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AXE Microprocess Rate & Totalizer Controller Meter MRT series

◎ Accept DC/mA,DC/A,DC/mV,AC/A input signal,finish ◎ 15BIT DAC analog output can be modified, 0~10V
totalizer and control function /4~20mA by inside switch jumper
◎ Accuracy 0.1% F.S.±1 digit ◎Display average can be modified(1~99)
◎ Rate display range 0 to 19999 can be modified ◎ BAUD RATE:19200/9600/4800/2400
◎ Totalizer display range 0 to 999999999 ◎ 0.4” highlight display
◎ Rate and Totalizer decimal point can be modified ◎ Man-machine interface,easy to operate
◎ Totalizer timebase can be modified(1/60/3600sec) ◎ EEPROM Saving ,data safekeeping about 10 years
◎ Scale can be modified(0.00001 to 9999.99999) ◎ Modified inside parameter ,must have pass code
◎ Totalizer over automatic reset ◎ Dual alarm function
◎ Totalizer can be stop count by terminal ◎ Power down saving
◎ Math-rootextractor function ◎ Exciting supply DC24V,<25mA
■Name of Parts
Alarm indicate
Communication indicate
DIO   Totalizer Display

Rootextractor indicate ROOT

  

 Rate display

Set-value Down(Analog output adjustment call out)

Set-value up(Rate display adjustment call out)
Cursor shift(Alarm adjustment call out)
Parameter ENTER(Function call out)
Totalizer Reset

■Alarm action mode & Connect Diagram Description

1. ACT=HI,Display value≧Alarm value,Relay active,Display value<Alarm value,Relay reset

2. ACT=LO,Display value<Alarm value,Relay active,Display value≧Alarm value,Relay reset

3. RST Connect terminal function:When terminal RST&COM short about 200ms,Totalizer reset

4. GATE Connect terminal function:When terminal GATE&COM short about 200ms,Totalizer

stop count

5. ROOT Connect terminal function:When terminal ROOT&COM short about 200ms,Input

Rootextractor action

■Analog output function jumper table

Position 1&3 ON: DC 4~20 mA OUTPUT

4 3 2 1 Position 2&4 ON: DC 0~10V OUTPUT

Key introduce Operation Manual
 key function 1.In normal display,The key function is call out setting group
2.In parameter setting page,The key function is data ENTER,and goto next page
 key function 1.In normal display,The key function is call out alarm value setting page
2.Into parameter setting page,the parameter mark&data is alternate display,If need modify data can
press shift key into setting procedure,The display is lock parameter data,this time must let off key
about 0.2 sec ,press again,the cursor (twinkle express)is cycle moving left.(Key response about 0.2
 key function 1. In normal display,The key function is call out adjustment rate display page (DZERO&DSPAN)
2.Into parameter setting page,the parameter mark&data is alternate display,If need modify data can
press up key into setting procedure,The display is lock parameter data,this time must let off key
about 0.2 sec ,press again,the parameter data will increment .(Key response about 0.2 sec.)
 key function 2. In normal display,The key function is call out adjustment analog output page(AZERO&ASPAN)
2.Into parameter setting page,the parameter mark&data is alternate display,If need modify data can
press down key into setting procedure,The display is lock parameter data,this time must let off key
about 0.2 sec ,press again,the parameter data will decrement .(Key response about 0.2 sec.)
& key function  
In setting group or setting page press & key return normal display,but if in setting page the
modify data will be lost
No key in anything In setting group or setting page no key in anything about 2 minutes,return normal display,but if in
setting page the modify data will be lost
Step Parameter Mark Description Parameter Mark Operation Manual
1 Normal display

 Press /FUNC key into P.COD setting page
P.COD(Pass Code input  1.Key in 5 digit pass code with && key
2 page)  2.Press  key,the pass code is right into setting group,otherwise
return normal display
SYS(System setting group) 1. Select setting group with 

ROP(Alarm setting group)

 2. Press key into setting page of selection setting group
AOP(Analog output setting
group) 
DOP(Communication setting
group) 

3 SYS(System setting group)

 page
Press  key decide SYS setting group,press  key into DPR setting
DPR(Decimal Point Rate  1. Decide rate decimal point position with & key(0 to 4)
3-1 setting page)Default=0  2. Press  key enter data and into DSPH setting page
DSPH(Display High Scale  1.Decide rate display high scale with && key(0 to 19999)
3-2 setting page)Default=19999  2.Press  key enter data and into AVG setting page
AVG (Dispaly Average time  1.Decide display average times with && key(1 to 99)
3-3 setting page)Default=1  2.Press  key enter data and into LCUT setting page
LCUT (Low Cut)  1. Decide display low cut with && key (0~99)
3-4 Default=0  2. Press  key enter data and into C.TIME setting page
DPT (Decimal Point Totalizer  1.Decide totalizer decimal point position with & key(0 to 8)
3-5 setting page)Default=0  2.Press  key enter data and into C.TIME setting page
C.TIME (Count Time)  1.Decide C.TIME with & key(1/60/3600 sec)
3-6 Default=1  2.Press  key enter data and into SCALE setting page
SCALE (Scale to totalize  1.Decide Totalize scale with && key(0.00001 to 9999.99999)
3-7 setting page)Default=1  2.Press  key enter data and into CODE setting page
CODE(Pass Code setting  1.Decide pass code with && key(0 to 19999)
3-8 page)Default=0  2.Press  key enter data and into LOCK setting page
LOCK(Panel Lock setting  1.Decide panel lock with & key(NO or YES)
3-9 page)Default=NO  2.Press  key enter data and return SYS setting group
4 ROP(Alarm setting group) Press
 setting page
 key decide ROP setting group,press  key into AL.SEL
AL.SEL(Alarm Select setting  1.Decide Alarm select with & key(RATE or TOTALIZER)
4-1 page )Default=RATE  2.Press  key enter data and into ACT1 setting page
ACT1(Alarm Active 1 setting  1.Decide Alarm active 1 with & key(HI or LO)
4-2 page )Default=HI  2.Press  key enter data and into ACT2 setting page
ACT2(Alarm Active 2 setting  1.Decide Alarm active 2 with & key(HI or LO)
4-3 page)Default=HI  2.Press  key enter data and into DEL1 setting page
DEL1(Alarm Delay 1 setting  1.Decide Alarm delay 1with && key(0~99 sec)
4-4 page)Default=0  2.Press  key enter data and into DEL2 setting page
DEL2(Alarm Delay 2 setting  1.Decide Alarm delay 2 with && key(0~99 sec)
4-5 page)Default=0  2.Press  key enter data and return ROP setting group
5 AOP(Analog output setting Press  key decide AOP setting group,press  key into AO.SEL
group)  setting page
5-1 AO.SEL(Analog Output Select  1.Decide Analog output select with & key(RATE or TOTALIZER)
setting page)Default=RATE  2.Press  key enter data and into ANLO setting page
ANLO(A/O Zero According  1.Decide ANLO with && key (0~999999999)
5-2 to Display setting page)  2.Press  key enter data and into ANHI setting page
ANHI(A/O Span According  1.Decide ANHI with && key(0~999999999)
5-3 to Display setting page)  2.Press  key enter data and return AOP setting group

6 DOP(Communication setting Press  key decide DOP setting group,press  key into ADDR
group)  setting page
ADDR(Communication --  1.Decide Communication address with && key(0~255)
6-1 Address setting page )  2.Press  key enter data and into BAUD setting page
BAUD(Communication Baud  1.Decide baud rate with & key(19200,9600,4800,2400)
6-2 Rate setting page)  2.Press  key enter data and into PARI setting page
PARI(Communication Parity  1.Decide parity check with & key(n82,n81,even,odd)
6-3 Check setting page)  2.Press  key enter data and return DOP setting group

Step Parameter Mark Description Parameter Mark Operation Manual

7 Normal display

 Press key about 3 sec.,into AL1 setting page
AL1 (Alarm value 1 setting  1.Decide Alarm value 1 with && key(0 to 999999999)
7-1 page)  2.Press  key enter data and into AL2 setting page
AL2 (Alarm value 2 setting  1.Decide Alarm value 2 with && key(0 to 999999999)
7-2 page)  2.Press  key enter data and return normal display

Step Parameter Mark Description Parameter Mark Operation Manual

8 Normal display

 Press key about 3 sec.,into DZERO adjustment page
DZERO(Rate Display Zero  1.Input low signal,and adjustment display zero with & key
8-1 Adjustment page)  2.Press  key enter data and into DSPAN adjustment page
DSPAN(Rate Display Span  1.Input high signal,and adjustment display span with & key
8-2 Adjustment page)  2.Press  key enter data and return normal display
Step Parameter Mark Description Parameter Mark Operation Manual
9 Normal display

 Press key about 3 sec.,into AZERO adjustment page
AZERO(Analog Output  1.Adjustment analog output zero with && key(±9999)
9-1 Zero Adjustment page)  2.Press  key enter data and into ASPAN adjustment page
 1.Adjustment analog output span with && key(±9999)
9-2 ASPAN(Analog Output
Span Adjustment page)  2.Press  key enter data and return normal display
Appendix Error Mark Description Error Mark Analyze & Description
1 Input over error detect  Input signal over range(120%)
2 Display over error detect  Display over range(19999)
3 A/D Converter error detect  1. Input signal over range(180%)
 2. Inside circuit damage
Please moving input signal if still display ADER,please
contact us
4 EEPROM error detect  1.External interference when EEPROM read/write
 2.EEPROM write over 100 million times(guarantee 10 years)
 Please power reset,if still display E-00,doing following
 step:
1. E-00 & No alternate display for inquire reset EEPROM
2. Decide Yes with  or  key,press  key return normal
3.EEPROM was reset,Please follow step 1~10 set again
MRT Modbus RTU Mode Protocol Address Map
DATA Format 16Bit/32Bit,sign bit
8000~7FFF( –32768~32767 )/80000000~7FFFFFFF(-2147483648~2147483647)
Address Name Description Accept
0 -1 -4
0000 DPR Input range 0000~0004(0~4)0:10 ,1:10 ,~,4:10 R/W
0002 DSPH Input range 0000~4E1F(0~19999) R/W
0004 AVG Input range 0001~0063(1~99) R/W
0 -1 -8
0006 DPT Input range 0000~0004(0~8)0:10 ,1:10 ,~,8:10 R/W
0008 CTIME Input range 0000~0002(0~2)0:1,1:60,2:3600 sec R/W
000A LCUT Input range 0000~0063(0~99) R/W
000C LOCK Input range 0000~0001(0~1)0:NO,1:YES R/W
000E ALSEL Input range 0000~0001(0~1)0:RATE,1:TOTAL R/W
0010 ACT1 Input range 0000~0001(0~1)0:HI,1:LO R/W
0012 ACT2 Input range 0000~0001(0~1)0:HI,1:LO R/W
0014 DEL1 Input range 0000~0063(0~99) R/W
0016 DEL2 Input range 0000~0063(0~99) R/W
0018 AOSEL Input range 0000~0001(0~1)0:RATE,1:TOTAL R/W
001A ADDR Input range 0000~00FF(0~255) R/W
001C BAUD Input range 0000~0003(0~3)0:19200,1:9600,2:4800,3:2400 R/W
001E PARI Input range 0000~0003(0~3)0:N82,1:N81,2:EVEN,3:ODD R/W
0020 AZERO Input range D8F1~270F(-9999~9999) R/W
0022 ASPAN Input range D8F1~270F(-9999~9999) R/W
0024 ANLO Input range 00000000~3B9AC9FF(0~999999999) R/W
0028 ANHI Input range 00000000~3B9AC9FF(0~999999999) R/W
002C AL1 Input range 0~3B9AC9FF(0~999999999) R/W
0030 AL2 Input range 0~3B9AC9FF(0~999999999) R/W
0034 SCALE Input range 1~3B9AC9FF(1~999999999) R/W
0040 TOTAL Display range 00000000~3B9AC9FF(0~999999999) R
0044 RATE Display range 0000~4E1F(0~19999) R

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