Estimation of Carbon Footprints From Diesel Generator Emissions
Estimation of Carbon Footprints From Diesel Generator Emissions
Estimation of Carbon Footprints From Diesel Generator Emissions
Abstract—The aim of this paper is to estimate the amount of emitted by any system to support human activities directly
carbon footprints emitted from diesel generators in terms of and indirectly is termed as carbon footprint [4]. It is difficult
carbon dioxide. A constant load demand of 1.05 kW per hour to get all required data for every particular greenhouse gas
(6.3 kW/day) with six hours of operation of a diesel generator emissions due to technical and monitoring problems.
per day was selected for this analysis. The fuel consumption
rate and carbon footprints in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2)
Therefore, for simplicity, it is often expressed in terms of the
were determined. It was discovered that emission of carbon amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted [5]. The best way is
footprints increased by five folds as emission factor was to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions is based on the
increased from 1kg to 5 kgCO2/liter. Similarly, the increment of amount of fuel consumption by diesel generator [6]. Carbon
a single kW rated power diesel generator at a constant emission content of fuels slightly varies, but typically the average
factor increases 1.1 to 1.2 times carbon footprint emissions. It is carbon content values to estimate CO2 emissions could be
revealed that the efficiency of diesel generator is inversely
adapted [7]. The consumption of one liter diesel emits
proportional to its rated power, fuel consumption rate and CO2
emissions. Therefore, the rated power of selected diesel around 2.7kg of CO2 [8]. However, the number of kg of
generator should be close to the required load demand. CO2 produced per liter of fuel consumed by the diesel
generator depends upon the characteristics of the diesel
Keywords-carbon footprints; carbon dioxide emissions; diesel generator and of the characteristics of the fuel, and it is
generator; fuel consumption rate usually falls in the range of 2.4–2.8 kg/l [6]. Carbon foot
prints can also be expressed in kg carbon rather than kg
I. INTRODUCTION carbon dioxide [9]. It can be converted from kg carbon to kg
carbon dioxide by multiplying with a factor 0.27 (i.e. 1000
The diesel generators are the most widely used as small kg CO2 equals 270 kg carbon). The emission factor
electrical power generating units in off-grid locations in the considered for a diesel generator was 1.27 kg CO2/kWh [6],
world due to their low capital costs [1]. Sarawak Electricity 3.15 kgCO2/l [10] and 3.50 kgCO2/l [11].
Supply Corporation (SESCO) producing 68 MW power
In remote areas, the diesel generators can be replaced by
from small diesel generating units for supply of electricity in
SAPV power producing units. The SAPV units are
rural communities living in remote locations from national
environmental friendly as did not produce any greenhouse
grid. However, diesel engines release many hazardous air
gases which cause global warming [12-13]. The users can
contaminants and greenhouse gases (GHG) including
adapt the system capacity up to the desired level due to their
particulate matter (diesel soot and aerosols), carbon
modularity and expandability [14-17]. Additionally, the
monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen. Particulate
manufacturing cost of PV cell per watt has been dropped and
matters are largely elemental and organic carbon soot, coated
its daylight-to-power conversion efficiency has also been
by gaseous organic substances such as formaldehyde and
increased [18-19]. It is estimated that by 2050, photovoltaic
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are highly
systems will provide around 11% of global electricity
toxic [2]. In 2001, the mortality due to diesel soot exposure
production and avoid 2.3 gigatones of CO2 emissions per
was at least 14400 people out of 82 million people living in
year [20]. PV production has been increasing by an average
Germany [3]. The total amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
978-1-4577-2171-7/12/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
of more than 20% each year since 2002, making it world’s B. Fuel Consumption Model of Diesel Generators
fastest growing power producing system [21]. The fuel consumption of diesel generators varies
depending on the quality of engine. However, a linear model
A. Diesel Generators for diesel generator fuel consumption rate (F) is presented
A diesel generator is a combination of a diesel engine [22, 25] . It is expressed as:
with an electrical generator to generate electrical energy.
These generating sets are mostly used in locations without F 0.246 u Pout 0.08415 u Pr (2)
connection to the national power grid. Typically, two types
of diesel generators are in market either two poles with 3000
rpm or four poles with 1500 rpm characteristics. The speeds where F is the fuel consumption rate (liters/hour), Pout is
of 50 Hz synchronous diesel generators with 3000 or 1500
rpm can be matched by the following expression:
the actual operating output power (kW) and Pr is rated
power of diesel generator (kW).
120 u f nuP (1) II. METHODOLOGY
where n is the speed (rpm), f is the frequency, and P is A constant load demand of 1.05 kW per hour (6.3kW/day)
the number of poles of diesel generator. The 3000 rpm with six hours of operation of a diesel generator per day was
machines are simpler in structure with 2-poles and thus selected for this analysis. The fuel consumption rate and
results lower acquisition cost. These are most suitable for carbon footprints in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) are
light duty applications and appropriate for operation of less determined. The rated power capacity of diesel generators
than 400 hours per year. The 1500-rpm units are 4-pole was changed from 2kW to 5kW for comparative results as
machines. These are more common for heavy duty shown in Fig. 1. The reported ranges of emission factor from
applications and are rather more expensive. 4-poles diesel diesel generators were found in literature from 2.4 to 3.5
generators are recommended when more than 400 hours of kgCO2/liter of diesel fuel consumption. Therefore, the
operation per year is anticipated. In general, the higher the emission factor of 3.0kgCO2/liter is considered for this
rpm, the more wear and tear on the bearings, consequently study. However, the influence of various emission factors
more recurrent maintenance requirements. The life time and rated power capacities of diesel generator on emission of
period of the diesel generator varies from 5000 to 50,000 carbon footprints are also determined. The estimated values
hours with an average of 20,000 hours depending on the of carbon footprint emissions in kgCO2/day and kgCO2/kWh
quality of the engine, its proper installation and execution of are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 respectively.
regular operation and maintenance [1].
The diesel generators are characterized by their
It is revealed from the analysis that the efficiency of diesel
efficiency and rate of specific fuel consumption. The
generator is decreasing from 52% to 21% with increasing of
efficiency of diesel generator depends upon the ratio its rated
its rated power capacity from 2kW to 5kW with a load
power to output power. The overall efficiency of diesel
demand of 1.05kW/hour. The fuel consumption rate was
generator depends upon its thermal, mechanical and
found to be 2.56 liters/day (0.42 liters/kWh) with a 2kW
generator efficiency. The thermal efficiency depends upon
rated power and 4.07 liters/day (0.65 liters/kWh) with a 5kW
the quality of diesel oil. The typical mechanical efficiency of
rated power diesel generator as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1.
diesel engine is around 80% to 85% and generator efficiency
Similarly, the carbon footprint in terms of kgCO2 emissions
is around 95% to 98%. The specific fuel consumption
were found to be 7.67 kg/day (1.22 kg/kWh) with a 2kW
(l/kWh) of a diesel generator is defined as the consumption
rated power and 12.21 kg/day (1.94kg/kWh) with a 5kW
of fuel required to produce 1kWh of energy at the rate of 1
rated power diesel generator. It is estimated that, the use of a
liter/h for supplying a given load during 1 hour time. When
2kW rated power diesel generator (DG) will consume 934.4
the diesel generator operates nearly 20% of its rated power,
liters of diesel oil and emit 2800.0 kgCO2 per year.
its specific fuel consumption will be too high (about 0.64
Similarly, 5kW rated power diesel generator will utilize
l/kWh) corresponding to a low efficiency of the generator
1485.5 liters of diesel oil and emit 4456.6 kgCO2 per year
[22]. The minimum specific fuel consumption of the diesel
with a load demand of 1.05 kW per hour or 6.3kW/day. The
generator will be around 0.324 l/kWh if the diesel generator
CO2 emissions from diesel generators could be avoided by
is operating between 70 and 89% of its rated power [23]. At
using standalone photovoltaic (SAPV) systems for the
this operating point it will consume less fuel. A typical diesel
supply of electricity to the people. The use of SAPV system
generator set consumes between 0.32 and 0.53 l/kWh at its
will help to avoid 70 tones of CO2 and 111 tones of CO2
rated power [24].
with the use of two and five kW rated power diesel generator
respectively in the 25 years life time of the system.
The input value of emission factor is changed from 1 to TABLE III. CARBON FOOTPRINTS (KGCO2/KWH) AT VARIOUS RATED POWER
5kgCO2/liter and the rated power of DG is varied from 2 to
5kW as shown in Tables 2 and 3 and Figs. 2 and 3
respectively. It is revealed that emission of carbon footprints
increased by five folds as emission factor is increased from 1
to 5kgCO2/liter. Similarly, the increase of rated power of DG
at the increment of a single kW at a constant emission factor
increases the emission of carbon footprints from 1.1 to 1.2
DG Pr = 2 kW
) 3 DG Pr = 3 kW
W DG Pr = 4 kW
O DG Pr = 5 kW
g 2
n 1
1 2 3 4 5
Em ission fa ctor (kg CO2 /liter)
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