Final Paper Outline - Joy To The World Project
Final Paper Outline - Joy To The World Project
Final Paper Outline - Joy To The World Project
1. Project
2. Forms of wellbeing addressed (list the forms of wellbeing, define, and explain how it applies
to the group):
3. Action plan
3.1 Tasks undertaken, corresponding resources, and person/s responsible for each task
3.2 Status of each task
3.2.1 Was it done? If so, was it done on time? If not, why not?
3.2.2 If it wasn’t done, why not? What was the effect on the project?
5. Individual Reflections
5.1 Lessons learned about FBL, TBL, and SET approaches to management as applied to the
5.1.1 Theories on planning
5.1.2 Theories on organizing
5.1.3 Theories on control
5.1.4 Theories on leading
5.1.5 Theories on motivation
6. Documentation
6.1 Photos
6.2 Transcripts of interviews with beneficiaries
6.3 Videos (links)
Note: The paper (excluding the documentation) should not be more than 25 pages long. Use
1.5 spacing, one-inch margins on all sides of 8 1/2" x 11" bond paper, and Arial or Calibri font
size 12. You will be graded according to the criteria listed in the rubric below:
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning Rating
4 3 2 1
analysis conclusions that and generates generates faulty and / or illogical
are not only conclusions that and / or illogical conclusions.
sound, logical, but are mostly sound conclusions.
also full of and logical.
practical insight.
Correctness of Paper is not only Paper has Paper has few Paper contains
grammar and error-free, but occasional spelling errors but numerous
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language that is lapses, and grammatical grammatical
both crisp and practically no errors. Sentences errors. Sentences
elegant. spelling errors. are coherent but are constructed
Sentences are construction is poorly and
generally well- still weak. difficult to
constructed. understand.