Android CPCL Program Manual

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Android CPCL Program Manual

1. Instruction

This manual describes how to print labels with CPCL instructions. Constant variable are defined in
CPCLConst class.

2. CPCLPrinter

2.1. CPCLPrinter

Constructor to create print objects.

CPCLPrinter(IDeviceConnection connection)

 connection
Connected object, available via POSConnect.createDevice(deviceType).

2.2. initializePrinter

Label initialization
CPCLPrinter initializePrinter(int height)
CPCLPrinter initializePrinter(int height, int qty)
CPCLPrinter initializePrinter(int offset, int height, int qty)

 offset
The lateral offset of the label. The default value is 0.
 height
Maximum height of label
 qty
The number of labels to print, default is 1.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.3. addText

The method is used to place text on a label.

CPCLPrinter addText(int x, int y, String content)
CPCLPrinter addText(int x, int y, String font, String content)
CPCLPrinter addText(int x, int y, String rotation, String font, String content)

 x
Horizontal starting position.
 y
Vertical starting position.
 font
Name/number of the font, Default is FNT_0, Values are FNT_0, FNT_1, FNT_2, FNT_4, FNT_5,
FNT_6, FNT_7,FNT_24, FNT_55.
 rotation
Rotate the angle, Default is ROTATION_0
Variable Description
ROTATION_0 No rotation
ROTATION_90 Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
ROTATION_180 Rotate 180 degrees clockwise
ROTATION_270 Rotate 270 degrees clockwise

 content
The text to be printed.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.4. setmag

The method magnifies a resident font to the magnification factor specified.

CPCLPrinter setmag(int w, int h)

 w
Width magnification of the font. Valid magnifications are 1 thru 16.
 h
Height magnification of the font. Valid magnifications are 1 thru 16.

CPCLPrinter Instance
2.5. addPrint

The method terminates and prints the file.

void addPrint()


2.6. addBarcode

The method is used to label bar codes with the same data used to create the bar
CPCLPrinter addBarcode(int x, int y, String type, int height, String data)
CPCLPrinter addBarcode(int x, int y, String type, int width, int ratio, int height, String data)
Horizontal 1D barcode
CPCLPrinter addBarcodeV(int x, int y, String type, int height, String data)
CPCLPrinter addBarcodeV(int x, int y, String type, int width, int ratio, int height, String data)
Vertical 1D barcode

 x
Horizontal starting position.
 y
Vertical starting position.
 type
Barcode Type
Variable Description
BCS_128 Code 128
BCS_39 Code 39
BCS_93 Code 93/Ext.93
 width
Unit-width of the narrow bar.

 ratio
Ratio of the wide bar to the narrow bar, Default is BCS_RATIO_1
Variable Description
BCS_RATIO_0 1.5 :1
BCS_RATIO_1 2.0 :1
BCS_RATIO_2 2.5 :1
BCS_RATIO_3 3.0 :1
BCS_RATIO_4 3.5 :1
BCS_RATIO_20 2.0:1
BCS_RATIO_21 2.1:1
BCS_RATIO_22 2.2:1
BCS_RATIO_23 2.3:1
BCS_RATIO_24 2.4:1
BCS_RATIO_25 2.5:1
BCS_RATIO_26 2.6:1
BCS_RATIO_27 2.7:1
BCS_RATIO_28 2.8:1
BCS_RATIO_29 2.9:1
BCS_RATIO_30 3.0:1
 height
Unit-height of the bar code.
 data
Bar code data.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.7. addBarcodeText

The method is used to label bar codes with the same data used to create the bar code.
CPCLPrinter addBarcodeText()

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.8. addBarcodeTextOff

This method is used to turn off barcode comments

CPCLPrinter addBarcodeTextOff()

CPCLPrinter Instance
2.9. addQRCode

This method is used to draw a QR code.

CPCLPrinter addQRCode(int x, int y, String data)
CPCLPrinter addQRCode(int x, int y, int codeModel, int cellWidth, String data)

 x
Horizontal starting position.
 y
Vertical starting position.
 codeModel
QR code model number. Default is QRCODE_MODE_ENHANCE.
Variable Description
QRCODE_MODE_ORG the original specification
QRCODE_MODE_ENHANCE Enhanced form of the symbology.

 cellWidth
Unit-width/Unit-height of the module.Range is 1 to 32. Default is 6.

 data
Describes information required for generating a QR code.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.10. addBox

The method provides the user with the ability to produce rectangular shapes of specified line
CPCLPrinter addBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, int thickness)

 x
Horizontal starting position.
 y
Vertical starting position.
 width
rectangle width(in dots)
 height
rectangle height(in dots)
 thickness
Unit-width (or thickness) of the line.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.11. addLine

Lines of any length, thickness, and angular orientation can be drawn using the method.
CPCLPrinter addLine(int x, int y, int xend, int yend, int thickness)

 x
X-coordinate of the top-left corner.
 y
Y-coordinate of the top-left corner.
 xend
abscissa of the end point of the line
 yend
The vertical coordinate of the end point of the line
 thickness
Unit-width (or thickness) of the line

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.12. addInverseLine

Previously created objects that lie within the area defined by the method will have their black
areas re-drawn white, and white areas re-drawn black.
CPCLPrinter addInverseLine(int x, int y, int xend, int yend, int width)

 x
X-coordinate of the top-left corner.
 y
Y-coordinate of the top-left corner.
 xend
abscissa of the end point of the line
 yend
The vertical coordinate of the end point of the line
 width
Unit-width (or thickness) of the line

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.13. addGraphics

Image printing, it is recommended to use addCGraphics.

CPCLPrinter addCGraphics(int x, int y, int width, Bitmap bmp)
Use byte type to transfer image data
CPCLPrinter addEGraphics(int x, int y, int width, Bitmap bmp)
Use hexadecimal character type to transmit image data

 x
Horizontal starting position.
 y
Vertical starting position.
 bmp
Bitmp object.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.14. addAlign

Alignment of fields can be controlled by using the method.

CPCLPrinter addAlign(int align)
CPCLPrinter addAlign(int align, int end)

 align
Variable Description
ALIGNMENT_LEFT Left justifies all subsequent fields.
ALIGNMENT_CENTER Center justifies all subsequent fields.
ALIGNMENT_RIGHT Right justifies all subsequent fields.

 end
End point of justification. If no parameter is entered, justification commands use the
printhead’s width for horizontal printing or zero (top of form) for vertical printing.
CPCLPrinter Instance

2.15. printerStatus

Get printer status

void printerStatus(IStatusCallback callback)
void printerStatus(int timeout, IStatusCallback callback)

 callback
The callback content is the corresponding printer state
public interface IStatusCallback {
void receive(int status);
status(HEX) Description
00 Normal
01 Head opened
02 Paper Jam
03 Paper Jam and head opened
04 Out of paper
05 Out of paper and head opened
08 Out of ribbon
09 Out of ribbon and head opened
0A Out of ribbon and paper jam
0B Out of ribbon, paper jam and head opened
0C Out of ribbon and out of paper
0D Out of ribbon, out of paper and head opened
10 Pause
20 Printing
80 Other error
-1 Receive timeout

 timeout
Receive timeout, Unit is ms,Default is 5000ms

CPCLPrinter Instance
2.16. addSpeed

This method is used to set the highest motor speed level.

CPCLPrinter addSpeed(int level)

 level
A number between 0 and 5, 0 being the slowest speed.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.17. addPageWidth

The printer assumes that the page width is the full width of the printer. The maximum height of a
print session is determined by the page width and the available print memory. If the page width
is less than the full width of the printer, the user can increase the maximum page height by
specifying the page width.
CPCLPrinter addPageWidth(int width)

 width
Unit-width of the page.

CPCLPrinter Instance

2.18. addBeep

This method instructs the printer to sound the beeper for a given time length. Printers not
equipped with a beeper will ignore this method.
CPCLPrinter addBeep(int length)

 length
Duration of beep, specified in (1/8th) second increments.This example instructs the printer to
beep for two seconds (16 x .125 seconds = 2 seconds).

CPCLPrinter Instance
2.19. isConnect

Query connection status

void isConnect(IStatusCallback callback)

 callback
Status callback.
public interface IStatusCallback {
void receive(int status);
status Description

2.20. setCharSet

Set character encoding,Default is “gbk”

void setCharSet(String charSet)

 charSet
Character set name.

2.21. sendData

This function is used to send data to the printer.

CPCLPrinter sendData(byte[] data)
CPCLPrinter sendData(List<byte[]> datas)

 data
Byte array to be sent
 datas
Byte array collection to be sent

CPCLPrinter Instance

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