Comparison of Classification Algorithms
Comparison of Classification Algorithms
Comparison of Classification Algorithms
10 mins read
here are various different classification algorithms out there
in machine learning which we can use to solve classification
problems. There are some inherent advantages and
disadvantages of using one over another. It also depends on the type
of data we are dealing with. Say, If the data is linearly separable then
logistic regression and support vector machines seem to do the
almost similar job. Now, if the data is non-linearly separable, then
kernel SVM might do the job. On the other hand, if we have a data
which is having some inherent dependence of future events on past
events (for example in text data, the next word is dependent upon the
last word), in such cases naive Bayes does a good job. Like in the
problem of spam detection or anything related to text, naive Bayes is
a go-to algorithm for these tasks.
Some points
2. Logistic Regression
Some points
3. K Nearest Neighbour
Some Points
4. Decision Tree
Some points
If you understand the decision tree, then you will have not much
difficulty understanding the random forest. You can think of the
random forest as the collection of decision trees which is also true in
general sense. There can be two different forms of random forest just
like there are two different types of decision trees, one for
classification and one for regression. We will restrict our attention to
classification only.
Some Points
Some Points
We have come to the end of this blog. I hope, I was able to explain
the key components that differentiate various classification
algorithms. You are encouraged to explore any topic that excites
you more. I have explained the key components that make up the
algorithms and some of the points that are worth noting.
Thank You.