Sel Case Study Thermo Mechanical CASCSTEN21
Sel Case Study Thermo Mechanical CASCSTEN21
Sel Case Study Thermo Mechanical CASCSTEN21
Thermo-Mechanical Applications
Mike Ashby
For the first publication: These case studies were created with the help of Prof. Yves Brechet, Prof. David Embury,
Dr. Norman Fleck, Dr. Jeff Wood, and Dr. Paul Weaver. Thanks also to Mr. Ken Wallace, the Director of the
Cambridge University Engineering Design Centre and to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
for their support of research into Materials Selection.
We are indebted to Ericka Jacobs for her help with proof reading the final manuscript, editing the graphics, and
laying-out the entire book.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 The Design Process................................................................................................... 3
1.2 From Design Requirements to Constraints............................................................... 3
2. Energy-Efficient Kiln Walls................................................................................................. 4
2.1 The Model................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 The Selection............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Further Reading........................................................................................................ 9
3. Materials for Sauna Walls.................................................................................................. 10
3.1 The Model................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 The Selection............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Postscript.................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Further Reading........................................................................................................ 11
4. Materials for Springs......................................................................................................... 11
4.1 The Model................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 The Selection............................................................................................................. 12
4.3 Postscript.................................................................................................................. 15
4.4 Further Reading........................................................................................................ 15
5. Safe Pressure Vessels......................................................................................................... 17
5.1 Model........................................................................................................................ 17
5.2 The Selection............................................................................................................. 20
5.3 Postscript.................................................................................................................. 20
5.4 Further Reading........................................................................................................ 21
This document is a collection of case studies in Materials Selection. They illustrate the use of a selection
methodology, and its software-implementation, Ansys Granta EduPack. It is used to select candidate materials
for a wide range of applications: mechanical, thermal, electrical, and combinations of these. Each case study
addresses the question: out of all the materials available to the engineer, how can a short list of promising
candidates be identified?
The analysis, throughout, is kept as simple as possible whilst still retaining the key physical aspects which identify
the selection criteria. These criteria are then applied to materials selection charts created by Granta EduPack,
either singly, or in sequence, to isolate the subset of materials best suited for the application. Do not be put
off by the simplifications in the analyses; the best choice of material is determined by function, objectives and
constraints and is largely independent of the finer details of the design. Many of the case studies are generic:
those for beams, springs, flywheels, pivots, flexible couplings, pressure vessels and precision instruments are
examples. The criteria they yield are basic to the proper selection of a material for these applications.
There is no pretense that the case studies presented here are complete or exhaustive. They should be seen
as an initial statement of a problem: how can you select the small subset of most promising candidates, from
the vast menu of available materials? They are designed to illustrate the method, which can be adapted and
extended as the user desires. Remember: design is open ended — there are many solutions. Each can be used
as the starting point for a more detailed examination: it identifies the objectives and constraints associated with
a given functional component; it gives the simplest level of modeling and analysis; and it illustrates how this can
be used to make a selection. Any real design, of course, involves many more considerations. The ‘Postscript’ and
‘Further Reading’ sections of each case study give signposts for further information.
2. Describe and illustrate the “Translation” step of the material selection strategy.
Translation is the conversion of design requirements for a component into a statement of function, constraints,
objectives, and free variables.
The energy cost of one firing-cycle of a large pottery kiln (Figure 2-1) is considerable. Part is the cost of the
energy which is lost by conduction through the kiln walls; it is reduced by choosing a wall material with a low
conductivity, and by making the wall thick. The rest is the cost of the energy used to raise the walls of the kiln
and its contents to the operating temperature. It is reduced by choosing a wall material with a low heat capacity,
and by making the wall thin. Is there a performance index which captures these apparently conflicting design
goals? And if so, what is a good choice of material for kiln walls? The design requirements are listed in the Table
Figure 2-1. A kiln. In a firing cycle, energy is lost both by conduction and
in heating the structure of the kiln itself.
(M 2.1)
Here λ is the thermal conductivity, dT/dx is the temperature gradient and w is the wall thickness.
The second contribution is the heat absorbed by the kiln wall itself. Per unit area, this is
(M 2.2)
(M 2.3)
A wall which is too thin loses much energy by conduction, but absorbs little energy in heating the wall itself. One
which is too thick does the opposite. There is an optimum thickness, which we find by differentiating equation
(M 2.3) with respect to wall thickness w, giving:
(M 2.4)
where α=λ/Cpρ is the thermal diffusivity. The quantity (2at)1/2 has dimensions of length and is a measure of the
distance heat can diffuse in time t . Equation (M 2.4) says that the most energy-efficient kiln wall is one that only
starts to get really hot on the outside as the firing cycle approaches completion. That sounds as if it might lead
to a very thick wall, so we must include a limit on wall thickness.
Substituting equation (M 2.4) back into equation (M 2.3) to eliminate w gives:
Q is minimized by choosing a material with a low value of the quantity (λCpr)1/2, that is, by maximizing
(M 2.5)
Now the limit on wall thickness. A given firing time, t , and wall thickness, w, defines, via equation (M 2.4), an
upper limit for the thermal diffusivity, a:
(M 2.6)
Selecting materials which maximize equation (M 2.5) with the constraint (M 2.6) minimizes the energy consumed
per firing cycle.
Some candidates for the insulation could be very expensive. We therefore need a second index to optimize on
cost. The cost of the insulation per unit area of wall is
(M 2.7)
where Cm is the material cost per kg. Substituting for w from equation (M 2.4) gives
(M 2.8)
(M 2.9)
And, finally, the material must be able to tolerate an operating temperature of 1000 K.
plotted against thermal conductivity, λ , as in Figure 2-2. Contours of M1 are lines of slope 2. One has been
positioned at M1=10−3. To this can be added lines of constant wall thickness, corresponding to fixed values of
the thermal diffusivity, a (equation (M 2.6)). The right-hand scale shows these limits, assuming a firing time of 6
hours; the horizontal broken line describes a thickness limit of 200 mm. We can now read-off the best materials
for kiln walls to minimize energy, including the limit on wall thickness. Below the broken line, we seek materials
which maximize M1; while meeting the constraint on w.
The second stage optimizes a typical example of the cost of material for given firing conditions (equation (M
2.9)). The line shows M2; once again limits on wall thickness can be added (right-hand scale and horizontal line).
The final stage is one for protection: it is a bar-chart of maximum operating temperature Tmax. The line limits the
selection to the region: Tmax>1000K
Table 2-2 lists the results. Porous ceramics, including firebrick, are the obvious choice. But the degree of porosity
is important. The more porous (low density) firebricks lie highest under the dashed line on Figure 2-2 — they
require the thickest wall. So it may pay to use a denser firebrick, to meet the requirements on wall thickness.
2.3 Postscript
It is not generally appreciated that, in an efficiently-designed kiln, as much energy goes in heating up the kiln
itself as is lost by thermal conduction to the outside environment. It is a mistake to make kiln walls too thick;
a little is saved in reduced conduction-loss, but more is lost in the greater heat capacity of the kiln itself. That,
too is the reason that foams are good: they have a low thermal conductivity and a low heat capacity. Centrally
heated houses in which the heat is turned off at night suffer a cycle like that of the kiln. Here (because Tmax is
lower) the best choice is a polymeric foam, cork or fiberglass (which has thermal properties like those of foams).
But as this case study shows — turning the heat off at night doesn’t save you as much as you think, because you
have to supply the heat capacity of the walls in the morning.
Figure 3-1. A Sauna. The material of the wall must insulate, at low heat capacity.
(M 3.1)
where λ is the thermal conductivity, (W/m.K), Cp the specific heat (J/kg.K), ρ the density (kg/m3) and a the
thermal diffusivity (m2/s). The right thickness of a material with a large value of M1 (Figure 3-2) minimizes the
sum of the conduction losses and the energy used to heat the sauna walls themselves (which is lost when the
sauna is switched off). The appropriate thickness, w, is given (see Case Study “Energy-Efficient Kiln Walls”) by:
(M 3.2)
(M 3.3)
There is a second objective: than of minimizing material cost. The cost of the insulation is
(M 3.4)
per unit area of sauna wall. Substituting for w from equation (M 3.2) gives
(M 3.5)
(M 3.6)
plotted against thermal conductivity, λ , as in Figure 3-2. Contours of M1 are lines of slope 2. One has been
positioned at M1 = 10-3 (m2K/W.s1/2). To this can be added lines of constant wall thickness using equation (M
3.2); those shown assume a cycle time of 2 hours. Materials with high values of M1 which also lie below the
appropriate thickness contour minimize the total energy lost during the cycle.
Figure 3-3. A chart of thermal diffusivity, a, plotted against thermal conductivity, λ. The line shows the wall
thickness, w.
The second chart (Figure 3-3) allows selection to minimize cost, again allowing a constraint on wall thickness to
be applied. The selection line for M2 has slope -2. Materials which satisfy the conditions shown in the two charts
are listed in Table 3-2.
Figure 3-4. A chart of thermal diffusivity, a, plotted against cost per unit volume, Cmρ. The line shows M2.
Polymer foams 3x10-3-3x10-2 The highest value of M1-- hence their use in house
insulation. But limited to temperatures below 1500C
Woods 3x10-4-3x10-3 The boiler of Stevenson’s “Rocket”was insulated with
What, then, are good materials for precision devices? Table 4-1 lists the requirements.
Figure 4-1. A precision device. All such devices have a force loop ; the precision depends on its
dimensional stability.
In the steady state, Fourier’s law for one-dimensional steady-state heat flow states:
(M 4.1)
where q is heat input per unit area, λ is the thermal conductivity and dT/dy is the resulting temperature gradient.
The thermal strain ε is related to temperature by
(M 4.2)
where α is the thermal expansion coefficient and To is ambient temperature. A temperature gradient creates a
strain gradient dε/dy in the beam, causing it, if unconstrained to take up a constant curvature K, such that:
(M 4.3)
where u is the transverse deflection of the beam. Integrating along the beam, accounting for the boundary
conditions, gives an equation for the central deflection (distortion) δ:
(M 4.4)
where C is a constant. Thus for a given geometry and heat flux q, the distortion δ is minimized by selecting
materials with large values of the index
(M 4.5)
The second problem is that of vibration. The sensitivity to external excitation is minimized by making the natural
frequencies of the device as high as possible (Chetwynd, 1987; Cebon and Ashby, 1994). In general, it is the
flexural vibrations which have the lowest frequencies; for a beam, their frequencies are proportional to
(M 4.6)
Figure 4-3. The same chart as Figure 4-2, but this time we concentrate on the light alloys
branch of the materials tree
Light alloys feature in Table 4-2. It is worth examining them more closely. Figure 4-4 shows the results of plotting
the light-alloy branch of the materials tree on the same axes. Among the light alloys, beryllium excels. But the
Al-SiC metal-matrix composites are nearly as good; the composite Al-70% SiC(p) particularly so.
4.3 Postscript
Nano-scale measuring and imaging systems present the problem analyzed here. The atomic-force microscope
and the scanning-tunneling microscope both support a probe on a force loop, typically with a piezo-electric
actuator and electronics to sense the proximity of the probe to the test surface. Closer to home, the mechanism
of a video recorder and that of a hard disk drive qualify as precision instruments; both have an actuator moving
a sensor (the read head) attached, with associated electronics, to a force loop. The materials identified in this
case study are the best choice for force loop.
Figure 5-1 shows a possible arrangement. Two identical ceramic discs are mounted one above the other, spring-
loaded so that their faces, polished to a tolerance of 0.5 mm, are in contact. The outer face of each has a slot
which registers it, and allows the upper disc to be rotated through 90° (1/4 turn). In the ‘off’ position the holes
in the upper disc are blanked off by the solid part of the lower one; in the ‘on’ position the holes are aligned.
Normal working loads should give negligible wear in the expected lifetime of the tap. Taps with vitreous alumina
valves are now available. The manufacturers claim that they do not need any servicing and that neither sediment
nor hard water can damage them.
Figure 5-1. Taps: (a) The conventional tap as a valve and seat which wear, and are
damaged by hard water. (b) Ceramic valves are resistant to wear and hard water
But do they live up to expectation? As cold-water taps they perform well. But as hot-water taps, there is a
problem: the discs sometimes crack. The cracking appears to be caused by thermal shock or by thermal mismatch
between disc and tap body when the local temperature suddenly changes, as it does when the tap is turned on.
Would another ceramic be better? The design requirements are summarized in Table 5-1.
Table 5.1: The Design Requirements
5.1 Model
When the water flowing over the ceramic disc suddenly changes in temperature (as it does when you run the
tap) the surface temperature of the disc changes suddenly by ΔT. The thermal strain of the surface is proportional
to αΔT where α is the linear expansion coefficient; the constraint exerted by the interior of the disc generates a
thermal stress
(M 5.1)
The safe temperature interval ΔT is therefore maximized by choosing materials with large values of
(M 5.3)
This self-induced stress is one possible origin for valve failures. Another is the expansion mismatch between
the valve and the metal components with which it mates. The model for this is the almost the same; it is simply
necessary to replace the thermal expansion coefficient of the ceramic, α, by the difference, Δα, between the
ceramic and the metal.
Figure 5-2. The index describing thermal shock resistance of ceramics. The horizontal
line passes through alumina.
Material Comment
5.3 Postscript
So ceramic valves for taps appear to be viable. The gain is in service life: the superior wear and corrosion
resistance of the ceramic reduce both to a negligible level. But the use of ceramics and metals together raises
problems of matching which requires careful redesign, and informed material selection procedures.
The demand for electricity is greater during the day than in the small hours of the night, for obvious reasons. It
is not economic for electricity companies to reduce output, so they seek instead to smooth demand by charging
less for off-peak electricity. Cheap, off-peak electrons can be exploited for home or office heating by using them
to heat a large mass of thermal-storage material from which heat is later extracted when the demand — and
cost — of power are at their peak.
The way such a storage heater works is shown schematically in Figure 6-1. A heating element heats a thermal
mass during off-peak hours. During the expensive peak-demand hours the element is switched off and the
thermostatically-controlled fan blows air over the hot mass, extracting heat and passing it to the room as needed.
What is the best material for the thermal mass? To hold enough heat to be useful, the thermal mass has to be
large. It performs no other function, but just sits there, inert and invisible. No-one wants to pay more than they
have to for inert, invisible mass. The best material is that which stores the most thermal energy (for a given
temperature rise, ΔT) per unit cost. It must also be capable of withstanding indefinitely the temperature of the
heater itself — that is, its maximum working temperature must exceed that of the surface temperature of the
heating element. The design requirements are summarized in Table 6-1.
where Cp (kJ/kg.K) is the specific heat capacity of the solid (at constant pressure). The material cost is
(M 6.2)
where Cm is the cost per kg of the material. The energy stored per unit cost is therefore
(M 6.3)
This is the objective function. The energy per unit cost is maximized by maximizing
(M 6.4)
The constraint is that the maximum working temperature Tmax be greater than the surface temperature of the
heating element Th, which we take to be 320°C, approximately 600 K.
(M 6.5)
Figure 6-2 shows the appropriate diagram: Cp/Cm plotted against Tmax.
6.3 Postscript
An important consideration is the rate at which heat can be extracted from the heater. This rate depends on
the dimensions of the thermal mass and on the thermal diffusivity of the material of which it is made. Roughly
speaking, the time-constant t for the cooling of a block of material of minimum dimension x is approximately
(M 6.6)
(M 6.7)
λ is its thermal conductivity and ρ is its density. A large block cools slowly; small pieces cool more quickly if air
can flow between them. So by breaking up the mass into loose gravel-like pieces, or by putting air channels
through the brick, the rate of power output can be increased. In practice, the thermal diffusivity of the materials
listed above (except for cast iron) all lie near 10-6 m2/s. If the heat is to be extracted over a 6 hour period, then,
according to equation (M 6.6) the block size should not exceed 0.2 m, otherwise the heat put in at night does
not have time to leak out again during the day.
Document Information
This case study is part of a set of teaching resources to help introduce students to
materials, processes and rational selections.
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