Band Structure of A Simple Tight Binding Model
Band Structure of A Simple Tight Binding Model
Band Structure of A Simple Tight Binding Model
simple tight-binding
Rishi Paresh Joshi, National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar
ight-binding models play a pivotal role eration in this report are 1-dimensional (1D)
Aim: Band structure of a simple To find the possible values of ϕ1 and ϕ2 and the
tight-binding wire associated eigenenergies of the molecular orbitals, we
apply the full Hamiltonian to |ψ⟩ :
In this section, we present the theoretical derivation
for the band structure of a simple tight-binding wire. H|ψ⟩ = E|ψ⟩ = ϕ1 H|1⟩ + ϕ2 H|2⟩
To explain tight-binding, we can first consider the Taking the left inner product with ⟨1|, we obtain
principle of LCAO. In the subsequent paragraph, we
explain LCAO, taking the example of a diatomic
⟨1|E|ψ⟩ = ϕ1 ⟨1|Ĥ|1⟩ + ϕ2 ⟨1|Ĥ|2⟩ = Eϕ1
molecule and then generalizing the principle to a
lattice of atoms. Similarly, taking the inner product with ⟨2| yields:
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where u(r) has the same periodicity as the atomic On substituting the Bloch wavefunctions into the
structure of the crystal, such that:- equations of motion:
uk (x) = uk (x + n · a) (4)
LHS = Euk eiEt/ℏ−ikna
The defining property of a crystal is translational = E0 uk eiEt/ℏ−ikna −tuk eiEt/ℏ−ik(n+1)a −tuk eiEt/ℏ−ik(n−1)a ,
symmetry, which means that if the crystal is shifted Again, we are not interested in a trivial solution
an appropriate amount, it winds up with all its atoms hence we assume u ̸= 0 and thus,
in the same places. (A finite-size crystal cannot
have perfect translational symmetry, but it is a valid
approximation.) E = E0 − te−ika − teika = E0 − 2t cos(ka)
A three-dimensional crystal has three primitive
lattice vectors a1 , a2 , a3 . If the crystal is shifted by 0.3.1 Plotting the dispersion relation using
any of these three vectors or a combination of them kwant
of the form
1. Define the System: Use Kwant to define the
n1 a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3 , (5) tight-binding system, specifying the lattice, hop-
ping parameters, and other relevant details.
Where ni are three integers, the atoms end up in 2. Set Up the Momentum Path: Create a path
the exact locations as they started. These are three in momentum space along which you want to
vectors b1 , b2 , b3 (with units of inverse length), with calculate the band structure. This often involves
the property that ai · bi = 2π, but ai · bj = 0 when defining a sequence of high-symmetry points in
i ̸= j. the Brillouin zone.
0.3 Calculation of the band structure of a 3. Calculate the Band Structure: Utilize Kwant’s
1D wire kwant.physics.Bands module to calculate the
band structure along the specified momentum
Similarly to the diatomic system case (1), we formu- path.
late the molecular orbital via the LCAO model:
4. Extract Momenta and Energies: Retrieve the
calculated momenta and corresponding energies
|Ψ⟩ = ϕn |n⟩
n from the band structure calculation.
We assume only nearest-neighbor hopping −t and 5. Plot the Band Structure: Using a plotting li-
an on-site energy E0 . The coupled Schrödinger equa- brary (e.g., matplotlib), visualize the band struc-
tion of the |n⟩ orbital is (the steps are just like in ture. A simple line plot is employed, where the
the diatomic case (2): x-axis represents momenta and the y-axis repre-
sents energies (code 0.7).
Eϕn = E0 ϕn − tϕn+1 − tϕn−1 . (6)
Thus, from sections 0.3 and 0.3.1, we have learned
Again, the periodic boundary conditions imply how to find the dispersion relation; now, we can use
ϕN = ϕ0 . The ϕN are the Bloch wavefunctions (3) it for many other applications, as done below.
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Comparing this expression with dv/dt = F/m, we One can get to this result immediately if you re-
arrive at the effective mass: member the derivative of arccosine. Otherwise, it
would help if we went a longer way: compute dE/dk
−1 2 −1 2 −1 as a function of k, express k through E as we did
∂v ∂ E 2 ∂ E
m ≡∗
= =ℏ (8) above, and take the inverse.
∂p ∂p2 ∂k 2 We now add together the contributions of the
positive and the negative momenta as well as both
The group velocity describes how quickly electrons
spin orientations, and arrive at the density of states
with a certain k-vector move, while the effective mass
describes how hard they are to accelerate by applying L 4 1
an external force; thus, it is inversely proportional g(E) = q
2π a
4t2 − (E − E0 )2
to electron mobility and current.
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materials, has been widely employed in studying fun- formed in the following form in momentum space:
damental physical scenarios in 2D Dirac materials 0 f (k)
H(k) = .
and beyond. For example, it is a pioneer model f ∗ (k) 0
for quantum anomalous Hall effects (AQHE) and In√the foregoing, f (k) = e−ikx a + ei(kx 3/2−ky /2)a +
quantum spin Hall effects (SQHE) in Haldane[1]. i(kx 3/2+ky /2)a
e , where a represents the distance be-
The conventional honeycomb lattice comprises reg-
tween two adjacent sites. From this tight-binding
ular hexagons, forming a profile similar to a ”hon-
Hamiltonian of the honeycomb lattice, two energy-
eycomb,”. Each site is threefold and coordinated at
momentum relationships can be obtained:
an angle of 120◦ . The honeycomb lattice contains q √ √
E± (k) = ± 3 + 2 cos 3kx a + 4 cos 12 3kx a cos 32 ky a .
two sublattices, each constituting a 2D hexagonal
Bravais lattice. Neglecting the on-site energy differ- Now, we can get effective mass and the DOS like we
ence between the two sublattices (set to zero) and did for the 1D case using Eq. (8) and Section. (0.5).
considering only nearest-neighbor hopping (t), the
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• We showed the derivation for the band structure
of a 1D tight-binding wire Section. 0.3. We
showed that the graph obtained Fig. 1 as given
in the Kwant tutorial[4] is in accordance with
the theory.
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10 See
11 Reciprocal_lattice#Generalization
0.9 Code for 2D plot of kx , ky in a 2D
12 _of_a dual_lattice
13 """ Honeycomb lattice, its DOS and its
14 graphene = effective mass, and its band gap
,→ kwant.lattice.honeycomb(a=1,
,→ name='') 1 from __future__ import division # so that
15 B = np.array(graphene.prim_vecs).T ,→ 1/2 == 0.5, and not 0
16 A = 2 from math import pi, sqrt, tanh
17 return np.linalg.solve(A, k) 3 import numpy as np
18 4 import kwant
19 5
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