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I hereby certify that the work presented in the project entitled
RESTAURANT BILLING SYSTEM as per the requirement of
the subject summer training for the award of the degree
bachelor of engineering in information technology, University
Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Panjab University
Chandigarh is an authentic record of my own work carried out
under the mentors of Acadview,Chandigarh .

Place: Chandigarh

This major project would not have been possible without
the valuable assistance of many people to whom I am
indebted, in particular, my mentor of

He guided me through the training, provided helpful

insights and motivated to work harder. His constant
guidance and willingness to share his vast knowledge
made me understand this project and it’s manifestation in
great depths which helped in completing the task

I would also like to thank Department of Information

Technology, University Institute of Engineering and
Technology for providing me with the best knowledge and
helping me in every doubt I had.

1. Introduction.…………………………………………………1
1.1. The Python Language.……………………………………..1
1.2. The Workflow.…………………………………………………2
2. Restaurant Billing System.……………………………..3
2.1. Objective.…………………………………………………………3
2.2. Components of Application.……………………………..3
2.3. Scenario.…………………………………………………………10
3. System Development.…………………………………..12
3.1. Welcome Window.………………………………………….12
3.2. Login Form.……………………………………………………..12
3.3. Main Window.…………………………………………………14
3.4. Price List Window.…………………………………………..15
3.5. Generated Bill.………………………………………………..15
3.6. Database Table.………………………………………………16
4. Conclusion.…………………………………………………..17
5. Drawbacks.…………………………………………………..18
6. References.…………………………………………………..19
1.1. The Python Language

Python is a general purpose, dynamic, high level and interpreted programming

language. It supports Object Oriented programming approach to develop
applications. It is simple and easy to learn and provides lots of high-level data
structures.Python is easy to learn yet powerful and versatile scripting language
which makes it attractive for Application Development.
Python's syntax and dynamic typing with its interpreted nature, makes it an ideal
language for scripting and rapid application development.Python supports multiple
programming pattern, including object oriented, imperative and functional or
procedural programming styles.Python is not intended to work on special area such
as web programming. That is why it is known as multipurpose because it can be used
with web, enterprise, 3D CAD etc. We don't need to use data types to declare
variable because it is dynamically typed so we can write a=10 to assign an integer
value in an integer variable.Python makes the development and
debugging fast because there is no compilation step included in python development
and edit-test-debug cycle is very fast.

Some specific features of Python are as follows:

 An interpreted (as opposed to compiled) language. Contrary to e.g. C or

Fortran, one does not compile Python code before executing it. In addition,
Python can be used interactively: many Python interpreters are available,
from which commands and scripts can be executed.
 A free software released under an open-source license: Python can be used
and distributed free of charge, even for building commercial software.
 Multi-platform: Python is available for all major operating systems, Windows,
Linux/Unix, MacOS X, most likely your mobile phone OS, etc.
 A very readable language with clear non-verbose syntax
 A language for which a large variety of high-quality packages are available for
various applications, from web frameworks to scientific computing.
 A language very easy to interface with other languages, in particular C and
 Python is an object-oriented language, with dynamic typing (the same
variable can contain objects of different types during the course of a

Python Strength:

 Batteries included Rich collection of already existing bricks of classic

numerical methods, plotting or data processing tools. We don’t want to

re-program the plotting of a curve, a Fourier transform or a fitting algorithm.
Don’t reinvent the wheel!
 Easy to learn Most scientists are not payed as programmers, neither have
they been trained so. They need to be able to draw a curve, smooth a signal,
do a Fourier transform in a few minutes.
 Easy communication To keep code alive within a lab or a company it should
be as readable as a book by collaborators, students, or maybe customers.
Python syntax is simple, avoiding strange symbols or lengthy routine
specifications that would divert the reader from mathematical or scientific
understanding of the code.
 Efficient code Python numerical modules are computationally efficient. But
needless to say that a very fast code becomes useless if too much time is
spent writing it. Python aims for quick development times and quick
execution times.
 Universal Python is a language used for many different problems. Learning
Python avoids learning a new software for each new problem.

1.2. The workflow: interactive environments and text editors

Python is a general-purpose language. As such, there is not one blessed environment

to work in, and not only one way of using it. Although this makes it harder for
beginners to find their way, it makes it possible for Python to be used for programs,
in web servers, or embedded devices.
As you move forward, it will be important to not only work interactively, but also to
create and reuse Python files. For this, a powerful code editor will get you far. Here
are several good easy-to-use editors:

 Spyder: integrates an IPython console, a debugger, a profiler…

 PyCharm: integrates an IPython console, notebooks, a debugger…
(freely available, but commercial)
 Atom


2.1. Objective
Restaurant billing system is very much needed.It is found that the billing system and
maintenance of records of the cashier is done manually using a file based method in
some restaurants. Therefore we gave our attention to avoid this weakness by
building a computerized system to replace the file based system that will help the
restaurant to give a more efficient ,effective,productive service to the customer.It
reduces a lot of hardwork and complexity. Nowadays restaurant are filled with
people so it’s very difficult to manage all the work manually. That’s why these kind of
softwares are required.

Main objective was to develop a computerized system to store and retrieve billing
records of customers. To computerize the file based system I designed a system
which enables easy access to billing records and restaurant records etc..This
application is built in Python to maintain the orders and calculate the prices of
orders at the restaurant. It allows a user to calculate the price, subtotal, taxes and
total amount of the order by managing the quantities and prices of the the items.A
special feature of this system is the login method which requires a username and a
password which increases the security of the stored data. Through out the system
we gave special attention to build interfaces that are user friendly which will make
our system a successful one.

2.2. Components of the Application

2.2.1. Libraries Imported

 Tkinter - Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. Python when
combined with Tkinter provides a fast and easy way to create GUI
applications. Tkinter provides a powerful object-oriented interface to the Tk
GUI toolkit.

 sqlite3 - SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database

that doesn’t require a separate server process and allows accessing the
database using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language. Some
applications can use SQLite for internal data storage. It’s also possible to
prototype an application using SQLite and then port the code to a larger
database such as PostgreSQL or Oracle.To use the module, you must first

create a Connection object that represents the database. Here the data will
be stored in the example.db file:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

 Time - This module provides various time-related functions. For related

functionality,the datetime and calendar modules can also be used.

 PIL - Python Imaging Library (abbreviated as PIL) (in newer versions known as
Pillow) is a free library for the Python programming language that adds
support for opening, manipulating,and saving many different image file
formats. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

 Os - The OS module in Python provides a way of using operating system

dependent functionality. The functions that the OS module provides allows
you to interface with the underlying operating system that Python is running
on – be that Windows, Mac or Linux. You can find important information
about your location or about the process.

2.2.2. Front End

The GUI of this application is built using Python Tkinter library.

Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. Python when combined with Tkinter
provides a fast and easy way to create GUI applications. Tkinter provides a powerful
object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.
Creating a GUI application using Tkinter is an easy task. All you need to do is perform
the following steps −
 Import the Tkinter module.
 Create the GUI application main window.
 Add widgets to the GUI application.
 Enter the main event loop to take action against each event triggered by the

Importing tkinter is same as importing any other module in the python code. Note
that the name of the module in Python 2.x is ‘Tkinter’ and in Python 3.x is ‘tkinter’.

import tkinter

There are two main methods used you the user need to remember while creating
the Python application with GUI.
 Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className=’Tk’, useTk=1): To
create a main window, tkinter offers a method
‘Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className=’Tk’, useTk=1)’. To

change the name of the window, you can change the className to the
desired one. The basic code used to create the main window of the
application is:
m=tkinter.Tk() where m is the name of the main window object or

 mainloop(): There is a method known by the name mainloop() is used when

you are ready for the application to run. mainloop() is an infinite loop used to
run the application, wait for an event to occur and process the event till the
window is not closed.
import tkinter
m = tkinter.Tk()
widgets are added here

Tkinter also offers access to the geometric configuration of the widgets which can
organize the widgets in the parent windows. There are mainly three geometry
manager classes class.
 pack() method:It organizes the widgets in blocks before placing in the parent
 grid() method:It organizes the widgets in grid (table-like structure) before
placing in the parent widget.
 place() method:It organizes the widgets by placing them on specific positions
directed by the programmer.

There are a number of widgets used in this tkinter application. Some of the major
widgets are explained below:
1. Button:

To add a button in your application, this widget is used.

The general syntax is:

w=Button(master, option=value)

master is the parameter used to represent the parent window.

There are number of options which are used to change the format of the Buttons.
Number of options can be passed as parameters separated by commas. Some of
them are listed below.

 activebackground: to set the background color when button is under the

 activeforeground: to set the foreground color when button is under the
 bg: to set he normal background color.

 command: to call a function.
 font: to set the font on the button label.
 image: to set the image on the button.
 width: to set the width of the button.
 height: to set the height of the button.

import tkinter as tk
r = tk.Tk()
r.title('Counting Seconds')
button = tk.Button(r, text='Stop', width=25,


2. Entry:

It is used to input the single line text entry from the user.For multi-line text input,
Text widget is used.

The general syntax is:

w=Entry(master, option=value)

master is the parameter used to represent the parent window.

There are number of options which are used to change the format of the widget.
Number of options can be passed as parameters separated by commas. Some of
them are listed below.
 bd: to set the border width in pixels.
 bg: to set the normal background color.
 cursor: to set the cursor used.
 command: to call a function.
 highlightcolor: to set the color shown in the focus highlight.
 width: to set the width of the button.
 height: to set the height of the button.

from tkinter import *
master = Tk()
Label(master, text='First
Label(master, text='Last
e1 = Entry(master)
e2 = Entry(master)
e1.grid(row=0, column=1)
e2.grid(row=1, column=1)


3. Frame:

It acts as a container to hold the widgets. It is used for grouping and organizing the

The general syntax is:

w = Frame(master, option=value)
master is the parameter used to represent the parent window.

There are number of options which are used to change the format of the widget.
Number of options can be passed as parameters separated by commas. Some of
them are listed below.
 highlightcolor: To set the color of the focus highlight when widget has to be
 bd: to set the border width in pixels.
 bg: to set the normal background color.
 cursor: to set the cursor used.
 width: to set the width of the widget.
 height: to set the height of the widget.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
bottomframe = Frame(root)
bottomframe.pack( side = BOTTOM )
redbutton = Button(frame, text = 'Red', fg ='red')
redbutton.pack( side = LEFT)
greenbutton = Button(frame, text = 'Brown', fg='brown')
greenbutton.pack( side = LEFT )
bluebutton = Button(frame, text ='Blue', fg ='blue')
bluebutton.pack( side = LEFT )
blackbutton = Button(bottomframe, text ='Black', fg='black')
blackbutton.pack( side = BOTTOM)


4. Label:

It refers to the display box where you can put any text or image which can be
updated any time as per the code.

The general syntax is:

w=Label(master, option=value)

master is the parameter used to represent the parent window.

There are number of options which are used to change the format of the widget.
Number of options can be passed as parameters separated by commas. Some of
them are listed below.
 bg: to set he normal background color.
 bg to set he normal background color.
 command: to call a function.
 font: to set the font on the button label.
 image: to set the image on the button.
 width: to set the width of the button.
 Height: to set the height of the button.

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
w = Label(root, text='!')


5. tkMessageBox :

The tkMessageBox module is used to display message boxes in your applications.

This module provides a number of functions that you can use to display an
appropriate message.Some of these functions are showinfo, showwarning,
showerror, askquestion, askokcancel, askyesno, and askretryignore.

The general syntax is −

tkMessageBox.FunctionName(title, message [, options])

 FunctionName − This is the name of the appropriate message box function.
 title − This is the text to be displayed in the title bar of a message box.
 message − This is the text to be displayed as a message.
 options − options are alternative choices that you may use to tailor a
standard message box. Some of the options that you can use are default and
parent. The default option is used to specify the default button, such as
ABORT, RETRY, or IGNORE in the message box. The parent option is used to
specify the window on top of which the message box is to be displayed.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
def hello():
tkMessageBox.showinfo(“Say Hello”, “Hello World”)
B1=Button(root,text= “Say Hello”, command=hello)


2.2.3. Backend Calculations:

The program has a prespecified menu with their prices . The user specifies the number
of portions he like to order and the backend calculates the total price including the
service charges and tax.The service charges and tax rates are to be specified by the


 Prepare a menu and price list for the restaurant.

 A GUI interface for the billing system using tkinter .
 Input boxes for the number of portions of different items in the menu.
 Classes in the backend for different functions like calculate taxes,service
charges and total price of the meal including all taxes.
 Button operations for total,price list,reset and exit.

2.3. Scenario
The newly designed and developed computerized system to be implemented in the
restaurant consists of about four interfaces created with the help of tkinter(A python
library). Firstly there is a Welcome Form. In it There are two buttons, one is to login
and the other is to cancel. Once you login then you go into the second interface
which is the login form. In the login form you have to enter your username and
password to proceed forward. Once you enter the correct username and password
you go to the main window. In the main form there are five buttons.

 Price List -Clicking this button will give you price list of menu offered.
 Total Amount - Clicking this button will calculate total amount to be paid by
 Reset - Clicking this button will reset all quantities offered by user and give
zero default value to them.
 Exit - Clicking this button will close the application window.
 Generate Bill - Clicking this button will generate the bill of current order.

With these five buttons there are fourteen labels of order,menu and payments and
fourteen entries boxes out of which order no,cost,service charge,tax,subtotal,total is
disabled. In enabled entries,user is required to fill the quantity of food ordered.The
order record is connected to the database.


3.1. Welcome Window

In this welcome window,there are two buttons.

 LOGIN -Clicking this button will open another interface for login.
 CANCEL - Clicking this button will close this window.

3.2. Login Form

In this Login Window, you have to enter correct username and password to login. I
have linked three usernames and passwords for login with database. Currently only
these username and password will help you to login. I will definitely work for sign up
where user can enter his/her own username and password and link it to database in
my further version. Username and password linked with this application is as
 Username1 - admin
Password1 - admin123
 Username2 - surbhi
Password2 - surbhi123
 Username3 - rollno
Password3 - ue168108

Clicking login with incomplete information will show error as follows:

Clicking login with incorrect information will clear both username and password and
show error as follows:

Clicking login with correct information will open a new interface.

3.3. Main Window

This main window displays current system date and time on top. User has to enter
quantities required for food item and click total amount button for getting total
amount and simultaneously saving it in database with a pop-up message box.

3.4. Price List Window

Clicking on price list button will open this price list window. This price list displays
prices of menu offered.This program has a prespecified menu with their prices.

3.5. Generated Bill

Clicking on generate bill button in main window generates bill in text document.

3.6. Database Table

Clicking on total amount button in main window will create a database table if not
created in the same folder with “bills.db” name and extension. In this database
created order number is primary key and will never be null and autoincrement after
every insertion.

This training and project work made coding much easier than what it was before for
me. Python is a programming language used almost everywhere to build the most
common applications that we use today like, YouTube. I am able to create a
computerized system for restaurant billing system. This system able to store billing
records securely and access to them whenever required.
Problems faced by the existing system are:
 Inconsistency
 Low speed to data access
 Time wastage
 Poor performance
 Lack maintainability
 Non efficient representation of data.
 Requires a large storage space
The scope of my project in building a computerized system is handling restaurant
records storing of restaurant records and enabling to view the records when desired.
The employees are given limited access in the system in order to safe guard the
privacy and security of the records.
Advantages of the new system are:
 Fast storage and retrieval of data.
 Increased accuracy of data.
 User friendly interfaces.
 Reduce human energy.
 Reduce time waste.
 Increased privacy due to security.
 Reduce storage space.
 Prevent data loss by backups stored in several locations.
 High efficiency through out the system.
 Increase the productivity of the company.
Requirement of the project
 Hardware requirement - Here is the recommended hardware requirement
for this software to run efficiently.
1) Intel core i3 or higher processor
2) 10 MB RAM
3) 15 MB free hard disc space
4) SVGA monitors / Laptops
 Software requirement - This software comes under application software. So
the necessary software for this is
1) Windows operating system family.
2) Python (version 3.0 or above)
3) Python IDLE (Pycharm)
4) Sqlite3 or any other database
5) Sqlite Studio(to view database)

Due to time constraint it is possible that some points might remain uncovered by me.
In future I will update my software to give valuable information left at present.
Though the system has been designed according to the requirements of the users it
has its own limitation. Thus the limitation of system that I believe are:
 No facility to create new username and password.
 If project is already running,running it again in new window will create an
 If project is running on same window,order number is automatically
incremented but order number will be initialized to 1 every time the project
is executed .
However,this error is not generated in database i.e. In database orders are
properly stored with their proper order number.
 After clicking on generate bill button in main window, .txt file opens. In this
text file,changes can be done by the user while it must be disabled and bill is
generated of only current order.










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