2019 - Attitude and Cruise Control of A VTOL Tiltwing UAV
2019 - Attitude and Cruise Control of A VTOL Tiltwing UAV
2019 - Attitude and Cruise Control of A VTOL Tiltwing UAV
NMANNED aerial vehicles (UAVs) are extensively inves-
U tigated in the robotics community. Over the last decades,
various designs evolved to meet the requirements of specific mis-
sion profiles. Fixed-wing aircraft designs offer high endurance,
Fig. 2. Schematic of the tiltwing UAV in the different flight-phases hover
large range, and high speeds while rotary-wing platforms such (III), transition (I), and cruise (II). The body-fixed frame of reference is located
as the popular multirotor feature high maneuverability, hover- in the center of gravity (CG) and denoted with the superscript B, the inertial,
and Vertical Take-Off/Landing (VTOL) capabilities. There is in- earth-fixed frame is labeled with the superscript I.
creasing interest in the development of highly versatile, so-called
“hybrid” UAVs that can operate both as fixed- and rotary-wings
and thus combine the benefits of the respective designs [1]. Ex- see Fig. 1. Compared to the tailsitter design [2], [3], TWVs ben-
amples are the tiltwing presented in this work, the tiltrotor and efit from the fuselage remaining horizontal. Versus the tiltro-
the tailsitter. A tiltwing vehicle (TWV) features a wing that ro- tor, they feature improved stall characteristic and more effective
tates together with the propulsion system between a horizontal wing-born lift due to the continuous immersion of the wing in
(cruise-mode) and upright- (hover-mode) position (Fig. 2). At the well-aligned propeller slipstream.
intermediate wing-tilt angles, the lift-force resolves into contri- The large flight-envelope of a TWV imposes challenging re-
butions of both the propulsion system and the airfoils, leading to quirements on the flight-control system. The transition phase
a blend of fixed- and rotary wing operations (transition mode), is characterized by strong nonlinearities in the dynamics of the
aircraft. These result from the interaction of the wing and the
propeller slipstream, the wings wide range in angles of attack,
Manuscript received February 24, 2019; accepted April 14, 2019. Date of
publication May 1, 2019; date of current version May 10, 2019. This letter was and, generally, the large variation of trim-settings throughout
recommended for publication by Associate Editor V. Lippiello and Editor J. the flight envelope. For the TWV presented in this work, an ad-
Roberts upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. (Corresponding author: ditional control challenge is given by actuator redundancy that
David Rohr.)
The authors are with the Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich 8092, leads to an overactuation for both attitude- and cruise control.
Zurich, Switzerland (e-mail: [email protected]; thomas.stastny@mavt.
ethz.ch; [email protected]; [email protected]).
This letter has supplementary downloadable multimedia material available
A. Related Work
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org provided by the authors. This includes a video file, Existing work on design, modeling and control of tiltwing
which shows a selection of conducted flight tests to assess the performance of
the control system. This material is 8.95 MB in size. UAV’s considers tandem-wing [4]–[6] and single-wing vehicles
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LRA.2019.2914340 [7]–[9]. Employed control systems are either unified [8], [9] or
2377-3766 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Khalifa University. Downloaded on September 19,2023 at 07:19:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
switch between different controllers for hover, transition, and comes fully equipped with all required actuators including a
cruise [10]. For both attitude- and velocity control, decoupled tilt-mechanism for the wing. It features a wing-span of 0.94 m
PID and full state feedback LQR-architectures are reported [5], and its take-off mass amounts to 1.9 kg. In cruise configuration,
[9], [11]. They are typically combined with local linearizations flights of up to ∼ 20 min are possible while in hover, endurance
and gain-scheduling to address the strong non-linearities. Ex- is limited to ∼ 5 min (battery: 14.8 V, 3800 mAh).
amples of H∞ -based attitude- and cruise control are found as
well [4], [12]. A popular non-linear control technique involves
dynamic inversion (DI) [13] and is used both for tailsitters [2], A. Avionics
[3] and tandem TWVs [4]. It enables reference-model follow- In order to implement our own flight-control system, the UAV
ing but requires an accurate model to estimate state-dependent is refitted with the Pixhawk Autopilot [15] running the PX4 au-
moments and forces. High-fidelity models are required to ad- topilot software [16]. The Pixhawk provides a six-axis Inertial
dress the complex transition phase and typically consider the Measurement Unit (IMU) (3-axis accelerometer + 3-axis gy-
prominent propeller slipstream interaction with the wing [11]. roscope), a 3-axis magnetometer, and a barometer. Addition-
Instead of modeling, [9] describes a control system that is based ally, the system is complemented with a differential-pressure
exclusively on state- and control derivatives obtained from wind- airspeed-sensor and a GNSS-module. All sensor data is fused in
tunnel testing, [2] and [3] introduce lumped-parameter models the ready-to-use state-estimation available within PX4, resulting
to fit experimental data for a flying-wing tailsitter. in attitude, altitude and airspeed estimates that are subsequently
used in the feed-back flight-control system.
B. Contribution
In this work, we present a global, model-based control sys- B. Actuation Principle
tem that tracks the full desired attitude and vertical airspeed in Fig. 2 depicts the different available actuators. Their function
all flight phases. The attitude control system (ACS) is based on depends on the flight phase and the configuration of the UAV:
i) a high-fidelity model built from first principles, ii) dynamic In hover flight, roll and pitch are controlled by thrust-vectoring
inversion and iii) a daisy-chaining approach to handle overactua- of the main-propellers (pl, pr) and the tail-propeller (pt). Yaw is
tion. This combination is novel in its application to single-wing actuated by tilting the tail-propeller thrust vector around the body
TWVs. The good performance of the ACS in the flight-tests x-axis (tt). Redundantly, yaw-moment can also be generated by
indicates that the proposed model structure reasonably trades- differential deflection of the slipstream-immersed ailerons (al,
off between i) DI-required fidelity and ii) low-computational ar). Horizontal maneuvering is performed by tilting the UAV,
complexity to remain tangible for use on micro-controllers. The and hence the net thrust-vector, into the desired direction. Climb-
developed cruise control system (CCS) employs a linearized ing and sinking is achieved by collective throttling of all pro-
approach similar to that outlined in [9], i.e., it relies on look- pellers.
up trim-maps (TMs) to determine the nonlinear trim-actuation. In cruise flight, standard fixed-wing controls apply, i.e., roll,
However, contrary to [9] where wind-tunnel based TMs are used, pitch and yaw are controlled with the ailerons, elevator (e) and
we rely on model-based TMs obtained by offline full-state opti- rudder (r), respectively. Additionally, yaw- and negative pitch
mization to systematically handle non-uniqueness of the trims. moment can be generated by differential throttle on the main-
Additionally, the CCS presented includes feedback control to propellers and the tail-propeller thrust, respectively. Again, this
account for modeling errors and to attenuate disturbances. The provides redundancy and illustrates the overactuation for attitude
resulting vertical velocity tracking accuracy and -range improves control. Airspeed and climb-rate are controlled by coordinating
on the data presented in [9], thus rendering modeling with ve- main-propeller thrust and pitch-angle of the UAV.
locity feedback a valuable alternative to laborious wind-tunnel In the transition phase, the control strategies overlap, e.g.,
testing. rolling and yawing both require simultaneous thrust vectoring
and aileron deflection. Horizontal- and vertical velocity control
C. Outline includes combined wing-tilt actuation, pitch-angle- and throt-
The remainder of the letter is structured as follows: In tle selection. This combination is not necessarily unique, hence,
Section II, the system is introduced, followed by the modeling overactuation is again present: For example, hovering is possible
in Section III. Optimal trim-actuation is analyzed in Section IV with every wing-tilt angle (ζw ) and fuselage-pitch (θ) combina-
and forms the basis for the CCS. Sections V and VI introduce tion that leads to the main-thrust vector pointing upward, i.e.,
the attitude- and cruise-control architectures, respectively. The ζw + θ ≈ 90◦ .
performance of the controllers is demonstrated in flight experi-
ments presented in Section VII. Finally, an outlook is given in C. Nomenclature
Section VIII.
For system analysis, we introduce a body-fixed forward-right-
down frame of reference located in the UAV’s center of gravity
(CG) (cf. Fig. 2). CG variation upon tilting of the wing is ne-
The employed tiltwing-UAV is a commercially available glected, it amounts to ±1 cm along the body z-axis w.r.t. the CG
radio-controlled (RC) aircraft [14]. It is a replica of the Canadair used for modeling. Vector-quantities are written in bold-face and
CL-84 manned tiltwing aircraft which flew in the 1960’s and denoted with lower pre-script B and I when expressed in body-
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where m denotes the UAV’s total mass and B I the UAV’s mo- We divide the wing and stabilizers into multiple span-wise
ment of inertia expressed in B. The gravitational acceleration segments to account for the different inflow conditions which
is given by g, [B ω]× denotes the skew-symmetric cross-product depend on ω and, for wing segments located behind a propeller,
matrix of B ω. We express the attitude (RIB ) with a rotation- the propeller slipstream velocity w. Resulting forces and mo-
matrix mapping from body- to inertial frame. The net aerody- ments are calculated at the center of pressure rcp of each seg-
namic force F and moment M are formed by accumulating the ment, see Fig. 3. The local airspeed ua is given by
contributions of the different components, i.e., wing, stabilizers, ua (rcp ) = va + ω × rcp (+w) (5)
fuselage and propellers. Tiltwing-specific aerodynamic effects
to be modeled include the forces and moments generated by For simplicity, the spatial evolution of the propeller wake [17],
i) the airfoils subject to full ±180◦ free-stream angle of attack, [19] is neglected and the induced velocity w approximated by
ii) the propeller-slipstream effects on airfoils located down- the value at the corresponding propeller-hub. From disk actuator
stream of the propellers, and iii) the propellers facing different theory [17]:
inflow-conditions throughout the flight envelope. 1 2T
w = p −V,∞ + V,∞ +2 (6)
2 ρA
A. Propellers
With va the air-relative velocity (airspeed) of the UAV’s CG, with A = πD2 /4 the propeller-disk area. Segment-wise lift
the local airspeed ua at the propeller hub is given by (ΔFL ), drag (ΔFD ) and moment (ΔM) contributions are
finally obtained by
ua (rp ) = va + ω × rp = V,∞ p + V⊥,∞ p⊥ (2)
ΔFL = CL (α, ζcs ) · ρV 2 · c · Δy · eL
with rp the CG-relative position of the propeller hub. The local 2
airspeed resolves in an axial (V,∞ ) and radial (V⊥,∞ ≥ 0) free- 1
flow component, p and p⊥ are unit vectors pointing in propeller ΔFD = CD (α, ζcs ) · ρV 2 · c · Δy · eD
forward and radial direction, respectively. According to [17],
[18], the net force of propeller p is composed of the thrust T and ΔMm,c/4 = CM (α, ζcs ) · ρV 2 · c2 · Δy · eW (7)
normal force N : 2 y
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to match reported experimental data, e.g., [20], [21]. Close to A. Problem Formulation and Optimization
the stall angles (αs− , αs+ ), interpolation between both models
The trim-map is calculated offline in a nonlinear, constrained
yields a smooth changeover. optimization which minimizes translational (v̇) and angular (θ̈)
unsteadiness and, simultaneously, seeks to reduce a user-defined
C. Fuselage cost-function q which is included to render the trim solution
Modeling of the fuselage follows a simplified approach known
as “quadratic aerodynamic form” (cf. [22], p. 20): min v̇T Qv v̇ + Qθ θ̈2 + q(ut , θt ) s.t.
ut ,θ t
ρ B f f B f
B Ff =− e C Vuu + eB
y CD,y Vvv + ez CD,z Vww 1
2 x D,x I v̇ = Ig + RIB · B F(ut , θt )
B Mf =0
B ω̇ = B I−1 B M(ut , θt )
Vuu = u|u|, Vvv = v|v|, Vww = w|w| (9)
−π/2 ≤ θt ≤ π/2, ut ∈ U (12)
with (u, v, w) = B va and
the drag coefficients of the with Qv , Qθ positive definite weightings and U the set of ad-
fuselage subject to i-axis-aligned airflow. missible, non-saturated actuator inputs. The equality constraints
follow from the system dynamics (1), F and M further de-
D. Parameter Identification pend on (va , γ). In q ≥ 0 we include penalties on i) net power-
consumption, ii) control-surface saturation, iii) deviation from a
The introduced parameters are either identified (experimental desired pitch-angle θ∗ and iv) deviation from solutions of close
assessment of static thrust- and moment curves of the propulsion operating points to penalize discontinuous trim-maps and, thus,
systems and CAD-based approximation of inertial properties) or prevent discrete switching of the feed-forward trim values in the
estimated based on values obtained from literature (all airfoil- cruise controller.
related data). At every (va (i), γ(j)) contained in the trim-map, we per-
formed the optimization using the lsqnonlin solver of the Matlab
IV. TRIM ANALYSIS optimization toolbox [23]. Finally, the resulting steadiness (v̇, θ̈)
was thresholded to decide upon incorporation of (va (i), γ(j))
Cruise-control system development is preceded by assessing in the steady flight envelope. It is worth noting that the resulting
the steady-state flight envelope, i.e., the set of operating points steady flight envelope is generally a conservative estimate due
for which a dynamic equilibrium exists. We restrict the formu- to the risk of the solver getting trapped in a local optimum or
lation of the cruise-controller and the system analysis to the too much weight being put on minimizing the additional cost
2-dimensional, longitudinal dynamics. An operating point can q. To minimize the risk of locally optimal solutions, the solver
therefore be defined by the flight-path angle γ and the airspeed requires appropriate initial guesses (IG).
magnitude va . The point is declared steady feasible if for the
given pair (va , γ) there exists a trim-pitch θt and a set of trim- B. Initial Guess Generation
actuations ut
We devise an iterative procedure to generate IGs during build-
θ (va , γ), u (va , γ) =
t t
δet δpt
(10) up of the trim-map: At every operation point (va (i), γ(j)) in the
trim-map, the optimization is solved once with every available
such that solution of the neighboring operation points as IG (eight in to-
tal for a Cartesian grid). The steady-feasible solution (ut , θt )
ω = ω̇ = v̇ = 0. (11) which yields the lowest cost is adopted as preliminary trim at
(va (i), γ(j)). If, in a subsequent iteration, a neighboring point
The superscript t relates to the trim setting and the subscripts of manages to further lower its cost with a new solution, the trim
the δ’s specify the actuator (cf. Fig. 2). If no such actuation/pitch- at (va (i), γ(j)) is revisited with this solution as IG and adjusted
angle exists, the operating point cannot be stabilized by any con- upon improvement. This procedure is conducted at every point in
trol system. The mapping T : (va , γ) → (ut , θt ) is referred to the map for multiple iterations until the solutions do not change
as trim-map. It is calculated in a discrete form to serve as look- anymore. At this instant, mutually lowest costs are achieved
up table for feed-forward actuation of the wing-tilt, throttle, and among neighboring points in the map.
pitch for cruise control (cf. Section VI-A). With T not necessar- The procedure requires at least one (va (i), γ(j)) to be solved
ily unique (overactuation, see Section II-B), selection from a set in advance, its IG is provided manually. If the grid points
of feasible trims follows an optimization which regards the use (va (i), γ(j)) are spaced close enough and assuming sufficient
of the trims for feed-forward actuation in cruise control. This smoothness of the optimal trim-map, this procedure provides
differs from the approach in [9], where θt is imposed to render IGs which are already close to the actual solution. Further, it
the trims unique—this potentially constrains the solution space, fosters propagation of good solutions through the map: though
i.e., the extent of the assessable flight envelope. Furthermore, in not guaranteed, a globally optimal solution at (i, j) might
[9] T is entirely based on wind-tunnel data, i.e., no model or render locally optimal solutions in (i + m, j + n) globally
optimization is involved. optimal as well.
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B. Dynamic Inversion
Fig. 4. Trim-maps obtained from the steady-state analysis and optimized for
the criteria outlined in Section IV-A. Shown are the trim-actuation for wing-tilt Given the desired angular acceleration ω̇ des calculated in
ζwt (left), main-propeller throttle δ t
pl,r (middle) and the trim pitch θ (right) as
the attitude control block, the total moment Mdes required to
function of airspeed va and flight-path angle γ.
achieve ω̇ des is obtained by rearranging (inverting) the angular
dynamics (1) of the aircraft:
stabilize the UAV at the desired velocity va,des by commanding throttle- δpl,rc
derivatives J:
min (Juc − Fc )T W (Juc − Fc ) + (uc )T Kuc
c ∂f ∂fx
u =
, J = ∂fz ∂θ ∂δpl,r
∂θ ∂δ
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Switzerland, Tech. Rep., 2013, doi: 10.3929/ethz-a-009970340.
The authors would like to thank Dufour Aerospace [25] T. A. Johansen and T. I. Fossen, “Control allocation–A survey,” Automat-
(https://dufour.aero) for initiating and supporting this project. ica, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1087–1103, May 2013.
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