Ester Sweater
Ester Sweater
Ester Sweater
This pattern is property of Mon Petit Violon Designs. You can’t modify, resell or share this pattern, but you may sell finished items made from it.
Mon Petit Violon Designs©2021
Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, 3dc in first st, *skip next 3sts, shell in next
st*, repeat from * to last 3sts, skip 3sts, 3dc in same st as
first 3dc, ch2, and join with sl st in first dc; 16 (17, 18, 19, 19,
Yarn over, insert hook from back to front around next stitch, 20) shells made (photo 1)
yarn over, pull through (photo 1); 3 loops on hook (photo 2),
finish back post double crochet as normal dc (photo 3) Rnd 3 (RS): ch1, *BPsc around each of next 6dc, 2sc in next
ch2sp*, repeat from * to end, join with sl st in first sc; 128
(136, 144, 152, 152, 160) sts (photo 2)
Rnd 4 (RS): ch1, dc in first and in each next st, join with sl st
in first dc; 128 (136, 144, 152, 152, 160) sts (photo 3)
Rnd 5 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next dc,
FPdc around next dc*, repeat from * to last st, BPdc around
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3
next dc, join with sl st in first dc; 128 (136, 144, 152, 152, 160)
sts (photo 4)
Yarn over, insert hook from front to back around next stitch, Rnd 6 (RS): ch1, FPdc around each next FPdc, BPdc around
yarn over, pull through (photo 1); 3 loops on hook (photo 2); each next BPdc, join with sl st in first dc; 128 (136, 144, 152,
finish front post double crochet as normal dc (photo 3) 152, 160) sts
Only for sizes 1-2y and 7-8y repeat Rnd 6 once more
Only for sizes 3-4y and 9-10 repeat Rnd 6 two more times
Rnd 7 (RS) for sizes 6-12m, 5-6y, 7-8y: ch1, 3dc in first st,
*skip next 5sts, shell in next st*, repeat from * to end, but in
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 two last repeats skip 6sts instead of 5sts and work 3dc in
same st as first 3dc, ch2, and join with sl st in first dc; 21 (25,
25) shells made
Insert hook from back to front around next stitch, yarn over,
pull through (photo 1), there will be 2 loops on your hook Rnd 7 (RS) for sizes 1-2y and 9-10y: ch1, 3dc in first st, *skip
(photo 2), finish your back post single crochet (BP sc) as next 5sts, shell in next st*, repeat from * to last 3sts, skip
normal sc (photo 3) 3sts, 3dc in same st as first 3dc, ch2, and join with sl st in
first dc; (23, 27) shells made
Rnd 7 (RS) for size 3-4y: ch1, 3dc in first st, *skip next 5sts,
shell in next st*, repeat from * to end, but in last repeat
instead of last shell work 3dc in same st as first 3dc, ch2, and
join with sl st in first dc; (24) shells made
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 Rnd 8 (RS): ch1, *BPsc around each of next 6dc, 2sc in next
ch2sp*, repeat from * to end, join with sl st in first sc; 168
(184, 192, 200, 200, 216) sts
(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in specified stitch
Rnd 9 (RS): ch1, dc in first and in each next st (for size 7-8y
evenly increase by 8 sts), join with sl st in first dc; 168 (184,
192, 200, 208, 216) sts
Rnd 10 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next
dc, FPdc around next dc*, repeat from * to last st, BPdc
Pattern is written for size 6-12m, changes for 1-2y, 3-4y, 5-6y, 7-8y, around next dc, join with sl st in first dc; 168 (184, 192, 200,
9-10y sizes are in ( … ) 208, 216) sts
Ch1 at the beginning of each round doesn’t count as stitch Rnd 11 (RS): ch1, FPdc around each next FPdc, BPdc around
each next BPdc, join with sl st in first dc; 168 (184, 192, 200,
208, 216) sts
, it has to pass Only for sizes 1-2y and 7-8y repeat Rnd 11 once more
comfortably over child’s head ch64 (68, 72, 76, 76, 80), join Only for sizes 3-4y and 9-10 repeat Rnd 11 two more times
with sl st in first ch
For sizes 6-12m, 1-2y and 3-4y continue with Divide for
Rnd 1 (RS): ch1, but pull it to the height of dc here and Sleeves and Body; for other sizes work next rnds
throughout where next st is dc, dc in first and in each next
ch, join with sl st in first dc; 64 (68, 72, 76, 76, 80) sts Rnd 12 (RS): ch1, 3dc in first st, *skip next 7sts, shell in next
st*, repeat from * to last 7sts, skip 7sts, 3dc in same st as
first 3dc, ch2, and join with sl st in first dc; (25, 26, 27) shells
On WS, skip 7 (7, 8, 8, 10, 10) sts from the Back and join yarn
Rnd 13 (RS): ch1, *BPsc around each of next 6dc, 2sc in next into the next st
ch2sp*, repeat from * to end, join with sl st in first sc; (200,
208, 216) sts Row 1 (WS): ch1, hdc in first and in each of next 56 (57, 58,
62, 64, 69) sts, turn; 57 (58, 59, 63, 65, 70) sts
Rnd 14 (RS): ch1, dc in first and in each next st, join with sl st
in first dc; (200, 208, 216) sts Row 2 (RS): ch1, hdc in first st, skip next st, hdc in each next
st to last 2sts, skip next st, hdc in last st, turn; 55 (56, 57, 61,
Rnd 15 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next 63, 68) sts
dc, FPdc around next dc*, repeat from * to last st, BPdc
around next dc, join with sl st in first dc; (200, 208, 216) sts Repeat Row 2 – 3 (4, 4, 5, 5, 6) more times; 49 (48, 49, 51, 53,
56) don’t fasten off, but continue with Edging
Rnd 16 (RS): ch1, FPdc around each next FPdc, BPdc around
each next BPdc, join with sl st in first dc; (200, 208, 216) sts
(photo 5)
Rnd 1 (RS): ch1, 4dc in st at the base of ch1, evenly work dc
Only for size 7-8y repeat Rnd 16 once more across the Front and the Back, on the Front and Back
Only for size 9-10 repeat Rnd 16 two more times Decreasing corners work 4dc in one st, join with sl st in first
dc (number of sts is not important here but it has to be an
Continue with Divide for Sleeves and Body even number)
Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next dc,
FPdc around next dc*, repeat from * to last dc, BPdc around
Rnd 1 (RS): ch1, sc in first st, ch4 (4, 5, 6, 8, 8), skip next 37
last dc, join with sl st in first FPdc
(42, 44, 45, 46, 46) sts for an armhole, sc in each of next 47
(50, 52, 55, 58, 62) sts, ch4 (4, 5, 6, 8, 8), skip next 37 (42, 44, Repeat Rnd 2 working FPdc around each FPdc and BPdc
45, 46, 46) sts for and armhole, sc in each of next 46 (49, 51, around each BPdc, fasten off (photo 8)
54, 57, 61) sts, join with sl st in first sc; 102 (108, 114, 122, 132,
140) sts (photo 6)
Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, hdc in first and in each next st, join with sl st On RS, join yarn in the middle of the underarm and work
in first hdc, turn and work on WS; 102 (108, 114, 122, 132, (photo 9)
140) sts Rnd 1 (RS): ch1, hdc in first st, work evenly 44 (49, 52, 54, 57,
Rnd 3 (WS): ch1, 2hdc in first st, *hdc in each of next 3 (4, 5, 57) hdc around the armhole, join with sl st in first hdc, turn
5, 6, 6) sts, 2hdc in next st*, repeat from * to last 1 (2, 5, 6, 12, and work on WS; 45 (50, 53, 55, 58, 58) sts
5), join with sl st in first hdc, turn and work on RS; 128 (130, Rnd 2 (WS): ch1, hdc in first st, *skip next st, hdc in each of
134, 142, 150, 160) sts next 4sts*, repeat from * to end, join with sl st in first hdc,
Rnd 4 (RS): ch1, hdc in first and in each next st, join with sl st turn and work on RS; 36 (40, 42, 44, 46, 46) sts;*for some sizes
last repeat you will end with hdc in next st, for some hdc in each of next
in first hdc, turn and work on WS; 128 (130, 134, 142, 150,
160) sts
Rnd 3 (RS): ch1, hdc in first and in each next st, join with sl st
Rnd 5 (WS): ch1, hdc in first and in each next st, join with sl st in first hdc, turn and work on WS; 36 (40, 42, 44, 46, 46) sts
in first hdc, turn and work on RS; 128 (130, 134, 142, 150, 160)
sts Rnd 4 (WS): ch1, hdc in first and in each next st, join with sl st
in first hdc, turn and work on RS; 36 (40, 42, 44, 46, 46) sts
Repeat Rnds 4 and 5 – 5 (6, 7, 8, 10, 12) more times or until
desired length; Repeat Rnds 3 and 4 - 5 (7, 10, 12, 15, 17) more times or until
desired length, but to make sleeves more fitted after
Repeat Rnd 4 once more and continue with Back working first hdc, skip one st at the beginning of the round
Decreasing and one at the end of the round until you have 36 (38, 40, 40,
42, 42) sts or until desired width, for larger sizes you can
decrease in every other row to make the decrease even;
Row 1 (WS): ch1, hdc in first and in each of next 56 (57, 58, Continue with Cuff
62, 64, 69) sts, turn; 57 (58, 59, 63, 65, 70) sts
Row 2 (RS): ch1, hdc in first st, skip next st, hdc in each next
st to last 2sts, skip next st, hdc in last st, turn; 55 (56, 57, 61,
63, 68) sts
Repeat Row 2 – 3 (4, 4, 5, 5, 6) more times; 49 (48, 49, 51, 53,
56) sts, fasten off (photo 7)
Rnd 1 (RS): ch1, dc in first and in each st, join with sl st in
first st; 36 (38, 40, 40, 42, 42) sts
Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next dc,
FPdc around next dc*, repeat from * to last dc, BPdc around
last dc, join with sl st in first FPd; 36 (38, 40, 40, 42, 42) sts
Repeat Rnd 2 working FPdc around each FPdc and BPdc
around each BPdc, fasten off
You can repeat Rnd 2 more times for a longer cuff
Rnd 1 (RS): join yarn into the first st of collar and work ch1,
FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next dc, FPdc around
next dc* repeat from * to last st, BPdc around next st, join
with sl st in first st; 64 (68, 72, 76, 76, 80) sts
Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first FPdc, *BPdc around next
BPdc, FPdc around next FPdc*, repeat from * to last st, BPdc
around last BPdc, join with sl st in first dc; 64 (68, 72, 76, 76,
80) sts
Repeat Rnd 2 – 1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2) more times, fasten off
Weave in all ends, wash and block
7 9