Pneumatic Actuators gtx254

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341412B+341564B+341565B 1/2


ISO 9002 - Cert. n° 0210/2


Raccordi a
Standard ports

Vista da sotto
Bottom view

L ung hezze Lengh ts Co ns um i Cons um ption Pesi Weights

GTX.254 x 90° 120° 180° GTX.254 x 90° 120° 180° 90°K6 GTX.254 x 90° 120° 180° 90°K6
L = mm 603 705 905 27,00 31,50 41,00 14,00 Kg 55,50 66,50 79,00 70,60

Prodotti solo su richiesta 90°K 6 = Semplice effetto con 12 cartucce molla Pes i riferiti a pignoni con sporgenza 30 mm.
Produced only on request 90°K 6 = Spring return with 12 spring cartridges Weights refferred to protrusion shafts 30 mm.

Copp ie torcenti Bar 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,6 6 6,5 7 8 9 10 A ir t o air

A ttu ato ri a do pp io effetto Nm. 920 1150 1380 1610 1840 2070 2300 2576 2760 2990 3220 3680 4140 4600 A ctu ato r torques

Co ppie torc en ti in Nm . a 0° e a 90° d ella pos izion e del p ign one in fu nzion e d ella press io ne di alim en tazio ne
Coppie molle Molle Sp ring return ac tuators to rqu e v alues in Nm . at 0° an d 90° sh aft pos ition selon air s up ply p res su re.
Spring torque Spring 2 bar 3 bar 4 bar 5 bar 5,6 bar 6 bar 7 bar 8 bar 9 bar 10 bar
0° 90° N° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90° 0° 90°
108,0 158,5 1 808,8 756,9 1269 1217 1729 1677 2189 2137 2465 2413 2649 2597 3109 3057 3569 3517 4029 3977 4489 4437
216,0 316,9 2 697,6 593,7 1158 1054 1618 1514 2078 1974 2354 2250 2538 2434 2998 2894 3458 3354 3918 3814 4378 4274
324,0 475,4 3 586,4 430,4 1046 890,5 1506 1351 1966 1811 2243 2087 2427 2271 2887 2731 3347 3191 3807 3651 4267 4111
432,0 633,8 4 475,1 267,2 935,2 727,3 1395 1187 1855 1647 2131 1923 2315 2107 2775 2567 3235 3027 3695 3488 4155 3948
MAY 2001

540,0 792,3 5 363,9 104,0 823,9 564,1 1284 1024,1 1744 1484 2020 1760 2204 1944 2664 2404 3124 2864 3584 3324 4044 3784
648,0 950,8 6 712,7 400,8 1173 860,9 1633 1321 1909 1597 2093 1781 2553 2241 3013 2701 3473 3161 3933 3621
756,0 1109 7 601,4 237,6 1061,5 697,7 1522 1158 1798 1434 1982 1618 2442 2078 2902 2538 3362 2998 3822 3458
864,0 1268 8 950,2 534,5 1410 994 1686 1271 1870 1455 2330 1915 2790 2375 3250 2835 3710 3295
972 1426 9 839,0 371,2 1299 831 1575 1107 1759 1291 2219 1751 2679 2211 3139 2671 3599 3131
1080 1585 10 727,8 208,0 1188 668 1464 944 1648 1128 2108 1588 2568 2048 3028 2508 3488 2968
1188 1743 11 1077 505 1353 781 1537 965 1997 1425 2457 1885 2917 2345 3377 2805
1296 1902 12 965 342 1241 618 1425 802 1885 1262 2345 1722 2805 2182 3266 2642
80 PSIG 100 PSIG
Μ.Γ.ΧΡΥΣΑΦΙ∆ΗΣ Α.Ε.: ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ 3 ΤΑΥΡΟΣ, ΤΗΛ.:210−4836315−20, ΦΑΧ:210−4817000. ΘΕΣ/ΚΗ: 2οΚΜ ΘΕΣ/ΚΗΣ−ΚΑΛΟΧΩΡΙΟΥ, ΤΗΛ.:2310−754681−3, ΦΑΧ:2310−751835
341412B+341564B+341565B 2/2


Pa rti co l a ri d i u su ra
W e a r pa rts


Pos . D e s crizio ne Q.ty 90 ° 12 0° 18 0° D e s cription

1 C o rpo 1 25 4.C A.90 25 4.C A.12 0 25 4.C A.18 0 Bod y
2 Pis to ne 2 25 4.PC .9 0 25 4.PC .1 20 25 4.PC .1 80 Pis to n
3 O-R in g p is to ne 2 OR 1 96,22 x6 ,9 9 Pis to n O-R ing
4 An ello gu id a pis to ne 2 25 4.AGP Pis to n guide ring
5 Pattino pis ton e 2 25 4.PGP Pis to n guide s ka te
6 C a rtu ccia m o lla 0÷ 12 25 4.C M Spring cartrid ge
7 See ge r fis s a pig no ne 1 E 40 Sha ft circlip
8 R a ne lla s up eriore pigno ne 1 25 4.R SP U p pe r s h aft w as he r
9 O-R in g s up eriore pign one 1 OR 6 8,25x3,53 U p pe r s h aft O-R ing
10 An ello s u pe rio re g uida pign one 1 25 4.ASP U p pe r s h aft gu ide ring
11 Pig no ne 1 25 4.PIGN Sha ft
12 An ello gu id a in feriore pign on e 1 25 4.AIP Lo w e r s h aft gu ide ring
13 O-R in g inferiore pign one 1 OR 8 8,27x5,33 Lo w e r s h aft O-R ing
14 Te s tata 2 25 0.TE End ca p
15 D a do reg is tro 2 OR 1 5,47x3,53 Ad ju s ting s crew nu t
16 O-R in g ten uta re gis tro 2 OR 1 6x3 Ad ju s ting s crew O-R in g
17 Gra no di re gis tro e s terno 2 GB.M1 6x6 0 Sid e Adjus ting s cre w
18 Viti tes tata 8 TC C E.M14 x5 0 End ca p s crew s
19 O-R in g ten uta tes ta ta 2 OR 2 53,60 x3 ,5 3 End ca p O-R ing

Nell'ordinare i pezzi di ricambio fare se m p re riferimento al numero di matricola dell'attuatore di destinazione

Ordering spare parts please a l w a ys give as reference the serial number of the actuator in which to do the replacement

Μ.Γ.ΧΡΥΣΑΦΙ∆ΗΣ Α.Ε.: ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ 3 ΤΑΥΡΟΣ, ΤΗΛ.:210−4836315−20, ΦΑΧ:210−4817000. ΘΕΣ/ΚΗ: 2οΚΜ ΘΕΣ/ΚΗΣ−ΚΑΛΟΧΩΡΙΟΥ, ΤΗΛ.:2310−754681−3, ΦΑΧ:2310−751835

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