The document is a report listing items taken from the warehouse between October 1st-31st 2023 by the Jakarta branch. It details the date, item codes, item names, quantities, prices, totals, request numbers, purposes, and warehouse locations for each item withdrawn. A total of 15 different items were withdrawn, including fuses, oil, locks, wiper parts, and more. The items were used for vehicle repairs and maintenance as well as construction projects. The total withdrawal amount for the reported period was 1,276,786.36.
The document is a report listing items taken from the warehouse between October 1st-31st 2023 by the Jakarta branch. It details the date, item codes, item names, quantities, prices, totals, request numbers, purposes, and warehouse locations for each item withdrawn. A total of 15 different items were withdrawn, including fuses, oil, locks, wiper parts, and more. The items were used for vehicle repairs and maintenance as well as construction projects. The total withdrawal amount for the reported period was 1,276,786.36.
The document is a report listing items taken from the warehouse between October 1st-31st 2023 by the Jakarta branch. It details the date, item codes, item names, quantities, prices, totals, request numbers, purposes, and warehouse locations for each item withdrawn. A total of 15 different items were withdrawn, including fuses, oil, locks, wiper parts, and more. The items were used for vehicle repairs and maintenance as well as construction projects. The total withdrawal amount for the reported period was 1,276,786.36.
The document is a report listing items taken from the warehouse between October 1st-31st 2023 by the Jakarta branch. It details the date, item codes, item names, quantities, prices, totals, request numbers, purposes, and warehouse locations for each item withdrawn. A total of 15 different items were withdrawn, including fuses, oil, locks, wiper parts, and more. The items were used for vehicle repairs and maintenance as well as construction projects. The total withdrawal amount for the reported period was 1,276,786.36.
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Dari Tanggal : 01-10-2023 s/d 31-10-2023
Laporan Bukti Pengambilan Barang Cabang : JAKARTA
TGL. BPB NO. BPB NAMA BARANG QTY SAT HARGA JUMLAH NO. SPK KETERANGAN GUDANG 02-10-2023 OA23100001 SIKRING FUSEBOX SMALL 10 1.00 PCS 2,000.00 2,000.00 0241/W- PERGANTIAN SIKRING LAMPU GUDANG ALAT AMPER JKT/SKP/ UTAMA DAN LAMPU BELAKANG, A/VII/23 MOBIL B 9575 QW 02-10-2023 OA23100001 SIKRING FUSEBOX SMALL 15 2.00 PCS 2,000.00 4,000.00 0241/W- PERGANTIAN SIKRING LAMPU GUDANG ALAT AMPER JKT/SKP/ UTAMA DAN LAMPU BELAKANG, A/VII/23 MOBIL B 9575 QW Total OA23100001 3.00 6,000.00 Total 02-10-2023 3.00 6,000.00 05-10-2023 OA23100002 MINYAK REM FUSO 1.00 BTL 65,500.00 65,500.00 0241/W- UNTUK OPERASIONAL PENGGANTIAN GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ MINYAK REM MOBIL B 9832 QP A/VII/23 Total OA23100002 1.00 65,500.00 Total 05-10-2023 1.00 65,500.00 06-10-2023 OA23100003 GEMBOK 1.00 PCS 40,086.03 40,086.03 0949/W- Team Listrik GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/F/ Pemasangan Gembok Panel Box I/22 Lokasi Pertigaan Boulevard Barat Raya - Pelepah Indah Raya (Dekat BII) View Yos Sudarso menuju Mal Kelapa Gading (JU-003/06 B)
Total OA23100003 1.00 40,086.03
Total 06-10-2023 1.00 40,086.03 05-10-2023 OA23100004 MIKA KACA SEN MOBIL 1.00 SET 35,050.00 35,050.00 0241/W- PERGANTIAN MIKA SEIN KANAN-KIRI GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ SET MOBIL B 9539 IN A/VII/23 Total OA23100004 1.00 35,050.00 Total 05-10-2023 1.00 35,050.00 07-10-2023 OA23100005 REGULATOR OXYGEN 1.00 UNT 120,000.00 120,000.00 0154/W- 122-QP/K/SK/VIII/23 - RAB INTI - GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ PEMBANGUNAN KONTRUKSI LED & A/V/23 BB LOKASI BLORA 38 - UK 22X10 & 12X10 - NO SPK : 0154/W-JKT/SKP/A/V/23 Total OA23100005 1.00 120,000.00 Total 07-10-2023 1.00 120,000.00 09-10-2023 OA23100006 KABEL SPEEDOMETER HONDA 1.00 SET 47,000.00 47,000.00 0241/W- UNTUK PERGANTIAN KABEL GUDANG ALAT REVO SET JKT/SKP/ SPEEDOMETER MOTOR A/VII/23 OPERASIONAL WS PURI B 6064 PNT Total OA23100006 1.00 47,000.00 Total 09-10-2023 1.00 47,000.00 18-10-2023 OA23100007 WIPER LINK ASSY PANTHER 2.3 1.00 BH 146,000.00 146,000.00 0241/W- UNTUK PERGANTIAN SPARE PARTS GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ MOBIL WS PURI B 9385 FB A/VII/23 18-10-2023 OA23100007 SELANG WIPER PANTHER 1.00 MTR 30,750.00 30,750.00 0241/W- UNTUK PERGANTIAN SPARE PARTS GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ MOBIL WS PURI B 9385 FB A/VII/23 18-10-2023 OA23100007 NOZZEL WIPER PANTHER 1.00 PCS 21,000.00 21,000.00 0241/W- UNTUK PERGANTIAN SPARE PARTS GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ MOBIL WS PURI B 9385 FB A/VII/23 Total OA23100007 3.00 197,750.00 Total 18-10-2023 3.00 197,750.00 20-10-2023 OA23100008 STIKER REFLEKTOR PANTUL 5.00 MTR 10,200.00 51,000.00 0241/W- UNTUK PEMBUATAN RAMBU GUDANG ALAT MERAH JKT/SKP/ SEGITIGA PERINGATAN KENDARAAN A/VII/23 WS PURI B 9539 IN,B 9575 QW, B 9832 QP Total OA23100008 5.00 51,000.00 Total 20-10-2023 5.00 51,000.00 23-10-2023 OA23100009 GEMBOK 5.00 PCS 40,086.03 200,430.15 PERGANTIAN GEMBOK RUANG GUDANG ALAT KANTOR, GUDANG ALAT, GUDANG BESI, PINTU AKSES MESS - KEBULI,GERBANG RUMAH PURI 88 Total OA23100009 5.00 200,430.15 23-10-2023 OA23100010 GEMBOK 1.00 PCS 40,086.03 40,086.03 PEMASANGAN KERANGKENG LOKASI GUDANG ALAT SENAYAN Total OA23100010 1.00 40,086.03 Total 23-10-2023 6.00 240,516.18 12-10-2023 OA23100012 KUAS CAT 4" 1.00 PCS 20,000.00 20,000.00 0015/W- 136-QP/K/SK/X/23, RAB INTI, GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/F/ PERBAIKAN PLAT SENG LOKASI I/23 LANTAI 6 BLORA 10 - SUBKON MULYA Total OA23100012 1.00 20,000.00 Total 12-10-2023 1.00 20,000.00 18-10-2023 OA23100013 KUAS CAT 4" 3.00 PCS 20,000.00 60,000.00 0288/W- 050/GO-MNTC/BQ/IX/23 - RAB INTI - GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/A/ PERBAIKAM KONTRUKSI JALAN IX/23 PANJANG UK 4X6 M/V NO SPK : 0288/W-JKT/SKP/A/IX/23 Total OA23100013 3.00 60,000.00 Total 18-10-2023 3.00 60,000.00 26-10-2023 OA23100014 DINAMO WIPER PANTHER 1.00 SET 162,700.00 162,700.00 0241/W- UNTUK PERGANTIAN SPARE PARTS GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/ MOBIL WS PURI B 9385 FB A/VII/23 Total OA23100014 1.00 162,700.00 Total 26-10-2023 1.00 162,700.00 TGL. BPB NO. BPB NAMA BARANG QTY SAT HARGA JUMLAH NO. SPK KETERANGAN GUDANG 29-10-2023 OA23100015 BULU ROL BESAR 2.00 PCS 25,000.00 50,000.00 0015/W- 136-QP/K/SK/X/23, RAB INTI, GUDANG ALAT JKT/SKP/F/ PERBAIKAN PLAT SENG LOKASI I/23 LANTAI 6 BLORA 10 - SUBKON MULYA Total OA23100015 2.00 50,000.00 Total 29-10-2023 2.00 50,000.00 Grand Total 29.00 1,095,602.21