Weekly Plan KG2: Week Subject Song / Story / Game Instrument

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Weekly plan

KG 2
Week Subject Song / Story / Game Instrument
Who am I? Breath ex. Piano.
What`s music Vocal ex. Xylophone.
mean? Sing music lesson welcome song.
1 Music lesson What`s your name song?
Sing a song.

Music lesson Play with xylophone fast and slow then Rhythm instrument.
welcome song. say our names slowly then fast then Xylophone.
Fast and Slow normal.
2 rhythms. Play fast and slow clapping , walking ,

Music lesson Play with xylophone soft and loud then Piano.
welcome song. say our names softly then loudly then Xylophone.
Soft and Loud normal.
3 voices. Sing abc song soft then loud then normal.

Music lesson Play with xylophone high and low. Piano.

welcome song. Sing happy birthday normal then low then Xylophone.
High & Lower high.
4 voices. What`s the voice be (high or low & fast or
Game. slow & loud or soft) game

Music lesson Vocal ex with la. Piano.

welcome song. Sing Do Ri Me up and down. Xylophone.
Do - Ri - Me Sing marry had a little lamb
5 up and down.
Sing a song

Music lesson Story of Rhythm Rhythm instrument.

welcome song. Noir (ants army) Piano.
Rhythm ♩ Sing ants go marching. Clapping and hitting
6 Story. leg.
Music lesson Knowing the break of Noir(Shsh). Piano .
welcome song. Beat and sh ex. Xylophone.
Rhythm ♩ and Sing Bingo song.
the break of it.
7 Song


Music lesson Play Who can tell me this voice sad Piano.
welcome song. or happy game. Xylophone.
Feeling voices Sing if you`re happy and you know it.
9 Game and song.

Music lesson Sing Do to Sol on Xylophone. Piano.

welcome song. Sing Marry had a little lamb with Do Ri Me Xylophone.
Do to Sol sing (Solfeg) half of the song
10 Solfeg.

Music lesson Sing Do to Sol on Xylophone. Piano.

welcome song. Sing Marry had a little lamb with Do Ri Me Xylophone.
Do to Sol sing (Solfeg) all of the song.
11 Solfeg.

Music lesson Story of Cherry and Beat . Rhythm instrument.

welcome song. Do the Cherry beat song. Piano.
Rhythm ♫ & ♩ Clapping and hitting
cherry & beat. leg.
12 Story.
Rhythm song.

Music lesson Sing Do to Do¹ on Xylophone. Rhythm instrument.

welcome song. Sing teddy bear. Piano.
Do to Do¹ Clapping and hitting
singing. leg.
13 Song.
Music lesson Vocal ex with legatto and sticatto. Rhythm instrument.
welcome song. Piano.
Legatto and Sing marry had a little lamb with legatto Xylophone.
Sticatto. and sticatto. Clapping and hitting
Song and game. leg.

Music lesson Learn play Do to Sol on Xylophone. Piano.

welcome song. Sing Marry had a little lamb on Xylophone.
How to play Do Xylophone.
to sol on
15 Sing Marry had a
little lamb.


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