Summary Issue Report - Drups System - LSP
Summary Issue Report - Drups System - LSP
Summary Issue Report - Drups System - LSP
- DPC summarizes issues that need to be handled urgently after implementation process maintenance B and
monitoring progress.
- Outstanding issue :
1/ Enginee Battery .
- The following parameters were measured and recorded by us during the maintenance B.
- The stats are relative for each Drups / 18 unit . you can see the details in the Service Report Blank template.
- Measure result :
Value internal resistance > 3.5 mὨ at Specification. The battery temperature is within the allowable range
1 DRUPS ≥ 4.2 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.27 V NOK 33.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6901/AC technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
2 DRUPS ≥ 3.9 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.22 V OK 33.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6902/AD technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
3 DRUPS ≥ 4.3 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.08 V OK 34.2 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6903/AE technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
4 DRUPS ≥ 5.0 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.3 V OK 36.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6904/AF technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
5 DRUPS ≥ 4.2 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.34 V OK 35.2 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6905/AG technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
6 DRUPS ≥ 4.3 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.27 V OK 35.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6906/AH technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
7 DRUPS ≥ 4.2 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.27 V NOK 33.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6907/AI technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
8 DRUPS ≥ 4.8 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.38 V OK 37.4 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6908/AJ technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
9 DRUPS ≥ 4.3 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.20 V NOK 36.6 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6909/AK → OL technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
10 DRUPS ≥ 4.9 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.48 V OK 37.3 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6910/AL technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
11 DRUPS ≥ 4.7 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.29 V OK 36.1oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6911/AM technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
13 DRUPS ≥ 3.8 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.23 V OK 33.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6913/AO technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
14 DRUPS ≥ 3.8 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.21 V OK 34.8 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6914/AP technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
15 DRUPS ≥ 4.5 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.26 V OK 36.4 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6915/AQ technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
16 DRUPS ≥ 4.1 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.41 V OK 37.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6916/AR technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
17 DRUPS ≥ 4.0 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.37 V OK 35.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6917/AS technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
18 DRUPS ≥ 4.3 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.27 V OK 35.3 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6918/AT technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
19 DRUPS ≥ 4.1 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.31 V OK 34.7 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6919/AU technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
20 DRUPS ≥ 4.2 mὨ ≤ 3.5 mὨ 13.37 V OK 34.5 oC The internal resistance value exceeds the
6920/AV technical standard threshold → Recommend to
replace all ASAP
Note : DPC recomment need to replace all Battery for 20 Drups , ensure stable system
2/ PLC Battery .
Note : DPC recomment need to replace all PLC Battery for 20 Drups systems .
- According to our observations , The condition of the air filter inlet is badly damaged, a lot of dust forms in
patches, the air filter is rotten and cannot be cleaned → seriously affect the inlet air flow,the temperature in the
container is high , so it needs to be replaced urgently.
Note : DPC recomment need to replace all air filter inlet for 20 Drups systems .
DRUPS Services Page 6 of 7