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A2 Key For School Practice Test Plus 2020

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Cambridge English Qualifications


Tests Plus with Key
A2 Key also su table for Schools


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Kathryn Aleuizos * Shdtbh Ashrtoii)'

Joanna Kcsta
■.’■■n.I Rcw fiTz-iii-i
Q u e stio n s 1 - 6
For each question, choose the correct answer.

A M r Jones would like students to

practise quietly.
Quiet please!
Students are using this B Mr Jones does not want people to
talk loudly here.
room to practise for the
C M r Jones wants to know which
end-of-term concert. students were noisy.
Mr Jones

Why did Hannah write this message?

Hi everyone,
A to tell her friends how to contact her
I've lost my phone so don't
try to call or text me! B to find out if anyone has seen her
However, I'll be near my phone
computer most of the day.
Hannah C to check if her friends are going out

A You should not exercise here in wet

Highlands Park weather.

Outdoor fitness equipment B It’s not safe to use this equipment at

for over 12s only the moment.

Danger- don’t use in rain C Children under 12 must be with an

adult when using this equipment.




Jenny is asking Pete to

A lend her some football boots.

Have you still g o t those
B return some football boots to her.
fo o tb a ll boots I lent
you? M y brother's ones
C borrow some boots from his brother.
are to o small fo r him
now so he w ants them .

A Opening hours will change on

May 18th.
Superstars Sports Store
B A big clothes sale begins here
We’re closing on on May 18th.
Saturday May 18th.
C It w on’t be possible to shop here
Big discounts on after May 18th.

clothes until then!

I New Message - f X I
W hat Is Mrs Kenton doing in this email?
To: Harry Cc Bcc

From: M rs Kenton A suggesting a subject for Harry’s

The a rt exhibition's n e xt w eek and i'd painting
love to include your w ildlife painting.
Do you th in k it'll be ready by the n? B offering to help Harry with
his painting

checking how soon Harry can finish

his painting



Questions 7 - 1 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Chris Emily Daniel

7 W ho always visits m useum s when they travel? A B C

8 W ho says it is im portant to visit the same museum several times? A B c

9 Who likes museums where the exhibitions often change? A B c
10 Who says that m useum s should have friendly staff? A B c
11 Who says that they som etim es only look at a few things in a room? A B c
12 W ho leams more in a m useum than in a classroom? A B c
13 W ho prefers going around a m useum w ith a guide to going alone? A ,B c




H o w im p o rta n t a re m u s e u m s to you?
We asked three young people this question and this is w hat they told us.

Chris A lot of my friends think museums are boring but I

love them. I prefer ones where they move things round

regularly, and bring in new things to keep it interesting.

I also like to have things to listen to as well as look at.

I suppose I like museums because I’m really interested

in history and art. We study these subjects at college,

but I’ve actually found out a lot more about them from

museums than from my textbooks.

I’m lucky because I live in New York, so there are lots

o f great museums for me to visit. One thing I’ve learnt

is that you should never try to see a whole museum

the first tim e you go. Just go to one or tw o rooms, and

then return as often as you can to see the rest. For me,

it’s im portant that the people who work in the museum

are pleasant, and happy to talk to me about the things

in the exhibition. That makes a big difference.

Daniel I d on’t go to museums much, except during my

holidays in new cities. Then I make sure I spend at

least a day going to the m ost fam ous ones. If it’s a

big museum and I don’t have much time, I sometimes

walk into a room and choose just five things to look

at. I also take a tour if there is one, as I learn so much

more from listening to the person showing us round

than I do if I’m by myself.


A /


Questions 1 4 - 1 8
For each question, choose the correct answer.

H o w I s p en d m y fre e tim e
Jay Portman describes his unusual hobby,
running, and tells us why he enjoys i t

Hill running is the sport of running up and dov

and mountains, through open countryside. It’:

popular among my friends, but I love It. My di

me and my brothers out running when we we

and then when I was about fifteen, I joined a \

running club, called the York Merlins.

There are some excellent runners In the club. When we do our practice runs, I’m

always a long way behind them. But that doesn’t bother me. They’re all really

nice and often give me advice. What I love is being outdoors and finding all these

beautiful places I never knew were there.

We race against other clubs at the weekends. In these races, runners are told where

to finish, but not how to get there. You need a good map and compass so you don't

get lost. Everyone starts together at the beginning, but later in the race you often

find yourself running alone.

Anyone can enter these races - you just get there in the morning, pay your £5, and

run. There are no T-shirts or medals for the winners. The most you get is a piece of

cake! Often there are international hill running champions taking part, but they are

just as friendly as everyone else.

That doesn’t mean it’s an easy sport. Last weekend I did a race in heavy rain and

high winds, and I was asking myself what I was doing out there. But I got to the end,

and that was an amazing feeling.


14 Jay's first experience of hill running was with

A a club.

B some friends.

C his family.

15 How does Jay feel about the good runners in his club?

A He’d like to be as fast as them one day.

B He doesn’t mind that they are better than him.

C He thinks they should help slower runners improve.

16 What does Jay say is important in the races he enters?

A listening to the instructions

B staying close to other runners

C being able to find your way

17 What do we leam about the races from the fourth paragraph?

A They don’t have big prizes.

B They are only for local runners.

C They are free for some people to enter.

18 W hat does Jay say about the last race he did?

A The bad weather made it dangerous.

B He was very happy when he finished it.

C It wasn’t as difficult as some races he has done.

o \



Questions 1 9 - 2 4
For each question, choose the correct answer.

D ak o ta Fanning

Dakota Fanning was born on February 23rd 1994, in

Georgia, USA. She began acting classes at a very

(19).......... ....age and starred in her first TV advert when

she was just five years old.

After that, she had a long and successful (20)..............

as a child actor in both TV shows and films. In 2001,

she (21) _v an important prize for her part in the

film I am Sam. Over the next ten years, she acted with many big Hollywood stars,

including Reese Witherspoon, Tom Cruise and Kurt Russell.

Dakota Fanning is different from many child actors because her success continued

as she (22)............... up and became an adult. In 2018, she (23)................. to TV for

the first time in ten years, starring in a popular police drama set in the nineteenth

century. (24)............... The Alienist.

19 A small B early c little

20 A career B job c occupation

21 A did B earned Ọ won

22 A got 8 grew c went

23 A returned B changed c arrived

24 A said B told c called


Questions 25 - 30
For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Example: about

New Message _ / X
From: Tom
To: Rob

I'm w riting 0 about my party on Saturday. Thanks so 25

fo r offering to help me get everything ready, 26 don't you

come over to my place tom orrow 27 school? We can have
dinner together and start planning, 28 are lots o f things to
think about!

Also, I wanted to 29 you know that I'm going to invite a girl

called Hannah to the party. She's just m oved into the house next door
to mine, so it wi 30 a good way fo r her to meet people and
make friends.

Text me if you can come tom orrow.


Question 31
You want to go shopping for some new clothes on Saturday.
Write an email to your English friend, Ashley.

In your email:
• ask Ashley to come with you
• explain why you need new clothes
• say where you’d like to go shopping.

Write 25 words or more.

Question 32
Look at the three pictures.

Write the story shown in the pictures.

Write 35 words or more.


Questions 1 - 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What time will Josh and Hannah meet?


2 How much did the girl pay for her tennis shoes?

3 W hich notebook was left in the classroom?


nP "

J t
4 Which after-school sport will the boy do this term?

Questions 6 - 1 0
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.

You will hear a girl leaving a message about band practice.

-x m iitiih tï

Band practice fo r school concert

Date of concert: 21st M a y

Day of practice: (6)................

Name of room: (7)................

Time: (8)................ p.m.

W hat to bring: (9) .....

Number to call: (10)................


Questions 11 - 1 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Maria talking to her friend Darren about a dance school.

11 The dance school Maria goes to is

A near her home.

B in the town centre.

C at her college.

12 What kind of dance is Maria learning at the moment?

A modern dance

B street dance

C jazz dance

13 How much did Maria pay for her dance classes?

A £25

B £75

C £100

14 Why does Darren want to do dance classes?

A to get fit

B to have fun

C to make new friends

15 Darren agrees to meet Maria next Saturday

A at the bus stop.

B at Maria’s home.

C at the dance school.

Questions 1 6 - 2 0
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear two friends talking. Where are they?

A at home

B in a restaurant

C on a train

17 You will hear two friends talking in a clothes shop. What doesn’t the man like about the jacket?

A its colour

B its price

C its length

18 You will hear a woman talking on the radio. What is she doing?

A giving instructions

B describing a meal

C offering advice

19 You will hear two friends talking at home. What have they just broken?

A a game

B a glass

C some furniture

20 You will hear a man describing a painting. What is the painting of?

A a street

B a forest

C a person


Q u e stio n s 21 - 25

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You w ill hear Pete talking to a friend about his holiday plans.

W hat is his plan fo r each day?

E xam ple:

M onday

Days Plans

21 Tuesday A do som e sport

B go shopping
22 W ednesday
C go sightseeing

23 Thursday
D go to the theatre

24 Friday E rest

F see a film
25 Saturday
G study

H visit a friend
Part I (3 —4 m in u te s )

The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself.
® W hat's your name?
• How old are you?
• Do you work or are you a student?
• Where do you come from?
• Where do you live?

Now, let’s talk about food.

A, what do you usually have for breakfast?

How often do you go to cafés or restaurants?

B, where do you eat lunch at weekends?

In your family, w ho cooks the best food?

Extended response
Now A, please tell me something about your dinner yesterday. Extra questions
Where did you have dinner?
Now, let’s talk about evenings. Who did you eat with?
B, how often do you go out in the evening? What did you eat?
What work or studying do you do in the evening?

A, what do you like doing best in the evening?

When do you usually go to bed?

Extended response
Now B, please tell me something about what you will do this evening. Extra questions
Where will you spend this evening?
Will you play computer games this
How do you think you will feel at
the end of this evening?

.0 s

,5 > \

j j


Part 2 ( 5 - 6 m in u te s )

The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk
about the things they show.
Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.
(Turn to the pictures on page 164.)

Here are some pictures that show different sports.

Do you like these different sports? Say why or why not. I’ll say that again.
Do you like these different sports? Say why or why not.
All right? Now, talk together.

( ^ ) about 1-2 minutes

The examiner will ask vou at least one question each.
Do you th in k ... Extra questions
... playing basketball is fun? Why?/Why not?
... sailing is expensive? What do you think?
... running in a race is hard?
... riding a horse is easy?
... cycling is good for you?
So, A, which of these sports do you like best?
And you, B, which of these sports do you like best?

about 1-2 minutes

Thank you.

Now, which is more interesting, playing sports or watching sports, B? (Why?)

And what about you, A? (Which is more interesting, playing sports or watching sports?)

Did you enjoy sport when you were at school, A? (Why?/Why not?)
And you, B? (Did you enjoy sport when you were at school?) (Why?/Why not?)

( ^ ) maximum 2 minutes

jO ''
Thank you. That is the end of the test.

y <5>
o.0 y

A *
Questions 1 - 6
For each question, choose the correct answer.

A No student can take more than five

books out of the library.
School Library

Use your student card to B If you need more than five books you
m ust get a student card.
borrow books
C Five students still need to collect
Only five books per student
TIP STRIP their books from the school library.

Q uestion I : W hat does

the notice say about 'five
books? W hich option
matches this sentence?

Q uestion 2: W hat does

'to get to school' mean?
Find an option that has This notice gives students information
this meaning, in different
words. Greenview School
Q uestion 3: Read the Cycling allowed, A where to leave cycles and
options carefully. W hat skateboards.
does the notice say
but students may not
about adults/children use skateboards to B w hy skateboards are dangerous.
and prices? D o options
get to school.
A and C match this?
\ C how they can travel to school.

Each child must have an adult with

B o a t f f o r h ir e
B There is more information to read
2 0 mini indoors.

C Find out about prices in the office.

Children ¿ 2 . 0 0 s>
Full fafety detailf in office


A *

Where does Jack think his gloves are?

To: Everyone in Class 3 B & Bcc
From : Jack
A in the classroom
I can’t find my new black gloves —
B at his home
please check you didn’t take th e m
home fro m school by m istake! C with one of his friends

Q ue stion 4: W ho is
Jack writing to? W hat
does he think has
happened to his gloves?

Q uestion S: Read
the message carefully.
What is Susan doing in this message? W hat plan did Jackie and
< Back lo r.ta c ts
Susan have? W hat is the
A offering to go shopping with Jackie problem? W hat does
Susan want to do?
The weather's really B suggesting she and Jackie change Q uestion 6: Read the
bad. I don't think it's a their plan notice. W hat does it say
good idea to go to the about paying and about
town centre, do you? C asking Jackie where they should the forms? W hat will
Let's find another date. meet each other happen if members do
not pay by Friday?

What must club members decide?

A where to keep important documents

longdrive Football Club
B how much new members should pay
You must pay by this Friday to

continue being a member next year. & C if they want to stay at the club
Forms available from the
manager's office

/ V

>9 /


Questions 7 - 1 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.

A ctive A rt Dance! You and Me

7 Which show is on twice a week? A B C

8 Which show is about a group of friends? A B C

9 Which show teaches you how to A B C

do something?

10 Which show is a comedy? A B C

11 Which show is about someone who A B C

wants to change her life?

12 Which show has a well-known star? A B C

13 Which show Is good for people of all ages? A B C

You may find information about a topic in more than one text, but only one text will answer the question

Q uestion 7: Be careful! The w ord 'twice' is in te xt C, but does this bit o f information answer the question?

Q uestion 8: W hat does They become dose' mean in text B?

Q uestion 9: Which tw o texts have information about teaching and learning? W hich one gives the answer to
this question?

Q uestion 10: W hich tw o shows will make you laugh? W hat is a 'comedy'? W hat kind o f show is Active Art?

Q uestion 11: W hich tw o shows are about a girl? W hich of these girls wants a different kind o f life?

Q uestion 12: One te x t mentions 'a big star' and another has the phrase 'world-famous'. Read these sections
carefully and decide which gives you the answer to the question.

Q uestion 13: Find the information in each text about who the show is for. Find a phrase that has a similar
meaning to ‘people o f all ages'.


A *
T h re e g re a t T V sh o w s

A Active Art

Active A rt is a new show for 12-15-year-olds. Each week, the world-famous artist

Tony Moldino shows viewers how to make an amazing work of art. He’s great in

front of the camera and surprisingly funny. Last w eek’s show was all about painting

faces. This week, it’s drawing with pencil and next week, it’s digital photography.

You can see Active A rt every Tuesday and Thursday at 5.00 p.m.

B Dance!

Dance! is a new drama for teenagers, about the lives of teachers and students

at a dance school in New York. The most im portant person in the story is Tina

Giles, a young girl from a poor part of town who dreams of becoming a big star.

On her first day at the school she meets Joe, Heather and John. They become

close and together they have many exciting adventures. Dance! is on every Monday

night at 7.00.

C You and Me

The new series of You and Me returns this Saturday at 6.00 p.m. with a special show

th a t’s tw ice as long as usual. This show is perfect for the whole family to watch

together, as everyone will find something to laugh at. Each week, we get a different

story about the life of Harriet, a high school student. In this week’s episode, her

younger brother gets a part in the school play. Harriet wants to be in the piay too

and does everything she can think of to make this happen!

•a OT
Questions 1 4 - 1 8
For each question, choose the correct answer.

If you are not sure o f an
answer to a question,
then guess.

Q u e s tio n 14; Find

th e te x t in the first
Playing music in a rock band is a great way to meet people who are interested in
paragraph that names
the instruments. W hich the same things as you. and to have a lot of fun. The first thing you’ll need to do
instrument does the
w rite r say you ‘must is decide what instruments you want in your band. Most bands have one or two
guitars, a singer, drums and keyboards, but you can change this. However, every
Q u e s tio n i 5: In the
second paragraph, band must have drums - you will need someone who can play those.
the w rite r talks about
making a poster and The next thing is to find your bandmates. Begin by making a poster. Describe the
putting it up in your
school o r college. W hich kind of music you want to make and the instruments you want in your band. Put the
option matches the
meaning o f this?
poster up in your school or college and ask your friends if they know anyone who

Q u e s tio n f 6: Look at
would like to join.
the paragraph about
changing the band name. Once you have a band, you’ll need to quickly think of a name. The best way to do
W hich information
this is to spend two hours with your bandmates, writing down hundreds of ideas.
shows that C is wrong?
W h y is A wrong?
Most will be ready bad, but there will be a few good ones. Choose something
Is th e re anything in
the paragraph about surprising and interesting, that people won’t be able to forget.
changing the name?
Next, you’ll need to practise as much as you can. You will need a place where you

can make a lot of noise without making your neighbours angry. Trying to play quietly
/ _0 /
will not help you get better. Don’t spend time learning songs written by other people.

Try writing your own. And don’t be afraid of writing about your normal everyday

experiences. All bands begin like this.


A *
14 Which instalment does the writer think is most important in a band?

A drums

B guitars

C keyboards

15 What does the writer suggest in the second paragraph?

A listen to your classmates’ bands

B advertise in the place where you study

C ask your friends to join your band T IP STRIP

Q uestion 17: Read

16 What does the writer say about choosing a band name?
the final paragraph
A Make sure it is easy to remember. carefully. Find the text
about practising, learning
B Be ready to change it if it is not popular. other band’s songs and
writing songs. Which
C Spend a few weeks thinking about it.
information matches the
meaning o f an opftion in
17 The writer thinks it is important for new bands to question 17?

A write songs about unusual things. Q uestion 18: Think

about the writer's reason
B begin by learning famous songs.
for writing this text. Is
C play loudly when they practise. the w riter describing
their own band o r
another band? Is the
18 What is the best title for this article?
w rite r giving advice? If so,
A The world’s best rock band which option matches
this idea?
B How to start a rock band

C My life in a rock band


Questions 19 - 24
For each question, choose the correct answer.

T asm anian devils

Tasmanian devils are about the size of a small dog. They have a coat of dark fur with
! !
a few tighter areas on some (19) ... of their bodies. Their heads are large and

they have very strong teeth.

in the (20)................ , Tasmanian devils lived all over Australia, but today they are only

(21) on the island of Tasmania in the south-east of the country.

Tasmanian devils are meat-eaiers and are active at night. They usually eat animals
Read through the te x t
that are already dead, but also catch (22)................like snakes, birds, fish and
carefully to understand
insects. Like many Australian animals, including the kangaroo, Tasmanian devils are
what it is about. Then
try to answer the ‘marsupials’. This (23) their babies are very small when they are born. Their
mothers carry them in a special pocket (24)................ a ‘pouch’ on the front of their
Q u e s tio n S9: Only
one o f these words bodies until they are big and strong.
completes the phrase.
W hich one is it?

Q u e s tio n 20: W hich

w ord can you use w ith 19 A pieces B places C parts
'the' to talk generally
about 'the tim e before
20 A history B past c century
now ’?

Q u e s tio n 2 I : This 21 A found B looked c watched

sentence tells you where
Tasmanian devils live, so 22 A examples B things c ways
which verb is correct?

Q u e s tio n 22; This

23 A means B decides c thinks
sentence is giving
examples but does the 24 A told B said c called
w ord ’examples’ frt in
the gap? Can snakes,
birds and fish be ‘ways’?

Q u e s tio n 23: This

sentence Is giving a
definition o f 'marsupial',
so which option fits

Q u e s tio n 24: W hich

o f these words do you
use to give the name o f V


Questions 25 - 30
For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Example: an

New Message _ *«X

From: Jason Cc Bcc

To: Tania

How are you? I'm writing to ask about the swimming club
you belong to. I'm having swimming lessons at my local pool and
my coach says I am now 25 best in the group. He says I'm
good 26 to join a club and swim in a team. What's yours like?
Q uestion 25: Which
27 you enjoy it? Is it expensive to join? word do you put in
front o f a superlative

Q uestion 26: The

missing word means 'the
necessary amount’

Q uestion 27: You need

New Message a question word here,
From: Tania Cc Bcc and notice that it is the
present simple tense.
To: Jason
Question 28: You need
do n't a question word that
My club is great! We're practising tomorrow, so 28
will complete a phrase
you come and meet everyone? 29 you decide you like it, you we use when making a
can join immediately, it's not expensive 30 don't worry about
Question 29: Which
the cost. word do we use to join
tw o ideas, when one will
B 5 S ................ only happen if the other
is true?

Question 30: You need

a word to introduce a



Question 31
Your English friend Chris was ill and hasn’t got the information about the school trip.
Write an email to Chris.

Tell Chris:
• when the school trip is happening
• where you are going
• how much It costs.

Write 25 words or more.

Begin your email with
Dear Chris o r Hi Chris.

End with From, fiest

w/shes o r See you soon,
and your name.

Remember to include
information about all
three o f the points.




Q u e s tio n 3 2

Look at the three pictures.

Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.

Look carefully at the
pictures. Think about
what is happening in
each one. W h o are the
people? W h a t are they
doing? Why?

Think about the order

o f the events/actions in
the story. Use words like
then, and after that to
link them.



For each question, choose the correct answer.

What wili the weather be like tomorrow?


Where are the boys going to meet their friend Dave?

You will hear each
recording twice, so don't
w o rry if you are n o t
sure o f the answer after
the firs t listening.

Q u e s tio n I : Look
carefully at th e pictures.
You hear something
about each one. W hich Which birthday card does Nicole choose?
picture shows today’s
weather? W h a t does
the man say about rain?
W h a t did the woman
hear on th e radio?

Q u e s tio n 2: H ow do
you know they will not
m eet at the cinema?
H o w many people are
going to th e burger

Q u e s tio n 3: There are

tw o things Nicole does
not want on her card.
W h a t are they? W h a t
does 'countryside' mean?
W hich card shows this?

4 What did the woman repair?

1 Ö


Q ue stion 4: Be careful!
B The woman uses the
w ord 'repair’ when
5 Where will they stay when they are on holiday? talking about the lamp.
But what does she say?
Did she repair it?

Q uestion 5: What's the

problem with camping?
And what does the man
say about hotels? W hich
idea does he like best?

O ''

.N >v
Questions 6 - 1 0
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number oi
date or a time.

You will hear a woman leaving a message for a friend about a trip to the theatre.

Theatre trip

Name cf show: Forest

Day: (6).

Price of my ticket: (7) £

Travel by: (8).

Name cf café to meet at: (9) Café

Time to meet: (10). p.m.

Make sure you understand the context before you sta rt listening. W h a t will the recording be about?

W h o w ill th e speaker be?

Q u e s tio n 6: You hear tw o days mentioned, but only one completes the gap correctly.

Q u e s tio n 7: You w ill hear tw o prices m entioned here, but only one completes th e gap correctly. W rh e your
answer in numbers, n o t words, as you w ill be less likely to make a mistake.
Q u e s tio n 8: W h a t w ords do you know fo r ways o f travelling? Bus, car, train, b/fce? Listen carefully.

Q u e s tio n 9: This question will test yo u r ability to take down a spelling. Practise th e English alphabet often,

Q u e s tio n 10: Here you will w rite a tim e. W rite it in numbers, n o t words, as you w ill be less likely to make
a mistake.

Questions 1 1 - 1 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Ruben and his friend Amy talking about their computers.

11 Ruben bought his tablet because

A it has free games.

B he liked the size.

C the camera was good.

12 Ruben plans to sell his tablet

A at a local shop.

B to his brother.
C on the internet.
Before the recording
13 How much does Ruben want for his tablet? starts, you will have time
to read through the
A £200. questions. The questions
w ill tell you what you
B £300. are going to hear and
guide you through the
C £500.

14 What does Amy like most about her laptop? Q uestion I I : Ruben
talks about the size,
A the speakers the camera and games,
but which one was his
B the memory
reason for buying the
C the screen tablet?

Q uestion 12: Ruben

15 Ruben and Amy will meet on says he is going to put
an advertisement online.
A Saturday afternoon.
W hich option does this
B Sunday morning. match?

C Sunday afternoon, Q ue stion 13: Ruben

says Td like to get
around . . Is this a hope
for the future o r about
the past?

Q ue stion 14: Amy likes

all these things - but
which does she say is the

Q ue stion 15: W hen is

Amy busy? W hen is she

Questions 1 6 - 2 0
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear tw o friends talking about a birthday present.

What kind of present is it?

A a ticket

B a magazine

C a camera

17 You will hear tw o friends talking about running.

What does the woman say about running?

A It’s easy to hurt yourself.

B It’s the best way to exercise.

C It’s becoming more popular.
Q uestion 16: Look at
the options and then
listen carefully to the
18 You will hear a woman talking about her new job.
vocabulary the speakers How does she feel about it?
use. W hat has 'articles',
A surprised it is so much fun
'photos', pages’ and
'competitions’? B worried because it’s difficult
Q uestion 17: Look at C upset about some of her colleagues
options A, B and C. All
these ideas are in the
19 You will hear tw o friends talking.
te x t but the woman
What have they just done?
only says one o f them.
A seen a film
Q uestion 18: Listen to
what the woman says at B had a meal
the beginning and end o f
the conversation. Which C met a friend
option does this match?
20 You will hear a man talking on the phone.
Q uestion l9 :T h e yta lk
What is he doing?
about a friend, but did
they see him tonight? A explaining a problem
They talk about a meal,
but have they eaten yet? B asking for advice

Q uestion 20: Listen C making an appointment

carefully for why the
man is talking. Does he
ask for advice? Does
he already have an

Questions 21 - 25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Rita talking to a friend about her fam ily’s hobbies.
What hobby does each person have?


People Hobbies

21 sister A acting

B collecting toys
22 brother
C computer games
You will hear the people
23 mum in the same order as in
D cooking
the listening te x t You will
hear the exact words e.g.
24 dad E making music
'sister'. You may hear the
options A - H as they
F photography are written, o r you may
25 grandad hear words that mean
G travelling the same thing. Listen
H watching films
Question 21: W hich
option matches 'going
round the world. She’s in
Thailand at the moment.'

Question 22: You hear

something about music
and something about
video games. W hich is
the answer?

Question 23: Mum

buys old dolls and has
lots o f them. W hich
hobby does this match?

Question 24: If
someone is in a play,
what are they doing?

Question 25: You hear

the word ’computer',
but what is the correct


A *
Part I ( 3 - 4 m in u te s )

P a rt I Phase I
My name's ... The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself.
I'm ... years old. • W hat’s your name?
I'm a student/l work in a
« How old are you?
® Do you w ork or are you a student?
I come from .../I’m from
.,. (Which country? • Where do you come from?
How do you say your s Where do you live?
country in English?)

I live in ... (You can say

the name o f your village,
town or city.)

Now, let’s talk about home

A, how many rooms are there in your home?
Which is your favourite room?
B, where do you eat meals in your home?
Part I Phase 2
What do you like to do in your living room?
H om e
A Say how many and
Extended response
give their names, e.g.
Extra questions
kitchen/living room/ Now A, please tell me something about
bo throom/bedrooms. How many people live in your home';
the people you live with.
Say which room and
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Now, let’s talk about reading. Who is the youngest person in your
why. Is it comfortable/
warm/attractive? B, how often do you read a book or a magazine? home?
B Say which room. Do What kind of books do you like?
you always eat in the
A, where do you like to read? Extra questions
same room?
Where do you get your books and magazines? W hat’s your favourite book about?
Say the activities. Do When did you read the book?
you watch TV/listen to
Extended response Why do you like it?
music/chat with your
family? Now, B, please tell me something about your
favourite book.
Extended response
Say how many and who
they are. Your parents/
brother (s) /s iste r(s)/ P a rt I Phase 2
Reading Extended response
Also, what are their B Say how often, e.g. every day/in the evenings/once a week/only at the Give the title and say what it is
names? How old are weekends/never. about.
they? Do they w ork or
Say the kind of books. Do you like books that make you laugh/stories/ Also, say when you read it and
books about facts? why you like it. Is it interesting/
A Say where. In your room? In bed? A t school? On the bus? exciting/sad/easy/long/short? Did
it teach you something?
Do you borrow them from the library/from friends? Do you get them
as presents? Do you buy them in a bookshop? /* ? /

A v

Part 2 ( 5 - 6 m in u te s )

v :.Wmmm
P a rt 2 Phase I
The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the Name the five ways o f
things they show. travelling you can see in
the pictures.
Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.
Explain why you like o r
(Turn to the pictures on page 165.)
don't like each one. Is
Here are some pictures that show different ways of travelling. it expensive/siow/fast/
Do you like these different ways of travelling? Say why or why not. I'll say that again.
Say which is your
Do you like these different ways of travelling? Say why or why not.
favourite, e.g.
All right? Now, talk together.
My favourite vwjy of
travelling is .. .11 like

travelling b y ... better
about 1-2 minutes than all the others// think
the best way to travel
The examiner will ask you at least one question each.
Do you th in k ...
... travelling by train is fast?
Extra questions
... going on a boat is fun?
Why?/Why not?
... sitting in a car is comfortable?
What do you think?
... riding a bicycle is good for you?
... using the bus is expensive?
So, A, which of these ways of travelling do you like best?
And you, B, which of these ways of travelling do you like best?

(Q^) about 1-2 minutes

Thank you. P a rt 2 Phase 2
Try to explain why you
prefer travelling alone or
with friends. W hat do
you like to do when you
travel - talk o r listen to
Now, do you prefer travelling alone or with other people, B? (Why?) music?
And what about you, A? (Do you prefer travelling alone or with other people?) (Why?)
Think o f another way
What new way of travelling would you like to try, A? (Why? o f travelling that you
And you, B? (What new way of travelling would you like to try?) (Why?) have never tried, but
you would like to. It may
not be in the pictures,
e.g. flying in a plane o r

( 3 maximum 2 minutes
helicopter, o r going on a
motorbike. Say why.
Thank you. That is the end of the test.

Z o °/


A *
Questions 1 - 6
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Why has Sally written this message?

A to ask Jenny what time she is goir

Jenny, to the cinema
Are you still OK to go to
the cinema this evening? B to find out if Jenny would like a lift
My brother's taking me the cinema
there and if you like, we
can pick you up. C to suggest that Jenny meets her
Sally outside the cinema

0 A If you join the club, you must brine

your own equipment.
Club Members B You should return the club’s tennis
If you borrow tennis rackets after using them.
equipment, you must
C Members must let reception know
take it back to reception. when they have finished playing.

New Massage
Students going on the castle trip tomorrc
To: Students Cc Bcc will have to
From: Castle trip
A bring some money with them.
Tom orrow ’s trip includes e n try to the
castle but you'll need to buy lunch. B arrive at college at 8.00 a.m.
Please arrive 15 m inutes before bus
leaves college a t 8 a.m. C buy a ticket to get into

n »' I !-



A The sw im m ing class to d a y w ill be

30 m inutes shorter than usual.
No swimming class
B Everyone should arrive 30 m inutes
today - M r Qrey's ill. before th e sw im m ing class begins.

C It will be possible to sw im fo r an
Next week's lesson is extra 30 m inutes in th e next class.

30 minutes longer.

< Back

e J C o n ta cts
W hat is Zac doing in this m essage?

A ch e ckin g if Chris m inds starting a

m eal at 7 p.m.
I rang th e restaurant to
book a ta b le for Jon's B suggesting som ew here to go for
birthday meal, but one a meal
isn't available until 7 p.m.
Is th at tim e OK? C inviting Chris to a birthday meal

A You ca n n o t enter the m useum until

City Museum you have bought a ticket.

Visitors must leave B M useum sta ff will need to look inside

visito rs’ bags.
all backpacks with
staff at front desk. C You are not allow ed to take a
b a ckp a ck into the m useum .


Questions 7 - 1 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Kamil Mia Liam

7 Who says their favourite com puter game was a gift? A B C

8 Who often plays computer games with other people? A B C

9 Who has seen a new computer game they would like to buy? A B C

10 Who prefers playing computer games to doing sport? A B C

11 Who has got better at playing their favourite computer game? A B C

12 Who is not allowed to play computer games every day? A B C

13 Who prefers computer games that teach something? A B C


C o m p u te r g am es
Three teenagers talk about playing com puter games.


I spend about five hours a week playing com puter games. My parents

don’t mind because they know it’s less time than some teenagers spend

on the computer. I’ve got all kinds of games, but the ones I like most are

those where you learn things. I’ve got a brilliant game called ‘History Ship’.

It shows you what life was like on sailing ships hundreds of years ago and

it’s fun to play. There’s another interesting game I’d like to get called ‘Space

Journey’. It’s quite expensive, but I think I’ll have enough money for it soon.


Both of my brothers love being outdoors playing football, but the hobby

I enjoy most is playing computer games. My parents are OK with that

because they think you can learn a lot from playing games. The only thing

they say is that I can’t play games on the evenings I have homework. I’ve

got a variety of games, but my favourite is called ‘Forestworld’. A friend said

it was an amazing game, so I was really pleased when I got it as a present

for my birthday.


I’ve enjoyed playing computer games for as long as I can remember. I have

lots of different games, but the one I like most is called ‘Sea Adventure’. It’s

a really great game. I wasn’t very good at it at first, but I’ve improved and

can complete the different levels really quickly now. Several of my friends

like computer games too, so they come round to my house at the weekend

and we play together. It’s great fun!


Questions 1 4 - 1 8
For each question, choose the correct answer.

A ro u n d -th e -w o rld trip

Alice Woods and her brother Luke w ent on a special holiday.

When I was 16, my pa decided to take me and my brother Luke out of school

for six m onths to travel around the world. They wanted us to visit lots of different

countries and have new experiences. They said we were old enough to do that kind

o f trip and believed it was better for us than spending six months in the classroom.

We both had to continue with our studies during the trip, so nearly every day we

had online classes in subjects like maths and science. Our parents also made sure

we studied the history o f the places we visited, and when we had time, we went to

museum exhibitions or read guidebooks.

We did some fantastic things on the trip, like sailing along the Mekong River in

Vietnam and visiting the Taj Mahal in India. Luke enjoyed travelling around the

Amboseli National Park in Kenya. He’s interested in wildlife and loved seeing the

elephants. I enjoyed that too, but for me the best part was visiting the Rocky

Mountains in Canada. We camped there fo r a few days and the views were amazing!
/ v
It was a great trip, but now w e’re home again, I’ m happy to be back at school and
/ /
spending tim e with my classmates. Everyone asks if I missed things while I was

away - like my favourite food or having my own room - but I tell them not really. It

was an adventure and I enjoyed everything about it.

. n jt
14 Why did Alice’s parents decide to take the family on a round-the-world trip?

A They were a little bored with life at home.

B They believed it was a good way to learn new things.

C They wanted to visit other countries while the children were still young.

15 Alice says that most days she and Luke

A visited an exhibition.

B read a guidebook.

C did lessons on the internet.

16 What is Alice doing in the third paragraph?

A explaining how to plan a trip

B describing some activities they did

C giving advice to people who enjoy travelling

17 Which place did Alice enjoy visiting the most?

A the Taj Mahal in India

B the Rocky Mountains in Canada

C the Amboseli National Park in Kenya

18 How does Alice feel now that their trip has finished?

A glad to see her friends again

B happy to eat meals cooked at home

C pleased to be back in her own room


Questions 19 - 24
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Life b efo re m obile phones

Today, (19)...... ......... all teenagers have a mobile phone and cannot imagine life

without one. But most of their parents did not have a mobile phone when they were

young - the (20) of one did not even enter their heads.

Twenty-five years ago, young people did not (21)................to their friends on the

phone very much. There were phones in the home, but these were used by the

(22) family. Instead, young people often met up with their friends and did a

variety of activities with them.

Today, many parents are happy for their teenage children to have a phone. They

think there are good (23) ............for them having one. For example, if their children
are out, they can call them to (24)................where they are and what time they will

be home.

19 A already B nearly C easily

20 A idea B thing c difference

21 A say B tell c speak

22 A whole B full c extra

23 A ways B reasons c sorts

24 A look out B go out c find out

/¿ y


Questions 25 - 30
For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Example: 0 for

From: Stefan Cc Bcc

To: Josh

Thanks for your email. It was good to hear from you.

Are you doing anything this Saturday? The weather's going to be good,
so how 25 going for a bike ride?

26 you want, I can m eet you at 10 in the morning and we can

cycle to Bluewater Lake 27 do you think?

I I -

New Message
From: Josh Cc Bcc

To: Stefan

That's a great idea. I'd 29 to come.

Can we meet a little later? 1have 29 work on my history project

fo r a few hours in the m orning because I'm visiting my grandparents al
day on Sunday. 30 12 o'clock OK with you?

See you Saturday!


Question 31
Your friend Jo wants to know about your new home. Write an email to Jo.

In your email say:

• how far it is from the centre of town
• which room is your favourite
• what your new neighbours are like.

Write 25 words or more.


\ voN


Q uestion 32
Look at the three pictures.
Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.


Questions 1 - 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What does Lucy decide to buy?

2 What time will they meet at t


3 Which photo are they looking at?

4 How far will they cycle tom orrow?


5 Where is Anna going on holiday next year?


Questions 6 - 1 0
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or
a date or a time.

You will hear some information on the radio about a compétition to win tickets for a film

Competition to win film festival tickets

Name of film festival: Teen Film Festival

Date of this year's festival: (6 ).

Time festival starts: (7) p.m.

Number to send message to: (8)

What to include in message: (9) your name,..............

and your favourite film

Day you will know if you have won: (10)

Q uestions 1 1 - 1 5
For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Oliver talking to his friend
Noah about a cam ping trip.

11 Where is the cam psite they w ill visit?

A in the mountains

B next to the sea

C in a forest

12 Why does Oliver think it is a good campsite?

A It has got a small shop.

B The people are friendly,

C You can do activities there.

13 How will they travel to the cam psite?

A by bike

B by car

C by bus

14 W hat does Noah say the w eather will be like on Saturday?

A w et in the m orning

B sunny all day

C cloudy in the afternoon

What does Noah need to bring?

A some food

B a tent

C boots

Q uestions 1 6 - 2 0
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear a man talking about an art exhibition he went to.

Why did he like the paintings?

A They were beautiful.

B They were unusual.

C They were very old.

17 You will hear a man talking to his friend about his cycling trip.

What was a problem fo r the man?

A He felt very tired.

B The weather was bad.

C He forgot to pack something to eat.

18 You will hear Alice talking to Chris about a history project they are doing together.

Why can’t Chris do the project on Wednesday?

A He’s going to a concert.

B He’s playing sport.

C He’s going to a party.

19 You will hear a teenager talking to her friend about a science competition she took
part in, How did she feel about the competition?

A excited that she won

B happy that she made new friends

C pleased that she learnt something new

20 You will hear two friends talking about the volleyball club they belong to.

What does the girl like m ost about the club?

A the club coach

B the place the club meets

C the people w ho belong to the club

/ .V

/ /

/ * /
\ \ ° /

Q uestions 21 - 25

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear a boy talking to a friend about the activities their classmates are doing on
Saturday. W hat activity is each person doing on Saturday?


0 Leo E

C lassm ates A ctivities

21 Emma A doing homework

B going cycling
22 Ben
C going shopping

23 Sophie
D playing computer games

24 Helen E practising piano

F preparing a meal
25 Tim
G visiting a family member

H watching television


A **
Part I ( 3 - 4 m in u te s )

The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself.
• W hat's your name?
• How old are you?
• Do you work or are you a student?
• Where do you com e from?
• Where do you live?

Now, let’s talk about watching TV.

A, how often do you watch TV?
Who do you like watching TV with?
B, when did you last watch TV?
Do you watch sport on TV?

Extended response
Now A, please tell me something about your Extra questions
favourite television programme. What is your favourite
Now, let’s talk about studying. programme about?
Which day is your favourite
B, how many hours do you study each day?
programme on TV?
Do you like studying?
Do you watch your favourite
A, do you study at home in the evening? programme with your family?
Do you like studying alone or with other people?

Extended response
Now B, please tell me something about the subjects Extra questions
you enjoy studying. Which subject do you enjoy
studying the most?
Do you prefer doing sport to
Which subject do you not like





A *
Part 2 (5 -6 minutes)

The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the
things they show.
Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.
(Turn to the pictures on page 166.)
Here are some pictures that show different places in a city.
Do you like visiting these different places? Say why or why not. I’ll say that again.
Do you like visiting these different places? Say why or why not.
All right? Now, talk together.

( ^ ) about 1-2 minutes

The examiner will ask you at least one question each.
Do you think Extra questions
... watching football at a stadium is exciting? Why?AWhy not?
... shopping in a market is cheap? What do you think?
... castles are interesting?
... going to a park is nice?
... going to a museum is boring?
So, A, which of these places in the city do you like visiting the most?
And you, B, which of these places in the city do you like visiting the most?

( ^ ) about 1-2 minutes

Thank you.

Now, do you prefer visiting places with family or with friends, B? (Why?)
And what about you, A? (Do you prefer visiting places with friends or with family?) (Why?)
Do you prefer spending time in a city or the countryside, A? (Why?)
And you, B? (Do you prefer spending tim e in a city or the countryside?) (Why?)

maximum 2 minutes

Thank you. That is the end of the test.

Q u estio ns 1 - 6
For each question, choose the correct answer.

/ / A You will need to bring special sho

Climbing Centre to wear.
| v I
Open Tuesday-Sunday B You can do this activity on any da
of the week.
Bring comfortable sports
clothes - climbing shoes | C You should take the right kind of
clothes with you.
available at centre

W. M Contacts
Why has Felix written this message?

A to find out if Steve is interested in

Steve, going to a concert
I've just seen online
they've got a few tickets B to tell Steve that no more tickets ;
left for the Bluejay available for a concert
concert Saturday. I
know you like them. C to suggest to Steve that they go t
Text me back. different concert on Saturday

A You have to be quick if you want 1

buy a cheap com puter game.

Q am estore
B All the com puter games in this stc
are new titles,
25% discount on all
computer games C Some com puter games are half-
price in the sale
Over 50 titles available
Offer ends tomorrow JO



New Message _ it1 X A Students need to decide on their

To: Students cc Bcc project topic by Fr iday.
F ro m : M r Garside
B Students are allowed to work on
You can do your geography p ro je c t in their projects with a classmate.
pairs — b u t you have to agree on th e
topic. You m ust finish it by Friday. C Students should talk to the teacher
for advice about their project.

a m » ! -

A You need experience of cooking to

Interested in learning join this class.
to cook food from around
B You must bring with you the food
the world?
you’ll need for cooking a meal.
Go to Room 4 C Friday 7 p.m.
Everyone welcome - you do C You should go here if you’d like to
cook a variety of dishes.
not need to bring anything.

A The coach wants Jess to know there

Jess, will be practice twice a week now.

Your volleyball coach rang. B Jess should contact the coach to tel!
Practice has changed from Friday him if she’s available on Thursday
to Thursday evening (the same
time). Can you go then? He wants C The coach is telling Jess to stop
being late for basketball practice.
to know.
X s



Questions 7 - 1 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Becky Dom Josie

7 Who travels a long way to a pool? A B C

8 Who has come first in a swimming race? A B C

9 Who does swimming practice daily? A B C

10 Who writes online about swimming? A B C

11 Who swims faster now than 12 months ago? A ' B C

12 Who does various sports? A B C

13 Who swims at the same club as a family member? A B C


S w im m ing
Three teenagers talk about th e ir sport.


I’ve always loved swimming and a few years ago, I joined u

swimming club with my older brother. Our mum drives us to the

local pool every morning. It’s not far in the car, but practice starts

at Q a.m., so we have to get up early. My brother does other

sports and is fitter than me, but I’m hoping to improve and get

faster. Maybe one day, I’ll even win a competition!


My mum took me to the pool a lot when I was very young and

I’ve belonged to a swimming club since I was about seven. I now

swim for three hours every day except Monday. I need to stay

fit, so I run and go to the gym as well. I’ve always been a fast

swimmer and I’m lucky enough to have won a few competitions.

I’d like other teenagers to do more sport, so I’ve started a blog

about swimming and staying healthy.


I had to change my swimming club about a year ago because my

family moved house. I like my new club, but the coach makes us

work hard, in many ways, that’s a good thing. I’m much fitter and

my swim times have improved - for example, I can swim a length

of the pooi more quickly now. Unfortunately, our new house isn’t
close to the pool and it takes about an hour to get there. I’m

sometimes glad when it’s the weekend and I can stay at home!



Q uestions 1 4 - 1 8
For each question, choose the correct answer.

M y fash io n blog

17-year-old Jay den Spahn talks about her love of fashion.

I’ve loved clothes since I was about five. Each morning, i spend time thinking about

what to wear. My mum gets angry sometimes and tells me to hurry up, but I don’t

think it’s something you can decide quickly. It’s far too important.

Last year, after reading a fashion blog by Rachel, a 19-year-old student, I decided

to start one myself. Almost immediately, I posted my first blog. I was really pleased

when friends said they loved it - they especially liked the video I made called

A world o f fashion.

I post something new each day. I keep a fashion diary, where I describe what

I’m wearing, and every week I also post a photo of myself in my favourite clothes.

Most people say they like the photos. But, for me, the best part Is getting messages

from fans.

My parents think it’s good for me to have a hobby, and I still do all my homework,

so they’re happy for me to do the blog. The only thing they tell me is to be careful

about what I read online. They tell me not to worry if people post things that I don’t

agree with.

’m not really interested in becoming a fashion model - I think I might get bored with

someone taking my photograph every day! Maybe, when I’m older, I’ll start my own

clothes company, but before that I’m going to do a fashion course at college. I'm

already trying to choose the best one!


What do we learn about Jayden in the first paragraph?

A She gets her love of fashion from her mother.

B She chooses carefully which clothes to put on.

C She has many clothes she likes wearing to school.

15 Jayden began her fashion blog after

A she watched a video of a fashion show.

B she talked to her friends about starting one.

q she read a blog written by another teenager.

16 What does Jayden enjoy most about her fashion blog?

A posting photos of herself

B writing things in her fashion diary

C receiving messages from her fans

17 How do Jayden’s parents feel about her doing a fashion blog?

A pleased she is doing something she enjoys

B worried she will spend less time doing college work

C glad she is sharing her ideas with other young people

What has Jayden decided to do in the future?

A start her own company

B work as a fashion model

C study fashion at college

The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, about 1000 km off the coast

of Ecuador. There are thirteen main islands and seven smaller islands, as

(19)........... as a number of large rocks. The largest island, which is called

Isabella, is 4670 square km.

The islands are famous for their wide (20)................of plants and animals.

The nineteenth-century British scientist Charles Darwin visited several of the islan

and (21)............... the many different animals and plants he saw there.

Today, over 30 percent of the plants and animals on the Galapagos Islands cannc

be found anywhere else in the world, so many people who are (22)................

in nature visit the islands. (23)................, it is important that the islands are

(24)........... safe for the many animals that live there.

19 A soon B well C much

20 A kind B sort C variety

21 A learnt B studied c looked q

22 A special B interested c pleasant

23 A However B Actually c Unfortunately

24 A put B kept c taken


Questions 25 - 30
For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Example: for

New Message
From: Rafael Cc Bcc

To: Thomas

Thanks 0 for for agreeing to be my online friend. Let 25

tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Rafael and I'm 16 years old. I live in Madrid 26 my

parents and my brother Xavier, who is two years older 27 I am.
I go to 28 same school as my brother. We walk there together
29 day. I I

My hobby is football and I'm a Real Madrid fan. If I can get a ticket,
I go to the Bernabeu stadium to watch them play. How about you?
30 you got any hobbies?

'S * /



Question 31
You want to go for a picnic on Saturday with your English friend, Alex.
Write an email to Alex.

In your email:
• ask Alex to go for a picnic with you on Saturday
• say where you want to go for a picnic
• tell Alex what to bring.

Write 25 words or more.


Question 32
Look at the three pictures.
Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.




Questions 1 - 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What is Zac doing at the moment?

2 What time will Sam leave home?

3 Which animal did Jack see on his holiday?

o '

/ / J 'O* ■ /

Questions 6 - 1 0
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or
a date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a trip to a science museum.
Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice.

Ä SUO % ¥ ¥uQuqUii--

Trip to Science Museum

Day of trip: Thursday

Time to arrive at coliege: (6)................ a.m.

Number of students in each group: (7 )...............

Name of most important exhibition: (8 )........

What to take: (9 )...............

Total cost of trip: (10) £ ...............




Questions 1 1 - 1 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Amy and her friend Daniel talking about going to the cinema.

11 Which day did Amy go to the cinema with her cousin?

A Friday

B Saturday

C Sunday

12 What time did Amy and her cousin arrive at the cinema?

A 6.15

B 6.30

C 6.45

13 How much did Amy’s cinema ticket cost?

A £8.00

B £10.00

C £10.50

14 What did Daniel enjoy least about the last film he saw?

A the actors

B the music

C the story

15 What does Daniel say about the restaurant he went to after the cinema?

A His order took a long time.

B The food was delicious.

C Everything was expensive.

A y

\ o<}

Questions 1 6 - 2 0
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear Ben talking to his friend about his hol’day

What does Ben still need to pack for his holiday?

A some winter clothes

B a good book

C ski equipment

17 You will hear Lisa telling a friend what she did after college yesterday.

What did Lisa do first?

A She cooked dinner.

B She watched television.

C She did a college project.

18 You will hear David talking to a friend about running.

W hat’s David’s favourite time of day to go running?

A in the morning

B at midday

C in the evening

19 You will hear Sara talking to a friend about starting university.

W hat’s Sara going to do in the year before she starts university?

A get a job

B read lots of books

C travel around the world

20 You will hear Jack talking to a friend about playing the guitar.

What advice does Jack give his friend?

A find a teacher

B practise every day

C get a music book for beginners

Questions 21 - 25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Tess talking to a friend about the things her fam ily enjoy reading. W hat does
each person enjoy reading?


0 Sister D

People Things they enjoy reading

21 Mum A adverts

B blogs
22 Brother
C books

23 Dad
D comics

24 Grandma E emails

F magazines
25 Cousin
G newspapers

H text messages

A *
Part I (3-4 minutes)

The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself.
• W hat's your name?
• How old are you?
• Do you work or are you a student?
• Where do you come from?
• Where do you live?

Now, let's talk about music.

A, do you like listening to music?
How often do you listen to music?
B, where do you listen to music?
Do you like going to concerts with friends?

Extended response
Now A, please tell me something about your Extra questions
favourite music. Do you and your friends like
Now, let’s talk about holidays. listening to the same kinds
of music?
B, how often do you go on holiday?
What’s your favourite band called?
What do you like best about going on holiday?
Why do you like this band?
A, what do you like doing when you are
on holiday?
Who do you go on hoiiday with?

Extended response
Now B, please tell me something about the Extra questions
iast holiday that you went on. Where did you go for your last
What was the weather like on your
last holiday?
How did you feel after your last


Part 2 ( 5 - 6 m in u te s )

The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the
things they show.

Now, in this part o f the test you are going to talk together.
(Turn to the pictures on page 167.)
Here are some pictures that show different activities.
Do you like doing these different activities? Say why or why not. I’ll say that again.
Do you like doing these different activities? Say why or why not.
All right? Now, talk together.

( ^ ) about 1-2 minutes

The examiner will ask you at least one question each.
Do you th in k ... Extra questions
... skateboarding is fun? Why?/Why not?
... cooking is difficult? What do you think?
... chess is exciting?
... reading is boring?
... playing computer games is a good idea?
So, A, which of these activities do you like best?
And you, B, which of these activities do you like best?

about 1-2 minutes

Thank you.

Now, do you prefer doing activities alone or with other people, B? (Why?)
And what about you, A? (Do you prefer doing activities alone or with other people?)
Which is more fun, doing activities indoors or outdoors, A? (Why?)
And you, B? (Which is more fun, doing activities indoors or outdoors?) (Why?)

maximum 2 minutes

Thank you. That is the end of the test. O'*



Q uestions 1 - 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

A There are no buses after 10 p.m. on

London-Brighton Tuesdays.

Buses every hour B There is a bus at 8 o'clock on

from 07.00 until 22.00
C There are only seven buses a day to
[Mon-Sat] Brighton.

— rr—

A Children under three are not allowed

/ /
in the museum.
B 16-year-olds pay the same as adults
£5.50 (under-16-year-olds £3)
C It’s cheaper to buy your tickets at the
Online tickets half price museum.

Adam wants to tell Matt about a

< Back Contacts
o competition on the radio.

Hi Matt B Adam is inviting Matt to a basketball

I won tickets for the match.
basketball match on
Saturday. It was in a Adam has bought Matt tickets to a
competition on Radio Sport!
basketball match.
Do you want to go?
/& / •


y a

Emily w ould like Rosie to

sek lontact
A help her make some cakes.
Can you get me some B go to a picnic tomorrow.
sugar on your way home,
please? I want to make C buy some food for her.
some cakes for the picnic

A Students pay less fo r the room.

B You can rent the whole house.
Room in house t o rent!
C Anyone can rent the room now.
Available from March.
Discount fo r students.

077&7 G 5 2 5 4 2

What should Harry do?

< Back C o n t a c ts
A Write an email to Tony.
Hi Harry,
Can we change your guitar B Speak to Tony.
lesson this week? Are you
free on Wednesday? Give
me a call and we'll find
C See Tony on Wednesday.
Xj 0 \
another time. <0


Questions 7 - 1 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Chloë Ian Ben

7 Who does their hobby with a family member? A B C

8 Who began to be interested in their hobby at college? A B C

9 Who won a prize for their hobby? A B C

10 Who would like to do their hobby in different countries? A B C

11 Who often spends money on their hobby? A B C

12 Who is planning to buy some expensive equipment for their hobby? A B C

13 Who had help with their hobby from a friend? A B C


W h a t’s your hobby?


My love of windsurfing started when I was a child. It’s quite an expensive

hobby for most people, but I’m lucky because my unde owns a

windsurfing school I can go windsurfing for free with my cousins.

They’ve won prizes for windsurfing in different countries. I’m getting

better at windsurfing now. Next year, I’d like to buy my own board. I

need to save a lot of money first though!

! love art. My grandfather was an artist so maybe it’s in the family!

Unfortunately, I never met him, but I’ve seen his pictures. My love for

art started at college. I don’t go to college now, but I go to an art class

with my friend. I won’t win any prizes for my art - I’m not that good, but

I enjoy it. I also love art shops. I probably buy too much - I usually buy

something every week!

My hobby is music. I’m really lucky because my friend’s a drum teacher.

She’s taught me a lot. I now play the drums in a group. I only joined the

group last year, but w e’ve already played five concerts - two were at

a local college. We entered a music competition last month and won

£500! I’ve always loved music and my dream is to play in different cities 0N

around the world.


A «
Questions 14 - 18
For each question, choose the correct answer.

M y Love fo r Photography
By Eliza Brinkman

How did I get interested in photography? People

usually think it’s because of my uncle, the famous

photographer Oliver Brinkman. Maybe you’ve seen

his TV show, Pictures o f the World. However, I started

taking photos on a school trip. I remember my

grandma lent me her camera.

When I was 1 6 ,1studied photography at college. I remember feeling really worried

about the course. I loved taking photos but I wasn’t sure how good I was. And

sometimes it’s difficult having a famous uncle. People think you’ll be amazing too!

My first job was at the local newspaper. My neighbour heard that the newspaper

was looking for a photographer and suggested it to me. My mum said I should try

and get the job and I got it! When I arrived for my first day, I found out that an old

school friend was also working there.

After five years at the newspaper, I moved to London and started a job at the

fashion magazine Dream. I loved this job. I worked in a great team; I’ll always

remember how kind they were to me. I went to very interesting places and worked

with some famous models.

I now have my own company, ABC Photography. I have a team of photographers

who take photos for different magazines. My newest project is a photography

course that I’ve started at my company. I really want to use my experience in the

photography business to help new photographers. It’s very exciting!





14 Eliza first became interested in photography when

A she saw her uncle’s photographs.

B she borrowed her grandma’s camera.

C she watched a TV programme about photography.

15 When Eliza started college she f e lt ...

A worried that she was not good enough.

B excited about studying photography.

C lucky that she knew a famous photographer.

16 Who told Eliza about the job at the newspaper?

A an old friend from school

B her mum

C someone who lived near her

17 What will Eliza never forget about Dream magazine?

A her colleagues

B the places she visited

C the famous models

18 Eliza is teaching photography at her company because

A she thinks her team needs more training.

B she hopes to make more money.

C she wants to share what she has learnt.

/ & /


j r
Questions 19 - 24
For each question, choose the correct answer.

N e ttie Polano

Nettie Poiano is an unusual university student. So what makes her (19)................

from other university students? Nettie is amazing - she started university when she

was 14! Nettie is a teenage genius - a teenager who is (20)................ ciever.

She completed primary school in four years and secondary school in only three years!

Her ieachers saw she was much (21)................ than other students her age when she

was seven years old. They (22) Nettie’s parents how brilliant she was.
.... j
Two years iater, Nettie’s parents decided to take her out of school, Nettie

(23) her school studies at home with teachers who came to her house.

Nettie studies science at university. She chose this (24)................ because she

dreams of one day becoming the youngest person to travel into space.

19 A strange B different C alone

20 A especially B immediately C exactly

21 A older B bigger c better

22 A spoke B told c said

23 A finished B made c took

24 A level B term c subject




A *
r SÙ
Q uestions 25 - 30

For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Exam ple: at

I New Message _ x I
From: Cc Bcc


Dear Jack,

I'm sitting on the beach at the moment. I've just 25

swimming and soon I'm going to play beach volleyball with my sister
and some friends.

We're 26 a wonderful tim e. It's beautiful here. The water is a

little cold 27 it doesn't m atter because it's so hot outside.

We've visited some really interesting places and tom orrow we're going
to spend 28 whole day walking in the mountains. I've taken lots
29 photographs. I'll show you them 30 I see you.

W e'll be back next week. I'll call you then.



m m



Q uestion 31
You have lost your mobile phone. You want your English friend, Sam, to help you find it.
Write an email to Sam.

In your email:
. tell Sam w here you lost your mobile phone
• say w h y your mobile phone is important
• ask Sam to help you find it.

Write 25 w o rd s or more.

o \



Question 32
Look at the three pictures.
Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 w ords or more.





Q uestions 1 - 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.


3 W hat has Tom just finished doing?




A « *
Q uestions 6 - 1 0
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a num ber or
a date or a time.

You will hear Damien telling his friend about Anna’s surprise party.

Anna's surprise partu

Place: Banana Restaurant

Time: (6)..... ....... p.m.

Address: (7) 62..............Street

Travel by: (8 ).......

Bring: (9)

Damien's phone number: (10)

Questions 1 1 - 1 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Vivienne talking to her brother, Andy, about buying a new video game.

11 What was Vivienne doing when Andy came home?

A playing a video game

B shopping online

C eating

12 W hat’s the name of Vivienne’s new video game?

A Race Week

B Winner

C Star Driver

13 Vivienne bought the video game because

A she saw it on a TV show.

B her friend said it was good.

C she heard an advert for it on the radio.

14 Why does Vivienne prefer the shop Small World to Top Computers?

A there are more things fo r sale

B the prices are better

C the staff are friendlier

15 Andy says the shop Small World was

A very crowded.

B too noisy.

C not very light.


Q uestions 1 6 - 2 0

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You w ill hear J a ck leaving a m essage fo r his friend. W hat does Ja ck w ant his friend
to do?

A buy som e ticke ts

B co m e to a con cert on Saturday

C m eet J a c k ’s sister after w ork

17 You w ill hear a girl, Annabel, talking about her weekend. W hat does Annabel say
a b o ut cycling in the m ountains?

A It’s dangerous.

B It’s hard w ork.

C It’s beautiful.

18 You w ill hear a basketball coach talking to the basketball team . W hy m ust the team
d o extra practice before the m atch?

A He th in ks they can w in the m atch.

B The team isn’t playing very well.

C S om e players have m issed practice.

19 You w ill hear a boy, Daniel, talking about a restaurant. W hat does Daniel say about
the restaurant?

A The prices should be cheaper.

B The m eals should be bigger.

C The fo o d should be better.

20 You w ill hear a w om an talking to her neighbour about the weather. W hat w as the
w eather like last night?

A It w as cold.

B It w as w et.

C It w as windy.

A *

Questions 21 - 25
For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Tim talking to a friend about
an activity holiday. What activity did Tim do on each day?

0 Wednesday G

Days Activities

21 Thursday A fishing

B horse-riding
22 Friday
C playing board games

23 Saturday
D swimming

24 Sunday E tennis

F volleyball
25 Monday
G walking

H windsurfing

\ N'


-A *
Part I ( 3 - 4 m in u te s )

The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself.
• W hat's your name?
• How old are you?
• Do you w ork or are you a student?
• Where do you come from?
• Where do you live?

Now, let’s talk about shopping.

A, when do you like going shopping?
How often do you go shopping for clothes? Extra questions
B, who do you like going shopping with? Where is your favourite shop?
When did you last go shopping? Why do you like this shop?
What are the shop assistants like?
Extended response
Now A, please tell me something about your
favourite shop.
Now, let’s talk about sport.
B, what is your favourite sport?
Where can people play sport in your town?
A, who plays the most sport in your family?
What sport did you play when you were younger?

Extended response Extra questions

Now B, please tell me something about the What sport did you play/watch?
last tim e you played or watched sport. Who did you play/watch the sport
How did you feel when you were
playing/watching the sport?




The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the
things they show.
Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.
(Turn to the pictures on page 168.)
Here are some pictures that show different places to eat.
Do you like these different places to eat? Say why or why not. I’ll say that again.
Do you like these different places to eat? Say why or why not.
All right? Now, talk together.

( ^ ) about 1-2 minutes

The examiner will ask you at least one question each.
Do you th in k ... Extra questions
... picnics are boring? Why?/Why not? •
... eating at home is Interesting? What do you think?
... restaurants are expensive?
... cafes are a good place to eat?
... eating at a market is cheap?
So, A, which of these places to eat do you like best?
And you, B, which of these places to eat do you like best?

( ^ ) about 1-2 minutes

Thank you.

Now, do you prefer eating outside or inside, B? (Why?)

And what about you, A? (Do you prefer eating outside or inside?) (Why?)
Which is more fun, cooking for friends or going to a fast food restaurant together, A?
And you, B? (Which is more fun, cooking for friends or going to a fast food restaurant
together?) (Why?)

( 3 maximum 2 minutes
Thank you. That is the end of the test.

Questions 1 - 6
For each question, choose the correct answer.

What should Sarah do?

Back C o n ta cts

A tell Alice if she can join her later

Hi Sarah
I'm w a tc h in g a film la te r B meet Alice at the cinema in town
w ith frie n d s . W e 're g o in g
t o th e cinem a in to w n . C invite some friends to the cinema
D o yo u w a n t t o com e ?
L e t m e know,

A Theatre tickets are cheaper online.

B Students pay less to go to the


Only students can buy these theatre


A Sam has lent Henry his football shirt,

To: Henry Cc See

From: Sam B Sam’s football shirt is in Henry’s

sports bag.
I c a n 't find my football s h irt. Did you
pick it up a fte r football practice? Sam doesn’t know where his football
Is it in your s p o rts bag? shirt is. <0






A Pizzas are cheaper on Mondays and

great offer!
B You pay less for pizza and chips
from Monday to Wednesday.

C Customers get a free pizza with their

Buy a pizza and
chips from Monday to Wednesday.
get free chips!

Monday-Wednesday only

A The guitar is as good as new.

Guitar for sale B You ca" ™ by cheque-

Birthday present - C The guitar is a good birthday
. present.
never used
£ 3 0 cash only
07737 G5 2 5 4 2

A There are 7 to 9 people on each

% ^
Art Course
B You can call Jo for more information.
Wednesday 7-9
C Beginners can do the course.
If you're interested email
[email protected] 0 \

All levels welcome

% p


r e a d in g a n d w r it in g TEST 6
Questions 7 - 1 3
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Louisa Josh Anita

7 W ho has always lived in London? A B C

8 W ho prefers quiet places? A B C

9 W ho started a business in London? A B C

10 Who w ould like to live somewhere else? A B C

11 W ho lives in a hom e with a view? A B C

12 W ho likes London in the spring? A B c

13 W ho hates their journey to work? A B c


W e V London


I’ve lived In London nearly all my life. I love London, but I d o n ’t like

very crow ded, noisy places. I enjoy spending tim e in tne big parks.

I love the city in April when they are full o f flow ers. I have a café in

London which I opened tw o years ago. I travel to w ork by train. It

takes one hour, but I spend the tim e reading. A nd I love reading!


M y parents are both from villages, but I was born in London and

I’ve never left. I love being around lots of noise and people. I work

fo r a very successful business in the centre of London. I have a nice

apartm ent - I can see London Bridge from m y bedroom window. I’m

lucky because I live close to w ork and it’s a pleasant walk from my

apartm ent. I know lots of people hate their journey to work.

A n ita

All m y fam ily live in London. I went to university in France, but then I

cam e back. London can be very busy and noisy, but I d o n ’t mind that

I like big cities. Last spring I w ent to Tokyo. It was great. My dream is

to w ork there one day. In London, I have a long journey to work and

the train is alw ays late. It’s the w orst part of my day - it’s awful! Trains

are better in Japan.

'■ ■ ■ ,_>:m ,n d w r itin g TEST 6

Questions 1 4 - 1 8
For each question, choose the correct answer.

The G ree k W a ite r

Alexis is ten years old ana lives in a small village on a

beautiful Greek island. Like all children his age, Alexis

has just completed Year 4 in primary school. But Alexis

is different from other children his age. He doesn’t spend

the summer on the beach or playing video games. In the

busy summer months Alexis spends his days in his family’s restaurant. !n July and

August, the restaurant is very popular with tourists from all over the world. Because

he is the only person in his family who can speak English, it is his job to look after

the tourists when they eat at the restaurant. He explains the menu to tourists and

takes their orders.

Where did he learn his English? There is no school in Alexis’s village, and during

the school year he travels 12 kilometres every day by bus to a nearby village to go

to school. Together with his classmates, two evenings a week, he attends English

classes at a language school in the same village. There is no bus service when his

classes end, so his mother picks him up and brings him home. Alexis doesn’t mind,

he enjoys learning English. He wants to be a journalist so he knows languages will

be useful. He is very pleased that he can help his family with their business and the

tourists are very happy that they can order their meal in English. He’s also learnt a

lot about cooking and loves the food at the restaurant!




14 In the summer, Alexis

A plays video games and goes to the beach.

B spends July and August on another island.

C doesn’t have a lot of free time.

15 Alexis helps his fam ily in the restaurant because he

A is a good waiter.

B likes meeting tourists.

C can speak English.

16 Where does Alexis go to school?

A in his village

B in another village

C in a nearby town

17 Where does he learn English?

A in a language school

B in primary school

C at home

18 W hat does Alexis want to do when he’s older?

A write news articles

B be a language teacher

C have his own business


■ J ?
Questions 19 - 24
For each question, choose the correct answer.

H ip -h o p

Hip-hop is more than just a (19) of music. For people who love hip hop, it

is often a (20).......... of life. The words in the songs are very important as well as

how people dance and the how they (21)................ .

Hip-hop started in the Bronx area of New York City in the 1970s. But like all music,

hip-hop had its beginnings in (22)................kind of music. In the case of hip-hop,

this music was African-American music, and some even say African music. Since

the 1990s hip-hop has (23)................very popular all over the world. People have

enjoyed hip-hop for more than forty years already. Like rock and roll, it will probably

(24).......... to be popular for many more years!

19 A song B band C type

20 A fashion B way C reason

21 A dress B wear c show

22 A another B different c other

23 A begun B arrived c become

24 A stay B continue c keep




Questions 2 5 - 3 0
For each question, w rite the correct answer. Write one w ord for each gap.

Exam ple: why

New Message _ /x I
From: Sharon Cc Bcc

To: Jan Smith

Dear Ms Smith,

I was sick today, which is why I wasn't at college. I also can't

come to college to m o rro w because I have a doctor's a p po in tm e nt
25 the m orning. Can you let me know 26 you d id today
and the hom ework you gave? 1will try to 27 some



■21 VI ; , i' -.■/ . ", . ----- ■' -- -

■ •

New Message
From: Jan Smith Cc Bcc

To: Sharon
Dear Sharon,
I'm sorry to hear you've 28 sick. I'm sending you everything we
d id to d a y and the hom ew ork you've g o t 29 | do. I'll send you
some more w ork tom orrow .

1hope 30 feel b e tte r soon.

Jan Smith

\ \v


Question 31
Your friend Toni is coming to visit you next Saturday. Write an email to Toni.

In your email say:

* what time you can meet Toni
* where you can meet
* what you plan to do together.

Write 25 words or more.




Q uestion 32
Look at the three pictures.
Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 w ords or more.
Q uestions 1 - 5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What was the weather like yesterday?

2 What has the man left at home?

Which photo are they looking at?


What’s the new sports centre next to?


Questions 6 - 1 0
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one w ord or a num ber or
a date or a tim e.

You will hear a girl, Antonia, telling her friend about French lessons.

French tessons

Place: A r t Centre

Day: (6}...................

Time: (7)................p.m.

Price per month: (8) £ ...............

Teacher: MS (9)

Teacher's phone number: (10)

,0 s


nP "

Q uestions 1 1 - 1 5
For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Nancy talking to her friend,
George, about a film she saw.

11 When did Nancy see the film called The Castle?

A Friday

B Saturday

C Sunday

12 George thinks The Castle is a good film because

A he’s been to see it at the cinema.

B he’s heard people talking about it.

C he’s read about It on the internet.

13 Why did Nancy decide to watch the film?

A The story interested her.

B She loves horror films.

C Her friend wanted to see it.

14 George says that the actor Ed Wesley is

A attractive.

B funny.

C kind.

15 What do George and Nancy both think should change at the new cinema?

A the ticket prices

B the temperature

C the types of films

Q uestions 16 - 20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear two friends talking about a mobile phone. Why didn’t the girl buy
the phone?

A it cost too much.

B She bought something more useful.

C She needs to save more money.

17 You will hear a sportsman talking on the radio. What advice does he give
young peopie?

A Do a sport they enjoy.

B Work hard and practise a lot.

C Play a new sport for a few weeks.

18 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about a book. Why was she surprised?

A She read the book quickly.

B She liked the writer,

C She enjoyed the story.

19 You will hear two classmates talking about a college trip. Where did they go?

A to an art exhibition

B to the theatre

C to a museum

20 You will hear a woman talking to her son. What does she want her son to do?

A collect his sister

B prepare his meal

C remember his key

/ & /
A/ j y y
sp V

Q uestions 21 - 25
For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Diane talking to a friend
about her birthday presents. What present did each person give her?

0 mum

People Presents

21 uncle A bag

B baseball cap
22 grandma
C book

23 sister
D camera

24 brother E chocolates

F concert tickets
25 cousin
G jeans

H scarf

vR 1

Pcirt I (3—4 minutes)

The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself.
• What's your name?
® How otd are you?
• Do you work or are you a student?
® Where do you come from?
• Where do you live?

Now, let’s talk about food.

A, what’s your favourite food?
How often do you cook?
B, what’s your favourite meal?
When did you last eat with friends?

Extended response
Now A, please tell me something about a popular Extra questions
dish in your country. What kind of food is popular in
Now, let’s talk about friends. your country?
When do people usually eat this
B, how often do you see your friends?
What do you usually do with your friends?
Do you ever cook this food?
A, where is a good place to meet new friends?
Do you like to spend time with one friend or a big group of friends?

Extended response
Now, B, please tell me something about your Extra questions
best friend. How long have you known him/
How did you meet him/her?
Why do you like him/her?


Part 2 (5-6 minutes)

The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the
things they show.
Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.
(Turn to the pictures on page 169.)
Here are some pictures that show different kinds of holidays.
Do you like these different kinds of holidays? Say why or why not. I’ll say that again.
Do you like these different kinds of holidays? Say why or why not.
All right? Now, talk together.

about 1-2 minutes

The examiner will ask you at least one question each.

Do you think ... Extra questions
... cycling holidays are fun? Why?A/Vhy not?
... holidays on a boat are interesting? What do you think?
... cities are exciting?
... beach holidays are boring?
... camping holidays are a good idea?
So, A, which of these kinds of holidays do you like best?
And you, B, which of these kinds of holidays do you like best?

(J^) about 1-2 minutes

Thank you.

Now, do you prefer to go on holiday in the winter or the summer, B? (Why)

And what about you, A? (Do you prefer to go on holiday in the winter or the summer?)
Where would you like to go for your next holiday, A? (Why?)
And you, B? (Where would you like to go for your next holiday?) (Why?)

( 3 maximum 2 minutes
Thank you. That is the end of the test.



A *
13 a - an em ail
14 a M rs K e n to n . She is H a rry's a r t te a c h e r H a r r y is a
s tu d e n t.
b Yes, h e has.
Part I: Training c N o , she doesn't.
d Yes, she is.
Focus on the instructions
e C - 'D o v o u th in k it'll be rea dy bv the n?'
I a six
b three P a rt 1

1 B: ‘Q u ie t please! S tud ents are using th is ro o m '

Focus on the questions
2 A: 'd o n ’t t r y t o call o r te x t m e!’; ‘I'll be n e a r m y c o m p u te r’
1 c - a notice
3 A: ‘D a n g e r — d o n ’t use in rain'
2 b - in a school
4 B: ‘H a ve y o u still g o t th e b o o ts 1 le n t you? M y b r o th e r
‘Students' 'end-of-term concert.' 'M r Jones'
. . . w a n ts th e m .'
3 ‘Quiet please! Students are using this room to practise
5 C: 'W e 're clo sing o n Saturday M ay 18 th '
fo r the end-of-term concert.’
6 C: 'D o y o u th in k it ’ll be ready b y the n?’
4 A is wrong because the message is fo r people outside
the practice room, not the people practising in the room. Part 2: Training
C is wrong because M r Jones is asking people to be quiet.
Focus on the instructions
He’s not asking who was making a noise.
I a seven
5 c - a message posted on the internet
b th r e e
6 a Hannah w rote it, to all her friends online,
b She's lost her phone. I've lost mv phone' Focus on the questions
c She is giving information. She is telling people about a
1 a m u se u m s
problem. 'I've lost mv phone, don't tr y to call o r text.
b seven
I'll be near my computer'
c Y ou m a tc h it w ith t h e c o rre c t te x t, a n d ch o o s e A , B
d A matches Hannah's reason fo r writing this message
o r C f o r C h ris, Justin o r Daniel.
7 b - a sign
2 Saying h o w th e y fe e l a b o u t m use um s /
8 a In a park beside some outdoor exercise equipment
3 a ‘d u rin g m v holidays in n e w cities. T h e n I m ake su re I
b People over the age o f 12
sp e n d a t least a dav going t o th e m o s t fa m o u s o n e s '
c No, it is not
(D a n ie l)
d A - 'Danger - don't use in rain'
b T h e a n s w e r is C , Daniel.
9 c - a te xt message 4 a (Justin) ‘n e v e r t r y t o see a w h o le m u s e u m th e fir s t
10 a Friends, because Jenny mentions 'my brother’ in her t im e y o u go. lust go t o o n e o r t w o ro o m s , and th e n
message r e tu r n as o fte n as y o u can t o see t h e re s t.'
‘lend’ means give something to someone for a while
b 're tu rn as o fte n as vou can' m eans 'visit several tim e s '
'borrow' means take something from someone fo r a
so t h e a n s w e r is B, Justin
while 5 a (C h ris ) 'ones w h e re th e y m o v e th in g s ro u n d
'return' means give something back to someone after
r e gularly, and b rin g in n e w th in g s t o ke e p it
borrowing i t
in te re stin g .’
c The answer is B because she asks ‘Have you still got
b 'm o v e th in g s a ro u n d and b rin g in n e w th in g s' m eans
those football boots I lent you?' and 'My brother ...
'th e e x h ib itio n s o fte n change", so t h e a n s w e r is A ,
wants them.1She wants Pete to give the boots back.
C h ris.
A and C are wrong because the boots are hers - she
c T e x t B, Justin, con tain s th e w o r d ‘e x h ib itio n ’. N o , it
lent them to Pete, she wants her boots back and she
d o e s n o t have th e idea o f e x h ib itio n s changing.
does not want to borrow any boots.
6 10 B: 'F o r m e . it's im p o rta n t th a t t h e p e o p le w h o w o r k
11 b - a sign in t h e m u se u m are pleasant, a n d ha pp y to ta lk t o
12a in a shop window
m e a b o u t t h e thin gs in th e e x h ib itio n . T h a t m akes
b No, it is not. a big d iffe re n ce .
c It ends on May 18th.
d The shop is closing,
e C because the shop is closing

11 C: 'If it's a big m useum and I do n ’t have m uch t i me. I b H e w e n t w ith his dad and bro th e rs w hen he was
som etim es w a lk in to a ro o m and choose ju st five little.
things t o loo k at.' c A is w ro n g because he didn 't join th e club until he
12 A: 'W e study these subjects at college, but I've was fifte e n - this was a fte r he started running.
actually fo und o ut a lo t m ore ab ou t t hem f r om B is w ro n g because he says running is n o t popular
museums tha n f ro m m y te x tb ooks.' am ong his friends.
13 C: '1 also ta ke a t o u r if th e re is one, as I learn so 3 A n sw e r a question
m uch m o re fro m listening t o th e pe rson showing, 4 a N o, Jay isn't as good as some o th e r runners. He is
us ro u nd than I do if I'm by myself.' n o t upset: 'th a t doesn't b o th e r me'
b It means th e same as 'th a t doesn't b o th e r m e’,
Part 2
c B is w ro n g because he says 'W h a t I love is being
7 C: ‘I d o n t go t o museums much, except during my o u td o o rs and finding all these beautiful places I nevei
holidays in new cities. T hen I make sure I spend at knew w e re there.’ This is w h a t is im p o rta n t fo r him -
least a day going to th e m o s t famous ones.' n o t being as fast as th e others.
8 B: 'you should never t r y t o see a w h o le museum the C is w ro n g because the y do o ffe r advice to help
firs t tim e you go. Just go to one o r tw o room s, and slow er runners im prove.
th e n re tu rn as o fte n as you can t o see th e rest.’ 5 16 C: 'You need a good map and compass so you don't
9 A: '1 pre fe r ones w h e re th e y m ove things rou nd ge t lost.'
regularly, and bring in new things' 17 A : ‘T here are no T-shirts o r medals fo r th e winners.
10 B: ‘For me, it's im p o rta n t th a t th e people w h o w o rk in The m ost you get is a piece o f cake!'
th e museum are pleasant, and happy to ta lk t o m e 18 B: ‘But I got to th e end, and th a t was an amazing
ab ou t th e things in th e exhibition. T h a t makes a big feeling.'
11 C: 'If it’s a big m useum and I d o n ’t have m uch tim e, I Part 3
som etim es w alk in to a ro o m and choose ju s t five 14 C: 'M y dad to o k m e and m y b ro th e rs o u t running when
things to lo o k at.’ w e w e re little ’
12 A : ‘W e study these subjects a t college, b u t I've actually 15 B: T h e re are som e excellent runners in th e club. W h e r
found o u t a lo t m o re a b o u t th e m fro m museums w e d o o u r practice runs, I’m always a long way
than fro m m y textbooks.' behind them . But th a t doesn't b o th e r me. They're all
13 C: '1 also take a to u r if th e re is one, as I learn so much really nice and often give m e advice. W h a t I love is
m o re fro m listening to th e person showing us round being ou tdoo rs'
than I do if I'm by myself.' 16 C: 'You need a good map and compass so you don’t
get lost’; '... later in th e race you o fte n fin d yourself
Part 3: Training
running alone.'
Focus on the instructions 17 A : T h e re are no T-shirts o r medals fo r th e winners. The
1 a Read a te x t and answer som e questions. m ost you get Is a piece o f cake!
b It's an article. It is fro m a magazine o r newspaper, 18 B: ‘But I got to th e end, and th a t was an amazing feeling.'
c m ultiple choice (A , B, C)
Part 4: Training
d five
2 • w h a t hill running is / • competitions Jay enters / Focus on the instructions
* h o w old Jay is • h o w good Jay is S 1 a C o m ple te a reading text.
• w h o Jay does it w ith / • injuries jay has had b It’s an article fro m a magazine o r th e internet,
It also talks about h o w and w h en he started, w h a t he c m ultiple choice (A, B, C)
likes ab ou t it, w hen he does it, some difficu lt conditions. d six
2 Students' ow n ideas - all are possible
Focus on the questions
■ W h e n D akota Fanning was b o rn /
1 C o m ple te a sentence. T he films she has been in /
2 a 'It’s n o t popular am ong m v friends, b u t I love it.' (B) * W h e re she lives now
‘M y dad to o k me and m y bro th e rs o u t running when W h a t her family does
w e w e re little' (C) H e r firs t acting jo b /
'the n w hen I was ab ou t fifteen. I joine d a hill running
club, called th e York M erlins' (A )

Focus on the questions 6 a v e rb - 'let'
7 a v e rb in th e infinitive - ‘be ’
1 T h e answ er is no, w e can't, O f these th re e w o rds, only
'early' goes w ith 'age', so t h e answ er is B. Focus on the language
2 T h e answ er is no, w e can't. O f th e se th re e w o rd s, only
1 a at d to
'career' goes w ith 'long', so th e answ er is A .
b on, by e in

Focus on the language c on f to

2 a yours d Some
! a i arrives
b T here e any
ii travels
c many
iii drives
3 a W hat c Have
b i play
b did d How
ii do
4 a hope d love/like
iii makes
b kno w e am
c i w a tch
c g°
ii saw
iii looked Part 5
d i plan
25 much: to com plete th e phrase 'Thanks so m uch’
ii th in k
26 W h y. th e question w o rd needed t o co m p le te th e
iii decided
suggestion 'W h y d o n 't y ou com e ...’
2 See b e lo w
27 a fte r: th e preposition t o explain w hen, 'a fte r school'

Part 4 28 There: th e subject o f th e v e rb ‘are’ t o make 'T h e re are’

29 let: th e ve rb t o com p le te th e phrase 'le t you k n o w ’
19 B: O f these th re e w o rds, o n ly ‘early’ goes w ith 'at a ve ry
(means tell you)
. .. age’.
30 be: th e ve rb t o com p le te th e phrase 'it w ill be a
20 A : O f the se th re e w o rds, o n ly ‘ca re e r’ goes w ith ’long
good way’
and successful’.
2 1 C: You w in a prize (you earn m on ey and d o an activity). Part 6: Training
22 B: This phrasal v e rb m eans ‘becam e an a d u lt’. ‘G o t up ’
Focus on the instructions
means g o t o u t o f b ed in th e m orning. ‘W e n t up’
means w e n t higher, ‘w e n t up th e stairs', f o r exam ple. I a an email

23 A : 'returne d to " I V means w e n t back t o w o r k th e re again. b y o u r frie n d Ashley

It is n o t possible to say 'change to T V ’ o r 'arrive t o TV. c You m ust ask Ashley t o com e shopping w ith you,
explain w h y you need new clothes and say w h e re
24 C: This is th e w o rd w e use w h e n w e give th e nam e o f
you w o uld like t o go shopping.
som ething. 'Say' and ‘te ll’ are a b o u t talking.

Part S: Training Focus on the questions

I A nsw er I
Focus on the instructions
a Has th e stud ent included som ething a b o u t all th re e
1 a C o m p le te a te x t,
pieces o f inform ation? N o
b six
b Has th e stud ent w ritte n enough words? Yes
c an email
c Is th e answer easy t o understand? N o
d gra m m a r
i got nice dothses to go the shops, you like it I know'
2 T hey are frien ds. H e is m aking p a rty arrangem ents.
(Because o f problems w ith th e syntax, it is n o t possible

Focus on the questions to understand w h at th e student m eant t o say here.)

d A re th e re any language mistakes in th e answer? Yes,
1 p re po sition
see c above and:
2 ‘m uch’
'dothses' (clothes)
3 H e is m aking a suggestion. - ‘W h y ’
‘You can com e w ith m e on S a tu rda y f n r shopping?'
4 'befo re' is w ro n g because th e n e x t sentence te lls us th e y
(Can you come shopping with me on Saturday?)
w ill have d in n e r to g e th e r, so it m ust be evening. - ‘a fte r’
‘its great.' (It will be g re at)
is th e c o rre c t pre po sition .
5 'T h ere'

Answ er 2 d A re th e re any language mistakes in th e answer? N o
a Has th e student included som ething about all th re e Answer 3
points? Yes a Has th e student included som ething about all three
b Has th e student w ritte n enough words? Yes pictures? Yes
c Is th e answer easy to understand? Yes b Has th e student w ritte n enough words? N o
d A re th e re any language mistakes in th e answer? Yes: c Is th e answer easy to understand? Yes
'W ould you like (to) com e1 d A re th e re any language mistakes in th e answer? Yes:
'shoping' (shopping) 'W e give (gave) o u r tickets (to the mơn)'
In holiday' (on) holiday 'had (a) picnic.'
'at tw o weeks' (in) tw o weeks 'we dance (danced) to th e m usic'
'to going; (to go) A: A nsw er I
Answer 3 B: A n sw e r 3
a Has th e student included som ething about all th re e C: A nsw er 2
points? N o
b Has the student w ritte n enough words? Yes
c Is th e answer easy to understand? Yes
d A re th e re any language mistakes in th e answer? Yes P a rt I: T ra in in g
'shops' (shofp/ng)
Focus on the instructions
'mines’ (mine)
I a five
‘am grow ’ (growing)
b three
T m going to (the) d e p a rtm e n t s to re ’
c Choose th e picture th a t answers th e question.
'in (the) town.’
1 like cloths (the clothes) (in) there,' Focus on the questions
2 A: A nsw er 2
1 th e tim e Josh and Hannah will m eet
B: A nsw er I
2 and 3
C: A nsw er 3
Josh: 'H i Hannah. D o n't forget we're going to the
Part 7: Training cinema fo r Lucy's birthday tonight.’
Hannah: '1 know Josh! Shall we go together? W e can
Focus on the instructions
catch th e seven o'clock (B) bus fro m Grange
I a a story Road.'
b w hat is shown in th e th re e pictures Josh: 'OK. I’ll com e to you r house at a q u a rte r to
seven (A ) and w e can w alk to th e bus stop
Focus on the questions
fro m th e re ’
I Answer I
Hannah: ‘Great. But don't be late! The film starts at half
a Has th e student included som ething about all th re e
past seven’ (C)
pictures? Yes
4 'I’ll com e to y o u r house'
b Has th e student w ritte n enough words? Yes
5 6.45 (A)
c Is th e answer easy to understand? Yes
6 B is w hen the y w ill catch th e bus.
d A re th e re any language mistakes in th e answer? Yes:
C is when th e film starts.
'Jane and Susan love (the) music so going (they went)
7 pound o r pounds
to a concert'
8 IB 25
'They show (showed) th e ir tickets'
2B 303
‘walk (waited) inside. T h e / has th e (hod a) picnic'
3B £40
T h e y eating (ate) sandwiches and (had) drinks’
4 A £5.99
W h e n the music start (started) they danced and
5 A 6.45
have (had) a great tim e.’
6A 7.20 a.m.
Answer 2
9 A: It's got circles (on it).
a Has th e student included som ething about all th re e
B: It’s got stripes (on it).
pictures? N o - th e re is no m ention o f th e picnic
C: It's got stars (on it).
b Has th e student w ritte n enough words? Yes
10 A: tennis
c Is th e answer easy t o understand? Yes
B: football


C: basketball Part 3: Training
12 A: pasta/spaghetti Focus on the instructions
B: soup
1 a five
C: (roast) chicken
b M aria and h e r frie n d D a rre n talking about a dance
13 a roast chicken
b a big plate o f pasta
c Answer multiple-choice questions
c soup
Focus on the questions
Part 1
1 11 M aria
I A: Til com e t o y o u r house a t a q u a rte r t o seven'
12 Maria
2 A: 'W ell, 1fo u n d these f o r just £30 in th e sale.'
13 M aria
3 C: ‘N o. th a t’s n o t m ine. M ine hasn't g o t stars on it.’
14 D a rren
4 C: ’So 1had t o choose basketball.’
15 D a rren
5 B: Dad: 'There's som e soup in th e fridge.'
2 Facts:II, 12, 13, 15
G irl: 'Perfect! I’ll have th e chicken tom on -ow .’
Opinions or feelings: 14
Part 2: Training 3 I C
2 B
Focus on the instructions
3 F
1 a five 4 E
b a girl leaving a message ab ou t band practice
5 A
c C o m p le te th e gaps in th e notes.
6 D
4 a ‘it’s ju st a s h o rt w a lk to m y house'
Focus on the questions
b She says: '1 can get th e bus th e re fro m th e to w n
Example F a date
ce n tre ’
Q u e stio n 6 D a day o f th e w e e k
c She says: ‘I can get th e bus th e re ... after college'
Q u e s tio n 7 C a name
Q u e stio n 8 B a tim e Part 3
Q u e stio n 9 A a th in g 11 A : 'it’s just a s h o rt w alk to m y house w hen th e lesson
Q u e s tio n 10 E a phone nu m b e r
2 a 02 6 3 7 9 9 7 302 12 B: ’ja2Z dance, m o d e rn dance and even street dance.
b 0 5 3 9 2 4 9 2 645 That's th e one I chose.’
c 0 7 8 3 6 2 2 0 368 13 B: ‘N o rm a lly it's £ 100 a te rm , b u t th e re ’s a special o ffe r
d 0 2 0 8440 5656 on th is m onth, so it’s £75. T hat’s a discount o f £25!’
4 a Lester 14 A : ‘I really need to do m o re exercise and I hate sport.'
b P arkhurst 15 B: Maria: ‘C o m e t o m y house at 2 p.m., and w e'll go
c G ary together!
d Floyd D arren: ‘T hat’s a b rillia n t idea, thanks1
e Lisbeth
Part 4: Training
Part 2
Focus on the instructions
6 Friday: 'W e all have after-school activities fro m M onday
1 a five
to Thursday, so let's m e e t on Friday.’
b A n s w e r m ultiple-choice questions.
7 Callisto: 'That's C .A . d o ub le L.I.STO.’
2 a a date D
8 4: T h e re ’s a dance class sta rtin g in th e re a t 3
b an o p in io n o r feeling G
o'clock, so w e can begin at 4 . 1th in k w e should
c a price D
finish by 6 p m
d th e general subject G
9 snacks: ‘It's a long practice th is tim e , so d o n't fo rg e t
e th e reason fo r speaking G
snacks. But no need to b rin g y o u r o w n
f a tim e D
in stru m en ts: w e can use th e school's.'
a nu m b e r D
10 03 72 6 998241: ‘call th e school se cre ta ry on g
h understanding w h e re people are G
z e ro -3 -7 -2 -6 d o ub le 9 -8 2 - 4 - 1.'

Focus on the questions 22 C: ‘So are you going o u t w ith y o u r frie n d on
1 16 understanding w h e re people are Wednesday?'; That's rig h t I'm taking him ro u n d th e

17 an opinion o r feeling city. I w a n t to show him th e castle and all th e o th e r

18 th e reason fo r speaking interesting places we've g o t here.'

19 th e general subject 23 A: ‘O n Thursday w e ’r e playing tennis at m y club ... and

20 th e general subject w e m ight go sw im m ing afterwards.'

2 a C: o n a train 24 F: 'W h a t ab ou t Friday?’; 'I’ve g o t cinem a tickets.'

b A: ‘before w e le ft th e house’ (so th e y are n o t at 25 B: 'Saturday?'; 'he w ants to get som e new s p o rts clothes
ho m e no w ) in th e city, so w e'll d o th a t together.’

c ‘w e w o n ’t get to o u r station fo r a n o th e r 2 hours';

‘You go and get them . I'll stay in m y seat and lo o k
a fte r o u r bags’
This tells you th e y are on a tra in and n o t in a
Part I : Training
restaurant, even tho ugh th e y are talking ab ou t food. Focus on the instructions

Part 4 1 take tu rn s
2 diffe re n t
16 C:
T il stay in m y seat and lo o k a fte r o u r bags' Focus on the questions
17 C: 'it’s a bit t o o s h o rt at th e back’ I a personal details
IB C: T h a t’s w h a t I do, and you should to o !'
b th e y are simple questions t o help you relax
19 B: '1 kicked it over'; 'som eone w ill cu t themselves';
3 a tw o topics: foo d and evenings
'T h e re ’s w a te r everyw here.’
b th re e questions: tw o questions plus an extended
20 A: 'th e trees and plants in th e gardens'; T h e colours o f response
th e do ors and rooves’
c T he one th a t begins 'Tell m e som ething a b o u t . ..’
Part 5: Training Focus on the language
Focus on the instructions I 1
I a tw o 2
b Pete’s holiday plans 3
c five 4
d Match items intw o lists. 5
e T h re e - one is th e answer to th e exam ple and th e re 6
are tw o m o re e x tra answers. 7 I
8 A
Focus on the questions
9 D
1 Pete is going to do nothing on Monday, except sleep,
because he is tired . This means he is going t o rest. So the
answer is E.
2 a Before Part I Phase I
b '1w a n t to get ail m y school w o rk done th a t day,
Sample answers
before he arrives. I’ve got a lo t o f m aths and French
Examiner: W hat's yo u r name?
Candidate: M y name's C laudia
c His frie n d is com ing t o stay. H e is n o t going to visit a
Examiner: H o w old are you?
Candidate: I'm 18 years old.
Part 5 Examiner: D o you w o rk o r are you a student?
Candidate: I’m a student.
21 G: ‘W h a t ab ou t Tuesday?';‘I w a n t to get all m y school
Examiner: W h e re do you com e from ?
w o rk done th a t day'
Candidate:I’m from Portugal.
Examiner: W h e re d o you live?
Candidate: I live in O p o rto .


Part I Phase 2 Focus on the questions
Sample answer 1 a s p o rt
Examiner: N ow , lets ta lk a b o u t foo d, Claudia, w h a t d o you b playing basketball, sailing, running, horse-riding, cycling

usually have f o r breakfast? 2 opinion: 'D o you t h i n k ......... playing basketball is fun?

Claudia: I usually have bread w ith b u tte r and jam, and ,., sailing is expensive?

som e coffee. .., running in a race is hard?

Examiner: H o w o fte n do you go t o cafés o r restaurants? ... riding a horse is easy?
Claudia: A b o u t once a w eek, I think. ... cycling is g o od f o r you?’

Examiner: Michal, w h e re d o you eat lunch at weekends? preference: 'W h ich o f these sports do you like best?’

Michal: I usually have lunch a t h o m e at weekends, b u t I 4 1 ’fu n ’

som etim es go t o á café w ith friends. ‘e xpensive1

Examiner: In y o u r fam ily w h o cooks th e best food? 'hard’

Michal: M y dad. H e ’s a really g o o d cook. 'easy'

Exam iner: N o w Claudia, please te ll m e som ething ab ou t ‘good f o r yo u’

yo u r d in n e r yesterday. 2 Students’ o w n answers

Claudia: M y m um made a c u rry w ith beans and 3 Students' o w n answers

vegetables, I had it w ith rice and a salad. It was

Focus on language
v e ry nice, I enjoyed it a lot.
1 I hate ... E
Exam iner: T han k you.
I d o n 't m ind ... B
Examiner: N o w , let's ta lk a b o u t evenings, Michal, h o w often
1d o n ’t really like .,. F
do you go o u t in th e evening?
I really love ... A
Michal: I go o u t once o r tw ic e a w eek. I m e e t frien ds to
I like ... D
have a coffee o r go t o th e cinema.
I quite like ... C
Examiner: W h a t w o rk o r studying do you d o in th e evening?
2 You can say a, d, e, f
Michal: I som etim es d o m aths and som etim es English.
D o n o t say b o r c because these sound a bit rude.
A n d som e evenings I do n ’t study.
Examiner: Claudia, w h a t d o you like doing best in
th e evening?
Claudia: I like w a tch in g T V o r going o u t w ith m y friends.
Part 2 Phase I
Examiner: W h e n d o you usually go t o bed?
Claudia: I usually go to bed a t a b o u t 10 p.m. Sample answer
Exam iner: N o w Michal, please te ll m e som ething ab ou t Examiner: Now, in this p a rt o f th e test, you are going to
w h a t you w ill d o th is evening. ta lk together. H e re are some pictures th a t show
Michal: I’ll go ho m e and help m y m o th e r w ith som e jobs d iffe re n t sports. D o you like these diffe re nt
in th e house. T h e n w e'll have d in n e r together. sports? Say w h y o r w hy not. A ll right? N ow ,
A f te r th a t I’ll d o som e English h o m e w o rk and ta lk to g e th e r
maybe w atch T V b e fo re I go to bed. Claudia: I like playing basketball. It's a fantastic game.
Examiner: T han k you. Michal: Yes, m e too. I d o n ’t like running. It makes m e feel
v e ry tired .
Part 2: Training Claudia: Really? I like running because I'm quite fast and I
Focus on the instructions o fte n w in races,

1 a a n o th e r student Michal: T h a t’s good! I've never been sailing. W h a t

b som e pictures ab o u t you?

2 a general questions on th e to p ic o f th e pictures Claudia: N o, I’ve never been sailing. But it looks fu n to me.
Michal: Yes, I agree. D o you like horse-riding?
b tw o
c th e same questions Claudia: Yes, it’s fun. I som etim es ride a horse w h e n I’m
on holiday.
Michal: I d o n 't like cycling ve ry much. G oing up hills is
ve ry difficult.
Claudia: You’re right! But I enjoy cycling a lot.
Examiner: Claudia, d o you th in k riding a horse is easy?

Claudia: Not for me. But if you know how to do it, it m m
isn't difficult.
Examiner: Do you think sailing is expensive, Michal?
Michal: Yes. You need a boat and that costs a lot. And 1
think lessons are expensive too. Part 1
Examiner: So, Claudia, which o f these sports do you 1 A: 'Only five books per student'
like best? 2 C: ‘Cycling allowed, but students may not use
Claudia: 1like playing basketball best. skateboards to get to school.’
Examiner: And you, Michal, which of these sports do you 3 B: ‘Full safety details in office'
like best? 4 C: ‘please check you didn't take them home from
Michal: Running is my favourite sport. school'
Examiner: Thank you. S B: ‘Let's find another date.'
6 C: ‘to continue being a member next year
Part 2 Phase 2
Sample answer Part 2
Examiner: Now, which is more interesting, playing sports or 7 A: ■You can see Active Art every Tuesday and Thursday
watching sports, Michal? at 5.00 p.m.’
Michal: 1prefer watching sports. 8 B: ‘On her first day at the school she meets Joe,
Examiner: Why? Heather and John. They become close, and together
Michal: Watching sports matches is very exerting. 1love they have many exciting adventures.’
seeing who will win and how well they play. But 9 A: 'Each week, the world-famous artist Tony Moldino
doing sport is quite hard and it makes you tired. shows viewers how to make an amazing work o f art.'
Examiner: And what about you, Claudia? 10 C: ‘everyone will find something to laugh at'
Claudia: 1like playing sports. 1get very bored watching II B: 'a young girl from a poor part of town who dreams
sports on TV. 1prefer to be outside, getting some o f becoming a big star
exercise and being with my friends. 12 A: 'the world-famous artist Tony Moldino’
Examiner: Did you enjoy sport when you were at 13 C: 'This show is perfect for the whole family to watch
school, Claudia? together'
Claudia: Yes, I did, I enjoyed it very much.
Part 3
Examiner: Why?
Claudia: Because it was fun. I’ve always been good at sport 14 A: ‘However, every band must have drums - you will
and I loved playing in a team. need someone who can play those.’
Examiner: And you, Michal? 15 B: ‘Begin by making a poster. Describe the kind of music
Michal: I wasn't very good at sport, but I enjoyed it quite you want to make and the instruments you want
a lot in your band. Put the poster up in your school or
Examiner: Why? college’
Michal: Because it was something different from the 16 A: ’Choose something surprising and interesting, that
other lessons. It was good to have a break people won’t be able to forget.’
from studying. 17 C: ’You will need a place where you can make a lot of
Examiner: Thank you. That is the end of the test noise without making your neighbours angry. Trying
to play quietly will not help you get better’
18 B: In this text, the writer is giving advice to people who
want to start a band
The first thing you'll need to do is . . 'you will
need . . 'The next thing is to , . ‘Begin by ..
'you’ll need to . . 'The best way to do this is to ...';
'Next, you’ll need to . . ‘Don’t spend time ..
Try writing . . And don’t be afraid ..


Part 4 3 B: M um : 'W h a t a b o u t th is one then, o f th e
countryside? I k n o w you d o n ’t w a n t anything
i 9 C: O n ly 'p a rts' goes w ith th e phrase ‘ ... o f th e body'.
w ith w ritin g on,’
20 B: W e use 'th e ' w ith ‘past’ t o ta lk generally a b o u t th e
Nicole: ‘O h, yes, th a t’s lovely, thanks. I’ll get th a t one.'
tim e b e fo re now.
4 C: ‘Look! M y bro ken old bike is as good as n e w now.
2 1 A: 'fo u n d ' is c o rre c t because 'th e y are only fo u n d on
D o ing th a t to o k m e all m orn ing !’
th e island' tells you th a t Tasmanian devils live here.
5 A : G irl: ‘W h a t a b o u t re n tin g a house by th e sea?'
22 B: T he phrase ‘things like' is used t o give examples. The
Dad: 'That's a great idea. It'll be m o re c o m fo rta b le
w o rd 'exam ples' doesn’t f it in th e gap. Snakes, birds
than a te n t and cheaper tha n a hotel.’
and ftsh cannot be 'ways'.
23 A : This sentence explains w h a t 'm arsupials' means, so P a rt 2
'means' is th e c o rre c t answer.
6 Thursday: 'T h e re w e re n 't any le ft fo r Friday so w e ’re
24 C: W e used ‘called’ t o give th e nam e o f som ething.
going on Thursday.’
Part 5 7 £27.50: T h e tickets w e re £27.50 each. T h e ones fo r
L 12 w e re sold o u t, unfortunately.'
25 th e : a rticle used b e fo re a superlative adjective
8 train: '1 k n o w w e usually go in to th e city by car, b u t
(‘b e st’)
th e re ’s no parking a t th e th e a tre so let's get
26 enough: com p le te s th e phrase 'good enough t o join'
th e tra in instead.’
27 D o: w e use this auxiliary v e rb to make a question in
9 Lazelle: 'Let’s m e e t at Café La2e lle .fo r a meal. T h a t’s
th e present tense
28 why: w e use this question w o r d in th e phrase 'w hy L -A -Z -E -d o u b le L-E.’
10 6 .15: T h e sho w starts a t 7.45 so I'll see you at 6 .15 ’
d o n ’t you ...' w h e n w e make a suggestion
29 If: we use this w o rd t o jo in t w o ideas, w h e n one P a rt 3
w ill only happen if th e o th e r is tru e
11 B: ‘I chose it because it was nice and small'
30 so: we use this c o n ju n ctio n t o in tro d u c e a result
12 C: Til p u t an ad vertise m ent online.’
Part 6 i 3 A : Td like t o get around £200.’
14 C: ‘But th e best th in g is th e screen.'
Sample answer
15 B: 'Sunday morning's good f o r me.’
H i Chris,
T h e school t r ip w ill be n e x t w eek, on W ednesday June 24th. Part 4
W e ’re going t o th e Science Museum, It’s £ 14.50 each, I hope
16 B: Boy: ‘W o w , gorgeous photos!’
you'll feel w e ll enough to com e.
G irl: ‘Yes - and th e articles are fascinating.’
See you soon,
Boy: 'Loo k at this page.'
17 C: ‘Everyone's running these days. Have you noticed?'
Part 7 18 B: ‘I knew this jo b wasn’t going t o be easy w h en I
accepted it.’; ‘1just hope I can learn t o do th e hard
Sorrtpfe answer
p a rts ’
James needed a new pair o f jeans, b u t he hated going
19 A : G irl: ‘T he reviews w e re n 't v e iy go od , b u t I th o u g h t
shopping. So he decided t o fin d a p a ir online. H e chose
th e s to ry was w o n d e rfu l.’
a p a ir and o rd e re d th e m . W h e n th e y arrive d he fe lt ve ry
Boy: ‘Yes, and th e acting was great.1
excited. H e qu ickly trie d th e m on. U n fo rtu na te ly, th e y w e re
20 A : ‘But I'm stuck in tra ffic and I w o n ’t g e t th e re until
th e w ro n g size and th e y w e re to o big f o r him. T h e y looked
3 .15 at th e earliest'
te rrib le ! H e fe lt v e ry sad.

2 1 G: ‘she has a d iffe re n t ho bb y - going ro u n d th e w o rld !’
22 E: 'H e plays gu itar in a band.’
23 B: 'She buys old dolls. She's g o t h u nd reds o f them.'
Part I 24 A : 'H e ’s a m e m b e r o f a th e a tre group. I’m going to see
1B: '1 heard on th e ra d io th a t it’s going t o be w in d y him in a play next m onth.'
2 B: '1 to ld him t o go t o th e shop o n th e corner. W e can 25 F: ‘H e likes taking pictures. He's g o t lo ts o f cameras and
all catch th e bus t o th e cinem a fro m there.' special c o m p u te r so ftw a re t o make th e m lo o k really

A ®
Examiner: N o w Davide, please te ll m e som ething ab ou t
y o u r favourite book.
Part I Phase I
Davide: It’s H a rry Potter. It's a v e ry exciting s to ry and
Samp/e answer I enjoyed it ve ry much. It's ab ou t a boy and his
Examiner: W hat's y o u r name? friends, and th e adventures th e y have.
Candidate: M y name's Slavka. Examiner: Thank you.
Examiner: H o w old are you?
Part 2 Phase I
Candidate: i'm ! 5 years old.
Examiner: D o you w o rk o r are you a student? Samp/e answer
Candidate: I’m a student. Examiner: N o w in this p a rt o f th e test, you are going to
Examiner: W h e re d o you com e from ? talk to g e th e r H ere are some pictures th a t show
Candidate: I’m fro m Slovakia, diffe re n t ways o f travelling. D o you like these
Examiner: W h e re do you live? diffe re n t ways o f travelling? Say w h y o r w h y n o t
Candidate: I live in Z ia r nad H ro n o m . A ll right? N o w , ta lk together.
Slavka: I like going on trains. It’s fast and com fortable.
Part I Phase 2
Davide: Yes, me too. I d o n ’t like going on boats. It makes
Sample answer m e feel ill.
Examiner: N ow , lets ta lk ab ou t hom e. Slavka, H o w many Slavka: Really? I d o n't like travelling by car because th a t
room s are th e re in yo u r home? makes m e feel ill.
Slavka: T here are eight room s in m y hom e. T hree Davide: That's a pity! I enjoy riding m y bike. W h a t
bedroom s, tw o bathroom s, a living room , a dining about you?
ro o m and a kitchen. Slavka: Yes, I love cycling. I like being ou tdoo rs. D o you
Examiner: W h ic h is y o u r favourite room? like travelling by bus?
Slavka: My bedroom . I have all m y things th e re and Davide: Yes, do. I can read m y b o o k and look o u t o f
it’s com fortable. th e w indow .
Examiner: Davide, w h e re d o you eat meals in y o u r home? Slavka: I agree - I love going by bus. But I do n't like it
Davide: W e eat in th e dining ro o m o r som etim es th e w hen its crow ded.
living room . Davide: Yes, that's tru e . If I have to stand up, I do n't like it.
Examiner: W h a t do you like t o d o in y o u r living room? Examiner: D o you th in k riding a bicycle is good fo r you?
Davide: I like to w atch T V o r ta lk to m y family. Slavka: Yes, it’s v e ry good exercise and it’s a good way to
Examiner: N o w Slavka, please te ll m e som ething ab o u t the get fit.
people you live w ith, Examiner: D o you th in k using th e bus is expensive, Davide?
Slavka: i live w ith m y parents and m y b ro th e r and sister. Davide: W ell, in m y c ity ft doesn’t cost much. But in m y
M y brother's o ld e r than m e and he w o rks at the cousin’s city it’s ve ry expensive!
factory. M y sister's younger than me. W e b o th go Examiner: So, Slavka, w hich o f these ways o f travelling do
to th e same school. you like best?
Examiner: Thank you. SIavka: 11i ke trave llin g b y tra in b e s t.
Examiner: N o w , let's ta lk ab ou t reading. Davide, h o w often Examiner: A nd you, Davide, w hich o f these ways o f
d o you read a b o o k o r a magazine? travelling do you like best?
Davide: I read a b o o k e ve ry day and I som etim es read Davide: I like riding a bicycle.
a magazine. Examiner: Thank you.
Examiner: W h a t kind o f books d o you like?
Part 2 Phase 2
Davide: I like books th a t make m e laugh. T h e y’r e
m y favourite. Sample answer
Examiner: Slavka, w h e re d o you like to read? Examiner: N ow , d o you pre fe r travelling alone o r w ith o th e r
Slavka: I like reading in bed. It helps m e to go to sleep people, Davide?
at night. Davide: I p re fe r travelling alone.
Examiner: W h e re do you get y o u r books and magazines? Examiner: Why?
Slavka: I get th e m as presents on m y birth da y o r I Davide: Because I like to th in k about things w hen I travel
buy them . Som etim es I b o rro w books fro m o r listen to music. Som etim es I watch things on
th e library. m y phone o r play games.


Examiner: And what about you, Slavka?
Slavka: I like travelling with other people. We can talk
and the time goes more quickly.
Examiner: What new way o f travelling would you like to
try, Slavka? Part I
Slavka: I'd like to go in a helicopter! I B: 'if you like, we can pic! , you up.’
Examiner: Why? 2 B: ’If you borrow tennis equipment, you must take it
Slavka: Because it’s really exciting. You can see a lot when back to reception.’
you are very high in the sky. 3 A: ‘you’ll need to buy lunch.’
Examiner: And you, Davide? 4 C: ‘Next week's lesson is 30 minutes longer.’
Davide: I’d like to go on-a motorbike. 5 A: ‘a table ... isn't available until 7p.m. Is that time OK?‘
Examiner: Why? 6 C: ‘You must leave all backpacks ... at front desk.’
Davide: Because I love motorbikes. I haven’t got enough
money to buy one yet, but I hope I will one day. Part 2
Examiner: Thank you. That is the end o f the test. 7 B: ‘I got it as a present for my birthday
S C: ‘my friends... come round to my house at the
weekend and we play together’
9 A: ‘There’s another interesting game I’d like to get.’
10 B: 'My brothers love ... playing football, but the hobby
I enjoy most is playing computer games.’
II C: '1wasn’t very good at it at first, but I've improved ..
12 B: ‘1can’t play computer games on the evenings I have
13 A: 'the ones I like most are those where you learn

Part 3
14 B: They wanted us to visit lots of different countries
and have new experiences’
15 C: 'nearly every day we had online classes’
16 B: 'We did some fantastic things on the trip, like sailing
along the Mekong River ... visiting the Taj Mahal...
travelling around the Amboseli National Park ...
visiting the Rocky Mountains.'
17 B: 'for me the best part was visiting the Rocky
18 A: I ’m happy to be back at school and spending time
with my classmates'

Part 4
19 B: The phrase 'nearly all’ means a large number.
20 A: The ‘idea of', which means 'the thought of, is the
correct noun here
21 C: The verb ‘speak’ is followed by ‘to’.
22 A: The adjective that refers to everyone in a family is
23 B: 'reasons' is used with 'for' to explain why something
24 C: The phrasal verb 'to find out', which means to
discover or learn, is needed here.

Part 5 Part 3
25 about: The phrase 'how about’ is used to make a 11 C: T h e one w e're staying at's in a fo re st actually
suggestion. 12 B: ‘everyone's easy to ta lk to and they're great if you
26 If: ‘If you want’ is the first half of the first need any help.'
conditional sentence. 13 B: T il d rive us there.'
27 What: This forms the question 'What do you think?' 14 A: 'It’ll rain fo r a b it Saturday m orning, but th e clouds
28 like/love: To complete the phrase Td like to come' or w ill go by midday and it ’ll be sunny in th e afternoon.'
Td love to come’. 15 C: ‘don't fo rg e t to pack y o u r walking boots!
29 to: Used after 'have' to show obligation - ‘1have
Part 4
to work on my history project!
30 Is: The present simple question form of the 16 B: ‘th e y w e re d iffe re n t fro m anything I’ve seen before!

verb 'be' - ‘Is 12 o'clock OK with you?' 17 C: ‘1d id n 't re m e m b e r t o take any fo o d !
18 A : ‘Rick and I have g o t tickets to see o u r favourite band
Part 6 at C ity College on Wednesday.’
Sample answer 19 C: ’T h e p ro je ct th a t w o n was really interesting ... It
Hi Jo, ta u g h t me a fe w things I d id n 't know, so I'm glad I
Our new flat is near to the centre of town. The shops are w e n t!
only about a ten-minute walk. My favourte room is my 20 A: T h e coach . , 'She's th e best th in g about th e club,
bedroom. It's got a big window and lots of space. I've met a really!
few of our neighbours and they're very friendly.
Part 5
Part 7 2 1 F: 'she’s going to make lunch fo r h e r younger sister!
Sompfe answer 22 A : ‘he’s g o t a school p ro je c t t o finish!
Last week Maria went sightseeing in London. She had a 23 C: ’She’s got to go in to to w n to g e t a new w in te r coat!
map o f the city but wasn’t sure which way to go. She asked 24 G: ’She’s going to see h e r granddad!
a woman to help her. The woman told Maria to catch a bus 25 D: 'H e w e n t shopping yesterday and bought a new
because it was a long way to go. When she arrived at the c o m p u te r game ... so he w a nts to stay at hom e!
castle, Maria took a photo of herself standing in front of the

Part I
I C: Tm going to get what I tried on first!
B: ‘So if we get there at half past, it’ll be fine!
C: ‘1had my hair cut short a few weeks after that photo
was taken! Sarah .., didn’t wear glasses then!
4 A: 'How about cycling to Hillside Forest? It’s only about
10 km there and back.’; 'Let's do that!
5 B: 'My mum’s already booked a hotel by the beach'

Part 2
6 18(th) March:
'Last year, it was on 25th March, but it's
changed to the 18th March!
7 6,45 (pm): The first one (film) ‘begins at 6,45'
8 0752 463914: ‘A ll you need to do is text us on 0752
463 914!
9 (your) age: 'you need to say which film you enjoy
most and give us your age!
10 Thursday: 'this Thursday. That’s when you'll learn
who’s won the competition!


P a rt 5

25 me: T h e c o rre c t p ro n o u n here is ‘m e 1.

26 w ith: T h e p re p o sitio n needed a fte r ‘I live in
M a d rid ' is 'with'. You ‘live w ith ’ m em b ers o f
P a rt I
y o u r family.
1 C: 'Bring c o m fo rta b le spo rts clothes' 27 than: ‘th a n ’ is needed a fte r th e com parative
2 A: ‘the y've a fe w tickets l e f t .., I k n o w you like th e m . adjective 'o ld e r' to make th e com parison
T e xt m e back.’ 'tw o years o ld e r th a n I am’.
3 A : 'O ffe r ends to m o r r o w ’ 28 the: T h e c o rre c t phrase is ‘th e same school'.
4 B: ‘You can do y o u r geography p ro je c t in pairs.' 29 each/every: It is possible t o use ‘each day’ o r ‘every day'
5 C: ‘Interested in learning to c o o k fo o d fro m around th e in th is sentence.
w o r ld ? . .. Everyone w e lco m e ' 30 Have: T h e c o rre c t qu estio n fo rm here is 'Have
6 B: ‘Practice has changed fro m Friday t o Thursday. Can you g o t ...?’
you go then? H e w ants t o know.’
P a rt 6
P a rt 2
Sample answer
7 C: ‘o u r n e w house isn’t dose t o th e po o l and it takes Hi A lex,
ab o u t an h o u r to get there.' W o u ld you like t o go f o r a picnic on Saturday? It's going t o be
B: 'I'm lucky enough to have w o n a fe w com petitions.’ sunny, so I th in k it'll be nice t o go to th e beach.
A: 'O u r m u m drives us t o th e local p o o l eve ry m orning.’ I’ll bring som e sandwiches, so cou ld you bring som e fr u it and
10 B: ‘I've s ta rte d a blog ab o u t sw im m ing' som ething to drink?
11 C: 'm y swim tim e s have im p ro ve d - f o r exam ple, I can Thanks, Ruby
swim a length o f th e po o l m o re quickly now.'
P a rt 7
12 B: 'I run and go to th e gym as well.'
13 A: '1 jo in e d a sw im m ing club w ith m y o ld e r brother.’ Sompie answer
Last m onth, jack was shopping w ith his m um in to w n w h en
P a rt 3 he saw a skateboard th a t he liked in a shop w in d o w . A fe w
14 B: 'Each m orn ing , I spend tim e th in kin g a b o u t w h a t to days later, it was Jack's b irth d a y and his m o th e r gave him th e
wear.’ skateboard as a present. Jack loves going t o th e skateboarding
15 C: 'a fte r reading a blog by Rachel, a 19-year-old student, park n o w w ith his n e w skateboard. H e has got v e ry good at
Idecided t o s ta rt one myself. A lm o s t im m ediately, I jum ping on his skateboard.
posted m y firs t blog.'
16 C: 'fo r me, th e best p a rt is ge tting messages fr o m fans’
17 A: 'M y parents th in k it's good f o r m e t o have a ho bb y ...
so th e y're happy f o r m e t o d o th e blog.’ P a rt I
18 C: 'I'm going t o do a fashion course a t college.' 1 C: 'Perhaps he’s gone t o th e park t o play tennis.'; ‘O h,
he’s taken his racket. T h a t’s w h e re he is then.’
P a rt 4
2 A: ‘if I go at q u a rte r to , I’ll still be able t o m e e t Ben at
19 B: ‘A s w ell as’ means ‘also’ and is th e phrase needed
q u a rte r past.1
3 B: 'O u r guide t o o k us to a place w h e re th e re w e re
20 C: ‘V ariety’ goes w ith th e w o rd 'wide'. It means ‘lots o f
d iffe re n t’ plants and animals.
4 A: 'They say it’s actually going t o snow.’
21 B: O n ly 'stu d ie d ' can go h e re - th e o th e r o p tio n s need
5 C: 'I’ll have a sandwich ... I'm n o t v e ry thirsty, b u t I’d like
prepositions: 'loo ked at' and 'le a rn t a b o u t’,
som e o f th e ir lem on cake.'
22 B: T he c o rre c t adjective h e re is 'in te re s te d ’ - people
are ‘inte rested in’ nature. P a rt 2
23 A: 'H o w e v e r' is c o rre c t here because it shows contrast 6 8.15: 'O u r bus leaves at 8.30 b u t you should get
- it means som ething like ‘b u t’. here a t 8 .15.'
24 B: 'kept' goes w ith 'safe' to fo rm th e phrase 'are kep t 7 six: 'I'm going t o p u t you in to fo u r groups o f six'
safe'. 8 Electricity: 'The really useful e xh ib itio n - th e one you
m ust see - is th e one called ‘E le ctricity’.’

9 laptop: '1 want you to bring a laptop so that you can m m
make notes.'
10 7.50: ‘You need to give me £7.50.’
■: •■• . .... •.
Part 3 Part 1
11 C: 'we saw a film together on Sunday.’
1 A: ‘07.00 until 22.00 [Mon-Sat]'
12 C: 'it was quarter to seven when we got there.’
2 B: ‘£5.50 (under-16-year-olds £3)’
13 A: 'mine was £8.00.'
3 B: ‘1won tickets for the basketball match. ... Do you
14 A: 'the worst thing was the actors.' want to go?’
15 B: 'my pizza was really good.'
4 C: ‘Can you get me some sugar on your way home,
Part 4 please?'
5 A: 'Discount for students’
16 B: Til need something I'll enjoy reading for the evenings,'
6 B: ‘Give me a call ...'
17 C: '1 had a college project to finish so I did that before
eating.’ Part 2
18 C: Friend: ‘But isn't it too dark to run in the evenings?' 7 A: ‘I can go windsurfing for free with my cousins.'
David: 'It's the best time o f day to run.' 8 B: ‘My love for art started at college.’
19 A: 'I’m going to look for some office work.' 9 C: ‘We entered a music competition last month and
20 C: There are some good music books for beginners. won £500!'
That's a good way to start.’ 10 C: ‘. .. my dream is to play in different cities around the
Part 5 world.’
11 B: '1 probably buy too much - 1usually buy something
2 1 G: ’She iikes reading the newspaper ... she doesn’t think
every week!’
blogs are very useful ...’
12 A: ‘Next year, I’d like to buy my own board. I need to
22 F: ’He’s always reading computer science magazines.
save a lot o f money first though!'
He thinks they’re really interesting - except for all
13 C: Tm really lucky because my friend's a drum teacher.
the advertisements. He doesn't like those!’
She’s taught me a lot.'
23 C: 'He writes lots o f emails for work and says that’s
not much fun, so in his free time he loves reading Part 3
books.. 14 B: ‘I started taking photos on a school trip. I remember
24 H: ’She doesn't read newspapers any more. But she's my grandma lent me her camera’
just got a mobile phone and enjoys reading text
15 A: '1 remember feeling really worried about the course.
messages from her friends’ I loved taking photos but I wasn’t sure how good
25 B: ‘He loves reading his favourite blogs ... he doesn’t I was.'
read books much because it takes too long.’ 16 C: 'My neighbour heard that the newspaper was looking
for a photographer and suggested it to me.’
17 A: '1 worked in a great team; I'll always remember how
kind they were to me.’
i 8 C: '1 really want to use my experience in the
photography business to help new photographers.'

Part 4
19 B: The other words do not make sense in this context.
20 A: The other words do not make sense in this context.
21 C: The other words do not make sense in this context.
22 B: The other verbsneed to be followed by a
23 A: The other verbs do not collocate with 'studies'.
24 C: This is the only noun that can be used to describe
science in this context.
Part 5 Part 3
25 been: past participle used in the present perfect ¡1 C: ‘Do you want some of this pizza? It's really nice.’
26 having: -ing form of 'have' used in the present continuous 12 A: 'So this one's ‘Race Week’’
27 but: conjunction used to make a contrast/to show 13 B: A college fnend told me about it.'
something is different to what was said before 14 A: ‘there's more variety'
28 the: determiner used to talk about something that has 15 C: '1thought the shop woa a bit dark.'
already been mentioned.
Part 4
29 of: preposition needed after ‘lots’ to mean many.
30 when: conjunction used to say the time something will 16 A: 'could you get two tickets on your way home? 1can’t
happen get to the ticket office’
17 B: '... was much easier than cycling in the mountains!'
Part 6 18 A: '1 really think we can win i t ,. .That’s why 1want us to
Sample answer have some extra practice tomorrow.’
Hi Sam, 19 C: 'it wasn’t the best burger I've ever had.’
I’ve lost my mobile phone! I think I left it in the park. I need 20 C: 'it was terrible and very noisy. It woke me up.’; At
it because all I have all my friends’ phone numbers in it. Can least rt was dry last night and it's still quite warm.’
you help me find it?
Part 5
Tom 21 B: ‘Most people wanted to go on a horse, so that’s what
we did'
Part 7 22 D: 'On Friday we went to the lake and went for a swim.’
Sample answer 23 C: 'we stayed at the activity centre and played board
Last Sunday, two friends were playing tennis in the park. It games,'
was a lovely sunny day. Suddenly a dog came and stole the 24 F: 'most o f us still wanted to play volleyball so we
tennis ball. The dog ran away and the tennis players looked decided to do that.’
surprised! A few minutes later, a little girl came back. She was 25 H: This time we did windsurfing instead of swimming,'
holding the dog and gave back the ball. She felt very bad, but
the tennis players smiled. They thought it was funny.

Students’ own answers

Part I
1 B: ‘it's now down to six hundred and fifty.'
2 C: 'At the moment, I’m watching my favourite nature
3 A: 'I've just come out o f a meeting with my manager’
4 B: 'Sarah's got dark hair and she wears glasses. [Rob] ...
he’s taller than her!'
5 A: ‘Her favourite writer has just written a new horror
story so I'll get her that’

Part 2
6 8.15: 'I've booked one for 8.15'
7 Orchard: '62 Orchard Street.' / 'O'
8 train: ‘but you can take the train. It’s very close to the J j /
city centre station.'
9 camera: 'could you take your camera to the restaurant,
10 07764 556 341

27 do: this v e rb collocates w ith th e noun 'w o rk ’
28 been: past participle o f ‘be’ to fo rm present pe rfe ct
29 to : pre po sition com p le ting th e infinitive 'to do’ a fte r
P a rt I 'have g o t’ (obligation)

1 A: ‘D o you w a n t t o come? Let m e know.' 30 you: p ro n o u n used n fte r 1 hope', t o re fe r t o Sharon

2 B: ‘S tudent discount!'
P a rt 6 Sample answer
3 C: ‘1can't find m y fo o tb a ll shirt.'
H i Toni,
4 B: ‘Buy a pizza and get fre e chips!1
I can m e e t you at 11 a.m. at th e tra in station on Saturday. W e
5 A: ‘n e ve r used’
can w alk to m y house and have lunch to g e th e r
6 C: ‘A ll levels w e lc o m e ’
See you then,
P a rt 2 Lucy

7 B: ‘1was b o rn in London and I’ve never left.’

P a rt 7 Sample answer
8 A: ‘1d o n ’t like v e ry crow de d, noisy places. 1enjoy
Yesterday, a w o m a n was travelling o n a train. She was
spending tim e in th e big pa rks’ ’
sitting n e xt t o a man. She g o t o ff th e tra in and suddenly
9 A: ‘1have a café in London w h ich 1opened t w o years
rem e m be re d he r phone. She looked in her bag, b u t th e
phone wasn't th e re . H e r ph on e was on th e train. Suddenly
to C: ‘ Last spring 1w e n t t o Tokyo. It was g re a t M y dre am is
th e man fro m th e tra in ran t o her. H e gave th e w o m a n h e r
to w o r k th e re one day.1
phone. She was v e ry happy!
! 1 B: ‘1 can see Lo nd on Bridge fro m m y b e d ro o m w indo w .1
12 A: ‘1 love th e city in A p ril w h e n th e y [th e parks] are full
o f flow ers.’
13 C: ‘1have a long jo u rn e y to w o rk and th e tra in is always
Part I
late. It’s th e w o rs t p a rt o f m y day - it’s aw ful!’
1 C: ‘It was really w in d y yesterday, wasn’t it?’
Part 3 2 A: ‘1 picked up m y w a lle t again, b u t n o t m y phone!’
14 C: 'H e doesn’t spend th e sum m e r on th e beach o r 3 B: ‘N o, actually I made som ething else today. Imade
playing vid eo games. In th e busy su m m e r m onths som e pasta,’
A lexis spends his days in his family's re sta u ra n t’ 4 B: ‘Yes, th e re ’s my m um and dad, my g ra n d fa th e r my
15 C: 'Because he is th e only person in his fam ily w h o can baby sister Tania, and m y b ro th e r, Mario,’
speak English, it is his jo b to lo o k a fte r th e to u rists 5 A: ‘It’s n e x t to th e park, op po site th e superm arket.’
w h e n th e y eat at th e restaurant.'
Part 2
16 B: 'during th e school year he travels 12 kilo m e tre s every
6 Tuesday: 'T he lessons are every Tuesday, n o t Wednesday.'
day by bus to a nearby village to go t o school.'
17 A: 'he attends English classes at a language scho ol’
7 7.15: T h e lessons begin at a q u a rte r past seven’
8 24: ‘b u t if you pay by m o n th it’s £2 4 ’
18 A: ‘H e wants t o be a jo u rn a list so he know s languages
w ill be useful.' 9 Kateley: 'Ms Kateley
10 07896 5 4 4 3 2 7
Part 4
Part 3
19 C: T h e o th e r w o rd s d o n o t make sense in th is con text.
20 B: 'way' is th e on ly w o rd th a t goes w ith ‘o f life'. II C: ‘1w atched The Castle at th e cinem a on Sunday
12 B: ‘1heard on th e radio th a t its good'
2 1 A : T h e o th e r verbs d o n ’t m ake sense in th is con text.
22 A: T h e o th e r w o rd s need a plural noun a fte r th e m , 13 C: ‘1wasn’t interested in th e film , b u t m y frie n d asked

23 C: T h e o th e r w o rd s d o n o t make sense in th is con text. me t o go,’

14 A : ‘H e ’s good-looking, b u t 1d o n 't th in k he's a go od actor'
24 B: 'continue' is th e only v e rb th a t is fo llo w e d by 'to ’ and
15 B: G eorge: '1 couldn’t get w a rm . You need a big coat!’ ...
th e infinitive.
Nancy: ‘I agree.'
Part 5
25 in: pre po sition o f tim e needed be fore a p a rt o f th e
day, in th is case ‘th e m o rn ing '
26 w hat: question w o rd used a b o u t a n o un /thing


16 B: ‘1decided to use the money I've saved to buy a new
jacket instead.'
17 A: 'But the main aim for young people should be to find
1 a there is d there are
a sport they like and that makes them feel good.'
b there are e there aren't
18 C: '1 don't usually read books about animals. How
c there isn't f there isn't
can you be interested in reading about a horse for
2 a There is d There is
400 pages? But I was! In fact, I really I loved it!'
b There are e There is
19 B: 'That play was incredible, wasn't it?’; ‘Yes, it was nice
c There are f There are
to watch something.’
3 a is e is
20 C: 'So you obviously need to take your key with you to
b are f are
c is g is
P a rt 5 d are h are
21 A: 'he bought me a new leather bag for my camera'
22 H: ‘she got me a nice scarf’ m , N- . .. .. . ■ "V' : •
23 G: ‘She got me some really nice jeans.'
1 a U e C
24 B: ‘He got me a baseball cap’
25 E: 'he bought me some chocolates'
b c f C
c u S U
d u h C
2 a some d any
b some e some
c any f any
3 a any d some
b some e any
c any f any

*»‘.v }-

a do (you) do
b like
c Does (your brother) dance
,d doesn’t like
e does (your brother) do
f runs
a spends go
b order don't walk
c goes doesn't have
d doesn't (usually) buy likes
e watch
a doesn't often go sometimes
b never usually
c often plays always
a Alice always goes sailing on Saturdays,
b I never play video games in the morning,
c Pizzas aren't usually expensive,
d My sister often plays tennis, vO
e Football club is always on Saturday morning,
f Ryan doesn’t often watch television.

J r 4
2 1 W h e re , E 4 W e re , F
2 Did, C 5 W hen, A
many much ■
3 Was, D 6 Did, B
much many
3 a was g couldn't
many much
b D id h phoned/called
w ant much
c had i fou nd
go finishes/ends
d go j was
many do
e w e re k D id
f was 1 loved/liked

a 'm not d aren’t
b is e are
1 a w id e r e ta lle r
c am
b p re ttie r f m o re b o rin g
a a re /re learning d are/Ve playing
b aren't doing e a m /’m n o t surfing
c m o re co m fo rta b le g th in n e r
d h o tte r h lighter
c is/’s looking f is/’s using
2 a busier d m o re beautiful
b sunnier e cheaper
c younger, s h o rte r f ■ m o re d ifficu lt
1 a ’m chatting d ’m try in g 3 a m o re interesting than d m o re cro w d e d tha n
b w rite e ’m standing b bigger e busier
c f 1usually take c b e tte r tha n f easier
2 a are (you) having e 're staying
b ’m enjoying f have
c is g 're visiting
1 a th e quietest e th e best
d ’s raining h 'm standing
b th e fattest f th e m ost im p o rta n t
c th e largest g th e sunniest
111 estion words yvitii ît^élPresént êoiitiniioüs' d th e biggest h th e m ost famous
a d o (you) eat d is (Leah) playing 2 a th e w e tte st d th e m ost expensive
b Is (th e baby) crying e d o (you usually) w atch
b th e slowest e th e happiest
c d o (you) visit f are (you ) going c th e sho rte st f th e heaviest
3 a th e d m o re
b in e than
c m ost f got
a was d w asn't
b w e re n ’t e w e re
c w ere f W as IS

a m et d to o k 1 a was d was

b bought e w o re b w e re e w e re n 't

c arrived f w ent c w asn't f w e re

a travelled d ran, w e re 2 a w e re (you) doing e w asn’t m oving

b started, finished e gave b was playing f w e re pu tting

c d idn 't study, d id n 't pass f stopped, came c w e re practising g w e re n 't playing
d w e re winning
/ co(

Past simple questions arid short

a D id you finish th e book?

b W h o did you m e e t yesterday evening?
c D id you like th e film?
d D id you leave early this afternoon?
e W as y o u r music lesson interesting?


a was reading, came back a 're taking d are coming
b wasn't listening, asked b 'm leaving e ’m playing
c were chatting, arrived c 're getting f is having
d were having, heard a 're leaving e is
e was checking, called b ’re going f 's going to
f were waiting, saw c won't g will
a arrived d are h arent coming
b were (you) running
c Was (it) raining
d Were (you) watching
e met a Yes, he can Yes, I could.
f hurt b No, he couldnt, Yes, they can.
a was did c No, you can’t No, they can’t
b were was a Can, can’t, can
c were were b Can, can, couldn’t
d not i was c Could, could, couldn't
e were j had

a had to d has to
b don't have to e have to
c didn't have to f doesn't have to
a Do (children) have to d don’t have to
b had to e Did (you) have to
jSjij c has to f doesn’t have to

We’re going to sail across the lake.

Barbara is going to ride a horse.
You aren't going to find your phone. a ’ve joined d 's made
They are going to walk to the cafe. b 've missed e 've found
I'm not going to meet Tom. c 've seen f 's written
Louis is going to leave at 5 o'clock. a They haven’t joined the chess club,
going to buy, he is b You haven't missed the bus.
going to learn, they aren’t c We haven’t seen the famous lake,
going to see, we/you are d He hasn't made dinner for us.
going to come, he isn’t e I haven't found a wallet,
going to travel, we are f She hasn't written three emails today,
going to join. I’m not/we aren’t a has/'s gone d have gone
b Have (you) been e Has (Richard) gone
c have/Ve been
IEP a Have you read, haven’t
1 a ’ll/will take d won't do b Has he enjoyed, has
b will be e Will (they) find c Have they had, they have
c ’ll/will learn f will come d Has Carol taken, she hasn't,
2 a are (we) going to do; ‘ll/will be e Have John and Amy seen, they have
b ’m/am going to meet; ’m/am going to help
c ’s/is going to stay; ’ll/will have < \ ° /


Have you ever climbed a mountain?

He has never lost his trainers.
We have never had a barbecue in our garden. Sample answers
Has she ever run in a race? 1 My name's Isabella.
I have never swum in a lake. 2 I’m 14 years old.
Have they ever tried snake meat? 3 I live in . Italy.
have arrived have/’ve done 4 I come from .Rome,
have never travelled has taught 5 There are ..four people in my family.
have/'ve learned haven't spoken 6 My favourite sport is basketball because it's fast
and interesting,
p P U P ! 7 I like rock, music best because I like loud music!

8 Last year I went to Greece on holiday. It was fun
1 a should d should
because .w e.didjott of ^m m ing...
b shouldn’t e shouldn't
2 1 but 4 and
c should f shouldn't
2 and S because
2 a Should (1) text d should (we) go
3 because 6 but
b should (we) leave e Should (1) choose
3 1,4,6
c should (1) cook f should (1) wear
4 1 D 2 B 3 E 4 A
5 F 6 C
S 1 In, at 2 in, at 3 On, to 4 on, to
1 a it’s d doesn't finish S in, to 6 at, on
b don’t follow e won't be
c ’II buy f do sfcTirtj Fcf
■ I ,■ $'■
a leave, will/'ll be
1 I really 2 opinion 3 think 4 enjoy
b will/’ll let, doesn't arrive
s prefer 6 for me
c will/'ll be, don't take
2 i C 2 F 3 D 4 A
d will call, needs
5 E 6 B
e visit, ’II be
Sample answers
f will/’ll buy, gives
1 I really enjoy cycling because it's fun.
2 I love fo o d - th a t’s w h y I like cooking.
3 I like going shopping because I’m interested in
4 I d o n 't enjoy draw ing because I'm n o t ve ry good at
5 I really like music - that's w h y I go t o a lo t o f con cert
6 I like spending tim e outside - that's w h y I enjoy
Sample answers
1 Yes, I do. I th in k museums a re interesting because I
enjoy learning ab ou t th e p a st
2 Yes, I o fte n go t o th e cinem a because I love films.
3 It’s n o t boring, b u t I th in k playing s p o rt is m ore fun
tha n w atching it on TV.
1 i'm sorry, I did n ’t understand y o u r question.
2 C o uld you repeat th e question, please?
3 C o uld you say th a t again, please?
4 I’m sorry, I did n ’t hear th e question.
5 I’m n o t sure I understand th a t w o rd .
6 W h a t does th a t mean?


1 at 4 in
2 by 5 to
3 on 6 with
2 F| E, G, C, A, B, D
Hi Lee,
How are you? You have to write an essay about your
favourite film. You have to write 100 words. You need to
finish your essay before Friday.
See you soon!
3 Hi Emma,
How are you? I had a great weekend. W e went to the
beach and I went swimming. !t was really hot and sunny.
Did you have a good weekend?
Write soon!
Sarah x

1 t funny 5 brave
2 boring 6 famous
3 brilliant 7 worried
4 noisy e heavy
2 1 was getting 5 wasn't
2 had 6 saw
3 couldn't 7 was sitting
4 looted 8 laughed
3 1 Last Saturday morning 4 Later that day
2 That morning 5 When
3 After


/ *0
/ Q) /
s rP /


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