Hussain (2023)

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Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

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Psychological resilience in athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A

qualitative insight
Talib Hussain a, b, Dake Wang a, *, Benqian Li a
School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, 2002240 Shanghai, China
Faculty of Social Sciences, Media and Communication, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran


Keywords: This study employs a qualitative research methodology to comprehensively investigate the psychological resil­
Athletes ience of athletes impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through purposeful sampling, a diverse group of athletes
COVID-19 pandemic representing various sports, competitive levels, and geographic locations was selected, ensuring a holistic
exploration of their experiences. Data collection centered on in-depth interviews, utilizing a semi-structured
Psychological resilience
approach guided by predetermined open-ended questions. Ethical standards were meticulously upheld, with
Qualitative research informed consent obtained from all participants, and strict measures in place to safeguard their confidentiality
Sport and anonymity. Prior to data collection, pilot testing of interview questions was conducted to enhance their
clarity and appropriateness. Subsequently, data analysis involved the meticulous transcription of field-notes and
audio-recordings into protocols and transcripts, followed by systematic coding facilitated by qualitative data
management software. To enhance research rigor, strategies including reflexivity, member-checking, and
collaborative coding were embraced. This comprehensive methodology facilitated a deep and nuanced explo­
ration of athletes' experiences, perceptions, and coping strategies during the pandemic, ultimately contributing
valuable insights to the study of psychological resilience in sports. The findings shed light on the challenges
athletes faced, the support systems and personal attributes that fostered resilience, and the role of well-being
practices like mindfulness and self-care in enhancing psychological resilience. The implications of this
research extend to proactive strategies for sports organizations and stakeholders, fostering a culture of resilience,
and empowering athletes to thrive in the face of adversity, ultimately promoting their long-term psychological

1. Introduction athletes navigate and overcome the challenges brought forth by the
COVID-19 pandemic is essential for supporting their mental health,
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on global optimizing their performance, and ensuring their long-term success.
health, social dynamics, and numerous sectors of society, including While quantitative studies have explored the psychological impact of the
sports, exercise, and health (Kelly et al., 2022). The world of athletics pandemic on athletes, a qualitative approach offers a deeper and more
has faced significant disruptions, with training routines interrupted, nuanced understanding of athletes' experiences, perceptions, and coping
competitions canceled or postponed, and stringent health protocols mechanisms. Qualitative research provides an opportunity to explore
implemented to mitigate the spread of the virus. These extraordinary the lived experiences of athletes during the pandemic, uncover their
circumstances have posed unique challenges for athletes, both physi­ unique challenges, and identify the strategies, support systems, and
cally and psychologically, requiring them to adapt, persevere, and personal attributes that have contributed to their psychological resil­
develop resilience in the face of adversity. Psychological resilience, ience (Shukla et al., 2023).
defined as the ability to withstand and recover from difficult or stressful This study aims to investigate the psychological resilience of athletes
situations, is a critical aspect of athletes' overall well-being and perfor­ in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through a qualitative analysis.
mance. It encompasses the capacity to effectively cope with adversity, By employing qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews and
manage stress, and maintain a positive mindset. Understanding how thematic analysis, we seek to gain rich insights into how athletes have

* Corresponding author at: School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, 2002240 Shanghai, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Hussain), [email protected] (D. Wang), [email protected] (B. Li).
Received 3 August 2023; Received in revised form 29 September 2023; Accepted 2 October 2023
Available online 11 October 2023
0001-6918/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

coped with the challenges imposed by the pandemic and developed have primarily focused on quantitative data or surveys, this research
resilience in the face of adversity. The findings of this research will employs purposeful sampling and in-depth interviews to provide a rich
contribute to the existing body of knowledge on athlete well-being, and nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by athletes.
informing sport, exercise, and health professionals in the development Furthermore, this study identifies key themes and factors contributing to
of effective strategies and interventions to support athletes' mental well- athletes' psychological resilience, shedding light on the coping strate­
being in similar crisis situations (Gupta & McCarthy, 2021). gies, support systems, and personal attributes that played pivotal roles
The structure of this paper is as follows: The next section provides a during these unprecedented disruptions. By emphasizing the importance
comprehensive review of the literature on psychological resilience in of well-being practices such as mindfulness and self-care, our research
athletes and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports and athlete extends beyond mere observation, offering actionable recommendations
well-being. The methodology section outlines the research design, for sports organizations and stakeholders.
participant selection, data collection, and analysis procedures. Subse­ In order to contextualize this study within the broader research
quently, the results are presented, followed by a discussion of the find­ landscape, a critical analysis of prior research on the variables associ­
ings in light of existing literature. Finally, the implications for sport, ated with athletes' psychological resilience during the COVID-19
exercise, and health professionals, limitations of the study, and avenues pandemic in various countries was conducted. This analysis entailed a
for future research are discussed. Through this research, we aim to shed careful examination of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in previ­
light on the psychological resilience of athletes during the COVID-19 ous investigations. Notably, certain limitations and methodological gaps
pandemic, contributing to our understanding of how athletes adapt, were identified within the existing body of literature. It is against this
cope, and thrive in the face of crisis. By uncovering the strategies, sup­ backdrop that the present study takes shape, with a deliberate intent to
port systems, and personal attributes that underpin their resilience, we address and extend upon these identified research gaps. Through an in-
can inform the development of evidence-based interventions and sup­ depth qualitative exploration, this study seeks to contribute a nuanced
port mechanisms to enhance the mental well-being and performance of understanding of how athletes grapple with the challenges posed by the
athletes, not only during pandemics but also in the face of future chal­ pandemic and cultivate psychological resilience. By placing our research
lenges that may arise in the dynamic world of sports, exercise, and within the broader context of previous scholarship, we underscore its
health. distinctive role in advancing our comprehension of athletes' experiences
Here is essential to emphasize the specific contributions of this study during this unprecedented global crisis.
to the existing literature. This research addresses a significant gap by
focusing on athletes' psychological resilience during the COVID-19 4. Objectives of study
pandemic, which has not been extensively explored in qualitative
depth. While the introduction provides an overview of the pandemic's The primary objective of this study is to qualitatively investigate and
impact on athletes and the importance of resilience, it is crucial to comprehend the psychological resilience of athletes in the context of the
highlight that previous quantitative studies have offered a broader COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to explore the lived experi­
perspective but lack the depth required to fully comprehend athletes' ences, perceptions, and coping mechanisms of athletes who have faced
experiences. This study seeks to bridge this gap by conducting in-depth unique challenges due to the pandemic's disruptions. By conducting in-
interviews and thematic analysis to unearth the nuanced coping stra­ depth interviews and thematic analysis, the study seeks to uncover the
tegies, support systems, and individual attributes that underpin athletes' nuanced strategies, support systems, and individual attributes that un­
resilience in the face of pandemic-induced challenges. By doing so, this derpin athletes' resilience in the face of pandemic-induced adversity.
study aims to enrich the existing knowledge on athlete well-being and Through this exploration, the study aims to contribute valuable insights
resilience, providing valuable insights for professionals in sports, exer­ to the existing body of knowledge on athlete well-being and resilience,
cise, and health to develop effective strategies and interventions to with a specific focus on the pandemic's impact. Ultimately, the research
support athletes' mental wellness during crises. strives to inform the development of evidence-based interventions and
support mechanisms to enhance the mental well-being and performance
2. Research gap of athletes not only during pandemics but also in the face of future
challenges in the realm of sports, exercise, and health.
While prior research has addressed athlete resilience, a gap remains
in understanding their specific experiences and coping strategies amidst 5. Innovative value study
the COVID-19 pandemic. Although quantitative studies have illumi­
nated pandemic effects on athlete well-being, they often lack the depth The innovative value of this study lies in its qualitative approach,
needed to fully grasp athletes' lived realities. Furthermore, the distinct which delves deeply into the unique experiences of athletes during the
tactics, supportive networks, and individual traits contributing to ath­ COVID-19 pandemic. While previous research has predominantly relied
letes' pandemic resilience have yet to be extensively investigated. This on quantitative data and surveys to assess athlete well-being, this study
study aims to qualitatively explore athletes' psychological resilience employs purposeful sampling and in-depth interviews to provide a rich
during the pandemic, delving into their experiences, perceptions, and and nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by athletes in un­
coping mechanisms. By bridging this gap and fulfilling its purpose, this precedented circumstances. By identifying key themes and factors
research enriches the existing knowledge on athlete well-being and contributing to athletes' psychological resilience, the research sheds new
resilience. The outcomes will offer valuable insights to professionals in light on the coping strategies, support systems, and personal attributes
sports, exercise, and health, informing effective strategies to support that played pivotal roles during the pandemic disruptions. Additionally,
athletes' mental wellness in crises. Unveiling athletes' pandemic expe­ by emphasizing the importance of well-being practices such as mind­
riences and coping mechanisms enhances the intersection of qualitative fulness and self-care, this study goes beyond mere observation and offers
research and sports, providing applicable insights in both research and actionable recommendations for sports organizations and stakeholders.
practical domains (Woodford & Bussey, 2021). Furthermore, by addressing the gap in qualitative depth in under­
standing athletes' experiences during the pandemic, this research en­
3. Advantage of this study riches the intersection of qualitative research and sports, providing
applicable insights for both research and practical domains, thus
The great advantage of the present study, in comparison to previous advancing our comprehension of athletes' resilience in crisis situations.
research, lies in its qualitative approach, which delves deeply into ath­
letes' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. While prior studies

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

5.1. Literature review challenging times. The interplay between personal attributes and social
support systems provides a robust foundation for athletes' psychological
Psychological resilience plays a crucial role in athletes' well-being resilience, enabling them to adapt, thrive, and maintain well-being in
and performance, enabling them to navigate challenges, setbacks, and the face of adversity (Martínez-Martí & Ruch, 2017).
adversities effectively (Junnarkar et al., 2021). This section focuses on
exploring the existing literature regarding the personal attributes and 6. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports and athlete
social support systems that contribute to psychological resilience in well-being
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about profound effects on the
5.2. Personal attributes world of sports, impacting athletes' well-being in numerous ways. As
competitive sports were temporarily put on hold and traditional routines
Several personal attributes have been identified as influential factors were disrupted, athletes found themselves presented with unique op­
in athletes' psychological resilience. Self-efficacy, defined as an in­ portunities for growth and self-discovery.
dividual's belief in their ability to succeed and overcome obstacles, has During the pandemic, the shift in perspective towards health and
been consistently associated with higher levels of resilience in athletes. community highlighted the importance of work-life balance. Athletes,
Athletes with high self-efficacy are more likely to perceive challenges as accustomed to demanding schedules of training, travel, and competi­
opportunities for growth, maintain motivation in the face of setbacks, tions, were forced to pause and spend more time at home. This unex­
and exhibit greater perseverance. Optimism, characterized by a positive pected break allowed athletes to connect with their families, delve into
outlook and the expectation of favorable outcomes, has also been linked personal hobbies, and prioritize self-care. This reimagined routine not
to higher levels of resilience in athletes. Optimistic athletes demonstrate only offered physical respite but also fostered a recalibration of prior­
greater adaptability, cope more effectively with stress, and are more ities, potentially leading to a more balanced approach to their careers.
likely to bounce back from failures or setbacks (Rofiqah et al., 2023). The pandemic also catalyzed a global dialogue on mental health,
Furthermore, self-regulation, which refers to an athlete's ability to breaking down stigmas and promoting open discussions. Athletes, no
manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in alignment with their strangers to pressure and expectations, embraced this change, seeking
goals, has been identified as another key attribute associated with psy­ help and support more openly. The crisis underscored the importance of
chological resilience. Athletes who possess strong self-regulation skills adaptability, as athletes had to cope with uncertainties and challenges
are better able to regulate their emotional reactions to stress, maintain extending beyond the sports arena. This newfound emphasis on resil­
focus, and effectively manage setbacks or challenges. The ability to set ience could contribute significantly to their overall mental well-being.
goals, regulate emotions, and engage in positive self-talk is specific self- Moreover, with the traditional sports landscape disrupted, athletes
regulation strategies that contribute to athletes' resilience (McClung explored alternative training methods and technology. Virtual training
et al., 2023). sessions, online coaching, and data-driven performance analysis gained
prominence. This exposure to innovative approaches not only allowed
5.3. Social support athletes to maintain their fitness and skill levels but also expanded their
knowledge and skill sets, contributing to their overall development. In a
The role of social support in fostering psychological resilience in remarkable response to the crisis, athletes engaged with their commu­
athletes cannot be underestimated. Coaches, teammates, and social nities in novel and impactful ways. Using their platforms to raise
support networks play a vital role in providing emotional, informa­ awareness and connect virtually with fans, they found a renewed sense
tional, and tangible support that bolsters athletes' resilience. of purpose. This sense of community engagement went beyond indi­
vidual achievements, providing a source of fulfillment that contributed
5.3.1. Role of coaches positively to their overall well-being (Uroh & Adewunmi, 2021).
Coaches who offer emotional support, constructive feedback, and
guidance create a supportive environment that enhances athletes' 7. Disruptions in training routines and competitions
resilience. They play a significant role in building athletes' confidence,
helping them reframe challenges as opportunities, and providing guid­ One of the primary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on athletes has
ance during difficult times. been the disruption of training routines and competitions. Lockdowns,
travel restrictions, and social distancing measures have led to the closure
5.3.2. Contribution of teammates of training facilities and the cancellation or postponement of sporting
Additionally, teammates who offer encouragement, understanding, events. These disruptions have resulted in a loss of structure and routine
and a sense of camaraderie contribute to athletes' ability to cope with for athletes, impacting their physical conditioning, skill development,
stress and bounce back from setbacks. The presence of strong social and overall preparedness for competitions. The sudden cessation of
support networks also provides athletes with a sense of belonging and training and competition has not only affected athletes' performance but
buffers against the negative impact of stressors (Pak et al., 2023). has also challenged their motivation, sense of purpose, and athletic
identity (Monterrosa Quintero et al., 2022).
5.3.3. Importance of family support
Moreover, family support has been recognized as a critical compo­ 7.1. Psychological impact
nent of social support in athletes' resilience. Families who provide
emotional support, create a nurturing environment, and offer under­ The COVID-19 pandemic has also had significant psychological im­
standing and encouragement contribute to athletes' overall well-being plications for athletes. The uncertainty surrounding the duration and
and resilience. Family support serves as a protective factor against the severity of the pandemic, as well as the constant changes in health
negative effects of stress and helps athletes maintain a healthy guidelines and protocols, have led to increased stress, anxiety, and
perspective (Labrague, 2021). psychological strain. Athletes have experienced heightened levels of fear
The interaction between personal attributes and social support is and worry about their health, the health of their loved ones, and the
crucial in understanding athletes' psychological resilience. The presence potential impact of the virus on their careers. The lack of clarity
of supportive social networks enhances athletes' personal attributes, regarding the resumption of sports and the unknown long-term conse­
such as self-efficacy, optimism, and self-regulation, while these attri­ quences of the pandemic have added to this psychological burden (Pété
butes, in turn, facilitate seeking and utilizing social support during et al., 2022).

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

7.2. Isolation and loss of support systems Engaging in self-care activities, along with seeking professional support
from sport psychologists and mental health professionals, underscores
Athletes have also faced challenges related to isolation and the loss of the proactive steps taken by athletes to maintain their mental health.
support systems during the pandemic. Social distancing measures have The increasing recognition of the importance of mental well-being and
limited interactions with coaches, teammates, and support staff, leading the utilization of evidence-based interventions through professional
to feelings of loneliness and a decreased sense of belonging. The absence support further solidify the efficacy of coping strategies in bolstering
of the team environment and camaraderie, which are integral to sports, athletes' resilience.
has further affected athletes' emotional well-being and motivation.
Additionally, the lack of direct support from coaches, training staff, and 8.1. Problem-focused coping
sport psychologists has posed challenges in terms of guidance, motiva­
tion, and mental health support for athletes (Evans et al., 2020). Problem-focused coping involves direct actions taken to address the
specific challenges and stressors encountered during the pandemic.
7.3. Uncertainty and future concerns Athletes have demonstrated adaptability by finding alternative training
methods, modifying their routines, and seeking innovative ways to stay
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a sense of uncertainty and physically active. Many have embraced technology and virtual training
concerns about the future among athletes. The financial implications of platforms to maintain their physical conditioning and skill development.
the pandemic, including decreased sponsorships, reduced salaries, and Problem-focused coping allows athletes to regain a sense of control over
the potential long-term impact on sports organizations, have added to their training and competition preparation, contributing to their resil­
athletes' stress and anxiety. Athletes' career trajectories, goals, and plans ience (Marey-Sarwan et al., 2022).
have been disrupted, leaving them with uncertainty about their future in
sports (Cleofas, 2021).
8.2. Emotion-focused coping

7.4. Overall well-being Emotion-focused coping strategies are aimed at managing and
regulating emotions in response to the stressors of the pandemic. Ath­
The cumulative effects of the pandemic on sports and athletes' well- letes have employed various strategies to cope with the heightened
being have been substantial. The disruptions in training, the psycho­ stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. Seeking social support from family,
logical strain, the isolation, and the uncertainties have taken a toll on friends, and teammates has been an effective means of alleviating
athletes' overall well-being. Mental health issues, such as increased emotional distress and enhancing psychological resilience. Engaging in
levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout, have been reported relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises,
among athletes during the pandemic. Moreover, the challenges faced by and visualization, has also been beneficial for managing stress and
athletes during the pandemic have extended beyond the individual enhancing well-being (Heath et al., 2020).
level, affecting the broader sports community, including coaches, sup­
port staff, and sports organizations (Szabó et al., 2020).
8.3. Adaptive thinking and reframing
8. Coping strategies and resilience during the COVID-19
Cognitive strategies play a significant role in athletes' coping and
resilience during the pandemic. Adaptive thinking involves reframing
challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Ath­
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges
letes who possess the ability to reframe their circumstances and main­
for athletes, necessitating the development of effective coping strategies
tain a positive mindset are better equipped to adapt to the challenges
to maintain their resilience and well-being. This section focuses on
posed by the pandemic. They perceive setbacks as temporary and view
exploring the existing literature on coping strategies adopted by athletes
obstacles as opportunities to develop new skills and enhance their
during the pandemic and their role in fostering psychological resilience
mental toughness (Finlay et al., 2021).
(Park et al., 2021). Numerous studies have sought to discern the impact
of different coping strategies on athletes' well-being and resilience. The
effectiveness of problem-focused coping, which involves direct actions 8.4. Self-care and well-being
to address challenges, has been demonstrated through athletes' adapt­
ability in finding alternative training methods and embracing technol­ The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of self-care
ogy. These strategies have not only enabled athletes to maintain their and prioritizing well-being among athletes. Many athletes have recog­
physical conditioning but have also contributed to their sense of control, nized the need for self-care practices, such as proper rest, nutrition, and
which is instrumental in fostering resilience. Emotion-focused coping sleep, to support their physical and mental health. Engaging in hobbies,
strategies have also showcased their effectiveness in mitigating recreational activities, and self-reflection has also been identified as a
emotional distress. Seeking social support from family, friends, and means of maintaining balance, reducing stress, and promoting resil­
teammates, coupled with engaging in relaxation techniques like mind­ ience. Athletes who prioritize self-care demonstrate a greater ability to
fulness, deep breathing exercises, and visualization, has shown positive cope with the challenges of the pandemic and maintain their overall
results in managing stress and enhancing overall well-being. Such stra­ well-being (Hayes et al., 2022).
tegies contribute not only to immediate emotional relief but also aid in
building long-term resilience by bolstering an individual's capacity to 8.5. Seeking professional support
navigate through challenging circumstances. Moreover, cognitive stra­
tegies centered around adaptive thinking and reframing have proven Recognizing the impact of the pandemic on their mental health,
instrumental in maintaining a positive mindset, enabling athletes to athletes have increasingly sought professional support during this time.
view setbacks as opportunities for growth. The ability to reframe chal­ Sport psychologists, counselors, and mental health professionals have
lenges as avenues for skill development and enhanced mental toughness played a crucial role in providing guidance, support, and coping stra­
has been linked to increased resilience and effective coping with tegies tailored to athletes' specific needs. Seeking professional help
pandemic-related stressors. The emphasis on self-care practices and normalizes the challenges faced by athletes and ensures they have access
prioritizing well-being has demonstrated a positive correlation with to evidence-based interventions to address their psychological well-
athletes' ability to cope effectively with the pandemic's challenges. being (King et al., 2022).

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

9. Methodology 9.3. Data collection: in-depth interviews

This section outlines the comprehensive methodology employed in Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews in
this study, which aimed to explore the psychological resilience of ath­ December 2020 to July 2021, allowing for a detailed exploration of
letes affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research design, partici­ athletes' experiences, perceptions, and coping strategies during the
pant selection, data collection, and data analysis are described below. pandemic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, guided by a set
of predetermined open-ended questions. These questions were designed
9.1. Research design: employing qualitative analysis to align with the research objectives and thematic areas identified in the
literature review. Probing and follow-up questions were used to elicit
Qualitative analysis was chosen to provide an in-depth understand­ further insights and clarification. Efforts were made to establish a
ing of athletes' experiences, perspectives, and coping strategies, comfortable and supportive environment for participants during the
capturing the nuances and complexities of their psychological resilience interviews. The interviews were conducted either in person or remotely,
in the context of the pandemic. In the realm of qualitative research, depending on the participants' preferences and logistical considerations.
employing qualitative analysis serves as a pivotal method for gaining in- The interviews were audio-recorded with the participants' consent to
depth insights into complex phenomena. This approach is particularly ensure accuracy and capture the richness of their narratives (Legard
well-suited for unraveling the underlying reasons behind observed or et al., 2003).
unobserved occurrences, comprehensively assessing intricate in­ In adherence to rigorous ethical standards, this study obtained
terventions, and refining intervention strategies. Key techniques for informed consent from all participants prior to their involvement.
collecting data include document analysis, participant and non- Consent forms, containing comprehensive information about the study's
participant observations, conducting semi-structured interviews, and purpose, procedures, and data handling practices, were securely stored
facilitating focus groups. Once data is collected, meticulous transcrip­ in a password-protected electronic database accessible only to autho­
tion of field-notes and audio-recordings into protocols and transcripts rized research personnel. Participants were assured of their confidenti­
takes place, followed by a systematic coding process aided by qualitative ality and the anonymity of their responses. Following the completion of
data management software. To uphold research rigor, a range of stra­ their participation, participants were debriefed on the study's objectives
tegies such as utilizing checklists, embracing reflexivity, implementing and provided an opportunity to ask questions. We maintain our
deliberate sampling strategies, conducting pilot studies, engaging in commitment to upholding the highest ethical considerations throughout
collaborative coding, validating findings through member-checking, the research process (Braun & Clarke, 2012). The interviews, on
and actively involving stakeholders can be incorporated. By inte­ average, spanned approximately 45 to 60 min, ensuring comprehensive
grating qualitative analysis into qualitative research endeavors, re­ and in-depth data collection.
searchers gain a nuanced toolkit to address a diverse spectrum of
research inquiries and effectively bridge gaps in the understanding of 10. Data analysis
neurological research and practice (Busetto et al., 2020).
Thematic analysis was employed as the data analysis method. This
9.1.1. Pilot testing approach allowed for the identification of patterns, themes, and cate­
The research design for this study was underpinned by a commit­ gories within the interview data. The analysis process involved multiple
ment to thoroughness, which included the implementation of pilot stages, including familiarization with the data, generating initial codes,
testing for the interview questions. Prior to the commencement of data organizing codes into themes, reviewing and refining themes, and pro­
collection, a pilot testing phase was meticulously conducted to refine the ducing a final thematic framework (Vaismoradi et al., 2013). Themes
interview protocol. During this phase, a select group of participants, not were determined through systematic thematic analysis, involving care­
included in the main study, were engaged in mock interviews. The ful scrutiny of collected data to uncover recurring patterns, concepts,
purpose was to evaluate the clarity, comprehensibility, and appropri­ and insights. This process allowed the extraction of significant themes
ateness of the interview questions, as well as to identify any potential that encapsulate participants' experiences. Frequency was calculated by
ambiguities or difficulties participants might encounter in responding. quantifying how often these themes appeared across participants' nar­
The feedback gathered from the pilot testing process played a pivotal ratives, providing a measure of their prevalence. This approach offers
role in refining and enhancing the interview questions, ensuring that contextual understanding for our findings.
they effectively captured the intended information and facilitated The analysis process began by thoroughly familiarizing with the
meaningful participant engagement. By conducting pilot testing, the data. The recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim to ensure the
study aimed to minimize the potential for misinterpretation or confusion accuracy and completeness of the data. The transcripts were carefully
among participants, ultimately contributing to the validity and reli­ read and reread, allowing for a deep immersion in the participants' ex­
ability of the collected data. This approach exemplifies our commitment periences and gaining a profound understanding of their perspectives.
to methodological rigor and the comprehensive nature of our research Next, the generation of initial codes took place. Meaningful segments of
design. The insights garnered from the pilot testing phase substantially data that related to the research objectives were identified and labeled
informed the finalization of the interview questions, bolstering the with descriptive codes. This coding process involved a systematic
overall quality and integrity of our study's data collection process. identification and categorization of the significant elements of the data.
Codes were assigned to capture the key themes, concepts, and patterns
9.2. Participant selection: athletes affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged from the participants' narratives. Once the initial coding
was complete, the organization of codes into themes took place. Similar
The participant selection process focused on identifying athletes who codes were grouped together based on their shared meaning and rele­
had been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Purposeful vance, forming preliminary themes. This process involved careful
sampling was employed to ensure a diverse range of participants, consideration of the relationships and connections between the codes,
encompassing various sports, competitive levels, and geographic loca­ ensuring the coherence and consistency of the emerging themes. The
tions. Eligible participants were those who had experienced disruptions themes were then reviewed and refined, ensuring they accurately rep­
in their training routines, competition cancellations, and other chal­ resented the data and captured the depth and complexity of the par­
lenges related to the pandemic. This approach facilitated a compre­ ticipants' experiences. This iterative process involved revisiting the
hensive exploration of the experiences and perspectives of athletes codes, themes, and corresponding data segments to ensure they were
affected by the pandemic. comprehensive, distinct, and internally coherent. Through continuous

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

analysis and comparison across the data, the final thematic framework encouraging constructive dialogue, the research team aimed to ensure a
was developed. The themes were carefully examined in relation to the well-rounded and comprehensive analysis that was not unduly influ­
research objectives, literature review, and theoretical frameworks. The enced by any single individual's biases. In essence, reflexivity was in­
framework captured the overarching patterns and key insights that tegrated as an integral aspect of the research methodology. The
emerged from the data, providing a holistic understanding of the psy­ acknowledgment of potential biases and the consistent engagement in
chological resilience of athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. reflective discussions were instrumental in promoting the objectivity
To ensure the reliability and validity of the research process, and rigor of the data analysis. By fostering an environment of critical
particularly with regard to the in-depth interviews and the subsequent self-awareness, the research team sought to uphold the integrity of the
thematic analysis, a multi-faceted approach was implemented. Firstly, research findings and contribute to a nuanced and balanced under­
the development of the interview questions underwent an extensive standing of the athletes' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
process of refinement and pilot testing. Prior to data collection, a select (Galletta, 2013).
group of individuals not involved in the main study participated in mock
interviews. This iterative pilot testing phase served to fine-tune the 10.1. Data analysis plan for semi-structured questions
interview protocol, assessing the clarity, comprehensibility, and
appropriateness of the questions. Feedback gathered during this stage The data analysis process for the semi-structured questions was
was instrumental in crafting questions that effectively captured the executed meticulously, maintaining methodological consistency with
intended information and facilitated meaningful participant engage­ the overall thematic analysis approach. The steps undertaken were in
ment. Furthermore, the in-depth interviews themselves were meticu­ alignment with the broader analysis methodology, thus ensuring
lously conducted, with a rigorous commitment to ethical standards. coherence and validity in the research process. Initially, the recorded
Participants were provided with comprehensive informed consent interviews were transcribed verbatim to capture participants' responses
forms, detailing the study's purpose, procedures, and data handling accurately. These transcriptions underwent thorough review, facili­
practices. These forms were securely stored in a password-protected tating familiarity with the data and identification of pivotal points raised
electronic database, accessible only to authorized research personnel. by participants. Subsequently, an initial coding approach was adopted,
The interviews, averaging 45 to 60 min in duration, were designed to be focusing on categorizing the data to unveil main themes, concepts, or
open-ended and semi-structured. This approach allowed for participants ideas that emerged from each response. Codes were meticulously
to freely express their experiences and perceptions, minimizing the po­ generated, each assigned a unique label for streamlined organization
tential for interviewer bias. The interviews were audio-recorded, with and analysis. This coding process aimed to highlight connections and
participant consent, to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data similarities within the coded data, leading to the grouping of similar
capture. Regarding the thematic analysis, a key measure employed to codes into overarching themes. These themes were then articulated,
validate the coding process was inter-coder reliability. This involved their content and meaning clarified through accompanying relevant
independent coding of a subset of the data by multiple researchers. The examples or quotes from participants' responses. To visually depict the
coding team engaged in regular discussions and meetings to compare, relationships between themes, sub-themes, and codes, a data mapping
contrast, and refine the coding and thematic framework. These sessions technique was employed. This map visually illustrated the in­
were invaluable in resolving any discrepancies and ensuring consistency terconnections and hierarchical structure, providing a comprehensive
in the interpretation and assignment of codes to data segments. The overview of the data. The subsequent cross-case analysis facilitated a
inter-coder reliability analysis resulted in a Fleiss' Kappa value of 0.78, comparison of themes and sub-themes across participants, unearthing
signifying substantial agreement among coders. This high level of con­ commonalities, differences, and patterns in responses to the semi-
sistency underscores the robustness of the coding process, further structured questions. During the interpretation and synthesis stage,
affirming the credibility and trustworthiness of the thematic analysis. patterns, connections, and relationships within and between the themes
The achievement of a Kappa value of 0.78 not only reflects the rigorous were deeply analyzed. The findings were interpreted in relation to the
methodology but also reinforces the validity of the emergent thematic research objectives and pertinent literature, culminating in a cohesive
framework. In essence, the research team's commitment to methodo­ narrative that synthesized the results. Ensuring method consistency,
logical rigor, iterative refinement, and systematic cross-validation of the multiple researchers were engaged in the coding and theme identifica­
coding process contributed to the overall reliability and validity of the tion process, with peer debriefings and discussions conducted to achieve
in-depth interviews and subsequent thematic analysis, ensuring that the consensus on data interpretation. Finally, the findings were summarized
findings accurately represent the experiences and perspectives of the and presented in alignment with the research objectives, generating
study's participants. meaningful insights into participants' perspectives and experiences, thus
The research team maintained a rigorous commitment to reflexivity addressing the research questions derived from the semi-structured
throughout the data collection and analysis process. This entailed an questions. This systematic and consistent data analysis approach yiel­
active and ongoing awareness of how the personal biases, experiences, ded valuable findings that significantly contributed to a nuanced un­
and perspectives of each researcher might impact the interpretation of derstanding of the research topic.(Galletta, 2013).
the collected data. In order to mitigate the potential influence of these
biases, the team consciously engaged in introspection and open discus­ 11. Terminology and definitions
sions regarding their preconceived notions and potential pre­
dispositions. Regular meetings were convened to provide a platform for 11.1. Adaptability in crisis
researchers to openly share their insights and interpretations. This
collaborative environment allowed for the identification and trans­ Adaptability in crisis refers to an athlete's ability to adjust and
parent discussion of any potential instances where personal biases could modify their training routines, strategies, and mindset in response to
have influenced coding decisions or thematic interpretations. By openly unforeseen challenges and disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
acknowledging these biases and engaging in reflective discussions, the It entails the capacity to quickly reevaluate goals and methods while
research team aimed to minimize their potential impact on the analysis, maintaining focus and motivation.
ultimately enhancing the overall trustworthiness of the findings.
Moreover, the team's diverse backgrounds and disciplinary perspectives 11.2. Support systems
were leveraged as a strength. These differing viewpoints were embraced
as valuable assets that could illuminate multifaceted interpretations of Support systems encompass a network of coaches, teammates, fam­
the data. By actively seeking out these diverse perspectives and ily, friends, and mental health resources that provide emotional

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

assistance, guidance, motivation, and coping strategies to athletes. circumstances. The following Table 1 presents a summary of the par­
These systems play a critical role in fostering resilience by offering both ticipants' responses, providing valuable insights into the experiences of
practical and emotional aid during challenging times. athletes during the pandemic.

11.3. Personal resilience attributes

Personal resilience attributes entail qualities like determination,

adaptability, self-discipline, optimism, and proactivity that athletes
cultivate to effectively navigate setbacks and uncertainties. These at­ Table 1
tributes contribute to their capacity to bounce back from adversity and Challenges and psychological well-being-Q 1.
maintain psychological well-being. R Challenges and disruptions Impact on psychological well-being

1 The closure of sport facilities made it It affected my psychological well-

11.4. Well-being practices difficult to train effectively, leading being and motivation to continue
to frustration and decreased training.
Well-being practices encompass activities such as mindfulness ex­ motivation.
2 The cancellation of competitions It had a negative impact on my
ercises, structured daily routines, physical exercise, and self-care activ­
resulted in a sense of disappointment psychological well-being, leaving me
ities that athletes integrate into their lives to enhance their mental and loss of purpose in my athletic feeling demotivated.
health and overall resilience. These practices aid in reducing stress, pursuits.
enhancing focus, and promoting overall well-being. 3 Transitioning to virtual training It affected my psychological well-
sessions created a sense of being by making me feel less engaged
disconnection and reduced and motivated.
12. Cultural resilience motivation compared to in-person
Cultural resilience refers to the establishment of an environment and 4 Travel restrictions prevented me It had a significant impact on my
mindset within sports organizations and teams that values and promotes from attending important psychological well-being, causing
tournaments, leading to missed disappointment and anxiety about
psychological resilience and adaptation. It involves educating athletes
opportunities and uncertainty about my athletic career.
about the concept of resilience, training in stress management, problem- the future.
solving, and fostering a positive mindset. This culture empowers athletes 5 The constantly changing training It had a negative impact on my
to face challenges effectively. schedules due to lockdown measures psychological well-being, making it
disrupted my routine and created a challenging to maintain consistency
sense of instability. and focus.
12.1. Questions used for research 6 Having to train alone at home It negatively affected my
resulted in feelings of isolation and a psychological well-being, as I missed
Following five questions were used to investigate the research lack of accountability, making it the support and camaraderie of
findings. harder to stay motivated. training with others.
7 Limited access to sports It had a detrimental effect on my
physiotherapy and rehabilitation psychological well-being, as I felt
1. Can you describe any specific challenges or disruptions you experi­ services increased my anxiety about uncertain about my physical
enced in your sport or athletic training due to the COVID-19 physical well-being and prolonged condition and future performance.
pandemic? How did these challenges affect your psychological my recovery process.
well-being? 8 The closure of gyms and training It had a negative effect on my
centers impacted my confidence and psychological well-being, making me
2. What strategies or coping mechanisms did you employ to navigate raised questions about the doubt the progress and quality of my
the increased stress, anxiety, and uncertainty caused by the effectiveness of my training without training.
pandemic? How did these strategies contribute to your psychological specialized equipment.
resilience? 9 Limited opportunities for practice It had a negative impact on our
with teammates hindered our team psychological well-being as a team,
3. Did you receive any support or assistance during the pandemic that
dynamics and left us feeling as we lacked the usual camaraderie
helped you maintain your mental well-being? Can you describe the unprepared for future events. and collaboration.
role of support systems, such as coaches, teammates, family, or 10 The uncertainty of when sports It had a significant impact on my
friends, in fostering your resilience during this time? activities would resume caused psychological well-being, as it
4. Did you notice any personal attributes or characteristics that played anxiety and anticipation, affecting created a sense of unease and made
my psychological well-being. planning difficult.
a significant role in your ability to remain resilient in the face of 11 Balancing home responsibilities with It had a negative impact on my
adversity during the pandemic? How did these attributes contribute training demands led to feelings of psychological well-being, as it was
to your mental well-being and overall resilience? overwhelm and reduced mental and challenging to find a balance and
5. Looking back, what valuable lessons or insights have you gained physical energy. maintain focus.
12 The absence of crowd support during It affected my psychological well-
from your experience as an athlete during the COVID-19 pandemic?
competitions resulted in a lack of being by reducing the excitement and
How do you envision applying these lessons to enhance your psy­ adrenaline and diminished motivation I usually derive from
chological resilience in the future, both within and beyond the enjoyment of my sport. competing in front of a crowd.
context of the pandemic? 13 Switching to alternative training It affected my psychological well-
methods had an impact on my being as I questioned the
confidence and satisfaction with my effectiveness of the new methods and
The responses collected from participants shed light on the specific training progress. felt less fulfilled in my training.
challenges and disruptions they experienced in their sport or athletic 14 Financial difficulties due to It had a significant impact on my
training due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges varied from sponsorship or funding cuts caused psychological well-being, creating
the closure of sport facilities and cancellations of competitions to the concerns about my future and stress and uncertainty about my
financial stability, affecting my athletic career.
shift to virtual training and limited practice opportunities with team­
psychological well-being.
mates. The participants highlighted the psychological impact of these 15 The cancellation of sports events It had a negative impact on my
challenges, including feelings of frustration, disappointment, discon­ disrupted my progression and raised psychological well-being, as I felt a
nection, and decreased motivation. Understanding these challenges and concerns about my future career sense of stagnation and uncertainty
their impact on psychological well-being is crucial in identifying the prospects, affecting my psychological about my future in the sport.
support and strategies needed to navigate such unprecedented

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

13. Preliminary findings various responses. Respondents reported experiencing decreased moti­
vation (PW1.1) impacting respondents 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15, with a
The exploration of athletes' experiences during the COVID-19 frequency of 6. Loss of purpose (PW2.1) was mentioned by respondents
pandemic has unearthed significant insights. Key themes emerged, 2 and 14, with a frequency of 2. Reduced engagement (PW3.1) was
encompassing challenges in training, travel, uncertainty, and psycho­ reported by respondents 3 and 13, with a frequency of 2. Missed op­
logical well-being. Support systems played a pivotal role in fostering portunities (PW4.1) were highlighted by respondents 4, 9, and 15, with
resilience, while personal attributes like determination and adaptability a frequency of 3. Emotional distress (PW5.1) was mentioned by re­
contributed to athletes' mental well-being. Coping strategies such as spondents 5 and 11, with a frequency of 2.
mindfulness, structured routines, and seeking social support emerged as Overall, the analysis indicates that facility closures, competition
effective tools. Athletes demonstrated varying levels of motivation, cancellations, training modifications, travel restrictions, and uncer­
resilience, and emotional well-being, navigating challenges through tainty and changes were the main challenges and disruptions faced by
coping strategies and adaptation. These preliminary findings lay the athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges had varying
foundation for a comprehensive understanding of athletes' experiences impacts on their psychological well-being, including decreased moti­
during adversity, emphasizing the importance of support systems, per­ vation, loss of purpose, reduced engagement, missed opportunities, and
sonal attributes, and coping strategies in maintaining psychological emotional distress. These findings highlight the complex and multifac­
well-being and resilience. eted nature of the challenges athletes encountered during this unprec­
edented time and the subsequent effects on their psychological well-
14. Thematic analysis being.
The analysis of the responses to the question regarding strategies and
After going through thematic analysis of the research following re­ coping mechanisms employed to navigate the increased stress, anxiety,
sults were extracted for each question of the study which are shown in and uncertainty caused by the pandemic revealed several key findings.
Tables. In response to challenges such as facility closures and competi­ Participants reported a variety of strategies and coping mechanisms that
tion cancellations, athletes demonstrated remarkable resilience and contributed to their psychological resilience. In terms of strategies,
adaptability, employing strategies to maintain their training regimens mindfulness practices (ST1) emerged as a prominent approach, with
and mental well-being. Tables 1, 2 and 3 explained the responses for respondents 1, 6, 9, 12, and 15 mentioning its effectiveness in managing
Question No., Tables 4, 5 and 6 explained the responses for question No stress and enhancing resilience. A structured daily routine (ST2) was
2. Likewise Tables 7, 8 and 9 are drawn for question 3 and Tables 10, 11 another strategy employed by respondents 8, 13, and 2, providing a
and 12 are for Question 4. At Lat Tables 13, 14 and 15 explained the sense of stability and control in uncertain times. Seeking social support
responses for question No. 5. (ST3) was highlighted as a valuable coping mechanism by respondents 4
For better explanation of the results and for concise explanation only and 11, emphasizing the importance of connection and community in
thematic codes for each question are explained here. building resilience. Regular physical exercise (ST4) was mentioned by
Each question has been explained in a separate way. The analysis of respondents 10, 7, and 15, underscoring its positive impact on mood and
the responses to the question regarding the challenges and disruptions overall well-being. Lastly, respondents 3 and 5 emphasized the signifi­
experienced in sport or athletic training due to the COVID-19 pandemic cance of self-care and relaxation activities (ST5) in managing stress and
revealed several key findings. In terms of challenges and disruptions, promoting resilience. When exploring the contribution of these strate­
participants reported a range of experiences. The closure of facilities gies to psychological resilience, several sub-thematic codes emerged.
(CD1.1) was highlighted as a significant challenge, affecting the training Improved self-awareness and emotional regulation (CR1) were reported
routines and access to resources for respondents 1, 9, and 14, with a by respondents 3, 5, 7, and 10, highlighting how mindfulness practices
frequency of 3. Competition cancellations (CD2.1) were also mentioned, and other strategies fostered a deeper understanding of their emotions
impacting respondents 2 and 15, with a frequency of 2. Training mod­ and more effective regulation. Stability and control (CR2) were
ifications (CD3.1) were identified as another significant challenge, mentioned by respondents 2, 4, and 14, illustrating how structured daily
affecting respondents 3, 6, 10, and 12, with a frequency of 4. Travel routines provided a sense of stability and a perceived level of control
restrictions (CD4.1) were reported by respondents 4 and 7, with a fre­ amidst uncertainty. Reduced isolation and enhanced connectedness
quency of 2. Lastly, respondents 5, 8, 11, and 13 highlighted the chal­ (CR3) were emphasized by respondents 1, 6, and 8, indicating that
lenge of uncertainty and changes (CD5.1) with a frequency of 4. seeking social support played a significant role in reducing feelings of
Regarding the impact on psychological well-being, the analysis revealed isolation and enhancing connectedness, thereby contributing to resil­
ience. Boosted mood and reduced stress (CR4) were reported by re­
Table 2 spondents 12, 13, and 15, highlighting the positive impact of strategies
Challenges and psychological well-being-thematic responses for Q 1. like regular physical exercise on mood and stress reduction. Lastly, re­
spondents 9 and 14 emphasized that these strategies contributed to
Respondent Challenges and disruptions Impact on psychological well-
being enhanced well-being and resilience (CR5) promoting their overall ability
to cope with the challenges of the pandemic.
1 Facility closure Decreased motivation
2 Competition cancellations Loss of purpose
Overall, the analysis indicates that strategies such as mindfulness
3 Virtual training disconnection Reduced motivation practices, structured daily routines, seeking social support, regular
4 Travel restrictions Missed opportunities physical exercise, and self-care and relaxation activities were instru­
5 Changing training schedules Routine instability mental in fostering psychological resilience among athletes during the
6 Solo training at home Isolation, lack of accountability
pandemic. These strategies contributed to improved self-awareness,
7 Limited access to physiotherapy Anxiety, prolonged recovery
8 Closure of gyms and training Confidence impact emotional regulation, stability, connectedness, mood, and overall
centers well-being, enabling athletes to navigate the increased stress, anxiety,
9 Limited practice with teammates Disconnect, unpreparedness and uncertainty caused by the pandemic with greater resilience.
10 Uncertainty of resuming Anxiety, anticipation The analysis of the responses to the question about receiving support
11 Balancing home responsibilities Overwhelm, reduced energy
or assistance during the pandemic and the role of support systems in
12 Absence of crowd support Lack of adrenaline fostering resilience revealed valuable insights into the experiences of
13 Switching to alternative training Confidence impact, satisfaction athletes. Participants reported various forms of support and identified
14 Financial difficulties Concerns about future, stability the specific roles played by coaches, teammates, family, and friends in
15 Event cancellation Stagnation, career prospects
maintaining their mental well-being and resilience. Coaches (SS1)

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 3
Thematic codes Q 1.
Sub-thematic codes for challenges and disruptions Respondent numbers Freq. Sub-thematic codes for impact on psychological well-being Respondent numbers Freq.

CD1.1: Facility Closure 1, 9, 14 3 PW1.1: Decreased Motivation 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 6
CD2.1: Competition Cancellations 2, 15 2 PW2.1: Loss of Purpose 2, 14 2
CD3.1: Training Modifications 3, 6, 10, 12 4 PW3.1: Reduced Engagement 3, 13 2
CD4.1: Travel Restrictions 4, 7 2 PW4.1: Missed Opportunities 4, 9, 15 3
CD5.1: Uncertainty and Changes 5, 8, 11, 13 4 PW5.1: Emotional Distress 5, 11 2

Table 4 Table 5
Responses for Q 2. Thematic responses for Q 2.
Respondent Strategies or coping mechanisms Contribution to psychological Respondent Strategies or coping Contribution to psychological
resilience mechanisms resilience

1 I engaged in mindfulness These strategies helped me 1 Mindfulness practices Improved self-awareness and
practices to improve self- enhance my psychological emotional regulation
awareness and regulate my resilience. 2 Structured daily routine Stability and control
emotions. 3 Virtual social support Reduced isolation and enhanced
2 Maintaining a structured daily These strategies contributed to connectedness
routine gave me a sense of my psychological resilience. 4 Regular physical exercise Boosted mood and reduced stress
stability and control. 5 Deep breathing exercises Anxiety management and
3 Seeking social support through These strategies played a vital relaxation
virtual platforms reduced role in my psychological 6 Gratitude journal Positive mindset and resilience
feelings of isolation and resilience. 7 Developing hobbies and Distraction from stress and
enhanced my social interests uncertainty
connectedness. 8 Meditation practice Calmness and emotional well-being
4 Engaging in regular physical These strategies significantly 9 Connecting with nature Solace and rejuvenation
exercise boosted my mood and contributed to my psychological 10 Self-care activities Relaxation and well-being
reduced stress levels. resilience. 11 Creative outlets Emotional expression
5 Practicing deep breathing These strategies had a positive 12 Therapy and counseling Stress and anxiety management
exercises helped me manage impact on my psychological 13 Positive self-talk and thought Resilient mindset
anxiety and promote relaxation. resilience. reframing
6 Keeping a gratitude journal These strategies played a crucial 14 Virtual connection with loved Emotional support
fostered a positive mindset and role in enhancing my ones
resilience. psychological resilience. 15 Relaxation techniques (yoga/ Inner calmness
7 I focused on developing new These strategies contributed to meditation)
hobbies and interests to divert my psychological resilience.
my attention from stress and
uncertainty. solidarity, and mutual support within the team, which created a sense of
8 I established a daily meditation These strategies played a belonging and provided a valuable support network during the
practice to promote calmness and significant role in strengthening
emotional well-being. my psychological resilience.
pandemic. Family (SS3) was another key support system, with a fre­
9 Connecting with nature and These strategies greatly quency of 4. Respondents 3, 4, 7, and 13 emphasized the significant role
spending time outdoors helped contributed to my psychological that family members played in understanding their experiences,
me find solace and rejuvenation. resilience. providing a positive environment, and offering unwavering support.
10 I practiced self-care activities These strategies played a key
Family support served as a pillar of strength, providing athletes with
such as taking baths and role in maintaining my
engaging in relaxing hobbies. psychological resilience. emotional support and a sense of stability during challenging times.
11 Engaging in creative outlets, such These strategies positively Friends (SS4) were mentioned by respondent 8, indicating that friends
as painting and writing, allowed impacted my psychological played a role in providing support and maintaining mental well-being.
me to express my emotions. resilience. While the frequency for friends was lower compared to other support
12 I sought professional therapy and These strategies significantly
counseling to address and supported my psychological
systems, their presence and support were still acknowledged as valuable
manage my stress and anxiety. resilience. during the pandemic. In terms of the impact of support systems on
13 I practiced positive self-talk and These strategies were crucial in resilience, several sub-thematic codes emerged. Emotional support
reframed negative thoughts to developing my psychological (RF1) was emphasized by respondents 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, highlighting
maintain a resilient mindset. resilience.
the role of support systems in providing empathy, understanding, and
14 Connecting with loved ones These strategies greatly
through regular video calls and contributed to my psychological comfort during difficult times. Guidance, motivation, and coping stra­
virtual hangouts provided resilience. tegies (RF2) were mentioned by respondents 2, 5, 9, 10, and 11,
emotional support. underscoring the valuable role of support systems in offering guidance,
15 Engaging in relaxation These strategies played a vital motivation, and practical strategies to cope with challenges. Under­
techniques like yoga and role in enhancing my
meditation helped me find inner psychological resilience.
standing and a positive environment (RF3) were highlighted by re­
calmness. spondents 3, 7, and 13, emphasizing how support systems created an
understanding and accepting environment that fostered resilience.
Overall, the analysis highlights the importance of support systems,
emerged as a significant source of support, with a frequency of 6. Re­ including coaches, teammates, family, and friends, in providing
spondents 1, 5, 9, 11, 12, and 14 highlighted the crucial role coaches emotional support, guidance, motivation, and coping strategies to ath­
played in providing emotional support, guidance, motivation, and letes during the pandemic. These support systems played a crucial role in
coping strategies. Coaches offered encouragement, mentorship, and the maintaining mental well-being and fostering resilience by providing
necessary tools to help athletes navigate the challenges they faced. athletes with the necessary support, understanding, and resources to
Teammates (SS2) were also recognized as an important support system, navigate the challenges they faced.
with a frequency of 4. Respondents 2, 6, 10, and 15 emphasized the role The analysis of the responses to the question about personal attri­
of teammates in fostering resilience. They highlighted the camaraderie, butes or characteristics that played a significant role in athletes' ability

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 6
Thematic codes for Q 2.
Sub-thematic codes for strategies or coping Respondent Freq. Sub-thematic codes for contribution to psychological Respondent Freq.
mechanisms numbers resilience numbers

ST1: Mindfulness practices 1, 6, 9, 12, 15 5 CR1: Improved self-awareness and emotional regulation 3, 5, 7, 10 4
ST2: Structured daily routine 8, 13, 2 3 CR2: Stability and control 2, 4, 14 3
ST3: Seeking social support 4, 11 2 CR3: Reduced isolation and enhanced connectedness 1, 6, 8 3
ST4: Regular physical exercise 10, 7, 15 3 CR4: Boosted mood and reduced stress 12, 13, 15 3
ST5: Self-care and relaxation activities 3, 5 2 CR5: Enhanced well-being and resilience 9, 14 2

Table 7 Table 8
Responses for Q 3. Thematic analysis for Q 3.
Respondent Support systems Role in fostering resilience Respondent Support systems Role in fostering resilience

1 My coach provided constant They played a crucial role in 1 Coach, family, friends Encouragement, support
encouragement and motivation. maintaining my mental well- 2 Teammates, coach Motivation, camaraderie
My family and friends offered being and resilience during the 3 Family, friends Understanding, support
emotional support. pandemic. 4 Friends, coach Emotional support, guidance
2 I received support from my They created a sense of 5 Coach, teammates Group sessions, guidance
teammates and coach, who camaraderie and helped me stay 6 Teammates Support group, guidance
provided emotional support and resilient throughout the 7 Family Emotional support
motivation. challenging times. 8 Friends Emotional support
3 My family and friends were They created a positive 9 Coach, family Individual support, guidance
incredibly supportive and environment and offered 10 Support group, coach Mutual support, guidance
understanding. emotional support, contributing 11 Teammates Virtual training, support
to my resilience. 12 Sports psychologist Guidance, coping strategies
4 My friends and coach were there Their presence and advice helped 13 Family, friends Celebration, support
for me through regular video me maintain my mental well- 14 Coach Workshops, mental well-being
calls and provided emotional being during the pandemic. 15 Mentor Guidance, support
5 My coach organized online They provided guidance and
group sessions where we support, helping me navigate the on personal attributes, five sub-thematic codes emerged. Determination
discussed our concerns and challenges and maintain my
(PA1) was mentioned by respondents 1, 9, and 13, highlighting its sig­
shared coping strategies. resilience.
6 My teammates were my main They offered emotional support,
nificance in maintaining resilience. These athletes displayed a strong
support system. We openly understanding, and guidance, sense of determination, which helped them persevere and stay resilient
talked about our challenges and contributing to my resilience. in the face of adversity. Adaptability (PA2) was identified by re­
provided guidance. spondents 2, 10, and 7 as a crucial attribute that contributed to their
7 My family provided emotional Their presence and listening ear
resilience. These athletes demonstrated the ability to adapt and adjust to
support and encouragement helped me maintain my mental
throughout the pandemic. well-being and resilience. the changing circumstances and challenges posed by the pandemic. Self-
8 My close friends were my source They provided comfort, discipline (PA3) was mentioned by respondents 3 and 8. These athletes
of emotional support during the understanding, and highlighted the importance of self-discipline in maintaining focus,
pandemic. encouragement, fostering my staying motivated, and adhering to their training routines despite the
9 I received support from my Their personalized support and
disruptions caused by the pandemic. Optimism (PA4) emerged as
coach and family, who checked belief in my abilities contributed another significant attribute, mentioned by respondents 4, 1, 14, and 15.
in on me individually and to my mental well-being and These athletes displayed a positive outlook and mindset, which helped
provided guidance. resilience. them maintain their mental well-being and face challenges with opti­
10 I joined an online support group The shared experiences and
mism and resilience. Proactivity (PA5) was identified by respondents 5,
with athletes facing similar mutual support within the group
challenges. helped me maintain my mental 6, and 12 as an important attribute that contributed to their resilience.
well-being. These athletes took initiative, sought opportunities, and actively
11 My teammates organized virtual Their collective motivation and engaged in actions that supported their well-being and resilience.
training sessions, which support helped me stay resilient In Part 2, which focuses on the contribution of these attributes to
provided motivation and and overcome the challenges.
mental well-being and resilience, five sub-thematic codes were identi­
12 I received valuable support from Their expertise and guidance fied. Resilience (RW1) was mentioned by respondents 1, 6, 9, and 12,
my sports psychologist. helped me develop coping emphasizing how personal attributes such as determination, adapt­
strategies and maintain my ability, self-discipline, optimism, and proactivity contributed to their
mental well-being.
overall resilience. Change (RW2) was mentioned by respondents 2 and
13 My family and friends Their support and belief in me
celebrated my successes, boosted my resilience during the 14, highlighting how their personal attributes helped them navigate and
providing unwavering support. pandemic. embrace change, which in turn contributed to their mental well-being
14 My coach provided regular The sessions equipped me with and resilience. Commitment (RW3) was mentioned by respondents 3,
online workshops and seminars tools and techniques to navigate 11, and 15. These athletes emphasized their unwavering commitment to
on mental well-being. the challenges and maintain
their goals, training, and personal growth, which played a significant
15 I had a mentor who offered Their wisdom and guidance role in their mental well-being and resilience. Motivation (RW4) was
guidance and support helped me stay focused, highlighted by respondents 4, 8, and 10, emphasizing how their personal
throughout the pandemic. motivated, and mentally strong. attributes fostered intrinsic motivation, keeping them driven and resil­
ient in the face of challenges. Overcoming (RW5) was mentioned by
respondents 5, 7, and 15. These athletes highlighted how their personal
to remain resilient during the pandemic revealed several key themes.
attributes enabled them to overcome obstacles, adversities, and set­
Participants identified specific personal attributes that contributed to
backs, contributing to their mental well-being and overall resilience.
their mental well-being and overall resilience. In Part 1, which focuses

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 9
Sub thematic codes Q 3.
Codes Themes Freq. Respondent numbers Codes Themes Freq. Respondent numbers

SS1 Coach 6 1, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14 RF1 Emotional support 7 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

SS2 Teammates 4 2, 6, 10, 15 RF2 Guidance, motivation, coping strategies 5 2, 5, 9, 10, 11
SS3 Family 4 3, 4, 7, 13 RF3 Understanding, positive environment 3 3, 7, 13
SS4 Friends 1 8

Overall, the analysis showcases the importance of personal attributes Overall, the analysis demonstrates that athletes have gained valuable
such as determination, adaptability, self-discipline, optimism, and pro­ lessons and insights from their experience during the pandemic. They
activity in athletes' ability to remain resilient during the pandemic. have identified important attributes such as adaptability, mental
These attributes played a significant role in their mental well-being, toughness, self-discipline, teamwork, and health as key factors in
contributing to their overall resilience by enabling them to navigate enhancing their psychological resilience. These insights will guide their
challenges, embrace change, stay committed, maintain motivation, and future actions and decisions, enabling them to navigate challenges,
overcome obstacles. embrace change, overcome obstacles, collaborate effectively, and pri­
The analysis of the responses to the question about valuable lessons oritize self-care for optimal psychological resilience.
and insights gained from the athlete's experience during the COVID-19
pandemic revealed important thematic codes. These codes represent 15. Over all key thematic codes
the lessons learned and how athletes envision applying these lessons to
enhance their psychological resilience in the future. In Part 1, which Following results and key thematic issues has been extracted for over
focuses on the valuable lessons and insights gained, five sub-thematic analysis of the study.
codes emerged. Adaptability (TC1) was mentioned by respondents 1, The findings in Tables 16 and 17 of the study revealed several key
6, and 12. These athletes highlighted the importance of being adaptable themes related to the independent variable of Pandemic-Related Chal­
and flexible in the face of challenging circumstances. They learned to lenges and Disruptions. Participants reported experiencing various
embrace change and adapt their approach, which provided them with challenges and disruptions in their training and modifications due to the
valuable insights and lessons for enhancing their psychological resil­ pandemic, which was reflected in the frequency of 5. They also high­
ience. Mental Toughness (TC2) was identified by respondents 2, 10, and lighted the impact of restrictions and changes imposed by the pandemic,
11. These athletes emphasized the significance of developing mental with a frequency of 3. Support systems played a crucial role in helping
toughness to overcome challenges and setbacks. They gained valuable athletes navigate these challenges, as evidenced by a frequency of 6.
insights into their own resilience and mental strength, which they Additionally, participants recognized the significance of personal attri­
envision applying in future situations that require resilience. Self- butes and attitudes, with a frequency of 6, in their ability to cope with
discipline (TC3) was mentioned by respondents 3 and 8. These ath­ the pandemic-related challenges and disruptions. Furthermore, the
letes recognized the importance of self-discipline in maintaining focus, theme of well-being and health emerged, with a frequency of 4, indi­
sticking to their training routines, and staying committed to their goals. cating the importance of maintaining physical and mental well-being
They gained insights into the power of self-discipline and envision during such challenging times.
applying it to enhance their psychological resilience in the future. Regarding the dependent variable of Psychological Resilience and
Teamwork (TC4) emerged as another significant sub-thematic code, Adaptation, the findings indicated that participants reported varying
mentioned by respondents 4, 7, 14, and 13. These athletes acknowl­ levels of motivation, with a frequency of 4. The theme of resilience was
edged the importance of collaboration, support from teammates, and the prominent, with a frequency of 5, suggesting that athletes demonstrated
collective strength of a team. They learned valuable lessons about resilience in the face of adversity during the pandemic. Participants also
teamwork and collaboration, which they envision applying to enhance emphasized the importance of emotional well-being, with a frequency of
their psychological resilience in future endeavors. Health (TC5) was 6, indicating the significance of managing and maintaining emotional
mentioned by respondents 5, 9, and 15. These athletes recognized the health. The theme of coping strategies emerged as a crucial aspect, with
vital role of physical and mental health in maintaining resilience. They a frequency of 8, highlighting the strategies employed by athletes to
gained insights into the importance of self-care, well-being, and priori­ adapt and navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic.
tizing their health. They envision applying these lessons to ensure their Overall, the study's results underscored the significant impact of the
psychological resilience remains strong in the future. In Part 2, which COVID-19 pandemic on athletes and their psychological well-being. The
focuses on how athletes envision applying these lessons to enhance their identified themes shed light on the challenges, disruptions, and support
psychological resilience, the same five sub-thematic codes were identi­ systems athletes encountered, as well as the role of personal attributes
fied. Embracing Change (TC1) was mentioned by respondents 1, 6, 8, and coping strategies in fostering resilience. These findings provide
and 12, emphasizing their intention to apply their adaptability skills and valuable insights for understanding the experiences of athletes during
embrace change in future situations to enhance their psychological times of adversity and can inform the development of interventions and
resilience. Overcoming Challenges (TC2) was mentioned by respondents support systems to enhance athletes' psychological well-being and
2, 13, and 10. These athletes envision applying their mental toughness resilience in the face of similar challenges in the future.
and resilience to overcome challenges that come their way, both within
and beyond the context of the pandemic. Overcoming Obstacles (TC3) 16. Comparison of results with literature
was mentioned by respondents 3 and 11. They expressed their
commitment to applying their self-discipline and resilience to overcome The findings of this study resonate with established literature that
obstacles they may encounter in the future. Collaboration (TC4) was underscores the crucial role of psychological resilience in athletes' well-
mentioned by respondents 4, 7, and 14. They envision leveraging the being and performance (Junnarkar et al., 2021). The identified personal
power of teamwork and collaboration to enhance their psychological attributes, such as self-efficacy, optimism, and self-regulation, align with
resilience in future endeavors. Self-care (TC5) was mentioned by re­ prior research highlighting their significance in enhancing athletes'
spondents 5, 9, and 15. These athletes expressed their intention to pri­ resilience (Rofiqah et al., 2023). Similarly, the study's emphasis on the
oritize self-care, both physically and mentally, to ensure their well-being importance of social support systems from coaches, teammates, and
and enhance their psychological resilience. family members aligns with existing literature on their role in providing

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 10 Table 11
Responses for Q 4. Themes for Q 4.
Respondent Part 1: Personal attributes Part 2: Contribution to mental Respondent Part 1: Personal Part 2: Contribution to mental well-
numbers well-being and resilience numbers attributes being and resilience

1 My determination and Helped me stay resilient 1 Determination Resilience

perseverance were key in throughout the challenges of 2 Adaptability Change
remaining resilient during the the pandemic 3 Self-discipline Commitment
pandemic. 4 Optimism Motivation
2 I found that my adaptability Enabled me to navigate 5 Proactivity Overcoming
and willingness to embrace uncertainties and embrace 6 Resilience Bouncing back
change played a significant role change 7 Patience Calm
in my ability to navigate the 8 Self-belief Confidence
challenges. 9 Flexibility Adaptation
3 Self-discipline was crucial in Kept me focused and 10 Self-awareness Emotions
staying focused and committed committed, even in the face of 11 Problem-solving Solutions
to my goals despite the disruptions 12 Supportive network Connection
adversities. 13 Self-care Well-being
4 Maintaining an optimistic and Motivated me and helped me 14 Growth mindset Opportunities
positive mindset helped me maintain resilience during 15 Gratitude Mindfulness
stay motivated and resilient tough times
throughout the pandemic.
5 Taking initiative and being Empowered me to overcome thinking and reframing is consistent with literature highlighting its role
proactive empowered me to obstacles and find solutions
in maintaining a positive mindset and promoting resilience (Finlay et al.,
overcome obstacles and find
2021). The study's observations regarding the effects of the COVID-19
6 My resilience and mental Played a significant role in pandemic on athletes' training routines, disruptions, psychological
toughness played a crucial role bouncing back from setbacks impact, isolation, and uncertainty align with research that emphasizes
in bouncing back from setbacks and staying strong the pandemic's widespread implications on athletes' well-being and
and staying strong.
performance (Cleofas, 2021; Evans et al., 2020). The findings also
7 Patience and endurance Allowed me to persevere
allowed me to persevere through difficulties and resonate with prior research on the importance of maintaining a
through difficult times and maintain a sense of calm balanced approach to sports and embracing alternative training
maintain a sense of calm. methods and technology (Uroh & Adewunmi, 2021). Overall, this
8 Having self-belief and Boosted my mental well-being study's alignment with existing literature reinforces the robustness of the
confidence boosted my mental and provided the strength to
well-being and contributed to face challenges
identified themes and insights. By examining the interplay between
my resilience. personal attributes, social support, coping strategies, and the challenges
9 Flexibility and open- Helped me adapt to changing posed by the pandemic, this research contributes to a deeper under­
mindedness helped me adapt to circumstances and explore new standing of athletes' experiences during times of adversity.
changing circumstances and possibilities
explore new possibilities.
10 Self-awareness and emotional Allowed me to recognize and 17. Data synthesis of study
intelligence allowed me to manage my emotions
recognize and manage my effectively, promoting mental Addressing the interplay between the independent and dependent
emotions effectively, well-being and resilience variables, it is crucial to elucidate the direct impact of pandemic-related
promoting mental well-being
and resilience.
challenges and disruptions on athletes' psychological resilience and
11 Problem-solving skills assisted Assisted me in finding solutions adaptation. The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as
me in finding solutions and and overcoming obstacles training interruptions, competition cancellations, and uncertainties,
overcoming obstacles. were consistently reflected in participants' narratives. These challenges
12 Supportive network and social Played a vital role in providing
tested athletes' coping mechanisms, pushing them to seek alternative
connections played a vital role emotional support and
in providing emotional support contributing to my mental well- strategies, cultivate mental fortitude, and adapt to new circumstances.
and contributing to my mental being and resilience The adversity prompted self-reflection and the reevaluation of goals,
well-being and resilience. resulting in a heightened awareness of the importance of psychological
13 Self-care practices, such as Prioritizing self-care activities well-being. Athletes exhibited remarkable resilience by utilizing strate­
exercise, meditation, and such as exercise, meditation,
relaxation, helped me maintain and relaxation helped me
gies such as maintaining routines, seeking social support, and embracing
mental well-being and maintain mental well-being a growth mindset. These coping strategies, borne out of the unique
resilience. and resilience pandemic circumstances, directly contributed to their psychological
14 Having a growth mindset Believing in the potential for adaptation, enabling them to navigate the challenges and uncertainties
allowed me to see challenges as personal growth and
with resilience. Therefore, the synthesis of data underscores the intrinsic
opportunities for personal embracing challenges as
development and growth. opportunities for development link between the challenges presented by the pandemic and the athletes'
15 Cultivating gratitude and Cultivating gratitude and demonstrated resilience, illustrating the nuanced ways in which external
practicing mindfulness helped mindfulness helped me stay stressors impact psychological processes.
me stay present, appreciate the present, appreciate the
positives, and maintain a positives, and maintain a
resilient mindset. resilient mindset
18. Conclusions

In conclusion, this study explored the experiences of athletes during

emotional, informational, and tangible support (Labrague, 2021; Pak the COVID-19 pandemic and examined the impact of pandemic-related
et al., 2023). The coping strategies adopted by athletes during the challenges and disruptions on their psychological well-being. The find­
pandemic, such as problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies, ings revealed several key themes related to the challenges and disrup­
parallel previous studies' findings on their effectiveness in mitigating tions faced by athletes, including training modifications, travel
stress and enhancing psychological well-being (Marey-Sarwan et al., restrictions, uncertainty and changes, and the impact on their psycho­
2022; Park et al., 2021). Additionally, the cognitive strategy of adaptive logical well-being. Support systems, such as coaches, teammates, family,

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 12
Thematic codes Q 4.
Sub-thematic codes - Part 1: Personal Freq. Respondent Sub-thematic codes - Part 2: Contribution to mental well-being and Freq. Respondent
attributes numbers resilience numbers

PA1: Determination 3 1, 9, 13 RW1: Resilience 4 1, 6, 9, 12

PA2: Adaptability 3 2, 10, 7 RW2: Change 2 2, 14
PA3: Self-discipline 2 3, 8 RW3: Commitment 3 3, 11, 15
PA4: Optimism 4 4, 1, 14, 15 RW4: Motivation 3 4, 8, 10
PA5: Proactivity 3 5, 6, 12 RW5: Overcoming 3 5, 7, 15

and friends, played a crucial role in fostering resilience and maintaining Moreover, integrating well-being practices into athletes' routines is
mental well-being. The study also highlighted the importance of per­ crucial for their overall mental health and resilience. Mindfulness
sonal attributes and attitudes in enabling athletes to remain resilient in practices, structured daily routines, regular physical exercise, and self-
the face of adversity. Determination, adaptability, self-discipline, opti­ care and relaxation activities should be emphasized and supported.
mism, and proactivity were identified as significant attributes contrib­ Sports organizations can provide resources, workshops, and access to
uting to athletes' mental well-being and overall resilience. Furthermore, mental health professionals to educate athletes on the importance of
the study explored the strategies and coping mechanisms employed by self-care and facilitate the adoption of these practices.
athletes to navigate the increased stress, anxiety, and uncertainty caused Lastly, fostering a culture that values psychological resilience and
by the pandemic. Mindfulness practices, structured daily routines, adaptation is paramount. Athletes should be educated on the concept of
seeking social support, regular physical exercise, and self-care and resilience, its importance in overcoming adversity, and the role it plays
relaxation activities emerged as effective strategies contributing to in their overall well-being. Coaches and sports organizations can provide
psychological resilience. The findings also emphasized the role of psy­ training programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities that focus
chological resilience and adaptation in athletes' experiences during the on building resilience skills, such as stress management, problem-
pandemic. Participants demonstrated varying levels of motivation, solving, and positive mindset development.
resilience, emotional well-being, and employed coping strategies to In summary, recommendations to support athletes in navigating
adapt and navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic. Overall, the similar challenges and enhancing their psychological well-being and
study provided valuable insights into the experiences of athletes during resilience include proactive planning for crisis situations, strengthening
the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the challenges they faced, the support systems, fostering personal attributes and attitudes, promoting
support systems that fostered their resilience, the importance of personal well-being practices, and fostering a culture of resilience. Implementing
attributes and coping strategies, and the impact on their psychological these recommendations can bolster the psychological resilience of ath­
well-being. These findings contribute to a better understanding of ath­ letes, equipping them to handle future adversities. Additionally, sports
letes' experiences during times of adversity and can inform the devel­ organizations and stakeholders can empower athletes to thrive in the
opment of interventions and support systems to enhance their face of adversity and promote their long-term psychological well-being.
psychological well-being and resilience in the face of similar challenges
in the future. 20. Actionable recommendations for stakeholders

19. Recommendations In light of the study's findings, practical recommendations can be

proposed to bolster athletes' resilience and safeguard their mental well-
Based on the findings of this study, several recommendations can be being during future crises. Sports organizations, coaches, and trainers
made to support athletes in navigating similar challenges in the future should proactively design adaptable training protocols that incorporate
and promoting their psychological well-being and resilience. virtual alternatives and flexible schedules. Strengthening athletes' sup­
Firstly, it is essential to develop proactive strategies to address the port networks, including teammates, coaches, and family, can be ach­
challenges and disruptions faced by athletes during times of crisis. ieved through fostering an inclusive environment and promoting regular
Sports organizations, coaches, and trainers should consider developing communication. Encouraging the cultivation of attributes like adapt­
contingency plans that outline alternative training methods, virtual ability, determination, and self-discipline will empower athletes to face
competitions, and flexible scheduling to minimize the impact of facility challenges head-on. Embedding well-being practices such as mindful­
closures, competition cancellations, training modifications, travel re­ ness and structured routines into athletes' lives can further contribute to
strictions, and uncertainties. By proactively addressing these challenges, their overall mental health. Finally, instilling a culture that values
athletes can maintain a sense of normalcy and reduce the potential resilience through education and mentorship will equip athletes with
negative effects on their psychological well-being. essential skills for thriving amidst adversity. By embracing these tar­
Secondly, establishing and enhancing support systems is crucial for geted recommendations, stakeholders can pave the way for athletes to
athletes' resilience and mental well-being. Coaches, teammates, family, navigate future uncertainties with resilience and well-being intact.
and friends play vital roles in providing emotional support, guidance,
motivation, and coping strategies. Sports organizations should prioritize 21. Implications of study
creating a positive and inclusive environment that fosters strong social
connections and encourages athletes to seek support when needed. The implications of the study's findings hold substantial significance
Regular communication, team-building activities, and access to mental for various stakeholders within the realm of sports, including coaches,
health resources can further strengthen these support systems. sports organizations, policymakers, and mental well-being advocates.
Additionally, promoting and encouraging the development of per­ The insights drawn from the research shed light on the multifaceted
sonal attributes and attitudes that contribute to resilience is essential. challenges athletes faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and offer
Athletes should be encouraged to cultivate determination, adaptability, valuable guidance for shaping the future of athletic training and mental
self-discipline, optimism, and proactivity. Coaches and trainers can well-being support.
incorporate mindset training, goal-setting techniques, and resilience- For coaches and sports organizations, the findings underscore the
building exercises into training programs to empower athletes to effec­ importance of adaptability and proactive planning. The disruptions and
tively navigate challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties. modifications encountered by athletes necessitate the development of

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 13 Table 13 (continued )

Responses for Q 5. Respondent Valuable lessons/insights from Envisioned application for
Respondent Valuable lessons/insights from Envisioned application for COVID-19 as an athlete psychological resilience
COVID-19 as an athlete psychological resilience
psychological resilience and
1 I learned the importance of I envision applying this lesson by overall satisfaction.
adaptability and how to embrace embracing change and finding 15 The pandemic taught me to find I plan to continue seeking and
change to thrive in unpredictable ways to thrive in future alternative sources of motivation cultivating alternative sources of
situations. challenging situations. when faced with challenging motivation to enhance my
2 The pandemic challenged my I plan to apply this mental circumstances. psychological resilience in all
mental resilience as an athlete, toughness to enhance my aspects of life.
and I developed a stronger psychological resilience in
mindset to overcome future future endeavors, both within
challenges. and beyond the context of the
pandemic. Table 14
3 COVID-19 emphasized the I intend to continue applying Themes for Q 5.
significance of self-discipline, self-discipline to enhance my
Respondent Valuable lessons/insights from Envisioned application for
which I learned to apply in psychological resilience and
COVID-19 as an athlete psychological resilience
overcoming obstacles in all overcome future obstacles.
aspects of life. 1 Adaptability Embracing change
4 The value of teamwork and I envision applying this lesson by 2 Mental toughness Overcoming challenges
collaboration became even more fostering collaboration, building 3 Self-discipline Overcoming obstacles
apparent during the pandemic, strong teams, and leveraging 4 Teamwork Collaboration
and I learned to strengthen my collective strength in 5 Health Self-care
teamwork skills for future challenging situations. 6 Technology Virtual training
endeavors. 7 Patience Perseverance
5 The pandemic made me I plan to continue prioritizing 8 Goal-setting Long-term vision
appreciate the importance of my health and well-being to 9 Time management Productivity
health and well-being, and I enhance my psychological 10 Resilience Facing uncertainties
learned to prioritize self-care in resilience and overall 11 Mental health Support network
all aspects of life. performance. 12 Adaptability Performance optimization
6 Adapting to virtual training and I envision using technology and 13 Self-motivation Intrinsic motivation
competitions during the virtual platforms to enhance my 14 Competition Joy of competition
pandemic taught me how to psychological resilience and 15 Alternative motivation Seeking motivation
leverage technology for training expand my training possibilities
and future opportunities. in the future.
7 The pandemic taught me the I plan to cultivate patience and flexible training models and contingency strategies. Coaches can
virtues of patience and perseverance to enhance my leverage the identified coping strategies, such as problem-focused ap­
perseverance, as I had to psychological resilience and stay
navigate through tough times. resilient in the face of future
proaches and adaptive thinking, to design training programs that
challenges. enhance athletes' ability to navigate challenges effectively. Moreover,
8 I realized the importance of goal- I envision setting realistic goals, the study accentuates the pivotal role of coaches in providing emotional
setting and the need to realign adapting them when necessary, support and fostering a sense of community, emphasizing the need for
goals when circumstances and maintaining focus on my
training and resources to equip coaches with the skills to address ath­
change unexpectedly. long-term vision to enhance my
psychological resilience. letes' psychological well-being.
9 The pandemic improved my time I plan to apply efficient time In terms of mental well-being support, the research underscores the
management skills, allowing me management techniques to significance of social support systems, particularly from teammates,
to be more productive and optimize my performance and coaches, and family members. Recognizing the positive impact of these
efficient. enhance my psychological
resilience in the future.
support networks on athletes' resilience, sports organizations can pri­
10 Navigating through I envision developing a resilient oritize initiatives that foster camaraderie, communication, and
uncertainties during the mindset to navigate future mentorship. Policymakers can also leverage the study's insights to
pandemic strengthened my uncertainties and challenges, advocate for enhanced mental health resources and professional support
resilience, enabling me to face both within and beyond the
services, ensuring that athletes have access to evidence-based in­
future uncertainties with context of the pandemic.
confidence. terventions to navigate challenging circumstances.
11 The pandemic highlighted the I plan to prioritize my mental Furthermore, the study's emphasis on personal attributes such as self-
importance of mental health, and well-being, seek support when efficacy, optimism, and self-regulation highlights the potential for in­
I learned to prioritize it and seek necessary, and build a strong terventions aimed at cultivating these attributes among athletes. By
support when needed. support network to enhance my
incorporating mindset training, goal-setting techniques, and resilience-
psychological resilience.
12 The pandemic forced me to I envision applying this building exercises, coaches and trainers can empower athletes with
adapt to different training enhanced adaptability to the skills to thrive in the face of adversity.
environments, which enhanced different contexts and In conclusion, the implications of this research extend beyond the
my adaptability and optimizing my performance,
immediate context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study's findings
performance. thereby strengthening my
psychological resilience. provide actionable insights that can shape the future landscape of ath­
13 The pandemic increased my self- I plan to harness my self- letic training, mental well-being support, and policy considerations. By
motivation and self-reliance as I motivation, build self-reliance, integrating these implications into coaching practices, organizational
had to find new sources of and seek intrinsic sources of strategies, and mental health initiatives, stakeholders can foster an
motivation beyond external motivation to enhance my
environment where athletes not only endure challenges but also flourish
factors. psychological resilience in the
future. in their athletic journeys.
14 Going through the pandemic I envision embracing the joy and
made me appreciate the joy and spirit of competition in future 22. Limitations of study
spirit of competition even more. endeavors to enhance my

It's essential to acknowledge the limitations of the study. Firstly, the

sample size was determined through purposeful sampling, potentially

T. Hussain et al. Acta Psychologica 240 (2023) 104050

Table 15
Thematic codes for Q 5.
Thematic codes Freq. Respondent numbers Thematic codes Freq. Respondent numbers

TC1: Adaptability 3 1, 6, 12 TC1: Embracing change 4 1, 6, 8, 12

TC2: Mental toughness 3 2, 10, 11 TC2: Overcoming challenges 3 2, 13, 10
TC3: Self-discipline 2 3, 8 TC3: Overcoming obstacles 2 3, 11
TC4: Teamwork 4 4, 7, 14, 13 TC4: Collaboration 3 4, 7, 14
TC5: Health 3 5, 9, 15 TC5: Self-care 3 5, 9, 15

athletes' psychological resilience over time, providing insights into the

Table 16
evolution of coping strategies as athletes navigate ongoing challenges. A
Pandemic-related challenges and disruptions.
longitudinal approach could involve tracking athletes from early
Sub-keywords Frequency development to peak performance and potential retirement, offering a
Training and modifications 5 holistic understanding of how resilience strategies adapt to changing
Restrictions and changes 3 circumstances throughout their careers. This would also provide valu­
Support systems 6
able insights into the long-term impact of experiences such as the
Personal attributes and attitudes 6
Well-being and health 4
COVID-19 pandemic on athletes' psychological well-being. Furthermore,
Total frequency 24 it would shed light on the effectiveness of interventions and support
systems in promoting sustained resilience throughout an athlete's
career. Secondly, a comparative analysis could extend beyond the scope
of the COVID-19 pandemic to encompass a wider array of stressors, such
Table 17
Psychological resilience and adaptation. as injuries or personal setbacks. This approach would yield valuable
insights into the generalizability and adaptability of resilience strategies
Sub-keyword Frequency
across diverse contexts. Are the coping mechanisms and support systems
Motivation 4 employed during the pandemic equally applicable in the face of other
Resilience 5
challenges? Investigating the transferability of resilience strategies
Emotional well-being 6
Coping strategies 8 could offer a broader perspective on athlete well-being and inform the
Total frequency 23 development of comprehensive support frameworks. These avenues of
research hold the potential to enhance the current understanding of
athletes' psychological resilience and contribute to the development of
introducing sample bias by focusing on athletes with disruptions. This more comprehensive support frameworks for their mental well-being.
sample can be generalized in some specific area which has same popu­
lation features. To address this, future research could involve a more 25. Significance of the study
diverse sample, including those who adapted well to the challenges.
Secondly, the study relied on self-reported data from interviews, which This study bears profound significance through its comprehensive
could be influenced by participants' biases and memory recall limita­ exploration of the psychological resilience of athletes in the face of the
tions. To mitigate this, future studies could incorporate multiple data unprecedented challenges wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. By
sources and a longitudinal design. These strategies will help strengthen delving into the athletes' lived experiences, coping strategies, and
the study's findings and their relevance to a broader context. adaptive responses, our research offers invaluable insights that extend
far beyond the realm of sports. These findings serve as a wellspring of
23. Findings of the study guidance for professionals engaged in sports psychology, coaching, and
policy-making, equipping them with a nuanced understanding of how
The study delved into the experiences of athletes during the COVID- athletes navigate adversity. The distinctive contribution of this study lies
19 pandemic, uncovering key themes surrounding the challenges they in its meticulous analysis of the pandemic's profound impact on athletes,
faced. These challenges included training modifications, travel re­ enriching the toolkit available for enhancing psychological resilience
strictions, uncertainties, and the resultant impact on their psychological and adaptive capacities not only within the sports domain but also in
well-being. Athletes drew strength from support systems such as broader contexts where individuals confront unforeseen challenges. This
coaches, teammates, family, and friends, while personal attributes like research bridges the gap between theory and practical application,
determination, adaptability, self-discipline, optimism, and proactivity fostering a culture of resilience that empowers athletes and diverse
played pivotal roles in bolstering their mental well-being. Additionally, communities to thrive in the face of uncertainty and adversity.
athletes employed effective coping mechanisms, including mindfulness
practices, structured routines, social support-seeking, regular physical 26. Applications and extensions
exercise, and self-care activities, to navigate heightened stress and un­
certainty. The findings underscored the significance of psychological While our study primarily centers on athletes' psychological resil­
resilience and adaptation in athletes' experiences during the pandemic, ience during the COVID-19 pandemic, the implications of our findings
revealing varying levels of motivation, emotional well-being, and coping extend beyond this domain. The insights gleaned from athletes' experi­
strategies. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the chal­ ences and coping strategies can potentially inform the support systems
lenges faced by athletes, the support systems fostering resilience, the and resilience-building approaches for various groups impacted by the
importance of personal attributes and coping strategies, and their col­ pandemic. For instance, these findings could be applied to students
lective impact on athletes' psychological well-being. facing disrupted education, professionals adapting to remote work, and
individuals navigating uncertainties in different contexts. By adapting
24. Future research directions the strategies employed by athletes to other affected groups, we can
collectively enhance the psychological well-being and adaptive capac­
To build upon the present study and address its limitations, two key ities of diverse communities facing challenges similar to those brought
directions emerge for future research. Firstly, employing a longitudinal about by the pandemic. This broader application underscores the
study design would enable a deeper exploration of the dynamic nature of

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