Lecture 2.3.2VariationalAutoencoders (VAEs)

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Understanding Variational

Autoencoders (VAEs)
Building, step by step, the reasoning that leads to VAEs.

In the last few years, deep learning based generative models have
gained more and more interest due to (and implying) some amazing
improvements in the field. Relying on huge amount of data, well-
designed networks architectures and smart training techniques, deep
generative models have shown an incredible ability to produce highly
realistic pieces of content of various kind, such as images, texts and
sounds. Among these deep generative models, two major families
stand out and deserve a special attention: Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs).
Face images generated with a Variational Autoencoder (source: Wojciech
Mormul on Github).

in particular, how adversarial training can oppose two networks, a

generator and a discriminator, to push both of them to improve
iteration after iteration. We introduce now, in this post, the other
major kind of deep generative models: Variational Autoencoders
(VAEs). In a nutshell, a VAE is an autoencoder whose encodings
distribution is regularised during the training in order to ensure that
its latent space has good properties allowing us to generate some new
data. Moreover, the term “variational” comes from the close relation
there is between the regularisation and the variational inference
method in statistics.

If the last two sentences summarise pretty well the notion of VAEs,
they can also raise a lot of questions. What is an autoencoder? What is
the latent space and why regularising it? How to generate new data
from VAEs? What is the link between VAEs and variational inference?
In order to describe VAEs as well as possible, we will try to answer all
this questions (and many others!) and to provide the reader with as
much insights as we can (ranging from basic intuitions to more
advanced mathematical details). Thus, the purpose of this post is not
only to discuss the fundamental notions Variational Autoencoders rely
on but also to build step by step and starting from the very beginning
the reasoning that leads to these notions.
Without further ado, let’s (re)discover VAEs together!

In the first section, we will review some important notions about
dimensionality reduction and autoencoder that will be useful for the
understanding of VAEs. Then, in the second section, we will show why
autoencoders cannot be used to generate new data and will introduce
Variational Autoencoders that are regularised versions of
autoencoders making the generative process possible. Finally in the
last section we will give a more mathematical presentation of VAEs,
based on variational inference.

Note. In the last section we have tried to make the

mathematical derivation as complete and clear as possible to
bridge the gap between intuitions and equations. However, the
readers that doesn’t want to dive into the mathematical details
of VAEs can skip this section without hurting the understanding
of the main concepts. Notice also that in this post we will make
the following abuse of notation: for a random variable z, we will
denote p(z) the distribution (or the density, depending on the
context) of this random variable.

Dimensionality reduction, PCA and autoencoders

In this first section we will start by discussing some notions related to
dimensionality reduction. In particular, we will review briefly
principal component analysis (PCA) and autoencoders, showing how
both ideas are related to each others.

What is dimensionality reduction?

In machine learning, dimensionality reduction is the process of
reducing the number of features that describe some data.
This reduction is done either by selection (only some existing features
are conserved) or by extraction (a reduced number of new features are
created based on the old features) and can be useful in many
situations that require low dimensional data (data visualisation, data
storage, heavy computation…). Although there exists many different
methods of dimensionality reduction, we can set a global framework
that is matched by most (if not any!) of these methods.

First, let’s call encoder the process that produce the “new features”
representation from the “old features” representation (by selection or
by extraction) and decoder the reverse process. Dimensionality
reduction can then be interpreted as data compression where the
encoder compress the data (from the initial space to the encoded
space, also called latent space) whereas the decoder decompress
them. Of course, depending on the initial data distribution, the latent
space dimension and the encoder definition, this compression can be
lossy, meaning that a part of the information is lost during the
encoding process and cannot be recovered when decoding.

Illustration of the dimensionality reduction principle with encoder and decoder.

The main purpose of a dimensionality reduction method is to find the

best encoder/decoder pair among a given family. In other words, for a
given set of possible encoders and decoders, we are looking for the
pair that keeps the maximum of information when
encoding and, so, has the minimum of reconstruction error
when decoding. If we denote respectively E and D the families of
encoders and decoders we are considering, then the dimensionality
reduction problem can be written

defines the reconstruction error measure between the input data x and
the encoded-decoded data d(e(x)). Notice finally that in the following
we will denote N the number of data, n_d the dimension of the initial
(decoded) space and n_e the dimension of the reduced (encoded)

Principal components analysis (PCA)

One of the first methods that come in mind when speaking about
dimensionality reduction is principal component analysis (PCA).
In order to show how it fits the framework we just described and make
the link towards autoencoders, let’s give a very high overview of how
PCA works, letting most of the details aside (notice that we plan to
write a full post on the subject).

The idea of PCA is to build n_e n

ew independent features that are linear combinations of the n_d

old features and so that the projections of the data on the subspace
defined by these new features are as close as possible to the initial data
(in term of euclidean distance). In other words, PCA is looking for the
best linear subspace of the initial space (described by an orthogonal
basis of new features) such that the error of approximating the data by
their projections on this subspace is as small as possible.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is looking for the best linear subspace using
linear algebra.

Translated in our global framework, we are looking for an encoder in

the family E of the n_e by n_d matrices (linear transformation) whose
rows are orthonormal (features independence) and for the associated
decoder among the family D of n_d by n_e matrices. It can be shown
that the unitary eigenvectors corresponding to the n_e greatest
eigenvalues (in norm) of the covariance features matrix are orthogonal
(or can be chosen to be so) and define the best subspace of dimension
n_e to project data on with minimal error of approximation. Thus,
these n_e eigenvectors can be chosen as our new features and, so, the
problem of dimension reduction can then be expressed as an
eigenvalue/eigenvector problem. Moreover, it can also be shown that,
in such case, the decoder matrix is the transposed of the encoder
PCA matches the encoder-decoder framework we described.

Let’s now discuss autoencoders and see how we can use neural
networks for dimensionality reduction. The general idea of
autoencoders is pretty simple and consists in setting an encoder
and a decoder as neural networks and to learn the best
encoding-decoding scheme using an iterative optimisation
process. So, at each iteration we feed the autoencoder architecture
(the encoder followed by the decoder) with some data, we compare the
encoded-decoded output with the initial data and backpropagate the
error through the architecture to update the weights of the networks.

Thus, intuitively, the overall autoencoder architecture

(encoder+decoder) creates a bottleneck for data that ensures only the
main structured part of the information can go through and be
reconstructed. Looking at our general framework, the family E of
considered encoders is defined by the encoder network architecture,
the family D of considered decoders is defined by the decoder network
architecture and the search of encoder and decoder that minimise the
reconstruction error is done by gradient descent over the parameters
of these networks.
Illustration of an autoencoder with its loss function.

Let’s first suppose that both our encoder and decoder architectures
have only one layer without non-linearity (linear autoencoder). Such
encoder and decoder are then simple linear transformations that can
be expressed as matrices. In such situation, we can see a clear link
with PCA in the sense that, just like PCA does, we are looking for the
best linear subspace to project data on with as few information loss as
possible when doing so. Encoding and decoding matrices obtained
with PCA define naturally one of the solutions we would be satisfied to
reach by gradient descent, but we should outline that this is not the
only one. Indeed, several basis can be chosen to describe the
same optimal subspace and, so, several encoder/decoder pairs can
give the optimal reconstruction error. Moreover, for linear
autoencoders and contrarily to PCA, the new features we end up do
not have to be independent (no orthogonality constraints in the neural
Link between linear autoencoder and PCA.

Now, let’s assume that both the encoder and the decoder are deep and
non-linear. In such case, the more complex the architecture is, the
more the autoencoder can proceed to a high dimensionality reduction
while keeping reconstruction loss low. Intuitively, if our encoder and
our decoder have enough degrees of freedom, we can reduce any initial
dimensionality to 1. Indeed, an encoder with “infinite power” could
theoretically takes our N initial data points and encodes them as 1, 2,
3, … up to N (or more generally, as N integer on the real axis) and the
associated decoder could make the reverse transformation, with no
loss during the process.

Here, we should however keep two things in mind. First, an important

dimensionality reduction with no reconstruction loss often comes with
a price: the lack of interpretable and exploitable structures in the
latent space (lack of regularity). Second, most of the time the final
purpose of dimensionality reduction is not to only reduce the number
of dimensions of the data but to reduce this number of
dimensions while keeping the major part of the data structure
information in the reduced representations. For these two
reasons, the dimension of the latent space and the “depth” of
autoencoders (that define degree and quality of compression) have to
be carefully controlled and adjusted depending on the final purpose of
the dimensionality reduction.

When reducing dimensionality, we want to keep the main structure there exists
among the data.

Variational Autoencoders
Up to now, we have discussed dimensionality reduction problem and
introduce autoencoders that are encoder-decoder architectures that
can be trained by gradient descent. Let’s now make the link with the
content generation problem, see the limitations of autoencoders in
their current form for this problem and introduce Variational

Limitations of autoencoders for content generation

At this point, a natural question that comes in mind is “what is the link
between autoencoders and content generation?”. Indeed, once the
autoencoder has been trained, we have both an encoder and a decoder
but still no real way to produce any new content. At first sight, we
could be tempted to think that, if the latent space is regular enough
(well “organized” by the encoder during the training process), we
could take a point randomly from that latent space and decode it to get
a new content. The decoder would then act more or less like the
generator of a Generative Adversarial Network.

We can generate new data by decoding points that are randomly sampled from
the latent space. The quality and relevance of generated data depend on the
regularity of the latent space.

However, as we discussed in the previous section, the regularity of the

latent space for autoencoders is a difficult point that depends on the
distribution of the data in the initial space, the dimension of the latent
space and the architecture of the encoder. So, it is pretty difficult (if
not impossible) to ensure, a priori, that the encoder will organize the
latent space in a smart way compatible with the generative process we
just described.

To illustrate this point, let’s consider the example we gave previously

in which we described an encoder and a decoder powerful enough to
put any N initial training data onto the real axis (each data point being
encoded as a real value) and decode them without any reconstruction
loss. In such case, the high degree of freedom of the autoencoder that
makes possible to encode and decode with no information loss
(despite the low dimensionality of the latent space) leads to a severe
overfitting implying that some points of the latent space will give
meaningless content once decoded. If this one dimensional example
has been voluntarily chosen to be quite extreme, we can notice that the
problem of the autoencoders latent space regularity is much more
general than that and deserve a special attention.

When thinking about it for a minute, this lack of structure among the
encoded data into the latent space is pretty normal. Indeed, nothing in
the task the autoencoder is trained for enforce to get such
organisation: the autoencoder is solely trained to encode and
decode with as few loss as possible, no matter how the latent
space is organised. Thus, if we are not careful about the definition
of the architecture, it is natural that, during the training, the network
takes advantage of any overfitting possibilities to achieve its task as
well as it can… unless we explicitly regularise it!

Definition of variational autoencoders

So, in order to be able to use the decoder of our autoencoder for
generative purpose, we have to be sure that the latent space is regular
enough. One possible solution to obtain such regularity is to introduce
explicit regularisation during the training process. Thus, as we briefly
mentioned in the introduction of this post, a variational
autoencoder can be defined as being an autoencoder whose
training is regularised to avoid overfitting and ensure that
the latent space has good properties that enable generative

Just as a standard autoencoder, a variational autoencoder is an

architecture composed of both an encoder and a decoder and that is
trained to minimise the reconstruction error between the encoded-
decoded data and the initial data. However, in order to introduce some
regularisation of the latent space, we proceed to a slight modification
of the encoding-decoding process: instead of encoding an input
as a single point, we encode it as a distribution over the
latent space. The model is then trained as follows:
● first, the input is encoded as distribution over the latent space

● second, a point from the latent space is sampled from that

● third, the sampled point is decoded and the reconstruction
error can be computed
● finally, the reconstruction error is backpropagated through the

In practice, the encoded distributions are chosen to be normal so that

the encoder can be trained to return the mean and the covariance
matrix that describe these Gaussians. The reason why an input is
encoded as a distribution with some variance instead of a single point
is that it makes possible to express very naturally the latent space
regularisation: the distributions returned by the encoder are enforced
to be close to a standard normal distribution. We will see in the next
subsection that we ensure this way both a local and global
regularisation of the latent space (local because of the variance control
and global because of the mean control).

Thus, the loss function that is minimised when training a VAE is

composed of a “reconstruction term” (on the final layer), that tends to
make the encoding-decoding scheme as performant as possible, and a
“regularisation term” (on the latent layer), that tends to regularise the
organisation of the latent space by making the distributions returned
by the encoder close to a standard normal distribution. That
regularisation term is expressed as the Kulback-Leibler
divergence between the returned distribution and a standard Gaussian
and will be further justified in the next section. We can notice that the
Kullback-Leibler divergence between two Gaussian distributions has a
closed form that can be directly expressed in terms of the means and
the covariance matrices of the the two distributions.
Intuitions about the regularisation
The regularity that is expected from the latent space in order to make
generative process possible can be expressed through two main
properties: continuity (two close points in the latent space should
not give two completely different contents once decoded)
and completeness (for a chosen distribution, a point sampled from
the latent space should give “meaningful” content once decoded).

The only fact that VAEs encode inputs as distributions instead of

simple points is not sufficient to ensure continuity and completeness.
Without a well defined regularisation term, the model can learn, in
order to minimise its reconstruction error, to “ignore” the fact that
distributions are returned and behave almost like classic
autoencoders (leading to overfitting). To do so, the encoder can
either return distributions with tiny variances (that would tend to be
punctual distributions) or return distributions with very different
means (that would then be really far apart from each other in the
latent space). In both cases, distributions are used the wrong way
(cancelling the expected benefit) and continuity and/or completeness
are not satisfied.

So, in order to avoid these effects we have to regularise both the

covariance matrix and the mean of the distributions
returned by the encoder. In practice, this regularisation is done by
enforcing distributions to be close to a standard normal distribution
(centred and reduced). This way, we require the covariance matrices to
be close to the identity, preventing punctual distributions, and the
mean to be close to 0, preventing encoded distributions to be too far
apart from each others.

With this regularisation term, we prevent the model to encode data far
apart in the latent space and encourage as much as possible returned
distributions to “overlap”, satisfying this way the expected continuity
and completeness conditions. Naturally, as for any regularisation
term, this comes at the price of a higher reconstruction error on the
training data. The tradeoff between the reconstruction error and the
KL divergence can however be adjusted and we will see in the next
section how the expression of the balance naturally emerge from our
formal derivation.

To conclude this subsection, we can observe that continuity and

completeness obtained with regularisation tend to create a
“gradient” over the information encoded in the latent space.
For example, a point of the latent space that would be halfway between
the means of two encoded distributions coming from different training
data should be decoded in something that is somewhere between the
data that gave the first distribution and the data that gave the second
distribution as it may be sampled by the autoencoder in both cases.

Regularisation tends to create a “gradient” over the information encoded in the

latent space.

Note. As a side note, we can mention that the second potential

problem we have mentioned (the network put distributions far
from each others) is in fact almost equivalent to the first one (the
network tends to return punctual distribution) up to a change of
scale: in both case variances of distributions become small
relatively to distance between their means.

Mathematical details of VAEs

In the previous section we gave the following intuitive overview: VAEs
are autoencoders that encode inputs as distributions instead of points
and whose latent space “organisation” is regularised by constraining
distributions returned by the encoder to be close to a standard
Gaussian. In this section we will give a more mathematical view of
VAEs that will allow us to justify the regularisation term more
rigorously. To do so, we will set a clear probabilistic framework and
will use, in particular, variational inference technique.
Probabilistic framework and assumptions
Let’s begin by defining a probabilistic graphical model to describe our
data. We denote by x the variable that represents our data and assume
that x is generated from a latent variable z (the encoded
representation) that is not directly observed. Thus, for each data point,
the following two steps generative process is assumed:

● first, a latent representation z is sampled from the prior

distribution p(z)
● second, the data x is sampled from the conditional likelihood
distribution p(x|z)

With such a probabilistic model in mind, we can redefine our notions

of encoder and decoder. Indeed, contrarily to a simple autoencoder
that consider deterministic encoder and decoder, we are going to
consider now probabilistic versions of these two objects. The
“probabilistic decoder” is naturally defined by p(x|z), that
describes the distribution of the decoded variable given the
encoded one, whereas the “probabilistic encoder” is defined by p(z|
x), that describes the distribution of the encoded variable
given the decoded one.

At this point, we can already notice that the regularisation of the latent
space that we lacked in simple autoencoders naturally appears here in
the definition of the data generation process: encoded representations
z in the latent space are indeed assumed to follow the prior
distribution p(z). Otherwise, we can also remind the the well-known
Bayes theorem that makes the link between the prior p(z), the
likelihood p(x|z), and the posterior p(z|x)

Let’s now make the assumption that p(z) is a standard Gaussian

distribution and that p(x|z) is a Gaussian distribution whose mean is
defined by a deterministic function f of the variable of z and whose
covariance matrix has the form of a positive constant c that multiplies
the identity matrix I. The function f is assumed to belong to a family of
functions denoted F that is left unspecified for the moment and that
will be chosen later. Thus, we have

Let’s consider, for now, that f is well defined and fixed. In theory, as
we know p(z) and p(x|z), we can use the Bayes theorem to compute
p(z|x): this is a classical Bayesian inference problem. However, as we
discussed in our previous article, this kind of computation is often
intractable (because of the integral at the denominator) and require
the use of approximation techniques such as variational inference.

Note. Here we can mention that p(z) and p(x|z) are both
Gaussian distribution. So, if we had E(x|z) = f(z) = z, it would
imply that p(z|x) should also follow a Gaussian distribution and,
in theory, we could “only” try to express the mean and the
covariance matrix of p(z|x) with respect to the means and the
covariance matrices of p(z) and p(x|z). However, in practice this
condition is not met and we need to use of an approximation
technique like variational inference that makes the approach
pretty general and more robust to some changes in the
hypothesis of the model.

Variational inference formulation

In statistics, variational inference (VI) is a technique to
approximate complex distributions. The idea is to set a
parametrised family of distribution (for example the family of
Gaussians, whose parameters are the mean and the covariance) and to
look for the best approximation of our target distribution among this
family. The best element in the family is one that minimise a given
approximation error measurement (most of the time the Kullback-
Leibler divergence between approximation and target) and is found by
gradient descent over the parameters that describe the family. For
more details, we refer to our post on variational inference and
references therein.

Here we are going to approximate p(z|x) by a Gaussian distribution

q_x(z) whose mean and covariance are defined by two functions, g and
h, of the parameter x. These two functions are supposed to belong,
respectively, to the families of functions G and H that will be specified
later but that are supposed to be parametrised. Thus we can denote

So, we have defined this way a family of candidates for variational

inference and need now to find the best approximation among this
family by optimising the functions g and h (in fact, their parameters)
to minimise the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the
approximation and the target p(z|x). In other words, we are looking
for the optimal g* and h* such that

In the second last equation, we can observe the tradeoff there exists —
when approximating the posterior p(z|x) — between maximising the
likelihood of the “observations” (maximisation of the expected log-
likelihood, for the first term) and staying close to the prior distribution
(minimisation of the KL divergence between q_x(z) and p(z), for the
second term). This tradeoff is natural for Bayesian inference problem
and express the balance that needs to be found between the confidence
we have in the data and the confidence we have in the prior.

Up to know, we have assumed the function f known and fixed and we

have showed that, under such assumptions, we can approximate the
posterior p(z|x) using variational inference technique. However, in
practice this function f, that defines the decoder, is not known and also
need to be chosen. To do so, let’s remind that our initial goal is to find
a performant encoding-decoding scheme whose latent space is regular
enough to be used for generative purpose. If the regularity is mostly
ruled by the prior distribution assumed over the latent space, the
performance of the overall encoding-decoding scheme highly depends
on the choice of the function f. Indeed, as p(z|x) can be approximate
(by variational inference) from p(z) and p(x|z) and as p(z) is a simple
standard Gaussian, the only two levers we have at our disposal in our
model to make optimisations are the parameter c (that defines the
variance of the likelihood) and the function f (that defines the mean of
the likelihood).

So, let’s consider that, as we discussed earlier, we can get for any
function f in F (each defining a different probabilistic decoder p(x|z))
the best approximation of p(z|x), denoted q*_x(z). Despite its
probabilistic nature, we are looking for an encoding-decoding scheme
as efficient as possible and, then, we want to choose the function f that
maximises the expected log-likelihood of x given z when z is sampled
from q*_x(z).

In other words, for a given input x, we want to maximise the probability to have x
distribution q*_x(z) and then sample x̂ from the distribution p(x|
Thus, we are looking for the optimal f* such that

where q*_x(z) depends on the function f and is obtained as described

before. Gathering all the pieces together, we are looking for optimal f*,
g* and h* such that

We can identify in this objective function the elements introduced in

the intuitive description of VAEs given in the previous section: the
reconstruction error between x and f(z) and the regularisation term
given by the KL divergence between q_x(z) and p(z) (which is a
standard Gaussian). We can also notice the constant c that rules the
balance between the two previous terms. The higher c is the more we
assume a high variance around f(z) for the probabilistic decoder in our
model and, so, the more we favour the regularisation term over the
reconstruction term (and the opposite stands if c is low).
Bringing neural networks into the model
Up to know, we have set a probabilistic model that depends on three
functions, f, g and h, and express, using variational inference, the
optimisation problem to solve in order to get f*, g* and h* that give the
optimal encoding-decoding scheme with this model. As we can’t easily
optimise over the entire space of functions, we constrain the
optimisation domain and decide to express f, g and h as neural
networks. Thus, F, G and H correspond respectively to the families of
functions defined by the networks architectures and the optimisation
is done over the parameters of these networks.

In practice, g and h are not defined by two completely independent

networks but share a part of their architecture and their weights so
that we have

As it defines the covariance matrix of q_x(z), h(x) is supposed to be a

square matrix. However, in order to simplify the computation and
reduce the number of parameters, we make the additional assumption
that our approximation of p(z|x), q_x(z), is a multidimensional
Gaussian distribution with diagonal covariance matrix (variables
independence assumption). With this assumption, h(x) is simply the
vector of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix and has then
the same size as g(x). However, we reduce this way the family of
distributions we consider for variational inference and, so, the
approximation of p(z|x) obtained can be less accurate.

Encoder part of the VAE.

Contrarily to the encoder part that models p(z|x) and for which we
considered a Gaussian with both mean and covariance that are
functions of x (g and h), our model assumes for p(x|z) a Gaussian with
fixed covariance. The function f of the variable z defining the mean of
that Gaussian is modelled by a neural network and can be represented
as follows
Decoder part of the VAE.

The overall architecture is then obtained by concatenating the encoder

and the decoder parts. However we still need to be very careful about
the way we sample from the distribution returned by the encoder
during the training. The sampling process has to be expressed in a way
that allows the error to be backpropagated through the network. A
simple trick, called reparametrisation trick, is used to make the
gradient descent possible despite the random sampling that occurs
halfway of the architecture and consists in using the fact that if z is a
random variable following a Gaussian distribution with mean g(x) and
with covariance H(x)=h(x).h^t(x) then it can be expressed as

Illustration of the reparametrisation trick.

Finally, the objective function of the variational autoencoder

architecture obtained this way is given by the last equation of the
previous subsection in which the theoretical expectancy is replaced by
a more or less accurate Monte-Carlo approximation that consists,
most of the time, into a single draw. So, considering this
approximation and denoting C = 1/(2c), we recover the loss function
derived intuitively in the previous section, composed of a
reconstruction term, a regularisation term and a constant to define the
relative weights of these two terms.

Variational Autoencoders representation.

The main takeways of this article are:
● dimensionality reduction is the process of reducing the
number of features that describe some data (either by selecting
only a subset of the initial features or by combining them into
a reduced number new features) and, so, can be seen as an
encoding process
● autoencoders are neural networks architectures composed of
both an encoder and a decoder that create a bottleneck to go
through for data and that are trained to lose a minimal
quantity of information during the encoding-decoding process
(training by gradient descent iterations with the goal to reduce
the reconstruction error)
● due to overfitting, the latent space of an autoencoder can be
extremely irregular (close points in latent space can give very
different decoded data, some point of the latent space can give
meaningless content once decoded, …) and, so, we can’t really
define a generative process that simply consists to sample a
point from the latent space and make it go through the decoder
to get a new data
● variational autoencoders (VAEs) are autoencoders that tackle
the problem of the latent space irregularity by making the
encoder return a distribution over the latent space instead of a
single point and by adding in the loss function a regularisation
term over that returned distribution in order to ensure a better
organisation of the latent space
● assuming a simple underlying probabilistic model to describe
our data, the pretty intuitive loss function of VAEs, composed
of a reconstruction term and a regularisation term, can be
carefully derived, using in particular the statistical technique
of variational inference (hence the name “variational”
To conclude, we can outline that, during the last years, GANs have
benefited from much more scientific contributions than VAEs. Among
other reasons, the higher interest that has been shown by the
community for GANs can be partly explained by the higher degree of
complexity in VAEs theoretical basis (probabilistic model and
variational inference) compared to the simplicity of the adversarial
training concept that rules GANs. With this post we hope that we
managed to share valuable intuitions as well as strong theoretical
foundations to make VAEs more accessible to newcomers, . However,
now that we have discussed in depth both of them, one question
remains… are you more GANs or VAEs?

But, the calculation of p(x) can be quite difficult

This usually makes it an intractable distribution. Hence, we need to approximate

p(z|x) to q(z|x) to make it a tractable distribution. To better approximate p(z|x) to
q(z|x), we will minimize the KL-divergence loss which calculates how similar two
distributions are:

By simplifying, the above minimization problem is equivalent to the following

maximization problem :

The first term represents the reconstruction likelihood and the other term ensures
that our learned distribution q is similar to the true prior distribution p.

Thus our total loss consists of two terms, one is reconstruction error and other is
KL-divergence loss:

In this implementation, we will be using the Fashion-MNIST dataset, this dataset
is already available in keras.datasets API, so we don’t need to add or upload

● First, we need to import the necessary packages to our python environment.

we will be using Keras package with tensorflow as a backend.

● python3

# code

import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow import keras

from tensorflow.keras import Input, Model

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer, Conv2D, Flatten, Dense,

Reshape, Conv2DTranspose

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

● For variational autoencoders, we need to define the architecture of two parts

encoder and decoder but first, we will define the bottleneck layer of
architecture, the sampling layer.
Web link: https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-variational-autoencoders-vaes-f70510919f73
1. “Principles of Soft Computing, 2nd Edition” by S.N. Sivanandam & SN
Deepa, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

Book link https://www.amazon.in/Principles-Soft-Computing-


2. Link : https://analyticsindiamag.com/6-types-of-artificial-neural-
3. https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-variational-autoencoders-vaes-f70510919f73
4. Vedio Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

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