Development of Effective Water Management Institutions: The Upper Pampanga River Basin, Philippines
Development of Effective Water Management Institutions: The Upper Pampanga River Basin, Philippines
Development of Effective Water Management Institutions: The Upper Pampanga River Basin, Philippines
Honorato L. Angeles, Marcelino S. Santos, Jose L. Tabago, Ma. Excesis M. Orden, Aurora
S. Paderes, Carlito M. Gapasin, Lorna A. Bitangcol, Alejandro L. Duran, Lorie M.
Cabanayan, Elizabeth D. G. de Guzman and Rachelle E. Liberato
The Upper Pampanga river basin (UPRB) is one of the biggest river basins in the Philippines.
This basin provides abundant water resources for a big population, growing industries, and
agricultural production in a vast fertile riceland in the Central Luzon region. While current
water resources are still abundant, there is an urgent need to protect and manage it for future
generations. Moreover, the absence of a coordinating body to effect overall water management
necessitates studying the UPRB.
This report presents the highlights of the diagnostic study conducted in the river basin
to assess the physical facilities, water accounting, socioeconomic conditions and system
performance within the UPRB. Based on the diagnostic study, issues were identified and the
suggested reforms for effective water management are presented. Finally, an action plan is
presented aimed at developing an effective water management institution to ensure sustainable
water resources in the river basin.
Project Site
The UPRB is in the upper reaches of the Pampanga river basin, in Central Luzon, the Philippines,
between longitudes 120o 40' E and 121o 28' E and between latitudes 15o 00' N and 16o 08' N
(figure 1). The estimated total area of the basin is 420,000 hectares covering 2 cities, 1 Science
city and 25 municipalities in the provinces of Nueva Ecija, Pampanga and Bulacan.
The average landholdings in the Basin are small, ranging from 1.4 to 3.0 hectares (BAS
1999) owned by 152,292 farming households that primarily cultivate rice. Onion, garlic, tomato
and other vegetables are produced, especially during the dry season.
Agriculture is the major source of employment and income in the basin, particularly in
Nueva Ecija, which is considered the Philippine’s major rice producing province. Added to
agriculture are agro-industries, such as livestock, including poultry and pig farms, and light
industries, such as feed mills, rice mills, ice plants and cold storage of onion, that all contribute
to the basin’s economy. Commercial establishments abound in population centers within the
basin, especially in first class municipalities like Santa Rosa, Gapan, and San Miguel and in
cities, such as Cabanatuan and San Jose. However, commercialization of agricultural and
nonagricultural activities in the basin has given rise to the problem of environmental pollution.
The UPRB has two distinct seasons. The wet season runs from May to November and
the dry season from December to April. The average rainfall is 1,900 mm for a normal year and
1,100 mm for dry year. Rainfall during the rainy season is brought about by the southwest
monsoon, accompanied by an average of 22 tropical depressions during this part of the year.
Table 1 shows the basic profile of the basin.
Sources: NCSO 1990 & 1995, PAG-ASA 1990–1999, and BAS 1999.
The surface water supply in the UPRB is provided by the Pantabangan reservoir, and
the major river tributaries in the upper reaches of the Pampanga river, such as the Awilan,
Digmala and Coronel rivers. Other sources of irrigation water in the basin are the Talavera and
Peñaranda rivers. Within the basin is the Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation System
(UPRIIS), one of the biggest national irrigation systems in the Philippines. In 1975, the UPRIIS
became fully operational and it is used mainly for irrigation. Small irrigation systems and rainfall
provide the irrigation requirements of other rice producing areas outside the UPRIIS. Water in
the basin is also utilized for hydropower. One plant produces 150 megawatts of electricity and
water is reused for irrigation.
The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
(PAGASA) operates a hydro-meteorological station and a synoptic station within the UPRB.
The first is the CLSU Agromet Station located at the Central Luzon State University, Muñoz,
Nueva Ecija, and the other is the Cabanatuan Synoptic Station located 30 km south-southwest
of the CLSU Agromet Station.
Several government agencies are tasked with the administration of water in the basin.
Their interests and functions are administrative and regulatory in nature. These agencies are
the following:
Despite the presence of these agencies within the basin, it is still beset with problems
and issues such as siltation of waterways, land conversion, water pollution and the lack of a
coordinating body to promote effective water resources management in the basin.
Physical System
The physical system of the UPRB consists of the Pantabangan reservoir, the river system, the
diversion dams and the irrigation channel network, which are used to supply water for irrigation,
fisheries, municipal, industrial, and other requirements. Within the UPRB is the UPRIIS, which
services 102,500 hectares, which area is about 24 percent of the whole basin.
Rice is the major crop in the UPRIIS, with an average annual production of 63 million
metric tons. Communal irrigation systems (CIS) provide irrigation to about 2,500 hectares of
ricelands and diversified croplands. Individually operated 4-inch shallow well pumps also
contribute to the overall irrigated areas in the UPRB. As many as 1,571 units of shallow well
pumps and engine sets with an average discharge of 9 liters per second (lps) were installed
from 1997 to 1998.
The survey and evaluation of irrigation facilities indicated a deteriorating trend in their
functionality over the years since the UPRIIS became operational in 1975. The most common
problems observed were a) silted irrigation channels, b) absence of farm ditches and farm-
level water control structures, c) inadequate drainage systems, particularly in low-lying areas,
and d) poor maintenance of farm-to-market roads. The irrigation performance efficiency,
estimated at 50–64 percent during the wet season and 53–65 percent during dry season, and
the cropping intensity are contingent partly on the functional status of irrigation infrastructure
in the UPRIIS.
Potential irrigable areas outside the UPRIIS can be converted into productive agricultural
lands by the construction of more communal schemes. For this reason, small water
impoundments, capable of supplying irrigation water to 10–20 hectares of riceland in the UPRB,
are being programmed by the Department of Agriculture. Also, small farm reservoirs capable
of irrigating 1–2 hectares of riceland are continually constructed. To this end, the NIA is
mandated by the Republic Act No. 6978 to undertake a 10-year program for the construction
of irrigation projects in the remaining 1.5 million hectares of irrigable lands throughout the
country. Specifically, 50 percent of the funds allotted for the purpose is to be used for communal
irrigation projects.
Additional physical infrastructures are being constructed by the Casecnan Multipurpose
Irrigation and Power Project (CMIPP). This project is expected to irrigate 35,000 hectares of
agricultural land in June 2004 and provide hydroelectric power of 150 megawatts in March
2001. The irrigation component of the project consists of 64 km of the main diversion canal
and 611 km of laterals and sublaterals, together with water control structures and irrigation
The need to rehabilitate and maintain the nonfunctional irrigation facilities in the UPRIIS
has become imperative. Their deteriorating conditions have rendered most of them ineffective
in controlling water for irrigation and drainage. A concerted effort involving the national
government, concerned line agencies and local governments should therefore be geared towards
the development of infrastructural facilities not only for irrigation and drainage but also for
transport facilities such as farm-to-market roads.
Water Quality
Water in the Upper Pampanga river was categorized as Class A, while that in the Lower
Pampanga River was categorized as Class C. Class A is good for municipal water supply
requiring complete treatment (coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection) while Class
C is meant for irrigation. Unfortunately, no data are available on the quality of water in the
Pampanga river where its chemical, physical and biological characteristics are concerned.
However, visual inspection of the flowing water indicated a relatively high turbidity level
due to sediment load, which may have affected the river biota population, particularly fish and
crustaceans. This turbidity level has shown that the quality of water has indeed deteriorated
steadily from Class A in 1975 to a much lower class at present. This deteriorating quality of
water in the Pampanga river and its tributaries is attributed to increased agricultural activities,
human settlements and deforestation.
On the other hand, groundwater in the UPRB has remained unaffected in terms of volume
and quality. Groundwater drawn from deeper aquifers has remained the sole source of municipal
water supplies in population centers such as the Cabanatuan city, San Jose city and the Science
city of Muñoz, all located within UPRB.
Availability of Water
Aside from natural rainfall from May to November, the basin’s water supply is regulated by
the Pantabangan reservoir, which is capable of irrigating 102,500 hectares of riceland. Flows
from the Coronel, Digmala, Talavera and Peñaranda rivers also contribute to the overall irrigation
requirement of the basin. The supply of surface water is more or less fixed by the average
annual rainfall of 1,900–2,000 mm. However, surface water flows into the Pantabangan reservoir
while the base flows of the Upper Pampanga river and its tributaries tend to decrease during
the dry season when demand for irrigation is highest. This low base flow may be attributed to
loss of land cover in the watershed. Coupled with the deteriorating water quality downstream,
the available surface water supply for beneficial use may become critical in the next 10 to 20
years. Thus, the supply of groundwater might be relied upon to support the increasing water
demand of all water use sectors in the basin.
Water Budget
The roughly estimated water budget of the UPRB gives an overall picture of the gross water
inflow and its present level of depletion (figure 2). Over the long term no change was observed
in the storage of the Pantabangan reservoir; groundwater withdrawals are replenished during
the rainy season. The committed outflow for downstream users in the Pampanga delta for
irrigation, fishery and maintenance of streamflow of the Pampanga river is 700 million m3 (MCM)
leaving 7,800 MCM available water out of the annual inflow of 8,500 MCM. About 2,600 MCM
are beneficially utilized for industrial and recreational use (5 MCM), domestic water supply (68
MCM) and consumptive use (2,526 MCM). For non-beneficial use, it is estimated that about
2,206 MCM of water are lost through evapotranspiration of weeds, brush and other vegetation.
Figure 2. Water accounting for the Upper Pampanga river basin, Philippines (1998–1999)
The uncommitted portion of the available water amounts to 2,711 MCM. Presently, most, if
not all, of this amount of water drains out to the Pampanga delta, the Candaba swamp and
finally to the Manila bay. This occurs because of the absence of storage facilities that can
trap the water for later use.
In dealing with the water balance equation, some difficulties were encountered due to
the unavailability or incompleteness of data regarding outflows and water depletion. The water
accounting figures on uncommitted and committed outflows were arbitrary in nature and are
subject to further refinement. Nevertheless, the resulting finger diagram provides a bird’s eye
view of water availability and its disposition in the context of future developments in the basin.
More water storage facilities and water conservation measures are needed to optimize the use
of the uncommitted portion of the available water in the basin.
Socioeconomic Conditions
The socioeconomic condition of the river basin provides a basis for a future agenda to improve
water management. The UPRB is relatively large in terms of population, land area and coverage.
In 1995, within the basin’s administrative boundary there was a population of 1.58 million. The
increased population pressure on land and other resources including water is likely to affect
the river basin. The population growth rate is 2.86 percent per year, which is very high by
international standards and higher than the country’s (2.3%/yr.) and the region’s (2.12%/yr.)
growth rates. Unless efforts are made to minimize the growth rate, the population in the basin
will be 2.1 million in 2005. The population density was 341/ha in 1995, an increase of 45 persons/
km2 within 5 years. The proportion of the population, which is highly dependent on the
household for survival (0 to 19, and over 65-years olds), is relatively large, at 50 percent. The
urban population was 36 percent in 1990, 13 percent higher than the 1980 level, and it is
expected to increase because of the growing importance of the nonagriculture sector and
migration in the domestic economy.
Farming households constitute about 50 percent of the total households in the basin. In
Nueva Ecija, the average farm size has continued to decrease from 3.47 hectares in 1971 to
1.78 hectares in 1991. A similar trend was reported in Pampanga and Bulacan due to
fragmentation and land conversion. If this trend continues, food supply in the basin will be a
problem unless efforts are made to increase productivity per unit area.
Annually, on average, 218,710 hectares are planted to rice, 92 percent of which is irrigated
paddy. However, the 3-year data (1996 to 1998) did not show any significant increase in area
irrigated. In 1997, the major sources of irrigation were the national irrigation system (NIS-79%),
the communal irrigation system (CIS-12%) and the pump irrigation system (9%). The average
rice yield in the basin is still below the yield potential of modern rice varieties. From 1996 to
1999, the yield per hectare ranged from 3.0 to 3.62 tons/ha during the wet season and from
3.73 to 4.33 tons/ha during the dry season.
Data from 1992 to 1997 showed a decrease in area irrigated by NIS in 1993 and CIS in
1994 due to both insufficient water released and deteriorating irrigation facilities. In contrast,
a significant increase occurred in area irrigated by pumps, from 400 hectares in 1992 to 10,000
hectares in 1996. The increase in service area by pumps could be attributed to an increase in
the ownership of pumps, as a result of individual purchases and the distribution program of
the Department of Agriculture.
The river basin is primarily agricultural. In Nueva Ecija, the labor force in agriculture is
57 percent although the corresponding ratio in Bulacan and Pampanga is only 30 percent. For
the whole basin, the employment rate is 45 percent, while the unemployment rate is 4.7 percent.
Most of the household heads are gainfully employed. There is more employment in the nonfarm
sector in Bulacan and Pampanga than in Nueva Ecija. This has contributed to the big difference
in household incomes in the river basin. In Nueva Ecija, 63 percent of the households had an
income of less than 100,000 Philippine pesos (P) per year (US$1.00=P54.4), as compared to
less than 40 percent in Bulacan and Pampanga. In 1997, Nueva Ecija had the lowest per capita
income of P20,959 while Bulacan had the highest at P31,343. The low household income and
per capita income in Nueva Ecija could have been caused by the low productivity and low
prices in agricultural produce. Efficient use of labor, fertilizer and water must be made to promote
increases in agricultural productivity.
Considering that agriculture is the primary source of employment and income within the
UPRB, the National Irrigation Administration Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation
System (NIA-UPRIIS) and its thousands of farmer beneficiaries, who are mostly members of
the Irrigators’ Associations (IAs), are considered as the major stakeholders of water from the
UPRB. As of 31 December 1999, altogether 365 IAs in the whole of NIA-UPRIIS have been
recorded, with a total membership of 61,880.
Most of these IAs are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
and currently have contracts with NIA.1 They share in the management of operation and
maintenance (O&M) of the irrigation system. The objective of the “shared management or
participatory irrigation management” is to encourage the active involvement of the IAs in the
O&M of the NIS. However, results of a recently concluded study, which reviewed the cost-
recovery mechanism for the national irrigation systems, including the NIA-UPRIIS, revealed
that “the NIA-IA partnership, in practice, is asymmetrical and that NIA controls the technical
expertise and subsidizes maintenance and improvements in the canals that are being operated
and maintained by the farmers (Shepley et al. 2000). In other words, the “paid” maintenance
and contracts for collection of the irrigation service fee (ISF) do not provide enough
accountability and incentives to the IA, and inhibit the farmers’ capability for sustained O&M
of the irrigation system.
The performance and capacity of the IA in the O&M of the irrigation systems are
assessed annually using a NIA-devised functionality survey.2 These assessments showed a
O&M contracts entered into by IAs with the NIA are of three types. Type I involves a canal
maintenance contract. For this, an IA receives an incentive of P400 for every km or a total of P1,400/
mo for a 3.5 km earth canal or a 7-km lined canal. In a Type II contract, the IA participates in system
operation, ISF campaign and collection within its area of jurisdiction. An IA receives an incentive based
on collection efficiency. Type III involves the transfer of the O&M of a system or part thereof to the
IA, which amortizes the direct chargeable investment cost to NIA without interest for a period not to
exceed 50 years.
The functionality survey involves evaluating the IAs, based on a set of criteria considering the irrigation
and organization-based management-related indicators and additional indicators.
downward trend in the number of functional IAs in the last 4 years. Inversely, the number of
nonfunctional IAs has increased.
The diagnostic study involving the IAs and NIA-UPRIIS revealed certain realities, which
can help explain the declining functionality status of the IA. One reality is that NIA field
personnel and the IA officials were engrossed with ISF collection, probably because of NIA’s
policy of assessing its field offices in terms of financial viability. Since ISF is the lifeblood of
the NIA, the field personnel are expected to exert their best efforts to collect ISF from the
farmer beneficiaries. Another reality is that the O&M budget of NIA limits its capability to
improve and rehabilitate the deteriorating facilities. Moreover, because of its limited budget,
NIA often fails to give the O&M contract incentives to IAs on time.
It was found that the training, designed to enhance the IA’s capability for O&M of the
irrigation systems, was attended mostly by IA officials, and seldom by the members. This
could be the reason why some farmers alleged that the IAs are “organizations of leaders,”
which means training in O&M hardly trickled down to the mass-based membership of the IAs.
Moreover, another reality observed was the lack of personnel to assist and guide IAs so that
they can effectively participate in all aspects of irrigation management. The NIA-UPRIIS, like
the other field offices, has streamlined their field personnel. Those who remain with the agency
are preoccupied with the ISF collection or the water distribution in the field.
These realities pose a big challenge to the NIA. With the implementation of Republic
Act No. 8435, otherwise known as the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997,
which mandates NIA to accelerate the turnover of the management of the O&M of the NIS to
the IAs, improvement of the IAs overall performance has become very important. Improving
the performance of IAs is imperative as they constitute the biggest group of water users in
the basin and as they can adversely affect the effective water management of the UPRB.
The O&M expenses increased from P296/ha in 1989 to P645/ha in 1998. However, the actual
area irrigated in all the UPRIIS districts has continued to be lower than what was programmed
for both dry and wet seasons. A declining trend in irrigated area was observed: the highest
area irrigated was 79,292 hectares in 1992 and the lowest was 48,484 hectares in 1998 when the
basin was affected by the El Niño phenomenon. This decline in irrigated area means that
irrigation needs of the districts cannot be sustained by effective rainfall, local flows from the
different diversion dams within the service area, and releases from the Pantabangan Dam during
the planting seasons. The available water from the system was not sufficient to increase the
basin’s cropping intensity as planned from 1989 to 1999. The yield was highly variable and
did not show any significant improvement during the 11-year period studied.
The target collection efficiency of the system was set at 70 percent of the total collectibles.
From 1993 to 1996, however, it was adjusted to less than 70 percent due to the wide exemption
of areas affected by typhoons and other calamities. The collection efficiency ranging from 30
percent to 55 percent was much lower than the target collection efficiency. Water-gauging
devices used to determine the inflow of water into laterals were not available. Hence, irrigation
fees could not be charged in proportion to the quantity of water used. Due the low area irrigated
and low paddy price during both dry and wet seasons it was hardly possible for the field
personnel of NIA to collect the ISF. The collection efficiency was strongly correlated with
paddy price, but had a low correlation with area irrigated. Moreover, the implementation of
Administrative Order No.17 (AO 17) issued on September 7, 1998 affected the total ISF collection.
AO 17 has reduced the target collectibles by 26 percent; from P179 million (without AO 17) to
P137 million (with AO 17).
Two other performance indicators were used to assess the operation of UPRIIS from
1989 to 1999. The first was output per unit irrigated area, computed as the value of production
divided by irrigated area, and second was financial self sufficiency which is total income divided
by O&M expenses. The first indicator showed an increasing trend during the dry season
from 1989 to 1996. The best year was in 1996 with more than P 45,000/ha as a result of high
farm gate price of P 10.00 per kg, and an increase in yield over its 1995 level. Conversely, in
1997, output per unit area decreased by 7 percent over the 1996 level because the 13 percent
increase in yield was offset by an 18 percent decrease in the price level.
Wet season yield fluctuated, although an increasing trend was observed from 1993 to
1995, and again in 1997, because of the increase in farm-gate prices. These results indicated
the importance of better farm prices in improving the total value of rice production because of
the inelastic nature of the demand for rice. A price increase subsequently increases the total
revenue. However, improving revenue in rice production requires complementary production
inputs and reasonable price levels.
From 1989 to 1999, financial self-sufficiency was highly variable. Within the 11-year
period, the system was not self-sufficient for four years (1993, 1995, 1997 and 1998). During
these periods the increase in O&M costs was more significant than the increase in the total
income. The financial situation was worst in 1998, with a very low self-sufficiency value of
0.60 as a result of low yield and low income from production. The highest self-sufficiency
ratio was recorded in 1994 at 1.30, when income increased with a decrease in O&M.
The above data showed that the overall performance of the system has been affected
by lack of funds for O&M and low ISF collection. When O&M are not sustained, facilities
and equipment would fail to deliver enough water supply to the farmers and, as a result, farmers
are unable to produce high yields and pay their ISF.
The identified problems and vital issues relating to the physical facilities, water accounting,
socioeconomic conditions and system performance within the UPRB were the basis for an
institutional analysis of the basin. This analysis (presented in appendix 1) sought to identify
the needed reforms to ensure more effective water management within the basin. Results of
the analysis and the corresponding suggested solutions to the problems identified are herein
presented and discussed.
of Presidential Directive (PD) No. 552 issued in 1974. The PD later paved the way for NIA to
implement the shared management or participatory approach with irrigation management of
O&M in the irrigation system. In the NIA-UPRIIS service areas, the first IA was organized in
1975. It was only in the mid-1980s that the proliferation of IAs began. Through the years, the
IAs proved to be potent partners of the NIA-UPRIIS as they performed their roles and
responsibilities pursuant to their O&M contracts with the NIA. Of late, however, the
functionality of the IAs within the NIA-UPRIIS has indicated a downward trend according to
results of the functionality survey conducted during the last 4 years.
NIA has indicated a willingness to consider transferring to the IAs the full or partial
authority and responsibility for operating and managing the NIS in the service areas each of
whose extent is less than 3,000 hectares. This impending transfer necessitates that IA’s
management capability be enhanced to prepare them for the responsibility of operating and
maintaining the irrigation systems.
Action Plan
The results of the diagnostic studies and the institutional analysis were bases for a workable
action plan that is proposed to improve the water management in the UPRB. Details of this
plan are presented in the subsequent pages.
For the formation of the UPRB Coordinating Council, initially, a core group that will
orchestrate the planning, implementation and evaluation of water resources management
programs for the UPRB must be organized. However, this can only be realized when a position
paper detailing the justifications for the need to form the UPRB Coordinating Council is prepared
and presented to the various stakeholders of the basin.
Heads of the different agencies/organizations including the LGU and representatives of
interested groups within the basin will be invited to join as members of the Council. The
research team can serve as an ad hoc secretariat for the Council and be responsible in the
monitoring, documentation and evaluation of all activities during the first year of its operation.
Once organized, the UPRB Coordinating Council can line up activities and programs that will:
• monitor and evaluate the quality of surface water and groundwater; and
Table 2 presents the details of the proposed action plan, indicating the activities, target
outputs, and agencies involved.
Table 2. Action plan.
Table 2. Continued.
Appendix 1. Institutional analysis of the UPRB.
Appendix 1. Continued.
Appendix 1. Continued.
Appendix 1. Continued.
Literature Cited
BAS (Bureau of Agricultural Statistics). 1999. Commodity profile for Nueva Ecija . Cabanatuan City.
NCSO. 1990. Census on population and housing. Manila.
NCSO. 1995. Census on population and housing. Manila.
PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration). 1990–1999.
Clsu Agromet Station and Cabanatuan Synoptic Station. Nueva Ecija.
Shepley, Steven C.; E. M. Buenaventura; and D. C. Roco. 2000. Draft final report. TA 3235 – PHI: Review
cost recovery mechanics for national irrigation systems. August 2000.