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Assessing The Impacts To Vessel Tra

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Scientific Journals Zeszyty Naukowe

of the Maritime University of Szczecin Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

2015, 43 (115), 99–107

ISSN 1733-8670 (Printed)
ISSN 2392-0378 (Online)

Assessing the impacts to vessel traffic from offshore wind

farms in the Thames Estuary

Andrew Rawson, Edward Rogers

Marico Marine, (Marine and Risk Consultants Ltd)
Bramshaw, Southampton, SO43 7JB, UK, e-mail: [email protected]

Key words: navigational safety, offshore, wind farms, AIS, vessel traffic, risk analysis
The development of offshore renewable energy installations can introduce additional hazards to the safe
navigation of shipping in often already crowded waterways. Developers and decision makers must predict
and properly manage the potential risks imposed on navigating vessels from wind farm developments, in
a complex and uncertain environment. Considerable analysis has been undertaken to model navigational risks
to vessel traffic around wind farms; however this work is generally predictive and there is little understanding
as to whether the modelling, central to the consideration of navigation safety, accurately reflects the post-
constructed navigation risks. It is therefore important for decision makers to understand the uncertainties
present in the analysis, both in terms of the assessment of risk and the implementation of any risk reduction
measures. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the change in vessel traffic in the Thames Estuary
before and after the construction of five offshore wind farms. The analysis demonstrates how the impact on
vessel traffic is specific to the location of each development, driven by traffic management measures and
other local constraints. Therefore the accurate modelling of this impact requires the input of experienced
navigators, regulators and other knowledgeable stakeholders. The results of this analysis can be used to
improve the predictive modelling of vessel traffic around offshore wind farms and other offshore
installations, leading to a reduction in the uncertainty of vessel traffic modelling in the future.

territorial seabed is owned by the Crown Estate,
The development of Offshore Renewable En- which leases potential areas for wind farms to
ergy Installations (OREI) in the twenty-first century developers who must then apply for consent. The
has placed a greater demand on space in increas- zones for which a developer seeks consent are
ingly crowded waterways and seas. Developments therefore preselected, the Department for the Envi-
such as large offshore wind farms, as well as ronment and Climate Change and the Crown Estate
smaller wave, and tidal devices, inevitably overlap have conducted several regional and national stra-
with other marine users; commercial shipping, tegic environmental assessments (SEA) to identify
fishing, oil and gas, leisure and environmental locations for leases. These assessments identify
interests. When faced with applications to further exclusions which prohibit development, such as oil
develop marine energy, decision makers must make and gas, aggregates, international shipping lanes,
judgements between many stakeholder groups with and also constraints including other environmental
conflicting values, often with great uncertainty on and socioeconomic uses. One SEA treated a Traffic
likely impacts. Separation Scheme (TSS) as a maximum constraint,
Offshore wind farm sites are strategically se- and commercial, fishing and recreational traffic
lected to minimise their impacts upon existing routes as a relative constraint (BMT Cordah, 2003).
marine users, which forms a core part of a govern- Furthermore, technological barriers have prevented
ment’s marine spatial planning policy (Hajduk, offshore wind farm developers from placing tur-
2009). In the United Kingdom (UK), much of the bines in deep waters and, as such, many inshore

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Andrew Rawson, Edward Rogers

windfarms are generally located in shallow waters able traffic models. With much of the attention and
with low shipping densities. analysis performed prior to a development’s con-
In the UK, as part of an application for consent sent being granted, there are few case studies avail-
to construct and operate a wind farm, a developer is able which contrast the initial and resulting traffic
required to submit an Environmental Impact As- profile which would enable better prediction for
sessment (EIA) under Section 36 of the Electricity future projects.
Act. The EIA consists of a number of chapters The purpose of this paper is therefore to provide
covering all aspects by which a development may a comparative analysis of vessel traffic before and
have impacts. One impact is that on navigational after the installation of several wind farms in the
safety, overseen by the Maritime Coastguard Thames Estuary. A discussion of the changes in
Agency (MCA), whereby a developer “should vessel routes and the underlying factors which have
evaluate all navigational possibilities, which could caused this is used to provide guidance to risk
be reasonably foreseeable, by which the siting, analysts in better understanding the impact of future
construction, establishment and de-commissioning wind farm projects.
of an OREI could cause or contribute to an obstruc- Traffic modelling is a predictive activity and
tion of, or danger to, navigation or marine emer- each of the developments studied made predictions
gency response” (MCA, 2008a). The Navigation on what the future traffic profile would be; however
Risk Assessment (NRA) is distributed among a retrospective analysis to compare those predic-
a number of statutory and non-statutory consultees tions against reality has rarely been conducted.
who are invited to comment. Where a consensus is
not reached the Department of Trade and Industry,
Navigational Safety of Wind Farms
Department for Transport and MCA weigh the
evidence and make a recommendation to govern- Routeing Decisions around Wind Farms
ment ministers.
An NRA typically utilises a number of means to Vessels navigate clear of a wind farm for the
understand the potential impacts to navigation from simple reason of avoiding collisions with turbines.
the construction, operation and decommission of an The spacing between turbines is commonly such
offshore windfarm. These include qualitative meth- that it would not be prudent for a large commercial
odologies such as hazard identification utilising vessel to transit between turbines at distances of
local stakeholder engagement, and quantitative less than 1,000 metres, as this would place a sig-
assessment methodologies including vessel traffic nificant constraint on the manoeuvrability of
analysis, modelling and simulation at both system a vessel to avoid a collision or to correct for
level and vessel level (e.g. full bridge simulation). a human error or mechanical failure before contact-
Vessel traffic analysis represents a cost effective ing a turbine.
approach to understand the baseline characteristics For vessels navigating around wind farms, there
of shipping activity in the vicinity of a proposed are three factors which dictate how they plan their
offshore wind farm. Data can be collected from the passage. Firstly, the distance should be a comfort-
Automatic Identification System (AIS) for com- able buffer so that if an incident was to occur on
mercial shipping, a radar survey for recreational board, or another vessel was encountered, there
and fishing vessels, or visual observations for would be sufficient sea room to make an evasive
smaller craft. The use of vessel traffic modelling manoeuvre.
and risk analysis forms a core part of many Secondly, concerns have been raised over the
NRAs as a quantitative approach to assessing both visibility of a wind farm. Visually a wind farm may
baseline characteristics and possible impacts on obscure smaller craft, such as recreational, fishing
navigational safety brought about by the proposed and maintenance vessels. If a sufficient clearance is
development. given from the edge of the wind farm then there is
However, for these models to be accurately ap- more time to respond to a collision situation involv-
plied and to produce meaningful results there needs ing such craft. Furthermore concern has been raised
to be a fundamental understanding of how the regarding the impacts of wind turbines on marine
baseline traffic profile is likely to change post radar. Reports of reflections, false echoes and other
construction. Even minor discrepancies between spurious effects have been seen when navigating
modelled traffic routes and actual routes can have near to a wind farm (MCA & QinetiQ, 2004). It is
significant implications on the results of risk analy- not the wind turbines themselves which create these
sis. Without a process for reliably predicting this effects; it is more often inadequate radar setup and
impact, decision makers may be misled by unreli- configuration (Marico Marine, 2007). A vessel may

100 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin 43 (115)

Assessing the impacts to vessel traffic from offshore wind farms in the Thames Estuary

therefore choose to navigate further from a wind MCA in 2004 in response to new developments in
farm to reduce these effects and improve their the Greater Wash area of England (MCA, 2008a).
situational domain awareness. The template defines a shipping route as 90% of the
Finally, the safety distance a vessel chooses to lateral distribution of vessel transits and comments
navigate around a wind farm is weighed against on the acceptability of the distance from this route
commercial pressures associated with additional to the offshore wind farm. The distances are based
distance, fuel and passage time requirements. In upon domain theory, a safety buffer around a navi-
general, and where no other constrains are present, gating vessel, and the impacts of turbines on radar.
commercial shipping typically follows straight Distances from turbines are given the following
routes between waypoints to reduce transit time and “risk classification”:
fuel costs. Additional deviations from this route to • 0 to 0.45 nm is intolerable – significant impacts
pass obstacles increases costs and may make some upon radar and navigational risks;
routes uneconomical (Toke, 2010). • 0.45 to 2 nm is tolerable – medium/high risk –
A further impact of offshore wind farms on based on collision regulations and ship domains.
navigational safety is the change in collision risk as 1 nm is the minimum acceptable distance to the
a result of the concentration of vessel routes. If boundary of a TSS;
a wind farm is located adjacent to another naviga- • 2 nm to 3.5 nm is tolerable – low risk;
tional constraint, or adjacent to another wind farm, • > 3.5 nm – very low risk.
then vessels transiting in between have reduced This guidance was adapted as part of the Atlan-
room in which to manoeuvre to avoid a collision, tic Coast Port Access Route Study (ACPARS)
often referred to as “choke points” (MCA, 2008). conducted by the US Coastguard (USCG) from
Vessel Traffic Risk Analysis of Wind Farms
2011 which sought to determine whether existing
and projected uses of waterways required altera-
The increasing availability of AIS in particular tions to routeing measures (USCG, 2012). Areas
has led to the development of a considerable num- were characterised based on the proximity to ship-
ber of tools and techniques for modelling traffic ping routes as Red (< 1 nm), Yellow (1–2 nm) or
risk. These include statistical analysis of vessel Green (>2 nm). This would act as an indication of
activity, geometric analysis of vessel routes (Chris- where should and should not be further developed
tensen et al., 2001; Mazaheri & Ylitalo, 2010; for offshore renewable energy. The working group
Wawruch & Stupak, 2011) and more computational however was unable to “predict changes in traffic
time domain models which have been used patterns or determine the resultant change in navi-
throughout the industry for several decades (Fujii & gational safety risk given different siting scenarios
Tanaka, 1971; Goodwin, 1975; Pietrzykowski & of offshore renewable energy installations” (USCG,
Uriasz, 2009, Rawson et al., 2014). A number of 2012: i).
these techniques are routinely used within NRAs in The limitations of the ACPARS study were ex-
support of wind farm developments, however, panded on by the Pacific Northwest National Labo-
much of this analysis is predictive requiring judge- ratory (2014) by modelling the change in vessel
ments on future traffic routes. Given the high traffic following offshore wind developments and
sensitivity of the analysis results to the input traffic analysing the change in risk profile. Whilst the
route configuration, accurate prediction of this report does not explicitly state what figure they
input is essential. modelled as the distance vessels choose to navigate
Much of the academic research has focused on off a wind farm, a review of the outputs suggests
risk modelling techniques and tools with little focus that a 5 nm offset was chosen.
on the correct prediction of traffic routes. Where The UK NOREL working group estimates that
research has sought to model the change in risk of 2 nm should be given between a shipping lane and
a future development, one nautical mile is often a wind farm boundary (Nautical Institute et al.,
given as a distance between the new vessel route 2013). Where a shipping lane is located in between
and the wind farm boundary (Weintrit et al., 2012). two wind farms, the minimum distance should be
a buffer of 2 nm to port, 6 boat lengths for vessel
Industry Guidance
navigation and a buffer of 2 nm to starboard. Guid-
Much of the analysis and guidance provided for ance from the Netherlands however, provides
safe passing distances from offshore wind farms a template for developers suggesting a turning
has been industry led. One of the most significant circle of 6 boat lengths and a safety buffer of 500
efforts to categorise the safe passing distance of metres from the edge of a shipping lane. This
shipping from a wind farm was established by the provides sufficient space between a navigating

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Andrew Rawson, Edward Rogers

vessel and the wind farm to avoid a collision or This area was also one of the first development
rectify a mechanical failure before a collision zones for offshore wind in the world with a capac-
occurs. For major shipping routes this may be up to ity of more than 1,700 Megawatts (MW). The
1.5 nm. locations of the wind farms under study are shown
A UK guidance document for assessing the risks in Figure 1.
of offshore wind farms does not provide a single
figure and suggests that judgements must be made
regarding the relocation and distribution of routes.
Where a route intersects a wind farm, the modelled
route should consider “the origin and destination of
traffic, navigable water space and the presence of
other obstructions” (DTI, 2013: 100).
NRAs undertaken for individual developments
often contain traffic modelling with predicted
passing distances, the majority of which are one
nautical mile, with an unspecified lateral distribu-
tion from the centreline of this route. The impact
assessment for Navitus Bay modelled commercial
traffic as leaving 1 nm between the wind farm
boundary and their route, although ferry operators Figure 1. Location of Thames Estuary Wind Farms
expressed a preference for a 2 nm passing distance Data Sources
during consultation (Anatec, 2014). Similarly, the
Triton Knoll impact assessment modelled a passing Data from vessel traffic surveys and shore based
distance of 1 nm (Strategic Marine Services, 2011). AIS listening stations was collected to represent
The NRA for the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm, used both pre and post construction of five different
a minimum distance of 500 metres, however, each windfarm sites, located in the Thames Estuary.
vessel route was modified using new waypoints Each dataset is one month in duration to provide
identified by master mariners through consultation comparison between multiple data sources, and
between 0.5 and 1 nm from the site boundary provide a snapshot of traffic flow. The compiled
(Marico Marine, 2005). datasets were processed and presented using
Alternative guidance is also provided to ship- a Geographic Information System (GIS). A com-
ping companies and navigators in how they should parison of the date extents and the commissioning
passage plan around a wind farm. For example, dates are shown in Table 1.
MGN 372 states that “where adequate safe water Table 1. Study Wind Farms
exists it may be prudent in planning the voyage of
Date of 1st 2nd
larger vessels to set tracks at least 2 nm clear of Site Name
Commissioning Dataset Dataset
turbine fields” (MCA, 2008b). Similarly guidance Greater Gabbard 2012 2006 2013
from Steamship Mutual (2009: 3) states that it Kentish Flats 2005 2004 2013
“would be prudent for vessels when engaged in London Array 2013 2006 2013
passage planning to lay off courses at least 2 nauti- Thanet 2010 2005 2013
cal miles clear of wind farms”. Gunfleet Sands 2010 2006 2013
This study focuses primarily on the impacts
Study Area upon third party navigating vessels and therefore
The study areas of this analysis are those wind vessels engaged in maintenance or construction
farms within the Thames Estuary of the UK. The activities associated with that particular develop-
Thames Estuary comprises of the southern North ment have been removed from the analysis. The
Sea approaches to a number of important ports in risk of collision with these vessels is a prominent
the South East of England including Felixstowe, hazard, however this is not considered as part of
Harwich and the Port of London. The area is navi- this study.
gationally complex with numerous sand banks and Furthermore, the use of AIS data alone for this
other dangers to shipping. Navigation is therefore analysis limits the applicability of this study to
strongly regulated and controlled with buoyed smaller vessels such as fishing and recreational
routes, pilotage and cover by Vessel Traffic Ser- craft that are not mandated to carry AIS. The
vices (VTS). collection of data is often conducted as part of the

102 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin 43 (115)

Assessing the impacts to vessel traffic from offshore wind farms in the Thames Estuary

pre-consent NRA, however no comparable datasets The impact of the introduction of the TSS dur-
exist post construction to enable a comparative ing the construction of the wind farm resulted in
analysis. a significant change in the traffic flow around the
wind farm boundary (Figure 2). A one nautical mile
Results separation zone to the south and west of the north-
The development of the Greater Gabbard Off- ern section created a safety buffer for navigating
shore Wind farm was planned for the site of two vessels. Elsewhere around the site cardinal marks
shallow shoals near to high density shipping routes. were used at a distance of one nautical mile from
Little traffic intersected the site due to the shallow the windfarm to provide a secondary boundary. The
water depths; however several high density ship- activity of fishing vessels is also apparent immedi-
ping routes passed within 0.3 nm of the site bound- ately to the east of the northern site.
ary. To better manage the risk of increased vessel The Thanet Wind Farm also used cardinal marks
traffic in the Thames Estuary, particularly those as a mitigation measure to divert vessel traffic
vessels of a deep draught, and the construction of around the development (Figure 3). The proposed
the wind farm, the Sunk Traffic Separation Scheme site was located in an area often transited through
(TSS) established a two way scheme around the by vessels, located near to the Dover Straits and
Greater Gabbard shoals. the ports of London, Harwich and Felixstowe.

Figure 2. Comparison of vessel traffic at Greater Gabbard Wind Farm

Figure 3. Comparison of vessel traffic at Thanet Wind Farm

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Andrew Rawson, Edward Rogers

Figure 4. Comparison of vessel traffic at London Array Wind Farm

Figure 5. Comparison of vessel traffic at Gunfleet Sands Wind Farm

Figure 6. Comparison of vessel traffic at Kentish Flats Wind Farm

104 Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin 43 (115)

Assessing the impacts to vessel traffic from offshore wind farms in the Thames Estuary

Two cardinal marks are strategically placed to planned completely clear of the main shipping
the east and north of the site and they have the routes, however, where the installations do interact
effect of changing the routing of vessel traffic in the with routes, the use of traffic separation schemes
area. The northern cardinal keeps much of the and cardinal marks have resulted in significant
shipping bound for the Thames clear from the alterations to marine traffic flow and therefore
northern limits of the site by one nautical mile. For navigational safety. The use of cardinal marks is
vessel traffic to the east, originating from the Dover common during construction periods, when turbine
Straits, the cardinal mark predates the wind farm’s structures are either unmarked or not fully commis-
construction marking both the Drill Stone shallows sioned to keep the waterway clear of shipping.
hazard and acting as a turning point for vessels There are three significant inputs required to
transiting northwest. Vessel traffic to the northwest model the change in vessel traffic around the de-
originating from Ramsgate, where no marks are velopment. Firstly, the route of vessel traffic – how
used, transits between 0.5 and 1 nm from the site. a vessel passes a wind farm. Secondly, the offset of
The remaining wind farms at the London Array the vessel traffic – how far from the development is
(Figure 4), Gunfleet Sands (Figure 5) and Kentish the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) of the desired
Flats (Figure 6) were all developed in areas of low route. Finally, the distribution of the vessel traffic,
shipping density, with large commercial vessels a measure of the spread of the traffic across this
already constrained by physical access such as route should also be considered.
insufficient depth. The use of early marine spatial The routeing of vessel traffic can be described
planning to select sites away from shipping routes as how a vessel chooses to navigate around a wind
is the most effective measure for reducing the farm. As part of the passage plan, a navigator takes
impact of the development on navigational safety. into account the local conditions, obstacles,
For a number of early wind farms, technological bathymetry, local regulations and many other
constraints required the use of shallow water depths factors before deciding where to mark waypoints.
to install and maintain wind turbines effectively. When faced with an obstacle to avoid, provided
These locations, located atop of existing naviga- there is adequate water or no other restrictions,
tional hazards, are generally away from main a vessel would choose the shortest route around
shipping routes and the impact is therefore mini- a wind farm.
mal. As these constraints are overcome it is ex- The offset is a measure of the CPA a navigator
pected that offshore wind farms will move into chooses to place their waypoint from the boundary
deeper waters leading to greater conflicts with the of the wind farm site. Vessels transiting too close to
safe navigation of shipping. the boundary of a wind farm risk colliding with the
London Array was sited adjacent to the Black structures or another vessel as a result of a me-
Deep channel to the Port of London and north of chanical failure, by having insufficient time to react
the main Princes Channel. Many of the larger to a developing situation, experiencing radar
commercial vessels transited clear of the site and anomalies or by failing to identify smaller craft
therefore no additional mitigation was imple- among the turbine structures. Assuming a navigator
mented. Those vessels which used this channel wishes to reduce the deviation of their course to
prior to the construction were exclusively aggregate minimise transit time, this variable represents
dredgers. a comfort factor on mitigating these aforemen-
Gunfleet Sands Offshore Wind Farm is located on tioned risks.
the Gunfleet Sands bank to the north of the Kings The use of traffic management controls in the
Channel. The area of development was also clear of Thames Estuary is aimed at offsetting the distance
the main shipping routes. Similarly Kentish Flats of shipping from the wind farms by one nautical
was located more than a mile to the south of the mile in all cases. It can therefore be inferred that
Princes Channel route into the Thames and there is both the developers and the regulator see one
little evidence of any impact upon traffic flow. nautical mile as a safe passing distance from an
offshore wind farm to mitigate the risks associated
Discussion with navigating near to wind turbines. It should
however be noted that vessel traffic navigating near
The analysis of the wind farms in the Thames to the Thanet Wind Farm was recorded at 0.5 nm
Estuary show a range of impacts upon vessel traffic distance. The crew of some vessels therefore feels
profiles and different management strategies em- that it is safe to pass at half the distance thought
ployed to manage any additional risk imposed on safe by regulators. Further study of other wind
navigating vessels. Several of the sites have been farms, without traffic control measures, would yield

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Andrew Rawson, Edward Rogers

a greater understanding of the perceived safety are concentrated. An assessment of navigation risk
distance by passing merchant shipping. may therefore conclude that the collision risks
The distribution of vessel traffic also com- associated with the resulting alteration of vessel
presses as it passes these obstacles and especially routes is greater than the risks associated with
associated buoyage, as navigators attempt to reduce vessels contacting with turbines. The accurate
the distance sailed whilst maintaining a suitable characterisation of this effect should be included in
passing distance off the obstruction. Shipping lanes predictive traffic modelling around wind farms for
in many analyses are modelled using uniform or the modelling of collision risk, through, for exam-
normal (Gaussian) distributions, as is often evident ple, safety domain analysis.
in traffic separation schemes (Wawruch & Stupack,
2011). A number of nautical traffic models use the Conclusions
track distribution to model grounding and structure
contact risks (Mazaheri & Ylitalo, 2010) and the Accurate traffic flow prediction is a vital input
results are therefore sensitive to the input modelling into risk modelling; with sensitive models even
of traffic distribution. minor discrepancies can result in significant differ-
In the absence of other obstacles, the vessel traf- ences in the results of the analysis. Analysis should
fic analysed here shows a much more skewed not only consider the risks associated with vessels
distribution. To demonstrate this, gates were cre- contacting turbines, but the wider impacts on navi-
ated across the adjacent shipping routes at the gational safety including the creation of localised
Thanet wind farm to investigate the distribution of areas of high vessel density and the associated
traffic. A gate is a linear transect placed perpen- collision risks, as well as the relocation of vessel
dicular to a traffic flow, with regular frequency routes near to other navigational hazards. The use
counts of the direction and number of passing of mitigation measures such as buoyage to control
vessels used to create a frequency distribution. The traffic flow may have little impact on navigational
results show that shipping is choosing to pass close safety by transferring the reduced risk of turbine
to the marks in both directions, increasing traffic contact to an increased risk of vessel collision.
density in the immediate vicinity. The use of miti- The comparison of vessel traffic in the Thames
gation around wind farms may therefore have Estuary before and after the development of several
implications for collision modelling as vessel routes offshore wind farms shows that the impacts of the

Figure 7. Vessel transit gates at Thanet Wind Farm after construction

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Assessing the impacts to vessel traffic from offshore wind farms in the Thames Estuary

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Navigational Practice, Safety and Emergency Response
that particular development. Several of the wind Issues. MGN 371 (M+F).
farms are sited in areas of minimal vessel traffic 11. Maritime and Coastguard Agency (2008b) Offshore Re-
and therefore the impacts on navigation are minor, newable Energy Installations (OREIs) – Guidance to Mari-
demonstrating the importance of marine spatial ners Operating in the Vicinity of UK OREIs. MGN 372
planning. Furthermore, the use of traffic manage- 12. Maritime and Coastguard Agency and QinetiQ (2004) Re-
ment measures associated with the development sults of the electromagnetic investigations and assessments
such as TSS or buoyage has a significant impact on of marine radar, communications and positioning systems
vessel routeing which must be included in any undertaken at the North Hoyle wind farm by QinetiQ and
traffic modelling. Engagement with developers, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. MCA MNA
stakeholders and regulatory bodies throughout the 13. MAZAHERI, A. & YLITALO, J. (2010) Comments on Geo-
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