Bai Giang LT IoTs - Chuong1
Bai Giang LT IoTs - Chuong1
Bai Giang LT IoTs - Chuong1
Things People
1.1 IoT là gì?
How is IoT different Cloud Services
than M2M?
•M2M focused on
connecting machines –
mainly proprietary
closed systems IoT
•IoT is about
harmonizing the way
humans and machines Things App
connect using common
public services
Một số các định nghĩa khác về IoT
(1) By embedding short-range Any TIME
mobile transceivers into a wide connection
array of additional gadgets and • On the move
everyday items, enabling new • Outdoors and indoors
• On the move
forms of communication • Night
• Outdoors
between people and things, and • Daytime
• Indoors (away from the PC)
between things themselves. --- • At the PC Any PLACE
WSIS 2005 connection
• Between PCs
• Human to Human
• Human to Thing
• Thing to Thing
(2) Things having identities and
virtual personalities operating in Any THING
smart spaces using intelligent connection
interfaces to connect and (3) From any time, any place
communicate within social, connectivity for anyone, we will
environmental, and user now have connectivity for
contexts. --- IoT in 2020 anything! --- ITU Internet
Reports 2005
Một số các khái niệm liên quan tới
IIoT - Industrial Internet of Things: IoT
công nghiệp
AIoT – Artificial Intelligence of Things: sự
kết hợp giữa trí tuệ nhân tạo với IoT để
có thể tự phân tích dữ liệu và đưa ra các
quyết định không cần sự tham gia của con
Tại sao cần có IoT?
Users Businesses
•Streamline experiences •Sell more products
•Increase convenience •Sell new services
•Better lifestyle •Reduce expenses
•Reduce expenses •With lower barriers
Các đặc tính cơ bản của IoT
Một số ứng dụng của IoT
Wearables Building & Home Automation Smart Cities
• Entertainment • Access control • Residential E-meters
• Fitness • Light & temp control • Smart street lights
• Smart watch • Energy optimization • Pipeline leak detection
• Location and tracking • Predictive maintenance • Traffic control
• Surveillance cameras
Housing issue
Traffic management
Problem faced by the cities
1.2 Opportunities
1.2 Opportunities
1.2 Opportunities
1.3 Challenges
Sensing a complex environment Connectivity Power is critical
Many IoT applications need to run for
years over batteries and reduce the
overall energy consumption
▪ Hardware
▪ Networking
▪ Application design and development
▪ Security
▪ Business intelligence and data analytics
▪ Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)
1.4 Kiến trúc IoT
Mô hình tham chiếu IoT 7 lớp
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3