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Multimodal and Its Elements

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Pes Read and answer the questions below with your knowledge of the topic to be discussed. Use a cle: Seed ome tac eM ala ac koe elgg) 1. What is the other term for pictures? altri isons Lc ter C. image pM reer etc ssi eves ery ieeccctte ts Cement Reon yer Coho eae ti Be eevee teen co Pee vanes) ast g C. visual multimodal text Pe eee ate Uae ecieTs PMe Branca marty C. Spatial Ue eum ure teen ates emit in ccm Tue Gas le nee] Peet ere met onan Ne eard estar (bers A, Gestural Pann C. Aural Pe Tome ae apiene sere essed enerse hy ates Pee ral erence Ceara act emu rem eee) 8. Multimodal can be print, eee eel ersten et con itary ae citer (raat ean ee on Net eerrie irreg tee co Peete Meu ce sivsiagt nach (hee va bat a USO Sceree at lace oe 4s llc ues tT 1 pve re ss Lcd MULTIMODAL AND ITS ELEMENTS Gece t pelt ese eto le 2. Transcode emojis into plain textiword. 3. Create instructional video/script for presentation using Panes Mae 1 MULTIMODAL? > Wea ELEMENTS: > Linguistic: vocabulary, structure, grammar of oral/written language v Rete Mirae Ri soins Reto nMeTTo Wee een Me ee mela die as eS icead Gestural: movement, facial expression and body language Sr ei ane eer are tik cca Bere 1, Picture/Movie Interpretation, =P Focerple reeks Running Late Good Luck Party Time Be Quiet You Go Girl See you soon Be on Time No Monkey Business Laugh Out Loud Call you Today ribing Challenge covw-19 6 sce: IMD pits apc tnvaeniiennineabicemtion ce SPS WHS... BS wonan, D. since mien, on a ee ee £1. resutting to some ‘of March the spread to the diff that was badly affected due to the The World Health Organization declared a pandemic crisis resulting to che tinriopitieation oreiel orn, where S2Miwere forced to © ba due to the @ordered by the We This issue made a lot of Mo and lose their SS... &® The > We decided that all Filipino a i SK Re © oe already required to strictly stay at 4=Mk and any A * with other A OS FT Months later, alt the Fitpine EM Rwere required to wear and practice proper inorder to Whe apread of the What's I Have Learned COVID-19 a Deadly Virus In the last quarter of 2019, there have been reported a spillover of the virus from animals to humans in Wuhan, China. Since then, the entire world was affected by the said virus causing a lot of people to be sick and hospitalized, resulting to some deaths By the first week of March the virus spread to the different neighboring countries unul it reached the western t of the globe America was one of the countries that was bs . ed due to the imereasing number of cascs of patients affected by Corona Virus report The Warld Health Organization declared a pandemic crisis resulting to the immobilization of the economy of the world, wt establishments were forced to close due to the quarantine ordered. by the government. This issue made @ lot of people to suffer and lose their jobs. The Philippine Government decided that all Filipino citizens are alrcady required to strictly stay at home and avoid any physical contact with other people Months later, all the Filipi to wear maske and practice proper Bygiene in o: of the virus (= _ ___ (10 PTs.) RUBRICS Good” {6 PTS.) FAIR {4 PTS) Use of Multimodal Tadiented the use of all Multimodals terms and SVA were observed Tadicatedt some of the | Multimedals and correct SVA were observed Thdicated aniy 2 Multimodals. per use of | limited and SVA was not followed Uaed oniy 7 Multimodal proper us of terms and SVA were not followed Presentation with a good How of thought Tr gave the direct and extended interpretation ofiden jean somewhat in order but still Bives a good flaw of thought of iden somewhat i order and the flow of thought needs improvement Gave direct interpretation but no extencled il Tr did not give ay direct oF interpretation ofidea THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!

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