ASystematic Reviewon City Liveability Global Researchinthe Built Environmentin JDBE

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A Systematic Review on City Liveability Global Research in the Built

Environment: Publication and Citation Matrix

Article in Journal of Design and Built Environment · December 2017

DOI: 10.22452/jdbe.sp2017no1.6


7 900

4 authors:

Mastura Adam Norafida Ab Ghafar

University of Malaya University of Malaya


Abubakar Ahmed Nila Keumala

Kano University of Science & Technology University of Malaya


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A Systematic Review on City Liveability Global Research in the
Built Environment: Publication and Citation Matrix
1 1 2 1
Mastura Adam *, Norafida Ab Ghafar , Abubakar Ahmed , and Keumala Nila

The Centre for Building, Construction & Tropical Architecture (BuCTA). Faculty of Built
Environment, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences (FAEES),
Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Kano, Nigeria.

*[email protected]

This study is an investigation of urban liveability issues in the city development. The study
focuses on the appraisal of global research output on urban liveability over the period of 35
years (1980-2015). Bibliometric methods had been carried out to identify and evaluate the
productivity of top authors, document types, journals, countries, affiliations, and sources. Data
were extracted from scholarly literature published in the leading indexing databases namely –
Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science and Elsevier’s SciVerse Scopus. In this note, a quantitative
review of the outstanding global research output in the liveability related field to show a major
trend of research and shed light on future direction. Data were analysed, presented and
discussed the common characteristics in the top journals, hot, and highly cited articles and the
focus areas including common keywords across the studies, researched and under-researched
fields. The results revealed, ever since 2005, liveability research output is steadily increasing,
with 2015 as the most prolific year. Australia, England, and the USA are the most productive
countries. Urban Geography, Urban Design International, and International Development
Planning Review are the leading journals in the field. While continuous research interest is
prevalent in liveability related field with global collaborative potentials, areas receiving the
least research attention such as urban transportation, education, and resiliency could give a
directional trend for future urban studies. Liveability Research Matrix established in this
research were aimed to guide future research in finding the gap across global context, areas
and multi-disciplinary.

Keywords: urban liveability; bibliometric; research gap, global collaboration, research


1. INTRODUCTION has become the focus of much research

attention recently with global collaborative
Liveability as a concept has acquired various potentials.
meanings, ranging from the decision people
make about where they choose to live, to the In the world of research, however,
recent language of planning for a better place to liveability suggests high but unsustainable
live. In the former liveability is enshrined in consumption of resources, which pose socio-
defence mechanism against disaster in an urban technical challenges (Newton, 2012). Thus,
environment (Adam et al, 2016; Islam et al., liveability is interchangeable with sustainability
2016; Palmary et al., 2003), accessibility for and resiliency paradigm. On the platform of
everyone, socioeconomic, political and social sustainability, liveability is typically viewed as
inclusion (Sauter and Huettenmoser, 2008). In an option improvement for sprawling suburbs
the latter liveability becomes a novel context of with limited resources and population explosion
unrestricted development in a sustainable way (McCrea and Walters, 2012). Accordingly,
(Newton, 2012). These contain the exploration terminologies like urban compaction,
of the social determinants of health (Badland et environmental quality, and neighbourhood
al., 2014) and a better physical utilization of satisfaction are just some of the criteria for
spaces (Hunt et al., 2016). Generally, liveability assessing the most liveable cities in the
covers areas including the environment, developed world (Howley et al., 2009). Under
medicine, agriculture, geography, the auspices of resiliency, liveability responds
transportation, architecture, and planning. Thus, to environmental problems and disaster
liveability cut across humanities, art, science management (de Jong, 2009), ability to
and social sciences. Consequently, liveability withstand and recover from shock (Leichenko,

62 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
2011), safety from danger, violence, and crime Availability and quality of public and private:
(Sauter and Huettenmoser, 2008; Pantuliano et (i) healthcare indicators (20%), (ii) education
al., 2012). In these climes, people liveability indicators (10%), (iii) infrastructure (20%), and
concern is to avoid isolation, slums, scarcity, (iv) relative stability (25%), as well as (v)
homelessness and infrastructural deficit, Culture and environment (25%) including
particularly in the less developed world. In weather and climate, level of corruption and
between these two dipoles are the developing cultural and sporting activities. Thus, studies in
countries whose main concern is to attain the liveability field ought to cover these areas and
enhanced status by striking a balance between beyond.
urban sustainability and resiliency (Shamsuddin
et al., 2012) and avoid the problems associated 2.2 Systematic Review using Bibliometric
with underdevelopment. Analysis Method

The tendency has gone to consider an Bibliometric is a method to review and analyze
environment as liveable with reference to its the development of disciplines and/or fields by
ability to meet people with basic needs. organizing thick rich data which include
Correspondingly, knowledge of the citations, author affiliations, keywords, themes,
characteristics of effective urban space and the and methods employed for published studies in
milestone recorded in the research domain is the disciplines through advanced statistical
the key ingredient required by researchers in the techniques (McBurney and Novak, 2002).
field. The wide-ranging meaning of urban Bibliometric methods had been utilized in
liveability presented by many researchers only various studies to enlightened research
reinforced the need for a more systematic methods, prolific and productive scholars,
evaluation of the multiple ideas of liveability institutions, countries, the knowledge domain
under one umbrella. Yet, until now hardly any by year and specific research focus and themes
data on liveability research output has been within disciplines (Chan and Hsu, 2016;
collected. Bibliometric analysis is not a new Gregory and Weinland, 2016; Landström et al.,
way of evaluating research output. It has been 2012).
utilized extensively with different terminologies
(Harzing, 2010; Gul et al., 2015). Thus, the 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
bibliometric analysis could provide guidance
not only to the novice researcher in the field but Two steps are required to assess the global
also could show a trend of research in the field. research output in the liveability field: first, is
Thus, this research intended to cross examine the extraction of data from reliable sources. The
the global research output on urban liveability. second step is harmonizing similar data and
comparing sources of the research output as
2. LITERATURE REVIEW presented in what follows. Data were based on
Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science (WoS) core
2.1 Overview of Current Liveability collection database extraction and Elsevier’s
Research SciVerse Scopus (Scopus), owing to their
reliability, authenticity, and exhaustive
Liveability is a term, which has been used ever coverage (Adriaanse and Rensleigh, 2013; Bar-
since, however, we have not found in the Ilan, 2008; Levine-Clark and Gil, 2009). It has
literature, its use in relation to cities before the become the norm to use keywords to evaluate
1980s. Thereafter, the concept of “liveable scientific research in recent years (Chiu et al.,
cities” becomes distinctly meaningful in 2007; Xie et al., 2008). We search for
assessing the performance of cities in liveability and liveable using a search string
supporting the best or the worst standard of “liveab*” trailing wildcard query from “topic”
living. This has allowed the understanding of indexing.
liveability to differ across different
geographical zones. Of this variation, the Since the two indexing databases selected
understanding of what constitute the most are not mutually exclusive, data overlap was
liveable city is not the challenge, but to apparent. WoS and Scopus records were then
discover an acceptable criterion for the downloaded into MS-excel separately for
selection process. The criteria ought to be all- analysis. Information extracted are associated
inclusive. To this end, various ranking with the category of record counts selection,
approaches are postulated. Prominent among which includes by the author, country, year,
such includes the ranking process used by the document, affiliation, and citation. Data
Economist. Their five criteria include:

63 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
extraction process, used, is diagrammatically illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Systematic Data Extraction Stages and Processes

80 Publication Record WoS
Publication Record Scopus
Record Count

4.1 Publication Output of Document per 60

40 b

While the data extracted from the WoS core

collection amounted to 441 documents, the 20

Scopus database returned 781 documents when a

distribution per year was uneven. Afterward, 0

articles publication output started rising and











exceeded 10 per year as shown in Figure 2b.

Evidently, 85.5% of articles published, through Field Publication Years
the three and a half decades are concentrated Figure 2: (a) Distribution record count
within the year range of 2005-2015. The published per publication year.
number of documents per publication year, top
Number of Documents

articles, and authors based on citation and 80

record counts was then extracted for a more in- 70
depth analysis. We then exported the top 10 Records Scopus
articles based on record and citation counts and 45 41
Records WoS
included the highly cited and hot articles for 30
further analysis. Articles from the top cited 20
authors with three or more record counts were 10 9 4 3
3 2 1 5 2
found prevalent. 0 1

15 0 05 0 5 0 5
20 01 20 00 99 99 98
1- -2 1- -2 -1 -1 -1
1 06 0 96 91 986 81
20 20 20 1 9 1 9 1 1 9

Publication Years
Figure 3: (b) Distribution of documents
published per publication year.

64 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
then environmental science ecology and
4.2 Publication Output Based On Document business economics in the WoS database. In
Type the Scopus database, however, urban studies,
environmental science ecology, geography,
Results for the documents type in the architecture, public administration,
liveability related field reported in the two engineering, and then social science/ “social
eminent databases indicated a number of science other topics” are the predominant
publications from the article 67.26% and subject areas. The cumulative result from the
reviews 4.45%, collectively totalling (71.71%). two outstanding databases shows social
In the Scopus database, however, articles, science and “social science other topics” as the
articles in press and reviews are 63.25%, predominant subject areas, followed by the
1.66% and 5.63% respectively totalling environmental science ecology, engineering,
70.54% as shown in Table 1. and business economics. Moreover,
agriculture/biological Science, biomedical
4.3 Publication Output Based on Subject science medicine, material science, and art and
Area Category humanities are the least researched in the urban
liveability field as shown in Figure 3a.
Social Science category covered the highest
record based on the research by subject area
coverage in the field followed by engineering,

Table 1: Distribution of document publication output based on document types

Document Type Record WoS Percentage Records Scopus Percentage

Article 302 67.26 494 63.25

Article in Press - - 13 1.66

Review 20 4.45 44 5.63

Proceedings Paper 98 21.83 134 17.16

Conference Review - - 4 0.51

Book Chapter - - 60 7.68

Book Review 11 2.45 - -

Book - - 23 2.94

Editorial Material 8 1.78 3 0.38

Short Survey - - 2 -

Note 4 0.89 3 -

Meeting Abstract 4 0.89 - 0.13

Letter 2 0.45 1 0.64

Note 4 0.89 3 -

4.4 Publication Output Based on by institutions helps in raising its standard

Institutional Contributions (Falagas et al., 2013). We present the
distribution of productive articles on the
Just as every independent contributor has the subject of liveability related researchers in
right to be included or acknowledged in the Figure 3b. Finding revealed that the most
authorship of a manuscript (Coats, 2009), so prolific Universities in the WoS core collection
also are the institutions or organizations of as the University of Melbourne followed by
author’s affiliations and the country itself as University Western Australia, and then
they are the host and funding sources of the University Technology Malaysia. Under the
research. Moreover, accumulation of citation Scopus, however, National University

65 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
Singapore have displayed a significant

Productive Countries
research output, followed by the University of WALES
Melbourne and University Western Australia IRELAND
and Monash University. Aggregate, National PEOPLES R CHINA
University Singapore, University of SOUTH AFRICA Records WoS
Melbourne, University Western Australia MALAYSIA
Records Scopus

followed by Monash University and University NETHERLANDS

of Technology Malaysia and then the SINGAPORE
Swinburne University of Technology are USA
predominant as shown in Figure 3b. AUSTRALIA

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
4.5 Publication Output of the Most Prolific Citation Count
Figure 4: Countries productivity measured by
It is clear that the most productive countries, citation count
measured by publication count and citation
count are Australia, the UK, and then the USA 4.6 Publication Output of the Top Journals
as shown in Figure 4. The privileged in The Field
performance of Australia, the UK, and the
USA may be due to high liveability Town Planning Review is the most prolific in
investment, which earned them a high rating in this field followed by urban geography, urban
the liveability ranking by the Economist. Other design international, Procedia Social and
countries productivity in the field is based on Behavioral Sciences and then open house
author’s cumulative citation and can be seen international and public transport international
more elaborately following this link: in the WoS journals. In the Scopus, however, Urban Geography is topping followed by
=NonpreparatoryCatchpollMismarry urban design international, then international
development planning review as shown in
Figure 5.
Research/ Subject Area


Source Title


0 20 40 60 80 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Records Records
Figure 4: (a) distribution of data based on the
subject/ research area category Figure 5: Top journals in the field

CURTIN UNIVERSITY 4.7 Publication Output Based on Articles

Organization/ Affiliation

UCL Records Scopus
RMIT UNIV We discovered that not a single article in this
field received a citation in the WoS database
published before 2001. Conversely, ever since
2001 no publication year recorded less than
five articles in the Scopus database. We also
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 discovered that from 2007 citation escalates in
Documents this field. Thus, 2015 was the most fruitful
Figure 5: (b) organization/ institutional year with more articles contributing in the field
contribution/ affiliation than any predecessor year. A highly cited
paper (Badland et al., 2014) was first published
in 2014. Thereafter, a promising article in the
field received highly cited and a hot article

66 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
recognition and was published recently in 2016 review of the highly focused area and the most
(Hunt et. al, 2016). Other notable and top cited frequently used keywords in the top articles in
articles in the field are presented in Figure 5 the field for the benefit of researchers in this
alongside the hot article and the highly cited field as indicated in Table 3.
ones as shown in Table 2. Thus, we provide a

Table 2: Citation matrix across article title, top authors and top, highly, and hot articles that received
more citations in the field of liveability
S/N Article Title Top Authors Record Record Essential Science
WoS Scopus Indicator (ESI)

1 Liveable cities and urban underground space. Hunt (2016) 3 3 Highly Cited &
Hot Paper
2 Urban liveability: emerging lessons from Badland, Whitzman 17 18 Highly/ Top Cited
Australia for exploring the potential for (2014)
indicators to measure the social determinants
of health.

3 Impacts of urban consolidation on urban McCrea and 8 16

liveability: Comparing an inner and outer Walters (2012)
suburb in Brisbane, Australia.
4 Liveable and sustainable? Socio-technical Newton (2012) 13 19
challenges for twenty-first-century cities.
5 Designing a liveable compact city: Physical Raman (2010) 13 16
forms of city and social life in urban
Top Cited
6 Sustainability versus liveability: an Howley, Scott 31 47
investigation of neighbourhood satisfaction. (2009)
7 Liveable streets and social inclusion Sauter and 14 14
8 Horizon 3 planning: meshing liveability with Newton (2012) 12 16
9 Conflicts of Liveability in the 24-hour City: Roberts and Turner 44
Learning from 48 Hours in the Life of (2005)
London's Soho
10 Measuring the liveable city. Southworth (2003) 17
11 Urban liveability: a review. Pacione (1990) 26 32
12 More than this: Liveable Melbourne meets Holden and Scerri 8 8
liveable Vancouver. (2013)
13 Walkable environment in increasing the Shamsuddin, 8 17
liveability of a city. Hassan (2012)
14 Urban liveability in context Ley (1990) 8 32

67 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
Table 3: Liveability Research Matrix

Research Focus Authors Stability Health care Culture & Environment Infrastructure


Quality (of life)




City/ Cities






1 Synthesize of liveability concept with social
Badland, (2014);
determinants of wellbeing and liveability indicators √ √ √ √ √ √
2 The relationship between street design and traffic in Sauter and
Huettenmoser (2008);
urban neighbourhood and their influence on social Adam.M and Ahmed
relationship A (2016) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3 The prospect for transforming important urban
infrastructure systems, such as transport, waste, Newton (2012)
water, and energy √ √ √ √ √
4 Aini. M. A et. al
The paper emphasized on how social communal
(2016), Raman
life is influenced by the design of an urban layout (2010) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5 The study examined how best to utilize late-night Roberts and Turner
centres to resolve the conflict of liveability in a city (2005) √ √ √
6 The study proposed how underground space could
Hunt, Makana (2016)
be improved to support a more liveable city √ √ √ √ √ √ √
7 The study investigates neighbourhood satisfaction
in a densely populated setting within a city to Howley, Scott (2009)
improve its liveability √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
8 The paper makes a comparison between two
McCrea and Walters
suburbs setting for a better understanding of how (2012)
liveability is affected by urban liveability √ √ √ √ √
9 The study looked at the intersection between
Newton (2007)
liveability and sustainability √ √ √ √
10 Adam. M.
This study is related to a walkable environment
(2016), Shamsuddin,
within a liveable city S. et. al (2012) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

68 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
4.8 Top authors keywords distribution nineteen citations in the liveability field before
analysis 1980. However, these cited articles are in the
subject areas of the human mind and nutrition
Author’s keywords distribution is becoming a rather than urban liveability. Notably, it is
frequent way of evaluating scientific research in reasonable to assume that the urban liveability
recent years (Chiu et al., 2007; Xie et al., 2008). topic is only prevalent after 1980.
Using a web-based reading and analysis Outstandingly, 85.5% of articles published in
environment for the digital text we imported the the three and a half decades studied are
top 10 articles selected for preliminary analysis concentrated in the 2005-2015 decade, 2015
as shown in Table 2. Prevalent keywords from being the most prolific year (see Figure 2).
the highly cited and top articles were then
revealed in Figure 6b. Thus, the most frequently Results for the document’s type in this field
used words are presented to guide future also revealed that publications from articles and
researchers in the field (see Table 3). reviews amounted to 71.71% in the WoS.
Equally, the Scopus database, articles, article in
Yuen, B. press and reviews collectively make up
Ooi, G.L. (70.54%) as shown in the highlighted area in
Bull, F.
ROGERS CDF Table 1. Finding reveals that the journal article

WHITZMAN C Records Scopus

is typically rated higher in the scientific
ZUIDGEEST M Records WoS community. In the liveability field, books are
uncommon and articles are prevalent. These
HOOPER P mean liveability urban researchers ought to
publish more books, while conferences are
GILES-CORTI B desired to strengthen international
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 collaboration.
Number of Documents
Subject characterization and classification
matrix provide a baseline to assess research
Figure 6: (a) Most productive authors output by assigning a journal to more than one
category and subject area. Social science
category covered a wider coverage in liveability
field than any other. Thus, our findings confirm
the assertion that to ensure urban areas are well
placed to meet the growing social challenges
and liveability requirement, the
compartmentalized analyses that were
previously treated in isolation ought to ensure
interconnectivity between different domains
(Newton, 2012). This is reflected in the fact that
social science domain is predominant in our
Figure 6: (b) The keywords distribution of the finding yet the content of the outstanding
top article research output is hardly socially inclined. The
most outstanding areas of research are the
environmental science ecology, Engineering,
5. DISCUSSIONS and business economics. Agriculture/biological
science, biomedical science medicine, material
This research not only gives an overview of the science, and art and humanities are among the
liveability issues but also how the topic is under-researched areas in liveability domain
advancing in the scientific world. Since (Figure 3a), and therefore are areas with high
research, highlighting liveability in the Scopus fruition coefficient in liveability research that
database is not prevalent before 1980 only can be taken into consideration by the novice
1.84% as shown in Figure 1, we zoomed into researchers.
the publication year range 1980 upwards see
Figure 2. Moreover, the period corresponds to Previous studies have shown that
the year Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science institutional research funding translates into
(WoS) attained readability profile. Additionally, research performance (Auranen and Nieminen,
articles published in the Scopus database before 2010; Muscio, 2013). In this study, the
1980 are either not cited (six articles), cited institutional performance of the National
only once (four articles), or cited twice (two University Singapore displayed an unparalleled
articles). Only two articles received six and research output in the Scopus in this field as

69 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
shown in Figure 3b, but smallest significance in the latter enjoys being in both the WoS and the
the WoS class. The University of Melbourne Scopus category source. It is clear that journals
and University Western Australia maintained included in the two leading databases may
the most prolific profile in liveability field attract more readability than those listed under
worthy emulation. University Technology only one database (see Figure 5).
Malaysia followed by the University of Cape
Town has the most impressive record among Citation characteristics across the WoS core
the developing countries that ought to be collection and Scopus differ largely by subject
sustained if not improved (see Figure 3b). area. With relatively few exceptions (like
Those universities may provide a fertile ground environmental science ecology), science-
for students, researchers, academics, and oriented subject areas (example,
scholars, with a worthy partnership for agriculture/biological science, biomedical social
collaborative research because of their science medicine, geriatrics gerontology and
performance index. There is a need to material science) attract far less citation than
determine whether or not what the government social science based (such as public
is spending on research in those institutions is administration, and geography). Similarly,
really affecting their research performance articles in the Scopus attract more citation. Our
(Islam et al., 2010), and whether the research study revealed Scopus article enjoying greater
outcome is translating into a more liveable city citation counts both in sciences and social
in those countries (Palmary et al., 2003). science-oriented fields. However, in the WoS
database, the social science-oriented studies are
In a similar vein, countries productivity can more cited than science based in the field. Our
be linked to funding availability. Thus, high- study also confirms the assertion that prior to
income countries emerged the most prolific in 1996 Scopus enjoys limited readability profile
this field with Australia, England and the USA because it lacks significant coverage (Harzing,
enjoying an uneven advantage that might have 2010). Citation from the Scopus database is a
given birth to their research outcome (see little higher than those from the WoS articles
Figure 4). As revealed in the literature, wide (Table 2). With few notable exceptions
ranging factors has made Australia’s as high (Roberts and Turner, 2005) and (Southworth,
liveability standing (Holden and Scerri, 2013). 2003), top articles in the WoS are also the top
Australian liveability is however, admittedly, of the Scopus database.
translating into unsustainable resource
consumption in the built environment and A total number of documents by authors and
individual households (Newton, 2012). Top citation matrix index measured against the
journals in this field significantly use average citation per article in the field are a few
sustainability approach rather than resilient. of the criteria for measuring the author’s
Thus, more research is required on how to contribution to the field. Essential Science
curtail the problem of managing resources using Indicator (ESI) in the WoS database is intended
a resilient based approach in Australia and other to distinguish influential individuals, published
countries with a similar predicament. Similarly, articles, and productive countries in a field.
Malaysia, China, and South Africa are the top Thus, under ESI emerged some highly cited
developing countries included among the top articles in this field (Badland et al., 2014; Hunt
countries with a high profile in the global et al., 2016) and hot articles based on average
liveability research output (see Figure 4). These citation count in the field (Hunt et al., 2016).
present an invitation to the researchers from Article title and citation received by other top
both the developed and developing countries in authors is presented in Table 2. Liveability
the field to venture into a collaborative research Research Matrix established in this research
in the future. were aimed to guide future research in finding
the gap across global context, areas and multi-
Journals listed under the WoS cover a wider disciplinary.
research area of more than 90% as indicated in
(see Figure 5) than those under the Scopus with Liveable Research Matrix summarizes the
just 50% coverage. Cumulatively, Urban research focus of the eminent authors and the
Geography is the leading source title followed frequently used keywords in the top cited article
by the urban design international, and then (refer Table 3). Urban, liveability, environment,
international development planning review. sustainability, and social emerged the most
Town planning, which was the leading journal frequently used words in the top articles in the
in the WoS core collection is now in tandem field. Urban, social, city, planning, liveability,
with international development planning environment, health and development are the
review. Probably because of the dual advantage most frequently expressed keywords of the top

70 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Special Issue 2017 Adam, M. et al.
authors in the field. Top keywords that cut Planting Arrangement in Designing Urban
across liveability research articles, but not fully Nodes, Journal of Design and Built
used are transportation, walkability, resiliency, Environment, 16(2).
and wellbeing. These keywords may present Adriaanse, S. L. & Rensleigh, C. (2013). Web
and guide future liveability research in finding of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar: A
the gap across global context, areas and multi- content comprehensiveness comparison. The
disciplinary. Electronic Library, 31(6), pp. 727-744.
Adam, M. &Ahmed Abubakar, A. (2016)
6. CONCLUSION Incorporating Walking In Travel To Work:
The Meaning Of Commuting For Kuala
This paper appraised the global research output Lumpur Community, Journal Of The
on liveability over the period of three and half Malaysian Institute Of Planners Special
decades, using bibliometric analysis from two Issue V(2016), Page 89 -100
leading databases. To gain a clearer picture of
Aini, M. A, Murni, N., & Aziz, W. N. A. W. A.
liveability in the scientific knowledge the study (2016). Housing Aspirations of the Elderly
identifies and evaluates the productivity of top
in Malaysia: A Comparison of Urban and
authors, documents type, journals, countries,
Rural Areas. Journal of Design and Built
affiliations, and sources. Insight gain from the
Environment, 16(2).
study showed that article characteristics vary
Auranen, O., & Nieminen, M. (2010).
across subject area, document type, and
University research funding and publication
publication age. The research presented the
performance- An international comparison.
characteristics of the influential, highly cited,
Research Policy, 39(6), pp. 822-834.
and hot articles, which include distribution of
common keywords in the top journals Bar-Ilan, J. (2008). Which h-index? A
publishing them. A limited number of countries comparison of WoS, Scopus and Google
and authors key institutions emerged Scholar. Scientometrics, 74(2), pp. 257-271.
productively. The citation has drastically Badland, H., et al. (2014). Urban liveability:
increased with 2015 as the most prolific year. emerging lessons from Australia for
While continuous research interest is prevalent exploring the potential for indicators to
in liveable built environment related field measure the social determinants of health.
escalate potential collaborations vis-a-vis Social Science & Medicine, 111, pp. 64-73.
research areas that received least attention such Coats, A. J. (2009). Ethical authorship and
as urban transportation, health, well-being and publishing. International journal of
resiliency to give a directional trend for future cardiology, 131(2), pp. 149-150
studies. This research further recommends for Chiu, W.T., & Ho, Y.S. (2007). Bibliometric
broadening the horizon of the liveability into analysis of tsunami research.
issues and challenges in particular context Scientometrics, 73(1), pp. 3-17.
related to the development of the country with De Jong, M., et al., (2015). Sustainable–smart–
emphasising the social cohesiveness, economic resilient–low carbon–eco–knowledge cities;
viability and environment. Research on making sense of a multitude of concepts
liveability is well discussed and covered promoting sustainable urbanization. Journal
amongst developed and developing countries of Cleaner production, 109, pp. 25-38.
however issues and challenges faced by third Falagas, M.E., et al. (2013). The impact of
world countries are more critical to be article length on the number of future
acknowledged. citations: a bibliometric analysis of general
medicine journals. PLoS One, 8(2) pp.
Harzing, A.W. (2010). Citation analysis across
This study is made possible with the disciplines: The Impact of different data
sponsorship of University Malaya Research sources and citation metrics. doi
Grand (UMRG) under the Sustainability
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