Construction of Digital Water Level Indi

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International Journal of Research Construction of Digital Water Level

Indicator and Automatic Pump Controlling System

Article in International Journal of Research · September 2016


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6 authors, including:

Md.Sourove Akther Momin Pratik Roy

Walton Hi-tech Industries Ltd. Hexagon Purus


Samiul Islam
Daffodil International University


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International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-6848
e-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 03 Issue 12
August 2016

Construction of Digital Water Level Indicator

and Automatic Pump Controlling System
Md.Sourove Akther Momin1*, Pratik Roy2 ,Mr.Md.Golam Kader3 ,
Md.Sahid Hasan4, Samiul Islam5
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,
Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH.
Corrosponding Author Email- [email protected]

Abstract: 1. Introduction
An Water Level Indicator is a device by which
In modern technology is largely depends on the users can get the information of any water
automation and control system. Automation and reservoir. Water level indicator system are quite
control system refers the use of various control useful to reduce the wastage of water from any
systems for operating equipment such as machinery, reservoir, while filling such reservoir[2].
processes in factories, boilers and heat treating Availability of water resource in many region of
ovens, switching on telephone networks, steering and the world is decreasing and becomes a dominant
stabilization of ships, aircraft, automobile and other issue now a days. This problem is arising because
applications with minimal or reduced human of poor water allocation, inefficient use, and lack
intervention. The greatest advantage of automation of adequate and integrated water management.
and control system is that it saves labor. A water Water is in general used for agriculture, industry,
level indicator system is a device that indicates the and domestic fields of consumption[4]. That is
level of water in a tank or reservoir. It is widely used why it is becoming an important matter of
in industrial applications such as boilers in nuclear concern for efficient use and water monitoring
power plants and residential applications. The and water management system for home or office.
project is to design water level indicator with Recently there are many systems have been
automatic water pump controlling system. water developed to ensure the proper utilization of this
level sensor has been made for apprehended water resource with minimum wastage. Proper
level properly. Microcontroller is plighted to restrain monitoring of water level and its management can
the overall system accurately that reduces the be a task for government and residence
control complexity. It takes input through the sensor perspective[3]. Scarcity of water is becoming a
unit that senses the water level. After taking input , serious issue in major cities. It is becoming a
output intends the pump’s action (on/off) with common problem to almost every house owner,
respect to current water status of the tank. A display while his tank is getting empty he has to switch on
unit indicates the status of pump and water level. The the motor and when the tank is full switch off the
device also monitor the state of level of water motor. As life is getting more busy it is most often
whether it is stable, increasing or decreasing with found that the tank overflows without notice. So it
what velocity. It also stores the total time of pump is needed to keep on observing water level of the
being kept ON. It also keep monitoring whether the tank to switch off the motor once it is switched
pumping is working well or not. While Keeping the on[5]. There are chance to burn the motor coils
motor ON it detects whether the motor pump is when there is absence of water in the tank. Hence
working well or not every minutes. If the level is these are the everyday problem that force to
increasing or decreasing in each minutes then the motivate to come up with an affordable, automatic
indicator shows the motor pump is working well else water level indicator and water pump control
after three minutes if the level remains stable then it system which does not need any attention once it
shows there is a problem in motor. Thus it also is installed. Implementation of water controlling
monitor the working performance of the pump. . system makes vital significance in residential
applications[7]. The self-acting level controller
Keywords will switch on the pump while the level of water
reaches below the defined level and will switch
Automation; Control; Pump; Sensor; off the pump when the sump of water level is at
above defined level[6].

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International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-6848
e-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 03 Issue 12
August 2016

2. Inspection System unit which senses the water level. After

The liquid level (as in, e.g., water level) is the processing input variables, resultant output
height associated with the liquid free surface, decides the water pump’s action (on/off)
especially when it is the top-most surface. It may be
measured with a level sensor. There are mainly two
with respect to current water status of the
types of water level inspection system. They are tank. The whole design flow chart is shown
i. Direct visual inspection system. in following (figure 1).When the water is
ii. Micro-controlling inspection system. slowly provided into the tank by keeping the
pump on, the level of water increases in the
A. Direct Visual Inspection System
tank which is continuously detected by an
Liquid level gauges are designed for relatively ultrasonic sensor and displayed into a LCD
straightforward level regulation and usually provide display. When the level reached ultimate
direct indications through visual, magnetic, or limit then microcontroller switched off the
transduction properties. They typically consist of a
measuring chamber connected to the vessel being
pump. After that while discharging the
monitored, with gage levels matching the changing water at certain minimum level
levels in the vessel[1]. There are a variety of microcontroller switched on the pump. It
different liquid level gage designs and each one also stored the time of motor of pump being
features distinct operational characteristics and kept on.
performance requirements. A floating device
equipped with a permanent magnet is suspended
upon the fluid in the chamber and it moves an
indicator or a transducer through magnetic coupling
to produce a level reading. The design differences
between these types of liquid level gages determines
their effectiveness in various applications, as well as
the operating parameters for individual gage units[1].

B. Micro-controlling Inspection System

There are numerous types of level detection devices

that incorporate transducers, transmitters, sensors, or
indicator instrumentation to monitor and regulate
industrial systems. Most level gages rely on the
principles of pressure differentials, conductivity, or
capacitance and their operations can involve a range
of different techniques, such as optical,
electromagnetic, microwave, and ultrasonic detection
methods[1].An automatic water level indicator
detects the water level in the tank. This automatic
water level indicator is made up of microcontroller
where programming is burnt into an IC called AT
mega 8 with 32 pins. The level measurement consist
of determining the distance from the bottom surface
of the liquid in a reservoir or vessel up to the surface
of the liquid. The detection is done by using deferent
types of sensor.

At the first stage of design a water level Figure 1. Flow chart for the project
sensor is been made for sensing water level
accurately. Microcontroller is used to
control the overall system automatically that
reduces the design and control complexity.
Microcontroller takes input from the sensor

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International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-6848
e-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 03 Issue 12
August 2016

6.Hardware Development and Construction

At first the suitable programs are developed
and then the programs are simulated by using Proteus
software to check whether the programs were valid
or not. Validation and correction of the simulation is
really necessary. Then the programs are loaded into
the ATmega8 microcontroller by using AVR
software. Then the circuit board is made along with
the microcontroller. The circuit is checked by using
LED lights whether it works perfectly or not. After
accomplishing the hardware it is associated with the
water level sensor. As it is a demo project and
replicate the alternator by giving power to the system
from a direct source. Now water level sensor is
connected from the circuit board. Then the system is
given operating condition and signal when the water
level is in different position
Figure 2. Block diagram of the project

The components of the system are as follows:

At mega 8 Microcontroller

Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor


16×2 LCD Display


Variable Resistor

Light Emitting Diode(LED)


3-Terminal 1A Positive Voltage Regulator

Push switch

5.Circuit Diagram
In figure 3 the circuit is connected to a power supply
of 6 volt DC. Pin PD2, PD3, PD4, PD5, PD6 and
PD7 of microcontroller AT mega 8 is connected with
LCD via 7KΩ resistor. Pin PC1 is connected with
direct ON switch, PC2 is connected with direct OFF
switch. Switch with function up, down and mode is
connected with PC3, PC4 and PC5 respectively. All
the switches are connected with 33KΩ resistor each.
Sonar trig pin is connected with PB0 and sonar echo
pin is connected with PB1 pin. Pin PB2 is connected
with relay via relay driver (MOSFET). To control
over the voltage of relay driver a diode is used. Relay
is connected with a motor of 220V. Figure 3. Circuit diagram of the project

Available online: P a g e |3

International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-6848
e-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 03 Issue 12
August 2016

7.Performance Test and Discussion

After design And construction the system was
tested whether all the connection and whole circuit
was working properly or not. The system was
assembled with breadboard. To ensure the proper
functioning of the components Digital millimeters
(DMM) was used. A connection of 6 volt is given.
The lower level of water at which pumping is to start
is set150 cm and the upper level is set at 190 cm to
stop the pump as shown in figure 5 & 6. Initially the
level of water was 159 cm which was between 150
cm to 190cm. Which was indicated in display and the
condition was also indicated as 'stable' as shown in Figure 6.Setting upper level of water
following figure 7. When The water level reached
the value below 150 cm, motor of the pump started
rotating indicated by the blipping of LED light
(figure 8) and the rate at which the level of water
increasing was indicated by the indicator in scale of
cm/minute (figure 9). The condition of motor pump
was also indicated (figure 10). While reaching the
upper level i.e. 190 cm the pump got stopped
indicated by shutting the blipping of LED light
(figure 11) and the total operating time of water
pump was indicated on display (figure 12).
Figure 7. Indication of water level at 159 cm

Figure 8.starting of pump with Indication of water level


Figure 4. system testing of the project

Figure 9. starting of pump with Indication of water

Figure 5.Setting lower level of water level

Available online: P a g e |4

International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-6848
e-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 03 Issue 12
August 2016

water level control with respect to the non linearity

introduced by pumps, valves and sensors. Thus the
automatic water level controller is a big boon as
concerned with the house hold applications as well
as other water saving purposes including agricultural
sector and industries. Based on the survey result, it is
found that the automatic water level controller has a
rising demand and it is a good asset from the
electronics perspective.

Figure 10. starting of pump with Indication of water controls/liquid-level-gages.
level and motor pump condition
Water and Land Management Training and
Research Institute, Himayatsagar, Hyderabad -
[3] Gunther Gridling, Bettina Weiss, " Introduction
to Microcontrollers ", Vienna University of
Technology, Institute of Computer Engineering,
Embedded Computing Systems Group, Version
[4] Part of the program is taken from the book -
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, Sepehr
Figure 11. Stopping of pump with Indication of water Naimi, "The avr microcontroller and embedded
system using assembly and c", Pearson
[5] ] Melaty Amirruddin., Nurhakimah M.
Mukhtar., Hana A. Halim., and Nur S.
Noorpi., “Microcontroller Based Water Level
Indicator Using GSM Modem: Design and
Application”, 1st International Conference on
Future Trends in Computing and
Communication Technologies, pp.79-83, 2012.
[6] Yan Xijun., Lu Limei., and Xu Lizhong.,
“The Application of Wireless Sensor Network
In the Irrigation Area Automatic System”,
Figure 12. Stopping of pump with Indication of total International Conference on Networks Security,
Wireless Communications and Trusted
8. Conclusion Computing, Vol.1, pp.21-24, 2009.
[7] S. M. Khaled Reza., Shah Ahsanuzzaman Md.
Thus by using this simple arrangement we can
Tariq., and S.M. Mohsin Reza.,
save wastage of water and electricity. It is very “Microcontroller Based Automated Water Level
important for us to control the use of natural resource Sensing and Controlling: Design and
of energy. By using this circuit we can solve our Implementation Issue”, Proceedings of the
purpose very easily. Hence we are controlling World Congress on Engineering and Computer
electric water pump level, controlling through some Science, Vol 1, pp.1-7, 2010.
logics which are described above effectively.. All the [8] Ning An; Sch. of Mechanical engineering,
inherent parts of the circuit performed consistently. It Hubei polytechnic. University, Wuhan, China;
helped us to come out with good judgment. With the Yu An. “A water level controller for
features what it inherits, it seems to be advantageous greenhouse sump tank”, Mechanic Automation
and control Engineering (MACE), 2011
to the present era. The automatic water level second International conference, Hohhot.
controller has been successfully designed and
developed. The sump pump is turned off and on
according to the water levels. Compare to other
conventional methods, the automatic water level
controller shows excellent performance with its
reliable digital technology and it is cheaper and
durable. The automatic water level controller is a
promising controller in terms of system response in

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