same, the fracture propagation morphology was con- transverse fracture. In the meantime, the ‘‘barrier-type’’ fracture
trolled by both flow rate and horizontal stress difference. A dimen- structure will be generated due to the perpendicular intersection
sionless net pressure can be deployed to judge whether the of both, such as in specimens 5#, 8#, 9# and 12#, thus greatly
hydraulic fractures deviate from the preferred fracture plane, see increasing the SRV.
Eq. (2).
pnet 3.5. Fracturing curve
p0net;D ¼ ; ð2Þ
rH rh
The pressure curve (fracturing curve) is closely related to frac-
where p0 net,D is the dimensionless net pressure and pnet is the net ture propagation in hydraulic fracturing process for shale. There
pressure. is no obvious correlation between the degree of fluctuation of pres-
For a large dimensionless net pressure, the fracture can more sure curve and the propagation complexity of fractures. The severe
easily deviate from the preferred fracture plane. The smaller the fluctuation of pressure curve indicates that a large number of the
p0 net,D, the easier it is for the transverse fracture to form. However, original opened natural fractures (specimen 2#) or sedimentary
based on the above results, we believe that the fracture propaga- beddings (specimen 6#, 9# and 12#) are present in the specimens
tion morphology is decided by the flow rate, the horizontal stress of shale core, causing considerable fracturing fluid loss in propaga-
difference and the horizontal stress difference coefficient at the tion. In contrary, the propagation of hydraulic fracture in the closed
same time. Thus, the above equation could be corrected as Eq. (3): natural fractures or bedding does not cause large fluctuation of the
pnet pnet rh curve.
pnet;D ¼ ¼ ð3Þ Under the condition of rm > rH > rh, the obvious breakdown
ðrH rh ÞK h ðrH rh Þ2
pressure usually indicates that an obvious transverse main fracture
There is a certain limit for the net pressure to influence on the has been formed (sample 4#, 5# and 7#). When the flow rate of
deviation tendency of fracture. When the net pressure is too high, fracturing fluid is great, such as at 100 ml/min, the decreasing
it is very hard for the fracture to deviate from the preferred frac- amplitude of extended pressure will be very small compared with
ture plane. the breakdown pressure in pressure curve. In this condition, the
pressure curve is smooth (sample 3#, 4# and 8#) and does not
3.3. Effects of fracturing fluid viscosity present severe fluctuation.
To understand the effect of viscosity of fracturing fluid on the 3.6. Perforation fracturing
fracture morphology, two groups of experiments based on
65 mPa s linear gel and water were carried out. This type of fractur- In this paper, the perforation fracturing experiment was only
ing fluid is often used in shale reservoirs with high clay content conducted for specimen 14#. We did not perforate on the borehole
and weak brittleness [4,6]. As can be seen in Fig. 4, the fracturing wall, and only made four shallow cavities in the wall facing the
fluid with such a viscosity can easily cross weakly cemented bed- perforations, which would contribute to fracture initiation. Refrac-
dings and natural fractures, leading to the formation of a single turing was continuously carried out twice for specimen 14#. Since
transverse fracture with a greater fracture width. the specimen was not perforated, fracture initiation becomes very
The influence of the flow rate and viscosity of fracturing fluid on difficult, resulting in extremely high breakdown pressure for the
the morphology of hydraulic fracture can be expressed as the prod- first hydraulic fracturing. The shale reservoir has an ultra-low per-
uct of these parameters, ql. Its unit is N m. It is found that the meability, and very little fracturing fluid can leak into the shale
morphologies of hydraulic fractures created are similar for the matrix. So after the initial hydraulic fracturing, the fracture system
same ql-value. For specimen 1# (4.2 1010 N m), specimen 2# will always remain in a high pressure state for a long time. When
(2.1 109 N m) and specimen 12# (5.4 108 N m), the above the subsequent refracturing is carried out, this high-pressure frac-
experiment results show that when the order of magnitude of ture system could cause the hydraulic fractures produced in the
ql-value is 109 N m, it is favorable to the creation of fracture net- subsequent fracturing to deviate from the original fracture path.
work, but too low and too high ql-value are both harmful. Therefore, refracturing can make the hydraulic fracture more easily
to get into contact with new shale area, reducing the breakdown
3.4. Effects of natural fractures and sedimentary bedding pressure of the second and third fracturing. The three fracturing
curves show different peak points, indicating that refracturing does
Based on the experiment results, we found that one of the most produce fractures different from those by the initial fracturing. The
important factors affecting fracture morphology of hydraulic ultra-low permeability of shale matrix is a key factor for the suc-
fracturing for shale specimens is the development degree and the cessful implementation of refracturing in the Barnett shale.
T. Guo et al. / Fuel 128 (2014) 373–380 379
Although the three hydraulic fracturings were carried out con- Acknowledgements
tinuously for specimen 14#, a single tortuous transverse fracture
was formed. This is closely related to the encounter of only one This work was sponsored by the ‘‘National Science and Technol-
of four perforations and the natural fracture. For the casing com- ogy Major Project’’(Grant No. 2011ZX05048-10HZ). We also thank
pletion of horizontal well, the perforation is designed to ensure Beijing Guhong Technology Co. Ltd. for providing X-ray computed
that hydraulic fracture can communicate more nature fractures tomography technique using large-scale ‘‘IPT4106D’’ non-destruc-
to reduce the initiation pressure and obtain an ideal SRV. tive testing system based on linear accelerator.
4. Conclusion
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