Dissertation 1
Dissertation 1
Dissertation 1
Title: The Impact of Digital Marketing on Business Profitability - The Case Study of
✓ This assessment is the result of my work, except for those parts that are
explicitly referenced, and the contribution of others is indicated.
✓ No material presented in this assessment has been written, wholly or in parts, by any
other person(s);
✓ This assessment has not been submitted — partially or in full — to support the
completion of assessment(s) on any other module, regardless of the previous or current
academic year (self-plagiarism).
The work reported here was approved by the School of Business and Enterprise Ethics
Ephias Ruhode for the valuable direction and guidelines. Without his timely
counsel and ongoing source of inspiration throughout this process, I could not
In addition, I would also like to thank my friends and family members who
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the study participants. Their
In the digital age, the efficacy of marketing strategies in enhancing business profitability
frameworks, the study explores the interplay between digital strategies and financial
advocacy, validating the social exchange theory. The empirical evidence underscores
solidifying the research’s alignment with established marketing principles. The research
navigating the dynamic digital landscape, offering insights that transcend theory and
drive tangible impact on customer engagement, brand loyalty, and sustained financial
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 19
3.5.1 Surveys...................................................................................................... 23
3.9 Limitations.........................................................................................................28
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 29
4.9 Conclusion........................................................................................................ 52
5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 53
6.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................ 64
6.2 Recommendations............................................................................................65
APPENDICES................................................................................................................ 76
1. Appendix A: Participant Information Sheet..........................................................76
increasingly relying on digital marketing strategies to connect with their target audience,
promote their products or services, and drive business growth (Collins, 2023). The
advent of the internet, social media platforms, mobile technologies, and other digital
tools have created new opportunities and challenges for organizations seeking to
optimize their marketing efforts. One such industry that has embraced digital marketing
practices is the fast-food industry, where competition is fierce, and reaching customers
McDonald's is one of the most iconic and globally recognized brands in the fast-food
industry. With its extensive network of restaurants and vast customer base, McDonald’s
maintain its market leadership and drive profitability. Over the years, McDonald’s has
actively leveraged digital marketing channels to engage with its customers and enhance
its brand image (Mathews, 2022). From social media campaigns and mobile
both researchers and practitioners. While previous studies have explored the
relationship between digital marketing and business performance, there is a need for
more empirical evidence, especially in the context of specific industry case studies. This
dissertation seeks to fill the gap by investigating the impact of digital marketing on
The research findings will contribute to the existing literature on the impact of digital
The case study of McDonald’s will provide insights and practical recommendations for
profitability. Moreover, the study will demonstrate the importance of leveraging digital
digital age.
McDonald’s hinders companies’ ability to optimize their digital marketing efforts and
achieve sustainable financial success. Addressing this problem is crucial not only for
academic researchers seeking to advance knowledge in the field of digital marketing but
impact on key financial indicators, this research aims to fill the existing gap in the
literature and provide actionable insights and recommendations for companies in the
identifying the most impactful approaches, this research will contribute to enhancing the
The findings will enable industry practitioners to make informed decisions regarding
their digital marketing investments, ultimately driving financial performance and
The research questions are the reflection of the research aims and objectives of the
research. In the following research questions, the research attempts to generalize how
business profitability?
4. What are the key factors contributing to the success of its digital marketing
These research questions are formulated to explore the impact of digital marketing on
This research aims to investigate the impact of digital marketing on the profitability of
employed by McDonald’s and their effects on business performance, this study aims to
provide valuable insights into the role of digital marketing in driving profitability for a
The primary objective of this research is to examine the impact of digital marketing on
overreaching objective, the following specific research objectives have been identified:
marketing campaigns.
These research objectives will guide the study’s methodology, data collection, and
With the help of different chapters, the whole paper will be completed. In Chapter 1, the
research background aims, objectives, and questions will be addressed. In the next
methodology will be described, whereby the research philosophy, design, methods, and
data collection and analysis methods will be discussed. Ethics and limitations will also
be addressed in the same chapter. In Chapter 4, results and findings will be discussed
and the data will be contextualized while pointing out any weaknesses in the research
done. In Chapter 5, the data will be critically analyzed and discussed. In the last
Digital marketing has emerged as a powerful and dynamic field within the broader realm
technologies and channels to reach, engage, and influence target audiences. It refers to
the practice of promoting products, services, or brands using various online channels
and technologies (Otero & Rolán, 2016). It involves leveraging digital platforms such as
search engines, social media, email, websites, mobile apps, and other digital channels
The primary goal of digital marketing is to drive brand awareness, generate leads,
increase website traffic, and ultimately convert those leads into customers. It utilizes a
creativity, analytics, and technology. In today’s digital age, businesses of all sizes and
marketing efforts (Otero & Rolán, 2016). Digital marketing involves the use of electronic
Digital marketing offers several advantages over traditional marketing methods. It allows
geographic locations (Veleva & Tsvetanova, 2020). It also provides the ability to
data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies accordingly. It continues to evolve
rapidly as new technologies and platforms emerge. It allows businesses of all sizes to
reach a global audience, connect with customers, and drive growth in the digital age.
The evolution of digital marketing can be traced back to the rapid advancement in
technology and the widespread adoption of the Internet. With the rise of the World Wide
Web in the 1990s, marketers began to recognize the immense potential of online
platforms for reaching a global audience and engaging with customers in new and
innovative ways. Over the years, the field has witnessed significant transformations,
emergence of new digital channels and platforms (Dsouza & Panakaje, 2023).
enhance their bottom line (Dsouza & Panakaje, 2023). Understanding the principles,
consumer preferences evolve. Marketers need to stay updated, adapt to new trends,
and leverage emerging technologies to deliver effective and relevant experiences to
organizations employ to engage with their target audience and promote their products
or services (Saleem & Siddik, 2021). This section will discuss some of the key digital
structure, and technical aspects to improve its visibility and organic search rankings on
search engine result pages (Saleem & Siddik, 2021). By employing SEO strategies,
businesses can enhance their online presence, drive organic traffic to their websites,
Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms have revolutionized the way
customers, share content, build brand awareness, and drive website traffic
(Saleem & Siddik, 2021)c. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing
valuable and relevant content to attract and retain a clearly defined target
audience. It involves the creation of blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and
other forms of content that provide value to users while subtly promoting the
brand (Saleem & Siddik, 2021). Content marketing aims to establish the
Mobile Marketing: With the widespread use of smartphones, mobile marketing
has gained significant importance. This strategy involves reaching and engaging
with customers through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets (Saleem &
Siddik, 2021). Mobile marketing tactics include mobile app advertising, mobile-
services. Collaborating with influencers can help businesses reach their target
audience, build credibility, and drive conversions (Saleem & Siddik, 2021).
establishing partnerships, and creating sponsored content that aligns with the
These are just a few examples of digital marketing channels and strategies that
organizations can utilize to enhance their online presence, engage with their target
audience, and drive business profitability. By examining these channels and strategies,
this research aims to evaluate their effectiveness in the case of McDonald’s and explore
In the context of this study on the impact of digital marketing on business profitability,
the social exchange theory provides a valuable framework for understanding the
theory suggests that individuals engage in social relationships and interactions based
on the exchange of resources, where they seek to maximize rewards and minimize
costs (Cook & Rice, 2006). In the case of McDonald’s and its digital marketing
initiatives, the social exchange theory can be applied to understand how customers
perceive the benefits and costs associated with engaging with the company’s digital
marketing efforts. Customers receive various rewards from these interactions, such as
contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately influencing their behavior and
According to social exchange theory, customers evaluate the rewards they receive from
engaging with digital marketing campaigns about the perceived costs. Costs may
include time and effort spent on interacting with digital content, the privacy concerns
associated with sharing personal information, or the perceived risks of engaging with
digital platforms. Customers weigh the benefits against the costs to determine the value
of their engagement. When the customers perceive the rewards to outweigh the costs,
they are more likely to engage in positive behaviors that benefit the business, such as
Conversely, if the customers perceive the costs outweigh the rewards, they may
can tailor its digital marketing strategies to enhance customer experiences, increase
perceived rewards, and minimize costs. This, in turn, can lead to improved business
In summary, by utilizing social exchange theory, this dissertation aims to examine the
rewards and costs in their engagement with digital marketing efforts and how these
perceptions impact business profitability. It seeks to identify the factors that influence
The findings will provide insights into the effectiveness of different digital marketing
1.7 The Impact of Digital Marketing on Business Profitability
In this section, the impact of digital marketing on business profitability will be explored
focusing on key aspects such as digital marketing metrics, the relationship between
digital marketing and profitability, and the success factors that contribute to the
Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses promote their products and
services, interact with customers, and drive revenue. It allows businesses to precisely
factors. This targeting capability helps in reaching the right customers who are more
efforts on the right audience, businesses can optimize their resources, minimize
effective. Online advertising platforms allow businesses to set budgets, control costs,
and pay only when desired actions are achieved. Digital marketing offers various tools
and techniques to engage and convert potential customers (Durai & King, 2015). The
ability to provide tailored and timely information to prospects increases the likelihood of
One of the key advantages of digital marketing according to Figure 3 is the ability to
track and measure campaign performance in real time. Businesses can analyze various
metrics, such as website traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates to evaluate
businesses to identify what works and what doesn’t. Digital marketing allows
businesses to expand their reach beyond local or regional boundaries to increase sales,
In today’s digital age, businesses that effectively leverage digital marketing strategies
gain a competitive edge. By staying ahead of the curve and adopting innovative digital
important to note that the impact of digital marketing on business profitability can vary
depending on the industry, target market, and the specific strategies implemented.
However, overall, digital marketing has proven to be a powerful tool for enhancing
Digital marketing offers a range of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that
allow businesses to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of their digital marketing
efforts. They provide insights into various aspects of campaign performance and help
marketers make data-driven decisions. Some standard digital marketing metrics include
website traffic, conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), cost per acquisition (CPA),
return on investment (ROI), and customer lifetime value (CLV). These metrics provide
valuable insights into the performance and profitability of digital marketing campaigns
and help businesses make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies (Singh, et
al., 2019). It is important to select metrics and KPIs that align with specific business
objectives and industry goals. By regularly monitoring and analyzing these metrics,
marketers can identify areas of improvement, optimize campaigns, and make informed
Digital marketing has a direct impact on business profitability. It enables them to reach a
wider audience, target specific customer segments, and engage with customers at
various touchpoints along their journey. By utilizing digital marketing channels and
strategies effectively, businesses can generate leads, increase brand awareness, drive
sales, and ultimately enhance their profitability. Moreover, digital marketing allows for
resources more efficiently and optimize their marketing spend for maximum return.
Targeted Audience Engagement: The ability to identify and engage with the
customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, businesses can tailor their digital
marketing messages and campaigns to resonate with their customers, resulting
based on data insights (Ivanovic, 2022). Businesses can optimize their digital
strategies, businesses can identify what works best for their target audience and
can optimize their digital marketing efforts and increase the likelihood of achieving
profitability in the online space. Adapting and evolving your strategies based on market
marketing in connecting with its customers, increasing brand visibility, and ultimately
driving its business profitability. The company has implemented a range of digital
marketing strategies to engage its targeted customers effectively and generate positive
McDonald’s has strategically embraced digital marketing as part of its overall marketing
strategy. The company has developed and implemented various initiatives that leverage
digital channels and platforms to reach and engage with its customers. Some key
2019). These tools allow customers to conveniently place their orders, customize
mobile experience, McDonald’s enhances convenience for its customers and
social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The
company uses these platforms to engage with its customers, share product
(ICMR (IBS Center for Management Research), 2014). McDonald’s social media
campaigns to reach its target audience effectively. Through display ads, search
engine marketing, video ads, and other digital advertising formats, McDonald’s
company partners with influencers, both globally and locally, to create engaging
and authentic content that resonates with their followers. Collaborating with
influencers helps McDonald’s amplify its brand message, increase brand visibility,
These digital marketing initiatives by McDonald’s showcase the company’s commitment
McDonald’s aims to enhance customer experiences, drive brand loyalty, and ultimately
Numerous case studies and previous research have explored McDonald’s digital
marketing initiatives and their impact on the company’s performance. these studies
have examined aspects such as the effectiveness of mobile apps in driving customer
engagement and sales, the role of social media campaigns in enhancing brand
perception and customer loyalty, and the influence of digital advertising on consumer
For instance, an article published in The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and
Business explored McDonald’s social media strategies and their impact on brand
generated positive word-of-mouth, and improved brand perception among the target
implemented by McDonald’s in driving sales (Barsky, 2022). The research analyzed the
impact of display ads, search engine marketing, and video ads on consumer behavior,
including click-through rates, conversion rates, and sales. It shows that well-executed
digital advertising campaigns positively influenced consumer purchasing decisions,
Research indicated the impact of McDonald’s mobile app on customer engagement and
loyalty (NACS, 2022). The study examined how the app features, such as mobile
engagement and loyalty. It showed that the mobile app significantly improved
convenience for customers enhanced their overall experience, and resulted in higher
This research provides valuable insights into McDonald’s digital marketing initiatives
and their influence on business profitability. By analyzing and building upon previous
mobile apps, social media campaigns, digital advertising, and influencer collaboration,
to enhance brand visibility, engage with customers, and drive business profitability.
While there have been previous case studies and research papers examining
McDonald’s digital marketing initiatives, there is still a gap in understanding the specific
bridge the gap by conducting an in-depth analysis, utilizing primary data collection
methods, and exploring the relationship between digital marketing and business
1.10 Introduction
and approaches employed in the study to investigate the impact of digital marketing on
business profitability, with a specific focus on the case study of McDonald’s. This
chapter outlines the rationale behind the chosen research philosophy, approach, design,
and data collection methods. It also highlights the steps taken to ensure ethical
considerations, addresses the limitations of the study, and explains the data analysis
the framework for collecting and analyzing data to answer the research questions and
Research philosophy is the fundamental belief system or worldview that guides the
researcher’s understanding of the nature of knowledge, reality, and the researcher’s role
in the research process. It shapes the researcher’s assumptions, beliefs, and values,
influencing their choice of research methods, data collection techniques, and data
analysis approaches. For this study, the research philosophy adopted was
complex and subjective, shaped by the meanings and interpretations individuals ascribe
to them. It recognizes that individuals construct their realities and that these
Interpretivism acknowledges that human behavior cannot be reduced to mere
quantifiable data points, but rather involves understanding the subjective experiences,
perceptions, and meanings that individuals attach to their actions and interactions. It
human behavior and social phenomena (Alharahsheh & Pius, 2020). The interpretivist
lived experiences of individuals, recognizing that these factors play a crucial role in
In the context of this study, interpretivism aligns to explore and understand the impact of
digital marketing on business profitability from the perspectives of individuals who have
stance, the study recognized that individuals have diverse interpretations and
experiences regarding digital marketing and its influence on their perceptions and
understand the underlying factors, motivations, and mechanisms through which digital
Research approaches refer to the systematic and structured ways that researchers use
to conduct research, and they differ in terms of their underlying logic and methods of
inquiry (Hassan, 2022). The research approach employed in this dissertation was
primarily inductive, aiming to explore and generate new insights regarding the impact of
digital marketing on business profitability. The study seeks to uncover patterns, themes,
The inductive approach allows for a more exploratory and data-driven investigation,
enabling the researcher to develop new theories or frameworks that emerge from the
empirical evidence. By examining survey data and analyzing secondary sources, the
study aimed to identify and understand the factors and mechanisms through which
the existing knowledge and generate new insights in the field of digital marketing and
shed light on potential causal relationships, and inform future research directions.
Research design stands for planning the methods to be adopted for collecting the
relevant data and the techniques to be used in the analysis (Akhtar, 2016). It is the
study. The design allows researchers to sharpen the research methods suitable for the
A survey-based research design was used in this study that involves the administration
Research is a quantitative research method used for collecting data from a set of
respondents. It has been perhaps one of the most used methodologies in the industry
for several years due to the multiple benefits and advantages that it has when collecting
and analyzing data (Ponto, 2015). This design allows for the collection of large-scale
data efficiently and provides quantitative insights into the impact of digital marketing on
efficient method to collect data from large sample sizes and can capture diverse
data that will enable a comprehensive analysis of the impact of digital marketing on
business profitability. The research design ensured the systematic collection of data,
appropriate sampling strategies, and rigorous data analysis techniques to achieve the
Data collection methods are techniques and procedures used to gather information for
research purposes. These methods can range from self-reported surveys to more
data gathering (Taherdoost, 2021). This research proposed the use of surveys to gather
primary data for the study. Surveys provide a cost-effective and efficient method to
collect data from large sample sizes and can capture diverse perspectives and
regarding the impact of digital marketing strategies employed by McDonald’s on its
1.14.1 Surveys
The survey was conducted as the primary method of data collection. A structured
attitudes related to McDonald’s digital marketing initiatives and their impact on business
profitability. The survey was designed to gather quantitative data that can be analyzed
industry experts. The online survey platform provided a convenient and efficient means
Data validation checks were implemented in the survey design to ensure data validity
and reliability. The participants were provided with clear instructions and guidance on
how to respond accurately and honestly. Additionally, measures were taken to maintain
the anonymity and confidentiality of the participants, further enhancing the credibility of
1.15 Sample Selection
The sample selection process in this dissertation aimed to gather insights from
individuals who have direct or indirect experience and knowledge related to McDonald’s
digital marketing initiatives and their impact on business profitability. the following steps
1. The target population for this study included individuals from McDonald’s
participants who are easily accessible and willing to participate in the study.
the desired confidence level and available resources. A large sample size
increases the reliability and generalizability of the findings. The precise sample
5. Clear criteria were established to ensure that selected participants meet the
may include individuals who do not meet the specified criteria or are unable to
By following these steps, a representative sample was selected. The diverse
Data analysis is the most crucial part of the research. It is the process of performing
certain calculations and evaluations to extract relevant information from the data. Data
analysis summarizes the collected data (Alem, 2020). In this dissertation, the collected
data was subjected to rigorous analysis to uncover insights that address the research
questions. Given the nature of the research design, quantitative data analysis
techniques were employed to process and interpret the survey responses. The analysis
respondents’ perceptions and opinions. The survey results were visually presented
through graphs and charts to enhance the clarity and interpretation of the findings. Bar
charts, pie charts, and line graphs were used to illustrate the distribution of responses
essential to address them. This research adhered to ethical guidelines, ensuring the
privacy and confidentiality of survey respondents. Informed consent was obtained from
participants, and their participation was voluntary. Any personal data collected was
anonymized and securely stored. The study complies with relevant data protection
regulations and ethical standards. The following ethical considerations were considered:
1. Before participating in the survey, participants were provided with clear and
comprehensive information about the study, its purposes, the nature of their
responses, and any data collected will be stored securely. Only aggregated and
anonymized data were used for analysis and reporting purposes, ensuring that
3. Data protection and privacy regulations were strictly adhered to throughout the
information collected was handled with care and by relevant data protection laws.
4. The research did not involve any interventions or procedures that could
potentially harm the participants. The survey questions were designed sensitively
were given the option to skip or decline to answer any specific questions if they
feel uncomfortable.
and ethical conduct. They ensured the accuracy and integrity of the data
6. The research proposal and study protocol were submitted to the Ethics
Committee of the University of the West of Scotland for ethical review and
approval. The research was conducted by the approved ethical guidelines and
integrity, respect, and protection of participants’ rights. This contributed to the research
findings while ensuring the well-being and privacy of the survey participants.
1.18 Limitations
This research acknowledged the limitations of using surveys as the primary research
method. Surveys rely on self-reported data, which may be subject to biases and
and recall abilities. Additionally, as this research focused on the case study of
limited. In the context of this dissertation, the following limitations were anticipated:
1. The findings of the study were based on the responses of the survey participants.
Although efforts were made to select a diverse and representative sample, it may
not fully represent the entire population of interest. Therefore, the generalizability
biased information. They may also exhibit social desirability bias, where they
respond in a way that is perceived favorably by others. This might affect the
3. Conducting a comprehensive study on the impact of digital marketing on
business profitability requires adequate time and resources. However, due to the
limitations of the research scope and time constraints, it may not be possible to
capture all relevant aspects and factors that could influence the relationship. This
4. The study was conducted within a specific timeframe, and various external
were beyond the control of the researcher and might introduce potential
these metrics may not fully capture the comprehensive impact of digital
and external influences may also play a role in determining profitability, which
6. The study focused on the case study of McDonald’s and its digital marketing
understanding of the impact of digital marketing on business profitability within the given
scope and context. Awareness of these limitations helped to interpret the findings
1.19 Introduction
This chapter aims to demonstrate the research findings on the research topic The
data was collected online from McDonald’s customers to understand the impact that
digital marketing has on the business. Every question in the survey questionnaire links
to the research question of this study. The research was successful in collecting data
from more than 50 participants. In this chapter, all the survey questions are graphically
What are the digital 1. Are you familiar with McDonald’s digital
marketing strategies marketing initiatives?
employed by McDonald’s? 2. Which digital marketing channels do you recall
McDonald’s using in their campaigns?
3. How would you rate the effectiveness of
McDonald’s digital marketing strategies in
capturing your attention?
4. In your opinion, what are the key factors
contributing to the success of McDonald’s
digital marketing campaigns?
How do McDonald’s financial 1. Before the implementation of digital marketing
performance and profitability initiatives, how would you rate McDonald’s
compare before and after the
implementation of digital financial performance and profitability?
marketing initiatives? 2. After the implementation of digital marketing
initiatives, how would you rate McDonald’s
financial performance and profitability?
3. Do you believe there is a correlation between
McDonald’s digital marketing efforts and
financial performance/profitability?
What is the relationship 1. In your opinion, how has McDonald’s digital
between McDonald’s digital marketing influenced its brand perception and
marketing efforts and customer awareness?
business profitability? 2. To what extent do you think McDonald’s digital
marketing efforts have contributed to its overall
business profitability?
3. Have you personally purchased McDonald’s as
a result of their digital marketing efforts?
4. How likely are you to recommend McDonald’s
products/services to others based on its digital
marketing efforts?
What are the key factors 1. In your opinion, what areas of McDonald’s
contributing to the success digital marketing strategies could be improved
of its digital marketing to further enhance business profitability?
campaigns? 2. How important is it for McDonald’s to adapt and
innovate its digital marketing strategies to
remain competitive in the industry?
3. Would you be more likely to engage with
McDonald’s digital marketing campaigns if they
offered personalized promotions or discounts?
1.21 Demographic and Personal Data
Figure 6: Distribution of participants according to their occupation
information about their age, gender, and geographic location. The results revealed that
most respondents were between the ages of 18 and 34, with an even split between
male and female respondents. Figure 4 shows that the majority of the respondents were
female (56.6%) and the rest were male (39.6%). Most respondents were aged between
25-34 (52.8%), followed by those aged between 35-44 (18.9%). In terms of occupation,
most respondents were employed (55.8%) and 34% were students. These findings
provide valuable insights into the target audience for McDonald's and can help inform
future marketing efforts. In the following sections, we will explore how McDonald's can
use this information to tailor their marketing campaigns to better reach their target
In this section (McDonald’s Digital Marketing Strategies), participants were asked four
key questions that were relevant to the digital marketing strategies of McDonald’s and
how they have contributed to the success. By exploring these questions, we will gain a
better understanding of how McDonald's has successfully leveraged digital marketing
Figure 7: Question 1
marketing efforts. The above Figure shows that half of the respondents were somewhat
familiar with McDonald's digital marketing initiatives, while 35% were very familiar. This
suggests that McDonald's digital marketing strategies are relatively well-known and it
has established a strong presence in the digital marketing landscape, but there is still
Figure 8: Question 2
This question provided information regarding the digital marketing channels used by
McDonald’s. Based on the survey results, it seems that McDonald's has been using a
variety of digital marketing channels to reach their target audience. Social media and
online videos are the most recalled channels, followed by search engines, influencer
marketing, and email marketing. Figure 8 shows that McDonald's has been successful
in using social media to reach their target audience. Almost 79.2% of people think that
social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engaging with
customers, and McDonald's has likely been successful in using social media to promote
new products, share promotions and deals, and respond to customer feedback. Online
videos (32.1%) are also a popular channel for McDonald's, and they can be a great way
McDonald's can capture the attention of potential customers and encourage them to
Search engine marketing (15.1%), influencer marketing (20.8%), and email marketing
(11.3%) are all important channels for reaching customers and driving sales. This
audience effectively, but it should focus more on these strategies to improve its digital
Figure 9: Question 3
This was asked to gauge the effectiveness of McDonald’s digital marketing strategies in
engaging the target audience. Based on the survey response as shown in Figure 9, it
McDonald's digital marketing strategies as highly effective, while another 39.6% rated
them as moderately effective. This suggests that a large portion of McDonald's target
However, it's important to note that a significant portion of respondents (18.9%) were
indicate that McDonald's could improve their marketing efforts to better engage this
demographic. For example, they could consider using new channels or tactics that are
more appealing to this group, or they could focus on creating more personalized and
Overall, the survey response suggests that McDonald's digital marketing strategies
have been effective at capturing the attention of their target audience, but there is still
continuing to innovate and improve their digital marketing efforts, McDonald's can
The above question gathered the participants’ perceptions of the factors influencing the
allows McDonald's to reach the right audience with the right message, which can lead to
increased engagement and higher conversion rates. Engaging visuals (40.1%) are also
considered to be important, as they can help to capture the attention of consumers and
convey the brand's message more compellingly. To almost 24.5% of people, compelling
content is also seen as a key factor, as it can help to create a connection between the
brand and the consumer and can lead to increased engagement and sharing of content.
create a more personalized experience for the consumer, which can lead to increased
engagement and loyalty. Finally, the use of influencers is seen as a less important
In this section (Financial Performance and Profitability) of the survey, respondents were
asked to share their views on the correlation between McDonald's digital marketing
efforts and its financial performance and profitability. The survey aimed to understand
how people perceive the impact of McDonald's digital marketing initiatives on the
company's financial success. By exploring these perceptions, we can gain insights into
what factors drive consumer behavior and how companies can leverage digital
marketing to achieve their financial goals. In this section, we will examine the survey
results in detail and discuss what they reveal about the relationship between
McDonald's digital marketing efforts and its financial performance and profitability. By
doing so, we will gain a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive the impact of
digital marketing on a company's financial success and what strategies are most
While this survey response provides some insight into how people perceive McDonald's
financial measures and other relevant factors. It shows how customers perceive
The results suggest that there was room for improvement in their business outcomes.
While this survey response can be useful in understanding how people perceive
McDonald's financial performance, it's essential to consider the context in which the
survey was conducted, as well as the potential biases and limitations of the survey
conjunction with objective financial measures such as revenue growth, profitability
financial health.
Based on this response, most people (52.8%) rated McDonald's financial performance
and profitability as excellent after the implementation of digital marketing initiatives. This
marketing initiatives. Additionally, 34% of people rated it as good, and 11.3% rated it as
average. This response suggests that the digital marketing initiatives implemented by
McDonald's were successful in driving revenue growth and profitability. It's possible that
the digital marketing initiatives helped to increase brand awareness, drive customer
However, it's essential to consider the context in which the survey was conducted, as
well as the potential biases and limitations of the survey methodology. Additionally,
this survey response is a positive sign for McDonald's, as it suggests that the
company's digital marketing initiatives were successful in driving revenue growth and
indicates that most people (43.4%) strongly agree that there is a correlation between
McDonald's digital marketing efforts and its financial performance and profitability.
Additionally, 39.6% of people agree, 9.4% are neutral, and 7.5% disagree.
This survey response is a positive sign for McDonald's, as it suggests that a large
percentage of people believe that the company's digital marketing efforts positively
impact its financial performance and profitability. This is important for McDonald's, as
the company has invested heavily in digital marketing initiatives in recent years to reach
new customers, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.
The fact that most people believe that there is a correlation between McDonald's digital
marketing efforts and its financial performance and profitability suggests that the
company's digital marketing initiatives are perceived as having a positive impact on the
Overall, while this survey response provides some insight into how people perceive the
correlation between McDonald's digital marketing efforts and its financial performance
and profitability, it's important to consider the broader context and potential limitations of
the survey methodology. Nonetheless, the survey response is a positive sign for
McDonald's, as it suggests that the company's digital marketing initiatives are perceived
how McDonald's digital marketing efforts impact its business profitability. The
marketing campaigns have been in driving sales and revenue for the company. The
feedback will help to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in McDonald's
Figure 14: Question 1
The survey results suggest that 56.6% of people think that McDonald's digital marketing
has had a positive impact on its brand perception and customer awareness. This is an
important finding because it indicates that McDonald's has been successful in using
digital marketing to achieve its marketing goals. Specifically, respondents noted that
McDonald's has been successful in using digital marketing to increase brand awareness
and promote its products to a wider audience. This is likely because digital marketing
Additionally, respondents noted that McDonald's has been successful in using digital
marketing to engage with customers and build stronger relationships with them. This is
brand loyalty and driving sales. By using digital marketing to engage with customers,
McDonald's can build stronger relationships with them and increase the likelihood that
However, it's worth noting that a significant number of respondents (15.1%) were neutral
on this question, which suggests that there is still room for improvement in McDonald's
more targeted and effective digital marketing strategies to fully leverage the potential of
Overall, the survey results suggest that McDonald's has been successful in using digital
marketing to build its brand and increase customer awareness, but that there is still
work to be done to fully leverage the potential of digital marketing in achieving its
marketing goals. By continuing to refine its digital marketing strategies and focusing on
customer engagement, McDonald's can continue to build its brand and drive sales
contribution of digital marketing efforts to overall business profitability. The above Figure
15 shows that most respondents, i.e., 62.3% believe that McDonald's digital marketing
efforts have had a significant contribution to its overall business profitability. This is likely
because digital marketing allows companies to reach a wider audience and promote
their products more effectively, which can drive sales and increase profitability.
It's worth noting, however, that a significant minority of respondents, i.e., 34% believe
that McDonald's digital marketing efforts have only had a moderate or no contribution to
its overall business profitability. This suggests that there may be room for improvement
Overall, the survey results suggest that McDonald's digital marketing efforts have had a
positive impact on its overall business profitability, but that there is still work to be done
to optimize its digital marketing strategies and fully leverage the potential of digital
The purpose of this question was to assess the influence of McDonald’s digital
suggest that McDonald's digital marketing efforts have been effective in driving sales
respondents said that they have purchased McDonald's products because of the
company's digital marketing efforts multiple times. This suggests that McDonald's is
doing something right in terms of its digital marketing strategy, as it can reach and
However, it's also worth noting that not everyone is influenced by digital marketing in the
same way. 18.9% of respondents said that they were tempted to purchase McDonald's
products because of digital marketing, but ultimately did not. This could be due to a
variety of factors, such as the cost of the product, the timing of the marketing message,
digital marketing did not influence their purchasing decision at all. This could be
because they were not exposed to the marketing message, or because they simply did
Overall, these survey responses suggest that digital marketing can be an effective tool
for driving sales and influencing consumer behavior, but that it may not be effective for
everyone. Companies like McDonald's need to carefully craft their digital marketing
strategies to reach and persuade their target audience, while also being aware that not
Figure 17: Question 4
This survey question was asked to measure the potential impact of digital marketing
marketing efforts. This suggests that the company is doing a good job of not only driving
sales but also building brand loyalty and advocacy among its target audience. It's also
interesting to note that a significant portion of respondents (18.9%) were neutral on this
question. This could suggest that while they may not actively recommend McDonald's
products/services based on its digital marketing efforts, they also wouldn't discourage
others from trying them either. This could be an opportunity for McDonald's to engage
this group of respondents and try to convert them into brand advocates.
Overall, this result suggests that McDonald's digital marketing efforts are effective at
both driving sales and building brand loyalty and advocacy. However, there is still room
use these survey results to identify areas for improvement in its digital marketing
strategy and continue to refine its approach to better engage its target audience.
indicate their level of interest in engaging with McDonald's digital marketing campaigns
strategy for increasing engagement with digital marketing campaigns and driving sales.
We will be discussing the survey results and their implications for McDonald's digital
The first question in this section aimed to identify areas for improvement in McDonald’s
digital marketing strategies. Based on the survey responses, it appears that there are
several areas where McDonald's digital marketing strategies could be improved. Firstly,
33.3% of respondents indicated that content quality was an area that could be
improved. This suggests that McDonald's could benefit from creating more high-quality
and engaging content that resonates with its target audience. Secondly, 24.1% of
suggests that McDonald's could benefit from improving its targeting capabilities to
ensure that its digital marketing campaigns reach the right audience at the right time.
suggests that McDonald's could benefit from improving its mobile app and website to
ensure that they are optimized for mobile users. Fourthly, 13% of respondents identified
McDonald's could benefit from improving its social media presence and engagement
strategies to ensure that it is effectively reaching and engaging with its target audience
improved so that McDonald's could benefit from creating more personalized and
relevant digital experiences for its customers. By addressing these areas, McDonald's
could create more effective and impactful digital marketing campaigns that drive
Figure 19: Question 2
The above survey question was asked to gauge the participants’ perceptions of the
importance of adapting and innovating digital marketing strategies. Based on the survey
McDonald's to adapt and innovate its digital marketing strategies to remain competitive
to adapt and innovate its digital marketing strategies to remain competitive in the
so. Only 9.3% of participants were neutral or believed it was not important. These
results suggest that a vast majority of participants believe that McDonald's must
prioritize digital marketing innovation and adaptation to remain competitive in the fast-
changing industry. This underscores the need for agility and responsiveness in the
Figure 20: Question 3
engagement. The above graph in Figure 20 shows that the majority of participants
indicated that they would be interested in engaging with McDonald's digital marketing
respondents were unsure or said "maybe". Only 1.9% of respondents indicated that
they would not be interested in engaging with McDonald's digital marketing campaigns if
promotions and discounts could be an effective strategy for McDonald's to increase its
engagement with its digital marketing campaigns and potentially drive sales. This
1.26 Additional Feedback
In this section, participants were asked about their preferences for personalized
help McDonald's improve its digital marketing efforts and better engage with customers.
This was asked to assess participants’ frequency of visits to McDonald’s. The results
show that most customers i.e., 44.4% visit McDonald’s monthly and 25.9% visit every
week, with a smaller percentage, i.e., 27.8% visiting more rarely and just 1.9% visiting
daily. This information can be useful for McDonald's to know, as it can help the company
tailor its digital marketing campaigns to better reach and engage with different groups of
customers who visit less frequently to incentivize them to visit more often. Alternatively,
McDonald's could offer promotions to customers who visit frequently to reward their
loyalty and encourage them to continue visiting. By using this information to tailor its
digital marketing campaigns, McDonald's can increase its engagement with its
marketing initiatives. The result shows that the majority of customers are generally
satisfied with McDonald's digital marketing efforts, with many customers rating their
information can be useful for McDonald's to know, as it can help the company identify
areas where it can improve its digital marketing efforts to better engage with customers
customers based on their individual preferences and purchase history. This could help
to increase customer loyalty and drive repeat business. Additionally, McDonald's could
focus on improving its social media presence and engagement, as many customers are
likely to interact with the company on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
By using this feedback to inform its digital marketing strategy, McDonald's can improve
1.27 Conclusion
Based on the survey results, it appears that customers are generally happy with
McDonald's digital marketing efforts, with many customers rating their satisfaction as 7
or 8 out of 10. However, there are still areas where McDonald's can improve. For
example, many customers expressed a desire for more personalized promotions and
discounts based on their individual preferences and purchase history. By offering more
personalized promotions and discounts, McDonald's can increase customer loyalty and
drive repeat business. Additionally, many customers felt that McDonald's could improve
its social media presence and engagement to better interact with customers on
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. By using search engine optimization
(SEO) tactics, McDonald's ensures that its website appears at the top of search engine
results pages when customers are searching for relevant keywords. Influencer
marketing is a powerful way to reach new audiences and build brand awareness, and
McDonald's has likely been successful in partnering with influencers to promote their
products. Finally, email marketing can be a great way to keep customers informed about
new products and promotions, and McDonald's has likely been successful in using
email campaigns to drive sales and build customer loyalty. By focusing on improving its
social media presence and engagement, McDonald's can increase its overall brand
The survey results provide valuable insights into the impact of McDonald’s digital
marketing strategies on business profitability and the factors influencing its success.
businesses seeking to optimize their digital marketing efforts for sustained success in
the digital era. Overall, by using this feedback to inform its digital marketing strategy,
McDonald's can continue to improve its overall customer satisfaction and drive sales.
1.28 Introduction
In this chapter, the findings from the data collected through the survey are discussed in
detail, focusing on the impact of digital marketing on business profitability within the
the research results and draw meaningful conclusions that address the research
objectives. Furthermore, the implications of the findings for the theory, practice, and
future research in the field of digital marketing and business profitability are explored.
The research findings provided valuable insight into the impact of digital marketing on
analyze the relation between digital marketing efforts and business profitability, identify
key success factors, and provide recommendations for optimization. The results
Empirical evidence on digital marketing strategies refers to the data-driven findings and
observations derived from the research study, which shed light on the effectiveness of
research gathers primary data through surveys from customers to assess the impact of
By conducting a survey and analyzing the data, the research identifies the most
impactful digital marketing channels and success factors contributing to the brand’s
profitability. This contribution bridges the gap between theory and practice by validating
contributes to the broader body of knowledge by offering concrete insights into how
to the existing literature by validating the practical impact of digital marketing strategies
in real-world scenarios.
optimize their digital marketing efforts. This empirical validation strengthens the
credibility of digital marketing principles and practices, encouraging businesses to invest
The findings of this study align with previous research on digital marketing’s significance
in driving business success. Existing literature highlights the importance of social media
advertising, email marketing, and mobile apps as effective channels for reaching and
engaging customers (Barger, et al., 2016). McDonald’s focus on these channels reflects
a strategic approach to connect with its target audience and stay relevant in the
competitive market.
demonstrate the positive impact of digital marketing on business outcomes. The shift
utilizing these strategies reaffirms their relevance in the context of enhancing business
marketing efforts and their likelihood to recommend the brand echoes social exchange
theory, which posits that satisfied customers are more likely to engage in positive word-
of-mouth and promote the brand to others. These findings support previous research on
the role of customer satisfaction in fostering customer loyalty and advocacy (Imran &
Rizwan, 2023)
The identification of key success factors, including creative content, personalized
approach advocated in the digital marketing literature. The emphasis on timely and
relevant messaging aligns with the notion of delivering targeted and contextuality
business objectives.
Overall, the comparison with existing literature validates the research’s contribution to
the field of digital marketing and business performance. The study’s findings not only
reaffirm well-established principles but also provide nuanced insights into the factors
with prior research, this study enhances the body of knowledge on digital marketing
strategies and their impact on business profitability, offering valuable implications for
Here is a description of the research results that address the research objectives.
The first research objective was to examine the digital marketing strategies
implemented by McDonald’s.
The research findings reveal that McDonald’s employs a diverse set of digital marketing
strategies to engage its target audience. The most prominent channels utilized by the
company include social media platforms, online display advertising, email marketing,
and search engine marketing. McDonald’s digital marketing efforts are characterized by
engaging and relevant content, leading to a high level of customer awareness regarding
specific offers and promotions. The study highlights the significance of a well-
coordinated and integrated digital marketing strategy to effectively reach and engage
The second research objective was to assess the financial performance and profitability
of McDonald’s.
Customers who actively engage with digital marketing content, such as sharing, liking,
and commenting, are more likely to exhibit higher purchase intentions. This positive
satisfaction with digital marketing efforts correlates positively with repeat purchases and
The third objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between digital marketing
The study findings establish a strong correlation between customer engagement levels
actively engage with the digital content demonstrate a higher likelihood of making
purchases, thereby positively impacting McDonald’s revenue and profitability.
meeting customer needs and preferences through digital channels enhances overall
Lastly, the fourth research objective was to identify the key success factors contributing
The research identifies several key success factors contributing to the effectiveness of
and consistent messaging across various digital channels enhance brand recognition
and customer trust, positively influencing the success of the campaigns. Moreover,
marketing efforts.
Overall, the results indicate that effective digital marketing strategies, focusing on
business profitability. The study’s outcomes offer valuable insights for businesses,
including McDonald’s, to optimize its digital marketing initiatives, foster positive
customer interactions, and strengthen brand loyalty for sustained financial success.
Theoretical implications refer to the broader theoretical insights and contributions that
the research study offers to the existing body of knowledge in the field of digital
The findings of this study contribute to the theoretical understanding of social exchange
theory in the context of digital marketing and demonstrate how customer engagement in
Theory posits that individuals engage in social interactions to maximize rewards and
minimize costs. In the context of digital marketing, customers engage with brand
content and campaigns when they perceive value in the exchange. The research
findings indicate that satisfied customers are more likely to engage in reciprocal
behavior by promoting the brand to others. The study provides empirical evidence of the
relationship between customer satisfaction and advocacy, which further strengthens the
1. The research findings provide theoretical support to social exchange theory. The
marketing efforts and their likelihood to recommend the brand aligns with the
between businesses and customers, where positive experiences lead to
2. The study’s identification of key success factors, such as engaging content and
advice from marketing scholars that businesses should leverage multiple digital
suggests that customers are more likely to engage with digital marketing content
when it aligns with their current interests, needs, or behaviors. The theoretical
outcomes. This implication reinforces the notion that customer satisfaction is not
research enriches the field of digital marketing by offering nuanced insights into the
implications not only contribute to academic discussions but also provide actionable
insights for businesses aiming to optimize their digital marketing strategies and achieve
sustainable growth.
Practical implications refer to the actionable insights and recommendations that the
research study offers to marketers, managers, and businesses based on the findings.
marketers. Businesses, including McDonald’s, can strategically allocate
presence across platforms like social media, email, mobile apps, and websites.
5. The finding that satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the brand
Businesses can leverage digital marketing to not only attract new customers but
also create brand advocates who spread positive word-of-mouth. Encouraging
user-generated content and facilitating customer reviews can amplify this effect.
marketing efforts. Businesses can leverage survey data and customer feedback
to gain insights into preferences, pain points, and expectations. These insights
offers that align with individual preferences and purchase history. This practical
In summary, the practical implications derived from this study provide actionable
marketers, and managers can create more impactful and customer-centric digital
campaigns that resonate with their target audience and contribute to sustained growth
and success.
1.34 Conclusion
approach and using quantitative survey data, this study aimed to uncover insights that
bridge the theoretical foundations of digital marketing with practical implications in the
real world.
The research objectives guided the investigation into various facets of McDonald’s
digital marketing initiatives, aiming to uncover their strategies’ effectiveness, the relation
between digital efforts and financial outcomes, and the factors contributing to successful
campaigns. The empirical evidence unearthed several noteworthy findings. First, the
study affirmed the influence of social exchange theory in the digital marketing
landscape, where customer satisfaction correlated positively with brand advocacy. This
practical guide for businesses seeking to enhance customer interactions. The empirical
results also shed light on the connection between digital marketing efforts and business
campaigns and financial performance, the study reinforces the notion that customer-
The comparison with existing literature highlighted the alignment of the study’s findings
In conclusion, this research enriches the discourse on digital marketing and business
navigate the dynamic digital landscape and craft strategies that resonate with
growth. As businesses continue to harness the power of digital marketing, this study
serves as a compass, guiding them toward strategic decisions that amplify their
1.35 Recommendations
In light of research findings and their implications, the following recommendations offer
actionable insights for McDonald’s and other businesses aiming to harness the potential
business profitability.
1. McDonald’s should continue prioritizing a customer-centric approach in its digital
preferences, and pain points, McDonald’s can create campaigns that resonate
conversion rates.
all digital platforms, enabling customers seamlessly engage with the brand
approach can capture customer attention and increase the likelihood of positive
reality, and voice search can provide novel ways to engage customers and
different brands.
brand’s digital initiatives, fostering a sense of pride and encouraging them to
7. With increasing concerns about data privacy, McDonald’s should ensure ethical
data collection, usage, and storage practices. Transparency about data usage
brands can expand McDonald’s digital reach. Partnerships can expose the brand
should tailor its digital marketing campaigns to resonate with local preferences
In conclusion, these recommendations are drawn from the empirical findings and
McDonald’s can optimize its digital marketing initiatives to engage customers effectively,
Future research directions suggest potential avenues for further investigation that build
upon the findings and limitations of the current study. The research highlights the areas
the effectiveness of emerging digital marketing channels and strategies, assessing the
Conducting longitudinal studies that extend over a longer timeframe can provide
insights into the sustainability and long-term effects of McDonald’s digital marketing
perceptions, and financial performance over several years can offer a deeper
regions or countries can uncover cultural nuances that influence customer engagement
and response to digital campaigns. This research direction can guide businesses in
Future research could delve into dynamic customer segmentation based on real-time
behavioral data. Understanding how McDonald’s can segment and target customers
dynamically based on their digital interactions can lead to more personalized and
effective marketing campaigns. Future research directions are proposed to build upon
the current study’s findings and expand the understanding of digital marketing’s impact
on business profitability.
In conclusion, these future research directions extend the current study’s contributions
and open new avenues for exploration in the field of digital marketing and business
behavior, and business outcomes, ultimately advancing the knowledge base and
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Title of Project: The Impact of digital marketing on business profitability- the case study of
My Name is Rimsha Khalid. I am doing MSc. International Management from the University of
the West of Scotland. For my dissertation, I have chosen to research the impact of digital
marketing on business profitability and will be focusing on the fast-food industry at McDonald’s.
2. Invitation paragraph
You are invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide it is important for you to
understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the
following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask me if there is anything
that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether you wish to
take part.
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of digital marketing on business profitability,
specifically focusing on the case of McDonald’s. The study aims to investigate how digital
financial performance. By conducting an in-depth analysis of digital marketing efforts and their
outcomes, the study seeks to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of various digital
marketing strategies in enhancing business profitability. The study aims to provide insights that
can inform strategic decision-making and help businesses leverage digital marketing strategies
You have been chosen to take part because you may have previous interactions with
McDonald’s restaurants, be it online or in-person visits, and thus have the expert knowledge
Participation in this study is voluntary. I will describe the study. Please go through the
information sheet, which will be given to you. I will then ask you to sign a consent form to show
you agree to take part. At any time, you are free to withdraw without giving a reason. This will
If you choose to take part in the survey, you will contribute valuable information and insights to
the research study. Your participation would help the researcher gain a better understanding of
the impact of digital marketing on business profitability focusing on the case of McDonald’s.
Your input would be confidential and anonymized, meaning that your identity would be
protected, and your responses would be reported in an aggregated and de-identified manner.
Yes, your participation will be kept confidential. The researcher will ensure that your identity and
individual responses are protected and treated with the utmost confidentiality. This ensures that
principle in research ethics, and the researcher will follow appropriate measures to safeguard
All information received will be stored securely in either locked or secure cabinets or password-
protected electronic files. All references to individuals and organizations will be removed or
given pseudonyms of data to be included within the submitted study unless express permission
has been given. All data will be destroyed on submission and successful completion of my
master’s degree.
The University of the West of Scotland is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office
which implements the Data Protection Act 1998. All personal data of participants will be
Thank you for reading this information – please ask any questions if you are unsure about what
is written here.
If you are happy to be involved in this project, please sign the consent form to confirm this. If
you do not wish to be involved, thank you very much for your time.
This investigation was granted ethical approval by the University of the West of Scotland,
If you have any questions/concerns, during or after the investigation, or wish to contact an
independent person to whom any questions may be directed or from whom further information
School of Business and Creative Industries
Paisley Campus
High Street,
2 Appendix B: Participant Consent Form
1. I have read and understand the information sheet for the above study and have had the
opportunity to ask questions.
2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time,
without giving any reason.
3 Appendix C: Approval Letter
Your application 21534: The Impact of Digital Marketing on Business Profitability- The
with conditions, by the Business and Creative Industries SEC. You may proceed with
1. Please work with your supervisory team to arrange an appropriate data management
2. Please make all participants aware of where their data (including transcripts if
If you wish to make any significant changes to your study, you must seek the
4 Appendix D: Survey Questionnaire
Thank you for participating in this survey. This research aims to understand the impact
responses will contribute to valuable insights and advancements in the field of digital
marketing and its effects on business success. All responses will be kept confidential
and used only for academic purposes. Please answer the following questions to the
Section 1: Demographics
1. Gender:
Prefer not to say.
2. Age:
Under 18
3. Occupation
Other (please specify):------------------
Section 2: McDonald’s Digital Marketing Strategies
4. In your opinion, what are the key factors contributing to the success of
McDonald’s digital marketing campaigns? (Select all that apply)
Compelling content
Targeted advertisement
Engaging visuals
Use of influencers
Section 3: Financial Performance and Profitability
5. In your opinion, how has McDonald’s digital marketing influenced its brand
perception and customer awareness?
Positively influenced
Somewhat influenced
Neutral/so significant influence
Somewhat negatively influenced
Negatively influenced
No, but I was tempted to
No, it did not influence my purchasing decision
Section 6: Additional Feedback
2. On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with
McDonald’s digital marketing efforts?
0-5 very dissatisfied
6-10 very satisfied
Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your input is very much appreciated.