The document is an inventory log listing vehicle models, part numbers, product names, barcodes, computer quantities, physical quantities, and difference amounts. It shows that for most items, the computer and physical quantities match, but for some items there is a difference between the recorded amounts.
The document is an inventory log listing vehicle models, part numbers, product names, barcodes, computer quantities, physical quantities, and difference amounts. It shows that for most items, the computer and physical quantities match, but for some items there is a difference between the recorded amounts.
The document is an inventory log listing vehicle models, part numbers, product names, barcodes, computer quantities, physical quantities, and difference amounts. It shows that for most items, the computer and physical quantities match, but for some items there is a difference between the recorded amounts.
The document is an inventory log listing vehicle models, part numbers, product names, barcodes, computer quantities, physical quantities, and difference amounts. It shows that for most items, the computer and physical quantities match, but for some items there is a difference between the recorded amounts.